Exhibit 3.29

                        THE COMPANIES ACTS, 1946 TO 1976


                            COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES


                            MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION




I.    The name of the Company is Marlborough Employment Limited.

II.   The Registered Office of the Company will be situate in Scotland.

III.  The objects for which the Company is established are:-

      1.    To carry on business as an employment agency and to promote and
            establish contract between employers and employees, partners,
            vendors and purchasers of and in all types of business, professional
            practice, trade and property whatsoever, and in particular but
            without prejudice to the foregoing generality:-

            (a)   To act as agents for the provision of the services of and the
                  procuring of temporary or permanent employment for all types
                  of management or executive staff, professional, commercial,
                  technical, scientific, engineering, electronic and sales and
                  distributive staff of all kinds.

            (b)   To act as agents for the provision of the services of and the
                  procuring of temporary or permanent employment for shorthand
                  typists, copy typists, office machine operators, telephonists,
                  receptionists, clerks, clerkesses, cashiers, bookkeepers, cash
                  room assistants and other classes of clerical, secretarial and
                  office staff and to undertake and transact agency work of all

            (c)   To set up and maintain Registers of vacancies in all types of
                  professional, technical, scientific and secretarial employment
                  and Registers of all types of

                  staff with full particulars and to make suitable charges for
                  all entries in such Registers and to charge commissions or
                  other fees for successful placings.

            (d)   To carry on business as manufacturers of and dealers in paper,
                  stationary and office requisites of all kinds.

            (e)   To undertake duplicating, copy typing, shorthand typing,
                  printing, lithography, electro typing, photography,
                  photographic printing, photo-lithography, photo-copying,
                  engraving and all other types of transfer and copy work.

            (f)   To carry out as principals or agents all forms of computer
                  operations and data processing, the provision of systems
                  analysis, punch card systems and the renting and application
                  of computer time, and the provision, renting and operating of
                  business accounting machine of all types.

            (g)   To enter into contracts for the provision of scientific,
                  technical, engineering, secretarial and manual assistance of
                  all kinds and to be responsible for the administration,
                  discipline and payment of those providing such assistance.

            (h)   To carry on the business of promotors, organisers and
                  conductors of training and instructional courses of all kinds
                  likely to be required by employers or otherwise in connection
                  with any businesses either alone or in conjunction with
                  Government Training Boards, and that either by means of
                  individual or class tuition, postal tuition or by lectures or
                  otherwise as may be required.

            (i)   To carry on business as advertising contractors or agents,
                  service agents, publicity agents, press agents and press
                  cutting agents, sales consultants and specialists and business

      2.    To carry on any other business which may be conveniently carried on
            in connection with any of the Company's objects or may be calculated
            directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable
            any of the Company's properties, assets, rights or interests.

      3.    To carry on all or any of the foregoing businesses either on account
            of the Company or for others and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair,
            alter and exchange, let on hire and deal in all kinds of apparatus,
            articles, goods or things which may be required for the purposes of
            the businesses carried on by the Company or any of them or which may
            be supplied, manufactured, sold or dealt in by persons engaged in
            any such businesses or which may seem capable of being profitably
            dealt with in connection with any of the said businesses.

      4.    To acquire and take over all or any part of the property, business
            and liabilities of any person or company carrying on any business
            which this Company is authorized

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            to carry on, or possessed of any property suitable for the purpose
            of the Company or which may be conveniently joined or carried on in
            connection with the business of the Company or calculated directly
            or indirectly to enhance the value of, or facilitate the realisation
            of, or render profitable any of the Company's property or rights;
            and as the consideration for the same to pay cash or to issue
            shares, debentures or debenture stock of the Company or partly in
            one of such modes and partly in another or others.

      5.    To acquire by purchase, ???, lease, exchange, hire or otherwise any
            heritable or moveable property and any interest therein which the
            Company may consider expedient to be held for the purposes of the
            Company and to erect, reconstruct, maintain and repair any buildings
            thereon and to dispose of by sale, ???, lease, exchange or otherwise
            any such property, buildings or interest therein.

      6.    To invest the capital and other moneys of the Company in the
            purchase, or to lend the same upon the security, of shares, stocks,
            debentures, debenture stock, bonds, mortgages, obligations and
            securities of any kind, issued or guaranteed by any company,
            corporation, or undertaking, of whatever nature constituted or
            carrying on business in any part of the world, or by any Government,
            Sovereign, Ruler, Commissioners, public body or authority -- whether
            in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or
            elsewhere; provided that the moneys of the Company shall neither be
            employed in the purchase, nor lent upon the security, of its own
            shares or stock.

      7.    To sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of, deal with, or turn to
            account, any of the shares, stocks, and others acquired or agreed to
            be acquired, and generally to vary the securities and investments of
            the Company from time to time.

