EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO.   )
Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement                [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission
                                                Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-2.

                         THE NAVIGATORS GROUP, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-12.
     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     (5)  Total fee paid:
[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     (3)  Filing Party:
     (4)  Date Filed:

        It is anticipated that this Proxy Statement and a related form of proxy
will first be delivered to security holders on or around May 7, 1997.

                           THE NAVIGATORS GROUP, INC.
                               123 WILLIAM STREET
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038

                         ANNUAL MEETING -- May 29, 1997

To the Stockholders of
  The Navigators Group, Inc.:

         You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of your Company
to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 29, 1997 at India House, 1 Hanover
Square, New York, New York 10004.

         A report of current affairs of your Company will be presented at the
Meeting and Stockholders will have an opportunity for questions and comments.

         It is earnestly requested that you sign, date and mail your proxy card
whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting.

         We are grateful for your assistance and express our appreciation in

                                          Sincerely yours,

                                          Terence N. Deeks
                                          Chairman, President and
                                          Chief Executive Officer

May 7, 1997
                           THE NAVIGATORS GROUP, INC.
                               123 WILLIAM STREET
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038

                                  MAY 29, 1997


         Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of The
Navigators Group, Inc. ("The Group"), a Delaware corporation, will be held at
India House, 1 Hanover Square, New York, New York, on Thursday, May 29, 1997, at
10:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, for the following purposes:

         (1)      To elect seven (7) directors to serve until the 1998 Annual
                  Meeting of Stockholders or until their respective successors
                  have been duly elected and qualified;

         (2)      To ratify the appointment by the Board of Directors of KPMG
                  Peat Marwick LLP as the independent auditors of The Group to
                  examine and report on the financial statements for 1997;

         (3)      To consider and act upon the stockholder proposal set forth on
                  pages 14 and 15 of the accompanying Proxy Statement, if it is
                  properly presented at the meeting; and

         (4)      To transact such other business as may properly come before
                  the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         The close of business on April 15, 1997, has been fixed by the Board of
Directors as the date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice
of and to vote at the Annual Meeting, and only stockholders of record at such
date will be entitled to vote. A list of stockholders will be open to
examination by stockholders during ordinary business hours for a period of ten
(10) days prior to the meeting at the offices of The Group, 123 William Street,
New York, New York 10038.

                                By Order Of The Board Of Directors

                                Bradley D. Wiley, Secretary
New York, New York
May 7, 1997


         If you do not plan to attend this meeting, please sign and return the
enclosed proxy. No postage is required if mailed in the United States. PLEASE
                           THE NAVIGATORS GROUP, INC.
                               123 WILLIAM STREET
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE GROUP. Such persons are officers of The Group.
Any stockholder desiring to appoint some other person to represent him at the
Meeting may do so either by inserting such person's name in the blank space
provided in the enclosed form of proxy, or by completing another form of proxy
and, in either case, delivering the completed proxy to the Secretary of The
Group at the address indicated above, before the time of the Meeting. It is the
responsibility of the stockholder appointing some other person to represent him
to inform such person of his appointment. The Group has first mailed these proxy
materials to holders ("Stockholders") of shares of Common Stock, $.10 par value
per share (the "Common Stock"), on or about May 7, 1997. The Group's executive
offices are located at 123 William Street, New York, New York 10038.

         The proxies in the accompanying form which are properly executed and
duly returned to The Group and not revoked will be voted as specified and, if no
direction is made, will be voted for the election of each of management's seven
(7) nominees for election as directors, in favor of Proposal 2 and against
Proposal 3. Stockholders may also be asked to consider and take action with
respect to such other matters as may properly come before the Meeting or any
adjournment or adjournments thereof. Each proxy granted is revocable and may be
revoked at any time prior to its exercise by giving notice to The Group of its
revocation. A Stockholder who attends the Meeting in person may, if he wishes,
vote by ballot at the Meeting, thereby canceling any proxy previously given. The
outstanding voting stock of The Group as of April 15, 1997, the record date,
consisted of approximately 8,284,342 shares of Common Stock, held by
approximately 100 holders of record, with each share of Common Stock entitled to
one vote. Only Stockholders of record at the close of business on April 15,
1997, are entitled to vote at the Meeting. The closing price of the Common Stock
on April 25, 1997 was $17.50.

         A copy of The Group's Annual Report for the year ended December 31,
1996, is being mailed to Stockholders simultaneously herewith. The financial
statements of The Group for the year ended December 31, 1996, and the
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations contained in such Annual Report, are specifically incorporated herein
by reference and made a part hereof.


         As used herein "Navigators" and "NIC" refer to The Group's wholly owned
insurance subsidiaries, Navigators Insurance Company and NIC Insurance Company,
respectively, and "NCUL" refers to Navigators Corporate Underwriters Limited, a
wholly owned subsidiary admitted to underwrite at Lloyd's of London as a
corporate member with limited liability. Nine of The Group's subsidiaries are
underwriting management
companies: Somerset Marine, Inc. ("Somerset Marine"), Somerset of Georgia, Inc.
("Somerset Georgia"), Somerset Insurance Services of California, Inc. ("SIS
California"), Somerset Insurance Services of Texas, Inc. ("SIS Texas"), Somerset
Insurance Services of Washington, Inc. ("SIS Washington"), Somerset Re
Management, Inc. ("Somerset Re"), Somerset Marine (UK) Limited ("Somerset
(UK)"), Somerset Asia Pacific Pty Limited ("Somerset Asia") and Navigators
Management Corporation ("NMC"). Each of such underwriting management
subsidiaries is sometimes referred to as a "Somerset Company" and two or more of
such companies are sometimes referred to as the "Somerset Companies." The
"Acquired Somerset Companies" refers to the Somerset Companies other than
Somerset (UK) and Somerset Asia.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         The By-Laws of The Group provide for The Group to have not less than
three nor more than twenty-one directors. Management proposes the election of
the seven nominees named below to constitute the entire Board of Directors of
The Group until the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their
successors shall be duly elected and shall qualify. Each of the nominees is
currently a director of The Group. In the event any nominee named below is
unable or declines to serve, which the Board does not anticipate, it is intended
that the proxies will be voted for the balance of those named and for any
substitute nominees that the Board may designate, unless the Board has taken
prior action to reduce its membership.

