The Chubb Corporation
                           Estate Enhancement Program

1.    Purpose

      The purpose of The Chubb Corporation Estate Enhancement Program (the
      "Plan") is to provide key executives of The Chubb Corporation and its
      subsidiaries the ability to elect life insurance coverage pursuant to a
      split-dollar life insurance arrangement in return for forgoing receipt of
      certain benefits under the Pension Excess Benefit Plan of The Chubb
      Corporation, Chubb & Son Inc. and Participating Affiliates (the "Pension
      Excess Plan").

2.    Definitions

      For purposes of this Plan, the following terms have the meanings set forth

      2.01  Adjusted Company Death Benefit means the portion of the Policy death
            benefit payable to the Company solely as a result of an Alternative
            Death Benefit Election being in effect for the Policy, and shall be
            determined by subtracting from the amount of Policy death benefit
            paid to the Company an amount equal to the portion of the Policy
            death benefit that would have been paid to the Company if an
            Alternative Death Benefit Election was not in effect for the Policy.

      2.02  Agreement means the Agreement executed by the Participant (or other
            Policy Owner) and the Company implementing the terms of this Plan.

      2.03  Alternative Death Benefit means a Company-paid death benefit paid by
            the Company to the Former Policy Owner's beneficiary(ies) pursuant
            to an Alternative Death Benefit Election under Section 8 of the

      2.04  Alternative Death Benefit Amount means, with respect to a
            Participant, an amount that, after subtracting any Company federal,
            state, and local income tax savings resulting from the deductibility
            of the payment for corporate tax purposes, is equal to the Adjusted
            Company Death Benefit reduced by the income taxes (if any) payable
            by the Company as a result of receiving the Adjusted Company Death
            Benefit. The Alternative Death Benefit Amount shall be determined at
            the time the payment is to be made, based on the Company's federal,
            state and local income tax rate 


            (calculated at the marginal tax rate then applicable to the Company,
            but net of any federal deduction for state and local taxes) at the
            time of the payment, and shall be determined by the Plan

      2.05  Alternative Death Benefit Election means an election made by the
            Policy Owner pursuant to Section 8 of the Plan.

      2.06  Board of Directors means the Board of Directors of the Company.

      2.07  Change in Control means a change in control of the Company, as such
            term is defined in The Chubb Corporation Stock Option Plan for
            Non-Employee Directors (1996) as in effect on the Effective Date.

      2.08  Collateral Assignment means the Collateral Assignment executed by
            the Policy Owner pursuant to Section 6.02 of the Plan.

      2.09  Committee means the Organization & Compensation Committee of the
            Board of Directors of The Chubb Corporation that will administer the
            Plan pursuant to the provisions of Section 14.02 of the Plan.

      2.10  Company means The Chubb Corporation and, for such other purposes as
            determined by the Committee, shall include any subsidiary of The
            Chubb Corporation.

      2.11  Company Death Benefit means the portion of the Policy's death
            benefit payable to Company as provided in Section 7.

      2.12  Compensation means amounts a Participant agrees to forego to
            participate in the Plan pursuant to Section 3.02, and shall include
            all or any portion of (i) an amount equal to seventy-five (75%) of
            the Participant's accrued lump sum benefit under the Pension Excess
            Plan; or (ii) any other amounts the Committee deems Compensation for
            the purpose of this Plan.

      2.13  Effective Date means December 10, 1998.

      2.14  Elector means the person or persons who are entitled to make or
            revoke an Alternative Death Benefit Election pursuant to Section

      2.15  Eligible Executive means any executive of The Chubb Corporation or
            the Chubb & Son division of Federal Insurance Company who is an


            Vice President or higher, or such other key executives of the
            Company as may be designated by the Chairman of The Chubb

      2.16  Enrollment and Election to Forego Compensation Form means the form
            used by a Participant to make an election to forego Compensation
            pursuant to Section 3.02 of the Plan.

      2.17  Former Policy Owner means the person(s) or entity that is the Policy
            Owner immediately prior to when an Alternative Death Benefit
            Election is first made with respect to a Policy.

      2.18  Insurer means, with respect to a Participant's Policy, the insurance
            company issuing the Policy on the Participant's life (or on the
            lives of the Participant and the Participant's spouse, in the case
            of a Survivorship Policy) pursuant to the provisions of the Plan.

