
                  DATED _______________________________  1996

                   (1)        BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC

                   (2)        NYNEX CABLECOMMS BOLTON


                              TRANSITION AGREEMENT




1.   Definitions and Interpretation
2.   Commencement
3.   Transition and Termination
4.   Charges
5.   Disputes
6.   Information, Forecasting and Capacity orders
7.   Testing and Initial Interconnection
8.   Review
9.   Assignment
10.  Notices
11.  New Interconnection Agreement
12.  Variations
13.  Waiver
14.  Miscellaneous
15.  Governing Law

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DATED ____________________________________ 1996


(1)      BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC (registered in England No. 1800000)
         having its registered office at 81 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7AJ
         ("BT"), and

(2)      NYNEX CABLECOMMS BOLTON (registered in England No. 1883383) having its
         registered office at The Tolworth Tower, Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey,
         KT6 7ED (the "Operator").


A        By an agreement dated 1 August 1994 (the "Original Agreement") the
         Parties had agreed to connect the Operator System and the BT System.

B        The Parties have agreed to enter into a New Interconnect Agreement of
         the same date as this Agreement which New Interconnect Agreement shall
         be deemed to have taken effect from the Commencement Date.

C        Simultaneously with the signing of the New Interconnect Agreement the
         Parties agree to the termination of the Original Agreement, save to the
         extent set out below, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.



1.1      In this Agreement, except if the context requires otherwise, words and
         expressions have the following meanings:

"ADJUSTMENT PERIOD"     the period from the Commencement Date to the date hereof
                        (both dates inclusive);

"AGREEMENT"             this agreement including the Annexes;

"COMMENCEMENT DATE"     1 April 1995;

"NEW INTERCONNECT       the BT revised standard interconnect agreement
AGREEMENT"              between the Parties dated the same date as this

"ORIGINAL AGREEMENT"    the agreement referred to in Recital A;

1.2      Words and expressions used in the New Interconnect Agreement shall have
         the same meaning herein as therein.

1.3      The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply for the purpose of interpreting
         this Agreement as if this Agreement were an Act of Parliament.


2.1      This Agreement takes effect from the date hereof.

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2.2      Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Parties agree that the
         New Interconnect Agreement shall be deemed to have taken effect on and
         from the Commencement Date.


3.1      The Parties hereby agree with effect from midnight on 31 March 1995
         that the Original Agreement shall be deemed to have been terminated
         save to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this

3.2      Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 3, 4, and 8 of this Agreement
         for the Adjustment Period each Party agrees to waive all its rights
         under the New Interconnect Agreement to bring a claim against the other
         in respect of acts or omissions of the other Party occurring prior to
         the date hereof which constitute a breach of the New Interconnect
         Agreement, provided always that such act or omission of the other Party
         would not have been a breach of the Original Agreement had it been in
         force at the time when the act or omission occurred.

3.3      If a Party reasonably considers that all monies owing by each Party to
         the other under the Original Agreement have been paid such Party may
         serve a written notice on the other requesting the termination of all
         provisions of the Original Agreement pursuant to this Agreement.

3.4      If the Party receiving the notice pursuant to paragraph 3.3 does not
         serve a written notice of objection to the proposed termination of all
         provisions of the Original Agreement within 30 calendar days from the
         date of service of the notice pursuant to paragraph 3.3, the Original
         Agreement shall be terminated on such date as is 30 calendar days from
         the date of service aforesaid and the provision of paragraph 3.5 shall

3.5      The Parties agree that with effect from such date as is ascertained
         pursuant to paragraph 3.4 on the termination of the Original Agreement
         (and notwithstanding such termination anything to the contrary in the
         Original Agreement including any provisions therein which are expressly
         stated to survive after such termination) each Party releases the other
         from each and all of its undertakings, obligations and restrictions
         contained in the Original Agreement and waives all rights each has
         (past, present and future) under the Original Agreement to bring a
         claim against the other pursuant to the terms of the Original Agreement
         in respect of events occurring prior to the date of such termination or
         occurring at any time thereafter.

4.       CHARGES

4.1      All Billing Information provided under the Original Agreement prior to
         the date hereof in respect of the Adjustment Period shall be deemed to
         have been provided under the New Interconnect Agreement.

4.2      All charges based on Billing Information in respect of the Adjustment
         Period shall, if practicable, be recalculated without adjustment of the
         Billing Information by the Billing Party by applying the charges
         specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List which apply to
         that period.

4.3      If re-calculation of the charges under paragraph 4.2 is not practicable
         because the Billing Information for Calls is in a time of day format
         where it has been measured in periods of Peak, Standard and Cheap (as
         defined in the Original Agreement), then the Billing Party shall
         convert the Billing Information in accordance with Annex 1and/or Annex
         4, as appropriate.

4.4      If re-calculation of the charges under paragraphs 4.2 and/or 4.3 is not
         practicable because the Billing Information is in distance - based Call
         segments, then the Billing Party shall establish in accordance with
         Annex 2 and/or Annex 4, as appropriate the applicable Call segment
         category under the New Interconnect Agreement.

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4.5      The Billing Party shall re-calculate the charge for any Interconnect
         Link in accordance with Annex 3.

4.6      If a Data Management Amendment has been requested by the Operator and
         the Data Management Amendment has been implemented by BT since the
         Commencement Date, such request shall be deemed a Data Management
         Amendment order under the New Interconnect Agreement and BT shall apply
         the charges specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List to
         such an order.

4.7      For the purposes of re-calculating charges, a service previously
         provided by one Party to the other Party under the Original Agreement
         shall be deemed to be the equivalent service provided under the New
         Interconnect Agreement.

4.8      Each Party who is a Billing Party shall use its reasonable endeavours
         to carry out such re-calculation of charges and send appropriate
         invoices or credit notes not later than 90 calendar days from the date
         hereof provided that if Annex 1 and/or Annex 2 applies an invoice shall
         be sent not later than 90 calendar days from the date of ascertainment
         of the changes.

4.9      Notwithstanding anything herein or in the New Interconnect Agreement to
         the contrary  nothing in this Agreement shall prejudice or constitute a
         waiver by either Party of its right to recover payments of amounts due
         in the ordinary course of business between BT and the Operator in
         respect of any period up to the date hereof.

4.10     Nothing in this Agreement shall give either Party a right to have a
         charge which applies from the Commencement Date applied in respect of
         any period prior to that date.

4.11     Each Party shall provide to the other invoices (or credit notes) for
         all amounts due to it (or owing by it) calculated or re-calculated in
         accordance with this Agreement and Annex B of the New Interconnect

4.12     Each Party shall pay the charges calculated in accordance with, and
         within the time specified in the New Interconnect Agreement.