                       Name                          Age        Position With The          First Became a
                                                                      Group                   Director
Terence N. Deeks..................................    57    Chairman, President                 1982
                                                            and CEO
Robert M. DeMichele...............................    52    Director                            1983
Leandro S. Galban, Jr.............................    62    Director                            1983
John F. Knight....................................    77    Director                            1988
Marc M. Tract.....................................    37    Director                            1991
William D. Warren.................................    61    Director                            1996
Robert F. Wright..................................    71    Director                            1993

         Terence N. Deeks is the founder of The Group, Navigators, NIC and all
of the Acquired Somerset Companies. He has been Chairman of the Board and
President of The Group since its formation in 1982. He is a director of each of
the Somerset Companies. In addition, he is Chairman of SIS Texas, NMC, SIS
Washington, Somerset Georgia, Somerset Asia and Somerset UK.

         Robert M. DeMichele has been President and Chief Executive Officer of
Lexington Global Asset Managers, Inc. since December 1995. Mr. DeMichele has
been Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Lexington Management
Corporation ("LMC") since 1982. From 1982 until December 1995, Mr. DeMichele
served as Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of Piedmont Management
Company Inc. ("Piedmont"), which was a stockholder of The Group until December
1995 when it was merged into Chartwell Re Corporation ("Chartwell"), which
resulted in Chartwell becoming a Stockholder of The Group. From 1982 to December
1995, Mr. DeMichele served as President of The Reinsurance Corporation of New
York, which was subsequently renamed the Insurance Corporation of New York
("ICNY"). ICNY is a Stockholder of The Group and is a wholly owned subsidiary of
Chartwell. He is a director of Chartwell and Vanguard Cellular Systems, Inc.

         Leandro S. Galban, Jr. has been employed by Donaldson, Lufkin &
Jenrette Securities Corporation ("DLJ") since 1977, and prior thereto for a
predecessor company of DLJ from 1958 to 1977. Since 1990, Mr. Galban has served
as a Managing Director and Principal of DLJ.

         John F. Knight has been active as a consultant for H.S. Fox
Corporation, a reinsurance broker, since 1985. Prior thereto he was Vice
Chairman of Republic Financial Services, Inc. from 1983 to 1988 and prior to
that its President from 1975 to 1983. Until 1996, he was a director of Republic
Financial Services, Inc. and Foremost Corporation of America.+

         Marc M. Tract has been a partner of the law firm of Rosenman & Colin
since August 1994. From January 1990 to August 1994, Mr. Tract was a partner of
the law firm of Kroll & Tract, and prior thereto he had been associated with
Kroll & Tract since before 1986. Rosenman & Colin has been counsel to The Group,
Navigators, NIC and the Somerset Companies since August 1994. Until August 1994,
Kroll & Tract had been counsel to The Group, Navigators, NIC and the Somerset
Companies since before 1986.*+

         William D. Warren has been Vice Chairman of General Reinsurance
Corporation since 1997. From 1980 until December 1996, he was Chairman,
President and Chief Executive Officer of National Reinsurance Corporation
("National Re"). From 1989 until December 1996, Mr. Warren served as Chairman,
President and Chief Executive Officer of National Re Corporation, National Re's
parent company. Mr. Warren serves on the Advisory Council of Ward Financial

         Robert F. Wright was a partner of the public accounting firm of Arthur
Andersen & Co. from 1960 to 1988. He has been President of Robert F. Wright
Associates, Inc. since 1988. Mr. Wright is a director of Hanover Direct, Inc.,
Reliance Standard Life Insurance Co. and its affiliates, Williams Real Estate
Co., Inc. and Norwab North American Ltd. He is an advisory director of Quadrant
Management, Inc.*+

*  Member Compensation Committee.
+  Member Audit Committee.

         The current executive officers of The Group who are not directors and
the other current executive officers of certain of the subsidiaries of The Group
who are named in the Summary Compensation Table below, are as follows:

                 Name                           Age                    Position
                 ----                           ---                    --------

Michael J. Abdallah.......................      44        Senior Vice President of The Group and
                                                             Director of Navigators and NIC

Robert A. Rogers..........................      38        Senior Vice President of The Group
                                                             and Director of Navigators and NIC

Bradley D. Wiley..........................      43        Senior Vice President, Chief Financial
                                                             Officer and Secretary of The Group and
                                                             Director of Navigators and NIC
Salvatore A. Margarella...................      47        Vice President and Treasurer of The Group
                                                             and Director of Navigators and NIC
Francis V. Bigley, Jr.....................      48        President of Somerset Re and
                                                             Director of Navigators and NIC

         Michael J. Abdallah joined The Group in August 1996 and was appointed
Senior Vice President of the Group in March 1997 and Senior Vice President of
Navigators and NIC in February 1997. From 1990 to 1996, Mr. Abdallah was Vice
President - International Energy, Marine and Engineering for CIGNA International
(London). He is a director of Navigators and NIC.

         Robert A. Rogers has been Senior Vice President of the Group since
March 1997 and Senior Vice President of Navigators and NIC since 1993. Prior
thereto, he was an underwriter at Lloyd's of London from 1989 to 1993. Mr.
Rogers is a director of Navigators and NIC.