      2.19  Participant means an Eligible Executive who elects to participate in
            the Plan.

      2.20  Participant's Coverage Amount means the portion of the Policy's
            death benefit payable to the beneficiary(ies) of the Policy Owner as
            provided in Section 7.

      2.21  Participant Premium means the amount of premium payment, if any,
            paid by the Participant, Policy Owner or Former Policy Owner
            pursuant to Section 5.02.

      2.22  Plan Administrator means the Committee, or its designee.

      2.23  Policy means the life insurance coverage acquired on the life of the
            Participant (or on the lives of the Participant and the
            Participant's spouse, in the case of a Survivorship Policy) by the

      2.24  Policy Owner means the person or entity designated as owner on the
            application for the Policy, or the person or entity to which a
            Policy Owner assigns his or her interest in the Policy.

      2.25  Premium means, with respect to a Policy on the life of a Participant
            (or the lives of a Participant and a Participant's spouse, if the
            Policy is a Survivorship Policy), the amount the Company is
            obligated, pursuant to the terms of the Plan, to pay to the Insurer
            with respect to such Policy.


      2.26  Survivorship Policy means a Policy insuring the lives of the
            Participant and a Participant's spouse, with the death benefit
            payable at the death of the last survivor of the Participant and his
            or her spouse.

3.    Participation

      3.01  Eligibility. Any Eligible Executive shall be eligible to participate
            in the Plan. An Eligible Executive shall become a Participant by
            completing such forms, documents and procedures as specified by the
            Plan Administrator. The Participant (and, in the case of a
            Survivorship Policy, the Participant's spouse) shall cooperate with
            the Insurer by furnishing any and all information requested by the
            Insurer in order to facilitate the issuance of the Policy, including
            furnishing such medical information and taking such physical
            examinations as the Insurer may deem necessary. In the absence of
            such cooperation, the Company shall have no obligation to the
            Participant to allow him or her to participate in the Plan.

      3.02  Election to Forego Compensation. As a condition of participating in
            the Plan, each Participant shall be required to make an election in
            which the Participant shall commit to forego the receipt of a
            specified type and amount of Compensation. The Participant shall
            make an election to forego Compensation by execution of an
            Enrollment and Election to Forego Compensation Form prior to the
            Policy effective date.

4.    Amount and Type of Coverage

      The amount and type of coverage provided under the Policy shall be that
      amount and type specified in the Agreement.

5.    Payment of Premiums

      5.01  Company Payments. The Company shall pay Premiums equal to four times
            the amount of the Compensation foregone by a Participant as provided
            in the Enrollment and Election to Forego Compensation Form. The
            Premium amount corresponding to a foregone amount related to an
            accrued benefit under the Pension Excess Plan shall be paid within
            thirty (30) days after the Policy is issued.

      5.02  Participant Payments. Unless otherwise provided in an Agreement, a
            Participant, Policy Owner (other than the Company, if the Company


            becomes the Policy Owner pursuant to Section 8), or Former Policy
            Owner shall not be required to pay any portion of the Premium due on
            the Policy. However, the Participant, Policy Owner or Former Policy
            Owner may elect to pay a premium to the Insurer with respect to the

6.    Policy Ownership

      6.01  Ownership. Except as otherwise provided in this Plan and related
            Agreement, the Policy Owner shall be the sole and exclusive owner of
            a Participant's Policy.

      6.02  Company's Rights. The Company shall not have any ownership rights in
            the Policy (except as provided in Section 8). The Company's rights
            shall be limited to: (1) the right to receive a portion of the
            Policy death benefit in the event of the payment of the Policy death
            benefit while the Collateral Assignment is in effect with respect to
            the Policy; and, (2) the right to receive all of the proceeds of any
            surrender, withdrawal or loan processed while the Collateral
            Assignment is in effect, as specified in the Agreement. In exchange
            for the Company's agreement to pay the Premiums described in Section
            5.01 of the Plan and the Participant's Agreement, the Policy Owner
            shall execute a Collateral Assignment to the Company of the rights
            provided to the Company under this Plan and related Agreement. The
            Company shall have the right to direct the Policy Owner in writing
            to take any required action consistent with these rights, and upon
            the receipt of such written direction from the Company, the Policy
            Owner promptly shall take such action as is necessary to comply
            therewith. The Company shall have the right to assign any part or
            all of its interest in the Policy, subject to the Policy Owner's
            rights, and the terms and conditions of this Plan and related
            Agreement, to any person, entity or trust by the execution of a
            written instrument delivered to the Policy Owner.

