1 EXHIBIT 4.2 [FRONT OF STOCK CERTIFICATE] BIOCHEM PHARMA INC. CONSTITUEE EN VERTU DE LA LOI CANADIENNE SUR LES SOCIETES PAR ACTIONS INCORPORATED UNDER THE CANADA BUSINESS CORPORATIONS ACT LE CAPITAL-ACTIONS AUTORISE DE LA SOCIETE EST CONSTITUE D'UN NOMBRE ILLIMITE D'ACTIONS SANS VALEUR NOMINALE. THE AUTHORIZED SHARE CAPITAL OF THE CORPORATION CONSISTS OF AN UNLIMITED NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES WITHOUT PAR VALUE. CUSIP 09058T 10 8 NUMERO - NUMBER ACTIONS - SHARES Les presentes attestent que This certifies that est le detenteur enregistre de is the registered holder of ACTIONS ORDINAIRES SANS VALEUR NOMINALE ENTIEREMENT LIBEREES ET NON SUJETTES A APPELS DE VERSEMENTS DU CAPITAL-ACTIONS DE COMMON SHARES WITHOUT PAR VALUE, FULLY PAID AND NOT SUBJECT TO CALLS, OF THE SHARE CAPITAL OF BIOCHEM PHARMA INC. L'inscription des transferts des actions representees par ce certificat ne peut etre faite aux livres de la Societe que par le detenteur inscrit en personne ou par son mandataire dument autorise par ecrit, sur remise de ce cetificat dument endosse, sous reserve des exigences des lois regissant la Societe. Ce certificat n'est valide que s'il est contresigne par l'agent des transferts et inscrit par l'agent charge de la tenue des registres de la Societe. EN FOI DE QUOI, la Societe a fait signer ce certificat par ses officiers dument autorises. Entry of the transfers of the shares represented by this certificate may be made in the books of the Corporation only by the registered holder in person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender of this certificate properly endorsed, subject to compliance with the requirements of the laws governing the Corporation. This certificate shall not be valid unless countersigned by the Transfer Agent and registered by the Registrar of the Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this certificate to be signed by its duly authorized officers. Date/Dated: CONTRESIGNE ET INSCRIT - COUNTERSIGNED AND REGISTERED TRUST GENERAL DU CANADA, Montreal, Toronto GENERAL TRUST OF CANADA, Montreal, Toronto AGENT DES TRANSFERTS ET AGENT CHARGE DE LA TENUE DES REGISTRES TRANSFER AGENT AND REGISTRAR PAR - PER: --------------------------------------------------- REPRESENTANT AUTORISE - AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE LE PRESIDENT, LE PREMIER VICE-PRESIDENT, FINANCES, ADMINISTRATION ET TRESORIER, PRESIDENT SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT, FINANCES, ADMINISTRATION AND TREASURER L'INSCRIPTION DU TRANSFERT DES ACTIONS REPRESENTEES PAR CE CERTIFICAT PEUT ETRE FAITE AUX PRINCIPALES PLACES D'AFFAIRES DE TRUST GENERAL DU CANADA A MONTREAL ET A TORONTO. REGISTRATION OF THE TRANSFER OF THE SHARES REPRESENTED BY THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE MADE AT THE PRINCIPAL OFFICES OF GENERAL TRUST OF CANADA IN MONTREAL AND TORONTO. 2 [BACK OF STOCK CERTIFICATE] LE TEXTE QUI SUIT EST UN SOMMAIRE DES DROITS, PRIVILEGES, THE FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES, CONDITIONS ET RESTRICTIONS AFFERENTS AUX ACTIONS DU CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ATTACHING TO THE SHARES OF THE CAPITAL-ACTIONS DE LA SOCIETE DONT LE TEXTE COMPLET SERA SHARE CAPITAL OF THE CORPORATION, THE FULL TEXT OF WHICH WILL FOURNI, SANS FRAIS, SUR DEMANDE. BE PROVIDED WITHOUT CHARGE UPON REQUEST. ACTIONS ORDINAIRES COMMON SHARES Les porteurs d'actions ordinaires auront The holders of Common Shares are entitled to one vote per droit a un vote par action et ont droit de recevoir les share, to receive such dividends as the board of directors of dividendes que le conseil d'administration de la Societe the Corporation may delcare and, in the event of the peut declarer et de recevoir le reliquat des biens de la liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation, to