Exhibit 10.21


         This Indemnification Agreement ("Agreement") is made as of this *** day
of ***, 1997, by and between Micron Custom Manufacturing Services, Inc., an
Idaho corporation (the "Company"), and *****, ("Indemnitee").

         WHEREAS, the Company desires to attract and retain the services of
highly qualified individuals, such as Indemnitee, to serve the Company and its
related entities;

         WHEREAS, in order to induce Indemnitee to continue to provide services
to the Company, the Company wishes to provide for the indemnification of, and
advancement of expenses to, Indemnitee to the maximum extent permitted by law;

         WHEREAS, Indemnitee does not regard the current protection available as
adequate under the present circumstances, and the Indemnitee and other
directors, officers, employees, agents and fiduciaries of the Company may not be
willing to continue to serve in such capacities without additional protection;

         WHEREAS, the Company and Indemnitee recognize the continued difficulty
in obtaining liability insurance for the Company's directors, officers,
employees, agents and fiduciaries, the significant increases in the cost of such
insurance and the general reductions in the coverage of such insurance;

         WHEREAS, the Company and Indemnitee further recognize the substantial
increase in corporate litigation in general, subjecting directors, officers,
employees, agents and fiduciaries to expensive litigation risks at the same time
as the availability and coverage of liability insurance has been severely
limited; and

         WHEREAS, in view of the considerations set forth above, the Company
desires that Indemnitee shall be indemnified by the Company as forth herein;

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of Indemnitee's service to the Company,
the Company and Indemnitee hereby agree as follows:

         1.   Indemnification

         (a) Indemnification. The Company shall indemnify Indemnitee if
Indemnitee is or was a party or is threatened to be made a party to any
threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil,
criminal, administrative or investigative (whether in a third party proceeding
or in an action by or in the right of the Company) by reason of the fact that
Indemnitee is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the Company, or
any subsidiary of the Company, by reason of any action or inaction on the part
of Indemnitee while an officer, director, employee or agent or by reason of the
fact that Indemnitee is or was serving at the request of the Company as a
director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint
venture, trust or other enterprise, against judgments, penalties, fines
(including, without limitation, excise taxes assessed against Indemnitee with
respect to an employee benefit plan), settlements and reasonable expenses,
including attorneys' fees and disbursements, actually and reasonably incurred by
Indemnitee in connection with such action, suit or proceeding; provided,
however, the Company shall not indemnify Indemnitee:

         (1) If Indemnitee has been indemnified by another organization or
employee benefit plan for the same judgments, penalties, fines (including,
without limitation, excise taxes assessed against the person with respect to an
employee benefit plan), settlements, and reasonable expenses, including
attorneys' fees and disbursements, incurred by the person in connection with the
proceeding with respect to the same acts or omissions;

         (2) For any breach of the Indemnitee's duty of loyalty to the Company
or its stockholders;


         (3) For acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve
intentional misconduct or knowing violation of law;

         (4) For the liability of Indemnitee provided for under Section 30-1-48
of the Idaho General Business Corporations Code ("IGBCC");

         (5) For any transaction from which the Indemnitee derived an improper
personal benefit.

         The termination of a proceeding by judgment, order, settlement,
conviction, or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent does not, of
itself, establish that Indemnitee did not meet the criteria set forth in this
Section 1(a).

         (b) Mandatory Payment of Expenses. To the extent that Indemnitee has
been successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of any action, suit or
proceeding referred to in Subsection (a) of this Section 1 or the defense of any
claim, issue or matter therein, Indemnitee shall be indemnified against expenses
(including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by Indemnitee in
connection therewith.

         2. Expenses; Indemnification Procedure

         (a) Advancement of Expenses. The Company shall advance all expenses
(including attorney's fees) incurred by Indemnitee in connection with the
investigation, defense, settlement or appeal of any civil or criminal,
administrative or investigative action, suit or proceeding referenced in Section
1(a) hereof. Indemnitee hereby undertakes to repay such amounts advanced only
if, and to the extent that, it shall ultimately be determined that Indemnitee is
not entitled to be indemnified by the Company as authorized hereby.

         (b) Notice/Cooperation by Indemnitee. Indemnitee shall, as a condition
precedent to his right to be indemnified under this Agreement, give the Company
notice in writing as soon as practicable of any claim made against Indemnitee
for which indemnification will or could be sought under this Agreement. In
addition, Indemnitee shall give the Company such information and cooperation as
it may reasonably require and as shall be within Indemnitee's power.

