EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO.   )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement                [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission
                                                Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-2.

                               PALL CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-12.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5)  Total fee paid:


[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:


     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     (3)  Filing Party:


     (4)  Date Filed:


                                PALL CORPORATION
                            2200 NORTHERN BOULEVARD
                           EAST HILLS, NEW YORK 11548


                          TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 17, 1999

To the Holders of Common Stock:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting of shareholders of Pall Corporation,
a New York corporation (the "Company"), will be held at The Garden City Hotel,
45 Seventh Street, Garden City, New York 11530, on Wednesday, November 17, 1999
at 11:00 A.M. for the following purposes:

        (1) to elect four directors for a three-year term and one director for a
            one-year term;

        (2) to consider and vote upon a proposal to approve the adoption of the
            Company's Employee Stock Purchase Plan;

        (3) to consider and vote upon a proposal to approve the adoption of the
            Company's Management Stock Purchase Plan; and

        (4) to transact such other business as may properly come before the

The close of business on October 4, 1999 has been fixed as the record date for
the meeting; only shareholders of record at that time are entitled to notice of
and to vote at the meeting.


                                          Mary Ann Bartlett,

October 13, 1999

                            YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT.

                                PALL CORPORATION
                            2200 NORTHERN BOULEVARD
                           EAST HILLS, NEW YORK 11548

                                                                October 13, 1999

                                PROXY STATEMENT

     The enclosed proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of Pall
Corporation, a New York corporation (the "Company"), for use at the annual
meeting of shareholders to be held on Wednesday, November 17, 1999, at 11:00
A.M. at The Garden City Hotel, 45 Seventh Street, Garden City, New York 11530,
and at any adjournments thereof (the "meeting"). A map and directions to The
Garden City Hotel are printed on the back cover of this Proxy Statement. Whether
or not you plan to attend the meeting, you are requested to date and execute the
enclosed form of proxy and return it in the enclosed postage-paid return
envelope, or use the telephone or the internet to grant your proxy and vote.
Instructions for granting a proxy and voting by telephone or the internet are on
the enclosed proxy card.

     The approximate date on which this proxy statement and the enclosed proxy
will be first sent to shareholders is October 13, 1999. The cost of the
solicitation of proxies in the enclosed form will be borne by the Company. The
solicitation is to be made primarily by mail, but may be supplemented by
telephone calls and personal solicitation by full-time regular employees of the
Company, who will not be specially compensated therefor, and by the firm of
Georgeson Shareholder Communications Inc., which has been retained for this
purpose by the Company and which is to be paid the sum of $7,500 as a fee for
its services plus disbursements.


     This year, registered shareholders can grant a proxy and vote
telephonically or via the internet. Telephone and internet proxy information is
provided on the proxy card. A control number, located on the proxy card, is
designed to verify your identity and allow you to vote your shares and confirm
that your voting instructions have been properly recorded. If you do not choose
to vote by telephone or internet, you may mail your proxy card in the enclosed

     If your shares are held in the name of a bank or broker, follow the voting
instructions on the form you receive from them. The availability of telephone
and internet voting will depend on their voting processes.

     The shares represented by your properly completed proxy will be voted in
accordance with your instructions. If your proxy is properly completed and
received but contains no instructions, the shares represented by your proxy will
be voted for the election as directors of the nominees proposed herein and for
the approval of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan and the Management Stock
Purchase Plan. The Board of Directors is not aware of any other matters to be
presented for action at the meeting, but if other matters are properly brought
before the meeting, shares represented by properly completed proxies received by
mail, telephone or the internet will be voted in accordance with the judgment of
the persons named as proxies.

     Shareholders have the right to revoke their proxies at any time before a
vote is taken, by notifying the Secretary of the Company in writing at the
address given above. In addition, a shareholder may revoke a proxy (1) by
executing a new proxy card bearing a later date or by voting by telephone or the
internet at a later date, provided the new proxy is received by Equiserve (which
will have a representative present at the meeting) before the vote, (2) by
attending the meeting and voting in person, or (3) by any other method available
to shareholders by law.

     The close of business on October 4, 1999 has been fixed as the record date
for the meeting, and only shareholders of record at that time will be entitled
to vote. The only capital stock of the Company outstanding is Common Stock, par
value $.10 per share (the "Common Stock"). There were 124,167,433 shares of
Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote on the record date. Each
shareholder is entitled to one vote for each share held. The holders of a
majority of the shares issued and outstanding on the record date, present in
person or represented by proxy, will constitute a quorum at the meeting.



                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Five directors are to be elected at the meeting -- four for a three-year
term and one for a one-year term. The Nominating Committee of the Board of
Directors has nominated Abraham Appel, Ulric Haynes, Jr., Jeremy Hayward-Surry
and Edwin W. Martin, Jr. for three-year terms and Daniel J. Carroll, Jr. for a
one-year term. All nominees are presently directors of the Company. Although it
is not anticipated that any of the nominees will become unavailable before the
meeting, in that event the persons named as proxies on the enclosed proxy card
will have the right, at their discretion, to vote all properly completed proxies
(received by mail, telephone or the internet) for such substitute candidate, if
any, as may be nominated by the Board of Directors.

     Directors will be elected by a plurality of the votes properly cast (in
person or by proxy) at the meeting. Thus, shareholders who do not vote, or who
withhold their vote from one or more of the nominees named above and do not vote
for another person, will not affect the outcome of the election provided that a
quorum is present at the meeting. A broker who is the record owner of shares of
Common Stock beneficially owned by a customer will have discretionary authority
to vote such shares if the broker has not received voting instructions from the
beneficial owner by the tenth day before the meeting, provided that this proxy
statement has been transmitted to the beneficial owner at least 15 days before
the meeting.

     Set forth below is information with respect to the nominees and each other
present director of the Company continuing in office after the meeting. The
principal occupations of each director during at least the past five years is
shown in the fourth column and the notes thereto.

                                                                                                    SERVICE AS   PRESENT
                                          POSITION AND OFFICES                                       DIRECTOR     TERM
NAME                            AGE        WITH THE COMPANY**            PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION         SINCE      EXPIRES
- ----                            ---   ----------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------   -------
Abraham Appel*................  84    Founder Director              President, Appel Consultants,       1969      1999
                                                                    Inc., consultants on financing
                                                                      and foreign trade, Toronto,
Daniel J. Carroll, Jr.*.......  54    Director                      (a)                              Oct. 5,      1999
John H.F. Haskell, Jr.........  67    Director                      Managing Director, Warburg          1998      2001
                                                                      Dillon Read LLC, investment
                                                                      banking firm, New York, New
Ulric Haynes, Jr.*............  68    Director                      Executive Dean for University       1994      1999
                                                                      International Relations,
                                                                      Hofstra University,
                                                                      Hempstead, New York since
                                                                      September 1996(c)
Jeremy Hayward-Surry*.........  56    President and Director        Officer of the Company(d)           1993      1999
Eric Krasnoff.................  47    Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer of the Company(e)           1994      2000
                                        Officer and Director
Edwin W. Martin, Jr.*.........  68    Director                      (f)                                 1993      1999
Katharine L. Plourde..........  47    Director                      (g)                                 1995      2001
Chesterfield F. Seibert.......  74    Director                      Retired officer of the Company      1971      2000
Heywood Shelley...............  72    Director                      Attorney(h)                         1990      2001
Alan B. Slifka................  70    Director                      (i)                                 1964      2001
James D. Watson...............  71    Director                      (j)                                 1988      2000

- ---------------
 *  Nominee for election at the meeting.

**  Mr. Appel is a member of the Audit, Compensation and Planning and Governance
    Committees of the Board of Directors. Mr. Carroll is a member of the
    Planning and Governance Committee. Mr. Haskell is a member of the
    Compensation, Nominating and Planning and Governance Committees. Mr. Haynes
    is a member of the Compensation and Planning and Governance Committees. Mr.
    Krasnoff and Mr. Hayward-Surry are members of the Executive Committee. Dr.
    Martin is a member of the Compensation and Nominating Committees. Ms.
    Plourde is a member of the Audit and Planning and Governance Committees. Mr.
    Seibert is a member of the Audit and Nominating Committees. Mr. Shelley is a
    member of the Executive and Nominating Committees. Dr. Watson is a member of
    the Audit Committee.
                                                        (footnotes on next page)


(a) Mr. Carroll has been Chief Operating Officer since January 1998, and also
    Vice President -- Business Operations since May 1999, of the Business
    Communications Systems Unit of Lucent Technologies Inc., Basking Ridge, New
    Jersey. Prior to January 1998, he was Senior Vice President and Chief
    Procurement Officer of AT&T Corp. from November 1993 until March 1996, Vice
    President -- Product Realization of the Business Communications Systems Unit
    of AT&T Corp. from March 1996 until October 1996, Vice President -- Product
    Realization of the Business Communications Systems Unit of Lucent
    Technologies Inc. from its spin-off from AT&T Corp. in October 1996 until
    December 1996, and Vice President -- Large Business Markets and Global
    Provisioning Organization of the Business Communications Systems Unit of
    Lucent Technologies Inc. from December 1996 until January 1998.

(b) Mr. Haskell is a director of AXA Financial, Inc. (formerly named The
    Equitable Companies Incorporated), which is the holding company for the
    Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, Alliance Capital
    Management L.P. and Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc.

(c) Mr. Haynes, who was the U.S. Ambassador to Algeria in 1977-1981, was Dean of
    the Business School at Hofstra University from August 1991 through August

(d) Mr. Hayward-Surry has been President of the Company since July 1994. He was
    also Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer of the Company from November 1992
    to January 1998. Mr. Hayward-Surry is a director of V.I. Technologies, Inc.

(e) Mr. Krasnoff has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company
    since July 1994.

(f) Dr. Martin was President and Chief Executive Officer until September 1994,
    and since then has been President Emeritus, of the National Center for
    Disability Services, a non-profit education, rehabilitation and research
    agency located in Albertson, N.Y. Dr. Martin is a director of Roslyn Bancorp

(g) Ms. Plourde was a Principal and analyst at the investment banking firm of
    Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc., New York, N.Y. until November 1997.
    Since that time she has engaged in private investing and serving on the
    board of directors of the Company and of several not-for-profit

(h) Mr. Shelley was a member of the firm of Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, New York,
    New York, through December 1997 and since then has been counsel to that
    firm, which acts as legal counsel to the Company.

(i) Mr. Slifka is Managing Principal of Halcyon/Alan B. Slifka Management
    Company LLC. The firm, headquartered in New York City, provides financial
    asset management through the Halcyon and Gryphon Partnerships, of which it
    is managing general partner. Mr. Slifka is also Managing Member of Halcyon
    Offshore Management Co., LLC, a registered broker-dealer. In addition, from
    October 1993 to March 1999 Mr. Slifka was Chairman of the Board of Global
    Telesystems Group, Inc., an operator of long distance and access
    telecommunications networks and a provider of voice and data
    telecommunications services to business customers and other
    telecommunications service providers in Western Europe, the Commonwealth of
    Independent States, Central Europe, India and China. On March 22, 1999, Mr.
    Slifka became Vice Chairman of Global Telesystems.

(j) Dr. Watson was Director until January 1994, and since then has been
    President, of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a biomedical research
    institution specializing in genetics located in Cold Spring Harbor, New
    York. Dr. Watson, who shared the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1962, is a
    director of Diagnostic Products Corporation and SIBIA Neurosciences, Inc.

     There were six meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company during
fiscal 1999. The Executive Committee of the Board is authorized to act on most
Board matters during the intervals between meetings of the full Board. There was
one meeting of the Executive Committee during fiscal 1999 and in addition
certain actions were taken by unanimous written consent without a meeting.

     The duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee include, among other
things, review of the Company's Compliance and Ethics Program, identification of
significant public policy issues and the Company's policy and practices with
respect thereto to ensure that they are consistent with the Company's social
responsibility, review of the Company's financial statements, consideration of
the nature and scope of


the work to be performed by the Company's independent auditors, oversight of the
results of such work, review of such auditors' letters to management which
evaluate (as part of their annual audit of the Company's financial statements)
the internal control systems of the Company, discussions with representatives of
management of particular areas of the Company's operations, and meeting with the
Company's internal audit managers to review their plans and to discuss internal
audit reports. Among the matters to which the Audit Committee has devoted
particular attention is the Company's program for achieving Y2K compliance. The
Audit Committee met twice during fiscal 1999.

     The Compensation Committee has the power and duty to adopt, amend and
terminate any management employee benefit plan, fix the compensation of officers
of the Company and authorize and approve the making of employment contracts
between the Company and its officers. The Committee also administers the
Company's stock option plans and the new Management Stock Purchase Plan (see
Proposal to Adopt Management Stock Purchase Plan below) and, in that connection,
selects Plan participants and fixes the size of their initial awards. The
Compensation Committee met three times in fiscal 1999 and in addition took
certain actions by unanimous written consent without a meeting.

     The Nominating Committee has the power and duty to develop policy on the
size and composition of the Board of Directors and criteria for director
nomination, to establish procedures for the nomination process, to identify and
recommend candidates for election to the Board, and to evaluate the
participation and contribution of current Board members. The Nominating
Committee met once in fiscal 1999. The Nominating Committee will consider
nominees for director recommended by shareholders. The procedure to be followed
by a shareholder in submitting such recommendations is to send the Corporate
Secretary a letter making the recommendation and describing fully the education,
business experience and other qualifications of the person recommended.

     The Planning and Governance Committee was established at the June 1999
meeting of the Board of Directors and met for the first time on October 4, 1999.
This Committee has the power and the duty to study and make recommendations to
the Board and/or management regarding planning, and corporate governance issues.

     During fiscal 1999, each presently incumbent director attended not less
than 75% of the aggregate number of meetings of the Board and of the Board
committee or committees on which he or she served.

     For serving on the Board of Directors, each director of the Company who is
not also an employee of the Company is paid $2,000 a month plus $1,500 for each
meeting of the Board and Board committees attended (other than meetings by
conference telephone). Each member of the Audit Committee is paid an additional
$500 a month, and Mr. Shelley is paid an additional $750 a month for his service
on the Executive Committee. Directors who are employees receive no additional
compensation for serving as directors.

     The Company and its officers and directors are insured under an insurance
policy dated August 1, 1999, with Chubb Group of Insurance Companies with
respect primarily to liability arising from the performance by officers and
directors of their corporate duties. The policy also includes certain other
coverage and the Company pays the premium, which is $155,000 per year. The
Company and its officers and directors are also insured under two excess
insurance policies, each dated August 1, 1999, with National Union Fire
Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Executive Risk Specialty
Insurance Company with respect to liability arising from the performance by
officers and directors of their corporate duties. The total annual premium paid
by the Company for these two policies is $91,170.