receive the Societe en cas de dissolution ou de liquidation. remaining assets of the Corporation. Pour valeur recue, le (la) soussigne(e) vend, cede et For value received, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transporte, par les presentes, a transfers unto INDIQUER LE NUMERO D'ASSURANCE (Box)(Box)(Box)-(Box)(Box)(Box)-(Box)(Box)(Box) PLEASE INSERT SOCIAL INSURANCE SOCIALE DU CESSIONNAIRE NUMBER OF TRANSFEREE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ actions _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ shares du capital-actions representees par le present certificat et of the share capital represented by the within certificate, constitue par les presentes and does hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ son mandataire irrevocable, avec plein droit de delegation Attorney to transfer the said shares on the securities des pouvoirs conferes, pour le transfert desdites actions registers of the within named Corporation with full power of dans les registres des valeurs mobilieres de la Societe. substitution in the premises. Date ______________________________________________________ Temoin Signature _____________________________________________________ Witness ___________________________________________________ AVIS : LA SIGNATURE A CETTE CESSION DOIT CORRESPONDRE, EN NOTICE: THE SIGNATURE TO THIS ASSIGNMENT MUST CORRESPOND TOUS POINTS, AU NOM TEL QU'ECRIT AU RECTO DU CERTIFICAT, WITH THE NAME AS WRITTEN UPON THE FACE OF THE CERTIFICATE, SANS AUCUNE ADDITION, ALTERATION OU MODIFICATION. IN EVERY PARTICULAR, WITHOUT ALTERATION OR ENLARGEMENT, OR ANY CHANGE WHATEVER. ''Jusqu'a la date de separation (definie au regime de droits Until the Seperation Time (as defined in the Rights Plan mentionne ci-dessous), le present certificat atteste egalement referred to below), this certificate also evidences and et reconnait au porteur certains droits decrits dans le contrat entitles the holder hereof to certain Rights as set forth sur le regime de droits des actionnaires conclu en date du in a Shareholder Rights Plan Agreement, dated as of the 28 avril 1995 (le regime de droits) entre BioChem Pharma inc. 28th day of April 1995 (the ''Rights Plan''), between (la Compagnie) et le Trust General du Canada, en sa qualite BioChem Pharma Inc. (the ''Company'') and Trust General de depositaire (le depositaire) dont les dispositions sont du Canada, as rights agent (the ''Rights Agent''), the integrees aux presentes par renvoi et dont un exemplaire terms of which are hereby incorporated herein by a ete depose aux bureaux de direction de la Compagnie. reference and a copy of which is on file at the principal Dans certaines circonstances enoncees au regime de droits, executive office of the Company. Under certain circumstances, ceux-ci peuvent etre modifies ou rachetes, expirer, devenir as set forth in the Rights Plan, such Rights may be amended nuls (si, dans un certain cas, ils sont detenus en propriete or redeemed, may expire, may become null and void (if, in effective par une personne qui est, etait ou devient un certain cases, they are issued to or ''Beneficially Owned'' acquereur, au sens ou l'entend le regime de droits, ou s'ils by any person who is, was or becomes an ''Acquiring Person'', sont emis a une telle personne et qu'ils soient detenus as such terms are defined in the Rights Plan, whether currently actuellement par ou pour cette personne ou par ou pour held by or on behalf of such Person or any subsequent holder) tout porteur subsequent) ou peuvent etre constates par or may be evidenced by separate certificates and may no des certificats distincts. Un exemplaire du regime de longer be evidenced by this certificate. droits sera expedie sans frais au porteur des presentes qui en fait la demande par ecrit.''