Exhibit 10.22

                                    EXHIBIT D

                         PATENT AND INVENTION DISCLOSURE

         This Agreement is made effective as of February 26, 1998 ("Effective
Date"), between Micron Electronics, Inc. ("MEI"), a corporation having an office
at 900 East Karcher Road, Nampa, Idaho 83687, and MCMS, Inc. (f/k/a Micron
Custom Manufacturing Services) ("MCMS"), a corporation having a place of
business at 16399 Franklin Road, Nampa, Idaho 83687.

         Whereas, this Agreement is made pursuant to, and is attached as a
Exhibit to, that Recapitalization Agreement dated December 21, 1997 by and among
MCMS, MEI, and Cornerstone Equity Investors IV, L.P.;

         Whereas MEI is the owner of certain United States patents, patent
applications, and invention disclosures; and

         Whereas MCMS desires to acquire MEI's entire right, title and interest
in and to the Patents, as defined below; and

         Whereas MEI is willing to assign the Patents to MCMS for good and
valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, and on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;

         Now, therefore, MEI and MCMS hereby agree to the following:

1.      Definitions
        1.1.     "Affiliates" shall mean MEI's Subsidiaries, MEI's
                 Parent, and the Subsidiaries of MEI's Parent.

        1.2.     "Subsidiary" shall mean a corporation, company, or other legal
                 entity (i) more than fifty percent (50%) of whose outstanding
                 shares or securities (representing the right to vote for the
                 election of directors or other managing authority) are, now or
                 hereafter, owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by MEI
                 or Micron Technology, Inc.; or (ii) which does not have
                 outstanding shares or securities, but more than fifty percent
                 (50%) of whose ownership interest representing the right to
                 make the decisions for such corporation, company, or other
                 entity is, now or hereafter, owned or controlled, directly or
                 indirectly, by MEI or Micron Technology, Inc.

        1.3.     "Parent" shall mean a corporation, company, or other legal
                 entity (i) owning or controlling, directly or indirectly, now
                 or hereafter, more than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding
                 shares or securities (representing the

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                           right to vote for the election of directors or other
                           managing authority) of MEI; or (ii) owning or
                           controlling, now or hereafter, directly or
                           indirectly, more than fifty percent (50%) of the
                           ownership interest that represents the right to make
                           decisions for MEI.

                  1.4.     "Patents" shall mean United States patents listed in
                           Exhibit A, United States patent applications listed
                           in Exhibit B, and MEI invention disclosures listed in
                           Exhibit C, including all divisionals, continuations,
                           continuations-in-part, reissues, reexaminations,
                           extensions, foreign counterparts or equivalents
                           thereof, and all inventions claimed or disclosed
                           within the foregoing.

         2.       Warranties

                  2.1.     MEI warrants that it is the sole owner of the
                           Patents, that MEI has not previously granted any
                           assignment or exclusive license in or to the Patents
                           to any third party, and that MEI has the full right
                           and capacity to assign the Patents to MCMS, and to
                           enter into and carry out its obligations under this
                           Agreement, without conflicting with any other
                           obligation of MEI.

         3.       Assignment and Grant Back License

                  3.1.     MEI agrees to assign, and hereby does assign, to
                           MCMS, MEI's entire right, title and interest in and
                           to the Patents, including without limitation, damages
                           and payments for past or future infringements
                           thereof, if any, and the right to bring suit and
                           recover against any third party for acts of
                           infringement occurring before the date of this
                           Agreement, if any. MEI agrees to execute,
                           concurrently herewith, a formal assignment document
                           (the "Assignment") for the Patents in the form
                           attached hereto. In the event of any conflict between
                           the provisions of this Agreement and the Assignment,
                           the provisions of this Agreement shall take

                  3.2.     Within thirty (30) days after the date of this
                           Agreement, MEI will deliver to MCMS all documentation
                           in MEI's possession or control relating to the
                           Patents. MEI may, at its discretion, retain a copy of
                           any documentation provided to MCMS pursuant to this

                  3.3.     MCMS hereby grants MEI and MEI's Affiliates, an
                           irrevocable (except as set forth in Section 3.6),
                           non-transferable, fully paid up, worldwide,
                           non-exclusive license to practice all inventions
                           covered by the Patents, and to make and have made,
                           use, offer for sale, sell, and lease products, which,
                           without the license granted hereunder, would
                           constitute an infringement of the Patents. MEI shall
                           have no right to sublicense the Patents to any third
                           party without the prior written consent of MCMS,
                           which consent shall not

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                           be unreasonably withheld, provided, however, that
                           MCMS's failure to consent to MEI's grant of a
                           sublicense to an MCMS competitor shall not be deemed
                           to be unreasonable.

                  3.4.     MEI and MEI's Affiliates shall not assign or transfer
                           any of its rights granted hereunder without the prior
                           written consent of MCMS. Notwithstanding the
                           foregoing, an assignment or transfer of the Agreement
                           and the licenses granted therein may be effected by
                           operation of law, such as for example, by merger,
                           consolidation, sale of the business or assets,
                           reincorporation, or nonbankruptcy reorganization.

                  3.5.     Neither MCMS nor MEI shall be required to disclose or
                           to license to the other any inventions and
                           improvements relating to the Patents which are first
                           conceived after the Effective Date.