         Bradley D. Wiley has been Senior Vice President, Chief Financial
Officer and Secretary of The Group since December 1996. Prior thereto, Mr. Wiley
was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Christiana Re Corp. and
its wholly-owned subsidiary, Christiana General Insurance Corp., from 1992 until
1996. Mr. Wiley also has been Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and
Secretary of Navigators and NIC since February 1997. He is a director of
Navigators and NIC.

         Salvatore A. Margarella has been Vice President and Treasurer of the
Group since March 1997 and prior thereto he was Controller of The Group since
its inception. Mr. Margarella has been Vice President and Treasurer of
Navigators since 1987 and NIC since 1989, and is a director of Navigators and

         Francis V. Bigley has been President of Somerset Re since 1987. Mr.
Bigley is also a Vice President and director of Navigators and NIC.


         The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership, reported to
The Group as of April 15, 1997, of Common Stock (i) by each person who, as of
the date of this Proxy Statement, holds of record or is known by The Group to
own beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding Common Stock, (ii) by each of
The Group's current directors and nominees for directors, (iii) by each of the
executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table below, and (iv) by
all directors and executive officers as a group. Except as otherwise indicated,
to The Group's knowledge all shares are beneficially owned by the persons named
as owners.

                                                                       NUMBER                   OWNERSHIP
                                                                         OF                     OF COMMON
NAME AND ADDRESS OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                   SHARES                     STOCK
- ------------------------------------                                   ------                     -----
Terence N. Deeks(1)                                                  3,808,786                      45.7%
   123 William Street
   New York, New York 10038

Marc M. Tract (2)(3)                                                 1,029,683                      12.4%
   575 Madison Avenue
   New York, New York 10022

Chartwell Re Corporation(4)                                            814,700                       9.8%
   300 Atlantic Street, Suite 400
   Stamford, Connecticut  06901

Cortland Associates, Inc.(5)                                           441,205                       5.4%
   800 Maryland Avenue, Suite 730
   St. Louis, Missouri 63105

W. Allen Barnett(6)                                                     54,403                         *
Francis V. Bigley, Jr.(7)                                               54,200                         *
Robert A. Rogers(8)                                                     35,000                         *
Michael J. Abdallah                                                       --                           *
Robert M. DeMichele(9)                                                  45,997                         *
Leandro S. Galban, Jr.(10)                                              16,197                         *
John F. Knight(11)                                                      30,477                         *
Robert F. Wright                                                         4,657                         *
William D. Warren                                                          657                         *
All current directors and officers
  as a group
  (1)(2)(3)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)                                      4,438,818                      52.7%

- -------------------------
*  Less than 1% of issued and outstanding Common Stock.

(1)      Includes options to receive 46,000 shares of Common Stock at exercise
         prices varying between $12.00 and $28.00 per share and 20,000 shares of
         Common Stock owned by Somerset Insurance Limited, a Bermuda corporation
         controlled by Mr. Deeks. Also includes 586,836 shares considered
         beneficially owned by Mr. Deeks which are held under several
         instruments of trust for the benefit of minor children of Mr. Deeks.
         Excludes 391,490 shares which are held under certain other instruments
         of trust for the benefit of non-minor children of Mr. Deeks. Mr. Deeks
         disclaims beneficial ownership of all shares held in trust for the
         benefit of his children.

(2)      Includes 49,800 shares held as trustee pursuant to a testamentary trust
         for the benefit of Mrs. Harold M. Tract, and with remainder interests
         in Marc M. Tract and Laurence T. Tract.

(3)      Includes 978,326 shares held as trustee under several instruments of
         trust for the benefit of children of Mr. Deeks.

(4)      Based upon a Schedule 13G/A filed with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission (the "Commission") by Chartwell, dated February 12, 1996.
         Includes 762,900 shares owned through its wholly-owned subsidiary,
         ICNY. The shares owned by ICNY may be deemed to be beneficially owned
         by its immediate and intermediate parent companies, Chartwell
         Reinsurance Company and Chartwell Re Holdings Corporation.

(5)      Based upon a Schedule 13G filed with the Commission by Cortland
         Associates, Inc. ("Cortland"), an investment adviser registered under
         the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, dated February 10, 1997. Shares
         owned by Cortland are held for the benefit of its investment advisory

(6)      Includes options to receive 54,200 shares of Common Stock at exercise
         prices varying between $12.00 and $28.00 per share.

(7)      Includes options to receive 53,750 shares of Common Stock at exercise
         prices varying between $12.00 and $28.00 per share.

(8)      Includes options to receive 35,000 shares of Common Stock at exercise
         prices varying between $14.25 and $34.00 per share.

(9)      Excludes 175,000 shares owned by clients of Lexington Global Assets
         Managers, Inc., for which Mr. DeMichele serves as Director and
         President. Mr. DeMichele disclaims beneficial ownership of such shares.

(10)     Includes 1,350 shares held by Mr. Galban's son and 150 shares held by
         Mr. Galban's wife.

(11)     Includes 10,950 shares held as trustee of The Jeffrey J. Knight,
         Melanie K. Eggers, John Mark Knight, Jane M. Knight and James M. Knight


     The Group has a consulting agreement (the "Wright Consulting Agreement")
with Robert F. Wright Associates, Inc., pursuant to which Robert F. Wright
Associates, Inc. provides certain consulting services to The Group. Robert F.
Wright, a director of The Group, is the President of Robert F. Wright
Associates, Inc. The Wright Consulting Agreement provides for an annual
consultation fee of $26,000 to be paid to Robert F. Wright Associates, Inc. Mr.
Wright is a member of the Audit, Compensation, Finance and Nominating

     The Group also has a consulting agreement (the "Warren Consulting
Agreement") with William D. Warren, pursuant to which Mr. Warren provides
certain consulting services to The Group. The Warren Consulting Agreement
provides for an annual consultation fee of $25,000. Mr. Warren is a member of
the Compensation Committee and the Executive Committee.

