UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D. C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K/A

                                   (Mark One)
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                     For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998


                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                        For the transition period from to

                          Commission file number 1-8038

                             KEY ENERGY GROUP, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Maryland                                        04-2648081
   (State or other jurisdiction of                            (I.R.S.
Employer incorporation or organization)                  Identification No.)

           Two Tower Center, Twentieth Floor, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (732) 247-4822


      Title of Each Class           Name of Each Exchange on Which Registered
  Common Stock, $.10 par value                New York Stock Exchange


                 7% Convertible Subordinated Debentures Due 2003
                   5% Convertible Subordinated Notes Due 2004


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12 months
(or for such  shorter  period  that the  registrant  was  required  to file such
reports),  and (2) has been subject to such filing  requirements for the past 90
days. Yes [X]  No [ ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [ ]

The  aggregate  market value of the Common Shares held by  nonaffiliates  of the
Registrant as of October 23, 1998 was  approximately  $167,173,172. 

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  has filed all  documents  and
reports  required  to be  filed by  Section  12,  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the  distribution of securities  under a plan
confirmed by a court. Yes [X] No [ ]

Common Shares outstanding at October 23, 1998: 18,287,392



Item 10.         Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant.

                 The  following  table  sets forth the names and ages of each of
the  Company's  executive  officers and  Directors  and includes  their  current


         Name                                            Positions
Francis D. John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44  Chairman of the Board,
                                                   President and Chief Executive Officer
David J. Breazzano. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42  Director
Kevin P. Collins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  47  Director
William Manly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75  Director
W. Phillip Marcum . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54  Director
Morton Wolkowitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70  Director
Kenneth V. Huseman. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45  Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Stephen E. McGregor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49  Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and 
Danny R. Evatt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39  Chief Information Officer and Vice President of
                                                   Financial Operations
James Byerlotzer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52  Vice President - Permian Basin Operations

Michael R.  Furrow.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47  Vice President - Western Operations

    Francis D. John has been  Chairman of the Board  since  August 1996 and
the Chief  Executive  Officer  since  October  1989.  He has been a Director and
President since June 1988 and served as the Chief Financial Officer from October
1989  through  July 1997.  Before  joining the Company,  he was  Executive  Vice
President  of Finance and  Manufacturing  of  Fresenius  U.S.A.,  Inc.  Mr. John
previously held operational and financial positions with Unisys, Mack Trucks and
Arthur  Andersen.  He received a BS from Seton Hall  University  and an MBA from
Fairleigh Dickinson University.

    David J. Breazzano has been a Director since October 1997. Mr. Breazzano is
currently  one of the  three  principals  at DDJ  Capital  Management,  LLC,  an
investment  management  firm  which  was  established  in  1996.  Mr.  Breazzano
previously  served  as a  Vice  President  and  Portfolio  Manager  at  Fidelity
Investments  ("Fidelity")  from 1990 to 1996.  Prior to  joining  Fidelity,  Mr.
Breazzano  was  President  and Chief  Investment  Officer  of the T. Rowe  Price
Recovery Fund. He is also a director of BioSafe  International,  Inc. He holds a
BS from Union College and an MBA from Cornell University.

    Kevin P. Collins has been a Director since March 1996. Mr. Collins is a
managing member of the Old Hill Company LLC. From 1992 to 1997, he has served as
a principal  of JHP  Enterprises,  Ltd.,  and from 1985 to 1992,  as Senior Vice
President of DG Investment  Bank,  Ltd., both of which were engaged in providing
corporate finance and advisory services. Mr. Collins was a Director of WellTech,
Inc.  ("WellTech")  from January 1994 until March 1996 when  WellTech was merged
into the  Company  (the  "WellTech  Merger").  He holds a BS and an MBA from the
University of Minnesota.

    William Manly has been a Director  since December 1989. He retired from his
position as an Executive Vice President of Cabot Corporation in 1986, a position
he had held  since  1978.  Mr.  Manly is a Director  of  Metallamics,  Inc.  and
CitiSteel, Inc. He holds a BS and an MS from the University of Notre Dame.

