EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO.   )
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Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
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[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement                [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission
                                                Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-2.

                                Tiffany & Co.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-12.
     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     (5)  Total fee paid:
[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     (3)  Filing Party:
     (4)  Date Filed:
                                                               April 8, 1999

Tiffany & Co.
727 Fifth Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10022

William R. Chaney
Chairman of the Board

Michael J. Kowalski
President and Chief Executive Officer

Dear Stockholder:

      You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of
Tiffany & Co. on Thursday, May 20, 1999, at 10:00 a.m. in the Roof/Penthouse of
the St. Regis Hotel, 2 East 55th Street at Fifth Avenue, New York, New York.

      We hope that you can join us at this meeting. As a stockholder, your
participation in the affairs of Tiffany & Co. is important, regardless of the
number of shares that you hold. Therefore, whether or not you are able to
personally attend, please vote your shares by completing and returning the
enclosed proxy card or by calling the telephone number listed on the card as
soon as possible.

      Enclosed are Tiffany & Co.'s 1998 Annual Report and Proxy Statement. I
hope you find it informative reading.

      Thank you for your interest in Tiffany & Co.


                                                  William R. Chaney

                                                  Michael J. Kowalski

                                                              PRELIMINARY COPIES

                      1999 Annual Meeting of Stockholders

                                Proxy Statement


                                 Tiffany & Co.

                                                              PRELIMINARY COPIES

                            PROXY STATEMENT FOR THE
                      1999 ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Attendance and Voting Matters .............................................  1
      Introduction ........................................................  1
      Matters To Be Voted On at the 1999 Annual Meeting ...................  1
      How To Vote Your Shares .............................................  1
      The Number of Votes That You Have ...................................  2
      What a Quorum Is ....................................................  2
      What a Broker Non-Vote Is ...........................................  3
      What Vote Is Required To Approve Each Proposal ......................  3
      Proxy Voting on Proposals in the Absence of Instructions ............  4
      How Proxies Are Solicited ...........................................  4
Ownership of Tiffany & Co .................................................  5
      Stockholders Who Own At Least Five Percent of Tiffany & Co ..........  5
      Ownership by Executive Officers and Directors .......................  5
      Compliance of Directors, Executive Officers and Greater-Than-Ten-      
            Percent Stockholders with Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership     
            Reporting Requirements ........................................  7

Tiffany & Co.'s Board of Directors and Executive Officers .................  7
      The Board of Directors, In General ..................................  7
      Committees of the Board of Directors ................................  8
      Compensation of Directors ...........................................  9
      Compensation of the CEO and Other Executive Officers ................ 10
      Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation ............. 17

Performance of Tiffany & Co. Stock ........................................ 21

Discussion of Proposals Presented by the Board ............................ 22
      Item I -- Election of the Board of Directors ........................ 22
      Item II -- Increase in the Number of Authorized Shares of 
            Common Stock .................................................. 24
      Item III -- Appointment of Independent Accountants .................. 26

Other Matters ............................................................. 26
      Stockholder Proposals, In General ................................... 26
      Stockholder Proposals for Inclusion in the Proxy Statement
            for the 2000 Annual Meeting ................................... 27
      Reminder to Vote .................................................... 27

                                                              PRELIMINARY COPIES

                         ATTENDANCE AND VOTING MATTERS


      The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of Tiffany & Co. will be held on
Thursday, May 20, 1999, at 10:00 a.m. in the Roof/Penthouse of the St. Regis
Hotel, 2 East 55th Street at Fifth Avenue, New York, New York.

      You are entitled to vote at our 1999 Annual Meeting because you were a
stockholder, or held Tiffany & Co. stock through a broker, bank or other
nominee, at the close of business on March 25, 1999, the record date for this
year's Annual Meeting. That is why you were sent this Proxy Statement and
accompanying material.

      We have also enclosed for your review a copy of our 1998 Annual Report to
Stockholders. This Report contains financial and other information about our
business during the last fiscal year (February 1, 1998, to January 31, 1999).

Matters To Be Voted On at the 1999 Annual Meeting

      There are three matters scheduled to be voted on at this year's Annual

      o     the election of the Board of Directors,

      o     the amendment of our Restated Certificate of Incorporation to
            increase the number of authorized shares of common stock from 60
            million to 120 million, and

      o     the approval of independent accountants to examine our fiscal 1999
            financial statements.

How To Vote Your Shares

      You can vote your shares at the Annual Meeting in one of two ways.

      The first way is by having one or more individuals who will be at the
Annual Meeting vote your shares for you. These individuals are called "proxies"
and using them to cast your ballot at the Annual Meeting is called voting "by

      If you wish to vote by proxy, you must do one of the following:

      o     complete the enclosed form, called a "proxy card," and mail it in
            the envelope provided, or

      o     call the telephone number listed on the proxy card and follow the
            prerecorded instructions. 

                                       1                      PRELIMINARY COPIES

      If you do one of the above, you will have designated three officers of
Tiffany & Co. to act as your proxies at the 1999 Annual Meeting. One of them
will then vote your shares at the Annual Meeting in accordance with the
instructions you have given them on the proxy card or over the telephone with
respect to each of the proposals presented in this Proxy Statement.

      While we know of no other matters to be acted upon at this year's Annual
Meeting, it is possible that other matters may be presented at the meeting. If
that happens and you have voted by proxy, your proxy will vote on such other
matters in accordance with his or her best judgment.

      If you decide to vote by proxy, you can revoke -- that is, change or
cancel -- your vote at any time before your proxy casts his or her vote at the
Annual Meeting. Revoking your vote by proxy may be accomplished in one of three

      o     you can send in another proxy card or call in different

      o     you can notify the Secretary of Tiffany & Co. in writing that you
            wish to revoke your proxy, or

      o     you can attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person.

      The other way you can vote your shares is by attending the Annual Meeting
and voting in person. If you decide to vote this way, you do not have to bring
the enclosed proxy card with you to the Annual Meeting; you will be given a
ballot at the meeting to complete and return. This ballot must be submitted
before the polls close at the Annual Meeting in order for your vote to be

      A special note for those who plan to attend the Annual Meeting and vote in
person: if your shares are held in the name of a broker, bank or other nominee,
you must bring a statement or letter from the person or entity in whose name the
shares are registered indicating that you are the beneficial owner of those
shares as of the record date. If you do not bring such a statement or letter,
your vote at the meeting will not be counted.

The Number of Votes That You Have

      Each share of Tiffany & Co. common stock has one vote. The number of
shares, or votes, that you have at this year's Annual Meeting is indicated on
the enclosed proxy card.

What a Quorum Is

      A "quorum" is the minimum number of shares that must be present at an
Annual Meeting for a valid vote. For our stockholder meetings, a majority of
shares outstanding on the record date must be present. 

                                       2                      PRELIMINARY COPIES

      The number of shares outstanding at the close of business on March 25,
1999, the record date, was 35,115,421. Therefore, 17,557,711 shares must be
present at our 1999 Annual Meeting for a quorum to be established.

      To determine if there is a quorum, we consider a share "present" if:

      o     the stockholder who owns the share is present at the Annual Meeting,
            whether or not he or she chooses to cast a ballot on any proposal,

      o     the stockholder is represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting.

      If a stockholder is represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting, his or her
shares are deemed present for purposes of a quorum, even if:

      o     the stockholder withholds his or her vote or marks "abstains" for
            one or more proposals; or

      o     there is a "broker non-vote" on one or more proposals.

