November 27, 1996

Dear Prospective Bidder:

                   Re: Guidelines for Submission of Proposals

As previously announced, the Special Committee (the "Special Committee") of
Loctite Corporation has determined to seek to sell the Company at a price that
fully reflects its value and has instructed its advisors to respond to third
party inquiries, contact potential buyers and take all steps necessary to help
achieve this goal. Accordingly, the Special Committee has established the
procedures set forth below to ensure that the sale process will be conducted in
a fair and orderly manner which will best serve the Company's stockholders'

                  TIME) ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1996 (THE "SUBMISSION 
                  DEADLINE"), TO:

                             Dillon, Read & Co. Inc.
                               535 Madison Avenue
                               New York, NY 10022

                            Attention: William Powell

                            Telephone: (212) 906-7000
                            Facsimile: (212) 753-9614

         2.       The Special Committee intends that it would negotiate a
                  definitive agreement (the "Merger Agreement") with the bidder
                  selected by the Special Committee and that it would recommend
                  approval of such agreement to the Board of Directors at a
                  meeting of the Board to be held on December 5.

         3.       The Special Committee views the Submission Deadline as the end
                  of an auction process for the sale of the Company. In
                  addition, the Special Committee has noted the concerns of
                  potential bidders with respect to creating a level playing
                  field in the face of an existing bid by a major stockholder of
                  the Company who has representation on the Company's Board of
                  Directors. The Special Committee has the authority to, and
                  intends that it would, enter into an agreement with the bidder
                  selected by the Special Committee granting any and all
                  inducements to such bidder which are appropriate under all of
                  the circumstances (including, without limitation, termination
                  payments, stock options or other such arrangements), which
                  inducements would be payable or applicable in the event that
                  Board of Directors approval of the Merger Agreement with the
                  bidder selected by the Special Committee is not obtained.

         4.       A form of Merger Agreement is being enclosed with this letter.
                  Please include with your final proposal whether:

                  (a) the Merger Agreement is acceptable in its present form, or

                  (b) the specific nature of any proposed changes, including a
                      marked copy of the Merger Agreement showing these changes.
                      Please do not retype the Merger Agreement.

                  Your willingness to accept the Merger Agreement without
                  significant modification will be an important factor in the
                  evaluation of your final proposal. Please consider carefully
                  any modifications you may suggest. You should indicate in your
                  proposal that you are prepared to execute promptly the Merger
                  Agreement in the form submitted by you.

         5.       Your proposal should not be subject to any remaining due
                  diligence. If you require any additional information or
                  discussions to submit a proposal, please promptly contact
                  Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., who will work to accommodate your
                  requests. Please do not contact any of the officers, directors
                  or employees of the Company directly.

         6.       The Special Committee expressly reserves the right, in its
                  sole and absolute discretion, to accept or reject any proposal
                  for any reason whatsoever (and without disclosing the reason
                  for such decision) and to modify the procedures set forth
                  herein at any time.

                  A proposal will be deemed accepted only upon execution and
                  delivery of a definitive Merger Agreement.

Please do not hesitate to contact Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. with any questions.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                            DILLON, READ & CO. INC.