4.13     If an overpayment has occurred and a refund is payable interest shall
         be calculated and paid on the difference between the charges paid under
         the Original Agreement and the charges payable under the New
         Interconnect Agreement at the OFTEL Interest Rate calculated from the
         later of the date on which the relevant charges were due to be paid or
         were paid under the Original Agreement to the date on which the
         difference is paid.

4.14     If an underpayment has occurred  and an amount is payable from one
         Party to the other there shall be included in the calculation of
         interest at the OFTEL Interest Rate, interest which shall be calculated
         and paid on the difference (if any) between the amount paid under the
         Original Agreement and the relevant amount charged under the New
         Interconnect Agreement calculated from such date as would have been the
         due date had the amount been invoiced under the Original Agreement.

5.       DISPUTES

5.1      In the event of a Dispute arising out of this Agreement the provisions
         of paragraph 26 of the main body of the New Interconnect Agreement
         shall apply provided that if a Dispute concerns the accuracy of an
         invoice the provisions of paragraph 6 of Annex B of the New
         Interconnect Agreement shall apply.


6.1      A requirement pursuant to the New Interconnect Agreement to provide or
         place (as the case may be) information including, nomination of Switch
         Connections, forecasts, Capacity Profiles, Advance Capacity Orders,
         Capacity Orders and requests for Capacity Rearrangements of whatsoever
         nature shall be deemed satisfied if the equivalent information was
         provided or placed

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         under the Original Agreement.  The Parties waive their respective
         rights under the New Interconnect Agreement to require further
         provision of information deemed by this paragraph to have been so


7.1      For the purposes of the New Interconnect Agreement, initial
         interconnection shall be deemed to have taken place and all
         requirements in respect of such interconnection (insofar as such
         requirements have been complied with) shall be deemed to have been
         satisfied on the Commencement Date.

7.2      The switch testing referred to in paragraph 14 of Annex A of the New
         Interconnect Agreement shall be deemed to have been satisfactorily
         completed in accordance with the terms of the New Interconnect

8.       REVIEW

8.1      The Parties acknowledge that the Original Agreement shall remain in
         full force and effect to the extent necessary to give effect to any
         settlement of monies pursuant to a review or determination by the
         Director General in respect of any period prior to the Commencement

8.2      Without prejudice to either Party's right (whether under the Original
         Agreement or otherwise) legally to challenge a review or determination,
         the Parties undertake to modify or replace such terms of the Original
         Agreement as continue in force pursuant to paragraph 8.1 and/or make
         any such adjustments to charges as shall accord with a determination
         referred to in paragraph 8.1.


9.1      Unless otherwise agreed in writing, no rights, benefits or obligations
         under the Agreement may be assigned or transferred, in whole or in
         part, by a Party without the prior written consent of the other Party.

10.      NOTICES

10.1     A notice shall be duly served if:

10.1.1   delivered by hand, at the time of actual delivery;

10.1.2   sent by facsimile, upon its receipt being confirmed;

10.1.3   sent by recorded delivery post, 4 calendar days after the day of

10.2     Except where otherwise specifically provided all notices and other
         communications relating to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall
         be sent as follows:

         If to the Operator:

         The General Manager Interconnect,
         Nynex Cablecomms  Bolton
         The Tolworth Tower,
         Ewell Road,
         Surrey KT6 7ED

         If to BT:

         Contract Liaison Manager
         Nynex Cablecomms Bolton. pp 7099

                                    6 of 18

         British Telecommunications plc
         Tenter House
         45 Moorfields
         London EC2Y 9TH

         or to such other address as the Parties may from time to time notify
         pursuant to this paragraph 10.


11.1     This Agreement insofar as it makes provision for the Adjustment Period
         is an amendment to the main body of the New Interconnect Agreement
         pursuant to paragraph 30 thereof.


12.1     No variations of this Agreement shall be effective unless agreed in
         writing by the Parties and signed by a person nominated in writing on
         behalf of:

12.1.1   BT, by the director, BT Carrier Services (or his successor);

12.1.2   the Operator, by a director or the company secretary (or equivalent
         office holder) of the Operator.

13.      WAIVER

13.1     The waiver of any breach of, or failure to enforce, any term or
         condition of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or a
         waiver of any other breach of the same or any other term or condition
         of this Agreement.  No waiver shall be valid unless it is in writing
         and signed on behalf of the Party making the waiver.


14.1     Termination or expiry of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of
         a breach of any term or condition of this Agreement and shall be
         without prejudice to a Party's rights, liabilities or obligations that
         have accrued prior to such termination or expiry.


15.1     The interpretation, validity and performance of this Agreement shall be
         governed in all respects by the laws of England and Wales and the
         Parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF THIS AGREEMENT was entered into the day and year first before

SIGNED for and on behalf of
Signed: ___________________________________
Name: _____________________________________
Position: _________________________________

SIGNED for and on behalf of
Signed: ___________________________________
Name: _____________________________________
Position: _________________________________

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                                ANNEX 1 - PART A

                                  TIME OF DAY

1.1      If Billing Information for Calls is in a time of day format of Peak,
         Standard and Cheap (as defined in the Original Agreement), the
         following steps shall be undertaken to convert the Billing Information
         into Daytime, Evening and Weekend (as defined in the New Interconnect

1.2      Calls in the Peak and Standard periods shall be deemed to be Calls to
         which the charge for the Daytime period specified from time to time in
         the Carrier Price List shall apply.

1.3      Calls in the Cheap period shall be allocated to the Evening and Weekend
         periods in the proportion calculated as follows:

1.3.1    BT shall measure the total of the Chargeable Call Duration of Calls in
         each of the Evening and Weekend periods during a Billing Period.

1.3.2    The following formula shall be calculated using the Billing
         Information ascertained under paragraph 1.3.1:

         A = B x 100

         A = percentage of Call minutes in the Evening period;

         B = total Chargeable Calls Duration of Calls in the Evening
             period measured over the Billing Period;

         C = total Chargeable Call Duration of Calls in the Evening
             and Weekend periods measured over the Billing Period.

1.3.3    The total of the Chargeable Call Duration of Calls in the Cheap period
         shall be multiplied by A and this shall be deemed to be the proportion
         of Calls to which the charge for the Evening period specified from time
         to time in the Carrier Price List shall apply.

1.3.4    The balance of such Calls shall be deemed to be Calls to which the
         charge for the Weekend period specified from time to time in the
         Carrier Price List shall apply.

