DATED:              1998

                          BRITEL FUND TRUSTEES LIMITED

                                     - and -

                           GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL

                                     - and -

                          THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, L.P.


                  premises known as One Carter Lane London EC4

                               Linklaters & Paines
                                 One Silk Street
                                 London EC2Y 8HQ

                               Tel: 0171 456 2000

                             Ref: CBC/DAJR/7100675


                                LEASE PARTICULARS

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.   Date                          :                                       1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.1  Landlord                      :    Britel Fund Trustees Limited (Company
                                        number 1687513) whose registered office
                                        is at
                                        Standon House 21 Mansell Street 
                                        London E1 8AA
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.2  Tenant                        :    Goldman Sachs International (Company
                                        number 226395) whose registered office
                                        is at Peterborough Court 
                                        133 Fleet Street London EC4A 2BB
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.3  Guarantor                     :    The Goldman Sachs Group, L.P 85 Broad
                                        Street New York New York 10004 and
                                        whose address for service in the UK is
                                        c/o The Facilities Manager Goldman Sachs
                                        International Peterborough Court
                                        133 Fleet Street London EC4A 2BB
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.   CONTRACTUAL TERM              :    20 years from and including 19th March
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.   PRINCIPAL RENT                :    [(pound)5,184,982] POUNDS
                                        per annum payable from and including
                                        the Rent Commencement Date and subject
                                        to increase in accordance with the 
                                        Second Schedule

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.   RENT                          :    [                        ] 1999


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.   REVIEW DATES                  :    the 19th March in the years 2003, 2008 
                                        and 2013

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.   PERMITTED                     :    as high class offices within Class B1(a)
                                        of the 1987 Order and for
     USE                                any purpose ancillary to such use as
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       In this Lease unless the context otherwise requires:

       ADJOINING PROPERTY means the Restaurant and all other property adjoining
       or neighbouring the Premises in which the Landlord or any Group Company
       has or shall have during the Term a freehold or leasehold interest
       whether in possession or reversion.

       An "AFFILIATE" of any specified person means any other person directly or
       indirectly controlled or controlled by or under common control with such
       specified person (for the purposes of this paragraph and the definition
       of "Group Company" `control' (including `control by' or under `common
       control with') shall mean the power to direct and procure management and
       policies directly or indirectly whether through the ownership of voting
       securities or equity interests by contract or otherwise) for so long as
       such power is exercised;)

       ARBITRATION means arbitration in accordance with Clause 8.3

       BASE RATE means the base rate from time to time of Royal Bank of Scotland
       PLC or (if not available) such comparable rate of interest as the
       Landlord shall reasonably require

       CATEGORY "A" WORKS mean the works as so described in the Specification

       COMMON PARTS means the paved areas shown hatched in black on plan
       2897/GS/19-2005 together with the planters shown thereon

       CONDUITS means any existing or future media for the passage of substances
       telecommunications or energy and any ancillary apparatus attached to them
       and any enclosures for them

       CONTRACTUAL TERM means the term specified in paragraph 4 of the

       DETERMINATION DATE means 18th day of March 2013

       ENCUMBRANCES means the matters contained or referred to in the documents
       specified in Part III of the First Schedule

       GROUP COMPANY means any company within the same group of companies as or
       Associated with or an Affiliate of the Tenant as set out below:

       (i)    Any two companies shall be taken to be members of a group if one
              is the subsidiary of the other or both are subsidiaries of a third

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       (ii)   A company corporation or partnership shall be taken to be
              "ASSOCIATED" with another if and only if one is a subsidiary or
              Affiliate of another or both are subsidiaries or Affiliates of a
              third company corporation or partnership;

       (iii)  In determining whether any company is a subsidiary of another
              company the word subsidiary bears the meaning assigned to it by
              Section 736 of the Companies Act 1985 as originally enacted;

       (iv)   In determining whether any corporation (which shall be construed
              in accordance with Section 740 of the Companies Act 1985 as
              originally enacted) is a subsidiary of another corporation or of a
              company or whether any company is a subsidiary of a corporation
              the word subsidiary bears the meaning assigned to it by Section
              736 of the Companies Act 1985 as originally enacted but modified
              only so that `company' includes `corporation' for this purpose;

       (v)    A partnership (which shall be construed as including a partnership
              under the laws of the United Kingdom or elsewhere) shall be taken
              to be a subsidiary of another partnership or of a company or
              corporation if that other partnership or company or corporation is
              entitled to either (a) more than one half of the assets or (b)
              more than one half of the income of the first mentioned
              partnership and in either such case that other partnership or
              company or corporation exercises control over the first mentioned

       (vi)   A company or corporation shall be deemed to be a subsidiary of a
              partnership if that partnership either (a) controls the
              composition of the board of directors of the company or
              corporation or (b) holds more than half in nominal value of the
              issued equity share capital of the company or corporation and in
              either such case the partnership exercises control over the
              company or corporation;

       GUARANTOR means the person (if any) so named in the Particulars and such
       other person as may from time to time covenant pursuant to clause
       4.15.2(ii)(c) and in the case of an individual includes his personal

       INSURED RISKS means the risks from time to time required to be insured
       against under the terms of the Superior Lease

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       LANDLORD means the person in whom the immediate reversion to this Lease
       shall for the time being be vested being initially the person so named in
       the Particulars

       THIS LEASE means this lease and any document supplemental to it or
       entered into pursuant to it

       PARTICULARS means the descriptions and terms on the page headed LEASE
       PARTICULARS which forms part of this Lease

       PLANNING ACTS means the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 the Planning
       (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 the Planning
       (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990 and the Planning (Consequential
       Provisions) Act 1990

       PREMISES means the building known as One Carter Lane London EC4 shown
       edged blue on Plan 1 (including at basement level the Service Bay and
       Service Ramp and other ancillary accommodation) but excluding the
       Restaurant including those parts of the basement forming part of the
       Restaurant) and each and every part thereof and all additions and
       alterations or reinstatements thereof

       PRINCIPAL RENT means the rent stated in paragraph 4 of the Particulars

       QUARTER DAYS means 25 March 24 June 29 September and 25 December in every
       year and QUARTER DAY means any of them

       RESTAURANT means premises at ground lower ground and basement levels and
       shown for identification only edged red on Plans 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and
       known as Two Old Change Court London EC4 and each and every part thereof
       and all buildings from time to time thereon including the railings shown
       coloured blue on Plans 6, 7 and 8

       but excluding the structural elements coloured orange on Plans 2 and 3

       RESTAURANT SPACES means the car, motor cycle and bicycle spaces allocated
       to the Restaurant coloured green and blue on Plan 5 annexed hereto

       LOADING BAY means the area within the Premises at basement level
       available for use by the occupier of the Restaurant shown hatched green
       on Plan 5

       SERVICE AREA means the service area shown hatched purple on Plan 5

       SERVICE RAMP means the access way at ground level leading from the public
       highway known as Distaff Lane to the basement of the Premises and to the
       Adjoining Property and shown hatched blue on Plan 5

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       SPECIFICATION means the Specification annexed hereto

       SUPERIOR LEASE means the Lease referred to in Part IV of the First
       Schedule hereto being the Lease under which the Landlord holds inter alia
       the Premises

       SUPERIOR LANDLORD means the person or persons for the time being entitled
       to the reversion mediately or immediately expectant on the determination
       of the Superior Lease (or any other superior lease or leases)

       TENANT means the person so named in the Particulars and includes its
       successors in title

       TERM means the Contractual Term together with any continuation of the
       term or the tenancy (whether by statute common law holding over or

       VAT means Value Added Tax and any similar tax substituted for it or
       levied in addition to it

       1987 ORDER means the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987
       (as originally made)

       1995 ACT means the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995


       In this Lease unless the context otherwise requires:

2.1    If the Tenant or the Guarantor for the time being is more than one person
       then their covenants are joint and several

2.2    Any reference to a statute (except for the 1987 Order) includes any
       modification extension or reenactment of it and any orders regulations
       directions schemes and rules made under it

2.3    Any covenant by any party not to do any act or thing includes an
       obligation not to permit or suffer such act or thing to be done

2.4    References to the ACT OR DEFAULT OF THE TENANT include acts or default or
       negligence of anyone at the Premises with the Tenant's or any
       undertenant's authority

2.5    The index and Clause headings in this Lease are for ease of reference

2.6    References to the LAST YEAR OF THE TERM shall mean the year immediately
       prior to the expiration or earlier termination of the Term

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.7    References to LIABILITY include claims demands proceedings damages losses
       and proper costs and expenses

