Exhibit 3.26

No. 2899075

                        THE COMPANIES ACTS 1985 AND 1989


                            COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES


                            MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION



1.    The name of the Company is "sparkling Spring Water UK Limited".

2.    The registered office of the Company will be situated in England and

3.    The object of the Company is to carry on business as a general commercial
      company. In particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the
      foregoing, the Company has the following objects:

      (a)   (i) To manufacture, buy, sell, improve, treat, preserve, fine
            aerate, mineralise, bottle and otherwise deal in spring mineral and
            aerated waters and other liquids of every description and to carry
            on all or any of the business of manufacturers, bottlers, merchants
            and distributors of and dealers in spring mineral and aerated waters
            and other liquids of every description.

            (ii) To purchase, lease or otherwise acquire bottles, drums and
            other containers for water and other liquids and supply the same to

            (iii) To supply maintenance, cleaning and sanitation services.

      (b)   To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire
            and hold, for any estate or interest, and manage any lands,
            buildings, servitudes, easements, rights, privileges, concessions,
            machinery, plant, stock-in-trade and any heritable or moveable real
            or personal property of any kind.

      (c)   To purchase or otherwise acquire, dispose of, protect, extend and
            renew any patents, registered designs, trade marks, and service
            marks (whether registered or not) copyright, design right or any
            similar property rights including those subsisting in inventions,
            designs, drawings, performances, computer programs, semi-conductor
            topographies, confidential information, business names, goodwill and
            the style of presentation of goods or services and applications for
            protection thereof which may seem to the Company capable of being
            used for any of the purposes of the Company, or the acquisition of
            which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the
            Company and to use, exercise, develop, receive or grant licenses in
            respect of or otherwise turn to account any of the same for any
            purpose whatsoever, whether manufacturing or otherwise, which the
            Company may think calculated directly or indirectly to achieve these

      (d)   To form, promote, subsidize and assist companies, syndicates or
            other bodies of all kinds and to issue on commission or otherwise
            underwrite, subscribe for and take or guarantee the payment of any
            dividend or interest on any shares, stocks, debentures or other
            capital or securities or

            obligations of any such companies, syndicates or other bodies, and
            to pay or provide for brokerage commission and underwriting in
            respect of any such issue.

      (e)   To enter into partnerships or into any arrangement for sharing
            profits, union of interests, co-operation or otherwise with any
            person or company for the purpose of carrying on business within any
            of the objects of the Company.

      (f)   To carry on any other business which may seem to the Company capable
            of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above or
            calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render
            profitable any of the Company's property or rights.

      (g)   To purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake all or any part of
            the business, property, liabilities and transactions of any person,
            body or company carrying on any business which this Company is
            authorized to carry on, or possessed of property, assets or rights
            suitable for any of the objects of the Company.

      (h)   To develop, work, improve, manage, lease, mortgage, charge, pledge,
            turn to account or otherwise deal with all or any part of the
            property, assets or rights of the Company, to surrender or accept
            surrender of any lease or tenancy or rights, and to sell or deal
            with the property, assets, business, rights or undertaking of the
            Company, or any part thereof, and on such terms and for such
            consideration as the Company may think fit, and including for cash
            or shares, debentures or securities of any other company.

      (i)   To build, construct, erect, maintain, alter, replace or remove any
            buildings, works, offices, erections, plant, machinery, tools,
            equipment or otherwise as may seem desirable for any of the
            businesses or in the interests of the Company, and to manufacture,
            buy, sell, lease or otherwise acquire and generally deal in any
            plant, tools, machinery, goods or things of any description which
            may be conveniently dealt with in connection with any of the
            Company's objects.

      (j)   To manage and conduct the affairs of any companies, firms, bodies
            and persons carrying on business of any kind whatsoever, and in any
            part of the world.

      (k)   To enter into, carry on and participate in financial transactions
            and dealings and operations of all kinds and to take any steps which
            may be considered expedient for carrying into effect such
            transactions, dealings and operations including, without prejudice
            to the generality of the foregoing, borrowing and lending money and
            entering into contracts and arrangements of all kinds.

