Exhibit 3.120

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

Article I is hereby amended and restated as follows:

                  The name of the corporation is: Ticketmaster Group, Inc.
                  (originally incorporated on January 20, 1988 as Ticketmaster
                  Holdings Group, Ltd., and effective upon filing Articles of
                  Amendment on September 22, 1994, the name was changed to
                  Ticketmaster Group, Inc., and effective upon filing the
                  Articles of Merger reflecting the amendment to the Articles of
                  Incorporation on June 24 1998, the name was changed to Brick
                  Acquisition Corp.)

Article 2 is hereby amended and restated as follows:

                  The name and address of the registered agent and registered
                  office are:

                      Registered Agent:   Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Inc.
                      Registered Office:  33 North LaSalle Street
                                          Chicago, Illinois 60602 (Cook County)

Article 3 is hereby amended and restated as follows:

                  The purpose for which the corporation is organized is:

                           To engage in any lawful act or activity for which a
                           corporation may be organized under the Business
                           Corporation Act of 1983 of the State of Illinois, as
                           amended from time to time (the "BCA").

Article 4 is hereby amended and restated as follows:

                  Paragraph 1: The authorized shares, issued shares and
                  consideration received are:

                           The corporation is authorized to issue 100,000,000
                           shares of common stock $0.01 par value per share, of
                           which 1,000 shares are issued. The paid-in capital of
                           the corporation is $154,630,868.00.

                  Paragraph 2: Cumulative voting rights for all shares in all
                  circumstances are denied.

Article 5 is hereby amended and shall read as follows:

                  The corporation shall, to the fullest extent permitted by
                  Section 8.75 of the BCA, indemnify all officers and directors
                  of the corporation and advance expenses reasonably incurred by
                  all officers and directors of the corporation.
Article 6 is hereby amended and shall read as follows:

                  To the fullest extent permitted by the BCA, a director of the
                  corporation shall not be liable to the corporation or its
                  shareholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty
                  as a director, except for liability (i) for any breach of the
                  director's duty of loyalty to the corporation or its
                  shareholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith or
                  which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of
                  law, (iii) under Section 8.65 of the BCA or (iv) for any
                  transaction from which the director derived an improper
                  personal benefit.
         The manner if not set forth in Article 3b, in which any exchange,
         reclassification or cancellation of issued shares, or a reduction of
         the number of authorized shares of any class below the number of issued
         shares of that class, provided for or effected by this amendment, is as
         follows: (If not applicable , insert "No change")

                  No change

         (a) The manner, if not set forth in Article 3b, in which said amendment
         effects a change in the amount of paid-in capital (Paid-in capital
         replaces the terms Stated Capital and Paid-in Surplus and is equal to
         the total of these accounts) is as follows: (If not applicable, insert
         "No change")

                  No change

         (b) The amount of paid-in capital (Paid-in Capital replaces the terms
         Stated Capital and Paid-in Surplus and is equal to the total of these
         accounts) as changed by this amendment is as follows: (If not
         applicable, insert "No change")

                  No change

                                          Before Amendment    After Amendment

                      Paid-in Capital       $__________         $__________

    (Complete either item 6 or 7 below. All signatures must be in BLACK INK.)

The undersigned corporation has caused this statement to be signed by its duly
authorized officers, each of whom affirms, under penalties of perjury, that the
facts stated herein are true.

Dated  June 24, 1998            Brick Acquisition Corp.
                                (Exact Name of Corporation at date of execution)

attested by /s/ Roger W. Clark                   by /s/ Thomas Kuhn
            ___________________                     _______________
         (Signature of Secretary or         (Signature of President or
            Assistant Secretary                 Vice President)

Roger Clark, Secretary                           Thomas J. Kuhn, President
______________________                           _________________________
(Type or Print Name and Title)              (Type or Print Name and Title)

If amendment is authorized pursuant to Section 10.10 by the incorporators, the
incorporators must sign below, and type or print name and title.


If amendment is authorized by the directors pursuant to Section 10.10 and there
are no officers, then a majority of the directors or such directors as may be
designated by the board, must sign below, and type or print name and title.

The undersigned affirms, under the penalties of perjury, that the facts stated
herein are true.
Dated __________, 19 ___

______________________________      ______________________________

______________________________      ______________________________

______________________________      ______________________________

______________________________      ______________________________

                                     Page 3

     1131.0683                            NOTES and INSTRUCTIONS

NOTE 1:  State the true exact corporate name as it appears on the records of the
         office of the Secretary of State. BEFORE any amendments herein

NOTE 2:  Incorporators are permitted to adopt amendments ONLY before any shares
         have been issued and before any directors have been names or elected.
                                                                 (Section 10.10)

NOTE 3:  Directors may adopt amendments without shareholder approval in only
         seven instances, as follows:
         (a) to remove the names and addresses of directors names in the
             articles of incorporation;
         (b) to remove the name and address of the initial registered agent and
             registered office, provided a statement pursuant to Section 5.10 is
             also filed;
         (c) to increase, decrease, create or eliminate the par value of the
             shares of any class, so long as no class or series of shares is
             adversely affected.
         (d) to split the issued whole shares and unissued authorized shares by
             multiplying them by a whole number, so long as no class or series
             is adversely affected thereby;
         (e) to change the corporate name by substituting the word
             "corporation", "incorporated", "company", "limited", or the
             abbreviation "corp.", "inc.", "co.", or "ltd." for a similar word
             or abbreviation in the name, or by adding a geographical
             attribution to the name;
         (f) to reduce the authorized shares of any class pursuant to a
             cancellation statement filed in accordance with Section 9.05,
         (g) to restate the articles of incorporation as currently amended.
             (Section 10.15)

NOTE 4:  All amendments not adopted under Section 10.10 or Section 10.15 require
         (1) that the board of directors adopt a resolution setting forth the
         proposed amendment and (2) that the shareholders approve the amendment.

         Shareholder approval may be (1) by vote at a shareholders' meeting
         (either annual or special) or (2) by consent, in writing, without a

         To be adopted, the amendment must receive the affirmative vote or
         consent of the holders of at least 2/3 of the outstanding shares
         entitled to
         vote on the amendment (but if class voting applies, then also at least
         a 2/3 vote within each class is required).

         The articles of incorporation may supersede the 2/3 vote requirement by
         specifying any smaller or large vote requirement not less than a
         majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote and not less than a
         majority within each class when class voting applies.
                                                                 (Section 10.20)

NOTE 5:  When shareholder approval is by consent, all shareholders must be given
         notice of the proposed amendment at least 5 days before the consent is
         signed. If the amendment is adopted, shareholders who have not signed
         the consent must be promptly notified of the passage of the amendment.
                                                         (Sections 7.10 & 10.20)


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