2.8    References to any right of the Landlord to have access to the Premises
       shall be construed as extending to the Superior Landlord and to all
       persons authorised by the Landlord and the Superior Landlord (including
       agents professional advisers contractors workmen and others) but in
       relation to the Landlord always on the terms set out in Clause 4.21 below

2.9    Whenever the consent or approval of the Landlord is required or requested
       in relation to this Lease such provisions shall be construed as also
       requiring the consent or approval of the Superior Landlord where the same
       shall be required except that nothing in this Lease shall be construed as
       implying that any obligation is imposed upon a Superior Landlord not
       unreasonably to refuse any such consent


       The Landlord DEMISES the Premises to the Tenant TOGETHER WITH the rights
       set out in Part I of the First Schedule EXCEPT AND RESERVING as mentioned
       in Part II of the First Schedule for the Contractual Term subject to and
       with the benefit of the Encumbrances the Tenant paying by way of rents
       without any deduction counterclaim or set off:

3.1    the Principal Rent (plus VAT) by equal quarterly payments in advance on
       the Quarter Days the first payment for the period from and including the
       Rent Commencement Date to (but excluding) the next Quarter Day to be made
       on the Rent Commencement Date

3.2    such sums as may from time to time become payable pursuant to the proviso
       to clause 4.6.4

3.3    within 14 days of demand:

       3.3.1  the sums specified in Clauses 4.2 [interest] and 4.5 [utilities]

       3.3.2  the sums specified in Clause 7.2 (insurance]

3.4    VAT in accordance with Clause 4.4


       The Tenant covenants with the Landlord throughout the Term or until
       released pursuant to the 1995 Act as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.1    RENTS

       To pay the rents reserved by this Lease as and when required by Clause 3


       If the Landlord does not receive any sum due to it on the due date to pay
       on demand interest on such sum at 4 per cent above Base Rate (compounded
       on the Quarter Days) from the due date until payment (both before and
       after any judgment) provided this Clause shall not prejudice any other
       right or remedy for the recovery of such sum


       To pay all existing and future rates taxes charges assessments and
       outgoings in respect of the Premises (whether assessed or imposed on the
       owner or the occupier) except any tax arising on any actual or deemed
       dealing by the Landlord with its reversion to this Lease or any tax
       (other than VAT) arising as a result of the receipt by the Landlord of
       the rents payable by the Tenant under Clause 3 of this Lease

4.4    VAT

       4.4.1  Obligations under this Lease to pay sums or provide consideration
              to the Landlord shall be treated as exclusive of VAT and the
              Tenant shall in addition pay any VAT chargeable on the same date

       4.4.2  Obligations under this Lease to reimburse or pay the Landlord's
              expenditure shall extend to the VAT on that expenditure which the
              Landlord is not able to recover.


       To pay the suppliers and to indemnify the Landlord against all charges
       for water electricity and gas and other services used on or in relation
       to the Premises and in case the water electricity gas or other services
       shall be metered or charged jointly in respect of the Premises and other
       premises to pay to the Landlord on demand a fair proportion thereof.


       4.6.1  To keep and maintain the Premises (and all Conduits exclusively
              serving the Premises) in good and substantial repair and condition
              (damage by the Insured Risks excepted save to the extent that
              insurance moneys are irrecoverable as a result of the act or
              default of the Tenant)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       4.6.2  To keep all plant and machinery apparatus and equipment comprised
              within the Premises properly maintained and in good working order
              and to enter into maintenance agreements with reputable
              contractors for the regular servicing of all such plant and
              machinery apparatus and equipment and to renew all working and
              other parts as and when necessary or when recommended by such
              contractors and to ensure by directions to the Tenant's staff and
              otherwise that such plant and machinery apparatus and equipment
              are properly operated

       4.6.3  Not to do or omit to be done or suffer the same to be done or
              omitted anything at or on the Premises which in any way has or
              could have a material adverse affect on any contractual rights
              which the Landlord has or may have (and of which the Tenant has
              been notified) against any third party in respect of the design or
              construction of the Premises or in respect of the installation of
              any services plant machinery apparatus and equipment within the

       4.6.4  Without prejudice to the generality of the other sub-clauses in
              this Clause 4.6 at all times

              (i)    to ensure that the Premises are managed and serviced to the
                     standard of and appropriate for a high class office
                     building in the City of London

              (ii)   to repair maintain light clean supervise and provide such
                     other services for the Restaurant Spaces the Service Bay
                     (including the refuse compactor in it and the disposal of
                     refuse including the collection and compaction thereof) and
                     the Service Ramp and door and the maintenance of
                     receptacles and plant and equipment in connection therewith
                     all in accordance with the principles of good estate
                     management and to pay all taxes charges assessments and
                     other outgoings payable in respect thereof and all charges
                     assessments and outgoings for electricity gas oil and other
                     fuels payable in relation thereto or as the Tenant shall
                     from time to time reasonably consider necessary or as the
                     Landlord shall from time to time reasonably require the
                     Tenant to provide

              (iii)  to ensure that the Common Parts are kept in a clean and
                     tidy condition and that the planters are maintained and
                     kept adequately stocked with suitable plants and flowers

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              (iv)   to maintain inspect repair and renew the structural
                     elements shown coloured orange on Plans 2 and 3

              Provided that in the event that and upon each such occasion the
              Tenant fails to comply with any of the requirements of this clause
              4.6.4 the Landlord shall be entitled but not obliged at the cost
              in all respects of the Tenant to remedy such failure and to elect
              to continue to have the conduct of such matters in which event

              (A)    the Tenant shall not have the conduct of such matters
                     unless and until the Landlord notifies the Tenant in
                     writing that the Landlord intends no longer to have such

              (B)    the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord from time to time
                     within 14 days after demand the costs incurred or to be
                     incurred by the Landlord in effecting such matters

              (C)    otherwise the provisions of clause 4.21 shall apply mutatis


       4.7.1  To clean prepare and paint or treat and generally redecorate all
              parts of the Premises in every fifth year and in the last year of
              the Term PROVIDED THAT in respect of those parts of the Premises
              which by their nature construction or material require no such
              treatment the Tenant shall do whatever is or may in the reasonable
              opinion of the Landlord be necessary for the sake of their
              appearance preservation and cleanliness

       4.7.2  All the work described in Clause 4.7.1 is to be carried out

              (i)    in a good and workmanlike manner to the Landlord's
                     reasonable satisfaction

              (ii)   in the last year of the term internally and on every
                     occasion externally in colours which (if different from the
                     existing colour) are first approved in writing by the
                     Landlord (approval not to be unreasonably withheld or


       4.8.1  To keep the Premises clean tidy and free from rubbish

       4.8.2  To clean the inside of windows and any washable surfaces at the
              Premises as often as reasonably necessary

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       Not to overload the Premises or the lifts therein nor any plant and
       machinery or electrical installation of or serving the Premises nor to
       cause any interference or obstruction to the Conduits or the Common Parts
       or other parts of the Estate


       Not to use the Premises

       4.10.1 for any purpose which is noisy or offensive dangerous or illegal
              immoral or a nuisance or causes damage or disturbance to the
              Landlord or other parts of the Estate or which involves any
              substance which may be harmful polluting or contaminating

       4.10.2 for residential purposes

       4.10.3 for any auction, public or political meeting, public exhibition or
              show or as a betting office or for gaming or playing amusement
              machines or as a sex shop (as defined in the Local Government
              (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982) or for the business of an
              undertaker or for the business of a staff agency employment agency
              (or similar agencies) or Government Department at which the
              general public call without appointment


       Not to use the Premises otherwise than for the Permitted Use specified in
       the Particulars

4.12   SIGNS ETC

       4.12.1 Not to erect any sign notice advertisement which is visible
              outside the Premises except such external signage the size design
              appearance materials and manner of affixation of which shall first
              have been approved in writing by the Landlord (such approval not
              to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) Provided that the Tenant
              shall be entitled with the prior approval in writing of the
              Landlord (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or
              delayed) to name the office building on the Premises and to erect
              on the exterior of the office building a company logo or flag
              which complies with the other requirements of this Lease.