         (c) Procedure. Any indemnification and advances provided for by this
Agreement shall be made no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the
written request of Indemnitee. If a claim under this Agreement, under any
statute, or under any provision of the Company's Articles of Incorporation or
Bylaws providing for indemnification is not paid in full by the Company within
thirty (30) days after a written request for payment thereof has first been
received by the Company, Indemnitee may, but need not, at any time thereafter
bring an action against the Company to recover the unpaid amount of the claim.
It shall be a defense to any such action (other than an action brought to
enforce a claim for expenses incurred in connection with any action, suit or
proceeding in advance of its final disposition) that Indemnitee has not met the
standards of conduct which make it permissible under applicable law for the
Company to indemnify Indemnitee for the amount claimed, but the burden of
proving such defense shall be on the Company and Indemnitee shall be entitled to
receive interim payments of expenses hereunder unless and until such defense may
be finally adjudicated by court order or judgment from which no further right of
appeal exists.

         (d) Selection of Counsel. In the event the Company shall be obligated
to pay the expenses of any proceeding against Indemnitee, the Company shall be
entitled to assume the defense of such proceeding, with counsel selected by the
Company, upon the delivery to Indemnitee of written notice of its election so to
do. After delivery of such notice, the Company will not be liable to Indemnitee
under this Agreement for any fees of counsel subsequently incurred by Indemnitee
with respect to the same proceeding, provided that (i) Indemnitee shall have the
right to employ his counsel in any such proceeding at Indemnitee's expense; and
(ii) if (A) the employment of counsel by Indemnitee has been authorized by the
Company, (B) The Company shall have reasonably concluded that there may be a
conflict of interest between the Company and Indemnitee in the conduct of any
such defense or (C) the Company shall not, in fact, have employed counsel to
assume the defense of such proceeding, then the fees and expenses of
Indemnitee's counsel shall be at the expense of the Company.

         3.       Additional Indemnification Rights; Nonexclusivity


         (a) Scope. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the
Company hereby agrees to indemnify Indemnitee to the fullest extent permitted by
law, notwithstanding that such indemnification is not specifically authorized by
the other provisions of this Agreement, the Company's Articles of Incorporation,
the Company's Bylaws or by statute. In the event of any change, after the date
of this Agreement, in any applicable law, statute, or rule which expands the
right of an Idaho corporation to indemnify a member of its board of directors or
an officer, such changes shall be, ipso facto, within the purview of
Indemnitee's rights and Company's obligations, under this Agreement. In the
event of any change in any applicable law, statute or rule which narrows the
right of an Idaho corporation to indemnify a member of its board of directors or
an officer, such changes, to the extent not otherwise required by such law,
statute or rule to be applied to this Agreement shall have no effect on this
Agreement or the parties' rights and obligations hereunder.

         (b) Nonexclusivity. The indemnification and advancement of expenses
provided by or granted pursuant to this Agreement shall not be deemed exclusive
of any rights to which an Indemnitee may be entitled under the Company's
Articles of Incorporation, its Bylaws, any agreement, any vote of stockholders
or disinterested directors, the IGBCC, or otherwise, both as to action in
Indemnitee's official capacity and as to action in another capacity while
holding such office. The indemnification provided under this Agreement shall
continue as to Indemnitee for any action taken or not taken while serving in an
indemnified capacity even though he may have ceased to serve in such capacity at
the time of any action, suit or other covered proceeding.

         4. Partial Indemnification. If Indemnitee is entitled under any
provision of this Agreement to indemnification by the Company for some or a
portion of the expenses, judgments, fines or penalties actually or reasonably
incurred by him in the investigation, defense, appeal or settlement of any civil
or criminal action, suit or proceeding, but not, however, for the total amount
thereof, the Company shall nevertheless indemnify Indemnitee for the portion of
such expenses, judgments, fines or penalties to which Indemnitee is entitled.

         5. Mutual Acknowledgment. Both the Company and Indemnitee acknowledge
that in certain instances, Federal law or public policy may override applicable
state law and prohibit the Company from indemnifying its directors and officers
under this Agreement or otherwise. For example, the Company and Indemnitee
acknowledge that the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") has taken
the position that indemnification is not permissible for liabilities arising
under certain federal securities laws, and federal legislation prohibits
indemnification for certain ERISA violations.