     Navigators and NIC have investment advisory agreements with LMC, pursuant
to which LMC provides investment advice to Navigators. Robert M. DeMichele, a
director of The Group, is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
LMC and is President and Chief Executive Officer of Lexington Global Asset
Managers, Inc., of which LMC is a wholly owned subsidiary. Mr. DeMichele is also
a director of Chartwell, a Stockholder of The Group. Chartwell's wholly-owned
subsidiary, ICNY which is also a Stockholder of The Group, is a member of
several of the insurance pools managed by the Somerset Companies. Mr. DeMichele
is a member of the Finance Committee.

     Management believes that the terms of the consulting agreements and the
investment advisory agreements are no less favorable to Navigators, NIC and The
Group than those which could be obtained from unaffiliated third parties.
Management further believes that all other transactions with affiliated
companies have in the past and will in the future be on fair and equitable terms
no less favorable than The Group, Navigators and NIC could obtain in arm's
length transactions with unaffiliated third parties.

     Terence N. Deeks and members of his family own in the aggregate
approximately 95% of Somerset Insurance Limited, a Bermuda corporation
("Somerset Bermuda"), with the remaining approximately 5% being owned by other
officers and directors of The Group, Navigators and the Somerset Companies and
various outside investors. Somerset Bermuda reinsures Navigators and other
members of several of the pools managed by the Somerset Companies. Mr. Deeks is
a member of the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee.

     Marc M. Tract is both a director of The Group as well as a partner of
Rosenman & Colin and a former partner of Kroll & Tract. Rosenman & Colin has
served as counsel to The Group, Navigators, NIC and the Somerset Companies since
August 1994. Until August 1994, Kroll & Tract had served as counsel to The
Group, Navigators, NIC and the Somerset Companies since before 1986. Mr. Tract
serves as trustee under several instruments of trust for the benefit of children
of Mr. and Mrs. Deeks, and in that capacity, owns stock in The Group. Mr. Tract
is a member of the Audit, Compensation and Nominating Committees.


     The Board of Directors of The Group in 1996 held five meetings of the
Board. No directors attended or participated in fewer than 75 percent of the
meetings of the Board and meetings of the committees of the Board during 1996,
other than Mr. Warren who attended 60 percent of the meetings of the Board.

     The Board has a Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee oversees
The Group's compensation and benefit policies and programs, including the stock
option and stock appreciation rights plans of The Group and the annual salaries
and annual incentive plan for selected officers. During 1996, the Compensation
Committee held one meeting. The members of the Compensation Committee are Marc
M. Tract, William D. Warren  and Robert F. Wright.

     The Board has an Audit Committee. The Audit Committee recommends the
selection of independent Certified Public Accountants and reviews the scope and
results of independent or internal audits. During 1996, the Audit Committee held
one meeting. The members of the Audit Committee are John F. Knight, Robert F.
Wright and Marc M. Tract.

     The Board has a Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee recommends
nominees for election to The Group's Board of Directors. During 1996, the
Nominating Committee held one meeting. The members of the Nominating Committee
are Robert F. Wright and Marc M. Tract.



     The following Summary Compensation Table sets forth compensation paid by
The Group for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 1996
to the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Group and to each
of the four other most highly paid executive officers of The Group or its
subsidiaries (the "Named Executive Officers").

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                 Long Term
                                                    Annual Compensation           ------
     Name and Principal                             ---------------------   Securities Underlying      All other
          Position                  Year            Salary          Bonus       Options/SARs          Compensation
          --------                  ----            ------          -----       ------------          ------------
                                                       $              $             #                     $(1)
Terence N. Deeks                    1996         $ 400,000       $ 327,357           --                  69,252
   Chairman, President and          1995           416,666         373,333        50,000                 69,144
    Chief Executive Officer         1994           450,000              --           --                  70,999
W. Allen Barnett (2)                1996           187,500          95,162           --                      --
  Former Senior Vice  President     1995           225,000         119,250        50,000                     --
                                    1994           212,500              --           --                      --

Francis V. Bigley, Jr.              1996           185,000          30,564           --                      --
 President of Somerset Re           1995           183,333          22,200        50,000                     --
                                    1994           173,333          10,000        10,000                     --

Michael J. Abdallah                 1996            92,951         227,322        50,000                     --
  Senior Vice President             1995                --              --           --                      --
                                    1994                --              --           --                      --

Robert A. Rogers                    1996           218,333         129,468           --                      --
  Senior Vice  President            1995           180,833         113,466        60,000                     --
                                    1994           139,333          12,500        12,500                     --

- --------------------------

 (1) Represents the dollar value of life insurance premiums paid by The Group
     for the benefit of Mr. Deeks net of reimbursement payments received from
     Mr. Deeks in the amount of $1,747 and $1,855 for 1996 and 1995,

 (2) Mr. Barnett resigned his position as Senior Vice President of The Group
     effective February 7, 1997.


     The Group has entered into an employment agreement (the "Employment
Agreements") with each of Mr. Deeks and Mr. Barnett. In general, the Employment
Agreements provide for the continuation of a base salary for such executives for
a period of three years from June 30, 1994 and that such executives will be
eligible to participate in an annual incentive plan. The Employment Agreements
generally provide that if The Group terminates the employment of the named
executive other than for Cause or Disability (as such terms are defined in the
Employment Agreements), The Group will continue to pay amounts of the base
salary until the earlier of (i) the end of the employment period, (ii) one year
from the date of his termination of employment or (iii) the date as of which any
of the provisions of the Employment Agreements are breached.