       4.12.2 Not to place any aerial satellite dish or other equipment on the
              roof of the Premises other than in the area designated for such
              purpose and then only with the prior consent of the Landlord such
              consent not to be unreasonably witheld or delayed

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       4.13.1 Not to make any alterations or additions which:

              (i)    affect the exterior of the Premises or

              (ii)   adversely affect the structure (including without
                     limitation alterations or additions to the principal or
                     loadbearing walls floors beams columns roofs or
                     foundations) of the Premises or materially adversely affect
                     the Conduits or the central heating air conditioning
                     sprinkler electrical or other installations or the sanitary
                     or hot and cold water systems at the Premises

              (iii)  relate to the structural elements coloured orange on Plans
                     2 and 3

       4.13.2 Not without the Landlord's written consent (not to be unreasonably
              withheld or delayed and which shall be documented in substantially
              the form of the draft Licence to Alter annexed hereto with such
              amendments and additional provisions as the Landlord may
              reasonably require having regard not only to the proposed works
              but also to the requirements of institutional investors in
              property similar to the Premises current for the time being in
              relation to such matters) to make to the Premises any other
              internal alterations or additions (whether structural or not)
              PROVIDED THAT the Tenant may without obtaining the consent of the
              Landlord instal alter and remove demountable partitioning (but for
              the avoidance of doubt not varying the height or position of
              raised floors or ceiling grids) and carry out associated minor
              alterations to mechanical and electrical services in the Premises
              and minor structural alterations in the nature of boreholes
              conduit holes and such like provided the same are not in breach of
              Clause 4.13.1 and such number (not exceeding eight) of copies as
              the Landlord may require of the plans and other information
              showing the layout of such partitioning and the details of such
              alterations are deposited with the Landlord or its surveyors not
              less than one month after commencement of the work

       4.13.3 To maintain at all times a consistent external appearance in the
              treatment of all windows in the Premises

       4.13.4 Without prejudice to the foregoing not save in accordance with the
              terms and conditions laid down by the Institution of Electrical
              Engineers current at the time to make any alteration or addition
              to the electrical installations in the Premises

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       4.14.1 Not to prejudice the acquisition of any right of light for the
              benefit of the Premises by obstructing any window or opening or
              giving any acknowledgement that the right is enjoyed by consent or
              any other act or default of the Tenant

       4.14.2 To preserve all rights of light and other easements enjoyed by the
              Premises and not to permit or suffer anyone to acquire any right
              of light or other easement or right over the Premises

       4.14.3 To give the Landlord immediate notice if any easement enjoyed by
              the Premises is obstructed or any new easement affecting the
              Premises is made or attempted

       4.14.4 All costs charges and expenses incurred in securing compliance
              with the provisions of this Clause 4.14 shall be borne by the


       4.15.1 Not to:

              (i)    assign or charge part only of the Premises nor to agree to
                     do so

              (ii)   part with the possession of the whole or part of the
                     Premises or agree to do so except by an assignment or
                     underletting permitted by this Clause 4.15

              (iii)  share the possession or occupation of the whole or any part
                     of the Premises except as permitted by this Clause 4.15

              (iv)   assign the whole of the Premises to any Group Company of
                     the Tenant where in the reasonable opinion of the Landlord
                     the financial standing of such Group Company is less than
                     that of the Tenant

4.15.2 (i)    Not to assign or agree to assign the whole of the Premises unless:

              (a)    the circumstances and conditions set out in sub-clause
                     4.15.2.(ii) shall have been complied with or satisfied; and

              (b)    the Landlord has granted its consent such consent not to be
                     unreasonably withheld.

       (ii)   The circumstances and conditions referred to in Clause 4.15.2.(i)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              (a)    that the intended assignee enters into a direct covenant
                     with the Landlord to pay the rents and perform and observe
                     during the residue of the Term or until released pursuant
                     to the 1995 Act all the covenants and conditions on the
                     Tenant's part contained in this Lease

              (b)    that the Tenant who is to assign this Lease enters into an
                     Authorised Guarantee Agreement with the Landlord
                     guaranteeing the performance of the covenants and
                     conditions contained in this Lease by the intended assignee
                     incorporating the provisions set out in the Third Schedule
                     to the extent permitted by the 1995 Act but in addition
                     containing a provision for the release of the Tenant from
                     its further obligations under the Authorised Guarantee
                     Agreement (following written request by the Tenant) upon
                     the assignee producing properly and externally audited
                     accounts for the last 3 immediately preceding accounting
                     periods each of not more than 12 months showing that the
                     net assets of the assignee in the UK or in any country
                     within the European Community or in any jurisdiction where
                     reciprocal enforcement of judgement with England exists as
                     shown in the balance sheet forming part of the said audited
                     accounts for the said last three accounting periods as at
                     the end of each such period were not less than the annual
                     rent reserved by Clause 3.1 of this Lease at the rate
                     (disregarding any abatement) payable at the end of the last
                     such accounting period multiplied by a factor of 5 and that
                     the annual profits of the assignee in the UK or in any
                     country within the European Community or in any
                     jurisdiction where reciprocal enforcement of judgement with
                     England exists after tax as shown in the said audited
                     accounts for the said last three accounting periods are
                     each not less than the said annual rent multiplied by a
                     factor of 5 Provided that

                     (I)    the Tenant shall be released immediately from its
                            obligations under this Lease and/or any such
                            authorised guarantee agreement if the tests set out
                            above are satisfied at the date of the proposed
                            assignment the Landlord will at the cost of the
                            Tenant within 28 days after written request
                            following satisfaction of the above requirements
                            execute a deed effective as from the date upon which
                            the requirements were satisfied in such form as the
                            Tenant may reasonably require confirming the release
                            of the

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            liability of the Tenant under this Lease and or the
                            Authorised Guarantee Agreement as the case may be

                     (II)  any such release shall be deferred until any other
                           arrears of rents or other monies properly due from
                           the Tenant have been paid to the Landlord

              (c)    that such other persons as the Landlord may reasonably
                     require act as guarantor for the intended assignee such
                     guarantee to be in the form set out in the Third Schedule
                     with such amendments only as the Landlord may reasonably
                     require; and

              (d)    that any intended assignee shall provide such other
                     security as the Landlord reasonably requires (including
                     without limitation a rent deposit incorporating a first
                     legal charge on the deposit monies) for the observance and
                     performance of the Tenant's covenants herein contained on
                     such terms as the Landlord reasonably requires; and

              (e)    that all arrears of rent and other monetary payments
                     properly due under the terms of this Lease have been paid
                     prior to completion of the intended assignment;

4.15.3 Not to underlet or agree to underlet part of the Premises other than a
       Permitted Part and in this Clause 4.15:-

       (i)    PERMITTED PART means

       (a)    a whole floor of the Premises with Security of Tenure or

       (b)    (except for the basement and fifth floors) any part of any floor
              of the Premises without Security of Tenure provided that there are
              no more than two occupiers on any one floor of the Premises nor
              more than ten occupiers in the Premises (in each case including
              the Tenant but excluding any occupation under clause 4.15.6 of
              this Lease) at any one time

       (c)    in the case of the basement floor the whole or part so long as it
              is demised with a Permitted Part on another floor and so that the
              demise of part only of the basement floor is without Security of
              Tenure and provided that there are no more than four occupiers of
              the basement floor (including the Tenant but excluding any
              occupation under clause 4.15.6 of this Lease)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              in each case (unless the underlease is without Security of Tenure)
              together with an appropriate proportion of the car parking,
              disabled, bicycle and motor cycle spaces

       (ii)   SECURITY OF TENURE means that the lessees and occupiers of any
              premises with Security of Tenure enjoy the benefit of Part II of
              the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and without Security of Tenure
              means that such lessees and occupiers have agreed in any
              sub-underlease that the provisions of Sections 24-28 of the
              Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 shall be excluded in relation to the
              tenancy thereby created pursuant to a valid and effective Order of
              the Court under the provisions of Section 38(4) of the said Act a
              copy of which order shall have been produced to the Landlord
              before the grant of the sub-underlease

4.15.4 Not to underlet or agree to underlet the whole of the Premises nor a
       Permitted Part unless:-

       (i)    the rent payable under the underlease is:

              (a)    not less than the open market rent for the Premises (or in
                     the case of an underletting of a Permitted Part the open
                     market rental value of the Permitted Part) at the date of
                     the grant of the underlease without fine or premium
                     PROVIDED THAT the Tenant shall be permitted to grant to any
                     underlessee a rent-free period or periods or concessionary
                     rent period or other inducement in accordance with normal
                     market practice at the time of the grant of the underlease

              (b)    payable no more than one quarter in advance

              (c)    to be subject to upward only reviews at five yearly
                     intervals and (except only in the case of an underlease for
                     a term not exceeding five years without any option or right
                     to renew and granted without Security of Tenure)
                     contemporaneously with reviews under this Lease

       (ii)   the underlease is in a form first approved by the Landlord (whose
              approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) and (so
              far as is consistent with an underlease) substantially the same as
              this Lease including without prejudice a covenant by the
              undertenant in the same terms mutatis mutandis as that contained
              in Clause 4.15.2 of this Lease and the right for the underlessor
              to determine the term thereby granted on the Determination Date