     W. Phillip  Marcum has been a Director  since March 1996.  Mr. Marcum was a
director of WellTech from January 1994 until March 1996. From October 1995 until
March 1996,  Mr.  Marcum was the acting  Chairman of the Board of  Directors  of
WellTech.  He has been  Chairman  of the Board,  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer of Marcum Natural Gas Services, Inc. since January 1991and is a Director
of Hydrologic, Inc. He holds a BBA from Texas Tech University.

     Kenneth V.  Huseman has served as Executive  Vice  President of the Company
since  March 1996 and as Chief  Operating  Officer of the Company  since  August
1996. He was the Mid-Continent Regional President of WellTech from



     August 1994 to March 1996,  and Vice President and  Mid-Continent  Regional
Manager of WellTech from April 1993 to August 1994.  Before serving at WellTech,
he  worked  for  Pool  Energy  Services  Co.  He  holds a BBA  from  Texas  Tech

     Stephen  E.  McGregor joined the Company in July 1997 as an Executive  Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer and has held the title of Treasurer  since
January  1998.  From  July  1995  until  July 1997, he was Senior Advisor to  BT
Wolfensohn  and  its predecessor James D. Wolfensohn, Inc. He was President  and
Member of Pacific Century Group L.L.C. from September 1993 until July 1995,  and
was  a  partner  in the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom in  its
Washington, D.C. and London, England offices from 1982 until 1993. Mr.  McGregor
also  served  as  Deputy  Assistant Secretary for Oil and Gas Policy during  the
Carter  Administration  and before that was counsel to the United States  Senate
Commerce Committee. Mr. McGregor has a B.A. degree from Boston University and  a
J.D. from the College of William and Mary.
     Danny R. Evatt has served as Treasurer, Vice President and Chief Accounting
Officer of the Company, or its functional equivalent, since July 1990. Mr. Evatt
served  as  the  Company's Treasurer from July 1990 until January 1998 at  which
time  he  was also  appointed Chief Information Officer. In addition  to serving
as Chief Information  Officer,  Mr. Evatt  currently  holds the  title  of  Vice
President  of Financial Operations. He holds a BBA from Texas A&M University.

     James  Byerlotzer  joined the Company in September 1998 as Vice President -
Permian Basin  Operations after the Company's  acquisition of Dawson  Production
Services,  Inc.  ("Dawson").  From February 1997 to September 1998, he served as
the Senior Vice President and Chief  Operating  Officer of Dawson.  From 1981 to
1997, Mr. Byerlotzer was employed by Pride Petroleum  Services,  Inc. ("Pride").
Beginning in February 1996, Mr. Byerlotzer served as the Vice President Domestic
Operations of Pride.  Prior to that time, he served as Pride's Vice  President -
Permian Basin and in various other operating positions in Pride's Gulf Coast and
California operations. Mr. Byerlotzer holds a BA from the University of Missouri
in St. Louis. 
     Michael  R.  Furrow   joined  the  Company  in   September   1998  as  Vice
President-Western  Operations  after the Company's  acquisition of Dawson.  From
February  1997 to September  1998 he served as Vice  President of Permian  Basin
Region of Dawson.  From  February 1990 to February 1997 he held the positions of
Vice President,  area manager and regional  manager in Alice and Midland,  Texas
and  Bakersfield,  California  for Pride. Prior to that he was Vice President  -
Production  with  Harkins  & Company in Alice, Texas from 1984 to 1990, and  was
with Shell Oil Company in Houston and New Orleans from 1969 to 1984. Mr.  Furrow
holds a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Nebraska.
     Directors are elected at the Company's  annual meeting of stockholders  and
serve until the next annual meeting of stockholders  and until their  successors
are elected and  qualified,  unless they  resign or are  properly  removed  from
office prior to such time.  Each executive  officer holds office until the first
meeting of the Board of Directors  following the annual meeting of  stockholders
and until his successor has been duly elected and  qualified,  unless he resigns
or is properly removed from office prior to such time.

