Exhibit 3.30

                        THE COMPANIES ACTS, 1948 TO 1976


                            COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES


                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION



1.    The regulations contained in Part I of Table "A" appended to the Companies
      Act, 1948 shall apply to and shall be the regulations of the Company, save
      in so far as they are varied hereby or inconsistent herewith.

                        MODIFICATION OF TABLE "A" PART I

2.    Regulations 24 and 75 of Part I of Table "A" shall not apply to the
      Company and the following regulations shall be modified:

            Regulation 7, so that the words "Except as required by law, no
            person shall be recognized by the Company as holding any share upon
            any trust, and "shall be held to be delete and there shall be added
            to the end of the said regulation the words "The Company shall,
            however, be entitled to register trustees as such in respect of any

            Regulation 11, so that the words "(not being a fully paid share)"
            and "(other than fully paid shares)" shall be held to be delete.

            Regulation 22, so that the words "and transferee" shall be held to
            be delete.

            Regulation 28, so that there shall be added immediately after the
            word "every" the word "confirmation".

            Regulation 33, so that there shall be added to the end thereof the
            words "and all expenses that may have been incurred by the Company
            by reason of such non-payment."

            Regulation 53, so that for the words "three members present in
            person" there shall be substituted the words "two members present in
            person or by proxy".

            Regulation 58, so that the word "two" shall be substituted for the
            word "three" where it occurs in paragraph (b) of that regulation.

            Regulation /

            Regulation 79, so that the words from and including the word
            "Provided" to the end of the clause shall be held to be delete.

            Regulation 84, sot hat for Clause (2) thereof there shall be
            substituted the following clause, namely "(2) A Director shall be
            entitled to vote in respect of any contract or arrangement in which
            he is interested and, notwithstanding any declaration he has made in
            such respect, his vote shall be counted and he shall be counted in
            the quorum present at the meeting;" that Clause (4) thereof shall be
            held to be delete and that Clause (5) thereof be renumbered as
            Clause (4).

            Regulation 86, so that the words "and every Director present at any
            meeting of Directors or Committee of Directors shall sign his name
            in a book to be kept for that purpose" shall be held to be delete.

            Regulation 88, so that in Clause (a) thereof the word and figures
            "or 195" shall be held to be delete and that there shall be added to
            the end of Clause (f) thereof the words "and they pass a resolution
            that he has by reason of such absence vacated office."

                                 PRIVATE COMPANY

3.    The Company is hereby declared to be a Private Company in the sense of the
      Companies Act, 1948.

4.    The number of members of the Company (exclusive of persons who are in the
      employment of the Company and of persons who, having been formerly in the
      employment of the Company, were while in such employment and have
      continued after the determination of such employment to be members of the
      Company) shall not exceed fifty; provided that for the purposes of this
      provision where two or more persons hold one or more shares in the Company
      jointly they shall be treated as a single member and no transfer which
      would increase such number of members beyond fifty shall be valid and the
      Directors shall refuse to recognize or register any transfer which would
      so increase such number.

5.    No invitation shall be made to the public to subscribe for any shares or
      debenture of the Company, and the Company and its Directors, Officials,
      Agents, and all others acting or that may act on its behalf, are hereby
      prohibited from making any such invitation to the public.

6.    The Directors may, in their absolute discretion and without assigning any
      reason therefor, decline to register any transfer of any share, whether or
      not it is a fully paid share, to a person who is not a member of the

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                                   TRANSFER /

                               TRANSFER OF SHARES

7.    As regards all transfers of shares, the following provisions shall
      (subject to the provisions of Article 6 hereof) receive effect and no
      member shall be entitled to transfer his shares, or any of them, otherwise
      than in accordance with the following provisions:

      (a)   Any member who desires to sell or transfer any shares shall be bound
            to offer the same for sale as hereinafter provided.

      (b)   The member proposing to transfer any shares (hereinafter called "the
            proposing transferor") shall give notice in writing (hereinafter
            called "the transfer notice") to the Company that he desires to
            transfer the same. Such notice shall specify the number of shares to
            be transferred and the price which the proposing transferor
            considers to be the fair value thereof and shall constitute the
            Company as his agent for the sale of the shares to any member or
            members of the Company at the price so fixed or at the fair value to
            be fixed as provided in paragraph (e) below. The transfer notice
            shall not be revocable except with the sanction of the Directors. On
            receipt of the transfer notice, the Company shall within fourteen
            days thereof notify all members of the Company of the shares offered
            for sale and shall give all members equal facilities for the
            purchase thereof.

