SECURITY AGREEMENT

            SECURITY AGREEMENT dated as of August 12, 1996 among ANKER COAL
GROUP, INC., a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of
the State of Delaware (the "Company"); each Person listed on the signature pages
hereto under the caption "SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS" or that becomes a "Subsidiary
Guarantor" pursuant to Section 9.17(a) of the Credit Agreement referred to below
(individually, a "Subsidiary Guarantor" and, collectively, the "Subsidiary
Guarantors" and, together with the Company, the "Obligors"); and THE CHASE
MANHATTAN BANK, as agent for the lenders or other financial institutions or
entities party, as lenders, to the Credit Agreement referred to below (in such
capacity, together with its successors in such capacity, the "Administrative

            The Company, the Subsidiary Guarantors, certain lenders and the
Administrative Agent are parties to a Credit Agreement dated as of August 12,
1996 (as modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time, the "Credit
Agreement"), providing, subject to the terms and conditions thereof, for loans
to be made by said lenders to the Company in an aggregate principal amount not
exceeding $115,000,000 at any one time outstanding. In addition, the Company may
from time to time be obligated to various of said lenders in respect of Interest
Rate Protection Agreements (such indebtedness being herein referred to as the
"Other Indebtedness").

            To induce said lenders to enter into the Credit Agreement and to
extend credit thereunder, and to induce said lenders to enter into Interest Rate
Protection Agreements, and for other good and valuable consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, each Obligor has
agreed to pledge and grant a security interest in the Collateral (as hereinafter
defined) as security for the Secured Obligations (as so defined). Accordingly,
the parties hereto agree as follows:

            Section 1.  Definitions.  Terms defined in the Credit
Agreement are used herein as defined therein.  In addition, as
used herein:

            "Accounts" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
      Section 3(d) hereof.

            "Collateral" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
      Section 3 hereof.

            "Collateral Account" shall have the meaning ascribed
      thereto in Section 4.01 hereof.

            "Documents" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
      Section 3(j) hereof.

            "Equipment" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
      Section 3(h) hereof.

            "Instruments" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto
      in Section 3(e) hereof.

            "Inventory" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
      Section 3(f) hereof.

            "Issuers" shall mean, collectively, the respective corporations
      identified beneath the names of the Obligors on Annex 1 hereto under the
      caption "Issuer".

            "Motor Vehicles" shall mean motor vehicles, tractors, trailers and
      other like property, whether or not the title thereto is governed by a
      certificate of title or ownership.

            "Pledged Stock" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto
      in Section 3(a) hereof.

            "Secured Obligations" shall mean, collectively, (a) in the case of
      the Company, the principal of and interest on the Loans made by the Banks
      to, and the Note(s) held by each Bank of, the Company and all other
      amounts from time to time owing to the Banks or the Administrative Agent
      by the Company under the Loan Documents, and all obligations of the
      Company constituting Other Indebtedness, (b) in the case of the Subsidiary
      Guarantors, all obligations of the Subsidiary Guarantors under the Credit
      Agreement and the other Loan Documents (including, without limitation, in
      respect of their Guarantee under Section 6 of the Credit Agreement) and
      (c) all obligations of the Obligors to the Banks and the Administrative
      Agent hereunder.

            "Specified Rights" shall mean, collectively, (a) all inventions,
      processes, production methods, proprietary information, know-how and trade
      secrets; (b) all licenses or user or other agreements granted to any
      Obligor with respect to any of the foregoing, in each case whether now or
      hereafter owned or used; (c) all information, customer lists,
      identification of suppliers, data, plans, blueprints, specifications,
      designs, drawings, recorded knowledge, surveys, engineering reports, test
      reports, manuals, materials standards, processing standards, performance
      standards, catalogs, computer and automatic machinery software and
      programs; (d) all field repair data, sales data

      and other information relating to sales or service of products now or
      hereafter manufactured; (e) all accounting information and all media in
      which or on which any information or knowledge or data or records may be
      recorded or stored and all computer programs used for the compilation or
      printout of such information, knowledge, records or data; and (f) all
      licenses, consents, permits, variances, certifications and approvals of
      governmental agencies now or hereafter held by any Obligor.

            "Stock Collateral" shall mean, collectively, the Collateral
      described in clauses (a) through (c) of Section 3 hereof and the proceeds
      of and to any such property and, to the extent related to any such
      property or such proceeds, all books, correspondence, credit files,
      records, invoices and other papers.

            "Uniform Commercial Code" shall mean the Uniform Commercial Code as
      in effect from time to time in the State of New York.

            Section 2.  Representations and Warranties.  Each Obligor represents
and warrants to the Banks and the Administrative Agent that:

            (a) Such Obligor is the sole beneficial owner of the Collateral in
      which it purports to grant a security interest pursuant to Section 3
      hereof and no Lien exists or will exist upon such Collateral at any time
      (and no right or option to acquire the same exists in favor of any other
      Person), except for Liens permitted under Section 9.06 of the Credit
      Agreement and except for the pledge and security interest in favor of the
      Administrative Agent for the benefit of the Banks created or provided for
      herein, which pledge and security interest constitute a first priority
      perfected pledge and security interest in and to all of such Collateral
      other than (i) Specified Rights registered or otherwise located outside of
      the United States of America, (ii) any property comprising Collateral
      excluded pursuant to Section 9-104 of the Uniform Commercial Code except
      as to Section 9-104(j) to the extent the property is a certificated
      security or an uncertificated security under Section 8-102 of the Uniform
      Commercial Code, (iii) any contract or other agreement referred to in
      Section 3(i) which contain prohibitions against transfer, assignment or
      hypothecation, to the extent that any necessary consent to any such
      transfer, assignment or hypothecation has not been obtained, (iv) any
      Motor Vehicles comprising Collateral

      registered under any certificate of title statue, and (v) Specified Rights
      described in clause (f) of its definition.

            (b) The Pledged Stock represented by the certificates identified
      under the name of such Obligor in Annex 1 hereto is, and all other Pledged
      Stock in which such Obligor shall hereafter grant a security interest
      pursuant to Section 3 hereof will be, duly authorized, validly existing,
      fully paid and non-assessable and none of such Pledged Stock is or will be
      subject to any contractual restriction, or any restriction under the
      charter or by-laws of the respective Issuer of such Pledged Stock, upon
      the transfer of such Pledged Stock (except for any such restriction
      contained herein or in the Credit Agreement).

            (c) The Pledged Stock represented by the certificates identified
      under the name of such Obligor in Annex 1 hereto constitutes all of the
      issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of any class of the Issuers
      beneficially owned by such Obligor on the date hereof after giving effect
      to the consummation of the Acquisition (whether or not registered in the
      name of such Obligor) (other than, in the case of the Company, the
      Remaining Preferred Stock) and said Annex 1 correctly identifies, as at
      the date hereof, the respective Issuers of such Pledged Stock, the
      respective class and par value of the shares comprising such Pledged Stock
      and the respective number of shares (and registered owners thereof)
      represented by each such certificate.

            (d) Any goods now or hereafter produced by such Obligor or any of
      its Subsidiaries included in the Collateral have been and will be produced
      in compliance with the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as

            Section 3. Collateral. As collateral security for the prompt payment
in full when due (whether at stated maturity, by acceleration or otherwise) of
the Secured Obligations, each Obligor hereby pledges and grants to the
Administrative Agent, for the benefit of the Banks as hereinafter provided, a
security interest in all of such Obligor's right, title and interest in the
following property, whether now owned by such Obligor or hereafter acquired and
whether now existing or hereafter coming into existence (all being collectively
referred to herein as "Collateral"):

            (a)  the shares of capital stock of the Issuers represented by the 
certificates identified in Annex 1 hereto

      under the name of such Obligor and all other shares of capital stock of
      whatever class of the Issuers, now or hereafter owned by such Obligor, in
      each case together with the certificates evidencing the same
      (collectively, the "Pledged Stock");

            (b) all shares, securities, moneys or property representing a
      dividend on any of the Pledged Stock, or representing a distribution or
      return of capital upon or in respect of the Pledged Stock, or resulting
      from a split-up, revision, reclassification or other like change of the
      Pledged Stock or otherwise received in exchange therefor, and any
      subscription warrants, rights or options issued to the holders of, or
      otherwise in respect of, the Pledged Stock;

            (c) without affecting the obligations of such Obligor under any
      provision prohibiting such action hereunder or under the Credit Agreement,
      in the event of any consolidation or merger in which an Issuer is not the
      surviving corporation, all shares of each class of the capital stock of
      the successor corporation (unless such successor corporation is such
      Obligor itself) formed by or resulting from such consolidation or merger
      (the Pledged Stock, together with all other certificates, shares,
      securities, properties or moneys as may from time to time be pledged
      hereunder pursuant to clause (a) or (b) above and this clause (c) being
      herein collectively called the "Stock Collateral");

            (d) all accounts and general intangibles (each as defined in the
      Uniform Commercial Code) of such Obligor constituting any right to the
      payment of money, including (but not limited to) all moneys due and to
      become due to such Obligor in respect of any loans or advances or for
      Inventory or Equipment or other goods sold or leased or for services
      rendered, all moneys due and to become due to such Obligor under any
      guarantee (including a letter of credit) of the purchase price of
      Inventory or Equipment sold by such Obligor and all tax refunds (such
      accounts, general intangibles and moneys due and to become due being
      herein called collectively "Accounts");