     Under the Company's Stock Option Plan for Non-Employee Directors (the
"Director Plan") approved by shareholders in 1995, a maximum of 300,000 shares
of Common Stock were reserved for issuance upon exercise of options which are
granted automatically each year, on the date of and immediately following the
annual meeting of the Company's shareholders, to each member of the Board of
Directors who is elected or re-elected at such annual meeting and who is not at
that time an employee of the Company or any of its subsidiaries (a "Non-Employee
Director"). There are currently ten Non-Employee Directors. The exercise price
of each option granted under the Director Plan is the fair market value (as
defined in the Director Plan) on the date of grant of the shares of Common Stock
subject to such option. Each option granted under the


Director Plan becomes exercisable in three substantially equal, cumulative
installments on each of the first three anniversary dates of the date of grant,
and expires on the fifth anniversary of the date of grant.

     Under the Director Plan, on the date of each annual meeting of the
Company's shareholders each Non-Employee Director who is elected a director of
the Company by the shareholders for the first time at such annual meeting is
granted an option to purchase 20,000 shares of Common Stock for election to a
three-year term, 16,667 shares of Common Stock for election to a two-year term,
and 13,333 shares for election to a one-year term. Also on the date of each
annual meeting of shareholders, each Non-Employee Director who is re-elected at
such meeting is granted an option to purchase 10,000 shares for a three-year
term, 6,667 shares for a two-year term, and 3,333 shares for a one-year term.
Thus, Ms. Plourde and Messrs. Shelley and Slifka, who were re-elected at the
annual meeting held November 19, 1998 for a three-year term, were each granted
an option on that date to purchase 10,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise
price of $23.9375 per share, and Mr. Haskell, who was elected a director for the
first time at that annual meeting for a three-year term, was granted an option
to purchase 20,000 shares of Common Stock at the same exercise price.


     The following table sets forth information concerning the total
compensation of the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and the four other
executive officers who had the highest individual aggregates of salary and bonus
during the Company's fiscal year ended July 31, 1999. These five persons are
hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Named Executive Officers."

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                 COMPENSATION AWARDS
                                                   ANNUAL COMPENSATION         RESTRICTED   SECURITIES   ALL OTHER
                                     FISCAL   -----------------------------      STOCK      UNDERLYING   COMPENSA-
- ---------------------------          ------   --------   --------   -------    ----------   ----------   ---------
Eric Krasnoff......................   1999    $558,532   $ -0-      $71,638(d)  $444,033     180,000      $52,450
  Chairman and                        1998     537,004    214,802    84,394(e)               180,000       73,772
  Chief Executive Officer             1997     516,308    232,339    63,704(f)                -0-          73,142
Jeremy Hayward-Surry...............   1999     382,304     -0-                   227,949      75,000       34,540
  President                           1998     367,588    110,276                             75,000       44,900
                                      1997     353,548    120,206                             -0-          50,184
John Adamovich.....................   1999     260,000     -0-                   165,633      45,000        6,519
  Group Vice President,               1998     144,240     72,120                             45,000       -0-
  Chief Financial Officer &
Samuel Wortham.....................   1999     228,400     -0-                   194,765      35,000       33,116
  Group Vice President                1998     219,648     79,337                             30,000       37,614
                                      1997     211,224     88,714                             -0-          35,428
Gerhard Weich......................   1999     276,220     -0-                    52,563      35,000       10,280
  Group Vice President                1998     265,836     39,917                             30,000       19,853
                                      1997     282,259     35,250                             -0-           5,794

- ---------------
(a) The dollar amounts in this column for fiscal 1999 do not include the
    following amounts of fiscal 1999 bonuses which the Named Executive Officers
    elected to receive in the form of Restricted Stock Units under the
    Management Stock Purchase Plan (see Proposal to Adopt Management Stock
    Purchase Plan below): Mr. Krasnoff -- $296,022; Mr.
    Hayward-Surry -- $151,966; Mr. Adamovich -- $110,422; Mr.
    Wortham -- $129,843; and Mr. Weich -- $35,042. These amounts are included in
    the dollar amounts shown in the "Restricted Stock Units" column of this

(b) Each dollar amount shown in this column for fiscal 1999 is the sum of (1)
    the amount of a Named Executive Officer's fiscal 1999 bonus shown in
    footnote (a) which he elected to receive in the form of "Bonus Units" under
    the Management Stock Purchase Plan, and (2) the dollar value of the
    "Matching Units" for such Bonus Units (which is 50% of the amount shown for
    such Named Executive Officer in footnote (a) above). See Proposal to Adopt
    Management Stock Purchase Plan below. These sums were


    converted into Restricted Stock Units on August 26, 1999, based on the
    closing price of a share of Common Stock on that date, as follows: Mr.
    Krasnoff -- 22,698 Units; Mr. Hayward-Surry -- 11,652 Units; Mr.
    Adamovich -- 8,467 Units; Mr. Wortham -- 9,956 Units; and Mr. Weich -- 2,682
    Units. All of these Units have been credited subject to shareholder approval
    of the Management Stock Purchase Plan at the meeting. No Units were credited
    to the accounts of the Named Executive Officers under the Plan at the end of
    the Company's 1999 fiscal year inasmuch as the Plan went into effect on the
    first day of fiscal year 2000.

(c) Includes amounts which, under regulations of the Securities and Exchange
    Commission, are deemed to be compensation by reason of interest-free loans
    made by the Company for the payment of the exercise price of options under
    the Company's employee stock option plans. See Indebtedness of Officers and
    Directors under Stock Option Plans below. Such amounts, computed under rates
    prescribed by the Internal Revenue Service to determine "imputed interest",
    were as follows in fiscal 1999: Mr. Krasnoff -- $23,507; Mr.
    Hayward-Surry -- $15,565; Mr. Wortham -- $21,125; and Mr. Weich -- $10,280.
    Also includes employer contributions under the Company's Profit-Sharing Plan
    and Supplementary Profit-Sharing Plan, which contributions for fiscal 1999
    were as follows: Mr. Krasnoff -- $28,943; Mr. Hayward-Surry -- $18,975; Mr.
    Adamovich -- $6,519; and Mr. Wortham -- $11,991.

(d) Comprised of $48,753 for the cost of legal and accounting services and
    $22,885 for the provision of a company car.

(e) Comprised of $64,275 for the cost of legal and accounting services and
    $20,119 for the provision of a company car.

(f) Comprised of $45,360 for the cost of legal and accounting services and
    $18,344 for the provision of a company car.


     The following tables set forth information concerning grants of stock
options to, and exercises of stock options by, the Named Executive Officers
during fiscal 1999, and the number and value of unexercised options held by each
of them at July 31, 1999:

                       OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                                   INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
                                  ---------------------------------------------------   POTENTIAL REALIZABLE VALUE
                                  NUMBER OF      % OF TOTAL                               AT ASSUMED ANNUAL RATES
                                  SECURITIES      OPTIONS                               OF STOCK PRICE APPRECIATION
                                  UNDERLYING     GRANTED TO                                   FOR OPTION TERM
                                   OPTIONS       EMPLOYEES      EXERCISE   EXPIRATION   ---------------------------
NAME                              GRANTED(1)   IN FISCAL YEAR   PRICE(2)      DATE          5%             10%
- ----                              ----------   --------------   --------   ----------   -----------   -------------
Eric Krasnoff...................   180,000          5.5         $18.4375    05/06/04     $916,830      $2,025,990
Jeremy Hayward-Surry............    75,000          2.3          18.4375    05/06/04      382,013         844,163
John Adamovich..................    45,000          1.4          18.4375    05/06/04      229,208         506,498
Samuel T. Wortham...............    35,000          1.1          18.4375    05/06/04      178,273         393,943
Gerhard Weich...................    35,000          1.1          18.4375    05/06/04      178,273         393,943

- ---------------
(1) The options in this table become exercisable in four equal cumulative
    installments on each of the first through fourth anniversary dates of the
    date of grant.

(2) Fair market value of a share of the Company's Common Stock on the date of



                                                               NUMBER OF SECURITIES          VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                              UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED         IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                                                            OPTIONS AT FISCAL YEAR-END       AT FISCAL YEAR-END(2)
                            SHARES ACQUIRED      VALUE      ---------------------------   ---------------------------
- ----                        ---------------   -----------   -----------   -------------   -----------   -------------
Eric Krasnoff.............       85,000        $493,517       135,000        345,000        $28,125       $556,875
Jeremy Hayward-Surry......      100,000         820,321        75,000        150,000         12,891        235,547
John Adamovich............          -0-             -0-        11,250         78,750          2,813        126,563
Samuel T. Wortham.........       35,000         220,939        30,000         65,000          5,156        107,344
Gerhard Weich.............       35,000         171,721        30,000         65,000          5,156        107,344

- ---------------
(1) Value realized is the aggregate market value, on the date of exercise, of
    the shares acquired less the aggregate exercise price paid for such shares.

(2) Value of unexercised options is the difference between the aggregate market
    value of the underlying shares (based on the closing price on July 30, 1999,
    which was $21.0625 per share) and the aggregate exercise price for such


     The Company has employment contracts with Messrs. Krasnoff, Hayward-Surry,
Adamovich and Wortham, the four U.S.-based Named Executive Officers. These four
contracts provide for annual base salaries equal to the greater of (i) the base
salary for the preceding fiscal year adjusted for the annual change in the
consumer price index or (ii) the amount fixed by the Board of Directors (which
acts for this purpose by its Compensation Committee, consisting of four
Non-Employee Directors). The base salaries payable for fiscal 2000, as fixed by
the Compensation Committee, are as follows: Mr. Krasnoff -- $581,850; Mr.
Hayward-Surry -- $397,600; Mr. Adamovich -- $286,000; and Mr.
Wortham -- $237,550. These contracts also provide for annual incentive bonuses
determined by a formula under which a bonus equal in amount to a percentage of
base salary becomes payable if the Company's return on equity (after-tax
consolidated net income (as defined) as a percentage of average shareholders'
equity (as defined)) exceeds a certain percentage (the "Bonus Threshold"); the
bonus increases to reflect increases in return on equity up to a maximum bonus
payable when return on equity equals or exceeds a certain percentage (the
"Maximum Bonus Percentage"). For fiscal 2000, the Bonus Threshold is 12.5% and
the Maximum Bonus Percentage is 17%. For fiscal years after fiscal 2000, the
Compensation Committee will determine the Bonus Threshold and the Maximum Bonus
Percentage, consistent in each case with expected results based upon the
Company's normal projection procedures, or based on statistical or trend data.
The maximum bonus payable under this formula is 100% of base salary for Mr.
Krasnoff, 75% of base salary for Mr. Hayward-Surry, 70% of base salary for Mr.
Adamovich, and 28% of base salary for Mr. Wortham. Also, Mr. Wortham, who is in
charge of a separate segment of the Company's business, may receive an
additional bonus based on the results of operations of the business segment for
which he is responsible. Under Mr. Wortham's employment contract, the Chief
Executive Officer has discretion to determine the amount of this additional
bonus, up to a maximum amount of 42% of Mr. Wortham's base salary. The formula
currently used by the Chief Executive Officer in determining the business
segment component of bonuses for executive officers is described below under
Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation -- Annual Incentive

     Each of these four employment contracts is for a "Term of Employment" which
will continue until terminated by either party on not less than two years'
notice except that (i) the effective date of termination cannot be earlier than
July 31, 2003 as to Messrs. Krasnoff and Hayward-Surry and January 4, 2003 as to
Mr. Adamovich and (ii) unless the parties agree otherwise, the Term of
Employment ends at age 65. In addition, Mr. Krasnoff has the right to terminate
his employment on not less than 30 days' notice if at any time he no longer has
the title, authority and duties of chief executive officer. Under each of these
four employment contracts, in the event of a "change of control" of the Company
(as defined), the officer has the right to terminate his employment effective
immediately or effective on a date specified in his notice of


termination that is not more than one year from the date of giving of such
notice. Upon any such termination, the officer would be entitled to his salary
and bonus compensation prorated to the effective date of termination. In
addition, in the event of termination (i) by Mr. Krasnoff because he is no
longer chief executive officer or (ii) by Mr. Krasnoff or Mr. Hayward-Surry in
the event of a change of control of the Company or (iii) by the Company on
notice as described in the first sentence of this paragraph, Mr. Krasnoff would
become entitled to two years' severance pay and Mr. Hayward-Surry would become
entitled to one year's severance pay. The amount of such severance pay would be
the minimum base salary and the maximum incentive bonus, determined under the
contract provisions described in the preceding paragraph. The officer would have
the option of taking such severance pay in installments at the times at which
the base salary and incentive bonus would have been paid had his employment not
been terminated or taking a lump sum equal to the present value of such payments
at the effective date of the termination of his employment.

     The contracts with Messrs. Krasnoff and Hayward-Surry also provide for an
"Annual Contract Pension" beginning at the end of the Term of Employment except
that if the officer is entitled to severance pay, as described in the preceding
paragraph, the Annual Contract Pension does not commence until the end of the
period covered by such severance pay -- two years after the end of the Term of
Employment as to Mr. Krasnoff and one year as to Mr. Hayward-Surry. The Annual
Contract Pension is for a term of ten years as to Mr. Krasnoff and five years as
to Mr. Hayward-Surry and is in the annual amount determined by (1) multiplying
"Final Pay" (as defined) by 60% and (2) reducing the product of such
multiplication by an offset, as follows: (i) in the case of Mr. Krasnoff, the
annual offset is in the amount of the maximum pension payable under a qualified
pension plan in accordance with Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code,
currently $130,000 a year; (ii) in the case of Mr. Hayward-Surry, the annual
offset is in the amount payable to him annually, as an annuity for his lifetime
only, under the Company's qualified pension plan, described below under Pension
Plans. Final Pay is defined as the average of the officer's cash compensation
(base salary plus incentive compensation and any other bonus payments) for the
three years in which his compensation was highest out of the five years
preceding the end of his employment with the Company. Based on fiscal years
through fiscal 1999, Final Pay would be $877,667 as to Mr. Krasnoff and $535,651
as to Mr. Hayward-Surry. After the first year, the Annual Contract Pension is
adjusted annually for inflation. The contracts with Messrs. Krasnoff and
Hayward-Surry also provide for lifetime medical coverage beginning at the end of
the Term of Employment, similar to what is commonly known as "medigap" coverage;
i.e., coverage for expenses in excess of those covered by government-financed
medical coverage such as Medicare. Also, at the start of the 30-day period
preceding the end of the Term of Employment under the contracts with Messrs.
Krasnoff and Hayward-Surry, the exercisability of any employee stock options
that are not yet fully vested is accelerated and such options can be exercised
in full during such 30-day period and thereafter until they expire by their

     Pall Deutschland Gmbh Holding, the Company's subsidiary in Germany, has an
employment contract with Mr. Weich which provides for an annual salary for
fiscal 2000 of 524,888 Deutsche Marks ("DM") (equal to approximately $287,264 at
July 31, 1999). This contract also provides for an annual incentive bonus
determined under the return on equity formula described above, with a maximum
bonus of 10% of base salary beginning in fiscal 2000. Also, Mr. Weich, who is in
charge of a separate segment of the Company's business, may receive an
additional bonus based on the results of operations of that business segment.
Under Mr. Weich's employment contract, the Chief Executive Officer of the
Company has discretion to determine the amount of this additional bonus, up to a
maximum amount of 15% of Mr. Weich's base salary beginning in fiscal 2000. The
formula currently used by the Chief Executive Officer in determining the
business segment component of bonuses for executive officers is described below
under Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation -- Annual
Incentive Bonuses. The contract with Mr. Weich is for a term of employment which
will continue until terminated by either party on not less than two years'
notice until the executive reaches age 65 and thereafter without any required
advance notice. In the event of a change in control of Pall Deutschland Gmbh
Holding, Mr. Weich has the right to terminate on not less than three months' nor
more than 24 months' notice following such change in control.