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act

         Section  16(a) of the Exchange Act  requires the  Company's  directors,
executive  officers  and  persons  who  beneficially  own  more  than  10%  of a
registered class of the Company's equity securities,  to file initial reports of
ownership on Form 3 and changes in ownership on Forms 4 or 5 with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission (the  "Commission").  Such officers,  directors and 10%
stockholders  also are required by Commission  rules to furnish the Company with
copies of all Section 16(a) reports they file. Based solely on its review of the
copies of such forms  received by it, the  Company is not aware of any  failure,
during  the  fiscal  year  ended June 30,  1998 or prior  fiscal  years,  by its
Directors,  executive  officers or 10% stockholders to comply with Section 16(a)
filing requirements  applicable to such individuals,  other than with respect to
three  transactions  consummated by Mr. Manley that should have been reported in
1992 and 1993. These transactions, which were reported by Mr. Manley on a Form 5
filed on August 14,  1998,  were as follows:  the  purchase  of 1,011  shares on
December  11, 1992,  the  purchase of 1,520  shares on January 6, 1993,  and the
purchase of 178 shares on an unknown date.



Item 11.   Executive Compensation.

         The following  table sets forth the  compensation,  including  bonuses,
earned by the Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer and the  Company's  four most
highly  compensated  executive officers (other than the Chief Executive Officer)
during each of the three fiscal years ended June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996.

                                            SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                    Long Term
Name and                                   Annual Compensation (1)                Compensation
Principal                                  -----------------------                ------------
Position                   Year      Salary            Bonus                  Underlying Options (2)   
- --------                   ----      ------            -----                  -----------------------  

Francis D. John            1998     $ 395,000       $    0                              -              
President and Chief        1997       341,250         500,000                          250,000         
Executive Officer          1996       325,000         257,250(3)                        -     (4)         

Kenneth V. Huseman         1998       240,000         400,000                           -              
Executive Vice President   1997       200,000         125,000(5)                       100,000         
and Chief Operating        1996        45,000(6)        -                              100,000         

Stephen E. McGregor        1998       272,500(7)      275,000(8)                       250,000         
Executive Vice President,  1997         -               -                                              
Chief Financial Officer    1996         -               -                                              
and Treasurer

Danny R. Evatt             1998       137,500          30,000                           -              
Chief Information          1997       125,000          25,080                           15,000         
Officer and Vice           1996       115,000          41,250                           50,000         
President of Financial

C. Ron Laidley             1998       225,000           -                                -             
President of               1997       204,000          95,000                           20,000         
Yale E. Key (9)            1996       194,000          97,250                          125,000         
Kenneth C. Hill            1998       190,000          35,000                           -              
Vice President (9)         1997       180,000          50,000                           10,000         
                           1996        45,000(6)        -                               75,000         

(1)  Perquisites  and  other  personal  benefits  in each  year  to  each  named
     executive office did not exceed the lesser of $50,000 or 10 percent of such
     individuals total salary and bonus.

(2)  Represents the number of shares issuable  pursuant to vested and non-vested
     stock options granted during the applicable fiscal year.

(3)  Consists  of (i)  $150,000  paid as a bonus  under  Mr.  John's  employment
     agreement in connection  with the WellTech Merger and (ii) $107,150 paid as
     a performance bonus for services rendered in fiscal 1996.

(4)  In October 1995 Mr. John agreed to exchange  180,000 shares of Common Stock
     in which he was vested  pursuant to a predecessor  stock option plan to the
     1997  Incentive  Plan for (i) options to purchase  500,000 shares of Common
     Stock at an  exercise  price of $5.00 per share and (ii)  $300,000 in cash.
     Such  options  were  issued and such cash was paid to Mr.  John in November

(5)  The Board awarded Mr. Huseman this discretionary bonus after fiscal 1998 in
     recognition of the successful completion of a series of acquisitions in
     fiscal 1998 and fiscal 1999.

(6)  Messrs.  Huseman and Hill  became  executive  officers of the Company  upon
     consummation of the WellTech  Merger.  This amount  represents  salary from
     March 29, 1996 to June 30, 1996. Messrs. Huseman's and Hill's annual salary
     for the 1996 fiscal year was $180,000.

(7)  Includes payments made to Mr. McGregor under a consulting agreement with 
     the Company pursuant to which he was retained from July 15, 1997 through
     December 31, 1997.
(8)  The Board awarded Mr. McGregor this discretionary bonus after fiscal 1998
     in recognition of the successful completion of a series of financing
     transactions in fiscal 1998 and fiscal 1999.