      6.03  Prohibited Policy Transactions. The Policy Owner shall not borrow
            from, hypothecate, withdraw cash value from, surrender in whole or
            in part, cancel, or in any other manner encumber a Policy without
            the prior written consent of the Company (or without the prior
            written consent of the Former Policy Owner, if the Company is the
            Policy Owner).

      6.04  Investment of Policy Cash Values. If the Policy provides the Policy
            Owner with a choice of investment funds for the Policy cash values,


            Policy Owner shall invest the cash values in the funds selected by
            and in the proportions specified by the Company.

      6.05  Possession of Policy. The Policy Owner shall maintain possession of
            the Policy.

7.    Death Benefit

      Upon the death of the Participant (or the death of the survivor of the
      Participant and the Participant's spouse, if the Policy is a Survivorship
      Policy), the death benefit under the Policy shall be divided as follows:

      a.    The Company shall be entitled to receive as the Company Death
            Benefit an amount equal to the sum of: (i) the Policy cash
            accumulation value immediately prior to the death of the Participant
            (or the death of the survivor of the Participant and the
            Participant's spouse, if the Policy is a Survivorship Policy) and
            before any surrender charges; plus (ii) twenty-five percent (25%) of
            the face amount of the Policy. For the purposes of the preceding
            sentence, the Policy face amount shall equal the sum of the face
            amount at the time the Policy death benefit is paid, plus the amount
            of any face amount reduction made pursuant to Section 9. If the
            Policy provides for a death benefit equal to the sum of the face
            amount of the Policy and any cash account or accumulation value, any
            Company Death Benefit should first be paid from the cash account or
            accumulation value portion of the death benefit.

      b.    The beneficiary(ies) of the Policy Owner shall be entitled to
            receive the Participant's Coverage Amount, which shall consist of
            the excess, if any, of the Policy's death benefit over the Company
            Death Benefit.

8.    Alternative Death Benefit Election

      8.01  Alternative Death Benefit Election. The Alternative Death Benefit
            Election provided for in this Section may be made or revoked by the
            person or persons designated as the Elector in the Participant's
            Agreement. If no such person is designated in the Agreement, or if
            no designated person is living and able to make the election, the
            election may be made or revoked by the Policy Owner (except that an
            election cannot be made or revoked by the Company, if the Company
            becomes the Policy Owner). Any such election shall be filed with the


            Administrator in such form as may be prescribed by the Plan
            Administrator. When an Alternative Death Benefit Election is made,
            the Policy Owner shall immediately transfer the ownership of the
            Policy to the Company, and the Company shall be designated as
            beneficiary to receive the entire Policy death benefit. In addition,
            using a form provided by the Plan Administrator, the Former Policy
            Owner shall designate a beneficiary to receive the Alternative Death

            The Elector may revoke the Alternative Death Benefit Election. In
            the event of such a revocation, the Company shall continue to be the
            Policy Owner and shall, by endorsement filed with the Insurer,
            provide the Former Policy Owner the right to designate a beneficiary
            of an amount of Policy death benefit equal to the Participant's
            Coverage Amount. The revocation of an Alternative Death Benefit
            Election shall not preclude an Elector from making a later
            Alternative Death Benefit Election (or from revoking such later

            An Alternative Death Benefit Election (or an election to revoke such
            an election) shall be effective when any necessary documentation is
            submitted to and accepted by the Insurer. The Policy Owner (or
            Former Policy Owner, if applicable) and the Company will promptly
            submit any required forms or documents to the Insurer when an
            Alternative Death Benefit Election is made or revoked.

      8.02  Payment of Benefit. The Alternative Death Benefit shall be paid by
            the Company from the general funds of the Company, and shall not
            constitute an insurance benefit. It shall be paid by the Company to
            the Former Policy Owner's beneficiary(ies) within thirty (30) days
            after the Company receives the death benefit for the Participant's
            Policy. The amount of the payment shall be equal to the Alternative
            Death Benefit Amount. As long as an Alternative Death Benefit
            Election is in effect, the beneficiary(ies) of the Former Policy
            Owner shall receive only the Alternative Death Benefit, and shall
            not be entitled to receive any portion of any death benefits that
            would become payable under the Participant's Policy.

