ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                         AMERICAN MEDIA MARKETING, INC.

     WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being desirous of associating ourselves together for
the purposes of becoming a corporation for profit under the laws of the State of
Florida, do make, subscribe and acknowledge these Articles of Incorporation,
pursuant to Chapter 607 of the Florida Business Corporation Act, and other
applicable provisions of the Corporation Law of the State of Florida, and acts
amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto.

          FIRST: The name of the corporation is:

                         AMERICAN MEDIA MARKETING, INC.

          SECOND: The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act
     or activity for which corporations may be organized under the corporation
     laws of the State of Florida.

          THIRD: The corporation shall be authorized to issue the following

CLASS                                                NUMBER OF SHARES    PAR VALUE
- -----                                                ----------------    ---------
COMMON............................................   1,000                 $.01

          FOURTH: The address of the initial registered and principal office of
     this corporation in this state is c/o United Corporate Services, Inc., 801
     N.E. 167th Street, Suite 300, in the City of North Miami Beach, County of
     Dade, State of Florida 33162 and the name of the registered agent at said
     address is United Corporate Services, Inc.

          FIFTH: The name and address of the incorporators are as follows:

                    NAME                                   ADDRESS
                    ----                                   -------
Maria R. Fischetti...........................    10 Bank Street
                                                 White Plains, New York 10606
Mark Skubicki................................    10 Bank Street
                                                 White Plains, New York 10606

          SIXTH: Any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a
     party to any proceeding, (whether or not by or in the right of the
     corporation) by reason of the fact that he is or was a director, officer,
     employee, or agent of the corporation, or is or was serving at the request
     of the corporation as a director, officer, employee, or agent of another
     corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other enterprise, shall
     be entitled to be indemnified by the corporation to the full extent then
     permitted by law against liability incurred in connection with such
     proceeding, including any appeal thereof. Such right of indemnification
     shall incur whether or not the claim asserted is based on matters which
     antedate the adoption of this Article SEVENTH. Such right of
     indemnification shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a
     director, officer, employee, or agent and shall incur to the benefit of the
     heirs and personal representatives of such a person. The indemnification
     provided by this Article SEVENTH shall not be deemed exclusive of any other
     rights which may be provided now or in the future under any provision
     currently in effect or hereof or adopted by the By-Laws, by any agreement,
     by vote of stockholders, by resolution or disinterested directors, by
     provision of law, or otherwise.

          SEVENTH: No director of the corporation shall be personally liable to
     the corporation or any other person for monetary damages for breach of
     fiduciary duty as a director, except for liability (i) for a violation of
     criminal law, unless the director has reasonable cause to believe his
     conduct was lawful or had no reasonable cause to believe his conduct was
     lawful, (ii) for any transaction from which the director directly or
     indirectly derived an improper personal benefit, (iii) under

     section 607.144 of the Florida General Corporation Act, (iv) for conscious
     disregard for the best interest of the corporation or willful misconduct,
     or (v) for recklessness or an act or omission which was committed in bad
     faith or with a malicious purpose or in a matter exhibiting wanton and
     willful disregard of human, rights, safety or property.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have this thirteenth day of May, 1997
made and subscribed these Articles of Incorporation at New York, New York for
the uses and purposes aforesaid.

                                          /s/ MARIA R. FISCHETTI
                                          MARIA R. FISCHETTI (SEAL)
                                          Maria R. Fischetti

                                          /s/ MARK SKUBICKI
                                          Mark Skubicki