      (c)   If the Company shall, within four weeks after being served with such
            notice, find a member willing to purchase the shares (hereinafter
            called "the purchasing member") and shall give notice thereof to the
            proposing transferor, he shall be bound upon payment of the fair
            value, to transfer the shares to the purchasing member.

      (d)   In case there shall be more than one purchasing member, the shares
            offered for sale shall be divided among such purchasing members in
            the proportion as nearly as possible in which they already hold
            shares in the Company, provided however, that no purchasing member
            shall be liable to take a greater number of shares than he shall
            have offered to purchase, and that any shares which cannot be so
            divided without creating fractions shall be apportioned by the
            Directors among the purchasing members as they shall think proper.

      (e)   In case any difference arises between the proposing transferor and a
            purchasing member as to the fair value of a share either party may
            apply to a Chartered Accountant, to be appointed by the President
            for the time being of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
            Scotland, who shall certify in writing the sum which in his opinion
            is the fair value, and such certificate shall be final and binding
            on the proposing transferor and the purchasing member concerned, and
            such sum shall be deemed to be the fair value. Such certificate
            shall not affect a sale of shares by the proposing transferor to
            another purchasing member, if neither party has applied to a
            Chartered Accountant as aforesaid.

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      (f)   /

      (f)   If within five weeks after the service of the transfer notice on the
            Company the proposing transferor shall not receive notice that his
            offer to sell is accepted wholly or in part as aforesaid, he may,
            subject to paragraph (g) below, within six calendar months of
            serving the said notice, sell or dispose of his shares or so many
            thereof as shall not have been purchased as aforesaid to any other
            person, at the price at which he shall have so offered them or at
            any higher price, but not at any less price until he shall have
            again offered such shares at such less price and for the same period
            as before for sale as aforesaid.

      (g)   A notice of acceptance of the offer of the proposing transferor to
            sell under paragraph (C) above, if sent by post, shall be deemed to
            have been received by the proposing transferor if it is proved that
            the letter containing the acceptance was properly addressed and put
            into the post office.

      (h)   In the event of the death, bankruptcy or resignation of any Director
            of the Company, or in the event of any Director ceasing for any
            reason to be a Director of the Company, the remaining Directors
            shall be entitled, on giving notice in writing accordingly at any
            time within a period of six months after such event to such Director
            or the legal personal representatives or trustee in bankruptcy of
            such Director, as the case may be, to require him or them to sell,
            as at the date of receipt of such notice, the whole shares in the
            capital of the company held by him or them at such date all to the
            same effect as if he or they had served a transfer notice at such
            date of receipt on the Directors in terms of paragraph (b) of this
            Regulation in respect of all such last mentioned shares provided
            however that the price to be paid for such shares shall be a price
            equivalent to the net asset value thereof as determined by the
            auditors for the time being of the Company.

                               CAPITAL AND SHARES

8.    The Share Capital of the Company is #50,000 divided into 50,000 Ordinary
      Shares of #1 each.

9.    The Shares in the original capital of the Company shall be under the
      control of the Directors who may allot and issue the same to such persons
      on such terms and conditions and at such time as the Directors think fit,
      provided that no shares shall be issued at a discount except as provided
      by Section 57 of the Companies Act, 1948.

                            ALTERATIONS OF CAPITAL /

                              ALTERATION OF CAPITAL

10.   Subject as mentioned below, new shares created on any increase of capital
      may, without the sanction of the holders of any class of shares, be issued
      as Ordinary Shares ranking pari passu with the existing Ordinary Shares of
      the Company or with any such preferred, deferred or other special rights,
      whether in respect of dividend, return of capital, voting or

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      otherwise, as may from time to time be determined either by Ordinary
      Resolution of the Company in General Meeting or by resolution of the
      Directors passed in pursuance of authority so to do delegated to them by
      Ordinary Resolution of the Company in General Meeting, and subject to the
      provisions of the Act the Company may issue Preference Shares, which are
      redeemable, or at the option of the Company are liable to be redeemed, on
      such terms and in such manner as the Company before the issue thereof may
      by Special Resolution determine.

11.   Unless otherwise determined by the General Meeting increasing the capital,
      all new shares shall be offered to the members in proportion as nearly as
      may be to the number of such shares held by them except in cases where an
      issue is made in respect of the purchase of any heritable or moveable
      property and where such shares are issued as fully or partly paid in whole
      or part payment therefor, and such offer shall be made by notice
      specifying the number of shares offered and limiting a time within which
      the offer, if not accepted, will be deemed to be declined, and after the
      expiration of such time, or on receipt of an intimation from the person to
      whom the offer is made that he declines to accept the shares offered, the
      Directors may, subject to these Articles, dispose of the same in such
      manner as they may think most beneficial to the Company. The Directors may
      likewise so dispose of any new shares which (by reason of the ratio the
      new shares bear to shares held by persons entitled to an offer of new
      Shares) cannot, in the opinion of the Directors, be conveniently offered
      under this Article.