9.    Election to Reduce Policy Face Amount

      The Policy Owner (except the Company, if the Company becomes a Policy
      Owner) or, if applicable, the Former Policy Owner, may elect to reduce the


      face amount, except that the Policy face amount shall not be reduced to an
      amount less than the Company Death Benefit. If the Company is the Policy
      Owner, then, within sixty (60) days of receipt of a written request from
      the Former Policy Owner, the Company shall complete and submit the
      necessary forms to the Insurer to reduce the Policy face amount in
      accordance with the Former Policy Owner's request.

      The Company may elect, in its discretion, to unilaterally reduce the face
      amount of a Participant's Policy if, based on projections provided by the
      Insurer or its agent, and assuming a Policy cash value investment return
      rate for all future years equal to the average of the actual rates
      realized on the Policy cash values for the immediately preceding three (3)
      years, the Policy would lapse: (1) in less than ten (10) years, if the
      Insured (or younger surviving Insured, if the Policy is a Survivorship
      Policy and both Insureds are living at the time the determination is made)
      is under ninety (90) years of age; (2) in less than eight (8) years if the
      Insured (or younger surviving Insured, if the Policy is a Survivorship
      Policy and both Insureds are living at the time the determination is made)
      is ninety (90) years of age or older, but is under ninety-five (95) years
      of age; or, (3) in less than five (5) years, if the Insured (or younger
      surviving Insured, if the Policy is a Survivorship Policy and both
      Insureds are living at the time the determination is made) is ninety-five
      (95) years of age or older. If any reduction is made pursuant to the
      preceding sentence, the maximum allowable reduction shall be to the
      highest face amount that would satisfy the requirements of the preceding
      sentence. In exercising its discretion to reduce the face amount, the
      Company shall consider whether there is a reasonable risk of Policy lapse
      absent a face amount reduction, after considering the health of the
      Insured(s) and other appropriate factors.

10.   Change in Control

      If there is a Change in Control:

      a.    notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in Section 14.01, the
            Plan shall become irrevocable for all Participants in the Plan at
            the time of the Change in Control;

      b.    the Company immediately shall transfer the ownership of all
            Participants' Policies owned by the Company to an irrevocable trust
            created by the Company to: (i) hold any such Policies in accordance
            with the terms of the 


            Plan, and (ii) pay any Alternative Death Benefit that becomes
            payable under Section 8 of this Plan; and

      c.    except as otherwise provided in this Section, the provisions of the
            Plan shall continue to apply as if there had been no Change in

      The occurrence of a Change in Control shall not preclude a Policy Owner
      from thereafter making (or revoking) an Alternative Death Benefit Election
      pursuant to Section 8. However, if a Policy Owner makes an Alternative
      Death Benefit Election after a Change in Control, the ownership of the
      Policy shall be transferred to the trust created pursuant to this Section,
      and not directly to the Company as provided in Section 8.

      Notwithstanding the creation and funding of an irrevocable trust in
      accordance with the provisions of this Section, the Company or its
      successor shall continue to be responsible for its obligations under the
      Plan to the extent not satisfied by such trust, including any Alternative
      Death Benefits payable under Section 8 if such amounts are not paid by the
      trust for any reason, or if the trust's assets become insufficient to pay
      any required amounts.

11.   Company Default

      11.01 Company Default. A Company Default shall be deemed to have occurred
            with respect to a Policy if the Company processes or attempts to
            process a policy loan, or a complete or partial surrender, or a cash
            value withdrawal without prior written approval from the Policy
            Owner (or Former Policy Owner, if applicable).