     The Group has entered into a separation agreement with Mr. Barnett (the
"Separation Agreement"), which sets forth the terms of his separation from The
Group. Pursuant to the provisions of the Separation Agreement, and subject to
certain conditions, Mr. Barnett is entitled to receive the balance of his
compensation payable through June 30, 1997; a continuation of his salary
commencing July 1, 1997 through February 14, 1998, at an annual rate of
$112,500; a bonus payment in the amount of $15,000 for 1997; an extension until
December 31, 1999 of the time by which he must exercise or abandon the stock
options granted to him (all of which shall be deemed vested by that date); and
certain employee benefits for which he is eligible.


     The following table contains information concerning the grant of options
under The Group's stock option plans to each of the Named Executive Officers
during the year ended December 31, 1996. For a description of the Company's
stock option plans, see "Stock Option Plans."

                            OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN 1996

                                                                                                    Potential Realizable
                                                                                                  Value at Assumed Annual
                                                      Individual Grants                             Rates of Stock Price
                                --------------------------------------------------------------         Appreciation
                                                                                                    for Option/SAR Term
                                  Number of      Percent of Total                                   -------------------
                                 Securities        Options/SARs
                                 Underlying         Granted to        Exercise
                                Options/SARs       Employees in        Price        Expiration       5%($)       10%($)
Name                             granted (#)        Fiscal Year       ($/Share)        Date          -----       ------
- ----                             -----------        -----------       ---------        ----
Terence N. Deeks.............        --                 --               --             --               --            --
W. Allen Barnett(1)..........        --                 --               --             --               --            --
Francis V. Bigley, Jr........        --                 --               --             --               --            --
Michael J. Abdallah..........      50,000              30%              17.00         10/1/06       534,500     1,354,500
Robert A. Rogers.............        --                 --               --             --               --            --

- --------------------------

(1) Mr. Barnett resigned his position as Senior Vice President of The Group
effective February 7, 1997.

         The following table sets forth information for each of the Named
Executive Officers with respect to the value of options/SARs exercised during
the year ended December 31, 1996 and the value of outstanding and unexercised
options/SARs held as of December 31, 1996, based upon the market value of the
Common Stock of $18.25 per share on December 31, 1996.

                     AGGREGATED OPTION/SAR EXERCISES IN 1996
                     AND DECEMBER 31, 1996 OPTION/SAR VALUES

                                                               Number of Securities Underlying      Value of unexercised
                                                                unexercised Options/SARs at     in-the-money Options/SARs at
                                                                     December 31, 1996                December 31, 1996
                                                               --------------------------      -------------------------
                          Shares Acquired     Value Realized
         Name             on Exercise (#)          ($)          Exercisable    Unexercisable   Exercisable   Unexercisable
         ----             ---------------         -----         -----------    -------------    -----------   -------------
Terence N. Deeks                 --                 --                48,500           37,500       208,125         140,625
W. Allen Barnett(1)              --                 --                56,750           37,500       228,165         140,625
Francis V. Bigley, Jr.         4,500              40,500              41,250           42,500       120,925         161,875
Michael J. Abdallah              --                 --                    --           50,000            --          62,500
Robert A. Rogers                 --                 --                25,000           52,500        76,563         176,563

- ------------------------

 (1) Mr. Barnett resigned his position as Senior Vice President of The Group
     effective February 7, 1997.


         Directors of The Group who are not also officers of The Group,
Navigators or NIC, or officers, directors or employees of any Somerset Company,
are paid a retainer of $2,000 per quarter, an additional $1,000 for each of four
quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors of The Group attended, and the
number of shares of unregistered Common Stock that is equivalent to a cash
payment of $12,000 based on the market price of the stock at the end of the
year. In 1996, each of the directors, other than Mr. Deeks and Mr. Warren,
received an additional $1,000 cash payment for attending a special meeting of
the Board.


         The Group has adopted two stock option plans which allow for the grant
to key employees of The Group, its subsidiaries and affiliates, of options to
purchase an aggregate of 900,000 shares of Common Stock. The Group filed a Form
S-8/S-3 Registration Statement relating to the aggregate of the 900,000 shares
of Common Stock which may be issued upon the exercise of options granted or that
may be granted under these two plans, an incentive stock option plan (the "Stock
Option Plan") and a non-qualified stock option plan (the "Non-Qualified Stock
Option Plan").

         The Stock Option Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee of
The Group's Board of Directors, which consists of Marc M. Tract, William D.
Warren and Robert F. Wright. The Compensation Committee determines, in its
discretion, and recommends to the Board of Directors the persons to receive
options, option prices, dates of grant and vesting periods, although no option
may extend longer than ten years. The Stock Option Plan requires that all
options granted shall be at exercise prices not less than the fair market value
of the Common Stock on the date of the grant, as such value is determined by the
Compensation Committee. Unless otherwise provided, an option is exercisable in
installments after the first anniversary of its grant to the extent of 25% of
the number of shares originally covered by the option (subject to adjustment in
the event of changes in the capitalization of The Group), multiplied by the
number of full years elapsed since the grant of the option and less any amounts
theretofore exercised up to the maximum number of shares covered by the option.
Generally, options may be exercised in whole or in part as to all full shares
which have become purchasable.

         The Compensation Committee also administers the Non-Qualified Stock
Option Plan and selects the officers and key employees (collectively, the "key
employees") who will receive grants of options and stock appreciation rights and
the number of shares that will be subject thereto. Options may be granted to a
key employee either alone or with an attached stock appreciation right. The
number of shares and other terms of grant are fixed by the Compensation
Committee and set forth in an option agreement (subject to adjustment in the
event of changes in the capitalization of The Group). An option shall become
100% vested at the earliest of (i) the optionee's normal retirement date, (ii)
the optionee's death or disability, or (iii) four years from the date of grant.
Prior to becoming 100% vested, each option becomes exercisable at a rate of
one-quarter of the number of shares covered by such option after each of the
first four anniversaries of the date of grant, unless the Compensation Committee
accelerates such schedule.