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       (iii)  where an underletting of part of a floor of the Premises the
              Permitted Part is of a layout and in a location first approved by
              the Landlord (whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or

       (iv)   if the underlease is for a term not exceeding five years it is
              without Security of Tenure

       (v)    the undertenant covenants with the Landlord and in the underlease

              (a)    to observe and perform the lessee's covenants in the
                     underlease during the term of the underlease or until
                     released pursuant to the 1995 Act

              (b)    not to assign or charge part only of the underlet premises
                     or agree to do so nor to underlet share or part with
                     possession or occupation of any part of the underlet
                     premises provided that the undertenant may with the consent
                     of the Landlord and the Tenant (which shall in neither case
                     be unreasonably withheld or delayed) further underlet a
                     Permitted Part which is less than the whole of the underlet
                     premises subject to the following conditions:-

                     (I)    there are no more than two occupiers (including the
                            undertenant but excluding any occupation permitted
                            under Clause 4.15.6 of this Lease) per floor on each
                            floor of the underlet premises nor more than ten
                            occupiers in the Premises at any one time

                     (II)   any sub-underlease to contain a covenant by the
                            sub-undertenant not to underlet share or part with
                            possession or occupation of the whole or any part of
                            the sub-underlet premises in any manner whatsoever
                            other than by way of an assignment of the whole of
                            the sub-underlet premises with the consent of the
                            Tenant and the Landlord (not to be unreasonably
                            withheld or delayed);

                     (III)  any sub-underlease of (or including) part of a floor
                            of the Premises to be without Security of Tenure and
                            a certified copy of an order of the court under the
                            provisions of Section 38(4) of the said Act shall be
                            produced to the Tenant and the Landlord in relation
                            to the intended sub-underlease

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     (IV)   any sub-undertenant to covenant with the Landlord
                            and the Tenant to observe and perform (so long as it
                            holds the sub-underlease) the tenant's covenants in
                            the sub-underlease

              (c)    not to assign or agree to assign or underlet the whole of
                     the underlet premises without the Landlord's prior written
                     consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld or

4.15.5 Subject and without prejudice to Clauses 4.15.3 and 4.15.4 not to
       underlet the whole of the Premises nor a Permitted Part nor vary the
       terms of any permitted underlease without the prior written consent of
       the Landlord (which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed)

4.15.6 Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this sub-clause the Tenant
       and any permitted undertenant may without the consent of the Landlord
       share occupation of the whole or any part of the Premises with any Group
       Company Associated Company or Affiliate of the Tenant or such permitted
       undertenant Provided that:

       (i)    the relationship of landlord and tenant is not created and

       (ii)   the occupation by the Group Company Associated Company or
              Affiliate ceases forthwith upon its ceasing to be a Group Company
              Associated Company or Affiliate of the Tenant or such permitted
              undertenant for the time being and

       (iii)  the Landlord is informed in writing on reasonable request of the
              name of each occupier and due evidence that it is a Group Company
              Associated Company or Affiliate

4.15.7 To take all necessary steps and proceedings to remedy any breach of the
       covenants of the undertenant under the underlease which affects the
       covenants by the Tenant hereunder or which otherwise affects the
       Landlord's interest and not to permit any reduction of the rent payable
       by any undertenant

4.15.8 To keep the Landlord informed of all rent review negotiations and not to
       agree any new or revised rent without having first notified the Landlord
       in writing at least 7 days earlier and within one month after agreement
       or determination to notify the Landlord in writing of the rent so agreed
       or determined

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       Within 21 days to give to the Landlord's solicitors (or as the Landlord
       may direct) written notice of any assignment charge underlease or other
       devolution of the Premises together with a certified copy of the relevant
       document and a reasonable registration fee of not less than (pound)30


       To comply promptly with all notices served by any public local or
       statutory authority and with the requirements of any present or future
       statute or European Union law regulation or directive (whether imposed on
       the owner or occupier) which affects the Premises or their use


       4.18.1 To comply with the Planning Acts

       4.18.2 Not to apply for or implement any planning permission or enter
              into a planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and
              Country Planning Act 1990 affecting the Premises without first
              obtaining the Landlord's written consent (such consent not to be
              unreasonably withheld or delayed)

       4.18.3 Where development permitted by a planning permission has begun the
              Tenant shall complete all the works permitted and comply with all
              the conditions imposed by the permission before the determination
              of the Term including the carrying out of works stipulated to be
              done whether before or after such determination

       4.18.4 If the Landlord reasonably so requires to produce evidence to the
              Landlord that the provisions of this Clause 4.18 have been
              complied with

4.19   NOTICES

       4.19.1 To supply the Landlord with a copy of any notice order or
              certificate or proposal for any notice order or certificate
              affecting or capable of affecting the Premises as soon as it is
              received by or comes to the notice of the Tenant

       4.19.2 At the request of the Landlord but at the joint cost of the
              Landlord and the Tenant to make or join the Landlord in making
              such objections or representations against or in respect of any
              such notice order or certificate as the Landlord may reasonably

       4.19.3 To give notice to the Landlord of any defect in the Premises which
              might give rise to an obligation on the Landlord to do or refrain
              from doing any act or thing in order to comply with the provisions
              of this Lease or the duty of care imposed on the Landlord pursuant

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              to the Defective Premises Act 1972 or otherwise and at all times
              to display and maintain all necessary notices which the Landlord
              may from time to time require to be displayed at the Premises


       4.20.1 To give the Landlord immediate written notice (upon the Tenant
              becoming aware of the same) of the existence of any contaminant
              pollutant or harmful substance on or any defect in the Premises

       4.20.2 If so requested by the Landlord to remove from the Premises or
              remedy to the Landlord's reasonable satisfaction any such
              contaminant pollutant or harmful substance other than any such
              used in the proper and ordinary course of the Tenant's business or
              normal occupation of the Premises for the Permitted Use


       To permit the Landlord at all reasonable times and on reasonable notice
       (except in emergency) to enter the Premises in order to

       4.21.1 inspect and record the condition of the Premises

       4.21.2 remedy any breach of the Tenant's obligations under this Lease

       4.21.3 instal repair maintain clean alter replace add to or connect up to
              any Conduits which serve the Adjoining Property

       4.21.4 repair maintain or alter the Common Parts or the Adjoining

       4.21.5 comply with any of its obligations under this Lease

       4.21.6 comply with the obligations on its part contained in the Superior
              Lease notwithstanding that the obligation to comply with such
              covenants may be imposed on the Tenant by this Lease

       Provided that the Landlord shall (i) cause as little inconvenience as
       reasonably practicable in the exercise of such rights and shall as soon
       as reasonably practicable make good all physical damage to the Premises
       (and any Tenant's chattels fixtures and fittings) caused by such entry
       (ii) use all reasonable endeavours to avoid entering the occupied office
       areas within the Premises during normal business hours unless otherwise
       agreed by the Tenant (iii) agree in advance with the Tenant the number of
       representatives of the Landlord and any others who accompany them

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       who shall be permitted entry on any occasion (iv) allow the Tenant to
       escort the Landlord's representatives at all times when they are within
       the building on the Premises.


       To make good any failure to comply with Clauses 4.6 [repair] 4.7
       [decoration] 4.12 [signs] 4.13 [alterations] 4.14 [preservation of
       easements] 4.17 [statutory requirements] and 7.2.6 [insurers'
       requirements] of which the Landlord has given written notice as soon as
       reasonably practicable and in any event within 2 months after the date of
       notice but without prejudice to the Landlord's other remedies


       To pay to the Landlord on demand as additional rent and as a debt all
       costs (which shall be properly incurred and fair and reasonable) as it
       may incur:

       4.23.1 from any application for consent required by this Lease (including
              where consent is lawfully refused or the application is withdrawn)

       4.23.2 incidental to or in reasonable contemplation of the preparation
              and service of a schedule of dilapidations (whether before or
              within 6 months after expiry of the Term) or a notice or
              proceedings under Section 146 or Section 147 of the Law of
              Property Act 1925 (even if forfeiture is avoided other than by
              relief granted by the Court)

       4.23.3 in connection with the enforcement or remedying of any breach of
              the covenants in this Lease on the part of the Tenant and any

       4.23.4 incidental to or in reasonable contemplation of the preparation
              and service of any notices under Section 17 of the 1995 Act


       To allow a letting or sale board to be displayed on the Premises in the
       last six months of the Term unless the Tenant is exercising its rights
       under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (but not so that it restricts or
       interferes unreasonably with the light enjoyed by the Premises) and to
       allow prospective tenants or purchasers to view the Premises at
       reasonable times on reasonable notice


       4.25.1 Immediately before the end of the Term:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              (i)    to give up the Premises repaired and decorated and
                     otherwise in accordance with the Tenant's covenants in this

              (ii)   If and to the extent that the Landlord so requires to
                     remove all alterations and additions which have been
                     permitted by the Landlord) and to reinstate the Premises to
                     the Landlord's reasonable satisfaction to the state set out
                     in the Specification Provided That the Tenant shall not be
                     required to reinstate any approved plant or equipment at
                     the Premises which adds to the letting value of the
                     Premises and does not detract from the value of the
                     Landlord's reversionary interest therein.