                  3.6.     This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date
                           and shall continue thereafter in perpetuity;
                           provided, however, that either party may, upon ninety
                           (90) days written notice to the other party,
                           terminate this Agreement in the event of a material
                           breach thereof by such party; provided, further, that
                           if such breach is cured within such ninety (90) day
                           period, this Agreement shall not be so terminated.

         4.       Miscellaneous

                  4.1.     Except as set forth in the Recapitalization
                           Agreement, both MEI and MCMS neither warrant nor
                           represent that the use of the Patents will not result
                           in infringement of any patents of any third party.

                  4.2.     MEI shall indemnify and hold MCMS and its Affiliates
                           and their respective officers, directors, employees,
                           agents, shareholders, principals, successors and
                           assigns harmless from and against any claims,
                           judgments, damages, costs (including attorneys' fees)
                           and expenses arising out of MEI's and MEI's
                           Affiliates' practice of the Patents under this
                           Agreement, including without limitation any claim
                           alleging infringement or misappropriation of third
                           party intellectual property rights.

                  4.3.     MEI shall, at MCMS' expense, cooperate with and
                           assist MCMS in the provision of documents and
                           information in connection with the Patents as
                           reasonably necessary to effectuate the procurement
                           and maintenance of the Patents. MCMS shall have the
                           exclusive right, but shall not be obligated, to take
                           appropriate legal action against any third party that
                           to its knowledge infringes the Patents.

                  4.4.     No modification of or amendment to this Agreement
                           shall be valid unless in a writing signed by the
                           parties hereto referring specifically to this

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                 Agreement and stating the parties' intention to modify or amend
                 the same. Any waiver of any term or condition of this Agreement
                 must be in a writing signed by the party hereto sought to be
                 charged with such waiver referring specifically to the term or
                 condition to be waived, and no such waiver shall be deemed to
                 constitute the waiver of any other breach of the same or of any
                 other term or condition of this Agreement.

        4.5.     All notices and other communications hereunder shall be
                 sufficiently given for all purposes hereunder if in writing and
                 delivered personally, sent by documented overnight delivery
                 service or, to the extent receipt is confirmed, telecopy,
                 telefax or other electronic transmission service to the
                 appropriate address or number as set forth below or to such
                 other address or to the attention of such other person as one
                 party may designate by written notice to the other party


                  Micron Electronics, Inc.
                  900 East Karcher Road
                  Nampa, Idaho  83687
                  Attention:  General Counsel
                  Telecopy No:  (208) 893-8711

                  WITH A COPY TO:
                  (which shall not constitute notice to MEI)

                  Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
                  51 West 52nd Street
                  New York, New York  10019
                  Attention:  Barry A. Bryer
                  Telecopy No:  (212) 403-2000


                  MCMS, Inc.
                  16399 Franklin Road
                  Nampa, Idaho 83687
                  Attention:  President
                  Telecopy No:  (208) 898-2789

                  WITH A COPY TO:
                  (which shall not constitute notice to MCMS)

                  Cornerstone Equity Investors, L.L.C.
                  717 Fifth Avenue

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                  Suite 1100
                  New York, New York  10022
                  Attention:  Tony Downer
                              Michael E. Najjar
                  Telecopy No:   (212) 826-6798


                  Kirkland & Ellis
                  153 East 53rd Street
                  New York, New York  10022
                  Attention:  Frederick Tanne
                  Telecopy No:  (212) 446-4900

         4.6      The headings and captions contained in this Agreement are for
                  reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the
                  meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. The use of the
                  word "including" herein shall mean "including without

         4.7      The language used in this Agreement shall be deemed to be the
                  language chosen by the parties hereto to express their mutual
                  intent, and no rule of strict construction shall be applied
                  against any person.

         4.8      This Agreement and the Recapitalization Agreement contain the
                  entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto
                  with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all
                  prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral,
                  relating to such subject matter.

         4.9      Any provision of this Agreement which is invalid or
                  unenforceable shall be ineffective to the extent of such
                  invalidity or unenforceability, without affecting in any way
                  the remaining provisions hereof.

         4.10     Except as specifically provided herein, neither MEI nor MCMS
                  shall act or represent or hold itself out as having authority
                  to act as an agent or partner of the other party, or in any
                  way bind or commit the other party to any obligations. The
                  rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the parties
                  shall be several and not joint or collective, and nothing
                  contained in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a
                  partnership, joint venture, agency, trust or other association
                  of any kind, each party being individually responsible only
                  for its obligations as set forth in this Agreement.

         4.11     The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be governed
                  by and interpreted under the laws of the State of Idaho, and
                  may not be superseded, amended or modified except by written
                  agreement between

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                  the parties. Any litigation brought by a party to this
                  agreement shall be brought exclusively in the state or federal
                  courts located in Idaho.

                  In witness whereof, this Agreement has been executed by duly
         authorized representatives of the parties on the date below.

Micron Electronics, Inc.                   MCMS, Inc.

By: /s/ T. Erik Oaas                       By: /s/ Robert F. Subia
    ---------------------------------          ---------------------------------
    T. Erik Oaas                               Robert F. Subia
    Executive Vice President,                  President and Chief Executive
    Finance and Chief Financial Officer        Officer

Date: February 26, 1998                    Date: February 26, 1998

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