What a "Broker Non-Vote" Is

      Shares held in a broker's name may be voted by the broker, but only in
accordance with the rules of the New York Stock Exchange. Under those rules,
your broker must follow your instructions. If you do not provide instructions to
your broker, your broker may vote your shares based on its own judgment or it
may withhold a vote. Whether your broker votes or withholds its vote is
determined by the New York Stock Exchange rules and depends on the proposal
being voted upon.

      If your broker withholds its vote, that is called a "broker non-vote." As
stated above, broker non-votes are counted as present for a quorum.

What Vote Is Required To Approve Each Proposal

      Directors are elected by a plurality of the votes cast for directors at
the Annual Meeting. This means that, of all nominees, the top eight in terms of
"for" votes received will be elected directors.

      You may withhold your vote "for" any nominee, but there is no means for
you to vote "against" any nominee. To withhold your vote "for" any or all of the
nominees named in this Proxy Statement, you can so mark your proxy card or
ballot or, if you call in your vote, so indicate by telephone. A broker non-vote
is the same as a withheld vote; neither will have any effect on the outcome of
the election of directors.

      The proposal to approve the amendment to our Restated Certificate of
Incorporation requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the issued and
outstanding shares of Tiffany & Co. common stock. That means that holders of
17,557,711 shares of common stock must vote "for" the proposal in order to

                                       3                      PRELIMINARY COPIES

increase the number of authorized shares from 60 million to 120 million. For
this proposal, broker non-votes and abstentions will have the same effect as a
vote "against" the proposal.

      The proposal to ratify the approval of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
independent accountants for fiscal 1999 will be decided by a plurality of the
votes cast "for" or "against" the proposal. Therefore, if you "abstain" from
voting on this matter - in other words, you do not vote on the matter or you
indicate "abstain" on the proxy card or by telephone, it will not affect the
outcome of votes on this proposal. That is because only votes cast "for" or
"against" this proposal will be counted in determining whether or not it has
been approved. Broker non-votes on this proposal will be treated the same as
abstentions; neither will have any effect on the vote on the proposal.

Proxy Voting on Proposals in the Absence of Instructions

      If you complete a proxy card or you call the telephone number on the card
and enter your control number, but do not give any instructions as to how your
shares are to be voted, your proxies will vote your shares in accordance with
the following recommendations of the Board of Directors:

      o     FOR the election of all eight nominees for director named in this
            Proxy Statement,

      o     FOR approval of an amendment to our Restated Certificate of
            Incorporation increasing the number of authorized shares of common
            stock from 60,000,000 shares to 120,000,000 shares, and

      o     FOR approval of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
            independent accountants to examine our fiscal 1999 financial

How Proxies Are Solicited

      We have hired the firm of Kissel-Blake Inc. to assist in the solicitation
of proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors. Kissel-Blake Inc. has agreed to
perform this service for a fee of not more than $5,500 plus out-of-pocket

      Employees of Tiffany and Company, a subsidiary of Tiffany & Co., may also
solicit proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors. These employees will not
receive any additional compensation for their work soliciting proxies and any
costs incurred by them in doing so will be paid for by Tiffany and Company.

      This particular solicitation is being made by mail, but proxies may also
be solicited in person, by facsimile, by telephone or by electronic mail

      In addition, we will pay for any costs incurred by brokerage houses and
others for forwarding proxy materials to beneficial owners. 

                                       4                      PRELIMINARY COPIES

                           OWNERSHIP OF TIFFANY & CO.

Stockholders Who Own At Least Five Percent of Tiffany & Co.

      The following table shows all persons who were known to us to be
"beneficial owners" of at least five percent of Tiffany & Co. stock as of March
25, 1999. Footnote 1 below provides a brief explanation of what is meant by the
term "beneficial ownership."

      This table is based upon reports filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, commonly referred to as the SEC. These reports are publicly
available. You may therefore obtain copies of them from the SEC, if you so

Name and Address                             Amount and                 Percent
      of                                 Nature of Beneficial             of
Beneficial Owner                            Ownership (1)                Class
- ----------------                         --------------------           -------
The Equitable Companies Incorporated
    1290 Avenue of the Americas
    New York, New York 10104                 4,465,867                   12.7

Oak Value Capital Management, Inc.
    3100 Tower Boulevard, Suite 700
    Durham, North Carolina 27707             2,347,078                    6.7

- ----------

(1) "Beneficial ownership" is a term broadly defined by the SEC and includes
more than the typical form of stock ownership, that is, stock held in the
person's name. The term also includes what is referred to as "indirect
ownership" such as where, for example, the person has or shares the power to
vote the stock, sell it or acquire it within 60 days. Accordingly, some of the
shares reported as beneficially owned in this table may actually be held by
other persons or organizations. Those other persons and organizations are
described in the reports filed with the SEC.

Ownership by Executive Officers and Directors

      The following table shows the number of shares of Tiffany & Co. common
stock beneficially owned as of March 25, 1999, by executive officers, including
the Chief Executive Officer (the "CEO") and the four next most highly
compensated executive officers, and directors of Tiffany & Co. as of the end of
the last fiscal year (January 31, 1999).

                                       5                      PRELIMINARY COPIES

                                              Amount and               Percent
                                          Nature of Beneficial           of
Name                                           Ownership              Class (1)
- ----                                      --------------------        ---------
William R. Chaney (CEO)(2)                    460,200 (3)                1.3
Rose Marie Bravo                                2,804 (4)                 *
Samuel L. Hayes III                            75,550 (5)(6)              *
Michael J. Kowalski (Executive Officer)       196,750 (7)                 *
Charles K. Marquis                             47,703 (5)                 *
James E. Quinn (Executive Officer)             92,282 (8)                 *
Yoshiaki Sakakura                               1,748 (9)                 *
William A. Shutzer                             56,003 (10)                *
Geraldine Stutz                                48,203 (5)                 *
Executive Officers:                           
James N. Fernandez                             25,432 (11)                *
Patrick B. Dorsey                              41,100 (12)                *
All executive officers and                    
directors as a group (16 persons):          1,129,084 (13)               3.2

(1) An asterisk (*) is used to indicate less than 1% of the class outstanding.

(2) On February 1, 1999, Mr. Kowalski assumed the title and duties of Chief
Executive Officer.

(3) Includes 65,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of "Vested Stock Options"
which are stock options that either are exercisable as of March 25, 1999, or
will become exercisable within 60 days of that date, and 64,200 shares held by
Mr. Chaney's wife.

(4) Includes 1,804 shares issuable upon the exercise of Vested Stock Options.

(5) Includes 29,703 shares issuable upon the exercise of Vested Stock Options.

(6) Includes 44,500 shares held in trust for the benefit of children of Prof.
Hayes, Barbara L. Hayes, his wife, as trustee; 506 shares held in trust for the
benefit of a brother of Prof. Hayes, Prof. Hayes as trustee; and 800 shares held
by Prof. Hayes's wife.

(7) Includes 158,750 shares issuable upon the exercise of Vested Stock Options.

(8) Includes 87,250 shares issuable upon the exercise of Vested Stock Options;
32 shares credited to Mr. Quinn's account under the Tiffany & Co. Employee
Profit Sharing and Retirement Savings Plan; and 4,000 shares held by Mr. Quinn's

(9) Represents shares issuable upon the exercise of Vested Stock Options.

(10) Includes 5,719 shares issuable upon the exercise of Vested Stock Options
and 25,300 shares held by Mr. Shutzer's minor children.

(11) Includes 23,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of Vested Stock Options
and 32 shares credited to Mr. Fernandez's account under the Tiffany & Co.
Employee Profit Sharing and Retirement Savings Plan.