              (iii)  to remove all signs, tenant's fixtures and fittings and
                     other goods from the Premises and make good any damage
                     caused thereby to the Landlord's reasonable satisfaction

       4.25.2 If the Tenant fails to comply with Clause 4.25.1 to pay to the
              Landlord on demand as a debt any costs incurred by the Landlord in
              reinstating the Premises


       To perform and observe the Encumbrances so far as they relate to the


       To observe and perform the agreements covenants and stipulations on the
       part of the tenant contained or referred to in the Superior Lease so far
       as the same are not expressly assumed by the Landlord in this Lease and
       not to do omit or suffer anything to be done whereby the Superior Lease
       may be voided or forfeited and to indemnify and keep the Landlord
       indemnified against all damages actions proceedings claims and demands in
       any way relating thereto and not to do omit or suffer anything to be done
       whereby the Superior Lease may be voided or forfeited


       Within five business days of the death during the Term of any Guarantor
       or of such person committing or permitting an Act of Insolvency to give
       notice of this to the Landlord and if so required by the Landlord at the
       expense of the Tenant within thirty business days of such event to
       procure some other person reasonably acceptable to the Landlord to
       execute a guarantee in respect of the Tenant's obligations contained in
       this Lease in the form of the Guarantor's covenants contained in the
       Third Schedule

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       Without prejudice to any requirements hereunder for the Tenant to obtain
       the Landlord's consent before carrying out any work upon the Premises the
       Tenant shall in respect of any such work to which the Construction
       (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 (THE CDM REGULATIONS) apply;

       4.29.1 ensure that any person owing duties under the CDM Regulations
              complies therewith;

       4.29.2 make a declaration to the Health & Safety Executive in accordance
              with Regulation 4 of the CDM regulations that it (and not the
              Landlord) is the only "client" in respect of such work;

       4.29.3 upon completion of any such work by the Tenant or any other party
              supply to the Landlord (without charge and subject to an
              irrevocable royalty free licence in favour of the Landlord and/or
              its agents and any other person interested therein to use the same
              for any purpose connected with the Premises) a copy of the health
              and safety file relating to such work and any other information
              relevant to health and safety; and

       4.29.4 as soon as reasonably practicable after it becomes aware of any
              information relevant to health and safety in relation to the
              Premises provide such information to the Landlord.


       The Landlord covenants with the Tenant during the period in which the
       immediate reversion to this Lease is vested in it as follows:


       That subject to the Tenant paying the rents reserved by and complying
       with the terms of this Lease the Tenant may peaceably enjoy the Premises
       during the Term without any interruption by the Landlord or any person
       lawfully claiming under or in trust for it


       5.2.1  To pay the rent reserved by the Superior Lease and to perform
              (insofar as the Tenant is not liable for any such performance
              under the covenants on its part herein contained) all the tenant's
              covenants therein contained

       5.2.2  At the reasonable request of the Tenant and at the joint cost of
              the Landlord and the Tenant to use best endeavours to procure (a)
              payment of the rent reserved by any lease

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              superior to this Lease (other than the Superior Lease) and (b) the
              performance of all covenants contained in any such lease or leases
              (in so far as the Tenant is not liable for any such performance
              under the covenants on its part herein contained).

       5.2.3  Except in relation to Insurance (as to which Clause 7 applies)
              upon receiving written notice from and at the expense of the
              Tenant to take all reasonable steps to enforce the covenants on
              the part of the Superior Landlord contained in the Superior Lease
              and any other Lease superior to this Lease

       5.2.4  To take all reasonable steps at the expense of the Tenant to
              obtain the consent of the Superior Landlord whenever the Tenant
              makes an application for any consent required hereunder where the
              consent of both the Landlord and the Superior Landlord is needed
              by virtue of this Lease and the Superior Lease except where the
              Landlord proposes lawfully to refuse its consent


       To pay to the Tenant within fourteen days of demand (and in default to
       pay interest at 4% over Base Rate from the date of demand until the date
       of payment) a fair and proper proportion reasonably and properly
       allocated to the Restaurant of the reasonable costs and expenses properly
       incurred by the Tenant

       5.3.1  in the repair maintenance lighting cleaning and supervision and
              the provision of such other services in relation thereto as the
              Tenant shall from time to time reasonably consider necessary and
              as shall be in accordance with the principles of good estate
              management of the Restaurant Spaces the Loading Bay the Service
              Area including the refuse compactor therein and the Service Ramp
              and door and the costs of disposing of refuse including the
              collection and compaction thereof and the maintenance of
              receptacles and plant and equipment in connection therewith

       5.3.2  in the maintenance of planters in the Common Parts and the plants
              and trees therein, and

       5.3.3  the maintenance inspection repair and renewal of the structural
              elements shown coloured orange on Plans 2 and 3

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              plus Value Added Tax and of any existing or future taxes charges
              assessments and other outgoings payable in respect thereof and of
              all charges assessments and outgoings for electricity gas oil and
              other fuels payable in relation thereto

5.4    To indemnify the Tenant in respect of any Liability arising from any
       injury caused to the structural elements coloured orange on Plans 2 and 3
       or those structural elements within adjacent to above or below the
       Restaurant by the act or default of the tenant or occupier of the
       Restaurant and those under its or their control excluding (1) damage
       caused by Insured Risks and (2) any consequential loss

6      The Landlord covenants that during the term hereby granted:

6.1    It shall not allow any use of the Restaurant to commence until the lessee
       or other operator or occupier from time to time has provided the Tenant
       with a deed of covenant in favour of the Tenant by which such lessee
       operator or occupier covenants not to place any tables or chairs in the
       Common Parts (other than those parts shown coloured yellow on Plan 9) and
       to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that patrons of the Restaurant
       do not consume food or drink in the Common Parts (other than those parts
       shown coloured yellow on Plan No 9) Provided that following the
       commencement of the use of the Restaurant the Tenant may itself enforce
       the provisions of such deed and the Landlord shall have no obligation or
       liability for its enforcement or if there is any breach; and

6.2    It shall not without the consent of the Tenant (not to be unreasonably
       withheld or delayed) having regard to the Landlord's obligations to
       respond promptly to the Restaurant tenant) permit the use of the
       Restaurant for any use other than as a high class restaurant or winebar
       without any take-away facility for food or drinks.



       The Landlord covenants with the Tenant as follows:

       7.1.1  At the joint cost of the Landlord and the Tenant to enforce the
              covenants as to insurance of the Premises on the part of the
              Superior Landlord contained in the Superior Lease and if the
              Tenant so requires and at the joint cost (without prejudice to the
              Tenant's covenants under clause 7.2) of the Landlord and the
              Tenant to use its best endeavours to procure that the Superior
              Landlord adds any risks specified by the

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Tenant to the insurance policy including terrorist risk unless
              insurance against terrorist risks is unavailable

       7.1.2  To insure against loss of the Principal Rent and the Service
              Charge and VAT payable or reasonably estimated by the Landlord to
              be payable under this Lease arising from damage to the Premises by
              the Insured Risks for four years or such longer period as the
              Landlord may reasonably require having regard to the likely period
              for reinstating the Premises

       7.1.3  At the reasonable request and cost of the Tenant to produce
              evidence of the terms of the insurance under this Clause 6.1 (or
              an extract thereof showing that the policy is in force and its

       7.1.4  If

              (i)    the Premises are destroyed or damaged by an Insured Risk or

              (ii)   the whole or substantially the whole of the Premises are
                     destroyed or damaged by an act of terrorism or other risk
                     against which in either case the Landlord has been unable
                     to procure insurance

              then, subject to obtaining all necessary planning and other
              consents to reinstate the same (other than tenant's and trade
              fixtures and fittings) as quickly as reasonably practicable
              substantially as they were before the destruction or damage in
              modern form if appropriate but not necessarily identical in