         Each stock appreciation right must relate to a specific option and may
only be exercised when the related option is exercisable; provided, that a stock
appreciation right may only be exercised and received in cash during a specified
ten-day period following the release by The Group of its quarterly financial
reports. The exercise of a stock appreciation right results in the cancellation
of the related option on a share-for-share basis. Upon exercise of a stock
appreciation right, the optionee is entitled to receive an amount equal to the
fair market value on the date of exercise of the total number of shares of
Common Stock for which the right is exercised, less the exercise price the
optionee would have been required to pay to purchase such shares had the related
option been exercised. Payment by The Group upon exercise of a stock
appreciation right may be made in cash or shares of Common Stock, or a
combination thereof, as determined in the sole discretion of the Compensation

         The Group has adopted a phantom stock appreciation rights plan (the
"SAR Plan") which allows for the grant to key employees of The Group and its
affiliates of up to 300,000 stock appreciation rights. The Compensation
Committee administers the SAR Plan and selects the key employees who will
receive grants of the rights. The SAR Plan includes a vesting schedule similar
to that of the Stock Option Plan, with the rights generally becoming 100% vested
four years from the date of the grant. Upon exercise of a stock appreciation
right, the key employee is entitled to receive cash in an amount equal to the
difference between the fair market value of the Common Stock at the exercise
date and the exercise price (which shall not be less than 90 percent of the fair
market value of the Common Stock at the date of grant).


         The Compensation Committee consists of Messrs. Tract, Warren and
Wright. Mr. Tract is both a director of The Group as well as a partner of
Rosenman & Colin and a former partner of Kroll & Tract. Rosenman & Colin has
served as counsel to The Group, Navigators, NIC and certain of the Somerset
Companies since August 1994. Until August 1994, Kroll & Tract served as general
counsel to The Group, Navigators, NIC and certain of the Somerset Companies
since before 1986. Mr. Tract serves as trustee under several instruments of
trust for the benefit of children of Mr. and Mrs. Deeks. Mr. Tract is a member
of the Audit, Compensation and Nominating Committees.

         The Group has entered into the Wright Consulting Agreement with Robert
F. Wright Associates, Inc., pursuant to which Robert F. Wright Associates, Inc.
provides certain consulting services to The Group. Robert F. Wright, a director
of The Group, is the President of Robert F. Wright Associates, Inc. The Wright
Consulting Agreement provides for an annual consultation fee of $26,000 to be
paid to Robert F. Wright Associates, Inc. Mr. Wright is a member of the Audit,
Compensation, Finance and Nominating Committees.

         The Group also has entered into the Warren Consulting Agreement with
William D. Warren, pursuant to which Mr. Warren provides certain consulting
services to The Group. The Warren Consulting Agreement provides for an annual
consultation fee of $25,000. Mr. Warren is a member of the Compensation
Committee and the Executive Committee.


         The Compensation Committee of The Group's Board of Directors, which
consists of Messrs. Tract, Warren and Wright, is charged, among other things, to
make periodic reviews of The Group's compensation arrangements and to make
recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to such arrangements. The
Committee was organized in July 1994 and first met formally in December 1994.
For Mr. Deeks, compensation arrangements for the three year period commencing
June 30, 1994, with the exception of the determination of annual incentive
payments and grants of stock options, were adopted prior to the Committee's
formation and reflected in the Employment Agreement with Mr. Deeks. The
arrangement has been reviewed and approved or ratified by the Committee.

         The principal objectives of the Committee's compensation policies are
to attract and retain qualified executives and to provide incentives for such
executives to enhance the profitability and growth of the Company and thus
enhance stockholder value. The executive compensation program consists
principally of base salaries, an annual incentive plan, the two stock option
plans and the phantom stock appreciation rights plan. The following describes
components of The Group's executive compensation program for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 1996 and the related factors considered by the Committee in
determining compensation.

         Base Salaries. Base Salaries were determined after evaluating a number
of factors, including local market conditions, job performance and amounts paid
to executives with comparable experience, qualifications and responsibilities at
other insurance companies and underwriting management companies.

         Annual Incentive Plan. The Group's annual incentive plan consisted
principally of bonus payments based on the following factors, subject to a
maximum bonus amount for each officer or key employee specified as a percentage
of his or her base salary: (i) return on capital; (ii) underwriting results; and
(iii) subjective evaluation. Officers and key employees are grouped into three
categories for the purposes of annual incentive awards, with compensation of the
executive officers of The Group tied exclusively to return on capital and
subjective evaluation. The portion of the officer or key employee's maximum
bonus amount attributable to the return on capital factor is determined by
reference to an incremental scale, with such officer or key employee becoming
eligible for the maximum bonus amount if a 20% return on capital is achieved.
The amount of the bonus for officers and key employees with underwriting
responsibilities was primarily based

on a formula tied to their individual underwriting results. The factors to be
considered in determining the maximum bonus amounts and the relative weighting
of such factors are subject to revision.

                  The objectives of the annual incentive plan in 1996 were to
reward top executives and key employees for achieving defined annual performance
goals, provide superior rewards for superior competitive performance and reward
executives and key employees based on performance measures that are recognized
within the industry and among investors as being key measures of success. The
Committee believes its annual incentive plan is typical within the industry and
permits management to adjust the goals annually to reflect the competitive
environment. In addition, by aligning the financial interests of The Group's
executives and key employees with those of The Group's Stockholders, the annual
incentive plan is intended to be directly related to the creation of value for
Stockholders of The Group.