     Messrs. Krasnoff, Hayward-Surry, Adamovich and Wortham are participants in
the Pall Corporation Pension Plan (the "Pension Plan"), a defined benefit plan
qualified under the Internal Revenue Code. Benefits under the Pension Plan are
determined pursuant to a benefit formula under which, in general, for each
fiscal year of credited service, a participant accrues an annual benefit equal
to 1% of the participant's covered compensation for that fiscal year, plus .5%
of the excess of the participant's covered compensation for that fiscal year
over the Social Security Wage Base for that year ($68,400 in fiscal 1999).
Covered compensation under the Pension Plan is total compensation, including
bonuses and overtime but excluding stock options and contributions to all
benefit programs. For fiscal 1999, the maximum amount of any participant's
covered compensation which could be taken into account under the Pension Plan
for the purpose of computing that participant's benefits was limited by the
Internal Revenue Code to $160,000.

     Under the Company's Supplementary Pension Plan (which is not a qualified
plan under the Internal Revenue Code), additional pension benefits are provided
to certain employees, including Messrs. Krasnoff, Hayward-Surry, Adamovich and
Wortham. The Supplementary Pension Plan provides lifetime pension payments
which, when added to primary Social Security benefits and payments from the
Pension Plan, will on an annual basis equal 50% of a participant's "Final
Average Compensation", which is defined as the average of the three highest of a
participant's last five years of cash compensation (salary and bonus). If a
participant vested under the Supplementary Pension Plan dies before retirement,
his surviving spouse receives a lifetime pension equal to 50% of the
straight-life-annuity pension which the participant would have been entitled to
receive upon retirement. Currently, Final Average Compensation (based on fiscal
years through fiscal 1999) for the Named Executive Officers who participate in
the Supplementary Pension Plan would be as follows: Mr. Krasnoff -- $877,667;
Mr. Hayward-Surry -- $535,651; Mr. Adamovich -- $195,594; and Mr.
Wortham -- $343,222.

     Effective November 1, 1999, the Pall Corporation Cash Balance Pension Plan
(the "Cash Balance Plan") will replace the Pension Plan. At that time, all
benefits accrued under the Pension Plan as of October 31, 1999 will be converted
to a notional account balance under the Cash Balance Plan. Thereafter, at the
end of each plan year, each participant's account will be credited with two
types of credits: (a) interest credits equal to the rate of interest on one-year
Treasury Securities for the month of June immediately preceding the calendar
year in which the participant's account is to be credited, and (b) for each
participant who has 1,000 hours of service with the Company during the year in
which his or her account is to be credited, an amount equal to 2.5%-5% of the
participant's compensation, depending on his or her age and years of service to
the Company as of the beginning of the plan year. Participants who have attained
age 50 and who have at least 10 years of service with the Company as of August
1, 1999 will receive additional "transition credits" equal to 2% of their
compensation each year. Mr. Hayward-Surry and Mr. Wortham qualify for transition
credits. Benefits are payable under the Cash Balance Plan in any form currently
available under the Pension Plan and in the form of a single lump sum payment.
The Supplementary Pension Plan will be amended to substitute benefits from the
Cash Balance Plan for benefits from the Pension Plan when determining pension
payments under the Supplementary Pension Plan. In the event that a participant
in the Cash Balance Plan selects a lump sum distribution as his or her form of
payment from such plan, the participant will be deemed to have elected a single
life annuity form of distribution for purposes of calculating his or her
Supplementary Pension Plan benefit.

     Mr. Weich is a participant in pension plans and supplementary executive
pension arrangements provided by certain of the Company's European subsidiaries.
His pension benefits as so supplemented are based upon Pensionable Service and
Pensionable Income, where Pensionable Service is generally defined as up to 40
years of uninterrupted full-time employment between ages 20 and 65, and
Pensionable Income is defined as the average of 13 times monthly average base
salary for the three years ended the July 1 preceding retirement. Mr. Weich's
benefit formula for each year of Pensionable Service is (i) 0.3% of Pensionable
Income up to the German Social Security Salary Ceiling as of the July 1
preceding his retirement (DM 102,000 as of July 1, 1999, equal to approximately
$55,823 at that date), plus (ii) 1.5% of Pensionable Income above such Ceiling.
In case of termination of employment by reason of disability before normal
retirement age of 65, Mr. Weich's years of Pensionable Service would include
those which would have been credited to him had he continued to

work until age 65, and his Pensionable Income would be calculated as if he had
retired on the date of disability termination. If Mr. Weich had retired at the
end of the Company's last fiscal year and had been age 65 at that time, he would
have had 34 years of Pensionable Service and would have been entitled to a total
annual pension of DM 187,984 (approximately $102,881). Had he then retired by
reason of disability, he would have been credited with 35 years of Pensionable
Service and would have been entitled to a total annual pension of DM 196,470
(approximately $107,525). In addition, if Mr. Weich's spouse should survive him,
she would receive a lifetime pension after his death equal to 60% of Mr. Weich's
pension. Under German law, a pension is subject to cost-of-living adjustments
every three years if the economic situation of the paying company permits.


     The Company has established a Benefits Protection Trust to which it makes
voluntary contributions to fund the Company's obligations under the
Supplementary Pension Plan and the Supplementary Profit-Sharing Plan (see
Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation -- Supplementary
Profit-Sharing and Pension Plans) and the Company's obligation to pay the
"Annual Contract Pension" provided for under the employment agreements in effect
with Messrs. Krasnoff and Hayward-Surry described above. In the event of a
"change in control" of the Company (as defined in the trust agreement), the
trust fund must thereafter be used to satisfy the abovementioned obligations.


     Under the Company's stock option plans, optionees may elect to make
installment payments of the purchase price of the Common Stock upon their
exercise of options and thereby become indebted to the Company. The following
table sets forth certain information with respect to all executive officers and
directors who were indebted to the Company under the stock option plans in an
amount in excess of $60,000 at any time from August 2, 1998, the start of the
Company's 1999 fiscal year, to October 1, 1999. The second column of the table
shows the largest amount of indebtedness outstanding during that period by each
of such executive officers and directors, and the last column shows the
principal amount outstanding as of October 1, 1999. All of the indebtedness
shown in the table is non-interest-bearing and payable on demand.

                                                       AMOUNT OF INDEBTEDNESS
                                                     LARGEST     OCTOBER 1, 1999
                                                     --------    ---------------
Peter Cope.........................................  $115,625       $115,625
Charles Grimm......................................   120,898         87,773
Jeremy Hayward-Surry...............................   357,504        357,504
Erwin Kirnbauer....................................   285,469        -0-
Paul Kohn..........................................   137,438        137,438
Eric Krasnoff......................................   467,326        467,326
Chesterfield Seibert...............................   182,813        182,813
Heywood Shelley....................................   121,033        121,033
Robert Simkins.....................................    81,338         81,338
Donald Stevens.....................................   192,979        170,198
James Watson.......................................   231,250        231,250
Gerhard Weich......................................   204,375        204,375
Samuel Wortham.....................................   502,282        409,813



     The Company's compensation program for executive officers consists of four

     1. base salary;

     2. annual incentive bonus;

     3. stock options and other stock-based compensation; and

     4. supplementary profit-sharing and pension plans.

     The program is based on the Company's overall philosophy of providing a
balanced, competitive total compensation package. It is believed that such a
program enables the Company to attract and retain highly qualified professionals
and to reward sustained corporate performance, with the attendant benefit to


     The Company maintains a conservative policy on base salaries. Overall, base
salaries are targeted at the median, or 50th percentile, of those paid by
comparable technical/engineering oriented industrial companies of similar size
(hereinafter referred to as the "market" or "marketplace").

     For the last several years the Company has retained the services of Watson
Wyatt Worldwide ("Wyatt"), an independent executive compensation consultant, to
evaluate the cash compensation levels of the Company's executive officers
(currently 10 U.S.-based and 4 overseas). Wyatt makes detailed evaluations
biennially, in the spring of every second year, utilizing published compensation
survey data in assessing the Company's compensation competitiveness relative to
the marketplace. Wyatt determines the marketplace by extracting data cuts from
broad-based compensation surveys, including surveys conducted by Wyatt and by
other executive compensation consulting firms. These surveys provide data for a
broad group of comparable general industry companies. Specific industry sector
data is also reviewed for the aerospace and biomedical sectors. The biennial
Wyatt report issued in June 1998 was used by the Compensation Committee in
connection with the fixing of base salaries for fiscal 1999. That report
indicated that the Company was paying its executive officers base salaries that
on average were approximately 4.1% above the marketplace median. Any significant
variation from the median is intended to reflect a particular individual's job
experience and/or performance.

     Employment contracts with executive officers call for a minimum annual
increase in base salary equal to the June-to-June percentage increase in the
consumer price index (the CPI). For fiscal 1999, this minimum mandatory increase
was 1.7%, based on the CPI increase from June 1997 to June 1998. With the CPI
increase as a floor, the Compensation Committee adjusted base salaries for
fiscal 1999, as it does each year, to reflect individual performance for the
past year, internal relationships and marketplace practices as shown by data
supplied by Wyatt. Base salary increases for fiscal 1999 ranged from 4% for
twelve executives, including the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, to 25%
and 48% for two persons who were promoted to executive officer effective August
1, 1998.


     The principal method by which total cash compensation of executive officers
is tied to the Company's current financial performance is the Incentive Bonus

     The measure of performance applicable in whole or in part to all executive
officers under the Incentive Bonus Plan is after-tax consolidated net income as
a percentage of average shareholders' equity, i.e., return on equity or "R.O.E."
For the purpose of the Incentive Bonus Plan, R.O.E. is determined by utilizing
the fixed amount of $3,744,000 as the equity adjustment from foreign currency
translation. Also, for fiscal 1999, the Compensation Committee decided to
eliminate the one-time-charge taken by the Company in the third fiscal quarter
from the R.O.E. calculation for the purpose of the Incentive Bonus Plan. The
Committee's decision was based on the fact that the bonus targets for fiscal
1999, set in the prior fiscal year, were not set with any of the items
comprising this one-time-charge in mind.

     Bonus awards for each executive officer whose primary responsibilities
relate to a particular subsidiary, division or other segment of the overall
operations of the Company (a "Business Segment") are based on two separate
measures -- (1) Company-wide R.O.E. and (2) results of operations of the
appropriate Business Segment. In fiscal 1999, the bonus awards of five executive
officers (including Messrs. Krasnoff, Hayward-Surry and Adamovich) were
calculated solely on the basis of R.O.E., and the bonus awards of nine executive
officers (including Messrs. Wortham and Weich) were calculated on the basis of
both R.O.E. and Business Segment performance. Wyatt had determined that six of
the nine companies other than the Company (the "Peer Group") comprising the
Standard & Poor's Manufacturing-Diversified Industries Index in July 1995 (see
Performance Graph below) used both a Business Segment-type component and an
overall corporate performance component (such as R.O.E.) in calculating their
annual incentive compensation.

     The Business Segment component of a bonus is designed to tie an officer's
compensation in part to the performance of the Business Segment for which such
officer is responsible. For fiscal 1999 the maximum Business Segment bonus was
equal to 42% of base salary for U.S.-based executive officers and 15% of base
salary for overseas-based executive officers. Subject to these maximums, the
Chief Executive Officer has discretion to determine the amount of the Business
Segment component of the incentive bonus for each executive officer having
responsibility for a particular Business Segment. In the exercise of that
discretion, Mr. Krasnoff establishes annually, for each Business Segment, the
dollar amount of profit below which no bonus is earned (the bonus threshold) and
the dollar amount of profit at which the maximum bonus is earned. These dollar
amounts are fixed in light of the results of operations of the Business Segment
during the preceding fiscal year and the profit projections of that Business
Segment for the current year. If the profits achieved exceed the bonus threshold
and are less than the amount at which the officer becomes entitled to a maximum
bonus, the bonus amount is determined pro rata, on a sliding scale, in the same
manner as the R.O.E. bonus component as described in the following paragraph.

     The R.O.E. component of the Incentive Bonus Plan is sensitive to
Company-wide performance in that no bonuses are earned thereunder if R.O.E. is
below a specified percentage. Under the bonus formula set by the Compensation
Committee for fiscal 1999, no bonus was payable unless R.O.E. for fiscal 1999
exceeded 12.5% (the "Bonus Threshold"), and the maximum bonus was payable if
R.O.E. equaled or exceeded 17% (the "Maximum Bonus Percentage"). If R.O.E. was
more than 12.5% but less than 17%, the bonus would increase pro rata from zero
at R.O.E. of 12.5% to the maximum bonus at R.O.E. of 17%. The maximum bonuses
for the five executive officers whose bonus calculation did not include a
Business Segment component were 100% of base salary for Mr. Krasnoff, 75% of
base salary for Mr. Hayward-Surry, 70% of base salary for Mr. Adamovich and one
other executive officer, and 35% of base salary for one executive officer based
outside the U.S. Thus, if fiscal 1999 R.O.E. had been 14.75% -- the midpoint
between the Bonus Threshold and the Maximum Bonus Percentage -- a "target" bonus
would be payable in the amount of 50% of base salary for Mr. Krasnoff, 37.5% for
Mr. Hayward-Surry and 35% for Mr. Adamovich. Prior to the commencement of each
fiscal year, the Bonus Threshold and the Maximum Bonus Percentage are reviewed
by the Compensation Committee and set for such fiscal year. The Bonus Threshold
and Maximum Bonus Percentage for fiscal 2000 are 12.5% and 17%, respectively.

