Exhibit 10.9

                       SHEER, AHEARN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.

                                 PLAN PROVISION

                          EFFECTIVE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1998

                           ARTICLE I - PURPOSE OF PLAN

1.1.     PURPOSE OF PLAN. The Company intends and desires by the adoption of
         this Plan to recognize the value to the Company of the past and present
         services of Eligible Employees covered by the Plan and to encourage and
         assure their continued service with the Company by making additional
         provisions for their future retirement security.

         This Plan is adopted to provide certain key management or highly
         compensated employees of Sheer, Ahearn and Associates, Inc. the
         opportunity to accumulate deferred compensation in addition to amounts
         accumulated in qualified plans.

                            ARTICLE II - DEFINITIONS

2.1.     ACCOUNTS means the accounts maintained under this Plan on the books of
         the Company to measure the benefit of an Eligible Employee.

2.1.     BOARD means the Board of Directors of the Sheer, Ahearn and Associates,

2.2.     CODE means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

2.3.     COMMITTEE means the Compensation Committee appointed by the Board.

2.4.     COMPANY means Sheer, Ahearn and Associates, Inc. or any company that is
         a successor as a result of merger, consolidation, liquidation, transfer
         of assets or other reorganization.

2.5.     ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE means, for any Plan year, an employee of the Company
         who is a member of a select group of management or highly compensated
         employees as determined by the Company.

2.6.     PLAN means the Sheer, Ahearn and Associates, Inc. Nonqualified Excess
         Deferral Plan.

2.7.     PLAN YEAR means the twelve (12) month period ending each December 31
         during which the Plan is in effect.

2.8.     NONQUALIFIED EXCESS DEFERRAL ACCOUNT means the account on the
         books of the Company to which an Eligible Employee's salary deferrals
         under Section 3.1, plus earnings, are credited.

3.1.     An Eligible Employee may, for any Plan Year in which he or she is an
         Eligible Employee, elect to defer base salary or bonuses from the
         Company equal to a whole percentage or specified dollar amount of his
         or her base salary or bonus per payroll period. The minimum deferral
         that may be made during a Plan Year is $5,000; the maximum deferral
         that may be made during any Plan Year is $200,000. Eligible Employee
         does so by completing the Enrollment Form and Beneficiary Election
         Form. Salary reduction elections for existing employees under this Plan
         must be made before the beginning of the Plan Year to which they apply.
         New employees to the company are eligible to participate the first
         quarter subsequent to their hire date. Once a Plan Year begins, salary
         reduction elections for that year under this Plan may not be amended or
         revoked, nor may salary reductions be suspended. The company will
         credit to each Eligible Employee's Nonqualified Excess Deferral Account
         the amount of that Eligible Employee's salary reduction under this

3.2.     Contribution amounts may be changed prior to the beginning of the next
         Plan Year but the salary reduction may not be less than the minimum
         amount as described in Section 3.1.

                              ARTICLE IV - VESTING

4.1.     SALARY DEFERRALS. An Eligible Employee shall always be one hundred
         percent (100%) vested in amounts credited to his or her Nonqualified
         Excess Deferral Account.

                              ARTICLE V - ACCOUNTS

5.1.     ACCOUNTS. The Company will maintain on its books an Account for each
         Eligible Employee, to which shall be credited, as appropriate, salary
         reduction contributions under Section 3.1 and earnings as provided in
         Section 6.5.

                        ARTICLE VI - PAYMENT OF BENEFITS

6.1.     PAYMENT OF BENEFITS. The benefit payable under this Plan on account of
         an Eligible Employee's termination of employment, retirement,
         disability, or death shall be paid out based upon his or her payout
         schedule, as elected on the Enrollment Form prior to starting
         deferrals. Upon the earlier of such termination of employment,
         retirement, disability or death, payments shall start within sixty (60)
         days after the triggering event. All payments provided for in this Plan
         shall be made in conformity with the regular payroll procedures in use
         by the Company at the time of payment. Any death benefit payable under
         this Plan shall be payable to the beneficiary or beneficiaries listed
         on the Beneficiary Election Form.

6.2.     DEFERRAL OF PAYMENTS. The Employee may elect to defer receipt of
         retirement benefits by making an election before the first day of the
         Plan year before the year he/she would receive benefits.

6.3.     HARDSHIP WITHDRAWAL. A participant may at anytime after completion of
         twelve months participation in the Plan apply in writing to the
         Committee for a single-sum distribution of that portion of such
         Employee's Accrued Balance necessary to relieve an immediate financial
         need resulting from an Unforeseeable Emergency. Whether, and the extent
         to which, the Employee has incurred an Unforeseeable Emergency shall be
         determined by the Committee in its sole discretion. The minimum
         hardship withdrawal shall be $5,000, and the maximum shall be the
         amount necessary to relieve the immediate financial need resulting from
         the unforeseeable emergency. An Employee who receives a Hardship
         Withdrawal shall not be eligible to make deferrals under the Plan until
         the beginning of the next Plan year, or if the beginning of the next
         Plan year is less than six months from the effective date of the
         withdrawal, until the expiration of such six-month period.