            (e) all instruments, chattel paper or letters of credit (each as
      defined in the Uniform Commercial Code) of such Obligor evidencing,
      representing, arising from or existing in respect of, relating to,
      securing or otherwise supporting the payment of, any of the Accounts,
      including (but not limited to) promissory notes, drafts, bills of

      exchange and trade acceptances (herein collectively called

            (f) all inventory (as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code) of
      such Obligor, including coal and other minerals, Ash, fuel, tires and
      other spare parts, all goods obtained by such Obligor in exchange for such
      inventory, any products made or processed from such inventory including
      all substances, if any, commingled therewith or added thereto and shall
      include all goods owned by such Obligor, whenever acquired and wherever
      located, held for sale or lease or furnished or to be furnished under
      contracts of service, including, without limitation, all coal inventories
      and inventories of other minerals, and all raw materials, including, but
      not limited to, raw coal, work in process and materials owned by such
      Obligor and used or consumed in such Obligor's business (herein
      collectively called "Inventory");

            (g) all Specified Rights and all other accounts or general
      intangibles not constituting Specified Rights or Accounts;

            (h) all equipment (as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code) of
      such Obligor, including all Motor Vehicles (herein collectively called

            (i) each contract and other agreement of such Obligor relating to
      the sale or other disposition of Inventory or Equipment, and each contract
      mining agreement and coal purchase agreement;

            (j) all documents of title (as defined in the Uniform Commercial
      Code) or other receipts of such Obligor covering, evidencing or
      representing Inventory or Equipment (herein collectively called

            (k) all rights, claims and benefits of such Obligor against any
      Person arising out of, relating to or in connection with Inventory or
      Equipment purchased by such Obligor, including, without limitation, any
      such rights, claims or benefits against any Person storing or transporting
      such Inventory or Equipment;

            (l)  the balance from time to time in the Collateral Account;

            (m)  all interests in any limited or general partnerships and 
      limited liability companies;

            (n)  all Intercompany Notes; and

            (o) all other tangible and intangible personal property and fixtures
      of such Obligor, including, without limitation, all proceeds, products,
      offspring, accessions, rents, profits, income, benefits, substitutions and
      replacements of and to any of the property of such Obligor described in
      the preceding clauses of this Section 3 (including, without limitation,
      any proceeds of insurance thereon and all causes of action, claims and
      warranties now or hereafter held by any Obligor in respect of any of the
      items listed above) and, to the extent related to any property described
      in said clauses or such proceeds, products and accessions, all books,
      correspondence, credit files, records, invoices and other papers,
      including without limitation all tapes, cards, computer runs and other
      papers and documents in the possession or under the control of such
      Obligor or any computer bureau or service company from time to time acting
      for such Obligor.

            Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Collateral does not and shall not
include the Remaining Preferred Stock or any shares of capital stock of or other
equity interests in any Unrestricted Subsidiary.

            Section 4.  Cash Proceeds of Collateral.

            4.01 Collateral Account. There is hereby established with the
Administrative Agent a cash collateral account (the "Collateral Account") in the
name and under the control of the Administrative Agent into which there shall be
deposited from time to time the cash proceeds of any of the Collateral
(including proceeds of insurance thereon), but only to the extent required to be
delivered to the Administrative Agent pursuant hereto at a time when an Event of
Default exists, or into which the Obligors may from time to time deposit any
additional amounts that any of them wishes to pledge to the Administrative Agent
for the benefit of the Banks as additional collateral security hereunder. The
balance from time to time in the Collateral Account shall constitute part of the
Collateral hereunder and shall not constitute payment of the Secured Obligations
until applied as hereinafter provided. Except as expressly provided in the next
sentence, the Administrative Agent shall remit the collected balance outstanding
to the credit of the Collateral Account to or upon the order of the respective
Obligor as such Obligor through the Company shall from time to time instruct.
However, at any time following the occurrence and during the continuance of an
Event of Default, the Administrative Agent may

(and, if instructed by the Banks as specified in Section 11.03 of the Credit
Agreement, shall) in its (or their) discretion apply or cause to be applied
(subject to collection) the balance from time to time outstanding to the credit
of the Collateral Account to the payment of the Secured Obligations in the
manner specified in Section 5.09 hereof. The balance from time to time in the
Collateral Account shall be subject to withdrawal only as provided herein.

            4.02 Proceeds of Accounts. Each Obligor shall, upon the instruction
of the Administrative Agent given at any time that an Event of Default exists,
instruct all account debtors and other Persons obligated in respect of all
Accounts to make all payments in respect of the Accounts either (a) directly to
the Administrative Agent (by instructing that such payments be remitted to a
post office box which shall be in the name and under the control of the
Administrative Agent) or (b) to one or more other banks in the United States of
America (by instructing that such payments be remitted to a post office box
which shall be in the name and under the control of the Administrative Agent)
under arrangements, in form and substance satisfactory to the Administrative
Agent pursuant to which such Obligor shall have irrevocably instructed such
other bank (and such other bank shall have agreed) to remit all proceeds of such
payments directly to the Administrative Agent for deposit into the Collateral
Account. All payments made to the Administrative Agent, as provided in the
preceding sentence, shall be immediately deposited in the Collateral Account. In
addition to the foregoing, each Obligor agrees that if the proceeds of any
Collateral hereunder (including the payments made in respect of Accounts) shall
be received by it at any time after the Administrative Agent shall have provided
the instruction provided in the preceding sentence and while such instruction
shall continue to be in effect, such Obligor shall as promptly as possible
deposit such proceeds into the Collateral Account. Until so deposited, all such
proceeds shall be held in trust by such Obligor for and as the property of the
Administrative Agent and shall not be commingled with any other funds or
property of such Obligor.

            4.03 Investment of Balance in Collateral Account. Amounts on deposit
in the Collateral Account shall be invested from time to time in such Permitted
Investments as the respective Obligor through the Company (or, after the
occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, the Administrative
Agent) shall determine, which Permitted Investments shall be held in the name
and be under the control of the Administrative Agent, provided that at any time
after the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, the
Administrative Agent may (and, if instructed by the Banks as specified in
Section 11.03 of

the Credit Agreement, shall) in its (or their) discretion at any time and from
time to time elect to liquidate any such Permitted Investments and to apply or
cause to be applied the proceeds thereof to the payment of the Secured
Obligations in the manner specified in Section 5.09 hereof.

            Section 5. Further Assurances; Remedies. In furtherance of the grant
of the pledge and security interest pursuant to Section 3 hereof, the Obligors
hereby jointly and severally agree with each Bank and the Administrative Agent
as follows:

            5.01  Delivery and Other Perfection.  Each Obligor shall:

            (a) if any of the shares, securities, moneys or property required to
      be pledged by such Obligor under clauses (a), (b) and (c) of Section 3
      hereof are received by such Obligor, forthwith either (x) transfer and
      deliver to the Administrative Agent such shares or securities so received
      by such Obligor (together with the certificates for any such shares and
      securities duly endorsed in blank or accompanied by undated stock powers
      duly executed in blank), all of which thereafter shall be held by the
      Administrative Agent, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, as part of
      the Collateral or (y) take such other action as the Administrative Agent
      shall deem necessary or appropriate to duly record the Lien created
      hereunder in such shares, securities, moneys or property in said clauses
      (a), (b) and (c);

            (b) deliver and pledge to the Administrative Agent any and all
      Instruments, endorsed and/or accompanied by such instruments of assignment
      and transfer in such form and substance as the Administrative Agent may
      reasonably request; provided, that so long as no Event of Default shall
      have occurred and be continuing, such Obligor may retain for collection in
      the ordinary course any Instruments received by such Obligor in the
      ordinary course of business and the Administrative Agent shall, promptly
      upon request of such Obligor through the Company, make appropriate
      arrangements for making any Instrument pledged by such Obligor available
      to such Obligor for purposes of presentation, collection or renewal (any
      such arrangement to be effected, to the extent deemed appropriate by the
      Administrative Agent, against trust receipt or like document);

           (c)  give, execute, deliver, file and/or record any financing 
      statement, notice, instrument, document, agreement

      or other papers that may be necessary or desirable (in the reasonable
      judgment of the Administrative Agent) to create, preserve, perfect or
      validate the security interest granted pursuant hereto or to enable the
      Administrative Agent to exercise and enforce its rights hereunder with
      respect to such pledge and security interest, including, without
      limitation, causing any or all of the Stock Collateral to be transferred
      of record into the name of the Administrative Agent or its nominee (and
      the Administrative Agent agrees that if any Stock Collateral is
      transferred into its name or the name of its nominee, the Administrative
      Agent will thereafter promptly give to the respective Obligor copies of
      any notices and communications received by it with respect to the Stock
      Collateral pledged by such Obligor hereunder), provided that notices to
      account debtors in respect of any Accounts or Instruments shall be subject
      to the provisions of clause (i) below;

            (d) without limiting the obligations of such Obligor under Section
      5.04(c) hereof, upon the acquisition after the date hereof by such Obligor
      of any Equipment (other than Motor Vehicles) covered by a certificate of
      title or ownership, cause the Administrative Agent to be listed as the
      lienholder on such certificate of title and within 120 days of the
      acquisition thereof deliver evidence of the same to the Administrative

            (e) keep full and accurate books and records relating to the
      Collateral, and stamp or otherwise mark such books and records in such
      manner as the Administrative Agent may reasonably require in order to
      reflect the security interests granted by this Agreement;

            (f) permit representatives of the Administrative Agent, upon
      reasonable notice, at any time during normal business hours to inspect and
      make abstracts from its books and records pertaining to the Collateral,
      and permit representatives of the Administrative Agent to be present at
      such Obligor's place of business to receive copies of all communications
      and remittances relating to the Collateral, and forward copies of any
      notices or communications received by such Obligor with respect to the
      Collateral, all in such manner as the Administrative Agent may reasonably
      require; and

            (g) upon the occurrence and during the continuance of any Event of
      Default, upon request of the Administrative Agent, promptly notify (and
      such Obligor hereby authorizes the Administrative Agent so to notify) each
      account debtor

      in respect of any Accounts or Instruments that such Collateral has been
      assigned to the Administrative Agent hereunder, and that any payments due
      or to become due in respect of such Collateral are to be made directly to
      the Administrative Agent.