       7.1.5  Reinstatement following damage by an act of terrorism or other
              risk against which in either case the Landlord has been unable to
              procure insurance other than in the circumstances whereby clause
              7.1.4(ii) applies shall be the responsibility of the Tenant who
              shall carry out the same as quickly as reasonably practicable to
              the reasonable satisfaction of the Landlord


The Tenant covenants with the Landlord throughout the Term or until released
pursuant to the 1995 Act as follows:

       7.2.1  To pay to the Landlord within 14 days of demand sums equal to:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              (i)    a fair proportion (to be reasonably and properly determined
                     by the Landlord's Surveyors) in respect of insurance of the
                     Premises of the amount paid by the Landlord to the Superior
                     Landlord pursuant to Clause 2(4)(a) of the Superior Lease
                     in relation to the Premises and the Restaurant

              (ii)   the cost of any professional valuation of the Premises
                     properly required by the Landlord (but not more than once
                     in any two year period)

       7.2.2  To pay to the Landlord within 14 days of demand the whole of the
              amount (before deduction of any commission or allowance) which the
              Landlord spends on insurance pursuant to Clause 7.1.2

       7.2.3  To give the Landlord immediate written notice on becoming aware of
              any event or circumstances which could reasonably be expected to
              affect or lead to an insurance claim

       7.2.4  Not to do anything at the Premises which would or might prejudice
              or invalidate the insurance of the Premises or the Adjoining
              Property nor (unless the Tenant shall have previously notified the
              Landlord and agreed to pay the increased premium) cause the
              insurance premium to be increased

       7.2.5  To pay to the Landlord within 14 days of demand:

              (i)    any increased premium and any Liability incurred by the
                     Landlord as a result of a breach of Clause 7.2.4

              (ii)   any reasonable uninsured excess to which the insurance
                     policy may be subject and which is normal for policies in
                     relation to properties of this type

              (iii)  the whole of any irrecoverable proportion of the insurance
                     moneys except only to the extent that it is irrecoverable
                     because of the act or omission of the Landlord

       7.2.6  To comply with the requirements and reasonable recommendations
              made by the insurers

       7.2.7  To notify the Landlord of the full reinstatement cost of any
              fixtures and fittings installed at the Premises at the cost of the
              Tenant which become Landlord's fixtures and fittings

       7.2.8  To effect adequate insurance cover against damage to or
              destruction of the Tenant's fixtures and fittings at the Premises
              (or any part thereof)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       7.2.9  Not to effect any insurance of the Premises against an Insured
              Risk other than as specified in Clause 7.2.8 but if the Tenant
              effects or has the benefit of any such insurance against the
              Insured Risks the Tenant shall hold such moneys upon trust for the
              Landlord and pay the same to the Landlord as soon as practicable


       7.3.1  If the Premises are unfit for occupation and use because of damage
              by an Insured Risk or because of damage or destruction of the
              whole or substantially the whole of the Premises by an act of
              terrorism or other risk against which in either case the Landlord
              has been unable to procure insurance then (save to the extent
              that, where the damage is due to an Insured Risk, payment of the
              loss of rent insurance moneys is refused due to the act or default
              of the Tenant or any undertenant) the Principal Rent (or a fair
              proportion of it according to the nature and extent of the damage)
              shall be suspended until the date on which the Premises are again
              fit for occupation and use.

       7.3.2  If the Premises are not again fit for occupation and use by the
              date being 4 years after the date of such damage or destruction
              referred to in clause 7.3.1 either the Landlord or the Tenant may
              within 3 months thereafter (but not after the Premises are again
              fit for occupation and use) determine the Term by giving to the
              other not less than 6 nor more than 7 months notice in writing

       7.3.3  Any dispute relating to this Clause 7.3 shall be referred to


       If this Lease shall be subsisting at any time when the Superior Lease has
       for any reason ceased to exist then with effect from the date of such

       7.4.1  subject to the following provisions of this Clause, the covenants
              and provisions of the Superior Lease incorporated herein by
              reference shall nevertheless continue in force by reference to the
              terms of the Superior Lease;

       7.4.2  the Landlord shall observe and perform the covenants relating to
              insurance on the part of the Superior Landlord contained in the
              Superior Lease as if they were set out in full herein (mutatis
              mutandis) as provisions of this Lease, and Clauses 7.1.1 and 7.2.1
              shall cease to have effect;

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       7.4.3     the provisions of clause 7.2.1 shall be varied so as to refer
                 to costs incurred by the Landlord in effecting insurance
                 pursuant to clause 7.4.2 above.


       If the whole or substantially the whole of the Premises are destroyed or
       damaged by an act of terrorism or other risk against which in either case
       the Landlord (despite having used its best endeavours) has been unable to
       procure insurance then the Landlord may by notice in writing to that
       effect given to the Tenant within six months from the date of such damage
       or destruction terminate this Lease within immediate effect (without
       prejudice to any right of either party in respect of any antecedent
       breach) Provide That if following receipt of such notice from the
       Landlord the Tenant services a counter-notice upon the Landlord
       requesting a new tenancy pursuant to the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954
       then the rent suspension provisions set out in clause 7.3.1 shall cease
       to operate from the date of service of such counter-notice unless and
       until such counter-notice and any related applications or proceedings are
       withdrawn or terminated.



       If any of the following events occurs:

       8.1.1  the Tenant fails to pay any of the rents payable under this Lease
              within 28 days of the due date (whether or not formally demanded)

       8.1.2  the Tenant or Guarantor breaches any of its obligations in this
              Lease or

       8.1.3  execution or distress is levied on the Tenant's goods in the
              Premises or

       8.1.4  the Tenant or Guarantor being a company incorporated within the
              United Kingdom

              (i)    has an Administration Order made in respect of it or

              (ii)   passes a resolution or makes an Order for the winding up of
                     the Tenant or the Guarantor otherwise than a member's
                     voluntary winding up of a solvent company for the purpose
                     of amalgamation or reconstruction or

              (iii)  a receiver or administrative receiver or receiver and
                     manager is appointed over the whole or any part of its
                     property assets or undertaking or

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              (iv)   is struck off the Register of Companies or is dissolved or
                     ceases to exist under the laws of the country or state of
                     its incorporation or

              (v)    is deemed unable to pay its debts within the meaning of
                     Section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 or

       8.1.5  proceedings or events analogous to those described in Clause 8.1.4
              shall be instituted or shall occur where the Tenant or Guarantor
              is a company incorporated outside the United Kingdom

       8.1.6  the Tenant or Guarantor being an individual

              (i)    has a bankruptcy order made against him

              (ii)   appears to be unable to pay his debts within the meaning of
                     Section 268 of the Insolvency Act 1986

       then the Landlord may re-enter the Premises or any part of the Premises
       in the name of the whole and forfeit this Lease and the Term created by
       this Lease shall immediately end but without prejudice to the rights of
       any party in respect of any breach of the obligations contained in this

8.2    NOTICES

       8.2.1  Any notice is validly given if it is in writing and either
              delivered to the recipient by hand or sent by registered or
              recorded delivery post addressed to the recipient at the address
              given in this Lease in the case of the Tenant while this Lease is
              vested in Goldman Sachs International only addressed for the
              attention of The Facilities Manager or such other address as may
              have been notified in writing with reference being made in such
              notification to this clause of this Lease.

       8.2.2  Any notice sent by registered or recorded delivery post shall be
              treated as having been served on the third working day after the
              date of posting


       8.3.1  Where this Lease provides for reference to Arbitration then
              reference shall be made in accordance with the Arbitration Act
              1996 to a single arbitrator being a partner in or a director of a
              leading London firm or company of Chartered Surveyors who is
              experienced in the letting and/or rental valuation of office
              premises in the City of

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              London to be agreed between the Landlord and the Tenant or in the
              absence of agreement nominated on the application of either party
              by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of
              Chartered Surveyors ("the President")

       8.3.2  In the absence of a determination by the arbitrator as to his fees
              they shall be borne equally by the Landlord and the Tenant

       8.3.3  If the arbitrator is ready to make his award but is unwilling to
              do so due to either the Landlord's or the Tenant's failure to pay
              its share of the costs in connection with the award the other
              party may serve on the defaulting party a notice requiring the
              that party to pay such costs within 14 days and if the defaulting
              party fails to comply with such notice the other may pay to the
              arbitrator the defaulting party's costs and any amount so paid
              shall be a debt due forthwith from the defaulting party to the

       8.3.4  If the arbitrator fails to give notice of his determination of if
              he dies is unwilling to act or becomes incapable of acting or if
              for any other reason he is unable to act either such party may
              request the President to discharge the arbitrator and appoint
              another arbitrator in his place to act in the same capacity which
              procedure may be repeated as many times as necessary


       This Lease does not include any rights over the Adjoining Property except
       those mentioned in Part I of the First Schedule and Section 62 of the Law
       of Property Act 1925 is excluded from this Lease


       The Landlord does not warrant that the Permitted Use complies with the
       Planning Acts


       If there shall be any conflict between the terms of the Superior Lease
       and the terms of this Lease then the terms of the Superior Lease shall
       pro tanto prevail


       The Landlord shall not (save in the case of its negligence) be
       responsible for any loss accident or damage sustained at the Premises nor
       shall the Tenant have any claim against the Landlord for any stoppage of
       or interruption in the provision of any services or for obstruction or
       interruption of any easement or right granted by this Lease by any reason
       outside the reasonable control of the

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Landlord or by any works of alteration repair or replacement or by the
       maintenance of the plant machinery or installations provided the Landlord
       is using all reasonable efforts to restore the services in question to
       minimise the obstruction or interruption and any nuisance hereby caused
       to the Tenant.