6.4.     DISABILITY BENEFITS. The Employee shall be deemed to have become
         disabled for purposes of this Plan if the Committee shall find, on the
         basis of medical evidence satisfactory to it, that the Employee is so
         totally mentally or physically disabled as to be unable to engage in
         further employment, and that such disability shall be permanent and
         continuous during the remainder of his or her life. No disability
         payments under this Plan will be paid until benefits from all other
         sources of Employer Sponsored and Employee- owned Disability Income
         Insurance are accessed and in the process of paying benefits as
         described by each applicable contract.

6.5.     EARNINGS BASED ON DEEMED INVESTMENT. At the end of each calendar
         quarter, each Account will be adjusted, with either an increase or a
         decrease, to reflect earnings on the Account during the quarter. The
         Account will be adjusted to reflect the investment return under the
         Eligible Employee's election for deemed investment (noted an the
         Enrollment Form). Interest for a quarter will be credited or debited
         only on Accounts which are on the books of the Company at the end of
         the quarter, and accounts which are distributed in full during a
         quarter will not be credited with earnings for that quarter. The return
         credited or debited to the account is only a measuring device and does
         not reflect that the Employee has any right to any assets owned by the

                          ARTICLE VII - ADMINISTRATION

7.1.     COMMITTEE. The Committee shall administer, construe, and interpret this
         Plan and shall determine, subject to the provisions of this Plan, the
         Eligible Employees who shall participate in the Plan from time to time
         and the amount, if any, due an Eligible Employee (or his at her
         beneficiary) under this Plan. No member of the Committee shall be
         liable for any act done or determination made in good faith. No member
         of the Committee who is a participant in this Plan may vote on matters
         affecting his or her personal benefit under this Plan, but any such
         member shall otherwise be fully entitled to

         act in matters arising out of or affecting this Plan notwithstanding
         his or her participation herein. In carrying out its duties herein, the
         Committee shall have discretionary authority to exercise all powers and
         to make all determinations, consistent with the terms of the Plan, in
         all matters entrusted to it, and its determinations shall be given
         deference and shall be final and binding on all interested parties.

7.2.     CLAIMS PROCEDURE. The following claims procedure shall apply to the

         a.       FILING OF A CLAIM FOR BENEFITS. The Employee or the
                  beneficiaries of the Plan shall make a claim for the benefits
                  provided under the Plan in the manner provided in the Plan.

                  respect to a claim for benefits, the Plan Administrator shall
                  review and make decisions on claims for benefits. The Plan
                  Administrator shall have complete and sole discretionary
                  authority to determine eligibility for benefits and to
                  construe the terms of the Plan.

         c.       NOTIFICATION TO CLAIMANT OF DECISION. If a claim is wholly or
                  partially denied, notice of the decision, meeting the
                  requirements of paragraph d. following, shall be furnished to
                  the claimant within a reasonable period of time after the
                  claim has been filed.

         d.       CONTENT OF NOTICE. The Plan Administrator shall provide to any
                  claimant whose claim for benefits is denied in whole or in
                  part a written notice setting forth, in a manner calculated to
                  be understood by the claimant, the following:

                  (1)      the specific reason or reasons for the denial or
                           partial denial;

                  (2)      specific reference to pertinent Plan provisions on
                           which the denial is based;

                  (3)      a description of any additional material or
                           information necessary for the claimant to perfect the
                           claim and an explanation of why such material or
                           information is necessary; and,

                  (4)      an explanation of the Plan's claim review procedure,
                           as set forth in paragraphs e. and f. following.

         e.       REVIEW PROCEDURE. The purpose of the review procedure set
                  forth in this paragraph and in paragraph f. following is to
                  provide a procedure by which a claimant under the Plan may
                  have a reasonable opportunity to appeal a denial or partial
                  denial of a claim and request a full and fair review. To
                  accomplish that purpose, the claimant or a duly authorized

                  (1)      may request a review by written application to the
                           Plan Administrator;

                  (2)      may review pertinent Plan documents or agreements;

                  (3)      may submit issues and comments in writing.

                  A claimant (or duly authorized representative) shall request a
                  review at any time within sixty (60) days by filing a written
                  application after receipt by the claimant of written notice of
                  the denial of his or her claim.

         f.       DECISION ON REVIEW. A decision on review of a denial of a
                  claim shall be made in the following manner.

                  (1)      The decision on review shall be made by the Plan
                           Administrator, which may in his or her discretion
                           hold a hearing on the denied claim. The Plan
                           Administrator shall make his or her decision
                           promptly, unless special circumstances (such as the
                           need to hold a hearing) require an extension of time
                           for processing, in which case a decision shall be
                           rendered as soon as possible, but no later than one
                           hundred twenty (120) days after receipt of the
                           request for review.