(12) Includes 33,500 shares issuable upon the exercise of Vested Stock Options.

                                       6                      PRELIMINARY COPIES

(13) Includes 448,500 shares issuable upon the exercise of Vested Stock Options
and 373 shares held in the Tiffany & Co. Employee Profit Sharing and Retirement
Savings Plan.

Compliance of Directors, Executive Officers and Greater-Than-Ten-Percent
Stockholders with Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirements

      Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires Tiffany &
Co.'s directors, executive officers and greater-than-ten-percent stockholders to
file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC and the New York
Stock Exchange. These persons are also required to provide us with copies of
those reports.

Based on our review of those reports and of certain other documents we have
received, we believe that, during and with respect our last fiscal year
(February 1, 1998, to January 31, 1999), all filing requirements under 
Section 16(9) applicable to our directors, executive officers and
greater-than-ten-percent stockholders were satisfied.


The Board of Directors, In General

      Tiffany & Co. is a Delaware corporation. Our principal subsidiary is
Tiffany and Company, a New York corporation. For the sake of clarity, from here
on Tiffany & Co. will be referred to as "Tiffany & Co." or "the Company" in this
Proxy Statement and Tiffany and Company will be referred to as simply "Tiffany."

      Our Board of Directors is currently comprised of nine members. However, as
explained below, after this year's Annual Meeting, the size of the Board will be
reduced to eight members.

      Directors are required by our By-laws to be less than age 72 when elected
or appointed unless the Board of Directors waives that provision with respect to
an individual director whose continued service is deemed uniquely important to
Tiffany & Co. The Board of Directors can also fill vacancies and newly created
directorships as well as amend the By-laws to provide for a greater or lesser
number of directors.

      Yoshiaki Sakakura, a member of the Board of Directors since November 1989,
has decided not to stand for re-election at this year's Annual Meeting. We would
like to take this opportunity to thank him for his many years of dedicated
service to the Board. Rather than nominate a successor, however, we have decided
to follow the recommendation of the Nominating Committee and reduce the size of
the Board from nine to eight members.

                                       7                      PRELIMINARY COPIES


      The Board of Directors met seven times during fiscal 1998. With respect to
the eight nominees for director, their attendance rate at Board and committee
meetings averaged over 98% in fiscal 1998. Mr. Sakakura's attendance rate in
fiscal 1998 was less than 75%.

Committees of the Board of Directors

      The Board of Directors has an Audit Committee, a Compensation Committee, a
Stock Option Subcommittee and a Nominating Committee.

      Under its charter, the Audit Committee's responsibilities include

      o     reviewing the adequacy of our system of internal financial controls,

      o     recommending to the Board of Directors the appointment of
            independent accountants and evaluating their proposed audit scope,
            performance and fee arrangement,

      o     conducting a post-audit review of our financial statements and audit
            findings in advance of publication, and

      o     reviewing in advance proposed changes in our accounting methods.

      Prof. Hayes, Mr. Marquis and Mr. Shutzer currently serve as members of the
Audit Committee. During fiscal 1998, there were three meetings of this

      The functions performed by the Compensation Committee include

      o     approval of remuneration arrangements for executive officers, and

      o     approval of compensation plans in which officers and employees of
            Tiffany are eligible to participate.

      Ms. Bravo, Prof. Hayes, Mr. Marquis, Mr. Sakakura, Mr. Shutzer and Ms.
Stutz currently serve as members of the Compensation Committee. In fiscal 1998,
there were three meetings of this committee.

      The Stock Option Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the Compensation
Committee, determines the grant of options and other matters under our 1998
Employee Incentive Plan.

      Prof. Hayes, Mr. Shutzer and Ms. Stutz currently serve as members of the
Stock Option Subcommittee. The Stock Option Subcommittee met six times in fiscal

      The role of the Nominating Committee is to recommend to the Board of

      o     policies on the composition of the Board of Directors,

      o     criteria for the selection of nominees for election to the Board of

                                       8                      PRELIMINARY COPIES

      o     nominees to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors, and

      o     nominees for election to the Board of Directors.

      Prof. Hayes, Mr. Shutzer and Ms. Stutz currently serve as members of the
Nominating Committee. This committee had one meeting in fiscal 1998.

Compensation of Directors

      Directors who are not employees of Tiffany & Co. or its subsidiaries are
paid or provided with the following for their service on the Board:

      o     an annual retainer of $38,000,

      o     an additional annual retainer of $2,500 if the director is also a
            chairperson of the Compensation, Audit or Nominating Committee,

      o     a per-meeting-attended fee of $2,000 for meetings attended in
            person, except that no fee is paid for attendance at any committee
            or subcommittee meetings which occur on the same day as a meeting of
            the full Board of Directors,

      o     a fee of $500 for each telephonic meeting in which the director

      o     stock options, as discussed below, and

      o     a retirement benefit, also discussed below.

      Under Tiffany's Amended and Restated Executive Deferral Plan, directors
may defer up to one hundred percent (100%) of their cash compensation and invest
the amounts they defer in various accounts and funds established under the plan.

      Tiffany & Co. also reimburses directors for expenses they incur in
attending Board and committee meetings, including expenses for travel, food and

      Non-employee directors may receive, in addition to the compensation
described above, options to purchase shares of Tiffany & Co. stock. These
options vest in two equal installments - 1/2 after one year of service on the
Board following the grant of the option, and the balance, after two years of
service. However, as explained below, all installments become immediately
exercisable in the event there is a "change in control" of Tiffany & Co.

      These options typically expire after 10 years, but they expire sooner if,
before the end of that 10-year period, the director leaves the Board. The
option's exercise price is the fair market value of Tiffany & Co. stock on the
date of grant, which is calculated as the average of the highest and lowest
sales prices of the stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the date of grant.

      Current policy provides that new non-employee directors will be granted
options to purchase 5,000 shares of Tiffany & Co. stock upon their election or
appointment to the Board.

                                       9                      PRELIMINARY COPIES

      Non-employee directors with five or more years of Board service when they
retire are also entitled to receive an annual retirement benefit equal to the
lesser of the annual retainer in effect during the year in which they retire or
$38,000. Subject to adjustment for partial years served, this benefit is payable
quarterly and continues for a period of time equal to the director's length of
service on the Board. However, this particular benefit will not apply to any new
director appointed or elected after January 1, 1999.

      Messrs. Chaney, Kowalski and Quinn are employees of Tiffany. They,
therefore, receive no separate compensation for their service as directors.