(9)  Messrs.  Hill and Laidley served as executive officers of the Company for a
     portion of the 1998 fiscal  year,  but as of June 30, 1998 did not serve in
     such capacity.


         The following table sets forth certain information  relating to options
to purchase Common Stock granted under the Key Energy Group, Inc. 1997 Incentive
Plan (the "1997 Incentive Plan") to the executive  officers named in the Summary
Compensation Table above during fiscal year 1998.

                                          Individual Grants                                                     
                           Number of      % of Total                                                            
                           Securities of  Options             Exercise                                          
                           Underlying     Granted to          Price                                            
                           Options        Employees in        per      Expiration           Grant Date                  
Name                       Granted        Fiscal Year (2)     Share    Date                 Present Value
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       -------------

Stephen E. McGregor        250,000(1)          61%            $20.44    7/15/07              $4,180,504

(1)  These  options vest as follows:  (i) 200,000 of these options vest in three
     equal annual  installments  commencing on July 15, 1998, and (ii) 50,000 of
     these options vest on July 15, 2006 unless before July 15, 2000 the closing
     price of the common  stock of the  Company is equal to or greater  than $30
     per share for 60  consecutive  trading days, in which case the options will
     best on such 60th consecutive trading day.

(2)  Based on options to  purchase  a total of  416,000  shares of Common  Stock
     granted under the 1997 Incentive Plan during fiscal 1998.

(3)  The grant date value of stock options was estimated using the Black-Scholes
     option pricing model with the following assumptions: expected volatility -
     112%; risk-free interest rate - 5.79%; time of exercise - 5 years; and no
     dividend yield.


         The following table sets forth certain  information as of June 30, 1998
relating to option grants  pursuant to the 1997 Incentive Plan (and  predecessor
incentive  plans)  to  the  executive   officers  named  in  the  Summary
Compensation Table above.

                                                                                           Value of Unexercised
                                                          Number of Unexercised            In-the Money-Options
                      Number                           Options at June 30, 1998             at June 30, 1998 (b)
                      of Shares        Value           ------------------------             --------------------
                      Acquired on      Realized
    Name              Exercise          (a)              Exercisable    Unexercisable     Exercisable    Unexercisable
- ---------           --------------     ----------        -----------    -------------     -----------    -------------
Francis D. John             -                -            557,500        192,500          $3,514,063        $548,438
Stephen E. McGregor         -                -                -          250,000               -               -
Kenneth V. Huseman          -                -            116,667         83,333             501,043         298,997
Danny R. Evatt           30,000         $ 273,750          15,000         20,000              60,938         101,563
Kenneth C. Hill             -                -             61,250         23,750             316,406         105,470
C. Ron Laidley           60,000         1,725,000         110,000         35,000             812,500         203,125


     (a) The dollar  values in this column are  calculated  by  determining  the
     difference  between the fair market value of the Company's  common stock on
     the date of exercise of the relevant options and the exercise price of such
     options. The fair market value on the date of exercise is based on the last
     sale  price  of  the  Company's  common  stock  on the  NYSE  or  AMEX,  as
     applicable, on such date.

     (b)  The  dollar  values  in this column are calculated by determining  the
     difference between the fair market value of the Company's common stock  for
     which the relevant options are exercisable as of the end of the fiscal year
     and  the  exercise price of the options. The fair market value is based  on
     the  last sale price of the Company's common stock on the NYSE on June  30,
     1998 of $13.125.




         Effective as of July 1, 1995,  the Company  entered into an  employment
agreement  with Mr. John which  provides  that Mr. John will serve as President,
Chief  Executive  Officer and a Director of the  Company for a  three-year  term
commencing  July 1, 1995 and continuing  until June 30, 1998, and thereafter the
term  will be  automatically  extended  for  successive  one-year  terms  unless
terminated no later than 30 days prior to the commencement of the next extension
term. Under this agreement,  Mr. John initially  received a base compensation of
$325,000 per year and is eligible for (i) an annual incentive bonus of up to 30%
of base  compensation  contingent upon the Company's  achievement of goals to be
set forth in a strategic plan to be developed by the Executive  Committee of the
Board of Directors,  and (ii) additional  bonuses in the discretion of the Board
of Director's to recognize extraordinary performance by Mr. John or the Company.
Base  compensation is reviewed  annually and has been (and may be in the future)
increased (but not decreased) by the Board of Directors in its  discretion.  Mr.
John's  current  annual  base  salary is  $395,000.  If  during  the term of the
agreement  Mr. John is  terminated  the  Company  for any reason  other than for
cause,  or if he terminates his employment  because of a material  breach by the
Company or  following a change of control of the  Company,  (i) he will  receive
severance  compensation  equal to three times his base compensation in effect at
the time of  termination,  payable in 36 equal monthly  installments;  provided,
however,  that if  termination  results  from a  change  of  control,  severance
compensation  will be payable in a lump sum on the date of termination and (iii)
all stock options granted through such date will automatically vest. Mr. John is
also subject to  restrictions  on  competition  during the term of the agreement
and,  with certain  exceptions,  the severance  period.  Mr. John has waived his
rights with respect to a change of control resulting from the WellTech Merger.