       If (but only if) the Tenant shall

       8.8.1  give to the Landlord not less than 12 months and 3 days nor more
              than 18 months prior notice in writing that the Tenant desires to
              determine the Term on the Determination Date (it being hereby
              agreed that any such notice shall be deemed to be irrevocable
              whether or not expressed as such) and

       8.8.2  have paid the rent reserved by Clause 3 up to the Determination
              Date and

       8.8.3  yield up the whole of the Premises in accordance with Clause 4.25
              and with vacant possession on the Determination Date (Provided
              that the Landlord may in its absolute discretion waive any of the
              requirements in this Clause 8.8 but without prejudice to its
              rights and remedies as a result of the Tenant's failure to fulfil
              such requirements)

       the Term shall cease and determine on the Determination Date but without
       prejudice to any party's rights as a result of any antecedent breach


       8.9.1  Each of the parties hereto irrevocably agrees for the benefit of
              each of the other parties hereto that the place of performance of
              the obligations under or pursuant to this Lease shall be England
              and that the Courts of England shall have jurisdiction to hear and
              determine any suit action or proceedings and to settle any
              disputes which may arise out of or in connection with this Lease
              and for such purposes irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of
              such Courts

       8.9.2  The submission to the jurisdiction of the Courts referred to in
              Clause 8.9.1 hereof shall not (and shall not be construed so as
              to) limit the rights of the Landlord to take proceedings against
              the Guarantor or the Surety in any other court of competent
              jurisdiction nor shall the taking of proceedings in any one or
              more jurisdictions preclude the taking of proceedings in any other
              jurisdiction whether concurrently or not

       8.9.3  The Landlord the Tenant and the Guarantor each hereby irrevocably
              agrees that

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              (i)    any process issued out of the High Court may for the
                     purposes of the Rules of the Supreme Court of England an
                     any notices to be served on it under this Lease may for the
                     purposes of this Lease be served on it in each such case by
                     leaving a copy by ordinary post addressed to it at the
                     address for service in England and Wales hereinbefore
                     specified or at such other address in England and Wales of
                     which the party to be served shall have received a notice
                     which itself complies in all respects with Clause

              (ii)   any notice of change of address for service to be given by
                     the Landlord the Tenant and the Guarantor shall

                     (a)    be given in writing

                     (b)    specify the date of this Lease and the parties

                     (c)    contain the full address of the Premises

                     (d)    specify the last applicable address for service
                            hereunder either as hereinbefore specified or (as
                            the case may be) as last notified pursuant to Clause
                            8.9.3.(i) and the date of such notification and

                     (e)    specify the new address in England and Wales for
                            such service as aforesaid and the date (being not
                            earlier than 14 days after delivery of such notice)
                            from which the same shall apply

                     and any purported notice which fails in any respect to
                     comply with any of the provisions of this Clause 8.9.3(ii)
                     shall not constitute due notice of change of address for
                     service for the purposes of this Clause 8.9.3(ii)

              (iii)  Any such service of process or notice pursuant to Clause
                     8.9.3.(i) shall be deemed to have been completed two days
                     after posting of such process or notice or upon personal

       8.9.4  The Landlord the Tenant and the Guarantor each hereby irrevocably
              consents generally in respect of any legal action or proceeding
              arising out of or in connection with this Lease to the giving of
              any relief or the issue of any process in connection with such
              action or proceeding including (without limitation) the making
              enforcement or execution

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              against any property whatsoever and wheresoever (irrespective of
              its use or intended use) of any order or judgment which may be
              given in such suit action or proceeding

       8.9.5  To the extent that the Landlord the Tenant or the Guarantor may in
              any jurisdiction claim for itself or its assets immunity from suit
              execution attachment (whether in aid of execution before judgment
              or otherwise) or other legal process and to the extent that in any
              such jurisdiction there may be attributed to them or its assets
              such immunity (whether or not claimed) the Landlord the Tenant and
              the Guarantor each hereby irrevocably agrees not to claim and
              hereby irrevocably waives such immunity to the full extent
              permitted by the laws of such jurisdiction


       The Guarantor covenants with the Landlord for the Term in the terms set
       out in the Third Schedule

       EXECUTED by the parties as a DEED the day and year first before written.

                               THE FIRST SCHEDULE

                                     PART I


1      Subject to obtaining the consent of the Landlord (such consent not to be
       unreasonably withheld or delayed) and subject to obtaining all necessary
       planning and other statutory consents (and complying with any conditions
       specified in such consents) the right to erect and maintain any number of
       aerials or satellite dishes on the roof of the Premises. (subject to
       compliance with any regulations relating thereto laid down from time to
       time by the Corporation of London)

2      The right to instal plant on the roof of the Premises subject to the same
       qualifications as in paragraph 1 above

3      The right to enter the Restaurant at reasonable times on reasonable prior
       notice (except in the case of emergency) to enable the Tenant to carry
       out its obligations under this Lease in relation to the structural
       elements coloured orange on Plans 2 and 3

4      The right of protection from the Adjoining Property and the right of
       support from the Adjoining Property as now enjoyed

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     PART II

                           EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS

       There are excepted and reserved to the Landlord and all persons
       authorised by it:

1      The right to carry out or consent to the carrying out by any person of
       any erection of a new building or the rebuilding demolition or altering
       of the Adjoining Property notwithstanding its effect on the light and air
       enjoyed by the Premises provided that the Tenant's use and enjoyment of
       the Premises is not materially prejudiced

2      Rights of entry onto the Premises as referred to in Clause 4.21

3      The right of support and protection for the Adjoining Property as now

4      The right of way on foot and with vehicles over and along and otherwise
       to use the Service Ramp and the Service Area for vehicles for the
       purposes of access to and egress from the Restaurant Spaces and the
       Loading Bay and for persons for all purposes reasonably connected with
       the use and occupation of the Restaurant (but not members of the public
       nor patrons of the Restaurant) subject to such reasonable regulations in
       relation thereto as the Tenant may from time to time make and notify to
       the Landlord in relation thereto

5      The Restaurant Spaces subject to such regulations as aforesaid

6      Subject to the Tenant's reasonable security requirements being satisfied,
       of way on foot and in emergencies only over and along the access way
       shown coloured brown on Plan No 5 annexed

7      Of free passage and running of water soil gas and electricity and other
       services through the Conduits which now or may hereafter during the Term
       pass through along under or over the Premises and which serve the
       Adjoining Property together with the right on giving reasonable notice
       (except in emergency) to enter and remain on the Premises to inspect
       maintain and repair any such Conduits making good all damage caused by
       such entry

8      The right to load and unload vehicles delivering goods to and from the
       Restaurant from the Loading Bay subject to such reasonable regulations in
       relation thereto as the Tenant may make and notify to the Landlord and
       the lessee of the Restaurant

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9      A right from time to time to install new Conduits within the area
       coloured yellow on Plan 5 subject to the person installing such new
       Conduits complying with the safety, security and other reasonable
       requirements of the Tenant

10     The right for the Restaurant to use the refuse compactor (if any) within
       the Service Bay subject to regulations as aforesaid

11     The right to use the Common Parts subject to regulations as aforesaid

12     A right from time to time to make alterations to the structural elements
       shown coloured orange on Plans 2 and 3 subject to the Tenant's approval
       not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed

                                    PART III


1      Entries 2, 3, 4 8 9 and 10 on the Charges Register of Title Number NGL
       604815 as shown on office copies dated 17 February 1998 Licence to place
       memorial statute dated 24 September 1991 between the Mayor and Commonalty
       and Citizens of the City of London (1) English Property Corporation plc
       (2) and the Trustees of the Blitz Memorial Statue (3)