Compensation of the CEO and Other Executive Officers

      This section includes a summary of salaries, bonuses and other
compensation paid to our CEO and each of the four (4) next highest paid
executive officers during the last three fiscal years. Also presented in this
section are options granted to and exercised by each of them in fiscal 1998,
retirement benefits currently available to them and any special employment,
termination or change-in-control arrangements that have been made with any of

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                              Long Term
                                      Annual Compensation    Compensation
                                      -------------------    ------------
Name and                                                      Underlying       All Other
Principal Position (1)         Year    Salary      Bonus     Options/SARs    Compensation
- ---------------------------    ----   --------   --------   --------------   ------------
William R. Chaney              1998   $636,172   $780,000    15,000 shares   $183,113 (2)
Chairman of the                1997   $556,962   $484,000    50,000 shares   $180,018 (3)
Board and CEO                  1996   $522,248   $540,000    30,000 shares   $138,650 (4)

Michael J. Kowalski            1998   $466,628   $337,500   100,000 shares    $67,905 (5)
President and Chief            1997   $387,572   $209,000    35,000 shares    $50,647 (6)
Operating Officer              1996   $352,896   $222,750    25,000 shares    $28,950 (7)

James E. Quinn                 1998   $382,048   $254,000    75,000 shares    $53,765 (8)
Vice Chairman                  1997   $328,347   $161,000    25,000 shares    $43,049 (9)
                               1996   $315,209   $182,250    15,000 shares    $26,231 (10)
James N. Fernandez             1998   $316,418   $186,000    50,000 shares    $38,697 (11)
 Executive Vice President      1997   $264,845   $106,000    20,000 shares    $30,940 (12)
 and Chief Financial Officer   1996   $231,761   $106,500    10,000 shares    $23,087 (13)
Patrick B. Dorsey              1998   $237,189   $ 85,000    12,000 shares    $27,460 (14)
 Senior Vice President,        1997   $216,110   $ 71,000    10,000 shares    $27,365 (15)
 General Counsel and           1996   $209,321   $ 81,000     6,000 shares    $19,672 (16)

                                      10                      PRELIMINARY COPIES

(1) Titles are as of the end of fiscal year 1998 (January 31, 1999). On February
1, 1999, Mr. Kowalski assumed the title and duties of Chief Executive Officer.

(2) Represents $100,000 contributed to Mr. Chaney's deferred compensation
account, $80,521 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums, and
$2,592 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.
Mr. Chaney's deferred compensation arrangement and the split-dollar life
insurance provided to him and other executive officers are discussed below 
under "Other Compensation Arrangements."

(3) Represents $100,000 contributed to Mr. Chaney's deferred compensation
account, $77,858 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and $2,160
attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(4) Represents $100,000 contributed to Mr. Chaney's deferred compensation
account, $36,490 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and $2,160
attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(5) Represents $65,313 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$2,592 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(6) Represents $48,487 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$2,160 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(7) Represents $26,935 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$2,015 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(8) Represents $51,173 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$2,592 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(9) Represents $40,889 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$2,160 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(10) Represents $24,216 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$2,015 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(11) Represents $36,105 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$2,592 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(12) Represents $28,840 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$2,100 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(13) Represents $21,550 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$1,537 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(14) Represents $25,271 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$2,189 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(15) Represents $25,662 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums and
$1,703 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability insurance.

(16) Represents $18,275 attributable to split-dollar life insurance premiums
and $1,397 attributable to premiums for executive long-term disability

                                       11                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

                       OPTION GRANTS IN FISCAL YEAR 1998

                                          Percent of
                                        Total Options
                                        Granted to all
                                         Employees in       Per
                                            Fiscal         Share
                           Options           Year         Exercise     Expiration       Grant Date
Name                     Granted (1)         1998         Price (2)      Date (3)    Present Value (4)
- -------------------    --------------   --------------    ---------    ----------    -----------------
William R. Chaney       15,000 shares         2.0         $59.9063      1/21/2009       $  294,450
Michael J. Kowalski    100,000 shares        13.1         $59.9063      1/21/2009       $1,963,000
James E. Quinn          75,000 shares         9.8         $59.9063      1/21/2009       $1,472,250
James N. Fernandez      50,000 shares         6.5         $59.9063      1/21/2009       $  981,500
Patrick B. Dorsey       12,000 shares         1.6         $59.9063      1/21/2009       $  235,560

- ----------
(1) These options are exercisable in four equal installments, with the first
installment (1/4 of the total grant) becoming exercisable on the first
anniversary of the grant date and the three remaining installments becoming
exercisable on subsequent consecutive anniversaries of the grant date. However,
all installments become immediately exercisable in the event there is a "change
in control" of Tiffany & Co. The term "change in control" is discussed below.

(2) The exercise price for each share is its fair market value on the date of
grant. This is determined by averaging the highest and lowest sales prices of
Tiffany & Co. stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the date of grant.

(3) Normally, these options expire on the 10th anniversary of their grant date.
However, their expiration date will be accelerated if, before that 10th
anniversary, the officer dies, becomes disabled, retires or leaves Tiffany.

(4) The amounts stated are hypothetical values calculated under the
Black-Scholes model, a mathematical formula used to value options covering
securities traded on stock exchanges. This formula considers a number of factors
in estimating an option's present value, including the stock's volatility rate
(21.5%), expected term (5 years), interest rate (5.5%) and dividend yield
(0.8%). The actual value, if any, that the executive officer will realize from
these options will depend solely on the increase of the stock price over the
$59.9063 per share exercise price when the options are exercised.

                       AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                                          Number of                   Value of
                         Shares                      Unexercised Options         In-The-Money Options
                        Acquired       Value        at Fiscal Year-End (1)      at Fiscal Year-End (1)
Name                  on Exercise    Realized     Exercisable/Unexercisable   Exercisable/Unexercisable
- ------------------    -----------   ----------    -------------------------   -------------------------
William R. Chaney        80,000     $2,052,404        235,000 /  80,000        $8,333,589 / $1,359,219
MichaelJ. Kowalski       12,000       $635,010        158,750 / 151,250        $5,450,363 / $1,099,375
JamesE. Quinn            10,000       $329,688         87,250 / 108,750        $2,838,479 / $  716,250
James N. Fernandez       10,000       $263,057         23,000 /  75,000        $  595,000 / $  524,688
PatrickB. Dorsey         10,000       $259,980         52,500 /  13,500        $1,877,124 / $  286,500

                                       12                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

(1) Options are deemed "exercisable" in this table if they are exercisable as of
January 31, 1999, or will become exercisable within 60 days of that date.


      Tiffany has established two separate retirement plans for eligible
employees: a Pension Plan and a Supplemental Retirement Income Plan.

      The Pension Plan is a "qualified plan," that is, it is designed to comply
with those provisions of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to retirement
plans. The Pension Plan provides participants with a retirement benefit based on
the participant's "average final compensation" multiplied by his or her years of
service with Tiffany. The amount of the benefit payable under the Pension Plan
is subject to Internal Revenue Code limitations.

      The Supplemental Retirement Income Plan is not a qualified plan and is not
subject to Internal Revenue Code limitations on the amount of benefits it may
pay. It was established to supplement the Pension Plan and Social Security by
providing additional payments upon a participant's retirement.

      Payments under the Supplemental Retirement Income Plan, together with
payments under the Pension Plan and from Social Security, would equal a variable
percentage of the participant's "average final compensation." This assumes that
the vesting requirements under the Supplemental Retirement Income Plan are met.

      Depending upon the participant's years of service with Tiffany, the
combined benefit under the Pension Plan and the Supplemental Retirement Income
Plan and from Social Security would be as follows:

                              Combined Benefit as a
                              Percentage of
Years of Service              Average Final Compensation
- ----------------              --------------------------
30 or more                                60%
25-29                                     50%
20-24                                     40%
15-19                                     30%
10-14                                     20%
less than 10                              0%

      A participant's "average final compensation" is the average annual
compensation he or she received over the five highest paid plan years (January 1
to December 31) during his or her last 10 years of service. In general,
compensation reported in the Summary Compensation Table above as "Salary" and
"Bonus" is compensation for purposes of the Pension Plan and the Supplemental
Retirement Income Plan; amounts attributable to the exercise of stock options
are not included.

                                       13                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

      The following table sets forth the estimated combined annual benefit
payable on retirement to participants under the Supplemental Retirement Income
Plan, Pension Plan and Social Security.