      8.    To receive, borrow or raise money in such manner as may be thought
            fit, and for that purpose to issue debentures or debenture stock,
            perpetual or redeemable, or to draw, make, accept, endorse,
            discount, sell, execute, deposit, and issue banker's drafts,
            cheques, bonds of cash credit, bills of exchange, promissory notes
            and other like instruments and to secure the repayment of any moneys
            borrowed or, raised or owing by the Company by a charge or lien upon
            or conveyance of, the whole, or any part of the Company's property
            or assets, including its uncalled capital, and to give to lenders
            and creditors, or trustees for their behoof, powers of sale and all
            or other usual and necessary powers.

      9.    To lend and advance money or give credit with or without security to
            such persons or companies and on such terms as may be thought fit,
            and in particular to persons dealing with the Company.

      10.   To transact or carry on al kinds of agency business.

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      11.   To give any guarantee in relation to the repayment of any
            debentures, debenture stock, bonds, obligations, or other
            securities, or the payment of any interest or dividends thereon.

      12.   To guarantee, support or secure, whether by personal covenant or by
            mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property
            and assets )present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company
            or by both such methods the performance of the obligations and the
            repayment or payment of the principal and premium of and interest on
            any securities or obligations of any company which is for the time
            being associated with the Company in business or otherwise.

      13.   To promote any other company for the purpose of acquiring all or any
            of the property, and undertaking all or any of the liabilities of,
            this Company or of undertaking any business or operations which may
            appear likely to assist or benefit this Company, and to place or
            guarantee the placing of, underwrite, apply for, accept and hold, or
            subscribe, the whole or any part of the capital or securities of any
            such company, or to lend money to, or guarantee the performance of
            the contracts of, any such company, and to amalgamate with any other
            company or companies.

      14.   To sell or otherwise dispose of the whole or any part of the
            undertakings of the Company for such consideration as may be agreed,
            and in particular for shares, debentures, debenture stock, or
            securities of any company purchasing the same.

      15.   To lend money upon the security of any real or heritable property of
            any description or tenure, or of any interest therein, situated in
            any part of the world, or of any moveable property.

      16.   To act as agents, or brokers, and as trustees, for any person, firm
            or company, and to undertake and perform sub-contracts, and also to
            not in any of the businesses of the Company through or by means of
            agents, brokers, sub-contractors, or others.

      17.   To remunerate any person, firm or company rendering services to this
            Company, either by each payment or by the allotment to him or them
            of shares or securities of the Company credited as paid up in full
            or in part, or otherwise.

      18.   To provide for the welfare of persons (including Managing Directors
            and Managers) in or formerly in the employment of the Company, and
            the wives, widows, families and dependents of such persons by the
            grant of pensions, allowances or other payments.

      19.   To pay all or any expenses incurred in connection with the
            formation, promotion, and incorporation of the Company, or to
            contract with any person, firm or company to pay the same, and to
            pay commissions to brokers and others for underwriting, placing,
            selling or guaranteeing the subscriptions of any shares,

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            debentures, or securities of this Company, or of any company
            promoted by this Company.

      20.   To effect insurance against risk of loss to the Company.

      21.   To distribute among the members of the Company in kind any property
            of the Company, and in particular any shares, debentures, or
            securities of other companies, belonging to this Company, or of
            which this Company may have the power of disposing.

      22.   To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive
            to the attainment of the above objects, or any of them.

      And it is hereby declared that the word "company" in this Clause, except
      where used in reference to this Company, shall be deemed to include any
      partnership or other body of persons whether incorporated or not and
      whether domiciled in the United Kingdom or elsewhere; that the words
      "property" and "assets" shall include heritable or real estate as well as
      moveable or personal estate; that words importing the singular number only
      shall include the plural number and vice versa; and that objects specified
      in each paragraph of this clause shall except where otherwise expressed in
      such paragraph, be in no ??? limited by reference to or inference from any
      other paragraph.

IV.   The liability of the members is limited.

V.    The Share Capital of the Company is (pound)50,000 divided into 50,000
      Ordinary Shares of (pound)1 each. The shares forming the capital for the
      time being of the Company may be divided into such classes and have
      attached thereto such respective preferences, rights or privileges and be
      subject to such conditions or restrictions as are defined by the Articles
      of the Association for the time being of the Company.

WE, the several persons whose names and addresses are subscribed, are desirous
of being formed into a Company in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association,
and we respectively agree to take the number of Shares in the Capital of the
Company set opposite our respective manner.

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Names Addresses and Descriptions of              Number of Shares taken
Subscribers.                                     by each Subscriber

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Dated the      day of                  1978

Name, address and description of witness to the above Signatures:

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