         Stock Option Plans and Stock Appreciation Rights. The Group has adopted
two stock option plans and a stock appreciation rights plan which allow for the
grant to key employees of stock options and stock appreciation rights which
generally vest over a number of years. The number of shares of Common Stock
subject to an executive's stock option grant and stock appreciation rights grant
is determined with reference to the responsibility and experience of the
executive and competitive conditions. By aligning the financial interests of The
Group's executives with those of The Group's Stockholders, these equity-based
awards are intended to be directly related to the creation of value for
Stockholders of The Group. The deferred vesting provisions are designed to
create an incentive for an individual executive to remain with The Group.

         Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. The Committee reviewed
the 1996 compensation levels of Terence N. Deeks, President and Chairman of the
Board of The Group, within the context of industry information regarding chief
executive officers with comparable experience, qualifications and
responsibilities at other insurance companies and underwriting management
companies. The Committee also considered local market conditions and job
performance, as well as the significant ownership position of Mr. Deeks and the
fact that he has received substantial compensation in the past. For 1996, Mr.
Deeks received from The Group and the Somerset Companies a base salary of
$400,000 per annum and annual incentive compensation payments of $327,357. Mr.
Deeks was not granted any stock options in 1996.

         Under Section 162(m) ("Section 162(m)") of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended, effective in 1994, annual compensation in excess of $1.0
million paid to the chief executive officer or any of the four other highest
compensated officers of any publicly-held corporation will not be deductible in
certain circumstances. Generally, "performance-based" compensation, as defined
in Section 162(m), is not subject to the limitation if certain requirements are
satisfied. The compensation of no executive officer was subject to the
limitation of Section 162(m) in 1996. The Compensation Committee intends to
structure The Group's annual incentive plan and any stock-based compensation for
executive officers so that such compensation qualifies as performance-based
compensation under Section 162(m).

Submitted by the Compensation Committee:
         Marc M. Tract
         William D. Warren
         Robert F. Wright


         The comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Returns among The Group,
Standard & Poor's 500 Composite ("S&P 500") and the S&P Property & Casualty
Insurance Industry ("Insurance Industry") listed companies is as follows:

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                           TOTAL SHAREHOLDER RETURNS

                                           1991         1992          1993          1994         1995         1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Navigators Group, Inc.               $100.00        $79.27        $85.37        $38.58       $46.90       $48.56
S&P 500 Comp Ltd.                        $100.00       $107.62       $118.46       $120.03      $165.13      $203.05
Property-Casualty Insurance              $100.00       $117.11       $115.04       $120.67      $163.38      $198.53

         The Stock Performance Graph, as presented above, which was prepared
with the aid of independent consultant Standard & Poor's Compustat, a division
of McGraw-Hill, Inc., reflects the cumulative return on the common stocks of The
Group, S&P 500 and the Insurance Industry, respectively, assuming an original
investment in each of $100 on December 31, 1991 (the "base") and reinvestment of
dividends to the extent declared. Cumulative returns for each fiscal year
subsequent to 1991 are measured as a change from this base.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2


         KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, Certified Public Accountants, have been
appointed by the Board of Directors, upon the recommendation of the Audit
Committee of the Board of Directors, as independent auditors for The Group to
examine and report on its financial statements for 1997, which appointment will
be submitted to the Stockholders for ratification at the Meeting.
Representatives of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP are expected to be present at the
Meeting, with the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so, and
to be available to respond to appropriate questions. The appointment of the
independent auditors will be ratified if it receives the affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of the shares of The Group's Common Stock present at the
Meeting, in person or by proxy. Submission of the appointment of the auditors to
the Stockholders for ratification will not limit the authority of the Board of
Directors or its Audit Committee to appoint another accounting firm to serve as
independent auditors if the present auditors resign or their engagement is
otherwise terminated.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 3
                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL

         The Group has been advised by Mr. Kenneth Steiner, Kenneth Steiner
Investments, 14 Stoner Avenue, Suite 2-M, Great Neck, N.Y. 11021, that he is the
owner of 225 shares of Common Stock and that he intends to present to the Annual
Meeting the following:

         "Independent Board

         Whereas the Board of Directors is meant to be an independent body
         elected by shareholders charged by law and shareholders with the duty,
         authority and responsibility to formulate and direct corporate policies
         and is to be held to the highest standards of fiduciary care, duty and

         Now therefore be it "resolved that the shareholders request that the
         Company's Board of Directors be comprised of a majority of independent
         directors, meaning that the majority of the board will be individuals
         who do not currently work or consult with the Company, have been
         employed by the Company or have consulted with the Company in the past.
         This is meant to be applied only to nominees for directors at meetings
         subsequent to the 1997 annual meeting."

         Supporting Statement

         I believe that shareholders will be better served when the majority of
         the board is truly independent. Such independent individuals hopefully
         will bring true objectivity to serious issues facing our company.

         As matter stand today, the majority of the members of the Board of
         Directors are individuals who either are employed by, do work for, or
         have been employed by the Company in the past. There is an apparent
         conflict of interest each time matters concerning executive
         compensation policies, possible takeover offers and corporate
         governance issues arise. I am a founding member of the Investors Rights
         Association of America and I believe this is a matter that is urgent
         and must be presented to the shareholders for action.


Board of Directors Statement in Opposition

         The Board of Directors agrees with the principle that directors should
be independent. Accordingly, only one of our current seven member board is an
employee or former employee of The Group. The Board of Directors, however,
cannot support the proposal because of its unduly restrictive definition of
director independence. The proposal seeks to impose "independence" requirements
that are broad and arbitrary and would exclude many qualified candidates who
have demonstrated a longstanding interest in The Group's development and who
have devoted considerable time and energy in pursuit of that interest.