1.4      If the Parties fail to agree that the measured Calls over the Billing
         Period are representative of any Billing Period between the
         Commencement Date and the date INCA starts recording on an EBC basis,
         then the Parties agree that a Dispute shall be deemed to have arisen
         for the purposes of paragraph 5 of this Agreement.

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                                ANNEX 1 - PART B

                                  TIME OF DAY

1.1      If Billing Information for Calls to international destinations is in a
         time of day format of, Standard and Cheap (as defined in the Original
         Agreement, Annex C, Table B, Note (1)), the following steps shall be
         undertaken to convert the Billing Information into Daytime, Evening and
         Weekend (as defined in the New Interconnect Agreement).

1.1.1    BT shall measure the total of the Chargeable Call Duration of
         international calls in each of the Daytime, Evening and Weekend periods
         during a Billing Period for each international destination country or
         charge band as appropriate.

1.1.2    The following formulae shall be calculated using the Billing
         Information ascertained under paragraph 1.1.1:

         D = d  x 100  E = e  x 100  W = w  x 100  where :
             -             -             -
             C             C             C

         D =  percentage of Daytime Call minutes;

         E =  percentage of Evening Call minutes;

         W =  percentage of Weekend Call minutes;

         d =  total Chargeable Calls Duration of Calls in  the Daytime period
              measured over the Billing Period;

         e =  total Chargeable Calls Duration of Calls in  the Evening period
              measured over the Billing Period;

         w =  total Chargeable Calls Duration of Calls in  the Weekend period
              measured over the Billing Period;

         C =  total Chargeable Call Duration of Calls in the Daytime, Evening
              and Weekend periods measured over the Billing Period ( d + e + w).

1.1.3    For each Billing Period and each International Destination Country or
         Charge Band as appropriate, the total of the Chargeable Call Duration
         of Calls shall be multiplied by D, E and W, respectively.   The
         products of these calculations shall be deemed to be the Chargeable
         Call Duration of Calls to which the charge for the relevant period
         specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List shall apply.

1.2      If the Parties fail to agree that the measured Calls over the Billing
         Period are representative of any Billing Period between the
         Commencement Date and the date INCA starts recording on an EBC basis,
         then  the Table listed below shall be used to determine the allocation
         of such Billing Information to the appropriate time of day period.

1.3      If the Parties fail to agree that the measured Calls over the Billing
         Period are representative of any Billing Period between the
         Commencement Date and the date INCA starts recording on an EBC basis,
         then the Parties agree that a Dispute shall be deemed to have arisen
         for the purposes of paragraph 5 of this Agreement.

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                          APPENDIX TO ANNEX 1 - PART B



                                       DAYTIME          EVENING          WEEKEND         TOTAL
CHARGE BAND    Stand   Cheap   Total    Stand    Cheap   Stand    Cheap   Stand    Cheap  Stand  Cheap
     1                                   83.3     0.0     16.7   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
     2                                   83.3     0.0     16.7   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
     3                                   83.3     0.0     16.7   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
     4                                   83.3     0.0     16.7   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
     5                                   83.3     0.0     16.7   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
     6                                   38.7    20.8     61.3    79.2      0.0     0.0    100    100
     7                                   47.6     0.0     52.4   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
     8                                   47.6     0.0     52.4   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
     9                                   83.3     0.0     16.7   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
    10                                   83.3     0.0     16.7   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
    11                                   47.6     0.0     52.4   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
    12                                   47.6     0.0     52.4   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
    13                                   47.6     0.0     52.4   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100
IRISH REPUBLIC                          100.0     0.0      0.0   100.0      0.0     0.0    100    100

(Note: Weekend has not been used in the allocation as the prices in the Weekend
period are the same as those in Evening)

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                                ANNEX 2 - PART A



                             Backdating Methodology

1        If Billing Information is in distance-based Call segments, the
         following steps shall be taken to convert the Billing Information into
         element-based segments:

1.1      Calls which are DLE segment calls (as referred to in the Original
         Agreement) shall be deemed to be BT Local Exchange Segment Calls (as
         defined in the New Interconnect Agreement).

1.2      The sum of all other BT Telephony Calls shall be allocated between BT
         Single Tandem Segment Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Segment Calls in
         the proportion calculated as follows:

1.2.1    BT shall measure the total of the Chargeable Call Duration in each of
         Daytime, Evening and Weekend periods of all other relevant Calls for a
         Billing Period for each of BT Single Tandem Segment Calls and BT Double
         Plus Tandem Segment Calls.

1.2.2    The following formula shall be calculated using the Billing
         Information ascertained under paragraph 1.2.1:

         A   =   B  x 100

         A = percentage of Call minutes being BT Single Tandem Segment Calls for
             the relevant time of day period;

         B = total Chargeable Call Duration of BT Single Tandem Segment Calls
             for the relevant time of day period measured over the Billing

         C = total of Calls except BT Local Exchange Segment Calls for the
             relevant time of day period measured over the Billing Period.

1.2.3    The total of the Chargeable Call Duration of Calls less those for BT
         Local Exchange Segment Calls for each time of day period shall be
         multiplied by A and shall be deemed to be the proportion of Calls to
         which the charge for a BT Single Tandem Segment Call specified from
         time to time in the Carrier Price List shall apply. The balance of such
         Calls except BT Local Exchange Segment Calls shall be deemed to be
         Calls to which the charge for a BT Double Plus Tandem Segment Call
         specified in the Carrier Price List shall apply.

                              Fallback Methodology

1.3      If the Parties fail to agree that the measured Calls over the Billing
         Period are representative of any earlier Billing Period between the
         Commencement Date and the date INCA starts recording on an EBC distance
         related basis, the following formulae will be used to convert Billing
         Information for that period into element-based segments:

1.3.1    Calls which are DLE segment Calls (as referred to in the Original
         Agreement) shall be deemed to be BT Local Exchange Segment Calls (as
         defined in the New Interconnect Agreement)

1.3.2    Calls which are local tandem Calls (as referred to in the Original
         Agreement) shall be allocated to BT Single Tandem Segment Calls and BT
         Double Plus Tandem Segment Calls in the proportion calculated as

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              BT Single Tandem Segement Calls      = local tandem Calls x  96%

              BT Double Plus Tandem Segment Calls  = local tandem Calls x   4%

              where the above percentages are the proportion of local tandem
              Calls in the BT network which are Calls which are equivalent to BT
              Single Tandem Segment Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Segment