                          Annual Total Benefit for Years of Service
Average Final
Compensation      15           20            25           30            35
- ------------    -------      -------       -------      -------       -------
$125,000        $37,500      $50,000       $62,500      $75,000       $75,000
$150,000        $45,000      $60,000       $75,000      $90,000       $90,000
$175,000        $52,500      $70,000       $87,500     $105,000      $105,000
$200,000        $60,000      $80,000      $100,000     $120,000      $120,000
$225,000        $67,500      $90,000      $112,500     $135,000      $135,000
$250,000        $75,000     $100,000      $125,000     $150,000      $150,000
$300,000        $90,000     $120,000      $150,000     $180,000      $180,000
$400,000       $120,000     $160,000      $200,000     $240,000      $240,000
$450,000       $135,000     $180,000      $225,000     $270,000      $270,000
$500,000       $150,000     $200,000      $250,000     $300,000      $300,000
$600,000       $180,000     $240,000      $300,000     $360,000      $360,000
$700,000       $210,000     $280,000      $350,000     $420,000      $420,000
$800,000       $240,000     $320,000      $400,000     $480,000      $480,000
$900,000       $270,000     $360,000      $450,000     $540,000      $540,000
$1,000,000     $300,000     $400,000      $500,000     $600,000      $600,000

      All executive officers except Mr. Chaney are eligible to participate in
the Pension Plan and the Supplemental Retirement Income Plan. At the end of the
last fiscal year (January 31, 1999), the current years of creditable service and
average final compensation under both plans for each of the executive officers
named in the Summary Compensation Table were as follows:

Name                     Years of Service        Average Final Compensation
- ----                     ----------------        --------------------------
Michael J. Kowalski             20                        $488,016
James E. Quinn                  12                        $423,425
James N. Fernandez              20                        $304,583
Patrick B. Dorsey               13                        $262,985


      As indicated above, Mr. Chaney is not eligible for benefits under either
the Pension Plan or the Supplemental Retirement Income Plan. Instead, Tiffany
has credited $25,000 per calendar quarter, plus accrued interest at a prime
rate, to an account in his favor. This was done under the terms of a deferred
compensation agreement entered into with Mr. Chaney in December 1989. The
account is maintained on the books of Tiffany as a liability to Mr. Chaney.

      On Mr. Chaney's resignation as Chief Executive Officer on January 31,
1999, the deferred compensation agreement was amended to provide for the
discontinuance of accruals to his account after December 31, 1998. As of

                                       14                     PRELIMINARY COPIES


1, 1999, the balance in that account was $2,644,701.78. Commencing in March of
1999, Tiffany became obligated under the Agreement to pay Mr. Chaney a monthly
annuity of $22,449.35 from the account. This obligation terminates on Mr.
Chaney's death. On his death, the excess, if any, of the balance in his account
as of February 1, 1999, over the sum of all annuity payments actually made will
be paid to Mr. Chaney's estate.

      The Company and Tiffany have entered into retention agreements with four
executive officers. These agreements would provide a covered executive with
compensation if he should incur an "involuntary termination" after a "change in
control." The purpose of these agreements is to keep our management team in
place and focused on their job duties should discussions of a "change in
control" ever occur. An "involuntary termination" does not include a termination
for cause, but does include a resignation for good cause.

      When, if ever, a "change in control" occurs, the covered executives would
have fixed, or guaranteed, terms of employment under their retention agreement
as follows: two years in the case of Mr. Fernandez and Mr. Dorsey and three
years in the case of Mr. Kowalski and Mr. Quinn. If the executive incurs an
involuntary termination during his term, compensation, keyed to the length of
his term, would be payable to the executive as follows:

      o     two or three times salary and bonus as severance,

      o     a payment equal to the present value of two or three years of
            additional years of service credit under the Supplemental Retirement
            Income Plan, and

      o     two or three years of benefits continuation under Tiffany's health
            and welfare plans.

      The covered executives may receive other benefits in connection with a
"change in control," such as accelerated vesting of stock options or pension
benefits under the Supplemental Retirement Income Plan. Because a covered
executive's receipt of payments and benefits in connection with a "change in
control" may trigger a 20% excise tax under Section 280G of the Internal Revenue
Code, the retention agreements contain "gross-up" provisions. Under these
provisions, the Company or Tiffany must pay the covered executive's excise tax
and any additional income tax resulting from the gross-up provisions. If the
gross-up provisions are triggered, the Company or Tiffany, as the case may be,
will be unable to deduct most of the "change in control" payments and benefits.

      Tiffany maintains split-dollar life insurance agreements with some of its
executive officers, including Mr. Chaney, Mr. Kowalski, Mr. Quinn, Mr. Fernandez
and Mr. Dorsey. Under those agreements, Tiffany pays the premiums for executive
life insurance and will be repaid for those premium payments from the death

                                       15                     PRELIMINARY COPIES


      Until there is a "change in control," Tiffany has the right to terminate
those split-dollar agreements. If there is a "change in control," Tiffany loses
that right, and will then be bound to continue to pay premiums until the
maturity date of each executive's agreement, which is when the executive reaches
age 65, or age 75 in the case of Mr. Chaney. At the maturity date, the cash
value of each policy will be sufficient for the following purposes:

      o     to repay Tiffany for its premium investment, and

      o     to continue the policy in force, without payment of further
            premiums, with a death benefit equivalent to twice the executive's
            average annual salary and bonus compensation for the last three
            calendar years prior to termination of employment.

      In the event of a "change in control" of Tiffany & Co., all options
granted under its various stock option plans become exercisable in full. In
addition, all benefits under the Supplemental Retirement Income Plan become
vested and payable at retirement age, but only if, at the time of the change in
control, benefits are also vested under the Pension Plan.

      For purposes of the split-dollar agreements, the Supplemental Retirement
Income Plan and the stock options, the term "change in control" means that one
of the following events has occurred:

      o     any person or group of persons acting in concert, and by person we
            mean an individual or organization, acquires thirty-five percent or
            more in voting power or stock of Tiffany & Co., including the
            acquisition of any right, option, warrant or other right to obtain
            such voting power or stock, whether or not presently exercisable,
            unless the acquisition is authorized or approved by the Board of

      o     a majority of the Board of Directors is, for any reason, not made up
            of individuals who were either on the Board on January 21, 1988, or,
            if they became members of the Board after that date, were approved
            by the directors; or

      o     any other circumstance which the Board deems to be a "change in

      For purposes of the retention agreements, a "change in control" includes
the above events, as well as additional events amounting to a change in control
of the Company or Tiffany, even if the Board has approved of such events. Such
events could include a so-called "friendly" acquisition of the Company or

                                       16                     PRELIMINARY COPIES


Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

      The following is the Compensation Committee's report on executive

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            The Committee's overall compensation policy is to provide a reward
      structure that will motivate the officers to assist the Company's
      achievement of its strategic and financial goals, retain and attract
      competent personnel and link the interests of management with those of the
      stockholders through stock-based compensation.

            (i) Cash Bonuses

            The Committee believes that the portion of an officer's compensation
      that is "at risk" (subject to adjustment for corporate and/or individual
      performance factors) should vary proportionally to the amount of
      responsibility the officer bears for the Company's success. The Committee
      adheres to that philosophy in establishing target bonuses.

            Each January, the Committee establishes target bonuses for executive
      officers for the fiscal year that will begin on the first day of February.

            For most officers, a bonus equal to or in excess of the target is
      paid if the Company achieves its business plan and if the individual's
      personal and/or business unit performance meets or exceeds expectations.
      If the Company fails to achieve its business plan, or if the individual's
      personal and/or business unit performance fails to meet expectations, the
      bonus is reduced or eliminated.