         Mr.  Huseman has entered  into  employment  agreement  with the Company
effective as of August 3, 1996.  This  employment  agreement is for a three year
term,  commencing  on March  29,  1996 and  continuing  until  August  2,  1999,
thereafter the term will be automatically extended for successive one year terms
unless  terminated no later than 30 days prior to the  commencement  of the next
extension  term.  Under this  agreement,  Mr.  Huseman  initially  received base
compensation  of $180,000  per year and is  eligible  for an  additional  annual
incentive  bonus of up to 50% of his base  compensation.  Base  compensation  is
reviewed  annually  and has been (and may be in the future)  increased  (but not
decreased) by the Board of Directors in its discretion.  Mr.  Huseman's  current
annual base salary is $240,000.  If during the term of his employment agreement,
Mr. Huseman is terminated by the Company for any reason other than for cause, or
if he terminates his employment  because of a material  breach by the Company or
following a change of control of the  Company,  he will be entitled to severance
compensation  equal to two times his base  compensation in effect at the time of
termination  payable  in equal  installments  over a 24-month  period  following
termination;  provided,  however,  that if termination  results from a change of
control of the company,  severance compensation will be payable in a lump sum on
the  date of  termination.  Mr.  Huseman  is also  subject  to  restrictions  on
competition  during the term of this  agreement  and,  with certain  exceptions,
during the severance period.

         Mr.  McGregor has entered into  employment  agreement  with the Company
effective as of January 1, 1998. This employment  agreement commences on January
1,  1998  and  continues  until  June 30,  2000.  Thereafter  the  term  will be
automatically  extended for successive one year terms unless terminated no later
than 30 days prior to the  commencement of the next extension  term.  Under this
agreement,  Mr. McGregor  initially  received base  compensation of $240,000 per
year, and is eligible for an additional  annual  incentive bonus of up to 50% of
his base compensation.  Base compensation is reviewed annually and may be in the
future  increased  (but  not  decreased)  by  the  Board  of  Directors  in  its
discretion. Mr. McGregor's current annual base salary is $240,000. If during the
term of his employment agreement,  Mr. McGregor is terminated by the Company for
any reason other than for cause, or if he terminates his employment because of a
material  breach by the Company or following a change of control of the Company,
he will be  entitled  to  severance  compensation  equal to two  times  his base
compensation in effect at the time of termination  payable in equal installments
over a  24-month  period  following  termination;  provided,  however,  that  if
termination  results  from  a  change  of  control  of  the  company,  severance
compensation  will be  payable  in a lump  sum on the date of  termination.  Mr.
McGregor is also subject to restrictions on competition  during the term of this
agreement and, with certain exceptions, during the severance period.



         The Company has also entered into an employment agreement effective  as
of  July 1, 1995 with Mr. Evatt. Mr. Evatt's agreement originally provided  that
he  would  serve  as the Company's Chief Accounting Officer and Treasurer for  a
three-year term commencing July 1, 1995, and thereafter for successive one  year
terms unless terminated 30 days prior to the commencement of an extension  term.
Under the agreement, Mr. Evatt initially received base compensation of  $105,000
per  year  and  is  eligible  to  participate in an incentive compensation  plan
providing for cash bonuses up to 30% of his base compensation. Base compensation
is reviewed annually and has been (and may be in the future) increased (but  not
decreased)  by  the  Board  of Directors in its discretion. Mr. Evatt's  current
annual  base  salary  is  $142,000.  If  during  the  term of his agreement  Mr.
Evatt  is  terminated by the Company for any reason other than for cause, or  if
Mr. Evatt terminates his employment because of a material breach by the Company,
he  will  be  entitled  to  receive  severance  compensation  equal to his  base
compensation, payable in equal installments over a 12-month period following the
termination. Mr. Evatt's agreement also contains restrictions on competition.