            5.02 Other Financing Statements and Liens. Except as otherwise
permitted under Section 9.06 of the Credit Agreement, without the prior written
consent of the Administrative Agent (granted with the authorization of the Banks
as specified in Section 11.09 of the Credit Agreement), no Obligor shall file or
suffer to be on file, or authorize or permit to be filed or to be on file, in
any jurisdiction, any financing statement or like instrument with respect to the
Collateral in which the Administrative Agent is not named as the sole secured
party for the benefit of the Banks, other than financing statements filed for
precautionary purposes only covering equipment subject to an operating lease
under which an Obligor is the lessee.

            5.03 Preservation of Rights. The Administrative Agent shall not be
required to take steps necessary to preserve any rights against prior parties to
any of the Collateral.

            5.04  Special Provisions Relating to Certain Collateral.

            (a)  Stock Collateral.

            (1) The Obligors will cause the Stock Collateral to constitute at
all times 100% of the total number of shares of each class of capital stock of
each Issuer then outstanding (other than, with respect to AGI as Issuer, the
Remaining Preferred Stock).

            (2) So long as no Event of Default shall have occurred and be
continuing, the Obligors shall have the right to exercise all voting, consensual
and other powers of ownership pertaining to the Stock Collateral for all
purposes not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, the Credit
Agreement, the Notes or any other instrument or agreement referred to herein or
therein, provided that the Obligors jointly and severally agree that they will
not vote the Stock Collateral in any manner that is inconsistent with the terms
of this Agreement, the Credit Agreement, the Notes or any such other instrument
or agreement; and the Administrative Agent shall execute and deliver to the
Obligors or cause to be executed and delivered to the Obligors all such proxies,
powers of attorney, dividend and other orders, and all such instruments, without
recourse, as the Obligors may reasonably request for the purpose of enabling the
Obligors to

exercise the rights and powers that they are entitled to exercise pursuant to
this Section 5.04(a)(2).

            (3) Unless and until an Event of Default has occurred and is
continuing, the Obligors shall be entitled to receive and retain any dividends
on the Stock Collateral paid in cash out of earned surplus.

            (4) If any Event of Default shall have occurred, then so long as
such Event of Default shall continue, and whether or not the Administrative
Agent or any Bank exercises any available right to declare any Secured
Obligation due and payable or seeks or pursues any other relief or remedy
available to it under applicable law or under this Agreement, the Credit
Agreement, the Notes or any other agreement relating to such Secured Obligation,
all dividends and other distributions on the Stock Collateral shall be paid
directly to the Administrative Agent and retained by it in the Collateral
Account as part of the Stock Collateral, subject to the terms of this Agreement,
and, if the Administrative Agent shall so request in writing, the Obligors
jointly and severally agree to execute and deliver to the Administrative Agent
appropriate additional dividend, distribution and other orders and documents to
that end, provided that if such Event of Default is cured, any such dividend or
distribution theretofore paid to the Administrative Agent shall, upon request of
the Obligors (except to the extent theretofore applied to the Secured
Obligations), be returned by the Administrative Agent to the Obligors.

            (b) Intercompany Notes. The Company shall from time to time at the
request of the Administrative Agent notify the Administrative Agent as to the
information to be inserted referred to in the Schedule to each Intercompany Note
as of the last day of the month most recently ended, provided, that if the
Administrative Agent shall have made such request at a time when an Event of
Default has occurred and is continuing, the Company shall forthwith notify the
Administrative Agent as to such information as of the date of such request. The
Administrative Agent may, but shall not be required to, record such information
on such Schedule.

            (c) Motor Vehicles. At any time after the occurrence and during the
continuance of an Event of Default, each Obligor shall, upon the request of the
Administrative Agent, deliver to the Administrative Agent originals of the
certificates of title or ownership for the Motor Vehicles owned by it and cause
the Administrative Agent to be listed as lienholder and take such other action
as the Administrative Agent shall deem appropriate

to perfect the security interest created hereunder in all such Motor Vehicles.

            5.05  Events of Default, Etc.  During the period during which an 
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing:

            (a) each Obligor shall, at the request of the Administrative Agent,
      assemble the Collateral owned by it at such place or places, reasonably
      convenient to both the Administrative Agent and such Obligor, designated
      in its request;

            (b) the Administrative Agent may make any reasonable compromise or
      settlement deemed desirable with respect to any of the Collateral and may
      extend the time of payment, arrange for payment in installments, or
      otherwise modify the terms of, any of the Collateral;

            (c) the Administrative Agent shall have all of the rights and
      remedies with respect to the Collateral of a secured party under the
      Uniform Commercial Code (whether or not said Code is in effect in the
      jurisdiction where the rights and remedies are asserted) and such
      additional rights and remedies to which a secured party is entitled under
      the laws in effect in any jurisdiction where any rights and remedies
      hereunder may be asserted, including, without limitation, the right, to
      the maximum extent permitted by law, to exercise all voting, consensual
      and other powers of ownership pertaining to the Collateral as if the
      Administrative Agent were the sole and absolute owner thereof (and each
      Obligor agrees to take all such action as may be appropriate to give
      effect to such right);

            (d) the Administrative Agent in its discretion may, in its name or
      in the name of the Obligors or otherwise, demand, sue for, collect or
      receive any money or property at any time payable or receivable on account
      of or in exchange for any of the Collateral, but shall be under no
      obligation to do so; and

            (e) the Administrative Agent may, upon ten business days' prior
      written notice to the Obligors of the time and place, with respect to the
      Collateral or any part thereof that shall then be or shall thereafter come
      into the possession, custody or control of the Administrative Agent, the
      Banks or any of their respective agents, sell, lease, assign or otherwise
      dispose of all or any part of such Collateral, at such place or places as
      the Administrative Agent deems best, and for cash or for credit or for

      delivery (without thereby assuming any credit risk), at public or private
      sale, without demand of performance or notice of intention to effect any
      such disposition or of the time or place thereof (except such notice as is
      required above or by applicable statute and cannot be waived), and the
      Administrative Agent or any Bank or anyone else may be the purchaser,
      lessee, assignee or recipient of any or all of the Collateral so disposed
      of at any public sale (or, to the extent permitted by law, at any private
      sale) and thereafter hold the same absolutely, free from any claim or
      right of whatsoever kind, including any right or equity of redemption
      (statutory or otherwise), of the Obligors, any such demand, notice and
      right or equity being hereby expressly waived and released. The
      Administrative Agent may, without notice or publication, adjourn any
      public or private sale or cause the same to be adjourned from time to time
      by announcement at the time and place fixed for the sale, and such sale
      may be made at any time or place to which the sale may be so adjourned.

The proceeds of each collection, sale or other disposition under this Section
5.05, including by virtue of the exercise of the license granted to the
Administrative Agent in Section 5.04(b) hereof, shall be applied in accordance
with Section 5.09 hereof.

            The Obligors recognize that, by reason of certain prohibitions
contained in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and applicable state
securities laws, the Administrative Agent may be compelled, with respect to any
sale of all or any part of the Collateral, to limit purchasers to those who will
agree, among other things, to acquire the Collateral for their own account, for
investment and not with a view to the distribution or resale thereof. The
Obligors acknowledge that any such private sales may be at prices and on terms
less favorable to the Administrative Agent than those obtainable through a
public sale without such restrictions, and, notwithstanding such circumstances,
agree that any such private sale shall be deemed to have been made in a
commercially reasonable manner and that the Administrative Agent shall have no
obligation to engage in public sales and no obligation to delay the sale of any
Collateral for the period of time necessary to permit the respective Issuer or
issuer thereof to register it for public sale.

            5.06  Deficiency.  If the proceeds of sale, collection or other
realization of or upon the Collateral pursuant to Section 5.05 hereof are
insufficient to cover the costs and expenses of such realization and the payment
in full of the

Secured Obligations, the Obligors shall remain liable for any deficiency.

            5.07 Removals, Etc. Without at least 30 days' prior written notice
to the Administrative Agent, no Obligor shall (i) maintain any of its books and
records with respect to the Collateral at any office or maintain its principal
place of business at any place, or permit any Inventory or Equipment to be
located anywhere, other than at the address indicated beneath the signature of
the Company to the Credit Agreement or at one of the locations identified in
Annex 2 hereto under its name or in transit from one of such locations to
another such location or (in the case of Inventory or Equipment located in the
State of West Virginia) elsewhere in the State of West Virginia or (ii) change
its name, or the name under which it does business, from the name shown on the
signature pages hereto provided, that (x) no such notice shall be required upon
the removal from such address or any of such locations of Inventory pursuant to
a contract for the sale thereof and (y) any Restricted Subsidiary (the "Lendor")
may lend Equipment to another Restricted Subsidiary (the "Lendee") provided that
the Company shall give written notice to the Administrative Agent not later than
90 days after the date such Equipment was so lent (unless such Equipment shall
theretofore have been returned to the Lendor) specifying (A) the Lendor, (B) the
Lendee, (C) the location or locations at which such Equipment is being used by
the Lendee and (D) the date upon which such Equipment was so lent.