     With respect to the U.S.-based executive officers whose fiscal 1999 bonuses
were based in part on a Business Segment component, the maximum bonus based on
R.O.E. was 28% of base salary and the maximum bonus based on Business Segment
performance was 42% of base salary, so that the aggregate maximum bonus of these
officers was 70% of base salary. The employment arrangements for fiscal 1999
with the Company's four executive officers based outside the U.S. provided for
aggregate maximum bonuses ranging from 25% to 35% of base salary. In the case of
three of these overseas-based officers, the bonus included a Business Segment
component, the maximum amount of which was 15% of base salary.

     The Incentive Bonus Plan formula is structured so that (i) the target bonus
award in any given year would result in total cash compensation (base salary
plus annual bonus) which is 5% above the marketplace median, and (ii) the
maximum bonus award would result in total cash compensation which approximates
the market 75th percentile. Awards for fiscal 1999, which resulted from R.O.E.
of 14.9%, were 53% of base salary for Mr. Krasnoff, as Chief Executive Officer,
39.75% of base salary for Mr. Hayward-Surry, as President, and 37.1% of base
salary for Mr. Adamovich, as Chief Financial Officer. As to each of the five

executive officers whose bonus for fiscal 1999 included a Business Segment
component, his bonus for fiscal 1999 was 14.8% of base salary (the R.O.E.
component) plus such additional amount, up to 42% of base salary, as was
determined by the Chief Executive Officer in his discretion, as described above.


     The stock option plans of the Company, although not exclusively for the
benefit of executive officers (about 1,000 other employees of the Company are
eligible to participate), are intended to complement the Incentive Bonus Plan
and were the sole means of providing long-term or stock-based incentive
compensation to the Company's executive officers in fiscal 1999. Stock option
grants provide executive officers with opportunities for capital accumulation,
promote long-term executive retention and, by fostering in executive officers a
proprietary interest in the Company, align their interests with those of the
Company's shareholders.

     The Compensation Committee may, in its discretion, grant options to
purchase shares of Common Stock of the Company to any officer or other employee
who, in the judgment of the Committee, is in a position to contribute
significantly to the Company's success. Grants are made at an option price of
100% of the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant. All
options heretofore granted have had a five-year term. The Compensation Committee
determines the number of shares to be covered by options granted to executive
officers at each level, e.g., chief executive officer, president, group vice
president, etc. With respect to options granted in fiscal 1999, these grant
levels were fixed after review of marketplace practice and on the basis of
recommendations by Wyatt.

     In fiscal 1999, option grants to executive officers were in the following
respective amounts: 180,000 shares to Mr. Krasnoff, Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer; 75,000 shares to Mr. Hayward-Surry, President; 45,000 shares to Mr.
Adamovich, Chief Financial Officer, and 25,000 or 35,000 shares to each of 19
Group Vice Presidents and Senior Vice Presidents. All of these grants were
within the range of option grants recommended by Wyatt and were designed to (1)
provide options having a grant value as a multiple of base salary that would
approximate the market medians for option grants to executive officers in
equivalent positions, and (2) provide "total direct compensation" in fiscal 1999
(base salary plus bonus plus the two-year average of the present value of option
grants) which would approximate the market 75th percentile in the event that
"target" bonuses became payable under the Incentive Bonus Plan. Total direct
compensation is the sum of base salary, short-term incentive compensation and
the present value of long-term incentive compensation.

     Effective since the beginning of the 1996 fiscal year, it has been the
Company's policy, on the recommendation of Wyatt, to make across-the-board
option grants only every other year, with grants during the intervening years
only for promotions and new hires. In view of this policy, the significance of
option grants is better understood by taking an average over a period of years.
During the five-year period from the beginning of fiscal 1995 to the end of
fiscal 1999, the average per annum option grants to all executive officers as a
group (not including special options granted to the chief executive officer of a
company acquired by the Company in fiscal 1997) were for 383,200 shares,
representing about one-third of one percent (0.31%) of the shares of Common
Stock outstanding at the end of fiscal 1999.


     In June 1999, the Compensation Committee approved in concept the
establishment of Common Stock ownership guidelines for the Company's managers
and other key employees. The target ownership level for the Chairman and CEO was
fixed at 250% of base salary, which translates to a dollar value of
approximately $1,396,000 based on Mr. Krasnoff's 1999 base salary. The level for
the President is 175% of base salary or a dollar value of $669,000 based on Mr.
Hayward-Surry's 1999 base salary. Target ownership levels of Common


Stock for other managers and key employees have been established based on annual
base salary ranges as follows:

                               TARGET OWNERSHIP LEVEL       TARGET OWNERSHIP LEVEL
- ------------------------   ------------------------------   ----------------------
$200,000 to $400,000                    125%                $250,000 to $500,000
$150,000 to $199,999                    100%                $150,000 to $200,000
$100,000 to $149,999                     70%                $70,000 to $105,000
Below $100,000                           50%                Below $50,000

     The Compensation Committee has set July 31, 2002 as the date for employees
to reach 50% of their target ownership levels and July 31, 2003 as the date for
them to reach 100% of their target ownership levels. One purpose of the proposed
new Management Stock Purchase Plan is to assist employees in reaching these
levels. See Proposal to Adopt Management Stock Purchase Plan below.


     In addition to providing tax-qualified profit-sharing and pension plans for
its employees including executive officers, the Company also maintains
non-tax-qualified supplementary plans and arrangements for executive officers.
The Supplementary Profit-Sharing Plan provides an annual benefit to U.S.-based
executives with respect to annual cash compensation in excess of the maximum
compensation that, under the Internal Revenue Code, can be taken into account
for the qualified Profit-Sharing Plan. An executive officer's annual benefit
under the Supplementary Profit-Sharing Plan is the product of (1) such excess
annual earnings and (2) the ratio, for the year, of the Company's aggregate
contributions under the qualified Profit-Sharing Plan to the aggregate
compensation (as limited by the Internal Revenue Code) of all qualified
Profit-Sharing Plan participants. Also, the Supplementary Profit-Sharing Plan
credits each participant with earnings on his or her account balance based on
the investment of an amount equal to the account balance in the Fidelity Asset
Manager Fund. The purpose of the Supplementary Profit-Sharing Plan is to provide
to executive officers affected by the limitations under the qualified
Profit-Sharing Plan a capital accumulation, on a percentage of compensation
basis, equal to that provided to other employees of the Company. The Company's
annual contributions to the Profit-Sharing Plan and the Supplementary
Profit-Sharing Plan for the benefit of the Named Executive Officers are included
in the column "All other compensation" in the Summary Compensation Table above.

     The supplementary pension plan arrangements for executive officers are
described above under the caption Pension Plans. The purpose of these
supplementary arrangements is to assure executives a specified level of
retirement benefit over and above what would be payable under the Company's
general pension plans.


     Mr. Krasnoff's base salary for fiscal 1999 was $558,500, which was
approximately 4.2% below $582,000, the market median rate as of June 1, 1998 for
chief executive officers as determined by Wyatt. Mr. Krasnoff's incentive bonus
for fiscal 1999 was 53% of base salary, compared with the market median and 75th
percentile at June 1, 1998 of 31.6% and 43.1% of base salary, respectively. Had
Mr. Krasnoff not elected to have his fiscal 1999 bonus paid in the form of
Restricted Stock Units under the Management Stock Purchase Plan described below,
his total cash compensation (base salary plus incentive bonus) for fiscal 1999
would have been $854,554, or 11.54% above $766,100, the market median as of June
1, 1998, and 12.32% below $974,600, the market 75th percentile as of that date
as determined by Wyatt.

     The factors and criteria upon which the Chief Executive Officer's
compensation was based, including the relationship of the Company's performance
to his compensation for fiscal 1999, are set forth in the preceding sections of
this Committee Report and are applicable to the total compensation package of
the Chief Executive Officer as well as other executive officers.



     The Internal Revenue Code limits the deductibility for federal income tax
purposes of executive compensation paid by public companies to their senior
officers. Under Section 162(m) of the Code, the Company would not be able to
deduct compensation of a Named Executive Officer (generally the Chief Executive
Officer and the four other highest paid executive officers) in excess of
$1,000,000 for any fiscal year except to the extent that the compensation in
excess of that amount meets the statutory definition of "performance-based
compensation." Nondeductibility would result in additional tax cost to the

     In light of Section 162(m), the Company's 1993, 1995 and 1998 Stock Option
Plans have been structured so that gains on options granted thereunder meet the
statutory definition of "performance-based compensation." Accordingly, the
Company believes that stock option gains are not included in compensation
subject to the $1,000,000 limit on deductibility. In part as a result of this
and other measures taken to avoid any loss of deductibility, coupled with the
Company's conservative compensation policy described above in this Report, since
the enactment of Section 162(m) in 1986 the Company has never lost any tax
deductions by reason of the $1,000,000 limit on deductible executive
compensation imposed by that Code section.

     The Committee intends to continue to pursue a strategy of maximizing the
deductibility of the compensation paid to the Company's executive officers.
However, the Committee retains the flexibility to provide compensation to any
executive officer in an amount that may exceed the limit for tax deductibility
under Section 162(m) whenever the Committee believes that payment of such
compensation furthers the goals of the Company's executive compensation program,
or is otherwise in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders.


     The Compensation Committee believes that the total compensation for fiscal
1999 to Mr. Krasnoff and the other executive officers of the Company was fair
both to them and to the Company and its shareholders. The Committee bases this
conclusion on the following factors:

          1. target cash compensation levels approximate the marketplace median
     and rise above that level only when Company performance warrants, and
     therefore fixed compensation costs have been relatively low;

          2. the grant of stock options has been judicious; and

          3. the compensation program, while conservative, has enabled the
     Company to retain and attract top executive talent.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Abraham Appel
                                          John H.F. Haskell, Jr.
                                          Ulric Haynes, Jr.
                                          Edwin W. Martin, Jr.


     The following graph compares the annual change in the cumulative total
return on the Company's Common Stock during the Company's last five fiscal years
with the annual change in the cumulative total return of the Standard & Poor's
Composite-500 Index and the Standard & Poor's Manufacturing-Diversified
Industries Index (which includes the Company).



                                                    PALL CORPORATION                 S&P 500                S&P MANUFACTURING
                                                    ----------------                 -------                -----------------
1994                                                     100.00                      100.00                      100.00
1995                                                     148.12                      126.11                      137.02
1996                                                     159.09                      147.00                      162.12
1997                                                     169.46                      223.65                      253.52
1998                                                     156.26                      266.78                      249.49
1999                                                     150.60                      320.68                      348.68

                              END OF FISCAL YEARS

END OF FISCAL:                    1994       1995       1996       1997       1998       1999
- --------------                   -------    -------    -------    -------    -------    -------
Pall Corporation...............  $100.00    $148.12    $159.09    $169.46    $156.26    $150.60
S&P 500........................  $100.00    $126.11    $147.00    $223.65    $266.78    $320.68
S&P Manufacturing..............  $100.00    $137.02    $162.12    $253.52    $249.49    $348.68

- ---------------
* Assumes that the value of the investment in the Company's Common Stock and the
  two S&P indices was $100 on July 30, 1994 (the last day of the Company's 1994
  fiscal year), and that all dividends were reinvested.


     The shareholders will be asked at the meeting to vote on a proposal to
approve the adoption of the Pall Corporation Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the
"Employee Plan" or "the Plan"). The Board of Directors of the Company, acting by
its Compensation Committee, adopted the Employee Plan on June 29, 1999, subject
to shareholder approval. A copy of the Employee Plan will be furnished to any
shareholder upon written request made to Mary Ann Bartlett, the Corporate
Secretary of the Company, at the address shown on the cover page of this proxy

     The purpose of the Employee Plan is to encourage employees of the Company
and its affiliates to invest in Common Stock of the Company, by providing them
with a convenient method for purchasing Common Stock at below-market prices
through voluntary, regular payroll deductions.


     The Plan provides for the purchase of Common Stock by eligible employees of
Pall Corporation and its affiliated companies through payroll deductions. Under
the Plan, options to purchase shares of Common Stock will be offered to each
eligible participating employee through a continuous series of six-month
offerings, each beginning on a November 1 or May 1 and terminating on an April
30 or October 31 ("Offering Periods"). The first Offering Period under the Plan
will commence on November 1, 1999, and terminate on April 30, 2000. On the first
day of each Offering Period each participant in the Plan will be granted, by
operation of the Plan, an option to purchase as many shares of Common Stock,
including fractional shares, as can be purchased with payroll deductions
credited to the participant's account during that six-month Offering Period.

     The Employee Plan will encourage employees to elect to have part of their
after-tax base pay applied to the purchase of Common Stock for the purpose of
investing in the future performance of the Company. In this way, the interests
of employees in the Company will be aligned more closely with the proprietary
interests of its shareholders. For this reason, the Board of Directors believes
that approval of the Employee Plan is in the best interests of the Company and
its shareholders.

     Pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code"), shareholder approval is
required within 12 months of the adoption of the Employee Plan. Under the New
York Business Corporation Law, the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes
duly cast at the meeting on this proposal is required for such approval. Thus, a
shareholder who does not vote will not affect the outcome of the vote so long as
a quorum is present at the meeting. An abstention will not count as a "vote
cast." Brokers who hold shares of Common Stock as nominees will have
discretionary authority to vote such shares if they have not received voting
instructions from the beneficial owners by the tenth day before the meeting,
provided that this proxy statement is transmitted to the beneficial owners at
least 15 days before the meeting. If shareholder approval is not obtained, the
monies credited to the accounts of employees under the first offering will be
refunded without interest.



     The Employee Plan is open to most employees of the Company and of
affiliates of the Company that adopt the Plan with the Company's approval. An
employee who generally is employed at least 20 hours per week is eligible to
participate on the earlier of the November 1st or May 1st on or after which the
employee has completed two consecutive years of employment with the Company or
an affiliated company. Under a special grandfathering rule, employees who
generally work at least 20 hours per week and who (a) have completed at least
six consecutive months of employment with the Company (or an affiliate) as of
August 1, 1999, or (b) are participants in the Company's stock purchase plan of
the same name as of October 31, 1999 may participate in the Employee Plan
effective November 1, 1999. No employee who has received a hardship distribution
from the Pall Corporation Profit-Sharing Plan within the preceding 12 months may
participate in the Employee Plan. Also, with a few possible exceptions mandated
by the Code, employees eligible to participate in the Management Stock Purchase
Plan described below under that heading are not eligible to participate in the
Employee Plan. Approximately 8,400 employees are currently eligible to
participate in the Employee Plan, none of whom is an executive officer.