1.3.3         Calls which are short national Calls (as referred to in the
              Original Agreement) shall be allocated to BT Single Tandem Segment
              Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Segment Calls in the proportion
              calculated as follows:

              BT Single Tandem Segement Calls     = short national Calls x 68%

              BT Double Plus Tandem Segment Calls = short national Calls x 32%

              where the above percentages are the proportion of short national
              Calls in the BT network which are Calls which are equivalent to BT
              Single Tandem Segment Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Segment

1.3.4         Calls which are long national Calls (as referred to in the
              Original Agreement) shall be allocated to BT Single Tandem Segment
              Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Segment Calls in the proportion
              calculated as follows:

              BT Single Tandem Segment Calls      = long national Calls x  14%

              BT Double Plus Tandem Segment Calls = long national Calls x  86%

              where the above percentages are the proportion of long national
              Calls in the BT network which are Calls which are equivalent to BT
              Single Tandem Segment Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Segment


                             Backdating Methodology

2        If Billing Information is in distance based Call segments, the
         following steps shall be taken to convert the Billing Information into
         element-based segments:

2.1      The sum of all relevant Calls under Table D I of Annex C (as referred
         to in the Original Agreement) shall be allocated between BT Single
         Tandem Transit Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Transit Calls in the
         proportion calculated as follows: 2.1.1 BT shall measure the total of
         the Chargeable Call Duration in each of Daytime, Evening and Weekend
         periods and for each Third Party Operator of all relevant Calls for a
         Billing Period for each of BT Single Tandem Transit Calls and BT Double
         Plus Tandem Transit Calls.

2.1.2    The following formula shall be calculated using the Billing Information
         ascertained from paragraph 2.1.1:

         A    =    B  x 100

         A =  percentage of Call minutes being BT Single Tandem Transit Calls
              for the relevant time of day period and to any Third Party

         B =  total Chargeable Call Duration of BT Single Tandem Transit Calls
              for the relevant time of day period and to any Third Party
              Operator measured over the Billing Period;

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         C =  total of Calls for the relevant time of day period and to any
              Third Party Operator measured over the Billing Period.

2.1.3    The total of the Chargeable Call Duration for Calls for each relevant
         time of day period and to any Third Party Operator shall be multiplied
         by A and shall be deemed to be the proportion of Calls to which the
         charge for a BT Single Tandem Transit Call specified from time to time
         in the Carrier Price List shall apply. The balance of such calls shall
         be deemed to be Calls to which the charge for a BT Double Plus Tandem
         Transit Call specified in the Carrier Price List shall apply.

                              Fallback Methodology

2.2      If the Parties fail to agree that the measured Calls over the Billing
         Period are representative of any earlier Billing Period between the
         Commencement Date and the date INCA starts recording on a distance
         related basis, the following formulae will be used to convert Billing
         Information for that period into element-based segments:

2.2.1    Calls which are local tandem Calls under Table D I of Annex C shall be
         deemed to be BT Single Tandem Transit Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem
         Transit Calls in the proportion calculated as follows:

         BT Single Tandem Transit Calls       =  local tandem Calls x 96%

         BT Double Plus Tandem Transit Calls  =  local tandem Calls x  4%

         where the above percentages are the proportion of local tandem Calls in
         the BT network which are Calls which are equivalent to BT Single Tandem
         Transit Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Transit Calls.

2.2.2    Calls which are short national Calls under Table D I of Annex C (as
         referred to in the Original Agreement) shall be allocated to BT Single
         Tandem Transit Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Transit Calls in the
         proportion calculated as follows:

         BT Single Tandem Transit Calls      = short national Calls x 68%

         BT Double Plus Tandem Transit Calls = short national Calls x 32%

         where the above percentages are the proportion of short national
         Calls in the BT network which are Calls which are equivalent to BT
         Single Tandem Transit Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Transit

2.2.3    Calls which are long national Calls under Table D I of Annex C (as
         referred to in the Original Agreement) shall be allocated to BT Single
         Tandem Transit Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Transit Calls in the
         proportion calculated as follows:

         BT Single Tandem Transit Calls      = long national Calls x 14%

         BT Double Plus Tandem Transit Calls = long national Calls x 86%

         where the above percentages are the proportion of long national Calls
         in the BT network which are Calls which are equivalent to BT Single
         Tandem Transit Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Transit Calls.

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2.3      If under Annex 2 Part A the Parties fail to agree that the measured
         Calls over the Billing Period are representative of any Billing Period
         and subsequently fail to agree the element-based segments derived from
         the relevant fallback methodology, then the Parties agree that a
         Dispute shall be deemed to have arisen for the purposes of paragraph 5
         of this Agreement.

2.4      For the avoidance of doubt, paragraphs 2.2 to 2.2.3 (inclusive) do not
         apply to transit Calls to non-geographic destinations.  If the Parties
         fail to agree on transit Calls to non-geographic destinations a Dispute
         shall be deemed to have arisen for the purposes of paragraph 5 of the

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                                ANNEX 2 - PART B

           Distance De-averaging of Double Plus Tandem Segment Calls

1.1      There shall be measured for a Billing Period the total Chargeable Call
         Duration in each of Daytime, Evening and Weekend for all relevant
         double plus tandem segment Calls deaveraged on the distance related
         basis specified in paragraph 1.2 of Part B of this Annex.

1.2      The following formulae shall be calculated using Billing Information
         ascertained under paragraph 1.1:

          B1 = A1 x 100;          B2 = A2 x 100;          B3 = A3 x 100
               --                      --                      --
               C                       C                       C


         A1, A2, A3 are the total Chargeable Call Durations of relevant double
         plus tandem segment Calls for the following distances:

                              A1     >0 - <100kms
                              A2    100 - <200kms
                              A3    200 + kms

         for each relevant time of day period;

         B1, B2 and B3 are the percentages calculated in the above formulae; and

         C = A1 + A2 + A3

1.3      For each Billing Period from the Commencement Date to the date when
         INCA starts recording on an EBC distance related basis, the total of
         the Chargeable Call Duration of all relevant double plus tandem segment
         Calls for each time of day period shall be multiplied by, B1, B2 or B3,
         respectively, and the product shall be the Chargeable Call Duration to
         which the charge for the relevant segment specified from time to time
         in the Carrier Price List, apply.

1.4      Pursuant to paragraphs 1.1 to 1.3 BT shall measure and calculate BT
         Double Plus Tandem Segment Calls and BT Double Plus Tandem Transit

1.5      It is acknowledged that the provisions of paragraphs 1.1 to 1.5
         (inclusive) of this Annex 2 - Part B shall be carried out not earlier
         than October 1996.  It is further acknowledged that, until completion
         of the procedure specified in paragraphs 1.1 to 1.5 (inclusive) of
         Annex 2 - Part B, the Interim Charge in the column for BT Double Plus
         Tandem Segment Calls in the distance category of 100<200 km shall apply
         from the Commencement Date to all BT Double Plus Tandem Segment Calls.