      (l)   To borrow or raise money in such manner as the company shall think
            fit and in particular by the issue (whether at par or at a premium
            discount and for such consideration as the Company may think fit) of
            bonds, debentures or debenture stock (payable to bearer or
            otherwise), mortgages or charges, shares or other securities,
            perpetual or otherwise, and, if the Company thinks fit, charged upon
            all or any of the Company's property (both present and future) and
            undertaking including its uncalled capital and further, if so

            thought fit, convertible into any stock or shares or securities of
            the Company or any other company, and collaterally or further to
            secure any obligations of the Company by a trust deed or other
            assurance or pledge.

      (m)   To guarantee or otherwise support or secure, either with or without
            the Company receiving any consideration or advantage and whether by
            personal covenant or by mortgaging or charging all or part of the
            undertaking, property, assets and rights present and future and
            uncalled capital of the Company or by both such methods or by any
            other means whatsoever, the liabilities and obligations of and the
            payment of any moneys whatsoever (including but not limited to
            capital, principal, premiums, interest, dividends, costs and
            expenses on any stocks, shares or securities) by any person, firm or
            company whatsoever including but not limited to any company which is
            for the time being the holding company or a subsidiary (both as
            defined by section 736 Companies Act 1985) of the Company or of the
            Company's holding company or is controlled by the same person or
            persons as control the Company or is otherwise associated with the
            Company in its business.

      (n)   To grant indemnities of every description and to undertake
            obligations of every description.

      (o)   To make, draw, accept, exchange, endorse, negotiate, execute and
            issue promissory notes, bills of exchange or other negotiable
            instruments or payment orders and to receive money on deposit or

      (p)   To pay all or any expenses incurred in connection with the formation
            and promotion and incorporation of the Company and to pay commission
            to and remunerate any person or company for services rendered in
            underwriting or placing, or assisting to underwrite or place, any of
            the shares in the Company's capital or any debentures or other
            securities of the Company, or in or about the formation or promotion
            of the Company or the conduct of its business.

      (q)   To pay for any property or rights acquired by the Company in such
            manner as the Company may think fit, including payment either in
            cash or fully or partly paid-up shares with or without preferred or
            deferred rights in respect of dividend or repayment of capital or
            otherwise, or by any securities which the Company has power to
            issue, or partly in one mode and partly in another and generally on
            such terms as the Company may determine.

      (r)   To accept payment for any property or rights sold or otherwise
            disposed of or dealt with by the Company in such manner as the
            Company may think fit, including payment either in cash, by
            installments or otherwise, or in fully or partly paid-up share of
            any company or corporation, with or without deferred or preferred
            rights in respect of dividend or repayment of capital or otherwise,
            or in debentures or mortgage debentures or debenture stock,
            mortgages or other securities of any company or corporation, or
            partly in one mode and partly in another, and generally on such
            terms as the Company may determine.

      (s)   While the Company remains a private company, and subject to the
            provisions of the Companies Act 1985, to:

                         [ MISSING PAGE TO BE TYPED IN]





      (x)   To procure the Company or any branch or representative of it to be
            registered or recognized in any country or place abroad or with any
            applicable regulatory authority.

      (y)   To obtain any provisional or other order or Act of Parliament of the
            United Kingdom or of the legislature of any other State or
            jurisdiction for enabling the Company to carry any of its objects
            into effect, or for effecting any modifications to the Company's
            constitution, or for any other purpose which may seem expedient, and
            to oppose or make representations in connection with any proceeding,
            proposal or application which may seem calculated, directly or
            indirectly, to prejudice the Company's interests.

      (z)   To appoint any person or persons, firm or firms, company or
            companies to be the attorney or agent of the Company and to act as
            agents, managers, secretaries, contractors or in similar capacity.

      (aa)  To insure the life of any person who may, in the opinion of the
            Company, be of value to the Company as having or holding for the

            interests, goodwill or influence or other assets and to pay the
            premiums on such insurance.