                                GENERAL MEETINGS

12.   A resolution in writing signed by or on behalf of all the members for the
      time being entitled to vote shall be as effective for all purposes as a
      Resolution duly passed at a General Meeting of the Company duly convened
      and held, and may consist of several documents in the like form each
      signed by or on behalf of one or more members.


13.   Unless otherwise determined by a General Meeting, the number of Directors
      shall be not less than two. The first Directors shall be appointed by the
      subscribers of the Memorandum of Association.

14.   The remuneration of the Directors (other than the Managing Directors, if
      any,) shall be divided amongst them as they shall determine, or failing
      agreement, equally.

15.   /

15.   If any Director shall be called upon to perform extra or executive or
      special services of any kind for whatever period or periods, or to travel
      or to go or reside abroad for any business or purposes of the Company, he
      shall be entitled to receive such sum as the Directors may think fit for
      expenses of living, and also such remuneration as the Directors may think
      fit, either as fixed sum or as a percentage of profits or otherwise, and
      such remuneration may, as the Directors shall determine, be either in
      addition to or in

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      substitution for his share in the remuneration of the Directors otherwise
      provided and the same shall be charged as part of the ordinary working

16.   A Director shall not require a share qualification but nevertheless shall
      be entitled to attend and speak at any General Meeting of, and at any
      separate meeting of the holders of any class of shares in, the Company.

                            PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS

17.   A resolution executed in accordance with Regulation 106 of the said Part I
      of Table "A" appended to the Companies Act, 1949, may be in the form of
      separate documents each signed by one or more Directors.


18.   If a member has no registered address in the United Kingdom and has not
      supplied to the Company an address within the United Kingdom for the
      giving of notices to him, a notice addressed to him at his last known
      address in the United Kingdom shall be deemed to be duly given to him on
      the day on which it is posted.

                                   WINDING UP

19.   If any distribution is proposed to be made under Regulation 135 of the
      said Part I of Table "A" appended to the Companies Act, 1948, otherwise
      than in accordance with the existing rights of the members, every member
      shall have the same right of dissent and other ancillary rights, as if
      such resolution therefor were a Special Resolution passed pursuant to
      Section 287 of the Companies Act, 1948.

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Names, Addresses and Descriptions of Subscribers

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Dated this ________ day of ___________, 19__.

Name, address and description of witness to the above signature.

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                             THE COMPANIES ACT 1985
                               SPECIAL RESOLUTION
                    (Pursuant to Companies Act 1985 S.378(2))
                                 COMPANY NUMBER
                                  5th July 1996


At an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the members of the said company, after
due notice specifying the intention to propose the following Resolution as a
SPECIAL RESOLUTION had been given, held at GLASGOW in the Region of Strathclyde
on the 5th day of July, 1996 the following SPECIAL RESOLUTION was duly passed.

"That paragraph 111(i) of the Memorandum and Articles of Association be deleted
and replaced with the following:

To carry on the business of holding, management and investment company and to
improve, develop, hold as an investment and undertake the management of any
property, real or personal, or any interest therein as owners, trustees, agents
or otherwise and generally to acquire, hold, deal in, dispose of or turn in
account any lands, buildings, estates, plant and equipment, commodities,
options, shares, stocks, debentures, bonds, loans, annuities and investments and
securities of any description, businesses, policies of insurance, patents and
licenses and other such property or rights for or on behalf of any company,
whether subsidiary or not; to promote sports drinks and associated products
within the group; to provide accounting, company secretarial and general office
services and to act as brokers of and agents for and distributors of goods and
services of all kinds, to tender for and to place contracts and investments on
behalf of any person, firm or company, to co-ordinate and administer the
policies and trading activities of any companies with which the company may be
associated, and generally to act as financiers, concessionaires, factors,
capitalists and underwriters and to guarantee and secure to act as financiers,
concessionaires, factors, capitalists and underwriters and to guarantee and
secure the payment of money or performance or fulfillment of contracts and
obligations by any company, firm or person and to advance money and lend assets
of any description, with or without security, and on such terms and in such
manner as may from time to time seem expedient".

                                             Company Secretary