     An eligible employee who elects to participate not later than 15 days
before the beginning of a six-month Offering Period may elect to have any amount
deducted from the "compensation" (as defined) which he or she is entitled to
receive on each pay day, to purchase shares under the Employee Plan, subject to
the limits discussed below; provided, however that for the first two months of
the first Offering Period, beginning on November 1, 1999, no employee may elect
to have an aggregate amount in excess of $4,200 deducted to purchase shares.
"Compensation" is defined under the Plan to mean the employee's gross base
salary for a pay period, not including overtime, incentive compensation,
bonuses, shift differentials, expense reimbursements, disability pay and other
extraordinary compensation that may be paid to the employee. All payroll


will be credited to a bookkeeping account maintained by the Company for the
employee. After an offering period closes, the amount accumulated to the credit
of each employee will be applied to the purchase of shares of Common Stock of
the Company at the share purchase price determined as set forth below under the
caption Option Exercise. The shares purchased, including a credit for any
fractional share, will be credited to a brokerage account established for each
participant with Merrill Lynch or such other broker as the administrative
Committee of the Employee Plan (the "Committee" described below) may select.
Shares credited to participants' accounts may be shares purchased in the open
market, previously acquired treasury shares, authorized and unissued shares or
any combination thereof, at the Committee's discretion.


     An employee who has elected to participate in the Employee Plan will be
automatically granted an option to purchase the maximum number of shares that
can be purchased with the amount of payroll deductions accumulated in his or her
account during each Offering Period, subject to the limits discussed below.
Offering Periods begin on November 1st and May 1st of each year and last for six
months. All options are fully vested when granted.


     All options will be automatically exercised as of the end of each six-month
Offering Period. The share purchase price will be 85% of the lower of the fair
market value of a share of Common Stock on the first trading day of an Offering
Period or on the last trading day of that Offering Period. Shares purchased upon
exercise of an option will be held in the employee's brokerage account. No
brokerage commissions will be payable by employees in connection with the
exercise of options; employees will be responsible for the payment of brokerage
commissions on any sale of shares acquired under the Plan.


     The maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may be purchased under
the Employee Plan by all employees is 1,000,000 (as adjusted for changes in
capitalization as described below). No employee may purchase more than 1,500
shares in any Offering Period. Furthermore, no employee will be granted an
option if, immediately after the grant, his or her rights to purchase Common
Stock under options granted pursuant to the Plan would accrue at a rate that
would permit the purchase of shares having a fair market value of more than
$25,000 (determined at the time the option is granted) for each calendar year in
which such options would be outstanding.


     An employee may elect to take delivery of shares of Common Stock which are
in his brokerage account at any time, and may sell such shares subject only to
compliance with any applicable federal or state securities laws. The employee
will have all ownership rights with respect to shares credited to his or her
brokerage account, including the right to direct the vote of such shares.
Dividends or distributions which may be declared in respect of the shares in the
employee's account will be reinvested in additional shares unless the employee
elects to receive dividends in cash. By enrolling in the Employee Plan, the
employee agrees to notify the Committee of any sale or other disposition of
Common Stock held by the employee under the Employee Plan occurring within 18
months of the date his or her options are exercised.


     An employee may decrease the rate of his payroll deductions or stop
deductions entirely during an Option Period by notifying the Committee. If so,
whatever payroll deductions have accumulated at the end of the Offering Period
will be used to purchase shares. If the employee ceases to be employed by the
Company or any affiliate for any reason, the sum of all payroll deductions then
credited to the employee, but not yet used to purchase shares, will be refunded.
If during an Offering Period an employee experiences a "hardship" as defined in
the Pall Corporation Profit-Sharing Plan, the employee may request a full refund
of all amounts then credited to his account. In the event of an employee's
death, all accumulated payroll deductions held for the employee will be paid to
the employee's designated beneficiary, or if the employee has not named a
beneficiary, to his or her spouse, or if the employee is not married, to his or
her estate. Shares held in an

employee's brokerage account at the time of his or her death will be disposed of
in accordance with the terms of the brokerage account.


     In the event of a change of control of the Company (as defined in the
Employee Plan), the Committee will shorten the Offering Period then in effect
and establish a new option exercise date before the date of any proposed sale or
merger. An employee's options will be automatically exercised as of the new
exercise date. The number of shares covered by each unexercised option under the
Employee Plan will be adjusted, as directed by the Committee, to reflect any
stock split, reverse stock split, stock dividend, combination or
reclassification of shares.


     The Employee Plan is administered by a Committee appointed by the Board of
Directors. The Board of Directors may amend or terminate the Employee Plan at
any time, but no amendment or termination of the Employee Plan may adversely
affect any employee's rights with respect to any options previously granted.


     The Employee Plan is intended to qualify as an "employee stock purchase
plan" within the meaning of Section 423 of the Code, and will be construed in a
manner consistent with that section of the Code. If the Plan so qualifies, the
amounts that an employee contributes under the Plan through payroll deductions
will be subject to tax as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes in the
year in which such amounts otherwise would have been paid to the employee. In
general, an employee will not be subject to tax upon the grant or exercise of an
option under the Employee Plan, but an employee will be subject to tax with
respect to shares acquired through the exercise of an option granted under the
Plan when the employee disposes of the shares so acquired.

     The federal income tax consequences of a disposition of shares of Common
Stock acquired under the Plan depends on whether or not the disposition is
treated as a disqualifying disposition. A disposition is treated as a
disqualifying disposition if the acquired shares are disposed of (other than in
a transfer occurring by reason of death) within two years after the date of the
grant of the option or within one year after the acquisition of such shares
pursuant to the exercise of the option.

     If any shares of Common Stock acquired pursuant to the exercise of an
option granted under the Plan are disposed of in a disposition that is not a
disqualifying disposition, an amount equal to the lesser of (a) the excess of
the fair market value of the shares at the time of their disposition over the
price paid for such shares under the option, or (b) the excess of the fair
market value of the shares on the date of grant of such option over the price
the employee would have paid for such shares if the option were exercisable, and
had been exercised, by the employee on the date of grant, will be subject to tax
as ordinary income in the year of such disposition. The employee also will
recognize long-term capital gain, or long-term capital loss, upon such
disposition of the shares, to the extent that the amount realized upon the
disposition exceeds, or is less than, the sum of the price paid for the shares
under the option plus the amount of ordinary income recognized by the employee
upon the disposition of such shares, as described in the preceding sentence.

     If any shares of Common Stock acquired pursuant to the exercise of an
option granted under the Plan are disposed of in a disqualifying disposition,
the excess of the fair market value of such shares at the date of exercise of
the option over the price paid for the shares under the option will be subject
to tax as ordinary income in the year of the disposition. The Employee also will
recognize capital gain or loss upon such disposition of the shares, to the
extent that the amount realized upon the disposition exceeds, or is less than,
the sum of the price paid for the shares under the option plus the amount of
ordinary income recognized by the employee upon the disposition of such shares,
as described in the preceding sentence. The capital gain or loss so recognized
will be long-term if the employee has held the shares for more than one year,
and will be short-term otherwise.



     The shareholders will be asked at the meeting to vote on a proposal to
approve the adoption of the Pall Corporation Management Stock Purchase Plan. The
Board of Directors of the Company, acting by its Compensation Committee (the
"Compensation Committee"), adopted the Management Plan on June 29, 1999, subject
to shareholder approval, and amended the Plan on October 1, 1999. (The
Compensation Committee is comprised of outside directors who are not eligible to
participate in the Plan; participants must be employees of the Company or a
subsidiary.) A copy of the Management Plan as amended (referred to herein as the
"Management Plan" or the "Plan") will be furnished to any shareholder upon
written request made to Mary Ann Bartlett, the Corporate Secretary of the
Company, at the address shown on the cover page of this proxy statement.

     The purpose of the Management Plan is to encourage key employees of the
Company and its subsidiaries to increase their ownership of Common Stock, by
providing them with a number of ways to have portions of their compensation paid
in the form of restricted units, each representing the right to receive one
share of Common Stock after vesting ("Restricted Stock Units" or "Units"). The
Company will issue additional Units to partially match all Units purchased with
employee contributions. The Plan also provides the Company with a means of
making one-time bonus grants of Units to participants to initiate their entry
into the Management Plan, and provides employees with an opportunity to elect to
defer payment with respect to their Units when they become vested.

     The Plan is designed taking into account provisions of the Internal Revenue
Code under which compensation paid in the form of restricted stock units does
not constitute income for tax purposes when the Units are issued. Under those
provisions of the Code, participants who are U.S. taxpayers have taxable income
when their Units have vested (generally after three years under the Plan) and
shares of Common Stock are issued to the participant in substitution for the
vested Units. The amount of taxable income is based on the then market value of
the Common Stock issued to the participant. The Company will generally have a
deduction at that time in the amount of the participant's taxable income. Tax
consequences for each Plan participant who is not a U.S. taxpayer will be
determined by the laws of the country to which the participant pays income

     The Board of Directors believes that substantial benefits will accrue to
the Company from the Management Plan:

     - The Management Plan will encourage management personnel to elect to have
       all or part of their annual bonuses paid in the form of Restricted Stock
       Units, and to acquire additional Units through pre-tax payroll deductions
       from base salary or after-tax lump sum payments, for the purpose of
       investing in the future performance of the Company. In this way, the
       interests of senior management in the Company will be aligned more
       closely with the proprietary interests of its shareholders.

     - The Plan will enable the Company to assist senior management in reaching
       the target ownership levels set in the new Common Stock Ownership
       Guidelines (see Compensation Committee Report on Executive
       Compensation -- Common Stock Ownership Guidelines).

     - Since the portion of the value of the Units represented by the Initial
       Award Units, by Company matching and by any appreciation in the Common
       Stock will generally not be assured to the participant unless he or she
       is employed by the Company on the date three years from the date of
       issuance of the Units, the Management Plan is designed to encourage
       talented management personnel to remain in the employ of the Company.

For these reasons, the Board of Directors believes that approval of the
Management Plan is in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.


     Under the New York Business Corporation Law (the "BCL"), the affirmative
vote of a majority of the votes duly cast at the meeting on this proposal is
required for the adoption of the Management Plan. In addition, under the rules
of the New York Stock Exchange (the "NYSE"), the total vote cast on this
proposal must represent over 50% in interest of all shares entitled to vote.
Thus, a shareholder who does not vote will not affect the outcome of the vote so
long as at least 50% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock are voted on this
proposal. An abstention will not count as a "vote cast" for purposes of the BCL
but will count as a negative "vote cast" for purposes of the NYSE vote
requirement. Brokers who hold shares of Common Stock as nominees will have
discretionary authority to vote such shares if they have not received voting
instructions from the beneficial owners by the tenth day before the meeting,
provided that this proxy statement is transmitted to the beneficial owners at
least 15 days before the meeting.



     The Management Plan is open to selected members of management and other key
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Compensation Committee
selects the employees who are eligible to be credited with Units during any Plan
Year, upon the recommendation of the Company's Chief Executive Officer
("Eligible Employees"). Each twelve-month period beginning on August 1st of each
year and ending on the following July 31st constitutes a "Plan Year." The first
Plan Year began on August 1, 1999. To date, 77 persons have been selected by the
Compensation Committee as Eligible Employees under the Management Plan. Once a
person has been selected as an Eligible Employee for any Plan Year, he or she
will continue as such for subsequent Plan Years unless the Compensation
Committee elects to terminate such person's eligibility.

     With a few possible exceptions mandated by the Internal Revenue Code,
employees who are eligible to participate in the Management Plan are not
eligible to participate in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan described above.


Bonus Units

     The Management Plan allows Eligible Employees to elect to have up to 100%
of their bonus compensation payable in each Plan Year paid in the form of
Restricted Stock Units rather than in cash ("Bonus Units"). Cash bonus
compensation is normally paid in two equal installments, on a date in August and
a date in January ("Bonus Payment Dates"). Bonus Units are credited to the
accounts of Eligible Employees each Plan Year on the August Bonus Payment Date.
The cost of a Bonus Unit is the closing price of a share of the Common Stock as
reported for New York Stock Exchange composite transactions on the August Bonus
Payment Date. If an Eligible Employee elects to have less than 100% of his or
her bonus paid in the form of Bonus Units, the remaining portion of his or her
bonus will be paid in cash in two equal installments, half on the August Bonus
Payment Date and half on the following January's Bonus Payment Date.

Base Salary Units

     The Management Plan also allows an Eligible Employee to elect to have up to
50% of his or her base salary for each Plan Year paid in the form of Restricted
Stock Units instead of in cash ("Base Salary Units"). Elections with respect to
Base Salary Units are implemented by deductions from the regular salary payments
of Eligible Employees for each pay period, on a pre-tax basis. For example, if
an Eligible Employee elected to have 20% of his or her base salary for the Plan
Year beginning August 1, 1999 paid in the form of Base Salary Units, 20% of his
or her gross pay (before deductions for taxes) is currently being deducted from
each paycheck. The amounts thus deducted are applied to the purchase of Base
Salary Units twice in each Plan Year, on January 31 and July 31. The cost of a
Base Salary Unit is the closing price of a share of Common


Stock on the date on which the Unit is credited to the employee's
account -- January 31 or July 31 as the case may be (or if a closing price is
not reported on that date, on the next date when a closing price is reported).

Cash Payment Units

     To the extent that an Eligible Employee has not elected to have 100% of his
or her bonus compensation and 50% of his or her base salary paid in the form of
Bonus Units and Base Salary Units in any Plan Year, the Eligible Employee may
elect to make cash purchases of additional Units ("Cash Payment Units"). Payment
for Cash Payment Units must be made at least seven days prior to an August or
January Bonus Payment Date, and the price of a Cash Payment Unit is the closing
price of a share of Common Stock on such Bonus Payment Date.


Initial Award Units

     The Company has made one-time initial grants of Units ("Initial Award
Units") to those persons who were Eligible Employees as of August 1, 1999. To
the extent that the Compensation Committee so determines, the Company will make
such one-time grants to persons it selects as Eligible Employees after August 1,
1999. The number of Initial Award Units granted to each Eligible Employee as of
August 1, 1999 were determined by the Compensation Committee and the number of
such Units granted to new Eligible Employees in future will likewise be
determined by the Committee. Each Eligible Employee may receive a grant of
Initial Award Units only with respect to the first Plan Year during which he or
she is a participant, not for any subsequent Plan Year.