            5.08 Private Sale. The Administrative Agent and the Banks shall
incur no liability as a result of the sale of the Collateral, or any part
thereof, at any private sale pursuant to Section 5.05 hereof conducted in a
commercially reasonable manner. Each Obligor hereby waives any claims against
the Administrative Agent or any Bank arising by reason of the fact that the
price at which the Collateral may have been sold at such a private sale was less
than the price that might have been obtained at a public sale or was less than
the aggregate amount of the Secured Obligations, even if the Administrative
Agent accepts the first offer received and does not offer the Collateral to more
than one offeree.

            5.09 Application of Proceeds. Except as otherwise herein expressly
provided, the proceeds of any collection, sale or other realization of all or
any part of the Collateral pursuant hereto, and any other cash at the time held
by the Administrative Agent under Section 4 hereof or this Section 5, shall be
applied by the Administrative Agent:

            First, to the payment of the costs and expenses of such collection,
      sale or other realization, including reasonable out-of-pocket costs and
      expenses of the Administrative Agent and the fees and expenses of its
      agents and counsel, and all expenses incurred and advances made by the
      Administrative Agent in connection therewith;

            Next, to the payment in full of the Secured Obligations, in each
      case equally and ratably in accordance with the respective amounts thereof
      then due and owing or as the Banks holding the same may otherwise agree;

            Finally, to the payment to the respective Obligor, or their
      respective successors or assigns, or as a court of competent jurisdiction
      may direct, of any surplus then remaining.

            As used in this Section 5, "proceeds" of Collateral shall mean cash,
securities and other property realized in respect of, and distributions in kind
of, Collateral, including any thereof received under any reorganization,
liquidation or adjustment of debt of the Obligors or any issuer of or obligor on
any of the Collateral.

            5.10 Attorney-in-Fact. Without limiting any rights or powers granted
by this Agreement to the Administrative Agent while no Event of Default has
occurred and is continuing, upon the occurrence and during the continuance of
any Event of Default the Administrative Agent is hereby appointed the
attorney-in-fact of each Obligor for the purpose of carrying out the provisions
of this Section 5 and taking any action and executing any instruments that the
Administrative Agent may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes
hereof, which appointment as attorney-in-fact is irrevocable and coupled with an
interest. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, so long as the
Administrative Agent shall be entitled under this Section 5 to make collections
in respect of the Collateral, the Administrative Agent shall have the right and
power to receive, endorse and collect all checks made payable to the order of
any Obligor representing any dividend, payment or other distribution in respect
of the Collateral or any part thereof and to give full discharge for the same.

            5.11 Perfection. Prior to or concurrently with the execution and
delivery of this Agreement, each Obligor shall (i) file such financing
statements and other documents in such offices as the Administrative Agent may
request to perfect the security interests granted by Section 3 of this Agreement
and (ii) deliver to the Administrative Agent all certificates

identified in Annex 1 hereto, accompanied by undated stock powers duly executed
in blank.

            5.12 Termination. When all Secured Obligations shall have been paid
in full, the Commitments of the Banks under the Credit Agreement shall have
expired or been terminated, and all Interest Rate Protection Agreements between
the Company and any Bank the obligations of the Company under which constitute
Other Indebtedness shall have expired or terminated, this Agreement shall
terminate, and the Administrative Agent shall forthwith cause to be assigned,
transferred and delivered, against receipt but without any recourse, warranty or
representation whatsoever, any remaining Collateral and money received in
respect thereof, to or on the order of the respective Obligor and to be released
and canceled all licenses and rights referred to in Section 5.04(b) hereof. The
Administrative Agent shall also execute and deliver to the respective Obligor
upon such termination such Uniform Commercial Code termination statements,
certificates for terminating the Liens on the Motor Vehicles and such other
documentation as shall be reasonably requested by the respective Obligor to
effect the termination and release of the Liens on the Collateral. In addition
to the foregoing, the Administrative Agent shall comply with Section 12.04(c) of
the Credit Agreement.

            5.13 Further Assurances. Each Obligor agrees that, from time to time
upon the written request of the Administrative Agent, such Obligor will execute
and deliver such further documents and do such other acts and things as the
Administrative Agent may reasonably request in order fully to effect the
purposes of this Agreement.

            5.14 Release of Motor Vehicles. So long as no Event of Default shall
have occurred and be continuing, upon the request of any Obligor, the
Administrative Agent shall execute and deliver to such Obligor such instruments
as such Obligor shall reasonably request to remove the notation of the
Administrative Agent as lienholder on any certificate of title for any Motor
Vehicle if such notation has previously been made; provided that any such
instruments shall be delivered, and the release effective only upon receipt by
the Administrative Agent of a certificate from such Obligor stating that the
Motor Vehicle the lien on which is to be released is to be sold or has suffered
a casualty loss (with title thereto passing to the casualty insurance company
therefor in settlement of the claim for such loss).

            5.15  Certain Releases.  The parties hereto agree that upon the sale
of any Inventory in the ordinary course of business

and on ordinary business terms, the Lien created hereunder on such Inventory
shall be automatically released; provided, that nothing in this Section 5.15
shall be construed to affect the Lien created hereunder on, or limit the rights
or remedies of the Administrative Agent hereunder with respect to, Collateral
(including, without limitation, the proceeds resulting from the sale of such
Inventory) other than the Inventory so sold.

            Section 6.  Miscellaneous.

            6.01 No Waiver. No failure on the part of the Administrative Agent
or any Bank to exercise, and no course of dealing with respect to, and no delay
in exercising, any right, power or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver
thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise by the Administrative Agent or
any Bank of any right, power or remedy hereunder preclude any other or further
exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. The
remedies herein are cumulative and are not exclusive of any remedies provided by

            6.02 Notices. All notices, requests, consents and demands hereunder
shall be in writing and telecopied or delivered to the intended recipient at its
"Address for Notices" specified pursuant to Section 12.02 of the Credit
Agreement and shall be deemed to have been given at the times specified in said
Section 12.02.

            6.03 Expenses. The Obligors jointly and severally agree to reimburse
each of the Banks and the Administrative Agent for all reasonable costs and
expenses of the Banks and the Administrative Agent (including, without
limitation, the reasonable fees and expenses of legal counsel) in connection
with (i) any Default and any enforcement or collection proceeding resulting
therefrom, including, without limitation, all manner of participation in or
other involvement with (w) performance by the Administrative Agent of any
obligations of the Obligors in respect of the Collateral that the Obligors have
failed or refused to perform, (x) bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership,
foreclosure, winding up or liquidation proceedings, or any actual or attempted
sale, or any exchange, enforcement, collection, compromise or settlement in
respect of any of the Collateral, and for the care of the Collateral and
defending or asserting rights and claims of the Administrative Agent in respect
thereof, by litigation or otherwise, including expenses of insurance, (y)
judicial or regulatory proceedings and (z) workout, restructuring or other
negotiations or proceedings (whether or not the workout, restructuring or
transaction contemplated thereby is consummated) and (ii) the enforcement of
this Section 6.03, and all such costs and expenses shall be Secured Obligations
entitled to the

benefits of the collateral security provided pursuant to Section 3 hereof.

            6.04 Amendments, Etc. The terms of this Agreement may be waived,
altered or amended only by an instrument in writing duly executed by each
Obligor and the Administrative Agent (with the consent of the Banks as specified
in Section 11.09 of the Credit Agreement). Any such amendment or waiver shall be
binding upon the Administrate Agent and each Bank, each holder of any of the
Secured Obligations and each Obligor.

            6.05 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and permitted assigns of
each Obligor, the Administrative Agent, the Banks and each permitted holder of
any of the Secured Obligations (provided, however, that no Obligor shall assign
or transfer its rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the
Administrative Agent).

            6.06 Captions. The captions and section headings appearing herein
are included solely for convenience of reference and are not intended to affect
the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement.

            6.07 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same
instrument and any of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement by signing
any such counterpart.

            6.08  Governing Law.   This Agreement shall be governed by, and
construed in accordance with, the law of the State of New York.

            6.09 Administrative Agents and Attorneys-in-Fact. The Administrative
Agent may employ agents and attorneys-in-fact in connection herewith and shall
not be responsible for the negligence or misconduct of any such agents or
attorneys-in-fact selected by it in good faith.

            6.10 Severability. If any provision hereof is invalid and
unenforceable in any jurisdiction, then, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
(i) the other provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect in such
jurisdiction and shall be liberally construed in favor of the Administrative
Agent and the Banks in order to carry out the intentions of the parties hereto
as nearly as may be possible and (ii) the invalidity or unenforceability of any
provision hereof in any jurisdiction shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Security
Agreement to be duly executed and delivered as of the day and year first above


                                    ANKER COAL GROUP, INC.

                                    By /s/ John Faltis
                                       Name:   John Faltis
                                       Title:  President

                                    SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS

                                    ANKER GROUP, INC.