1.6      If the Parties fail to agree that the measured Calls over the Billing
         Period are representative of any Billing Period, then the Parties agree
         that a Dispute shall be deemed to have arisen for the purposes of
         paragraph 5 of this Agreement.

                                    16 of 18

                                    ANNEX 3

                               INTERCONNECT LINKS

1.1      If the first rental period for an Interconnect Link commences on or
         after the Commencement Date, the connection charge for such
         Interconnection Link shall be recalculated in accordance with the New
         Interconnect Agreement.

1.2      Rental charges paid in advance for any rental period on or after the
         Commencement Date shall be recalculated in accordance with the New
         Interconnect Agreement.

1.3      Any agreements between the Parties for Interconnect Links provided
         under BT's conditions/private service in accordance with the BT Retail
         Price List shall be deemed to have been terminated on 31 March 1995 and
         such Interconnect Link shall be deemed to have been provided under the
         New Interconnect Agreement.

1.4      The periods of time set out in paragraph 7.8.2 of Schedule 130 of the
         New Interconnect Agreement for the calculation of Co and Ct shall be
         amended such that the relevant period of time for the calculation of
         rental payment from the Commencement Date to the date hereof shall be
         the period between the Commencement Date and the 31st December 1995.

1.5      If the Operator has obtained Customer Sited Interconnect by a contract
         with BT for the provision of private services in accordance with the BT
         Retail Price List, the Operator shall hereby be released from such
         contract without the payment of the rental and other charges referred
         to in paragraph 17.1.2 of such contract.

                                    17 of 18

                                    ANNEX 4

                              "OPERATOR SERVICES"

1.1      For (a) inland Transfer Charge Calls handed over from the BT System
         and terminating on the Operator System  and (b) onward connect Calls
         listed in paragraph 2.3.1 of Schedule 120 of the New Interconnect
         Agreement the Billing Party shall convert the proportion of such Calls
         into Daytime, Evening and Weekend using the methodology in Annex 1, or,
         if the Operator has taken an NOA Service, Calls to such service shall
         be sampled using such the Annex 1 methodology.

1.2      For inland Transfer Charge Calls handed over from the Operator System
         to the BT System for which the Calling Party uses the NOA Service BT
         shall convert a proportion of such Calls into Daytime, Evening and
         Weekend by sampling all Calls to the NOA Service using the methodology
         in Annex 1.

1.3      For Operator International Incoming Calls handed over from the BT
         System to the Operator System which are international Calls BT shall
         convert the proportion of such Calls into BT Direct Calls and Incoming
         Call Collect by sampling such Calls and a further sample shall be taken
         to convert both such categories of Calls in the appropriate BT
         international charge band specified in the BT Retail Price List.

1.4      For international operator assistance Calls listed in paragraphs 2.3.1
         and 2.3.2 of Schedule 122 of the New Interconnect Agreement if Billing
         Information is not provided on a per Call basis BT shall convert the
         propotions of such Calls into "Personal" and "non-personal" by sampling
         the Calls.

                                    18 of 18

General Manager Interconnect,
NYNEX Cablecomms Bolton
The Tolworth Tower
Ewell Road
Surrey KT6 7ED

Dear Sir

We refer to the Agreement.  Words and expressions used in this letter have the
same meanings as in the Agreement.

This letter is an agreement in writing by us pursuant to paragraph 30 of the

For the services to be provided by the Operator under the Schedules listed in
Annex 1 of this letter it is agreed, on a provisional basis, pursuant to
paragraph 13.2 of the Agreement (in addition to the provisions of paragraphs 19
and 20 of the Agreement), that the Interim Charges listed in Annex 1 are the
Interim Charges for such services with effect from 1/04/96 for the Financial
Year in Question (1/04/96 to 31/03/97).

It is agreed pursuant to paragraph 13.2.1 that the charges listed in Annex 1
shall be reviewed on the date that:

(a)  a determination by the Director General of the BT Charges for the number
     portability service provided by BT;

(b)  a determination by the Director General of the charges for the number
     portability service provided by the Operator; and

(c)  a change (other than as a result of a determination by the Director
     General) of the BT Charge for the number portability service provided by
     BT in the Carrier Price List

is published for all or portion of the Financial Year in Question (1/04/96 to

Following the above reviews any changes to the charges for the Financial Year
in Question (01/04/96 to 31/03/97) for any such services provided by the
Operator, will take effect from 01/04/96 and the Operator or BT, as the case
may be, shall recalculate the charges in respect of such service for the
Financial Year in Question using the new charge and calculate the interest for
any sum overpaid or underpaid at the OFTEL Interest Rate.

The Number Portability charges for the services provided by BT are listed in
Annex 2 attached to this letter.

It is agreed that, where a Party (the "Requested Party") does not offer a per
line set up service level which is equivalent to the service level offered by
the other Party (the "Requesting Party"), the per line set up charge paid by
the Requesting Party shall be the charge for the equivalent service offered by
the Requesting Party.

As Number Portability described in Schedule 04 (including the services referred
to in paragraph 2.9 in that Schedule) is not a standard service it will be
shown in the Carrier Price List as a BT Charge.

                                     1 of 2

It is agreed that pending a modification of the BT Licence relating to the
provision of a Number Portability service it is BT's intention to change the BT
Charge for Number Portability as detailed in Schedule 04 (including the
services referred to in paragraph 2.9 in that Schedule) taking into account the
changes in relevant costs as such costs are used by the Director General in
determining Interim Charges and Final Charges for the relevant Financial Years
in Question.

Notwithstanding that any determination by the Director General of charges (if
any) for services provided under Schedule 04 (including the services referred
to in paragraph 2.9 in that Schedule) are determined after the date of this
letter the Parties agree to apply the determined charges back to 01/04/96.

The Parties agree for the purpose of paragraph 19.1.1 of the Agreement, that
modification of either Party's Licence relating to the provision of a number
portability service shall entitle either Party to seek to amend the Agreement
by serving a review notice.