         Mr. Hill has entered into an employment agreement with the Company  for
a  three  year term commencing on March 29, 1996 and continuing until March  29,
1999.  Thereafter,  the  term will be automatically extended for successive  one
year terms unless terminated no later than 30 days prior to the commencement  of
the  next  extension  term.  Under  the agreement, Mr. Hill will receive a  base
compensation  of  $180,000  per  year and will be eligible for annual  incentive
compensation  of  up  to  50%  of  his  base compensation. Base compensation  is
reviewed  annually  and  has been (and may be in the future) increased (but  not
decreased)  by  the  Board  of  Directors in its discretion. Mr. Hill's  current
annual  base  salary  is  $190,000.  If  during  the  term  of  his   employment
agreement,  Mr. Hill is terminated by the Company for any reason other than  for
cause,  or  if he terminates his employment because of a material breach by  the
Company or following a change of control of the Company, he will be entitled  to
severance  compensation  equal  to  one  and  one-half  (1  1/2) times his  base
compensation in effect at the time of termination payable in equal  installments
over  an  18-month  period  following  termination. Mr. Hill also is subject  to
restrictions  on competition during the term of his agreement and, with  certain
exceptions, during the severance period.

         The Company has also entered into an employment agreement as of July 1,
1995 with Mr. Laidley.  Mr. Laidley's  agreement  provides that he will serve as
President of Yale E. Key, Inc., a wholly owned  subsidiary of the Company ("Yale
E. Key"),  for a three year term  commencing  July 1, 1995,  and  thereafter for
successive one year terms unless terminated 30 days prior to the commencement of
an extension of an extension  term,  receive base  compensation  of $192,000 per
year  (subject to  increase),  participate  in an  incentive  compensation  plan
providing  for cash bonuses up to 50% of base  compensation,  and receive  stock
options under the Option Plan.  If during the term of his agreement Mr.  Laidley
is  terminated  for any  reason  other  than for cause or if he  terminates  his
employment  because of a material breach by Yale E. Key or following a change of
control of Yale E. Key, he will be entitled to severance  compensation  equal to
one and  one-half  (1  1/2)  times  his  base  compensation,  payable  in  equal
installments  over an 18  month  period  following  termination.  Mr.  Laidley's
agreement contains restrictions on competition.


         Compensation  for the  non-employee  Directors for fiscal year 1998 was
$3,000 per month.  Such compensation is for service as a Director as well as for
advisory  services  that  Directors  may provide the Company  from time to time.
Directors also are reimbursed for travel and other expenses directly  associated
with Company business.  All non-employee  Directors have been granted options to
purchase  shares of Common Stock under the 1997  Incentive  Plan.  During fiscal
year 1998, no options were granted under the 1997 Incentive Plan.


         Key has no other deferred compensation,  pension or retirement plans in
which directors or executive officers participate.


         The following persons served as members of the Compensation and Stock 
Grant Committee of the Board of Directors (the "Compensation  Committee") during
the year  ended June 30,  1998:  William  Manly,  W.  Phillip  Marcum and Morton
Wolkowitz.  None of the members of the Compensation  Committee were employees of
the Company.

        On  January 6, 1998, Marcum Natural Gas Services, Inc. ("Marcum  Natural
Gas"),  a  diversified  provider  of  products  and services to the natural  gas
industry and a company for which W. Phillip Marcum, one of the Directors of  the
Company, serves as Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer,
sold   certain   assets  held  by  its  wholly  owned  subsidiary,  Marcum   Gas
Transmission,  Inc.  ("Marcum  Gas  Transmission"),  to  Odessa  Incorporated,
a wholly   owned  subsidiary  of  the  Company  ("Odessa").  Marcum  Natural  
Gas sold  the  assets  for  a  total consideration of $1,000,000, $600,000 of 
which was  paid  by  Odessa upon  consummation  of  the  agreement   and
$400,000  of which  is  payable  in  equal  quarterly  installments  over   the
next two years. Marcum Natural Gas also granted Odessa a right of first  refusal
to participate  in  future  projects  developed  by  Marcum  Gas   Transmission 
on terms and conditions  identical to those provided to Marcum Gas Transmission.