      11.02 Rights upon Company Default. In the event of a Company Default as
            described in Section 11.01, the Policy Owner (or Former Policy
            Owner, if applicable) shall have the right to require the Company to
            cure the Company Default by notifying the Company in writing within
            sixty (60) days after the Company Default occurs, or if later,
            within thirty (30) days after the Policy Owner (or Former Policy
            Owner) becomes aware of the Company Default. If the Company fails to
            cure the Company Default within sixty (60) days after being notified
            by the Policy Owner (or Former Policy Owner) of the Company Default,
            the Policy Owner (or Former Policy Owner) shall have the right to
            require the Company to transfer its interest in the Participant's
            Policy to the Policy Owner (or Former Policy


            Owner). The Policy Owner (or Former Policy Owner) may exercise this
            right by notifying the Company, in writing, within sixty (60) days
            after the Company Default occurs. Upon receipt of such notice, the
            Company shall immediately transfer its rights in the Policy to the
            Policy Owner (or Former Policy Owner), either by a release of the
            Collateral Assignment, or by a transfer of ownership if the Company
            is the Policy Owner, and the Company shall thereafter have no rights
            with respect to such Policy. A Policy Owner's (or Former Policy
            Owner's) failure to exercise its rights under this Section shall not
            be deemed to release the Company from any of its obligations under
            the Plan, and shall not preclude the Policy Owner (or Former Policy
            Owner) from seeking other remedies with respect to the Company
            Default. Also, a Policy Owner's (or Former Policy Owner's) failure
            to exercise its rights under this Section will not preclude the
            Policy Owner (or Former Policy Owner) from exercising such rights
            upon a later Company Default.

12.   Governing Laws and Notices

      12.01 Governing Law. This Plan shall be governed by and construed in
            accordance with the substantive law of New Jersey without giving
            effect to the choice of law rules of New Jersey.

      12.02 Notices. All notices hereunder shall be in writing and sent by first
            class mail with postage prepaid. Any notice to the Company shall be
            addressed to the attention of the Manager of Compensation and
            Benefits of Chubb & Son at 15 Mountain View Road, Warren, NJ 07059.
            Any notice to the Participant (or other Policy Owner or Former
            Policy Owner) shall be addressed to the Participant (or other Policy
            Owner or Former Policy Owner) at the address following such party's
            signature on his or her Agreement. Any party may change its address
            by giving written notice of such change to the other party pursuant
            to this Section.

13.   Miscellaneous Provisions

      13.01 Gender. The masculine pronoun includes the feminine and the singular
            includes the plural where appropriate for valid construction.

      13.02 Cooperation with Insurer. In order to be eligible to participate in
            this Plan, the Participant (and, in the case of a Survivorship
            Policy, the 


            Participant's spouse) shall cooperate with the Insurer by furnishing
            any and all information requested by the Insurer in order to
            facilitate the issuance of the policy, including furnishing such
            medical information and taking such physical examinations as the
            Insurer may deem necessary. In the absence of such cooperation, the
            Company shall have no obligation to the Participant to allow him or
            her to participate in the Plan.

      13.03 Cancellation of Policy. If the Insurer cancels the Participant's
            Policy pursuant to Policy provisions related to the suicide of the
            Participant (or the Participant's spouse, if the Policy is a
            Survivorship Policy), a material misstatement of information,
            nondisclosure of medical information, or any other Policy provision,
            then no benefits shall be payable to the beneficiary(ies) of such
            Participant (or other Policy Owner, or Former Policy Owner, where
            applicable). In such case, after the Company receives the amount
            payable to the Company as a result of the cancellation of the
            Policy, the Company shall pay to the Participant (or the
            Participant's estate, if the Participant has died) an amount equal
            to the Compensation already foregone by the Participant in
            accordance with the Participant's election under Section 3.02 plus
            any amounts paid by the Participant or other Policy Owner or Former
            Policy Owner under Section 5.02, or, if less, twenty-five percent
            (25%) of the amount the Company receives from the Insurer upon
            cancellation of the Participant's Policy.

      13.04 Inconsistent Terms. In the event of any inconsistency between the
            terms of this Plan as described herein and the terms of any Policy
            purchased hereunder or any related Agreement, the terms of such
            Policy or Agreement shall be controlling as to that Participant, or
            his or her Policy Owner or Former Policy Owner, if other than the
            Participant, his successor-in-interest (if any) and his or her
            beneficiary or beneficiaries.