                                    By /s/ John Faltis
                                    Name:   John Faltis
                                    Title:  President

                                    ANKER ENERGY CORPORATION
                                    By /s/ John Faltis
                                    Name:   John Faltis
                                    Title:  President
                                    VANTRANS, INC.
                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Vice President
                                    KING KNOB COAL CO., INC.
                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Vice President
                                    BRONCO MINING COMPANY, INC.
                                    By /s/ John Faltis
                                    Name:   John Faltis
                                    Title:  President

                                    PATRIOT MINING COMPANY, INC.
                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Treasurer
                                    JULIANA MINING COMPANY, INC.
                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Treasurer
                                    PHILIPPI DEVELOPMENT, INC.
                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Treasurer
                                    ANKER POWER SERVICES, INC.
                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Executive Vice President
                                    ADVANTAGE ENERGY CORPORATION
                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Vice President
                                    MARINE COAL SALES COMPANY
                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Treasurer
                                    PINE VALLEY COAL COMPANY, INC.
                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Treasurer

                                    ANKER DEVELOPMENT, INC.
                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Vice President
                                    HEATHER GLEN RESOURCES, INC.

                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                    Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                    Title:  Treasurer
                                    BECKLEY SMOKELESS LIMITED LIABILITY

                                    By /s/ Bruce Sparks
                                       Name:   Bruce Sparks
                                       Title:  Manager

                                    ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT

                                    THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK,
                                      as Administrative Agent

                                    By /s/ Peter M. Ling
                                       Title:  Vice President

                                AMENDMENT NO. 1

            AMENDMENT NO. 1 dated as of April 30, 1997, between ANKER COAL
GROUP, INC., a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of
the State of Delaware (the "Company"); each Person listed on the signature pages
hereto under the caption "Subsidiary Guarantor" (individually, a "Subsidiary
Guarantor" and, collectively, the "Subsidiary Guarantors" and, together with the
Company, the "Obligors"); each of the lenders that is a party to the Credit
Agreement referred to below (individually, a "Bank" and, collectively, the
"Banks"); and THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, as agent for the Banks (in such
capacity, together with its successors in such capacity, the "Administrative

            The Company, the Subsidiary Guarantors, the Banks and the
Administrative Agent are parties to a Credit Agreement dated as of August 12,
1996 (the "Credit Agreement"), providing, subject to the terms and conditions
thereof, for loans to be made by said Banks to the Company in an aggregate
principal amount not exceeding $115,000,000. The Company and the Subsidiary
Guarantors have requested that the Credit Agreement be amended to increase the
aggregate amount of the Commitments thereunder from $115,000,000 to
$135,000,000, and in certain other respects, and the Banks and the
Administrative Agent have agreed so to amend the Credit Agreement as hereinafter
set forth. Accordingly, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

            Section 1.  Definitions.  Except as otherwise defined in this
Amendment No. 1, terms defined in the Credit Agreement (as amended hereby) are
used herein as defined therein.

            Section 2. Amendments. Subject to the satisfaction of the conditions
precedent specified in Section 5 below, but effective as of the date hereof (the
"First Amendment Effective Date"), the Loan Documents shall be amended as

            2.01. References in the Credit Agreement (including references to
the Credit Agreement as amended hereby) to "this Agreement" (and indirect
references such as "hereunder", "hereby", "herein" and "hereof") shall be deemed
to be references to the Credit Agreement as amended hereby. References in the
Security Agreement (including references to the Security Agreement as amended
hereby) to "this Agreement" (and indirect references such as "hereunder",
"hereby", "herein" and "hereof") shall be deemed to be references to the
Security Agreement as amended hereby. References in the Security Agreement to
the Credit Agreement shall be deemed to be references to the Credit Agreement as
amended hereby. References in the Security
                                      - 2 -

Agreement to the Loan Documents (or any one of the Loan Documents) shall be
deemed to be references to the Loan Documents as amended hereby. References in
the Joinder Agreement to the Credit Agreement and to the Security Agreement
shall be deemed to be references to the Credit Agreement and Security Agreement
as amended hereby. References in the Deeds of Trust to the Credit Agreement
shall be deemed to be references to the Credit Agreement as amended hereby.
References in the Deeds of Trust to the Loan Documents (or any one of the Loan
Documents) shall be deemed to be references to the Loan Documents as amended
hereby. References in the Loan Documents to "the Notes" shall be deemed to
include reference to the New Notes under and as defined in Section 5.02 hereof.

            2.02.  The reference in the second paragraph of the preamble of the
Credit Agreement to "$115,000,000" is amended to read "$135,000,000".

            2.03. Section 1.01 of the Credit Agreement shall be amended by
adding the following new definitions (to the extent not already included in said
Section 1.01) and inserting the same in the appropriate alphabetical locations
and amending the following definitions (to the extent already included in said
Section 1.01), as follows:

            "First Amendment Effective Date" shall have the meaning
      assigned to such term in Amendment No. 1 to this Agreement.

            "Hillman Sale-Leaseback" shall mean the sale and leaseback of the
      approximately 200,000,000 tons of coal reserves acquired in the Hillman

            "Hillman Acquisition" shall mean the acquisition of approximately
      200,000,000 tons of coal reserves located in Taylor County, West Virginia,
      from the Hillman Coal Company, for a purchase price of approximately

            "Initial Tranche B Term Loan Commitment" shall mean, as to each
      Tranche B Term Loan Bank, the obligation of such Tranche B Term Loan Bank
      to make a single disbursement of a Tranche B Term Loan on the date that
      the initial Tranche A Term Loans are made hereunder in a principal amount
      up to but not exceeding the amount set opposite the name of such Tranche B
      Term Loan Bank on the signature page of this Agreement (as the same may be
      reduced from time to time pursuant to Section 2.04).

                                      - 3 -

            "New Allegheny Property" shall mean, collectively, approximately
      23,000,000 million tons of minable coal reserves, cleaning plant and coal
      blending facility in Grant and Mineral Counties, West Virginia, together
      with a six-year long term coal sales contract to deliver 456,000 tons of
      coal per year, and a five-year long term coal sales contract to deliver
      300,000 tons of coal per year to the Mt. Storm Station.

            "Spruce Fork Development" shall mean the acquisition of
      approximately 10,000,000 tons of low sulfur coal reserves (the "Spruce
      Fork Reserves") and approximately 21,000,000 tons of low sulfur coal
      reserves (the "Hawthorne Coal Company, Inc. Reserves") in Upshur County,
      West Virginia and the refurbishment of the Hawthorne Coal Company, Inc.
      preparation plant in Upshur County, West Virginia, for an aggregate
      acquisition and refurbishment cost of approximately $14,100,000 during the
      period from the First Amendment Effective Date through December 31, 1999.

            "Stony River Project" shall mean the lease of approximately
      54,000,000 tons of low sulfur coal in Grant County, West Virginia and the
      development of an underground mine to mine those reserves.

            "Supplemental Tranche B Term Loan Commitment" shall mean, as to each
      Tranche B Term Loan Bank, the obligation of such Tranche B Term Loan Bank
      to make a single disbursement of a Tranche B Term Loan on the First
      Amendment Effective Date in a principal amount up to but not exceeding the
      amount set opposite the name of such Tranche B Term Loan Bank on Schedule
      1 of Amendment No. 1 hereto (as the same may be reduced from time to time
      pursuant to Section 2.04).

            "Tranche A Term Loan Commitment" shall mean, as to each Tranche A
      Term Loan Bank, the obligation of such Tranche A Term Loan Bank to make
      Tranche A Term Loans, in an aggregate principal amount up to but not
      exceeding the amount set opposite the name of such Tranche A Term Loan
      Bank on Schedule 1 of Amendment No. 1 hereto (as the same may be reduced
      from time to time pursuant to Section 2.04).

            "Tranche A Term Loan Commitment Termination Date" shall
      mean August 15, 1997.

            "Tranche B Principal Payment Dates" shall mean (a) the twenty -nine
      consecutive Quarterly Dates beginning on the Quarterly Date falling on or
      nearest to June 30, 1997 and
                                      - 4 -

      ending on the Quarterly Date falling on or nearest to June 30, 2004.

            "Tranche B Term Loan Banks" shall mean, (a) the Banks having Initial
      Tranche B Term Loan Commitments and Supplemental Tranche B Term Loan
      Commitments and (b) thereafter, the Banks from time to time holding
      Tranche B Term Loans after giving effect to any assignments thereof
      permitted by Section 12.06(b) hereof.

            "Tranche B Term Loan Commitment" shall mean, as to each Tranche B
      Term Loan Bank, collectively, the Initial Tranche B Term Loan Commitment
      of such Bank and the Supplemental Tranche B Term Loan Commitment of such

            "Unrestricted Subsidiaries" shall mean Anker Capital, Simba Group,
      Inc., and U.S. Coal Sales Company, LLC, and their respective Subsidiaries
      created or acquired after the Closing Date."

            "Vindex Project" shall mean the acquisition and development of the
      New Allegheny Property and the Stony River Project for an aggregate
      acquisition and development cost of approximately $13,100,000 during the
      period from the First Amendment Effective Date through December 31, 1999.