Yours faithfully                            Accepted and agreed:

For an on behalf of                         For and on behalf of

                                     2 of 2




Per line set up charge

Fax based, no Real Time Router         Pounds Sterling        9.23
Electronic Data Interchange, no
Real Time Router                       Pounds Sterling        8.03
Fax based, Real Time Router in use     Pounds Sterling        8.60
Electronic Data Interchange, Real
Time Router in use                     Pounds Sterling        7.40

Data Build Charges

Fixed charge                           Pounds Sterling    1,886.44
Zone charge                            Pounds Sterling       41.13
Processor charge                       Pounds Sterling       42.84

Where BT's requirement results in more than one prefix being implemented at the
same time at a particular Operator switch then the processor charge for the
second and each further prefix implementation shall be;

Processor charge                       Pounds Sterling       16.91




Per line set up charge

Fax based, no Real Time Router         Pounds Sterling        9.23
Electronic Data Interchange, no
Real Time Router                       Pounds Sterling        8.03
Fax based, Real Time Router in use     Pounds Sterling        8.60
Electronic Data Interchange, Real
Time Router in use                     Pounds Sterling        7.40

Additional Conveyance Charges

                                  Daytime         Evening        Weekend
Pence per minute                    0.15            0.09           0.07

Data Build Charges

Fixed charge                           Pounds Sterling    1,886.44
Zone charge                            Pounds Sterling       41.13
Processor charge per system X          Pounds Sterling       42.84
Processor charge per system AXE10      Pounds Sterling       44.83

Where the Operator's requirement results in more than one prefix being
implemented at the same time at a particular BT switch then the processor
charge for the second and each further prefix implementation shall be;

Processor charge per system X          Pounds Sterling       16.91
Processor charge per system AXE10      Pounds Sterling       18.90

                                     1 of 1

The General Manager
NYNEX CableComms Bolton
The Tolworth Tower
Ewell Road
Surrey     KT6 7ED

Dear Sir,


We refer to the Agreement. Words and expressions used in this letter have the
same meaning as in the Agreement.

This letter is an agreement in writing by us pursuant to paragraph 30 of the

Interim Charges are agreed for the services to be provided by the Operator, on
a provisional basis, pursuant to paragraph 13.2 of the Agreement (in addition
to provisions of paragraphs 19 and 20 of the Agreement), listed in:

a)   Annex 1 attached to this letter with effect from 1/04/95 for the
     Financial Year in Question (1/04/95 to 31/03/96); and

b)   Annex 2 attached to this letter with effect from 1/04/96 for the Financial
     Year in Question (1/04/96 to 31/03/97).

It is agreed pursuant to paragraph 13.2.1 that the charges listed in Annex 1
shall be reviewed on the date that a determination by the Director General of
the Final Charges for Standard Services provided by BT for the Financial Year
in Question (1/04/95 to 31/03/96) is published.

It is further agreed pursuant to paragraph 13.2.1 that the charges listed in
Annex 2 shall be reviewed on the date that a determination by the Director
General of the:

a)   Interim Charges; and
b)   Final Charges

for Standard Services provided by BT for the Financial Year in Question
(1/04/96 to 31/3/97) is published.

Following the above reviews any changes to the charges for the Financial Year
in Question (1/04/95 to 31/03/96) for any service provided by the Operator,
will take effect from 1/04/95 and the Operator or BT, as the case may be, shall
recalculate the charges in respect of such service for the Financial Year in
Question using the new charge and calculate the interest for any sum overpaid
or underpaid at the OFTEL Interest Rate calculated from the later of the date
on which the relevant charges were due to be paid or were paid to the date on
which the difference is paid.

Following the above reviews any changes to the charges for the Financial Year
in Question (1/04/96 to 31/03/97) for any service provided by the Operator,
will take effect from 1/04/96 and the Operator

                                     1 of 9

or BT, as the case may be, shall recalculate the charges in respect of such
service for the Financial Year in Question using the new charge and calculate
the interest for any sum overpaid or underpaid at the OFTEL Interest Rate
calculated from the later of the date on which the relevant charges were due to
be paid or were paid to the date on which the difference is paid.

It is agreed that the charges for the services to be provided by the Operator
under Schedule 546 are those referred to in Annex 3 attached to this letter.

Yours faithfully,                               Accepted and agreed:

For and on behalf of                            For and on behalf of

                                     2 of 9





The Interim Charges to be inserted into the Carrier Price List for the
following schedules to the Interconnect Agreement between NYNEX CableComms
Bolton and BT are : -

SCHEDULE             Daytime     Evening     Weekend
541                  1.174       0.693       0.519
545                  1.174       0.693       0.519


1) Daytime, Evening and Weekend are as defined in the BT Revised Standard

2) Charges are quoted in Pence per Minute.

                                     3 of 9




See ANNEX C, Schedule 01 of the Revised Standard Contract..

The Review Date for charges under this Schedule is 1st April 1996 and each
anniversary thereafter.


                          DESCRIPTION                                               INTERIM

- - Connection of ISI Interconnect Link                                         Pounds Sterling Nil
- - Rental of ISI Interconnect Link from jointing chamber to BT
premises where the jointing chamber is:
- - Agreed                                                                      Pounds Sterling Nil
- - Nominated                                                                 Pounds Sterling 125.00
                                                                              per 100 metres p.a.
- - new duct                                                                 See BT Retail Price List

- - Connection                                                               Pounds Sterling 1161.00
                                                                                per 2 Mbit/s
- - Rental                                                                   Pounds Sterling 68.00 per
                                                                              2 Mbit/s p.a. (3a)

SIGNALLING LINK SET (including one route type) - unidirectional
- - Connection                                                               Pounds Sterling 2790.00
                                                                              per 2x2 Mbit/s
- - Rental                                                                   Pounds Sterling 188.00
                                                                           per 2x2 Mbit/s p.a. (3a)
Additional Route Type if ordered at same time as                           Pounds Sterling 416.00
                                                                             per Traffic Route
Signalling Link Set - Connection.                                                          
Additional Route Type if ordered subsequent to                             Pounds Sterling 666.00
                                                                             per Traffic Route
Signalling Link Set - Connection.                                                          

- - Connection                                                               Pounds Sterling 296.00
                                                                                 per 2 Mbit/s
- - Rental                                                                   Pounds Sterling 15.00 per
                                                                              2 Mbit/s p.a. (3a)
- - Connection                                                               Pounds Sterling 584.00
                                                                                 per 2 Mbit/s
- - Rental                                                                   Pounds Sterling 122.50 per
                                                                               2 Mbit/s p.a. (3a)

                                     4 of 9

                      DESCRIPTION                                      INTERIM

- - Connection                                                   Pounds Sterling 440.87
                                                                    per 2 Mbit/s
- - Rental - Fixed Element                                     Pounds Sterling 3253.26 per
                                                                 2 Mbit/s p.a. (3a)
- - plus Rental - per Km charge                             Pounds Sterling 43.62 per 2 M/bits
                                                                    p.a. (3a & 7)