         6. Severability. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to require or
shall be construed as requiring the Company to do or fail to do any act in
violation of applicable law. The Company's inability, pursuant to court order,
to perform its obligations under this Agreement shall not constitute a breach of
this Agreement. The provisions of this Agreement shall be severable. If this
Agreement or any portion hereof shall be invalidated on any ground by any court
of competent jurisdiction, then the Company shall nevertheless indemnify
Indemnitee to the full extent permitted by any applicable portion of this
Agreement that shall not have been invalidated, and the balance of this
Agreement not so invalidated shall be enforceable in accordance with its terms.

         7. Exceptions. Any other provision herein to the contrary
notwithstanding, the Company shall not be obligated pursuant to the terms of
this Agreement:

         (a) Claims Initiated by Indemnitee. To indemnify or advance expenses to
Indemnitee with respect to proceedings or claims initiated or brought
voluntarily by Indemnitee and not by way of defense.

         (b) Insured Claims. To indemnify Indemnitee for expenses or liabilities
of any type whatsoever (including, but not limited to, judgments, fines, ERISA
excise taxes or penalties, and amounts paid in settlement) which have been paid
directly to Indemnitee by an insurance carrier under a policy of officers' and
directors' liability insurance maintained by the Company.

         (c) Claims Under Section 16(b). To indemnify Indemnitee for expenses or
the payment of profits arising from the purchase and sale by Indemnitee of
securities in violation of Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended, or any similar successor statute.


         8.       Construction of Certain Phrases

         (a) For purposes of this Agreement, references to the "Company" shall
include, in addition to the resulting corporation, any constituent corporation
(including any constituent of a constituent) absorbed in a consolidation or
merger which, if its separate existence had continued, would have had power and
authority to indemnify its directors, officers, and employees or agents, so that
if Indemnitee is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of such
constituent corporation, or is or was serving at the request of such constituent
corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation,
partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, Indemnitee shall stand in
the same position under the provisions of this Agreement with respect to the
resulting or surviving corporation as Indemnitee would have with respect to such
constituent corporation if its separate existence had continued.

         (b) For purposes of this Agreement, references to "other enterprises"
shall include employee benefit plans; references to "fines" shall include any
excise taxes assessed on Indemnitee with respect to an employee benefit plan;
and references to "serving at the request of the Company" shall include any
service as a director, officer, employee or agent of the Company which imposes
duties on, or involves services by, such director, officer, employee or agent
with respect to an employee benefit plan, its participants, or beneficiaries;
and if Indemnitee acted in good faith and in a manner Indemnitee reasonably
believed to be in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries of any
employee benefit plan, Indemnitee shall be deemed to have acted in a manner "not
opposed to the best interests of the Company" as referred to in this Agreement.

         9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original.

         10. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the
Company and its successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of
Indemnitee and Indemnitee's estate, heirs, legal representatives and assigns.

         11. Attorneys' Fees. In the event that any action is instituted by
Indemnitee under this Agreement to enforce or interpret any of the terms hereof,
Indemnitee shall be entitled to be paid all court costs and expenses, including
reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by Indemnitee with respect to such action,
unless as a part of such action, the court of competent jurisdiction determines
that each of the material assertions made by Indemnitee as a basis for such
action were not made in good faith or were frivolous. In the event of an action
instituted by or in the name of the Company under this Agreement or to enforce
or interpret any of the terms of this Agreement, Indemnitee shall be entitled to
be paid all court costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred by
Indemnitee in defense of such action (including with respect to Indemnitee's
counterclaims and cross-claims made in such action), unless as a part of such
action the court determines that each of Indemnitee's material defenses to such
action were made in bad faith or were frivolous.

         12. Notice. All notices, requests, demands and other communications
under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly given (i) if
delivered by hand and receipted for by the party addressee, on the date of such
receipt, or (ii) if mailed by domestic certified or registered mail with postage
prepaid, on the third business day after the date postmarked. Addresses for
notice to either party are as shown on the signature page of this Agreement, or
as subsequently modified by written notice.

         13. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and its
provisions construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, without
reference to the provisions thereof regarding conflicts of laws.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the
date first above written.

                                 Micron Custom Manufacturing Services, Inc.

                                 By:  _________________________________

                                 Its:   _________________________________

                                 Address: 16399 Franklin Road
                                          Nampa, Idaho  83687