            2.04. The definition of "Available Supplemental Amount" in Section
1.01 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by replacing "$20,000,000" with

            2.05. The definition of "Available Supplemental Amount" in Section
1.01 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof:

            "plus (vii) in the event that the purchase by the Company or by any
            Subsidiary of Simba Group, Inc. of Oak Mountain Energy LLC is not
            consummated, the aggregate amount (not exceeding the lesser of
            $5,000,000 or the amount theretofore deducted pursuant to the
            preceding clause (v) in connection with the anticipated purchase of
            Oak Mountain Energy LLC) received by the Company and its Restricted
            Subsidiaries in cash by reason thereof"

            2.06. The definition of "Debt Issuance" in Section 1.01 of the
Credit Agreement is hereby amended by deleting "and" at the end of clause (i)
thereof, inserting "and" at the end of
                                      - 5 -

      clause (ii) thereof and inserting a new clause (iii) thereto reading as

            "(iii) Capital Lease Obligations incurred as part of the Hillman

            2.07. The definition of "Disposition" in Section 1.01 of the Credit
Agreement is hereby amended by inserting after clause (v) thereof "and (vi) the
Hillman Sale-Leaseback, provided that the Hillman Sale-Leaseback occurs prior to
December 31, 1998".

            2.08. The definition of "Tranche B Term Loans" in Section 1.01 is
hereby amended by adding the following at the end thereof:

            "The "Tranche B Term Loan" of each Bank shall mean, collectively,
            both disbursements of the loan made by such Bank provided for by
            Section 2.01(c) hereof."

            2.09. Section 2.01(c) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to
read as follows:

                  "(c) Tranche B Term Loans. Each Tranche B Term Loan Bank
            severally agrees, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to
            make a term loan to the Company in Dollars in two disbursements, the
            first of which shall be made on the date that the initial Tranche A
            Term Loans are made hereunder in an amount equal to the Initial
            Tranche B Term Loan Commitment of such Bank as then in effect and
            the second of which shall be made on the First Amendment Effective
            Date in an amount equal to the Supplemental Tranche B Term Loan
            Commitment of such Bank as then in effect. Subject to the terms and
            conditions of this Agreement, the Company may Convert Tranche B Term
            Loans of one Type into Tranche B Term Loans of another Type (as
            provided in Section 2.09 hereof) or Continue Tranche B Term Loans of
            one Type as Tranche B Term Loans of the same Type (as provided in
            Section 2.08 hereof). Tranche B Term Loans that are prepaid or
            repaid may not be reborrowed.

            2.10. Section 2.04(c) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
deleting the first two sentences thereof.

            2.11. Section 2.04(d) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to
read as follows:
                                      - 6 -

            "(d) Any portion of the Initial Tranche B Term Loan Commitments not
            used on the Closing Date shall be automatically terminated. Any
            portion of the Supplemental Tranche B Term Loan Commitments not used
            on the First Amendment Effective Date shall be automatically

            2.12. Section 3.01(b) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to
read as follows:

            "(b) The Company hereby promises to pay to the Administrative Agent
      for account of each Tranche A Term Loan Bank the principal of such Bank's
      Tranche A Term Loans in twenty-four installments payable on the Tranche A
      Principal Payment Dates as follows:

                  Tranche A Principal Payment Date
                  falling on or nearest to:                 Amount of
                  -------------------------                 ---------
                                                            Installment ($)
                        September 30, 1997                    1,750,000
                        December 31, 1997                     1,750,000
                        March 31, 1998                        1,881,579
                        June 30, 1998                         1,881,579
                        September 30, 1998                    2,150,376
                        December 31, 1998                     2,150,376
                        March 31, 1999                        2,150,376
                        June 30, 1999                         2,150,376
                        September 30, 1999                    2,687,970
                        December 31, 1999                     2,687,970
                        March 31, 2000                        2,687,970
                        June 30, 2000                         2,687,970
                        September 30, 2000                    3,225,564
                        December 31, 2000                     3,225,564
                        March 31, 2001                        3,225,564
                        June 30, 2001                         3,225,564
                        September 30, 2001                    3,494,361
                        December 31, 2001                     3,494,361
                        March 31, 2002                        3,494,361
                        June 30, 2002                         3,494,361
                        September 30, 2002                    5,375,940
                        December 31, 2002                     5,375,940
                        March 31, 2003                        5,375,940
                        June 30, 2003                         5,375,938

      If the aggregate principal amount of the Tranche A Term Loans outstanding
      at the close of business on the Tranche A Term Loan Commitment Termination
      Date is less than
                                      - 7 -

      $75,000,000, the shortfall shall be applied to reduce the foregoing
      installments ratably."

            2.13. Section 3.01(c) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to
read as follows:

            "(c) The Company hereby promises to pay to the Administrative Agent
      for account of each Tranche B Term Loan Bank the principal of such Bank's
      Tranche B Term Loan in twenty-nine installments payable on the Tranche B
      Principal Payment Dates as follows:

                  Tranche B Principal Payment Date
                  falling on or nearest to:                 Amount of
                  -------------------------                 ---------
                                                            Installment ($)

                        June 30, 1997                           50,000
                        September 30, 1997                      50,000
                        December 31, 1997                       50,000
                        March 31, 1998                          88,071
                        June 30, 1998                           88,071
                        September 30, 1998                      88,071
                        December 31, 1998                       88,071
                        March 31, 1999                          88,071
                        June 30, 1999                           88,071
                        September 30, 1999                      88,071
                        December 31, 1999                       88,071
                        March 31, 2000                          88,071
                        June 30, 2000                           88,071
                        September 30, 2000                      88,071
                        December 31, 2000                       88,071
                        March 31, 2001                          88,071
                        June 30, 2001                           88,071
                        September 30, 2001                      88,071
                        December 31, 2001                       88,071
                        March 31, 2002                          88,071
                        June 30, 2002                           88,071
                        September 30, 2002                      88,071
                        December 31, 2002                       88,071
                        March 31, 2003                          88,071
                        June 30, 2003                           88,071
                        September 30, 2003                   8,190,609
                        December 31, 2003                    8,190,609
                        March 31, 2004                       8,190,609
                        June 30, 2004                        8,190,611

      If the aggregate principal amount of the Tranche B Term Loans on the First
      Amendment Effective Date is less than
                                      - 8 -

      $35,000,000, the shortfall shall be applied to reduce the foregoing
      installments ratably."

            2.14. Section 4.04 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
replacing "$2,000,000" with "$1,000,000" and by replacing "a larger multiple of
$1,000,000" with "a larger multiple of $100,000".

            2.15. Section 9.05 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
replacing "and (v)" in the third paragraph thereof with ", (v) and (vi)".

            2.16. Section 9.05 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by (i)
deleting "and" at the end of clause 9.05(c)(iii) thereof, (ii) inserting "and"
at the end of clause (d) thereof and (iii) inserting a new clause (e) thereto
reading as follows:

            "(e) the Company or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries may
            consummate (i) the Hillman Acquisition, (ii) the Spruce Fork
            Development and (iii) the Vindex Project."

            2.17. Section 9.07 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
deleting clauses (f) and (g) (said clause (g) having been erroneously designated
as clause (f)) thereof and inserting in place thereof the following:

            "(f) Subordinated Notes of the Company;

            (g) Indebtedness of Spruce Fork Coal Corporation, Inc. to Elkay
            Mining Co. outstanding on the First Amendment Effective Date in the
            amount of approximately $1,900,000 incurred as a result of the
            acquisition of the Spruce Fork Reserves; and

            (h) additional Indebtedness not exceeding $1,000,000 at any one time

            2.18. Section 9.07(d) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
replacing each occurrence of "$115,000,000" with "$135,000,000".

            2.19. Section 9.08(i) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
deleting each occurrence of "reclamation" therein and replacing "$4,500,000"
with "$2,500,000".

            2.20. Section 9.10(a) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to
read as follows:
                                      - 9 -

            "(a) Leverage Ratio. The Company will not permit the Leverage Ratio
      on any date to exceed the ratio set forth below opposite the period during
      which such date falls:

            Period                                      Ratio
            ------                                      -----
      From March 31, 1997
       through June 30, 1997                          4.65 to 1

      From July 1, 1997
       through December 31, 1997                      4.25 to 1

      From January 1, 1998
       through June 30, 1998                          4.00 to 1

      From July 1, 1998
       through December 31, 1998                      3.50 to 1

      From January 1, 1999
       through December 31, 1999                      3.00 to 1

      Thereafter                                      2.50 to 1"

            2.21. Section 9.10(b) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to
read as follows:

            "(b) Fixed Charges Ratio. The Company will not permit the Fixed
      Charges Ratio on any date to be less than the ratio set forth below
      opposite the period during which such date falls:

      From the First Amendment Effective
       Date through June 30, 1998                     0.50 to 1

      From July 1, 1998
       through December 31, 1999                      0.80 to 1

      Thereafter                                      1.00 to 1

            2.22. Section 9.10(c) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to
read as follows:

            "(c) Interest Coverage Ratio. The Company will not permit the
      Interest Coverage Ratio on any date to be less than the ratio set forth
      below opposite the period during which such date falls:

      From the First Amendment Effective
                                     - 10 -

       Date through June 30, 1998                     2.50 to 1

      From July 1, 1998
       through December 31, 1998                      3.00 to 1

      Thereafter                                      3.50 to 1

            2.23. Section 9.11 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
amending the schedule therein to read as follows:

                "Fiscal Year Ending                        Amount
                -------------------                        ------
                        1996                                $12,000,000
                        1997                                $37,000,000
                        1998                                $13,000,000
                        1999                                $20,000,000
                        2000 and each                       $14,000,000
                        fiscal year thereafter"

            2.24. Section 9.13 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
replacing "$14,000,000" with "$20,000,000".

            2.25. Section 9.16(b) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
inserting "the Hillman Acquisition, the Spruce Fork Development and the Vindex
Project" after "Acquisition".