2      Deed of Covenant in respect of underground telegraphs dated 29 April 1969
       between the Corporation of London (1) Metropolitan Provincial Properties
       Limited (2) Ralli Brothers (Bankers) Limited (3) and HM Postmaster
       General (4)

3      Agreement relating to City Walkway and Lift Works dated 25 September 1995
       between the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London (1)
       English Property Corporation plc (2) MEPC plc (3)

                                     PART IV

                                 SUPERIOR LEASE

DATE     PARTIES                         TERM               PREMISES
[     ]  The Mayor and Community         150 years from     One Carter Lane and Two
         and Citizens of the City of     [            ]     Old Change Court London
         London (1)                                         EC4 shown edged red on the
         the Landlord (2)                                   plan attached to the
                                                            Superior Lease

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               THE SECOND SCHEDULE

                                  (RENT REVIEW)

1      In this Schedule:

1.1    REVIEW DATE means each of the Rent Review Dates mentioned in the
       Particulars and RELEVANT REVIEW DATE shall be interpreted accordingly

1.2    RACK RENTAL VALUE means the annual rent (exclusive of VAT) at which the
       Premises might reasonably be expected to be let in the open market at the
       Relevant Review Date


       1.2.1  the letting is on the same terms as those contained in this Lease
              but subject to the following qualifications:

              (i)    the term shall be one of 10 years commencing on the
                     Relevant Review Date

              (ii)   the amount of the Principal Rent shall be disregarded but
                     it shall be assumed that the principal rent is subject to
                     review on the terms of and at the same intervals as the
                     Principal Rent under this Lease

       1.2.2  the Premises are available to let as a whole with vacant
              possession by a willing landlord to a willing tenant without

       1.2.3  the Premises have been constructed at the Landlord's expense in
              accordance with the Specification

       1.2.4  all the covenants contained in this Lease have been fully
              performed and observed

       1.2.5  no work has been carried out to the Premises by the Tenant or any
              undertenant which has reduced the rental value of the Premises.

       1.2.6  if the whole or any part of the Premises or any access thereto has
              been destroyed or damaged it has been fully reinstated.


       1.2.7  any goodwill attached to the Premises by reason of any business
              carried on there

       1.2.8  any effect on rent of the fact that any Tenant and any undertenant
              is or has been in occupation of the Premises

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       1.2.9  any effect on rent of any improvements at the Premises made with
              the Landlord's consent by the Tenant or any undertenant except
              improvements carried out pursuant to an obligation to the Landlord
              or at the expense of the Landlord (and the Landlord and the Tenant
              hereby agree for the avoidance of doubt that the Category "A"
              Works shall not be disregarded on any review of the Principal Rent
              payable hereunder)

       Provided that the Rack Rental Value shall be that which would be payable
       after the expiry of any rent free period or concessionary rent period for
       fitting out purposes and after receipt of any contribution to fitting-out
       works or other inducement relative to fitting out which might be made on
       a letting of the Premises so that no discount reduction or allowance is
       made to reflect (or compensate the tenant for the absence of) any such
       rent free or concessionary rent period or contribution or other
       inducement in respect of fitting out;

2      The Principal Rent shall be reviewed on each Review Date to the higher

2.1    the Principal Rent payable immediately before the Relevant Review Date
       (disregarding any suspension or abatement of the Principal Rent) and

2.2    the Rack Rental Value on the Relevant Review Date agreed or determined in
       accordance with this Lease

3      The Rack Rental Value at any Review Date shall be:

3.1    agreed in writing between the Landlord and the Tenant or

3.2    determined by Arbitration on the application of either Landlord or Tenant
       at any time not earlier than three months before the Relevant Review Date

4      If a Rack Rental Value is not agreed or determined by the Relevant Review

4.1    the Principal Rent payable immediately before the Relevant Review Date
       shall continue to be payable until the Rack Rental Value is ascertained

4.2    when the Rack Rental Value is ascertained

       4.2.1  the Tenant shall pay within 14 days of ascertainment:

              (i)    any difference between the Principal Rent payable
                     immediately before the Relevant Review Date and the
                     Principal Rent which would have been payable had the Rack

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     Rental Value been ascertained on the Relevant Review Date
                     ("the Balancing Payment") and

              (ii)   interest on the Balancing Payment at Base Rate from the
                     date or dates when the same would have been payable had the
                     Rack Rental Value been ascertained on the Relevant Review

       4.2.2  the Landlord and Tenant shall sign and exchange a memorandum
              recording the agreed amount of the Principal Rent payable on and
              from the Relevant Review Date and each party shall bear its own
              costs in relation to the memorandum

5      If at any Relevant Review Date the operation of the rent review
       provisions in this Lease or the normal collection and retention by the
       Landlord of any increase in the rent is prohibited or modified by statute
       the Landlord may elect at any time that the day next following the date
       on which any relaxation of such statute takes effect shall be substituted
       for the Relevant Review Date

6      Time shall not be of the essence for the purposes of this Schedule

                               THE THIRD SCHEDULE


1      The Guarantor covenants with the Landlord as principal debtor that
       throughout the Term or until the Tenant is released from its covenant
       pursuant to the 1995 Act the Tenant will pay the rents reserved by and
       perform its obligations contained in this Lease

2      Without prejudice to paragraph 5 the liability of the Guarantor shall be
       no greater than it would have been if the Guarantor had been the Tenant
       (except for additional costs arising from the enforcement of the
       guarantee) but shall not be affected by:

2.1    Any time given to the Tenant or any failure by the Landlord to enforce
       compliance with the Tenant's covenants and obligations

2.2    The Landlord's refusal to accept rent at a time when it would or might
       have been entitled to reenter the Premises

2.3    Any variation of the terms of this Lease

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.4    Any change in the constitution structure or powers of the Guarantor the
       Tenant or the Landlord or the administration liquidation or bankruptcy of
       the Tenant or Guarantor

2.5    Any act which is beyond the powers of the Tenant

2.6    The surrender of part of the Premises

2.7    The transfer of the reversion expectant on the Term

2.8    Any other act or thing (other than the default of the Landlord) by which
       (but for this provision) the Guarantor would have been released

3      Where the Guarantor is more than one person the release of one or more of
       them shall not release the others

4      The Guarantor shall not be entitled to participate in any rental deposit
       held by the Landlord in respect of the Tenant's obligations or stand in
       the Landlord's place in respect of such rental deposit

5      If this Lease is disclaimed or forfeited and if the Landlord within 6
       months of receipt of the notice of disclaimer and forfeiture requires in
       writing the Guarantor will (at the option of the Landlord) either

5.1    enter into a new lease of the Premises at the cost of the Guarantor on
       the terms of this Lease (but as if this Lease had continued and so that
       any outstanding matters relating to rent review or otherwise shall be
       determined as between the Landlord and the Guarantor) for the residue of
       the Term from and with effect from the date of the disclaimer or
       forfeiture or

5.2    pay to the Landlord on demand an amount equal to the moneys which would
       otherwise have been payable under the Lease until the earlier of 6 months
       after the disclaimer or forfeiture and the date on which the Premises are
       fully relet

6      The Guarantor may not assign its rights or delegate its obligations under
       this Guarantee in whole or in part (and any purported assignment or
       delegation is void) except for an assignment of all the Guarantor's
       rights and obligations hereunder in whatever form the Guarantor
       determines may be appropriate to a partnership, corporation, trust or
       other organisation in whatever form (the "SUCCESSOR") that succeeds to
       all or substantially all of the Guarantor's assets and business and that
       assumes such obligations by contract, operation of law or otherwise. Upon
       any such assignment and assumption of obligations the Guarantor shall
       give written notice thereof to the

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Landlord and subject to the Landlord having received in a form reasonably
       satisfactory to the Landlord, a deed executed by the Successor
       (accompanied by a legal opinion in a form reasonably satisfactory to the
       Landlord addressed to the Landlord from a reputable firm of lawyers in
       the relevant jurisdiction confirming inter alia validity and due
       execution) whereby the Successor assumes and covenants with the Landlord
       to perform all outstanding and future obligations of the Guarantor under
       this Agreement, whether such assumption is by operation of law or by
       virtue of such deed, the Guarantor shall be relieved of and fully
       discharged from all obligations hereunder, whether such obligations arose
       before or after such delegation and assumption, but without prejudice to
       the antecedent breach.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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affixed in the presence of:     )

                      Authorised Signing Officer _______________________________

                      Authorised Signing Officer _______________________________

was hereunto affixed in the presence of:

                                        Director _______________________________

                                       Secretary _______________________________

THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP                         _______________________________ 
L.P. by The Goldman Sachs


Executive Vice President

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