            In January of 1999, the Stock Option Subcommittee (the
      "Subcommittee") made a different arrangement for Messrs. Kowalski, Quinn
      and Fernandez. Their fiscal 1999 bonuses will be calculated solely on the
      basis of the increase or decrease in the Company's consolidated net
      earnings in accordance with a formula. This arrangement is an "Incentive
      Award" under the provisions of the 1998 Employee Incentive Plan. For this
      reason, the entire bonus payable to Messrs. Kowalski, Quinn and Fernandez
      will be deductible under the provisions of Section 162(m) of the Internal
      Revenue Code (see below).

            No bonus for fiscal year 1999 will be paid to Mr. Chaney because he
      will cease to serve as Chief Executive Officer effective February 1, 1999.
      Mr. Kowalski will assume that position from Mr. Chaney.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            For fiscal 1999, Mr. Kowalski's target bonus under the Incentive
      Award arrangement is 75% of his salary. Target bonuses for the other
      executive officers in fiscal 1999 range from 35% to 50% of salary and
      average approximately 38%.

            For fiscal 1998, Mr. Chaney's target bonus under an Incentive Award
      arrangement was 80% of his base salary. The actual bonus paid to Mr.
      Chaney was $780,000, 150% of his target. This award was calculated by the
      Subcommittee solely on the basis of the increase of the Company's
      consolidated net earnings in accordance with a formula established by the
      Subcommittee in March of 1998.

            Target bonuses for the other executive officers for fiscal year 1998
      ranged from 30% to 50% of salary and averaged approximately 34% of salary.
      The actual bonus paid for fiscal 1998 to each executive officer (other
      than Mr. Chaney) was determined by the Committee in January of 1999. At
      that time, the Committee compared the Company's projected fiscal 1998
      performance to its business and strategic plans, and the performance of
      each executive officer (other than of Mr. Chaney himself) was reviewed for
      the Committee by Mr. Chaney. Mr. Kowalski also contributed to these
      evaluations (other than with respect to himself and Mr. Chaney). Bonuses
      actually awarded averaged 127% of the target amounts.

            In awarding bonuses for fiscal 1998 to the executive officers (other
      than Mr. Chaney) the Committee applied the following measures of corporate
      financial performance: the success that the Company had in meeting its
      1998 objectives for profitability, expense control, sales results and
      staffing. The Committee also considered, where applicable, the financial
      results of any business unit for which the officer was responsible.
      Finally, the Committee considered the following subjective factors: the
      judgments of Mr. Chaney and Mr. Kowalski and the members of the Committee
      concerning the officer's leadership, development of creative business
      opportunities and motivation and development of staff.

            (ii) Salaries and Benefits

            The Committee believes that the Company's compensation and benefits
      program for its executives is competitive with the program generally
      offered by comparable retailers and direct marketing organizations. This
      program enables the Company to retain and attract competent management

            To assess the competitiveness of the compensation offered to the
      Company's executive officers, the Committee reviewed an analysis prepared
      by a nationally recognized compensation consulting firm. That analysis
      included data concerning compensation provided by companies in the Peer
      Company Group included in the performance graph set forth below. It also

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                       18                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      compensation data available from other publicly traded retail companies
      and survey data for companies of comparable size and, where available, in
      comparable businesses. Data from companies other than those included in
      the Peer Company Group were reviewed, including data from firms much
      larger than the Company. The Committee believes that a competitive market
      for the services of retail executives exists, even among firms that are
      not peers of the Company or that operate in a different line of business.

            Executive salaries are reviewed by the Committee in January of each
      year and typically are adjusted on the basis of merit and relevant
      competitive factors.

            (iii) Stock Options

            Options to purchase the Common Stock of the Company are granted to
      executive officers in January of each year, and may be exercised, when
      vested, to purchase Common Stock at its fair market value as of the date
      of the option grant. Options vest and become exercisable in four equal
      annual installments beginning with the first anniversary of the grant
      date; non-vested installments are forfeited if the option holder leaves
      the Company.

            Option grants are authorized by the Subcommittee. The Subcommittee
      believes that the greater the officer's position and level of
      responsibility within the Company, the greater the desirability for
      compensation that is linked to the long-term interests of the
      stockholders. For that reason, the size of option grants is generally tied
      to the individual's level of responsibility within the Company. For that
      same reason, the Subcommittee also reviews the extent of each executive
      officer's beneficial holdings of the Company's Common Stock, including
      prior option grants. In determining the size of each option grant the
      Subcommittee also considers, in certain cases, subjective factors, such as
      the individual's potential for further growth within the Company and his
      or her past performance. In January of 1999, the number of shares subject
      to options awarded to Messrs. Kowalski, Quinn and Fernandez by the
      Subcommittee was reflective of the increased responsibilities that each of
      these executives has undertaken effective with the resignation of William
      R. Chaney as Chief Executive Officer.

            (iv) Limitation Under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code

            Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code generally denies a
      federal income-tax deduction to a publicly-held corporation for
      compensation in excess of $1 million per year paid to certain persons.
      These include persons who were, as of the last day of the corporation's
      taxable year, (i) the chief executive officer or (ii) among the four
      highest-compensated officers. This denial of deduction is subject to an
      exception for certain "performance-based compensation," including

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                       19                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      the stock options and Incentive Awards discussed above. Under current
      arrangements, the Company will be entitled to deduct all compensation paid
      to its executive officers. However, the Board of Directors does not
      believe that it would be in the best interests of the Company to adopt a
      policy that would preclude compensation arrangements that might in the
      future be subject to deduction limitations.

                                                      Rose Marie Bravo
                                                      Samuel L. Hayes III
                                                      Charles K. Marquis
                                                      Yoshiaki Sakakura
                                                      William A. Shutzer
                                                      Geraldine Stutz
                                                      Members of the
                                                      Compensation Committee

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      As indicated above, the following directors served as members of the
Compensation Committee during the 1998 fiscal year: Ms. Bravo, Professor Hayes,
Messrs. Marquis, Sakakura and Shutzer and Ms. Stutz. None of the members of the
Compensation Committee was, at any time either during or before such fiscal
year, an employee of Tiffany & Co. or any of its subsidiaries.

      During fiscal 1998, Mr. Marquis was a partner in the law firm of Gibson,
Dunn & Crutcher L.L.P. Mr. Marquis is now a Senior Advisor to Investcorp
International, Inc. Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher L.L.P. has performed services for
the Company and Tiffany.

      During fiscal 1998, Tiffany & Co. obtained $100,000,000 in additional long
term financing through a private placement of debt securities. ING Baring Furman
Selz LLC earned a fee of $300,000 for services provided as one of the two
underwriters of that transaction. Mr. Shutzer is an Executive Vice President of
ING Baring Furman Selz LLC and Chairman of its Investment Banking Group.