14.   Amendment, Termination, Administration, and Successors

      14.01 Amendment/Termination. The Board of Directors of the Company may
            amend, modify or terminate the Plan at any time, but any such
            amendment, modification or termination will not affect the rights of
            any Participant, Policy Owner or Former Policy Owner under any
            Agreement entered into with the Company prior to the date of such
            amendment, modification or termination without the Participant's,
            Policy Owner's or Former Policy Owner's written consent.
            Notwithstanding the prior 


            sentence of this Section, the Board of Directors shall have the
            unilateral right to terminate the Plan and cancel the Company's
            obligations hereunder and any Agreements entered into hereunder if
            there is any material adverse change (as determined by the Company
            in its sole discretion) in the tax or financial consequences to the
            Company with respect to the Plan. In the event a Participant's
            Agreement is terminated as a result of a termination of the Plan
            pursuant to the preceding sentence, the Company shall immediately
            pay to the Participant (or, if the Participant is not living, to the
            Policy Owner, if the Policy Owner is not the Company or a trust
            created pursuant to Section 10 of the Plan, or to the Former Policy
            Owner, if the Policy Owner is the Company or a trust created
            pursuant to Section 10 of the Plan) an amount equal to the sum of:
            (a) the actual amount of Compensation foregone by the Participant
            under the Agreement; (b) interest, at a rate equal to the rate that
            would have been payable for such period of time under the Stable
            Value Fund of the Capital Accumulation Plan of The Chubb
            Corporation, Chubb & Son Inc. and Participating Affiliates ("CCAP")
            compounded annually, on the actual foregone Compensation from the
            date the Compensation was foregone to the date the payment under
            this Section is made; (c) the amount of any federal, state and local
            income and gift taxes paid by the Participant and the Participant's
            spouse as a result of the life insurance coverage provided under the
            Plan; (d) interest, at a rate equal to the rate that would have been
            payable for such period of time under the Stable Value Fund of CCAP,
            compounded annually, on any such taxes referred to in subsection (c)
            of this Section 14.01 from April 15 of the year following the year
            to which such taxes relate to the date the payment under this
            Section is made; (e) the amount of any payment made under Section
            5.02; and, (f) interest, at a rate equal to the rate that would have
            been payable for such period of time under the Stable Value Fund of
            CCAP, compounded annually, on any payment referred to in subsection
            (e) of this Section 14.01 from the date such payment was made to the
            date the payment under this Section is made. When a payment is made
            pursuant to this Section, the Participant's Agreement shall
            immediately terminate and, if the Company is not the Policy Owner,
            the Policy Owner shall immediately transfer all interest in the
            Policy to the Company, and thereafter, the Participant, Policy Owner
            (other than the Company) and Former Policy Owner (if any) shall have
            no further rights or interest in the Policy. For the purpose of this
            paragraph, if the Stable Value Fund 


            referred to does not exist for any period of time for which an
            interest rate calculation is required under this paragraph, the
            interest rate payable for such period shall be a comparable rate
            determined by the Plan Administrator, in its discretion, except that
            any rate so determined shall not be less than 6%.

      14.02 Administration. This Plan shall be administered by the Plan
            Administrator. The Plan Administrator shall have the authority to
            make, amend, interpret, and enforce all rules and regulations for
            the administration of the Plan and decide or resolve any and all
            questions, including interpretations of the Plan, as may arise in
            connection with the Plan in the Plan Administrator's sole
            discretion. In the administration of this Plan, the Plan
            Administrator from time to time may employ agents and delegate to
            them or to others such administrative duties as it sees fit. The
            Plan Administrator from time to time may consult with counsel, who
            may be counsel to the Company. The decision or action of the Plan
            Administrator (or its designee) with respect to any question arising
            out of or in connection with the administration, interpretation and
            application of this Plan shall be final and conclusive and binding
            upon all persons having any interest in the Plan. The Company shall
            indemnify and hold harmless the Plan Administrator and any employees
            of the Company or its subsidiaries to whom administrative duties
            under this Plan are delegated, against any and all claims, loss,
            damage, expense or liability arising from any action or failure to
            act with respect to this Plan, except in the case of willful
            misconduct by the Plan Administrator or such employees of the
            Company or its subsidiaries.

      14.03 Successors. The terms and conditions of this Plan shall inure to the
            benefit of and bind the Company and the Participant and their
            successors, assignees (including any Assignee), and representatives.
            The Company shall have the right to absolutely and irrevocably
            assign its rights, title and interest in a Policy without the
            consent of the Participant (or Assignee).