      (ab)  To establish and maintain or procure the establishment and
            maintenance of contributory or non-contributory pension or
            superannuation funds of the benefit of the person referred to below,
            to grant emoluments, pensions, allowances, donations, gratuities,
            loans and bonuses to such persons and to make payments for or
            towards insurance on the life or lives of such persons; to
            establish, subsidize, subscribe to or otherwise support any
            institution, association, society, club, other establishments, or
            fund, the support of which may, in the opinion of the Company, be
            calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the Company or any such
            persons, or may be connected with any place where the Company
            carries on business: to institute and maintain any institution,
            association, society, club or other establishment of profit-sharing
            scheme, share incentive scheme or employees' share scheme calculated
            to advance the interests if the Company or to benefit such persons;
            to institute and maintain or assist in the institution or
            maintenance of any scheme calculated to promote the purchase or
            holding of shares of or securities in the Company by the public, any
            section thereof or such persons; and, subject to the provisions of
            the Act, to lend money or make payments to, or guarantee or give an
            indemnity in respect of, or to give any financial or other
            assistance to, any such person, or trustees on their behalf or any
            other person, for the purposes of, or to facilitate the institution
            or maintenance of, any such

            schemes; to join, participate in and subsidize or assist any
            association of employers or employees or any trade association; and
            to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects
            or for any public, general or useful object or for any exhibition;
            the said persons are any persons who are or were at any time in the
            employment or service of the Company or of any of its businesses or
            of any company which was or is for the time being the holding
            company or a subsidiary (both as defined by section 736 Companies
            Act 1985) of the Company or of the company's holding company or is
            otherwise associated with the Company or any of its businesses or
            who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or
            of such other company or business aforesaid, or holding or who hold
            or who held any salaried employment or office in the Company or such
            other company or business, and the families (including former
            spouses) of them or any person who is or was dependent on them.

      (ac)  To purchase and maintain insurance for the benefit of any persons
            who are or were at any time directors, officers or employees of the
            Company or any other company which is a subsidiary or subsidiary
            undertaking of the Company or in which the Company has any interest,
            whether direct or indirect, or who are or were at any time trustees
            of any pension fund in which any employee of the Company or of any
            other such company or subsidiary undertaking are or have been
            interested indemnifying such persons against liability for
            negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust or any other
            liabilities which may be lawfully insured against.





            It is hereby declared that:



4.    The liability of the members is limited.

5.    The share capital of the Company is (pound)100 divided into 100 Ordinary
      Shares of (pound)1 each.

NOTE: By Ordinary Resolution of the Shareholders passed on 3rd June 1994 the
      authorized share capital of the Company was increased from (pound)100
      divided into 100 Ordinary Shares of (pound)1 each to (pound)1,990,000
      divided into 1,990,000 Shares of (pound)1 each by the creation of
      1,989,900 new Ordinary Shares of (pound)1 each.

We,   the entity whose name, address and description is subscribed, are desirous
      of being formed into a Company in pursuance of this Memorandum of
      Association and we agree to take the number of shares in the capital of
      the company set opposite our name.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                          Number of
                                                          Shares taken
        NAME, ADDRESS AND DESCRIPTION                     by Subscriber
               OF SUBSCRIBER                              (in words)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Norton Rose Limited,                              One
               Blackfriars House,
                      P.O. Box 570,
                            19 New Bridge Street,
                                  London EC4V 6DH         Paul Edelstyn
                                                          (authorized signatory)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DATED this 7th February 1994

WITNESS to the above Signature:

Matthew Rutter,
      Blackfriars House
             P.O. Box 570,
                   19 New Bridge Street,
                         London EC4V 6DH

Trainee Solicitor

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Norton Rose Limited,                              One
               Blackfriars House,
                      P.O. Box 570,
                             19 New Bridge Street,
                                    London EC4V 6DH       Paul Edelstyn
                                                          (authorized signatory)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DATED this 7th February 1994

WITNESS to the above signature:

Matthew Rutter,
        Blackfriars House
               P.O. Box 570,
                      19 New Bridge Street,
                             London EC4V 6DH

Trainee Solicitor

                                                                         Annex A

                        THE COMPANIES ACTS 1985 and 1989


                            COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES


                               SPECIAL RESOLUTION



                             Passed on 7th June 1994

      AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above-named Company, duly
convened, and held on 7th June 1994, the following Resolution was duly passed as
a Special Resolution:

                               SPECIAL RESOLUTION

THAT the Articles of Association be amended by the addition of the following new
Article 2.6:

      2.6   (a) No dividend shall be declared or paid by the Company during the
            Security Period (as defined in the Credit Agreement) without the
            prior written consent of the Bank (as defined in the Credit

            (b) For the purposes of this Article 2.6, "Credit Agreement" means
            the credit agreement of even date as the date of adoption of this
            Article 2.6 and made between the Company (1) and National
            Westminster Bank plc (as the Bank) (2)".
