Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
                         J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated

                                                                    Three months
  Dollars in millions                                                  1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net income                                                             $237
  Add: income taxes                                                       128
  Less: equity in undistributed income
    of all affiliates accounted for by
    the equity method                                                       1
  Add: fixed charges, excluding interest
    on deposits                                                         2 155
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Earnings available for fixed charges,
    excluding interest on deposits                                      2 519
  Add: interest on deposits                                               790
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Earnings available for fixed charges,
    including interest on deposits                                      3 309
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed charges:
  Interest expense, excluding interest on
    deposits                                                            2 136
  Interest factor in net rental expense                                    19
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total fixed charges, excluding interest
    on deposits                                                         2 155
  Add: interest on deposits                                               790
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total fixed charges, including interest
    on deposits                                                         2 945
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges:
  Excluding interest on deposits                                         1.17(a)
  Including interest on deposits                                         1.12(a)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) For the three months ended March 31, 1998, the ratio of earnings to fixed
charges, excluding the after tax charge of $129 million ($215 million before
tax) related to restructuring of business activities, was 1.23 excluding
interest on deposits and 1.17 including interest on deposits.

                                   EXHIBIT 12

           Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges
                         and Preferred Stock Dividends
                         J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated

                                                                   Three Months
Dollars in millions                                                    1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net income                                                             $237
  Add: income taxes                                                       128
  Less: equity in undistributed income
    of all affiliates accounted for by
    the equity method                                                       1
  Add: fixed charges, excluding interest
    on deposits and preferred stock
    dividends                                                           2 155
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Earnings available for fixed charges,
    excluding interest on deposits                                      2 519
  Add: interest on deposits                                               790
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Earnings available for fixed charges,
    including interest on deposits                                      3 309
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed charges:
  Interest expense, excluding interest on
    deposits                                                            2 136
  Interest factor in net rental expense                                    19
  Preferred stock dividends                                                14
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total fixed charges, excluding interest
    on deposits                                                         2 169
  Add: interest on deposits                                               790
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total fixed charges, including interest
    on deposits                                                         2 959
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges:
  Excluding interest on deposits                                         1.16(a)
  Including interest on deposits                                         1.12(a)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) For the three months ended March 31, 1998, the ratio of earnings to 
combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends, excluding the after tax
charge of $129 million ($215 million before tax) related to restructuring of
business  activities, was 1.22 excluding interest on deposits and 1.16 including
interest on deposits.