                                       20                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

                       PERFORMANCE OF TIFFANY & CO. STOCK

      The following graph compares changes in the cumulative total shareholder
return on Tiffany & Co.'s stock for the previous five fiscal years to returns on
the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index and a peer group index for the same
period. Cumulative shareholder return is defined as changes in the closing price
of our stock on the New York Stock Exchange, adjusted to reflect our July 1996
two-for-one stock split, plus the reinvestment of any dividends paid on our



NAME                          1994    1995    1996    1997    1998    1999
- ----                          ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----
TIFFANY & CO.                100.00  100.37  192.25  260.90  272.15  408.02
Standard & Poors 500         100.00  100.58  139.42  176.48  224.10  296.19
Peer Group                   100.00  106.07  115.96  146.33  153.19  223.40



PEER COMPANY GROUP: A.T. Cross Co.; Gucci Group; Jostens, Inc.; Lazare Kaplan
International Inc.; The Neiman-Marcus Group, Inc.; Nordstrom, Inc.; Reeds
Jewelers, Inc.; Sotheby's Holdings; Williams-Sonoma Inc.; and Zale Corporation.
(Saks Holdings Inc., which in past Proxy Statements has been included in this
group, has been deleted as a result of its acquisition in 1998 by another

                                       21                     PRELIMINARY COPIES


Item I -- Election of the Board of Directors

      Each year, we elect directors at an Annual Meeting of Stockholders. At the
1999 Annual Meeting, eight directors will be elected. Each of them will serve
until he or she is succeeded by another qualified director or until his or her
earlier resignation or removal from office.

      It is not anticipated that any of this year's nominees will be unable to
serve as a director, but if that should occur before the Annual Meeting, the
Board may either propose another nominee or reduce the number of directors to be
elected. If another nominee is proposed, you or your proxy will have the right
to vote for that person at the Annual Meeting.

      Information concerning each of the nominees is set forth below:

- ------------------------
William R. Chaney                   Mr. Chaney, 66, is the Chairman of the Board
                                    of Directors. Mr. Chaney joined Tiffany in
                                    January 1980 as a member of its Board of
                                    Directors and was named Chairman and Chief
                                    Executive Officer of Tiffany & Co. in August
                                    1984. Prior to this, he served as an
                                    executive officer of Avon Products, Inc. Mr.
                                    Chaney also serves on the Boards of
                                    Directors of The Bank of New York and the
                                    Atlantic Mutual Companies.
- ------------------------

Rose Marie Bravo                    Ms. Bravo, 48, is Worldwide Chief Executive
                                    of Burberry Limited and is a member of its
                                    Board of Directors. Ms. Bravo previously
                                    served as President of Saks Fifth Avenue
                                    from 1992 to 1997. Ms. Bravo became a
                                    director of Tiffany & Co. in October 1997
                                    when she was selected by the Board of
                                    Directors to fill a newly created

- ------------------------

                                       22                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

Samuel L. Hayes III                 Prof. Hayes, 64, has been the Jacob H.
                                    Schiff Professor of Investment Banking at
                                    the Harvard Business School since 1975. In
                                    1998, he accepted emeritus status. He was
                                    elected a director of Tiffany & Co. in 1984.
                                    He also serves on the boards of the Eaton
                                    Vance Group of Funds and the Kobrick Funds.

- ------------------------

Michael J. Kowalski                 Mr. Kowalski, 47, is President and Chief
                                    Executive Officer of Tiffany & Co. Prior to
                                    his appointment as President in January
                                    1996, he was an Executive Vice President of
                                    Tiffany & Co., a position he had held since
                                    March 1992. Mr. Kowalski also served as
                                    Tiffany & Co.'s Chief Operating Officer from
                                    January 1997 until his appointment as Chief
                                    Executive Officer became effective in
                                    February 1999. He became a director of
                                    Tiffany & Co. in January 1995.

- ------------------------

Charles K. Marquis                  Mr. Marquis, 56, is a Senior Advisor to
                                    Investcorp International, Inc. From 1974
                                    through 1998, he was a partner in the law
                                    firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher L.L.P. He
                                    was elected a director of Tiffany & Co. in
                                    1984. Mr. Marquis also serves on the Board
                                    of Directors of Falcon Building Products,

- ------------------------

James E. Quinn                      Mr. Quinn, 47, is Vice Chairman of Tiffany &
                                    Co., responsible for sales throughout the
                                    world. Prior to his appointment as Vice
                                    Chairman in January 1998, Mr. Quinn was an
                                    Executive Vice President of Tiffany & Co., a
                                    position he had held since March 1992. He
                                    became a director of Tiffany & Co. in
                                    January 1995. He is also a member of the
                                    Boards of Directors of BNY Hamilton Funds,
                                    Inc. and Mutual of America Capital

- ------------------------

                                       23                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

William A. Shutzer                  Mr. Shutzer, 52, is Executive Vice President
                                    of ING Baring Furman Selz LLC and is
                                    Chairman of its Investment Banking Group. He
                                    previously served as a Managing Director of
                                    Lehman Brothers and its predecessors from 
                                    1978 to 1994. He was elected a director of
                                    Tiffany & Co. in 1984. Mr. Shutzer is also a
                                    member of the Board of Directors of The
                                    Fortress Group.

- ------------------------

Geraldine Stutz                     Ms. Stutz, 70, has been the principal
                                    partner of GSG Group since 1993. She was
                                    previously the Publisher of Panache Press at
                                    Random House Inc. and the President of Henri
                                    Bendel, the New York specialty store. She
                                    became a director of Tiffany & Co. in July 
                                    1987. Ms. Stutz is also a member of the 
                                    Board of Directors of Jones New York.

- ------------------------


Item II -- Increase in the Number of Authorized Shares of Common Stock

      The Board of Directors asks that the stockholders approve an amendment to
the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of
authorized shares of common stock from 60,000,000 shares to 120,000,000 shares.

      Of the 60,000,000 million shares currently authorized for issuance, there
are only 22,830,333 shares available for issuance as of March 25, 1999, after
taking into account 2,054,246 shares reserved for the Company's various stock
option plans.

      The Board of Directors and management believe that the Company should have
additional authorized shares available for issuance. Such additional shares
could be used for any one or more of the following purposes:

      o     common stock splits,

      o     dividends payable in common stock,

      o     financing and acquisition transactions,

      o     dividend reinvestment plans,

      o     employee benefit plans, and

      o     other general corporate purposes.

                                       24                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

Having such shares available for issuance in the future would give the Company
greater flexibility and allow shares of common stock to be issued without the
expense and delay of a special stockholders meeting.

      If the proposed amendment is approved by the stockholders, the Board will
consider a split of the Company's common stock. The Board believes that, in
view of the recent market value of the Company's common stock, such a split is
desirable as it would result in a price per share that is more attractive to a
broader range of investors.

      Except as described above, as of the date of this Proxy Statement, the
Board of Directors has neither approved nor is contemplating any transaction
which would require the issuance of shares of common stock in excess of the
amount currently authorized.

      If the proposed amendment is adopted, the additional authorized shares,
when and if properly issued, would have the same voting and other rights as the
presently issued and outstanding shares of common stock.

      Existing stockholders do not have and will not have preemptive rights to
subscribe for any additional stock of the Company which in the future may be
approved for issuance. For that reason, the rights of existing stockholders may
be diluted by the issuance of additional common stock. Whether or not such
dilution occurs will depend upon the particular circumstances in which
additional common stock is issued. No dilution would occur in the case of a
stock split, as described above.

      When and if the amendment to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation
becomes effective, the additional shares of common stock will be available for
issuance without further action by the stockholders except in circumstances
where stockholder action is required by law or the rules of any stock exchange
on which the common stock may then be listed.

      When and if additional shares are issued, the Company will seek to
register those shares as may be required by federal securities laws. The Company
will also make application to list the additional shares that are issued as may
be required by the New York Stock Exchange and/or other exchanges on which the
common stock is then listed.