Matching Units

     To encourage Eligible Employees to participate in the Plan, the Company
credits additional Units to each Eligible Employee who purchases Bonus Units,
Base Salary Units and Cash Payment Units. With respect to the first Plan Year,
beginning August 1, 1999, for every two Units that an Eligible Employee
purchases, the Company will credit him or her with one additional Unit (a
"Matching Unit"). During the second Plan Year (beginning August 1, 2000) and
each subsequent Plan Year, for every three Bonus Units, Base Salary Units and
Cash Payment Units that an Eligible Employee purchases, the Company will credit
him or her with one additional Matching Unit.

Dividend Equivalent Units

     An Eligible Employee will be credited with additional Units as of each date
on which a dividend is paid on the Common Stock ("Dividend Equivalent Units").
The number of Dividend Equivalent Units credited to an Eligible Employee on any
dividend payment date will be determined by multiplying the number of Units that
he or she owns on such dividend payment date by the per-share dollar amount of
the dividend paid on such date, and then dividing the resulting amount by the
closing price of a share of Common Stock on such dividend payment date. If an
Eligible Employee forfeits Units as discussed below, any Dividend Equivalent
Units credited in respect of the forfeited Units will also be forfeited.


     Provided the holder is then still employed by the Company,

     - Initial Award Units will vest 100% three years after the dates on which
       they were credited (all Initial Award Units presently credited will vest
       on August 1, 2002);

     - Bonus Units, together with the corresponding Matching Units, will vest
       100% three years after the August Bonus Payment Dates on which they were
       credited (all Bonus Units presently credited will vest on August 26,


     - Base Salary Units, together with the corresponding Matching Units, will
       vest 100% three years after the applicable January 31 and July 31
       crediting dates;

     - Cash Payment Units, together with the corresponding Matching Units, will
       vest 100% three years after the Bonus Payment Dates on which they were
       credited (all Cash Payment Units presently credited will vest on August
       26, 2002); and

     - Dividend Equivalent Units will vest on the same dates as the Units to
       which they pertain.

     The holder of a Unit will receive a share of unrestricted Common Stock
following the vesting of such Unit unless the holder has previously elected to
defer receipt (see below).

     If during the three-year vesting period, a holder of Units voluntarily
terminates his or her employment, or the Company terminates his or her
employment for cause, the holder will forfeit the Initial Award Units and
Matching Units contributed by the Company (and Dividend Equivalent Units earned
thereon) and will receive a number of shares of Common Stock for his or her
Bonus Units, Base Salary Units and Cash Payment Units (and Dividend Equivalent
Units earned thereon) determined by taking the lesser of (a) the aggregate
market value of the Common Stock underlying all such Units, with the market
value of each Unit being determined as of the date when it was credited to the
holder's Plan account, and (b) the aggregate market value of the Common Stock
underlying all such Units determined as of the date of termination, and (c)
dividing each such aggregate market value by the closing price of a share of
Common Stock on the date of termination. In effect, the aggregate value of the
Common Stock received by such a terminating holder of unvested Units will not
reflect any increase in the market price of the Common Stock during the period
of his or her employment when his or her Units were outstanding, but will
reflect any decrease in the market price of the Common Stock during such period.

     If during the three-year vesting period the Company terminates a
Unitholder's employment for any reason other than disability or cause, or the
holder retires after reaching 62 years of age, 100% of his or her Bonus Units,
Base Salary Units and Cash Payment Units (and Dividend Equivalent Units earned
thereon) will vest, and his or her Initial Award Units and Matching Units
contributed by the Company (and Dividend Equivalent Units earned thereon) will
vest on a pro rata basis based on the number of months that the holder was
employed by the Company during the three-year vesting period. Initial Award
Units and Matching Units which do not vest in accordance with the preceding
sentence (and Dividend Equivalent Units earned thereon) will be forfeited.

     If during the three-year vesting period a holder of Units dies, or incurs a
disability that entitles him or her to a Social Security certificate of
disability award, all Units credited to his or her account, including Initial
Award Units and Matching Units and Dividend Equivalent Units earned thereon,
will vest and the number of shares of Common Stock represented by such Units
will be distributed to the holder or, in the event of his or her death, to the
holder's beneficiaries.

     If there is a "Change in Control" of the Company (as defined in the
Management Plan), then, unless the Board of Directors as constituted prior to
the occurrence of such Change in Control has decided otherwise, all Units,
including Matching Units and Dividend Equivalent Units earned thereon, will vest
and the number of shares of Common Stock represented by such Units will be
distributed to all holders.


     A holder of Units may, while still an employee of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries, elect to defer his or her receipt of Common Stock in payment for
vested Units until either (1) the first business day of the calendar year
following the date of termination of the holder's employment with the Company,
or (2) the first business day of any earlier calendar month but no earlier than
the first business day of the third calendar year following the calendar year in
which such Units will vest. The Compensation Committee may deny any holder of
Units the right to make a deferral election if it determines, in its sole
discretion, that such deferral election might cause the Management Plan to fail
to be treated as a plan of deferred compensation "for a select group of
management or highly compensated employees" for purposes of the Employee
Retirement Income Security


Act of 1974. A deferral election under the Management Plan will be irrevocable.
Deferred vested Units will continue to earn Dividend Equivalent Units.


     Restricted Stock Units are not transferable and confer upon their holders
none of the voting and other rights of shareholders of the Company. A holder of
Units will have the status of a general unsecured creditor of the Company with
respect to his or her right to receive benefits under the Plan.

     Up to 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock may be distributed under the
Management Plan. Such shares may be authorized and unissued shares, shares held
in treasury or shares purchased on the open market by the Company. The number of
shares of Common Stock issuable for Units will be adjusted in the event of stock
splits, stock dividends, recapitalizations, mergers, rights offerings to
purchase Common Shares at below market prices, or similar changes affecting the
Common Stock.

     The Board of Directors may amend or terminate the Management Plan at any
time with prospective or retroactive effect, but no amendment or termination of
the Plan may adversely affect any Unitholder's rights with respect to any Units
previously credited to his or her account, except with the written consent of
such holder.


     In general, a holder of Units will realize ordinary income upon receiving
Common Stock pursuant to the Plan. The amount of ordinary income will equal the
fair market value of the Common Stock at the time of receipt, less the amount,
if any, the holder previously paid for such Units by direct cash contribution
(i.e., with after-tax dollars in the case of Cash Payment Units).

     If a person subsequently sells any Common Stock he or she acquired under
the Plan, such person will realize capital gain (or loss) to the extent the
sales price exceeds (or is less than) the fair market value of the shares on the
day he or she received the shares. The capital gain (or loss) will be long-term
if the person holds the shares for more than one year, and will be short-term

     Subject to applicable limitations, the Company is allowed a deduction at
the time of each issuance of Common Stock to a Unitholder under the Management
Plan, in an amount equal to the amount includible in the holder's income.

     The foregoing description of income tax consequences applies in the case of
Plan participants who are U.S. taxpayers. Income tax consequences for a
participant who is not a U.S. taxpayer will be determined by the laws of the
country to which the participant pays income taxes.


     The following table sets forth information, to the extent presently
determinable, with respect to the Units which have been or will be credited
under the Management Plan during the first Plan Year, ending July 31, 2000,
subject to shareholder approval at the meeting, which approval will constitute
ratification by the shareholders of the Units previously granted. If the
shareholders do not approve the Management Plan, all Eligible Employees'
purchases and Company grants of Units under the Plan will be rescinded, and the
amounts contributed by Eligible Employees to purchase Units will be returned to
them, without interest. The table does not include any Dividend Equivalent
Units, since none have been granted to date. Future Dividend Equivalent Units
will be credited on the basis of the closing price of a share of Common Stock on
each future dividend payment date.

     As described above, each Unit credited under the Management Plan represents
the right to receive one share of Common Stock after vesting. On October 7,
1999, the closing price of a share of Common Stock for New York Stock Exchange
composite transactions was $23.5625.


                                              ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS
                                    ---------------------------------------------------           COMPANY CONTRIBUTIONS
                                                            BASE        CASH PAYMENT      ---------------------------------------
                                        BONUS UNITS        SALARY         UNITS(2)        MATCHING UNITS(3)   INITIAL AWARD UNITS
                                    -------------------   UNITS --    -----------------   -----------------   -------------------
NAME AND POSITION                     $VALUE      NO.     $VALUE(1)    $VALUE     NO.      $VALUE     NO.     $VALUE(4)     NO.
- -----------------                   ----------   ------   ---------   --------   ------   --------   ------   ----------   ------
Eric Krasnoff.....................  $  296,022   15,132         --    $100,000    5,112   $198,011   10,122   $  203,094    9,700
  Chairman and
  Chief Executive Officer
Jeremy Hayward-Surry..............     151,966    7,768    $26,000      50,000    2,556    100,983    5,162      104,688    5,000
John Adamovich....................     110,422    5,645     26,000          --       --     55,211    2,822       67,000    3,200
  Group Vice President,
  Chief Financial Officer and
Samuel T. Wortham.................     129,843    6,637         --          --       --     64,922    3,319       52,344    2,500
  Group Vice President
Gerhard Weich.....................      34,975    1,788         --          --       --     17,488      894       52,344    2,500
  Group Vice President
All executive officers as a group
  (14 persons including those
  above)..........................   1,231,169   62,935    193,685     210,875   10,780    721,023   36,858      950,563   45,400
All other employees as a group (63
  persons)........................   1,402,318   71,684    938,273      78,210    3,998    740,264   37,841    1,086,656   51,900

- ---------------
(1) Assumes that current amounts of payroll deductions remain the same through
    the end of the first Plan Year, i.e., that each current Eligible Employee
    remains employed by the Company through July 31, 2000, and during that time
    earns the same base salary. It is not possible at this time to estimate the
    number of Base Salary Units issuable in the first Plan Year, since they will
    be purchased on January 31, 2000, and July 31, 2000, at the closing prices
    of a share of Common Stock on those dates.

(2) Comprised of Cash Payment Units credited on the August 1999 Bonus Payment
    Date (August 26, 1999) when the closing price of a share of Common Stock was
    $19.5625. Additional Cash Payment Units may be purchased by Eligible
    Employees during the first Plan Year up until seven days prior to the
    January 2000 Bonus Payment Date.

(3) The estimated aggregate dollar value and number of Matching Units shown in
    this table for each person and group are equal to one-half the aggregate
    estimated dollar value and one-half the aggregate number of the Bonus Units
    and Cash Payment Units shown in the table for that person or group.
    Additional Matching Units will be credited, equal in value to one-half the
    dollar value of all Base Salary Units issued under the Management Plan. It
    is not possible at this time to estimate the number of Matching Units
    issuable in the first Plan Year with respect to Base Salary Units, since it
    is not possible to estimate the number of Base Salary Units issuable in the
    first Plan Year (see footnote (1) above).

(4) The dollar value of each Initial Award Unit shown in this table is $20.9375,
    which was the closing price of a share of Common Stock on August 2, 1999,
    the first trading day after the date (Sunday, August 1) as of which all the
    outstanding Initial Award Units were credited.


     The following table sets forth information as of October 1, 1999 with
respect to beneficial ownership of Common Stock by (a) each shareholder who, to
the Company's knowledge, is the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the
outstanding Common Stock, (b) each director of the Company, (c) each Named
Executive Officer included in the Summary Compensation Table above, and (d) all
directors and executive officers of the Company as a group. The percentages in
the last column are based on the number of shares outstanding on October 1,
1999. In each case, except as otherwise indicated in the footnotes to the table,
the shares shown in the second column are owned directly by the individual or
members of the group named in the first column and such individual or group
members have sole voting and dispositive power with respect to the shares shown.
For purposes of this table, beneficial ownership is determined in accordance
with the federal securities laws and


regulations; inclusion in the table of shares not owned directly by the named
director or executive officer does not constitute an admission that such shares
are beneficially owned by the director or officer for any other purpose.

                                                                  SHARES OF
                                                                 COMMON STOCK
                                                                 BENEFICIALLY       PERCENT
NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                            OWNED*          OF CLASS
- ------------------------                                         ------------       --------
Capital Research and Management Company.....................      9,744,200(a)        7.8
  333 South Hope Street
  Los Angeles, California 90071
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc...............................      9,318,515(b)        7.5
  100 East Pratt Street
  Baltimore, Maryland 21202
John Adamovich..............................................         12,250(c)
Abraham Appel...............................................      5,053,878(d)        4.1
Daniel J. Carroll, Jr.......................................            -0-(e)
John H. F. Haskell, Jr......................................         12,667
Ulric Haynes, Jr............................................         10,000
Jeremy Hayward-Surry........................................        149,295(f)         .1
Eric Krasnoff...............................................        274,316(g)         .2
Edwin W. Martin, Jr.........................................         14,332
Katharine Plourde...........................................         24,333
Chesterfield F. Seibert.....................................         94,171            .1
Heywood Shelley.............................................         25,333(f)
Alan B. Slifka..............................................         53,329
James D. Watson.............................................         56,967
Gerhard Weich...............................................         87,209            .1
Samuel T. Wortham...........................................         77,268            .1
24 directors and executive officers of the Company as a
  group.....................................................      6,380,371           5.1

- ---------------
  * Includes shares covered by stock options currently exercisable or becoming
    exercisable within 60 days of October 1, 1999 as follows: Mr.
    Adamovich -- 11,250 shares; Mr. Appel -- 20,000 shares; Mr. Haskell -- 6,667
    shares; Mr. Haynes -- 10,000 shares; Mr. Hayward-Surry -- 112,500 shares;
    Mr. Krasnoff -- 195,000 shares; Dr. Martin -- 10,000 shares; Ms.
    Plourde -- 23,333 shares; Mr. Seibert -- 6,667 shares; Mr. Shelley -- 13,333
    shares; Mr. Slifka -- 23,333 shares; Dr. Watson -- 36,667 shares; Mr.
    Weich -- 45,000 shares; Mr. Wortham -- 45,000 shares; and the 24 current
    directors and executive officers of the Company as a group -- 852,750

(a) The information as to the beneficial ownership of Common Stock by Capital
    Research and Management Company was obtained from its Schedule 13F Holdings
    Report for the calendar quarter ended June 30, 1999, filed with the
    Securities and Exchange Commission. Such report discloses that at June 30,
    1999, Capital Research and Management Company exercised sole "investment
    discretion" (as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) and no
    voting authority with respect to 9,744,200 shares of Common Stock.