                  (2)      The decision on review shall be in writing, and shall
                           include specific reasons for the decision, written in
                           a manner calculated to be understood by the claimant,
                           and specific references to the pertinent Policy or
                           Plan provisions on which the decision is based.

         g.       IMPLEMENTATION. For purposes of implementing this claims
                  procedure, the Committee is hereby designated as Plan
                  Administrator of this Plan and Agreement.


8.1.     LIMITATION OF RIGHTS. Nothing contained in this Plan shall be construed

         (a)      Limit in any way the right of the Company to terminate an
                  Eligible Employee's employment at any time; or

         (b)      Be evidence of any agreement or understanding, express or
                  implied, that the Company will employ an Eligible Employee in
                  any particular position or at any particular rate of

         hereunder may be assigned, pledged, mortgaged, or hypothecated, and, to
         the extent permitted by law, no such amounts shall be subject to legal
         process or attachment of the payment of any claims against any person
         entitled to receive the same. No amounts

         credited to an Eligible Employee's account[s] may be withdrawn or paid
         to the Eligible Employee prior to his or her termination of employment.

8.3.     AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION OF PLAN. Although it is expected that this
         Plan shall continue indefinitely, the Board may amend this Plan from
         time to time in any respect, and may at any time terminate the Plan in
         its entirety; provided, however, that an Eligible Employee's account[s]
         as of the date of any such amendment or termination may not be reduced
         nor may any such amendment or termination adversely affect an Eligible
         Employee's entitlement to his or her account[s] as of such date.

         HARDSHIP. If the Executive Management Committee or some other committee
         duly appointed by the Board of Directors of the Corporation to
         supervise the Plan deems that MedPartners, Inc. or any other owner of
         the company is financially insecure, illiquid or in any way unable to
         pay its debts and in particular its obligations under this Plan, then
         the Employee's Deferred Compensation Account will immediately vest and
         be made payable as an immediate payment at the discretion of the
         participant, in the Employee and the Company shall credit 100% to the
         deferred book reserve.

8.5.     CONSTRUCTION OF PLAN. This Plan is unfunded. The obligations of the
         Company with respect to the amounts payable hereunder shall be paid out
         of the Company's general assets and shall not be secured by any form of
         trust, escrow, or otherwise. This provision shall not require the
         Company to set aside any funds, but the Company may set aside such
         funds if it chooses to do so. This Plan shall be so construed that it
         will be "unfunded" and maintained "primarily for the purpose of
         providing deferred compensation for a select group of management or
         highly compensated employees," as those terms are used in the Employee
         Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

8.6.     INCAPACITY OF BENEFICIARY. If the Company shall find that any person to
         whom any payment is payable under this Plan is unable to care for his
         or her affairs because of illness or accident or is a minor, any
         payment due (unless a prior claim thereof shall have been made by a
         duly appointed guardian, committee, or other legal representative) may
         be paid to the spouse, child, parent, or brother or sister, or to any
         person deemed by the Company to have incurred expense for such person
         otherwise entitled to payment, in accordance with the applicable
         provision of this Plan. Any such payment shall be a complete discharge
         of the Company's liabilities under this Plan.

8.7.     SEVERABILITY. If the Internal Revenue Service shall at any time
         interpret this Plan to be ineffective with regard to deferral of the
         Employee's income, and that interpretation becomes final and is not
         appealed, then only those amounts in the account[s] which would be
         treated as currently taxable income by the Service at the time of such
         final interpretation shall be paid over to the Employee. All other
         assets shall be distributed to the Employee according to the Enrollment
         and Beneficiary Election Form.

8.8.     NOTICE. Any notice to be delivered under this Plan shall be given in
         writing and delivered, personally or by certified mail, postage
         prepaid, addressed to the Company at its last known address.

8.9.     NONWAIVER. No delay or failure by either party to exercise any right
         under this Plan, and no partial or single exercise of that right, shall
         constitute a waiver of that or any other right.

8.10.    GENDER AND NUMBER. Wherever used in this Plan, the masculine shall be
         deemed to include the feminine and the singular shall be deemed to
         include the plural, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

8.11.    LAW GOVERNING. This Plan shall be construed in accordance with and
         governed by the laws of the State of Florida to the extent such laws
         are not preempted by federal law.

8.12.    BINDING EFFECT. This Plan shall be binding upon the parties hereto,
         their heirs, assigns, successors, executors, and administrators. In the
         event the Company becomes a party to any merger, sale, consolidation,
         or reorganization, this Plan shall remain in full force and continue to
         be offered as a benefit for the class of employees for which it is
         intended. The continuation of this Plan shall remain as an obligation
         of the Company or its successors in interest.

ATTEST/WITNESS                               Sheer, Ahearn and Associates, Inc.

Witness: /s/ Christopher P. Davis            By: /s/ H. Kirby Blankenship
                                             Title:  President

Print Name: Christopher P. Davis             Print Name:  H. Kirby Blankenship

                                             Date:  February 25, 1999