Item 12.   Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

         The following  table  provides  information as of October 23, 1998 with
respect to the shares of Common Stock  beneficially  owned by (i) each  Director
and  executive  officer of the Company,  and (ii) by all Directors and executive
officers of the Company as a group.  Except as noted below, each holder has sole
voting and investment power with respect to all shares of Common Stock listed as
owned by such  person  or  entity.  The  Company  does  not  know of any  person
beneficially owning more than 5% of the outstanding Common Stock.

                                                                  Percentage of
     Name of                                    Number of          Outstanding
Beneficial Owner                               Shares (1)           Shares (2)
- ----------------                               ----------         --------------

Francis D. John (3)                               474,535             2.5% 
Kevin P. Collins (4)                              111,738              *
William Manly (5)                                  72,709              *
W. Philip Marcum (6)                              111,738              *
David J. Breazzano (7)                             10,000              *
Morton Wolkowitz (8)                              398,616             2.2%
Danny R. Evatt (9)                                 35,000              *
Kenneth V. Huseman (10)                           221,990             1.2%
Stephen E. McGregor (11)                           91,667              *
James Byerlotzer (12)                               2,500              *
Michael R. Furrow (13)                              2,500              *
Directors and Executive Officers as 
    a group (11 persons)                        1,532,993             7.9%
                                                =========             =====
*Less than 1%

(1)  Includes  all  shares  with  respect  to  which  each Director or executive
     officer  directly  or   indirectly,  through  any   contract,  arrangement,
     understanding, relationship  or  otherwise,   has  or  shares  the power to
     vote or to direct voting of such  shares  and/or to  dispose  or to  direct
     the disposition of such shares.  Includes  shares  that  may  be  purchased
     under currently exercisable stock  options granted under the 1997 Incentive

(2)  Based on 18,287,392 shares of Common stock outstanding at October 23, 1998,
     plus,  for  each  beneficial  owner,  those  number  of  shares  underlying
     currently exercisable options or warrants held by each executive officer or

(3)  Includes 437,500 shares  issuable upon exercise of vested options and 6,914
     shares  issuable  pursuant  to  currently  exercisable  warrants.  Does not
     include  (i) 437,500  shares  issuable  pursuant  to options  that have not
     vested,  and (ii) 50,045  shares held by Mr. John as custodian  for his two

(4)  Includes 56,666 shares issuable upon the exercise of vested  options.  Does
     not  include  63,334  shares  issuable  pursuant  to options  that have not

(5)  Includes 70,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of vested  options.  Does
     not  include  50,000  shares  issuable  pursuant  to options  that have not

(6)  Includes 56,666 shares issuable upon the exercise of vested  options.  Does
     not  include  63,334  shares  issuable  pursuant  to options  that have not

(7)  Includes 10,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of vested  options.  Does
     not include 40,00 shares issuable pursuant to options that have not vested.

(8)  Includes 97,000 shares  issuable  upon the  exercise of vested  options and
     6,914 shares issuable pursuant to currently exercisable warrants.  Does not
     include 58,000 shares issuable pursuant to options that have not vested.

(9)  Includes 30,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of vested  options.  Does
     not  include  15,000  shares  issuable  pursuant  to options  that have not

(10) Includes 208,334 shares issuable upon the exercise of vested options.  Does
     not include  291,666  shares  issuable  pursuant  to options  that have not

(11) Includes 91,667 shares  issuable upon the exercise of vested options.  Does
     not include  258,333  shares  issuable  pursuant  to options  that have not

(12) Including 2,500 shares  issuable upon the exercise of vested options.  Does
     not include 7,500 shares issuable pursuant to options that have not vested.

(13) Including 2,500 shares  issuable upon the exercise of vested options.  Does
     not include 7,500 shares issuable pursuant to options that have not vested.

Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions.