(b) The information as to the beneficial ownership of Common Stock by T. Rowe
    Price Associates, Inc., was obtained from its statement on Schedule 13G as
    amended February 12, 1999, filed with the Securities and Exchange
    Commission, and from inquiries made to personnel of T. Rowe Price
    Associates, Inc. Such inquiries disclosed that T. Rowe Price Associates,
    Inc. has sole voting power with respect to 1,505,475 shares of Common Stock
    and sole dispositive power with respect to 9,318,515 shares of Common Stock.

(c) Includes 1,000 shares owned by Mr. Adamovich's wife and as to which Mr.
    Adamovich disclaims voting or dispositive power.


(d) These shares are held of record by Canmont Investment Corp. which is
    wholly-owned by Mr. Appel and members of his immediate family. Mr. Appel has
    sole voting and dispositive power with respect to these shares.

(e) Mr. Carroll was not a director as of the date of this table; he was elected
    a director on October 5, 1999.

(f) Does not include 45,000 shares beneficially owned by a trust of which
    Messrs. Hayward-Surry and Shelley are two of the three trustees. The
    trustees have sole voting and dispositive power with respect to these

(g) Includes 22,598 shares owned by two trusts established for the benefit of
    Mr. Krasnoff's children. Mr. Krasnoff is trustee of these trusts and as such
    has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to the shares owned by
    the Trust. Also includes 1,036 shares owned by Mr. Krasnoff's wife and as to
    which Mr. Krasnoff disclaims voting or dispositive power.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended (the
"Exchange Act") and the rules thereunder of the Securities and Exchange
Commission require the Company's directors and officers to file reports of their
ownership and changes in ownership of Common Stock with the Commission.
Personnel of the Company generally prepare these reports on the basis of
information obtained from each director and officer. Based on such information,
the Company believes that all reports required by Section 16(a) of the Exchange
Act to be filed by its directors and officers during the fiscal year ended July
31, 1999 were filed on time except that the following reports were filed late:
(i) the initial Section 16(a) report for Erwin Kirnbauer, a Senior Vice
President; (ii) one report for a sale of Common Stock by Samuel Wortham, a Group
Vice President and (iii) one report for a purchase of Common Stock by Clifton
Hutchings, a Group Vice President.


     KPMG LLP ("KPMG") acted as the Company's independent auditors for the
fiscal year ended July 31, 1999 and has been selected to act in that capacity in
fiscal 2000. It is anticipated that representatives of KPMG will be present at
the meeting to respond to appropriate questions and will have an opportunity, if
they desire, to make a statement.

                                 ANNUAL REPORTS


     The Company's Annual Report to shareholders for the fiscal year ended July
31, 1999 is being furnished concurrently herewith to shareholders of record at
the record date for the meeting. Additional copies of the Annual Report to
shareholders may be obtained upon request to Diane Foster by telephone at
516-484-3600 or in writing at the address or fax number in the preceding
paragraph. The Annual Report to shareholders and the Form 10-K Report are also
available on the Company's website, www.pall.com.



     In order to be considered for inclusion in the Company's proxy statement
and form of proxy for the 2000 annual meeting of shareholders, any shareholder
proposal must be received by the Secretary of the Company prior to June 15,
2000. In addition, the form of proxy issued with the Company's proxy statement
for the 2000 annual meeting will confer discretionary authority to vote for or
against any proposal made by a shareholder at the annual meeting and which is
not included in the Company's proxy statement. However, under the rules of the
Securities and Exchange Commission, such discretionary authority may not be
exercised if the shareholder proponent has given the Secretary of the Company
notice of such proposal prior to August 29, 2000 and certain other conditions
provided for in the Commission's rules have been satisfied.

October 13, 1999


                             [PALL CORPORATION MAP]
                                PALL CORPORATION

                          EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

1.       PURPOSE. The purpose of the Pall Corporation Employee Stock Purchase
Plan (the "Plan") is to offer certain Employees of Pall Corporation (the
"Company") and Affiliated Companies an incentive to invest in common shares, par
value $.10 per share (each, a "Share") of the Company, by permitting eligible
Employees to purchase Shares at below-market prices. The Plan is intended to
qualify as an "employee stock purchase plan" within the meaning of Section 423
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). The stock
purchase plan of the same name maintained by the Company prior to November 1,
1999 (the "Prior Plan") is hereby amended and superseded by this Plan. In the
event that the Plan is adopted by any non-U.S. Affiliated Company and is subject
to the laws of another country, a separate document may be prepared for such
company reflecting the specific requirements of applicable law, and such
document, and not this document, shall determine all rights of all Employees of
such company.

2.       DEFINITIONS. Capitalized terms used in this Plan shall have the
following meanings unless defined elsewhere herein.

"Affiliated Company" means, at the time of the granting of an option under the
Plan, any corporation of which not less than 80% of the voting shares are held
by the Company or a subsidiary within the meaning of Section 424 of the Code
(except that 80% stock ownership shall be substituted for 50% stock ownership in
such definition), whether or not such corporation now exists or is hereafter
organized or acquired by the Company or a subsidiary.

"Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of Pall Corporation.

"Change in Control" means the occurrence of any of the following:

         (a)      the "Distribution Date" as defined in Section 3 of the Rights
                  Agreement dated as of November 17, 1989 between the Company
                  and United States Trust Company of New York, as Rights Agent
                  as the same may have been amended or extended to the time in
                  question or in any successor agreement (the "Rights
                  Agreement"); or

         (b)      any event described in Section 11(a)(ii)(B) of the Rights
                  Agreement; or

         (c)      any event described in Section 13 of the Rights Agreement; or

         (d)      the date on which the number of duly elected and qualified
                  directors of the Company who were not either elected by the
                  Board of Directors or nominated by the Board of Directors or
                  its Nominating Committee for election by the shareholders
                  shall equal or exceed one-third of the total number of
                  directors of the Company as fixed by its by-laws;
provided, however, that no Change in Control shall be deemed to have occurred,
and no rights arising upon a Change in Control as provided in Section 16(c)
shall exist, to the extent that the Board of Directors so determines by
resolution adopted prior to the Change in Control. Any such resolution may be
rescinded or countermanded by the Board of Directors at any time with or without
retroactive effect.

"Committee" means the group of individuals appointed by the Board of Directors
of the Company to administer the Plan.

"Compensation" means, for any pay period, the gross base salary payable for such
period. Compensation shall not include overtime, incentive compensation,
incentive payments or bonuses, shift differentials, expense reimbursements,
long-term disability and workers' compensation payments, lump-sum payments due
to death, termination of employment or layoff, non-taxable fringe benefits,
payments or discounts under any stock purchase or option plan, or any other
extraordinary compensation or other payments to an Employee.

"Employee" means a common law employee of an Employer whose customary employment
is at least twenty (20) hours per week. Any person who is not initially
recognized by an Employer as a common law employee, but who is subsequently
determined to be an Employee by the proper authority, shall be an Employee for
purposes of participation in the Plan after such determination.

"Employer" means the Company and any Affiliated Company that adopts the Plan
with the prior written approval of the Committee.

"Exercise Date" means the last Trading Day of each Offering Period.

"Fair Market Value" means the value of a Share on a given date, determined based
on the mean of the highest and lowest sale prices for a Share on such date, as
reported on the New York Stock Exchange or, if the Shares are not traded on the
New York Stock Exchange on such date, the exchange on which the Shares are
listed ("Exchange"), or if the Exchange is not open for trading on such date, on
the nearest preceding date on which the Exchange is open for trading.

"Participant" means any individual who is eligible to participate in the Plan as
provided in Section 4 and enrolls in the Plan in the manner set forth in Section

"Offering Period" means each six consecutive calendar month period during which
an option to purchase Shares is granted and may be exercised.

"Purchase Price" means an amount equal to 85% of the lower of the Fair Market
Value of a Share on the first Trading Day of an Offering Period or on the
Exercise Date, but in no event less than the par value of a Share.

"Stock Account" means the account established pursuant to Section 8 for a
Participant with such investment service provider as the Committee shall select
in its discretion.

"Trading Day" means any day on which the Exchange is open for trading.

3.       OFFERING PERIODS. The Plan shall be implemented by consecutive Offering
Periods, with the first Offering Period commencing on November 1, 1999 and
ending on April 30, 2000, and each subsequent Offering Period thereafter,
continuing until the Plan is terminated in accordance with Sections 17 or 20


         (a) ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES. Each Employee of an Employer shall be eligible
to participate in the Plan on the earlier of the November 1st or May 1st
coincident with or next following his or her completion of two (2) consecutive
years of employment with an Employer; provided, however, that each Employee who,
as of August 1, 1999 has completed six (6) consecutive months of employment with
an Employer and each Employee who immediately prior to November 1, 1999 was a
participant in the Prior Plan shall be eligible to participate in the Plan
effective November 1, 1999. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, no Employee
of any Employer shall be eligible to participate in the Plan if that Employee
(i) is a "highly compensated employee", as defined in Section 414(q) of the
Code, who is eligible to participate in the Management Stock Purchase Plan, or
(ii) has received a hardship distribution from the Pall Corporation
Profit-Sharing Plan within the preceding twelve (12) months.

         (b) LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Each Participant who is on medical leave, family
leave, military leave or any other leave of absence approved by an Employer
shall be permitted to participate in the Plan as provided in this paragraph (b).

         A Participant who is on an unpaid leave of absence shall have payroll
deductions suspended at the commencement of such unpaid leave, but shall
participate in the exercise of options under Section 7 to the extent of amounts
credited to his or her account as of the next following Exercise Date. Upon such
Participant's return from unpaid leave of absence during the same Offering
Period in which such leave began, his or her payroll deductions shall
automatically recommence at the same rate as in effect prior to such leave.

         A Participant who is on a paid leave of absence may elect, by notifying
the Committee in the manner prescribed by the Committee, to suspend his or her
payroll deductions at any time during such paid leave, but shall participate in
the exercise of options under Section 7 to the extent of the amount credited to
his or her account as of the next following Exercise Date. Upon such
Participant's return from paid leave of absence, he or she may elect to
recommence payroll deductions as provided in Section 5(d).

         (c) TERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY. If a Participant ceases to be eligible
to participate in the Plan for any reason on or before an Exercise Date, the
Participant's payroll deductions shall cease as of the effective date of such
termination of eligibility, as determined by the Committee. All payroll
deductions credited to the Participant's account as of the effective date of his
or her termination of eligibility, shall be distributed to the Participant as
soon as practicable thereafter.


         (a) ENROLLMENT. Any Employee who satisfies the eligibility requirements
of Section 4(a) shall participate by enrolling in the Plan and authorizing
payroll deductions in the manner prescribed by the Committee not later than
fifteen (15) days prior to the commencement of any Offering Period. An eligible
Employee who has elected to enroll in the Plan for an Offering Period and whose
payroll deductions have not ceased during the Offering Period as provided in
Section 5(d) shall automatically continue to participate in the Plan in each
successive Offering Period with the same terms applicable.

         (b) AMOUNT. At the time a Participant enrolls in the Plan, the
Participant shall elect to have payroll deductions made on each pay day during
each Offering Period equal to an amount not to exceed the Compensation which the
Participant received on each such pay day; provided, however, that in the case
of the Offering Period beginning on November 1, 1999, no Participant shall be
permitted to make payroll deductions during the first two months thereof that,
in the aggregate, exceed Four Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars ($4,200). All
payroll deductions shall be withheld in whole units of currency only. All
payroll deductions shall be credited to a bookkeeping account maintained by the
Company for each Participant under the Plan. No interest will be paid on any
amounts credited to any account. A Participant may not make any additional
payments into such account.

         (c) PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS. Payroll deductions shall commence with the
first practicable payroll period of the Offering Period following the
Participant's enrollment in the Plan and shall end in the last practicable
payroll period of the Offering Period during which the Participant is enrolled
in the Plan, or, if earlier (i) after the Participant notifies the Committee of
his or her suspension of payroll deductions pursuant to Section 5(d), (ii) when
the Participant ceases to participate in the Plan for any of the reasons stated
in Sections 4(b), 4(c) or Section 11, or (iii) the first practicable payroll
period after the Participant receives a hardship distribution from the Pall
Corporation Profit-Sharing Plan.

         (d) ADJUSTMENTS TO PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS. A Participant may decrease the
amount of payroll deductions or suspend all future payroll deductions during an
Offering Period by notifying the Committee in the manner prescribed by the
Committee. In the event a Participant suspends all payroll deductions, the
Participant shall not be entitled to begin payroll deductions until the
commencement of a subsequent Offering Period, except as provided below in the
case of certain leaves of absence. The Committee may, in its discretion, limit
the number of payroll deduction rate changes and prescribe the effective dates
thereof during any Offering Period.

         In the event that a Participant reduces or suspends payroll deductions
during a paid leave of absence, such Participant, upon his or her return from
such leave during the same Offering Period in which such leave began, may elect
to recommence or increase payroll deductions by notifying the Committee in the
manner prescribed by the Committee.

         Notwithstanding other provisions of the Plan, to the extent necessary
to comply with Section 6(b), the Company may decrease a Participant's payroll
deductions or suspend same at any time during an Offering Period.

6.       OPTIONS.

         (a) GRANT OF OPTION. On the first day of each Offering Period, each
Participant shall be granted an option to purchase, exercisable on each Exercise
Date, that number of Shares determined by dividing the aggregate amount credited
to the Participant's account as of such Exercise Date, by the Purchase Price;
provided however, that such purchase shall be subject to the limitations set
forth in Sections 6(b) and 14.

         (b) LIMITATION ON OPTION GRANT. Notwithstanding any other provisions of
the Plan, no Participant shall be granted an option under the Plan if
immediately after the grant, (i) such Participant (or any other person whose
stock would be attributed to such Participant pursuant to Section 424(d) of the
Code) would own capital stock of the Company and/or hold outstanding options to
purchase any class of capital stock possessing five percent (5%) or more of the
total combined voting power or value of all classes of the capital stock of the
Company or any Affiliated Company thereof, or (ii) such Participant's rights to
purchase capital stock under all Section 423 employee stock purchase plans of
the Company and Affiliated Companies would accrue at a rate which exceeds
Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) of Fair Market Value of such capital
stock (determined at the time such option is granted) for each calendar year in
which such option is outstanding at any time. In the event that a Participant's
account is maintained in a unit of currency other than U.S. dollars, for
purposes of determining whether the limitation in the preceding sentence is
exceeded, the unit of currency in which such Participant's account is maintained
shall be notionally exchanged for U.S. dollars at a rate equal to the exchange
rate of such currency and U.S. dollars at the close of the first day of the
Offering Period.