- - of a Route Type                                             Pounds Sterling 514.00 per
                                                                   Traffic Route
- - of a Signalling Link Set, including one Route             Pounds Sterling 874.00 per 2x2
Type, to a different BT Switch Connection.                             Mbit/s
- - of an additional Route Type to a different                  Pounds Sterling 416.00 per
                                                                   Traffic Route
BT Switch Connection.
- - of an Intrabuilding Link to a different                    Pounds Sterling 514.00 per 2
BT Switch Connection.
- - of a Signalling Link Set, including one Route             Pounds Sterling 1791.00 per 2x2
Type, to a different Operator Switch Connection.                       Mbit/s
- - of an additional Route Type to a different                Pounds Sterling 416.00 per
                                                                   Traffic Route
Operator Switch Connection.
- - of an Intrabuilding Link to a different                    Pounds Sterling 972.00 per 2
Operator Switch Connection.
Operator  Switch modification due to BT bearer change        Pounds Sterling 626 .00 per 2


1)   Distance charged will be radial distance between relevant buildings and the
     Point of Connection.

2)   Or part thereof, ignoring the first 100 metres.

3a)  Rental is payable annually in advance.

3b)  Rental is payable annually in arrears.

4)   Distance charged will be actual distance.

5)   Charges to be met by the Party requesting the Capacity re-arrangement.

6)   Rental charges will continue to apply to re-arranged links.

7)   Distance charged will be the radial distance between the relevant building
     and the Remote Switch.

8)   The rental is calculated in accordance with Schedule 01 paragraph 11.

9)   If an IBL contains a Signalling Link supporting unidirectional traffic,
     that IBL charge is contained within the unidirectional Signalling Link Set
     Charge applicable to that Signalling link

                                     5 of 9





The Interim Charges to be inserted into the Carrier Price List for the
following schedules to the Interconnect Agreement between NYNEX CableComms
Bolton and BT are : -

SCHEDULE              Daytime    Evening    Weekend

541                   1.174      0.693      0.519

545                   1.174      0.693      0.519

Notes :

1)  Daytime, Evening and Weekend are as defined in the BT Revised Standard

2)  Charges are quoted in Pence per Minute.

                                     6 of 9





See ANNEX C, Schedule 01 of the Revised Standard Contract..

The Review Date for charges under this Schedule is 1st April 1997 and each
anniversary thereafter.


                          DESCRIPTION                                    INTERIM

- - Connection of ISI Interconnect Link                                Pounds Sterling Nil
- - Rental of ISI Interconnect Link from jointing chamber to BT
premises where the jointing chamber is:
- - Agreed                                                             Pounds Sterling Nil
- - Nominated                                                         Pounds Sterling 125.00
                                                                      per 100 metres p.a.
- - new duct                                                           See BT Retail Price
                                                                      List (MegaStream)

- - Connection                                                       Pounds Sterling 1161.00
                                                                        per 2 Mbit/s
- - Rental                                                          Pounds Sterling 68.00 per
                                                                     2 Mbit/s p.a. (3a)

SIGNALLING LINK SET (including one route type) - unidirectional 
- - Connection                                                      Pounds Sterling 2790.00
                                                                      per 2x2 Mbit/s
- - Rental                                                          Pounds Sterling 188.00
                                                                  per 2x2 Mbit/s p.a. (3a)
Additional Route Type if ordered at same time as                  Pounds Sterling 416.00
Signalling Link Set - Connection.                                   per Traffic Route

Additional Route Type if ordered subsequent to                    Pounds Sterling 666.00
Signalling Link Set - Connection.                                    per Traffic Route

- - Connection                                                      Pounds Sterling 296.00
                                                                      per 2 Mbit/s
- - Rental                                                          Pounds Sterling 15.00
                                                                  per 2 Mbit/s p.a. (3a)

- - Connection                                                      Pounds Sterling 584.00
                                                                      per 2 Mbit/s
- - Rental                                                                 Pounds
                                                                  Sterling 122.50.00 per
                                                                    2 Mbit/s p.a. (3a)

                                     7 of 9



                      DESCRIPTION                                     INTERIM

- - Connection                                             Pounds Sterling 440.87 per 2
- - Rental - Fixed Element                                    Pounds Sterling 3253.26 per
                                                                2 Mbit/s p.a. (3a)
- - plus Rental - per Km charge                            Pounds Sterling 43.6 2 per 2 M/bits
                                                                   p.a. (3a & 7)

- - of a Route Type                                            Pounds Sterling 514.00 per
                                                                  Traffic Route
- - of a Signalling Link Set, including one Route            Pounds Sterling 874.00 per 2x2
  Type, to a different BT Switch Connection.                           Mbit/s
- - of an additional Route Type to a different                 Pounds Sterling 416.00 per
                                                                  Traffic Route
  BT Switch Connection.
- - of an Intrabuilding Link to a different                    Pounds Sterling 514.00 per 2
  BT Switch Connection.
- - of a Signalling Link Set, including one Route            Pounds Sterling 1791.00 per 2x2
  Type, to a different Operator Switch Connection.                      Mbit/s
- - of an additional Route Type to a different                  Pounds Sterling 416.00 per
                                                                  Traffic Route
  Operator Switch Connection.
- - of an Intrabuilding Link to a different                    Pounds Sterling 972.00 per 2
  Operator Switch Connection.
  Operator Switch modification due to BT bearer change     Pounds Sterling 626.00 per 2Mbit/s


1)   Distance charged will be radial distance between relevant buildings and the
     Point of Connection.

2)   Or part thereof, ignoring the first 100 metres.

3a)  Rental is payable annually in advance.

3b)  Rental is payable annually in arrears.

4)   Distance charged will be actual distance.

5)   Charges to be met by the Party requesting the Capacity re-arrangement.

6)   Rental charges will continue to apply to re-arranged links.

7)   Distance charged will be the radial distance between the relevant building
     and the Remote Switch.

8)   The rental is calculated in accordance with Schedule 01 paragraph 11.

9)   If an IBL contains a Signalling Link supporting unidirectional traffic,
     that IBL charge is contained within the unidirectional Signalling Link Set
     Charge applicable to that Signalling link

                                     8 of 9




                                  SCHEDULE 546

The charges specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List for Schedule
541 shall apply to Calls under Schedule 546.