        In order to assist Francis D. John, the Chairman of the Board, President
and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company,  with  the  acquisition  of and
relocation  to a new primary  residence,  the  Company has  provided to Mr. John
interim or bridge loans in the aggregate  amount of $2,350,000  pending Mr. John
obtaining  a mortgage  financing  from a financial  institution,  or other third
party lender, or otherwise arranging for the repayment of such loans. Mr. John's
indebtedness  to the  Company  is  evidenced  by three (3) notes  payable to the
Company on demand,  which bear  interest on the  principal  balance  outstanding
thereunder  at the rate  equal to 125  basis  points  above  the most  recently
published  "London  Interbank  Offered Rates  (LIBOR)" for one month  contracts,
redetermined on each monthly anniversary of the dates thereof. The notes provide
that interest is due and payable upon the payment of any principal thereunder in
the amount equal to accrued and unpaid interest calculated as described above on
the amount of the principal payment being made.  Payment of the notes is secured
by a mortgage on the  property in question  executed by Mr. John in favor of the

        Effective  as of July 1, 1997,  WellTech  Eastern  Inc.,  a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Company ("WellTech Eastern"), entered into three real property
leases with HIDCO Development  Company,  an entity in which Kenneth C. Hill, who
served as a Vice President of the Company for a portion of the 1998 fiscal year,
owns an interest.  Each lease is a standard form triple-net lease, providing for
a  five-year  term and monthly  rental  payments  of $3,000.  The leases  enable
WellTech   Eastern  to  operate  yards  in  Ripley,   West  Virginia,   Indiana,
Pennsylvania and Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

        On  January 6, 1998, Marcum Natural Gas Services, Inc. ("Marcum  Natural
Gas"),  a  diversified  provider  of  products  and services to the natural  gas
industry and a company for which W. Phillip Marcum, one of the Directors of  the
Company, serves as Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer,
sold   certain   assets  held  by  its  wholly  owned  subsidiary,  Marcum   Gas
Transmission,  Inc.  ("Marcum  Gas  Transmission"),  to  Odessa  Incorporated,
a wholly   owned  subsidiary  of  the  Company  ("Odessa").  Marcum  Natural  
Gas sold  the  assets  for  a  total consideration of $1,000,000, $600,000 of 
which was  paid  by  Odessa upon  consummation  of  the  agreement   and
$400,000  of which  is  payable  in  equal  quarterly  installments  over   the
next two years. Marcum Natural Gas also granted Odessa a right of first  refusal
to participate  in  future  projects  developed  by  Marcum  Gas   Transmission
on terms and conditions  identical to those provided to Marcum Gas Transmission.
        During fiscal year 1998, the Company deposited $350,000 in a money 
market account as collateral to secure a bank loan made to a business entity in 
which Danny R. Evatt, Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Financial 
Operations of the Company, owns an interest. Such amount is still on deposit as 
collateral for the loan.



        In  accordance  with  the  requirements  of  Section  13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Registrant has duly caused this
Report to be signed on its behalf of the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                          KEY ENERGY GROUP, INC.

                          By:/s/ Francis D. John
                          Francis D. John, President and Chief Executive Officer

         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, this Report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of
the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


              Signatures                                  Title                                   Date
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/s/ Francis D. John                         President, Chief Executive Officer,  and         October 28, 1998
- ------------------------------              Director
Francis D. John                             
/s/ David J. Breazzano                      Director                                         October 28, 1998
- ------------------------------
David J. Breazzano            
/s/ Kevin P. Collins                        Director                                         October 28, 1998
- ------------------------------                             
Kevin P. Collins               
/s/ William S. Manly                        Director                                         October 28, 1998
- ------------------------------
William S. Manly             
/s/ Phillip W. Marcum                       Director                                         October 28, 1998
- ------------------------------
Phillip W. Marcum             
/s/ Morton Molkowitz                        Director                                         October 28, 1998
- ------------------------------
Morton Wolkowitz              
/s/ Stephen E. McGregor                     Executive Vice President,  Chief                 October 28, 1998
- ------------------------------              Financial Officer and Treasurer
Stephen E. McGregor                         

/s/ Danny R. Evatt                          Vice President of Financial Operations           October 28, 1998
- ------------------------------              (Principal Accounting Officer)
Danny R. Evatt                                       
