Exhibit 3.27

                             The Companies Act 1985


                            Company Limited By Shares


                            MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                             AQUAPORTE (UK) LIMITED

            1.    The name of the company is "AQUAPORTE (UK) LIMITED"

            2.    The registered office of the Company will be situated in

            3.    The objects for which the Company is established are:

                  (1)   To carry on all or any of the following businesses:
                        Representatives, agents, factors, distributors,
                        importers, exporters, manufacturers and wholesale and
                        retail dealers for or on behalf of any individual,
                        company, firm or other body or as principals in and
                        about every kind of marketable product, process,
                        materials and services of whatever description, and for
                        these purposes to negotiate and handle contracts and
                        agreements of all kinds, to act as representatives and
                        agents of and for any individual, company, firm,
                        association, authority, organization or other body in
                        any part of the work and for any purpose whatever, to
                        tender for and to place contracts, investments and other
                        rights, to act for and to provide all kinds of services,
                        agencies and consultancies to all or any parties or
                        prospective parties to any contract or other agreement,
                        and to carry on business as advertising

                        and publicity agents, sales promoters, marketing and
                        market research specialists, direct selling and mail
                        order specialists, exhibition and display contractors
                        and promoters, merchandising agents, warehousers,
                        storers, packers, customs house brokers, shipping and
                        forwarding agents, clearing agents, wharfingers,
                        insurance brokers, carriers, hauliers and providers of
                        all kinds of facilities in connection with or ancillary
                        to any of the above businesses and all other businesses
                        at the discretion of the Directors.

                  (2)   To buy, sell, export, manufacture and deal in all kinds
                        of goods, stores and equipment whether in connection
                        with any of the above activities or otherwise and to act
                        as agents for all purposes.

                  (3)   To apply for, purchase or otherwise acquire any patents,
                        licenses, concessions, privileges and like rights,
                        conferring a non-exclusive or exclusive or limited right
                        to use, or any secret or other information as to any
                        invention which may seem capable of being used for any
                        of the purposes of the Company, or the acquisition of
                        which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to
                        benefit the Company and to use, exercise, develop, grant
                        licenses in respect of, or otherwise turn to account,
                        the rights and information so acquired.

                  (4)   To sell, improve, manage, develop, lease, mortgage, let,
                        charge, dispose of, turn to account, or otherwise deal
                        with all or any part of the undertaking or property or
                        rights of the Company, and to sell the undertaking of
                        the Company, or any part thereof for such consideration
                        as the Company may think fit, and in particular for
                        cash, shares, debentures or debenture stock


                        or other obligations, whether fully paid or otherwise,
                        of any other company.

                  (5)   To carry on the business of commission agents, factors,
                        general merchants and dealers in every description of
                        goods, exporters and importers, concessionaires,
                        wholesale and retail traders, carriers, warehousemen,
                        designers, advertising contractors or agents, or
                        trustees, brokers or agents for any company.

                  (6)   To manufacture, refine, repair, purchase, sell, export,
                        import, deal in or let on hire all kinds of goods,
                        substances and other articles which may be advantageous
                        to the Company or which any of the customers or other
                        companies having dealings with the Company may from time
                        to time require.

                  (7)   To carry on any other activity and do anything of any
                        nature which may seem to the Company capable of being
                        conveniently carried on or done by the Company in
                        connection with the above, or may seem to the Company
                        calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the

                  (8)   To purchase, take on lease or license or in exchange,
                        apply for, hire, renew or otherwise acquire and hold for
                        any estate or interest, and to sell, let, license or
                        otherwise dispose of, in whole or in party, any lands,
                        buildings, machinery, rights, stock-in-trade, business
                        concerns, chooses in action, and any other real and
                        personal property of any kind including all of the
                        assets of the Company and to perform any services or
                        render any consideration and to construct, equip, alter
                        and maintain any buildings, works and


                        machinery necessary or convenient for the Company's
                        business and in each case for any consideration which
                        may be thought fit.

                  (9)   To enter into partnership or any other arrangement for
                        sharing profits or joint adventure or co-operation with
                        any company carrying on, engaged in or about to carry on
                        or engage in any business or transaction capable of
                        being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit
                        the Company, and to subsidize or otherwise assist any
                        such company.

                  (10)  To invest and deal with moneys of the Company not
                        immediately required in or upon such investments (other
                        than shares in the Company) and in such manner as may
                        from time to time seem expedient.

                  (11)  To lend money to such companies with or without security
                        and otherwise on such terms as may seem expedient.

                  (12)  To guarantee, grant indemnities in respect of, support
                        or secure, whether by personal convenant or by
                        mortgaging or charging all or any part of the
                        undertaking, property and assets (present and future)
                        and uncalled capital of the Company or by both such
                        methods, the performance of the contracts or obligations
                        and the repayment or payment of the principal and
                        premium of an interest and dividends on any securities
                        or obligations of any company whether having objects or
                        engaged or intending to engage in business similar to
                        those of the Company or not.