                                     9 of 9

General Manager Interconnect,
NYNEX Cablecomms Bolton
The Tolworth Tower
Ewell Road
Surrey KT6 7ED

Dear Sir,


We have, today, entered into an Interconnect Agreement "the Agreement" which
provides for a process for the review and possible determination of certain
matters.  This letter is an agreement, pursuant to paragraph 19.1.3 of the main
body of the Agreement, to the effect that those matters set out in the annex to
this letter shall be reviewed. This annex sets out the title and probable part
of the contract text of the matter to be reviewed in column 1, the period of
time for reaching agreement in substituton of the period of time referred to in
paragraph 20.1 in column 2 and brief details of the matter to be reviewed in
column 3.

This letter is a review notice in relation to such matters for the purposes of
paragraph 19.2 where the deemed date of service of the review notice shall be 1
April 1996.  If we fail to reach agreement in respect of a matter in column 1
of the annex within the time period set out alongside it in column 2, then
either of us may, where appropriate, request in writing the Director General of
Telecommunications to make a determination. Where the matter is of a financial
nature the effective date of the agreements or determinations shall be 1 April
1996.  For all other matters the effective date shall be the date when any
amendment to give effect to such agreement or determination is incorporated
into the Agreement.

Secondly, this letter acknowledges that there are other matters deserving of
further consideration between BT and the OLO Group.  It is our intention to set
up a Forum, the purpose of which will be to continue the discussion process
which preceded the coming into being of the Agreement. The initial agreed set
of issues to be dealt with by this Forum are those contained in the annex but
we also agree that either of us may table other issues for discussion.  As and
when any issue is agreed between us, we will incorporate such agreement into
the Agreement entered into today (as the same may have been amended by us

Thirdly, BT acknowledges that changes to the Agreement will be made available
to all operators, whether such changes are brought about as a consequence of
agreement following a review or as a consequence of determination by the
Director General.

Yours faithfully,                        Agreed and accepted

__________________________________       __________________________________
For and on behalf of                     For and on behalf of




ISSUE                               PERIOD OF TIME      DETAILS OF ISSUES
                                    FOR REVIEW
Interim Prices for New Services     One day             The Operator believes that where agreement cannot be reached, the 
(Main Body paragraph 8)                                 temporary interconnect prices, for conveying calls to a new PSTN
                                                        services should be established by the Operator launching the service
                                                        in question. This would be a reciprocal arrangement. In each case
                                                        the matter could be referred in due course to OFTEL for 
                                                        determination of the price.

                                                        Both Parties would, of course, remain free to set retail charges
                                                        for new services as they see fit (subject to relevant fair trading 
                                                        constraints within their respective Licences).

                                                        BT and the Operator have been unable to agree that the Party
                                                        launching the service should establish the temporary
                                                        interconnect charges, in all instances.
0800 Number Range digit length      2 months            BT currently operates 6 digit 0800 numbers. BT's current access 
(Schedule 110 and 311)                                  service is based upon seven digit 0800 numbers for OLOs. The
                                                        Operator would like a method to be adopted to enable BT or the
                                                        Operator to use either 6 or 7 digits.
Connection Charges for CSI         1 month             The Operator believes that no connection charges should be payable
provided under paragraph 3.2                            for CSI for BT's use provided under the circumstances set out
of the Main Body                                        in paragraph 3.2 of the Main Body.




ISSUE                               PERIOD OF TIME      REVIEW NOTICE
                                    FOR REVIEW

ISI "bothway" (Schedule 01)        6 months             The Parties agree that this is a new product for which the detailed
                                                        requirements are yet to be developed. The basic requirement is for
                                                        both Parties' traffic to be carried in the same Traffic Routes on ISI.
                                                        Whilst technically feasible, work needs to be undertaken to ensure
                                                        that each Party's Calls cannot be inadvertently "blocked" by the 
                                                        other and to develop appropriate billing mechanisms.
Charging for 0800 Calls            2 months             BT maintains that where the Operator charges its customer for access
(Schedule 110 and 311)                                   to 0800 calls it should be obliged to inform the customer. The
                                                        Operator does not see the need for the contract to impose this
DMA timescales (Schedule 140)      6 months             The Operator wishes to have a DMA process that is faster than the
                                                        current process either for all or some DMAs.
DMA Abatement of Charges           6 months             The Operator seeks financial compensation for late or incorrect
(Schedule 140)                                          DMAs. BT believes the Operator already has a right to compensation
                                                        for damage under the contract. Any form of abatement would be a 
                                                        disincentive to the faster process requested.
NIS Abatement of Charges          6 months              The Operator seeks financial compensation for late or incorrect entries
(Schedule 150)                                          into NIS. In such event BT would require payment for work
                                                        associated with rejecting erroneous entries. BT is currently
                                                        developing a new product to enable the Operator to enter its customer
                                                        details into NIS.




ISSUE                               PERIOD OF TIME      REVIEW NOTICE
                                    FOR REVIEW
CSI Separation (Schedule 130)        6 months           The Parties agree that this is a product that needs a new product 
                                                        definition and price.
NIS Charges (Schedule 150)          12 months           NIS charging is being considered by OFTEL as  part of the review of
                                                        the Use of Directory Information. The results of this may need to
                                                        be accommodated in the Agreement.
Duct Charges (Schedule 01            6 months           BT charges for duct are the BT retail charges. The  Operator 
and 130)                                                disputes this basis. The OFTEL consultation on duct and pole sharing
                                                        is considering this issue. The results may need to be accommodated
                                                        into the Agreement.
IDD charges where the                2 months           BT charges for IDD for routes where the Operator is providing 
Operator has an                                         service under its own licence are retail rates. The Operator believes
International or ISR                                    that the "condition 13" IDD rates should apply.
Licence (Schedule 104)
DMA Charges (Schedule 140)           9 months           This issue is whether charges should be levied for any or all DMA
                                                        requested in the other Party's network. The Parties may continue 
                                                        discussing this matter in connection with the other DMA issues 
                                                        noted above. This is being addressed by OFTEL as part of a review
                                                        of residual structural barriers. The results may need to be 
                                                        built into the contract.
New Services Notice Periods          3 months           Where either Party launches a PSTN service with obligatory access,
for PSTN services (Main Body                            (such as a new value added service) it should provide notice to
para 8)                                                 the other Party to enable access from the other Party's customers.
                                                        Such period of time needs to be agreed.
New Services Notice Periods         12 months           The notice period of the launch of new services is planned to be 
for NON PSTN services                                   considered by the IPF Sub Group. The results of this may need to
(Main Body para 8)                                      be built into the Agreement.