      The proposed amendment might discourage a person or entity seeking to gain
control of the Company from acquiring shares of common stock for that purpose.
The proposed amendment could have that effect because the Board of Directors
could use the additional authorized shares to oppose a takeover bid if deemed by
the Board to be in the best interests of the stockholders. For example, such
additional shares could be used:

                                       25                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

      o     to create voting impediments,

      o     to dilute the stock ownership of the person seeking to gain control,

      o     for sale to those who might side with the Board of Directors in
            opposition to such a takeover, or

      o     in connection with the Company's Amended and Restated Stockholder
            Rights Plan, which is described in Note L to the Consolidated
            Financial Statements included in 1998 Annual Report to Stockholders.


Item III - Appointment of Independent Accountants

      Upon the recommendation of its Audit Committee, the Board of Directors has
appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants to examine
Tiffany & Co.'s consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 1999. We are
asking you to ratify our selection.

      PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is the successor to the firm formerly known as
Coopers & Lybrand. Before becoming a part of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Coopers
& Lybrand served as the Company's independent accountants since 1984.

      A representative of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will be in attendance at
the Annual Meeting to respond to appropriate questions raised by stockholders
and will be afforded the opportunity to make a statement at the meeting, if he
or she desires to do so.

      The Board of Directors may review its selection if its appointment is not
approved by the stockholders.


                                 OTHER MATTERS

Stockholder Proposals, In General

      If you would like to submit the name of a candidate for the Nominating
Committee to consider as a nominee for director, you may send your proposal at
any time to the Nominating Committee, c/o Mr. Patrick B. Dorsey, Secretary,
Tiffany & Co., 727 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10022.

                                       26                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

      If you would like to nominate a candidate for director or bring other
business before the stockholders at the 2000 Annual Meeting, which is currently
expected to take place on May 18, 2000, you must comply with the following

      o     you must notify the Secretary of Tiffany & Co. in writing no earlier
            than January 21, 2000, and no later than February 20, 2000,

      o     if the matter you wish to present is other than the nomination of a
            candidate for director, your proposal must be a proper matter for
            stockholder action under the General Corporation Law of the State of
            Delaware, and

      o     your proposal must contain all of the information required under our
            Bylaws, a copy of which is available, at no charge, from the

Stockholder Proposals for Inclusion in the Proxy Statement for the 2000 Annual

      If you wish to submit a proposal to be included in the Proxy Statement for
our 2000 Annual Meeting, we must receive it no later than December 10, 1999.
Proposals should be sent to Tiffany & Co. at 727 Fifth Avenue, New York, New
York, 10022, addressed to the attention of Patrick B. Dorsey, Secretary.

Reminder to Vote

      Please be sure to either complete, sign and mail the enclosed proxy card
in the return envelope provided or call in your instructions as soon as you can
so that your vote may be recorded and counted.

                                          BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                          Patrick B. Dorsey

                                          New York, New York
                                          April 8, 1999

                                       27                     PRELIMINARY COPIES

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               Please mark
                                                              your votes as  |_|
                                                               indicated in
                                                               this example

The Board of Directors recommends: a vote FOR all nominee for director in Item
1, FOR approval of an increase in the number of authorized shares of common
stock in Item 2, and FOR approval of the appointment of Pricewaterhousecoopers
LLP as independent accountants in Item 3. Shares represented by this proxy will
be so voted unless otherwise indicated, in which case they will be voted as

                                          FOR ALL        WITHHELD FOR NOMINEES
Item I: Election of the following        NOMINEES             NAMED BELOW
        nominees as directors:
        01 William R. Chaney,               |_|                   |_|
        02 Rose Marie Bravo,
        03 Samuel L. Hayes III, 
        04 Michael J. Kowalski,
        05 Charles K. Marquis,
        06 James E. Quinn,
        07 William A. Shutzer and 
        08 Geraldine Stutz.

WITHHELD FOR (write in each nominee's name in the space provided below):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 2: Approval of an amendment to       FOR         AGAINST         ABSTAIN
        the Company's Restated            
        Certificate of Incorporation      |_|           |_|             |_|
        to increase the number of         
        authorized shares of common 
        stock, $.01 par value, from 
        60,000,000 to 120,000,000.  

Item 3: Approval of the appointment of    FOR         AGAINST         ABSTAIN
        PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as                                        
        independent accountants of the    |_|           |_|             |_|  
        Company's fiscal 1999             
        financial statements.          

                                                        YES             NO
                              I plan to attend the
                                 Annual Meeting.        |_|             |_|  

                  NOTE: Please date and sign exactly as your name appears
                  printed on this card. When shares are held by joint owners,
                  all should sign. When signing as fiduciary (e.g., attorney,
                  executor, administrator, conservator, trustee or guardian),
                  please give title. If a corporation or partnership, please
                  sign in corporate or partnership name by an authorized person.

                             THIS PROXY CONTINUED ON THE REVERSE SIDE.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              FOLD AND DETACH HERE

                               VOTE BY TELEPHONE
                          QUICK *** EASY *** IMMEDIATE


  TO VOTE BY PHONE: Call toll-free 1-800-840-1208 on a touch tone telephone 24
                           hours a day-7 days a week.

     There is NO CHARGE to you for this call. Have your proxy card in hand.

You will be asked to enter a Control Number, which is located in the box in the
                      lower right hand corner of this form

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OPTION 1: To vote as the Board of Directors recommends on ALL proposals, 
          press 1.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   When asked, please confirm by pressing 1.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OPTION 2: If you choose to vote on each proposal separately, press 0. You will
          hear these instructions.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Item 1 - FOR ALL nominees, press 1; to WITHHOLD FOR ALL nominees, 
       press 9; To WITHHOLD FOR AN INDIVIDUAL nominee, press 0 and listen to 
       the Instructions.

       Item 2 - To vote FOR, press 1; AGAINST, press 9; ABSTAIN, press 0.

       Item 3 - To vote FOR, press 1; AGAINST, press 9; ABSTAIN, press 0.

                    When asked please confirm by pressing 1.


TO VOTE BY MAIL: Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return promptly in the
                               enclosed envelope.


                             THANK YOU FOR VOTING.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 TIFFANY & CO.
                            PROXY FOR ANNUAL MEETING



The undersigned hereby appoints W.R. CHANEY, J.N. FERNANDEZ, and P.B. DORSEY,
and each of them, proxies, with full power of substitution, to act for the
undersigned, and to vote all shares of common stock represented by this proxy
which the undersigned may be entitled to vote, at the 1999 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders (and any adjournment thereof) as directed and permitted on the
reverse side of this card and, in their judgment, on such matters as may be
incident to the conduct of or may properly come before the meeting.



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              FOLD AND DETACH HERE

Tiffany & Co.
727 Fifth Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10022

                             THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1999

The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Tiffany & Co. (the "Company") will be held
in the Roof/Penthouse of The St. Regis Hotel, 2 East 55th Street at Fifth
Avenue, New York, New York on May 20, 1999, at 10:00 a.m. New York time to
consider and take action on the following:

1. Election of eight (8) directors to hold office until the next annual meeting
of stockholders and until their respective successors have been elected and

2. Approval of an amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of
Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock, $.01
par value, from 60,000,000 to 120,000,000; and

3. Approval of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent
accountants of the Company's fiscal 1999 financial statements.

All stockholders are cordially invited to attend, although only those
stockholders of record as of the close of business on March 25, 1999, will be
entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting or any adjournments thereof.
The transfer books will not be closed.

A list of stockholders entitled to vote will be available for inspection by
interested stockholders at the offices of the Company, 727 Fifth Avenue, New
York, New York commencing on April 30, 1999, during ordinary business hours.


Patrick B. Dorsey
New York, New York
April 8, 1999


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