            2.26. Section 9.12 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
inserting "the lesser of $50,000,000 or" before "50%".

            2.27. Section 12.04(a)(i)(A) of the Credit Agreement is hereby
amended to read as follows:

            "extend the time or waive any requirement for the reduction or
            termination of any of the Commitments,"

            2.28. Section 12.04 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by (i)
deleting "and" at the end of clause (a)(ii) thereof and (ii) inserting after
clause (a)(iii) a new clause reading as follows:

            "and (iv) no modification, supplement or waiver shall increase or
            extend the term of any of the Commitments of any Bank without the
            consent of such Bank."

            2.29 Section 12.04(b) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
inserting "including, but not limited to, any dispositions referred to in any of
clauses (i) through (vi) of
                                     - 11 -

the definition of "Disposition" in Section 1.01 hereof," after "Property
permitted hereunder".

            2.30. Exhibit K to the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by
replacing "$115,000,000" with "$135,000,000" and by replacing "One Hundred
Fifteen Million Dollars" with "One Hundred Thirty-Five Million Dollars".

            2.31. The last paragraph of Section 3 of the Security Agreement is
hereby amended to read as follows:

            "Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Collateral does not and shall
            not include the Remaining Preferred Stock, any shares of capital
            stock of or other equity interests in any Unrestricted Subsidiary or
            the rights of any Obligor under any equipment lease.

      Section 3. Joinder. Each Person listed on the signature pages hereto under
the caption "New Subsidiary Guarantors" (each a "New Subsidiary Guarantor")

            (a) becomes a party to the Credit Agreement and the Security
      Agreement as a Subsidiary Guarantor fully and completely the same as if
      its signature were affixed to the Credit Agreement and the Security

            (b) becomes a Subsidiary Guarantor under the Credit Agreement and
      the Security Agreement with all of the rights and obligations of a
      Subsidiary Guarantor thereunder and, without limiting the generality of
      the foregoing, guarantees payment of the Secured Obligations as provided
      in Section 6 of the Credit Agreement and hereby grants, ratifies and
      confirms the security interest provided for by Section 3 of the Security
      Agreement in all of its right, title and interest in, to and under the
      Collateral (as defined in the Security Agreement) to secure the Secured
      Obligations (as defined in the Security Agreement) owing by it, and the
      terms and conditions of the Credit Agreement and the Security Agreement
      are hereby incorporated by reference herein;

            (c) represents and warrants that the representations and warranties
      set forth in Section 8 of the Credit Agreement and in Section 2 of the
      Security Agreement, to the extent relating to such New Subsidiary
      Guarantor, are correct on and as of the date hereof.
                                     - 12 -

            Section 4. Representations and Warranties. The Company represents
and warrants to the Banks that the representations and warranties set forth in
Section 8 of the Credit Agreement are true and complete on the First Amendment
Effective Date as if made on and as of the date hereof and as if each reference
in said Section 8 to "this Agreement" and "the Notes" includes reference to this
Amendment No. 1 and to the New Notes. The aggregate amount of Investments made
by the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries on the date hereof referred to in
clause (v) of the definition of "Available Supplemental Amount" in Section 1.01
of the Credit Agreement is $17,250,000.

            Section 5. Conditions Precedent. As provided in Section 2 above, the
amendments to the Credit Agreement set forth in said Section 2 shall become
effective, as of the date hereof (or in the case of the amendment set forth in
Section 2.20 hereof, as of March 31, 1997), upon the satisfaction of the
following conditions precedent:

            5.01. Execution by All Parties. This Amendment No. 1 shall have been
executed and delivered by each of the parties hereto.

            5.02. Notes and Loans. The Company shall have delivered to the
Administrative Agent for each Bank with a Commitment that is increasing as a
result hereof (an "Increasing Bank"), in exchange for the related Note
heretofore delivered to such Bank pursuant to Section 2.08 of the Credit
Agreement, a new promissory note of the Company in substantially the form of
Exhibits A-2 or A-3 to the Credit Agreement, dated the date of the Note being
exchanged, payable to such Bank in a principal amount equal to its relevant
Commitment (as increased hereby) and otherwise duly completed, and each of such
promissory notes (a "New Note") delivered to the Increasing Banks shall
constitute a "Note" under the Credit Agreement as amended hereby. In addition,
the Company shall have borrowed from, and each of the Increasing Banks shall
have made Loans to, the Company, and (notwithstanding the provisions of Section
2.09 of the Credit Agreement requiring that prepayments be made ratably in
accordance with the principal amounts of the Loans held by the Banks) the
Company shall have prepaid Loans made by the other Banks in such amounts as
shall be necessary, together with accrued interest and any amounts payable under
Section 5.05 of the Credit Agreement, so that after giving effect to such Loans
and prepayments, the Loans shall be held by the Banks pro rata (by reference to
Class, Type and (if applicable) Interest Periods) in accordance with the
respective amounts of their related Commitments (as increased hereby).
                                      - 13 -

            5.03  Intercompany Notes.  Each Restricted Subsidiary shall have
delivered to the Company (and the Company shall have delivered to the
Administrative Agent in pledge under the Security Agreement), in exchange for
the Intercompany Note heretofore delivered by such Restricted Subsidiary to the
Company, a new Intercompany Note of such Restricted Subsidiary in substantially
the form of Exhibit K to the Credit Agreement as amended hereby, dated the date
of the Intercompany Note being exchanged, payable to the Company and otherwise
duly completed, and each such new Intercompany Note shall constitute an
"Intercompany Note" under the Loan Documents as amended hereby.

            5.04  Documents.  The Administrative Agent shall have received the
following items, each of which shall be satisfactory to the Administrative Agent
in form and substance:

            (1)  Corporate Documents.  Certified copies of the charter and
      by-laws (or equivalent documents) of each Obligor (or, in the alternative,
      a certification to the effect that none of such documents has been
      modified since delivery thereof on the Closing Date pursuant to the Credit
      Agreement) and of all corporate authority for each Obligor (including,
      without limitation, board of director resolutions and evidence of the
      incumbency of officers for each Obligor) with respect to the execution,
      delivery and performance of this Amendment No. 1 and the Credit Agreement
      as amended hereby and the loans under the Credit Agreement as amended
      hereby, the New Notes and each other document to be delivered by each
      Obligor from time to time in connection with the Credit Agreement as
      amended hereby (and the Administrative Agent and each Bank may
      conclusively rely on such certificate until it receives notice in writing
      from each Obligor to the contrary).

            (2)  Officer's Certificate.  A certificate of a Responsible Officer,
      dated the First Amendment Effective Date, to the effect that, after giving
      effect to this Amendment No. 1, no defaults shall have occurred and be

            (3)  Security.  Each Obligor shall have taken such action
      (including, without limitation, delivery to the Administrative Agent
      appropriately completed and duly executed copies of amended Security
      Documents) as the Administrative Agent shall have requested in order to
      perfect the security interests (subject to obtaining required consents on
      a best efforts basis) created pursuant
                                     - 14 -

      to the Security Documents after giving effect to the amendments
      contemplated hereby.

            (4) Opinion of Special Pennsylvania Counsel to the Obligors. An
      opinion of Klett, Lieber, Rooney & Schorling, special Pennsylvania counsel
      to the Obligors, substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto (and each
      Obligor hereby instructs such counsel to deliver such opinion to the Banks
      and the Administrative Agent).

            (5) Opinion of Special West Virginia Counsel to the Obligors. An
      opinion of Spilman, Thomas & Battle, special West Virginia counsel to the
      Obligors, substantially in the form of Exhibit B hereto (and each Obligor
      hereby instructs such counsel to deliver such opinion to the Banks and the
      Administrative Agent).

            (6) Compliance Certificate. A certificate of a Responsible Officer
      of the Company evidencing, effective as of March 31, 1997, pro forma
      compliance with the financial covenants.

            (7) Borrowing Base Certificate. A Borrowing Base certificate
      evidencing, effective as of March 31, 1997, the Company's ability to
      borrow under the Credit Agreement.

            (8) Fees. Evidence of the payment or delivery by the Company of such
      fees as the Company shall have agreed to pay or deliver to any Bank or an
      affiliate thereof or the Administrative Agent in connection with this
      Amendment No. 1 or the Loan Documents, including, without limitation, the
      reasonable fees and expenses of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, special
      New York counsel to Chase, in connection with the negotiation,
      preparation, execution and delivery of this Amendment No. 1 or the Loan
      Documents and the extensions of credit thereunder (to the extent that
      statements for such fees and expenses shall have been delivered to the

            (9) Assignment of Demand Note and Deed of Trust. Execution and
      delivery of the Assignment of Demand Note and Deed of Trust dated as of
      April 30, 1997 by the Company and the Administrative Agent; in addition
      the Company and Simba Group, Inc. shall have taken such other action
      (including delivery to the Agent of that certain Demand Note (the "Demand
      Note") dated as of February 28, 1997, executed and delivered by Simba
      Group, Inc. to the Company and that certain Deed of Trust dated April 30,
      1997 executed and
                                     - 15 -

      delivered by Simba Group, Inc. to the Company to secure repayment of the
      Demand Note) as the Agent shall reasonably request in order to perfect,
      protect or continue such assignment.