         The proponent assumes that a director who currently performs work for
or consults with The Group will not act with objectivity or in the best interest
of the Stockholders. The Board of Directors disagrees with this assumption. The
Group believes that the interests of The Group's directors, which, in the
aggregate, beneficially own approximately 53% of The Group's shares, are closely
aligned with those of the Stockholders. Further, The Group believes that the
proposal would exclude many individuals who, through past or present
professional service or consulting arrangements, are often the most
knowledgeable and familiar with The Group and its operations and are, therefore,
in the best position to further the interests of The Group and its Stockholders.

         The Board of Directors believes that it would be imprudent to adopt and
apply the criteria as set forth in the proposal without evaluating the substance
of each relationship in question and the overall qualifications of the Board
nominee. This proposal restricts rather than enhances The Group's ability to
locate and retain the most qualified individuals to serve as directors. The
stockholder proposal, if implemented, would merely limit the freedom of choice
presently enjoyed by The Group's Stockholders.



                             COME BEFORE THE MEETING

         Management does not know of any other matters to be brought before the
Meeting except those set forth in the notice thereof. If other business is
properly presented for consideration at the Meeting, it is intended that the
proxies will be voted by the persons named therein in accordance with their
judgment on such matters.


         Approval of Proposals 1, 2 and 3 require the affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of the total number of shares of Common Stock represented
at the Meeting. Stockholders are entitled to one vote per share on all matters
submitted for consideration at the Meeting.

                                  OTHER MATTERS


                  Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires
The Group's directors, executive officers and persons who own more than 10% of
The Group's Common Stock to file certain reports regarding the ownership of The
Group's Common Stock with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"Commission") and the Nasdaq National Market. These insiders are required by the
Commission's regulations to furnish The Group with copies of all Section 16(a)
forms they file. To The Group's knowledge, based solely on review of the copies
of such reports furnished to The Group and written representations that no
reports were required, all of its directors and executive officers made all
required filings on time, except for one late report filed by Terence N. Deeks
with respect to two transactions, one late report filed by Salvatore A.
Margarella with respect to five transactions, one late report filed by Robert
A. Rogers with respect to four transactions and one late report filed by W.
Allen Barnett with respect to one transaction, each of which was not reported on
a timely basis.


         Under Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, Stockholders
have the right to dissent from certain corporate actions. In such cases,
dissenting stockholders are entitled to have their shares appraised and paid the
fair value of their shares provided that certain procedures perfecting their
rights are followed. The proposals described in this proxy statement do not
entitle a Stockholder to exercise any such dissenters' or appraisal rights.


         Any proposal by a Stockholder of The Group intended to be presented at
the 1998 Annual Meeting of Stockholders must be received by The Group at its
principal executive office not later than January 21, 1998 for inclusion in The
Group's proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting. Any such
proposal must also comply with the other requirements of the proxy solicitation
rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.


STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES THERETO. The Form 10-K Annual Report for 1996 provided
to Stockholders will not include the documents listed in the exhibit index of
the Form 10-K. Upon written request, The Group will furnish to the Stockholder
copies of any exhibits for a nominal charge. Requests should be addressed to The
Navigators Group, Inc., Attn: Bradley D. Wiley, Investor Relations Department,
123 William Street, New York, New York 10038.


         Officers and employees of The Group may solicit proxies. Proxies may be
solicited by personal interview, mail, telegraph and telephone. Brokerage houses
and other institutions, nominees and fiduciaries will be requested to forward
solicitation material to the beneficial owners of Common Stock, and will be
reimbursed for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in forwarding such
solicitation material. The costs of preparing this Proxy Statement and all other
costs in connection with the solicitation of proxies for the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders are being borne by The Group. It is estimated that said costs will
be nominal.

         Your cooperation in giving this matter your immediate attention and in
returning your proxy promptly will be appreciated.
                                         By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                                  Bradley D. Wiley

New York, New York
May 7, 1997

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

                EXHIBIT                                                                      NUMBERED
                  NO.                               DESCRIPTION                                PAGE
                  99                   Form of Proxy of The Group

                                 [Form of Proxy]

                           THE NAVIGATORS GROUP, INC.
                               123 William Street
                            New York, New York 10038


Terence N. Deeks and Bradley D. Wiley, or any one of them, with power of
substitution, are hereby authorized as proxies to represent, and to vote the
shares of, the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of The
Navigators Group, Inc. to be held at 10:00 a.m., New York City time, Thursday,
May 29, 1997, at India House, 1 Hanover Square, New York, New York, and at any
adjournment thereof. The proxies are to vote the shares of the undersigned as
instructed below and on the reverse side and in accordance with their judgement
on all other matters which may properly come before the Meeting.

  The Board of Directors Recommends a Vote FOR 1.

  1.  Election of Directors    [ ] For all nominees  [ ] Withhold Authority to
                                                      vote for all nominees
                               [ ]  Abstain


                  Terence N. Deeks, Robert M. DeMichele, Leandro S. Galban, Jr.,
                  John F. Knight, Marc M. Tract, William D. Warren and Robert F.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  The Board of Directors Recommends a Vote FOR 2.

  2. Ratification of the Selection
     of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as
     independent certified public accountant.    [ ] For [ ] Against [ ] Abstain

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The Board of Directors Recommends a Vote AGAINST 3.

3.  The Stockholder Proposal with regard to the  [ ] For [ ] Against [ ] Abstain
     composition of the Board of Directors.


Please sign this Proxy Form which is SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF
DIRECTORS, and Return it Promptly in the Enclosed Postage Prepaid envelope.

                                   Dated:              , 1997


                                   Please sign exactly as name appears hereon.