                  (13)  To borrow and raise money and to secure or discharge any
                        debt or obligation of or binding on the Company in such
                        manner as may be thought fit an din particular by
                        mortgages and charges upon the undertaking and all or
                        any of the property and assets (present and future) and
                        the uncalled


                        capital of the Company, or by the creation and issue on
                        such terms as may be thought expedient of securities of
                        any description.

                  (14)  To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and
                        issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, shipping
                        documents and other negotiable or transferable
                        instruments, and to buy, sell and deal in foreign

                  (15)  To grant pensions, allowances, gratuities and bonuses to
                        existing or former employees and officers (including
                        Directors) of the Company or of any company in which the
                        Company (directly or through other companies) holds
                        shares or of any predecessor in business of the Company
                        or of its holding company, or to their dependents or
                        relations or connections, and to make payments towards
                        insurance for any such purpose, and to establish or
                        support trusts, funds or schemes (whether contributory
                        or non-contributory) for any such purposes or any other
                        institutions, trusts, funds, schemes, clubs and
                        conveniences calculated to benefit any such persons.

                  (16)  To promote or assist in promoting any company or
                        companies in any part of the world and to subscribe for
                        shares therein or other securities thereof for the
                        purpose of carrying on any business which the Company is
                        authorized to carry on or for any other purpose which
                        may seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit
                        the Company.

                  (17)  To amalgamate with any other company in any manner
                        whatsoever (whether with or without a liquidation of the

                  (18)  To procure the Company to be registered or recognized in
                        any country or place in any part of the world.


                  (19)  To compensate for loss of office any Directors or other
                        officers of the Company and to make payments to any
                        persons whose office, employment or duties may be
                        terminated by virtue of any transaction in which the
                        Company is engaged.

                  (20)  To pay out of the funds of the Company the costs,
                        charges and expenses of any incidental to the formation
                        and registration of the Company or any company promoted
                        by the Company, the issue of the capital of the Company
                        or any such other company, the negotiations between the
                        promoters preliminary to the formation of the Company,
                        the acquisition by the Company of any property or assets
                        and the accomplishment of all or any formalities which
                        the Company may think necessary or proper in connection
                        with any of the matters aforesaid.

                  (21)  To insure with any other company against losses,
                        damages, risks and liabilities of all kinds which may
                        affect the Company.

                  (22)  To act as directors or managers of, or to appoint
                        directors or managers of, any subsidiary company or any
                        other company in which the Company is or may be

                  (23)  To contribute by donation, subscription, guarantee or
                        otherwise to any public, general, charitable or other
                        useful object whatever.

                  (24)  To distribute among the members in specie any property
                        of the Company, or any proceeds of sale or disposal of
                        any property of the Company, but so that no distribution
                        amounting to a reduction of capital be made except with
                        the sanction (if any) for the time being required by


                  (25)  To do all or any of the above things in any part of the
                        world, and either as principals, agents, trustees,
                        contractors or otherwise, and either alone or in
                        conjunction with others, and either by or through
                        agents, sub-contractors, trustees, subsidiaries or

                  (26)  To do all such other things as are incidental or
                        conducive to the above objects or any of them.

            It is hereby declared that the word "company" in this clause shall
            (except where referring to the Company) be deemed to include any
            person or partnership or other body of persons, whether incorporated
            or not incorporated, and whether domiciled in Great Britain or
            elsewhere. The intention is that the objects specified in each
            paragraph of this clause shall, except where otherwise expressed, be
            in nowise limited or restricted by reference to or inference from
            the terms of any other paragraph, form the name of the Company or
            from the order in which such objects are stated, but may be carried
            out in as full and ample a manner and shall be construed in as wide
            a sense as if each of the said paragraphs defined the objects of a
            separate and independent company.

            4.    The liability of the members is limited.

            5.*   The share capital of the Company is (pound)100, divided into
                  100 Ordinary shares of (pound)1 each.

- ----------
* Pursuant to an Ordinary Resolution passed on ?th April 1995, the Authorized
Share Capital was increased to (pound)40,000, divided into 40,000 Ordinary
shares of (pound)1 each.


                  WE, the several persons whose names and addresses are
            subscribed, are desirous of being formed into a Company in pursuance
            of this Memorandum of Association, and we respectively agree to take
            the number of shares in the capital of the Company set opposite our
            respective names.

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            ROBERT JOHN WINDMILL                One
            Inveresk House
            1 Aldwych
            London WC2R OHF


            Inveresk House
            1 Aldwych
            London WC2R OHF


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            Dated this 7th day of December 1988.

            Witness to the above Signatures:

            JOHN STEIN
            Inveresk House
            1 Aldwych
            London WC2R OHF