            (10) Other Documents. Such other documents as the Administrative
      Agent or any Bank or special New York counsel to Chase may reasonably

            Section 6. Miscellaneous. Except as herein provided, the Credit
Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. This Amendment
No. 1 may be executed in any number of counterparts, all of which taken together
shall constitute one and the same amendatory instrument and any of the parties
hereto may execute this Amendment No. 1 by signing any such counterpart. This
Amendment No. 1 shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law
of the State of New York.

                                     - 16 -

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment
No. 1 to be duly executed and delivered as of the day and year first above

                                    ANKER COAL GROUP, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS

                                    ADVANTAGE ENERGY CORPORATION

                                    By _________________________

                                    ANKER ENERGY CORPORATION

                                    By _________________________

                                    ANKER GROUP, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    ANKER POWER SERVICES, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    BECKLEY SMOKELESS LIMITED
                                      LIABILITY COMPANY

                                    By _________________________
                                     - 17 -

                                    BRONCO MINING COMPANY, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    HAWTHORNE COAL COMPANY, INC.
                                    (formerly known as Anker
                                    Development, Inc.)

                                    By _________________________

                                    HEATHER GLEN RESOURCES, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    JULIANA MINING COMPANY, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    KING KNOB COAL CO., INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    MARINE COAL SALES COMPANY

                                    By _________________________

                                     - 18 -

                                    PATRIOT MINING COMPANY, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    PHILIPPI DEVELOPMENT, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    PINE VALLEY COAL COMPANY, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    VANTRANS, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    NEW SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS

                                    MELROSE COAL COMPANY, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    NEW ALLEGHENY LAND HOLDING COMPANY,

                                    By _________________________

                                     - 19 -

                                    SPRUCE FORK COAL COMPANY, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    UPSHUR PROPERTY, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    VINDEX ENERGY CORPORATION

                                    By _________________________

                                    THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK,
                                      as Administrative Agent and as

                                    By ________________________

                                    BANK OF MONTREAL

                                    By _________________________

                                    THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO

                                    By _________________________

                                     - 20 -

                                    MELLON BANK, N.A.

                                    By _________________________

                                    THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA

                                    By _________________________

                                    VAN KAMPEN AMERICAN CAPITAL PRIME
                                      RATE INCOME TRUST

                                    By _________________________

                                    MERRILL LYNCH SENIOR FLOATING
                                      RATE FUND, INC.

                                    By _________________________

                                    MERRILL LYNCH PRIME RATE PORTFOLIO

                                    By _________________________
                                   Schedule 1


                              Tranche A Term        Initial Tranche        Tranche B Term
                                   Loan               B Term Loan               Loan
          Lender                Commitment            Commitment             Commitment
          ______              ______________        _______________        _______________

The Chase
Manhattan Bank                $20,921,052.62         $ 5,000,000.00         $11,500,000.00

Bank of Montreal              $14,736,842.11                                      $0

The First National
Bank of Chicago               $14,736,842.11               $0                     $0

Mellon Bank, N.A.             $14,736,842.11               $0                     $0

The Bank of Nova
Scotia                        $ 9,868,421.05               $0                     $0

Van Kampen American
Capital Prime Rate                                                          $ 3,500,000.00
Income Trust                       $0                $10,000,000.00

Merrill Lynch                      $0                $ 5,000,000.00               $0
Senior Floating
Rate Fund, Inc.


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                      [Form of Opinion of Special New York
                            Counsel to the Obligors]
                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                    [Form of Opinion of Special West Virginia
                            Counsel to the Obligors]

     AMENDMENT NO. 2 dated as of September 22, 1997 to the Security Agreement
dated as of August 12, 1996, as amended by Amendment No. 1 dated as of April
30, 1997 (the "Security Agreement"), between Anker Coal Group, Inc. (the
"Company"), each Person listed on the signature pages hereto under the caption
"Subsidiary Guarantors" (individually, a "Subsidiary Guarantor" and,
collectively the "Subsidiary Guarantors" and, together with the Company, the
"Obligors") and The Chase Manhattan Bank, as agent for the lenders party to the
"Credit Agreement" referred to below (the "Administrative Agent").

     The Company, the Subsidiary Guarantors, certain lenders and the
Administrative Agent are parties to a Credit Agreement dated as of August 12,
1996, as amended and restated by operation of the Amended and Restated Credit
Agreement dated as of September 22, 1997 (as so amended and restated, and as
the same may be further supplemented and otherwise modified and in effect from
time to time, the "Credit Agreement").

     The Company, the Subsidiary Guarantors and the Administrative Agent wish
to amend the Security Agreement in certain respects, and accordingly, the
parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

     Section 1. Definitions. Except as otherwise defined in this Amendment No.
2, terms defined in the Security Agreement (as amended hereby) are used herein
as defined therein.

     Section 2. Amendments to the Security Agreement. Upon the execution and
delivery by each of the parties hereto the Security Agreement shall be amended
as follows:

     (a) References in the Security Agreement (including references to the
Security Agreement as amended hereby) to "this Agreement" (and indirect
references such as "hereunder", "hereby", "herein" and "hereof") shall be
deemed to be references to the Security Agreement as amended hereby.

     (b) The definition of "Motor Vehicles" in Section 1 of the Security
Agreement is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof ", but excluding Mobile

     (c) Section 3(h) of the Security Agreement is hereby amended to read as

          "(h) all equipment (as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code), other
     than Mobile Equipment, of such Obligor, including all Motor Vehicles
     (herein collectively called "Equipment");"

          (d) The last paragraph of Section 3 of the Security Agreement is
hereby amended to read as follows:

          "Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Collateral does not and shall not
     include (a) any shares of capital stock of or other equity interests in any
     Unrestricted Subsidiary, (b) the rights of any Obligor under any equipment
     lease, (c) Mobile Equipment or (d) any rights (other than rights to
     payment) under any contract or other agreement relating to the sale or
     other disposition of Inventory or Equipment, or to any contract mining
     agreement or coal purchase or sales agreement, if and to the extent that
     their inclusion in the Collateral hereunder would permit any party thereto
     (other than the Obligors or Affiliates of the Obligors) to terminate same."

          Section 3. Representation and Warranties. Each Obligor represents and
warrants to the Banks and the Administrative Agent that the representations and
warranties set forth in Section 2 of the Security Agreement are true and
complete as if made on the date hereof (or, if any such representation and
warranty is expressly stated to have been made as of a specific date, as of
such specific date).

          Section 4. Ratification. By its signature below, each Obligor hereby
grants, ratifies and confirms the security interest provided for by Section 3
of the Security Agreement (as amended hereby) in all of its right, title and
interest in, to and under the Collateral (as defined in the Security Agreement
after giving effect to the amendments thereto contemplated by Section 2 hereof)
to secure the Secured Obligations owing by it.

          Section 5. Miscellaneous. Except as herein provided, the Security
Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. This Amendment
No. 2 may be executed in any number of counterparts, all of which taken
together shall constitute one and the same amendatory instrument and any of the
parties hereto may execute this Amendment No. 2 by signing any such
counterpart. This Amendment No. 2 shall be governed by, and construed in
accordance with, the law of the State of New York.

                                     - 3 -

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 2 to
be duly executed and delivered as of the day and year first above written.


                                        ANKER COAL GROUP, INC.

                                        By /s/ BRUCE SPARKS    
                                           Title: Executive Vice President
                                        SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS

                                        ANKER ENERGY CORPORATION

                                        By /s/ BRUCE SPARKS    
                                           Title: Executive Vice President

                                        ANKER GROUP, INC.

                                        By /s/ BRUCE SPARKS    
                                           Title: Executive Vice President

                                        ANKER POWER SERVICES, INC.

                                        By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                           Title: Treasurer    

                                        ANKER WEST VIRGINIA MINING COMPANY,

                                        By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                           Title: Treasurer    

                                     - 4 -

                                        BRONCO MINING COMPANY, INC.

                                        By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                           Title: Treasurer

                                        HAWTHORNE COAL COMPANY, INC.
                                        (formerly known as Anker
                                        Development, Inc.)

                                        By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                           Title: Treasurer

                                        HEATHER GLEN RESOURCES, INC.

                                        By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                           Title: Treasurer

                                        JULIANA MINING COMPANY, INC.
                                        By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                           Title: Treasurer

                                        KING KNOB COAL CO., INC.

                                        By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                           Title: Treasurer

                                        MARINE COAL SALES COMPANY

                                        By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                           Title: Treasurer

                                   PATRIOT MINING COMPANY, INC.


                                   By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                      Title: Treasurer

                                   VANTRANS, INC.

                                   By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                      Title: Treasurer

                                   MELROSE COAL COMPANY, INC.


                                   By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                      Title: Treasurer

                                   NEW ALLEGHENY LAND HOLDING COMPANY


                                   By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                      Title: Treasurer

                                   UPSHUR PROPERTY, INC.


                                   By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                      Title: Treasurer

                                   VINDEX ENERGY CORPORATION

                                   By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                      Title: Treasurer

                                   ANKER VIRGINIA MINING COMPANY, INC.


                                   By /s/ MICHAEL M. MATESIC
                                      Title: Treasurer

                                   THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, as
                                     Administrative Agent


                                   By /s/ LAWRENCE PALUMBO, JR.
                                      Name:  Lawrence Palumbo, Jr. 
                                      Title: Vice President