7.       EXERCISE OF OPTION. As soon as administratively practicable after each
Exercise Date, each Participant's option to purchase Shares under the Plan shall
be exercised automatically, and the maximum number of whole or fractional Shares
subject to such option shall be purchased for the Participant at the Purchase
Price, with the aggregate amount credited to the Participant's account, unless
the Participant has terminated participation as provided in Section 4(c) or
employment as provided in Section 11. In the event that a Participant's account
is maintained in a unit of currency other than U.S. dollars, prior to the
exercise of any option, such currency will be exchanged for U.S. dollars at a
rate equal to the exchange rate of such currency and U.S. dollars at the close
of the Exercise Date as of which such options are exercised.


         (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF STOCK ACCOUNT. A Stock Account shall be maintained
for each Participant. Shares purchased for the Stock Account of each Participant
shall be credited thereto as

of the close of business on the Exercise Date. All brokerage commissions
attributable to the exercise of options under the Plan shall be paid by the
Company or an Affiliated Company.

         (b) STATEMENT. As soon as practicable following each Offering Period, a
statement of Stock Account shall be sent to each Participant, setting forth the
amount of payroll deductions accumulated during the Offering Period, the
Purchase Price, the number of Shares purchased and the amount of any cash
remaining credited to the Participant's Stock Account.

         (c) PARTICIPANT SHARES. Shares purchased for each Participant shall be
held in the Participant's Stock Account. A Participant may request that a
certificate be issued in the Participant's name or the name of the Participant
and his or her spouse for all or a portion of the whole Shares credited to the
Participant's Stock Account. A Participant may sell such Shares at any time
thereafter, subject to compliance with any applicable federal or state
securities laws. Each Participant agrees, by enrolling in the Plan, to notify
the Committee of any sale or other disposition of Shares held by the Participant
under the Plan which occurs within eighteen (18) months from the Exercise Date,
indicating the number of such Shares disposed of. The Committee shall be
entitled to presume that a Participant has disposed of any Shares for which the
Participant has requested a certificate. All certificates for Shares delivered
under the Plan shall be subject to such stock transfer orders and other
restrictions as the Company may deem advisable under all applicable laws, rules,
and regulations, and the Company may cause a legend or legends to be put on any
such certificates to make appropriate references to such restrictions. In the
event that a Participant requests a withdrawal of all amounts credited to his
Stock Account, any fractional Shares then held in the Participant's Stock
Account will be converted to an equivalent unit of currency and such amount
shall be distributed to the Participant in cash along with the requested Shares.

         (d) VOTING RIGHTS; DIVIDENDS. A Participant shall have all ownership
rights with respect to the Shares credited to the Participant's Stock Account,
including the right to direct the vote of such Shares. Any dividends or
distributions which may be declared thereon by the Board of Directors will be
reinvested in additional Shares for the Participant, unless otherwise provided
under the terms of the participant's Stock Account. Such additional shares shall
be purchased on the open market as soon as practicable after the dividend
payment is received.

9.       TAXES. The Company or Affiliated Company may, but shall not be
obligated to, withhold from the Participant's compensation the amount necessary
for the Company or Affiliated Company to meet applicable withholding
obligations, including any withholding required to make available to the
Affiliated Company any tax deductions or benefits attributable to any sale or
early disposition of Shares by the Participant.

10.      HARDSHIP DISTRIBUTIONS. In the event that during an Offering Period a
Participant experiences a "hardship" as defined in the Pall Corporation
Profit-Sharing Plan, the Participant may file a written request with the
Committee for a refund of all amounts then credited to his account. If the
Committee determines in its discretion that the Participant meets the
requirements of a "hardship," it shall cause the Participant's account to be
paid to the Participant as soon as practicable

after such determination, without regard to whether a distribution is made on
account of such hardship from the Pall Corporation Profit-Sharing Plan.


         (a) TERMINATION OF PARTICIPATION. A Participant may terminate
participation in the Plan by notifying the Committee thereof in the manner
prescribed by the Committee. Following the effective date of such notice, the
Participant's payroll deductions shall cease with the next practicable payroll
period. The Participant shall participate in the exercise of options under
Section 7 to the extent of amounts credited to his or her account as of the
cessation of his or her payroll deductions.

         (b) RENEWAL OF PARTICIPATION. If a Participant terminates participation
in the Plan, the Participant must re-enroll in the Plan as provided in Section
5(a) to renew participation.

         (c) TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT. As soon as practicable following a
Participant's termination of employment for any reason, including retirement, a
Participant or the Participant's beneficiary shall receive cash equal to the
amount credited to the Participant's account during the Offering Period in which
occurs the Participant's termination and all options granted under Section 6(a)
in connection with such Offering Period shall be canceled.

12.      TRANSFER. A Participant may not assign, transfer, pledge or otherwise
dispose of (other than by will, the laws of descent and distribution) any
payroll deductions credited to the account of the Participant or any right to
exercise an option or receive Shares under the Plan. Any such assignment,
transfer, pledge or other disposition shall be without effect. Each option is
exercisable during the lifetime of the Participant only by such Participant.


         (a) DESIGNATION. A Participant may file with the Committee, a written
designation of a beneficiary who is entitled to receive any accumulated payroll
deductions, if any, held for the Participant under the Plan, in the event of the
Participant's death; provided, however, that the disposition of a Participant's
Stock Account upon his or her death shall be provided under the terms of such
Stock Account.

         (b) FAILURE OF DESIGNATION. If a Participant dies without a valid
beneficiary designation on file with the Committee, or if no designated
beneficiary survives the Participant, the following automatic beneficiaries
surviving the Participant shall be entitled to receive any accumulated payroll
deductions, if any, held for the Participant under the Plan: (i) Participant's
surviving spouse, or (ii) if the Participant is not married, the Participant's

14.      SHARES. The maximum number of Shares that may be acquired by any
Participant in any Offering Period is 1,500. The maximum number of Shares that
may be purchased by all Participants

under the Plan is 1,000,000, subject to adjustment upon changes in the
capitalization of the Company as set forth in Section 16. Shares credited to for
Participants' Stock Accounts may, at the Committee's discretion, be purchased in
the open market (on an exchange or in negotiated transactions), or may be
previously acquired treasury Shares, authorized and unissued Shares, or any
combination of Shares purchased in the open market, previously acquired treasury
Shares or authorized and unissued Shares. If, on a given Exercise Date, the
number of Shares with respect to which options are to be exercised exceeds the
number of Shares then available under the Plan, the Committee shall make a pro
rata allocation of the Shares remaining available for purchase in as uniform a
manner as shall be practicable and as it shall determine to be equitable.

15.      ADMINISTRATION. The Plan shall be administered by the Committee, which
shall have full and exclusive discretionary authority to construe, interpret and
apply the terms of the Plan, to determine eligibility and to adjudicate all
disputed claims filed under the Plan. The Committee may change the frequency of
payroll deductions, limit the frequency or number of changes in the amount of
payroll deductions to be made during an Offering Period, permit payroll
withholding in excess of the amount designated by a Participant in order to
adjust for delays or mistakes in the Company's processing of properly completed
withholding elections, establish reasonable waiting and adjustment periods
and/or accounting and crediting procedures to ensure that amounts applied toward
the purchase of Shares for each Participant properly correspond with the
Participant's payroll deductions, and establish such other limitations or
procedures as the Committee determines in its sole discretion are advisable and
consistent with the Plan.

         The Plan is intended to qualify as an "employee stock purchase plan"
within the meaning of Section 423 of the Code. Each Participant shall have the
same rights and privileges as afforded by Section 423 of the Code. Accordingly,
the provisions of the Plan shall be construed so as to extend and limit
participation in a manner consistent with the requirements of that section of
the Code. Every finding, decision and determination made by the Committee shall,
to the fullest extent permitted by law, be final and binding upon all parties.


         (a) CHANGES IN CAPITALIZATION. Subject to any required action by the
shareholders of the Company, the number of Shares covered by each option under
the Plan which has not yet been exercised and the number of Shares which have
been authorized for issuance under the Plan but not yet placed under option, the
maximum number of Shares each Participant may purchase per Offering Period
(pursuant to Section 6) as well as the Purchase Price, shall be proportionately
adjusted for any increase or decrease in the number of issued Shares resulting
form a stock split, reverse stock split, stock dividend, combination or
reclassification of the Shares, or any other increase or decrease in the number
of Shares effected without receipt of consideration by the Company. Such
adjustment shall be made by the Committee, whose determination in that respect
shall be final, binding and conclusive.

         (b) DISSOLUTION OR LIQUIDATION. In the event of the proposed
dissolution or liquidation of the Company, any Offering Period then in progress
shall be shortened by setting a new Exercise Date (the "New Exercise Date"), and
any Offering Period then in progress shall end on the New Exercise Date. The New
Exercise Date shall be established by the Committee, and shall be before the
date of the Company's proposed dissolution or liquidation. The Committee shall
notify each Participant in writing, at least ten (10) business days prior to the
New Exercise Date, that the Exercise Date for the Participant's option has been
changed to the New Exercise Date and that the Participant's option shall be
exercised automatically on the New Exercise Date in accordance with Section 7.

         (c) CHANGE IN CONTROL. In the event of a Change in Control of the
Company, any Offering Period then in progress shall be shortened by setting a
new Exercise Date (the "Change of Control Exercise Date") and any Offering
Period then in progress shall end on the Change of Control Exercise Date. The
Change of Control Exercise Date shall be established by the Committee and shall
be before the date of the Company's proposed sale or merger. The Committee shall
notify each Participant in writing, at least ten (10) business days prior to the
Change of Control Exercise Date, that the Exercise Date for the Participant's
option has been changed to the Change of Control Exercise Date and that the
Participant's option shall be exercised automatically on the Change of Control
Exercise Date in accordance with Section 7.

17.      AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION. The Board of Directors may at any time and
for any reason terminate or amend the Plan, and/or delegate authority for any
amendments to the Committee. Except as provided in Section 16, no such
termination or amendment shall affect options previously granted or adversely
affect the rights of any Participant with respect thereto. Without shareholder
consent and without regard to whether any Participant rights may have been
considered to have been "adversely affected," the Plan may be amended to change
the Offering Periods, increase the Purchase Price or change the maximum amount
of payroll deductions permitted. To the extent necessary to comply with Section
423 of the Code (or any successor rule or provision or any other applicable law,
regulation or stock exchange rule), the Company shall obtain shareholder
approval of any amendment to the Plan in such a manner and to such a degree as

18.      NOTICES. All notices or other communications by a Participant to the
Company under or in connection with the Plan shall be deemed to have been duly
given when received in the form specified by the Committee at the location, or
by the person, designated by the Committee for the receipt thereof.

19.      CONDITIONS UPON ISSUANCE OF SHARES. Shares shall not be issued with
respect to an option unless the exercise of such option and the issuance and
delivery of Shares pursuant thereto shall comply with all applicable provisions
of law, domestic or foreign, including, without limitation, the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the rules
and regulations promulgated thereunder, and the requirements of any stock
exchange upon which the Shares may then be listed.

         As a condition to the exercise of an option, the Company may require a
Participant to represent and warrant at the time of any such exercise that the
Shares are being purchased only for investment and without any present intention
to sell or distribute such Shares if, in the opinion of counsel for the Company,
such a representation is required by any of the aforementioned applicable
provisions of law.

20.      TERM. The Plan shall be effective upon its adoption by the Board of
Directors subject to the approval by the shareholders of the Company which
approval must occur within the 12-month period after the Plan is adopted by the
Board of Directors. It shall continue in effect indefinitely thereafter until
the maximum number of Shares available for sale under the Plan (as provided in
Section 14 hereof) has been purchased, unless terminated pursuant to Section 17
hereof. In the event that the shareholders of the Company do not approve the
Plan, all payroll deductions that have accumulated in Participants' accounts
shall be refunded to Participants as soon as possible following the
shareholder's action.

21.      USE OF FUNDS. Payroll deductions credited to a Participant's account
shall remain the general assets of the Company or an Affiliated Company and
shall not be held in trust or required to be segregated in any manner.

22.      NO RIGHT TO CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT. Nothing in the Plan or in any option
shall confer on any Participant any right to continue in the employ of the
Company or any Affiliated Company.

                                PALL CORPORATION

                         MANAGEMENT STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

1.       PURPOSE.

         This document sets forth the Pall Corporation Management Stock Purchase
Plan as adopted effective June 29, 1999 and amended effective October 1, 1999.

         The purpose of the Plan is to encourage key employees of the
Corporation and its Affiliated Companies to increase their ownership of shares
of the Corporation's Common Stock by providing such employees with an
opportunity to elect to have portions of their total annual compensation paid in
the form of Restricted Units, and to have additional matching Restricted Units
credited with respect thereto.

         The Plan also provides certain employees with an opportunity to elect
to defer payment with respect to the Restricted Units credited to them that
become vested. With respect to these provisions, the Plan is intended to
constitute an unfunded plan of deferred compensation for "a select group of
management or highly compensated employees" within the meaning of Sections
201(2), 301(a)(3) and 401(a)(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
of 1974, as amended ("ERISA").


         As used herein, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

         "ACCOUNT" and "SUBACCOUNT" shall mean, respectively, the account, and
each Subaccount within such Account, that is established for a Participant
pursuant to Section 8.

         "AFFILIATED COMPANIES" shall mean each direct or indirect subsidiary of
the Corporation.

         "BENEFICIARY" shall mean the person or persons designated by a
Participant in accordance with Section 12 to receive any payment that is
required to be made under the Plan upon the Participant's death.

         "BOARD OF DIRECTORS" shall mean the Board of Directors of the

         "BONUS" shall mean, with respect to any Eligible Employee for any Plan
Year, the Bonus payable to such Eligible Employee during such year under the
Corporation's Executive Incentive Bonus Plan, or, if applicable, under the terms
of the Eligible Employee's
employment agreement with the Corporation, or under any other plan, program or
arrangement of annual incentive compensation maintained by the Corporation or
any of its Affiliated Companies.

         "BONUS PAYMENT DATE" shall mean each date on which Bonus payments are
made under the Corporation's Executive Incentive Bonus Plan.

         "BUSINESS DAY" shall mean any day on which the Corporation's principal
office in the U.S. is open for business.

         "CEO" shall mean the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation.

         "CHANGE IN CONTROL" means the occurrence of any of the following:

                  (a)      the "Distribution Date" as defined in Section 3 of
                           the Rights Agreement dated as of November 17, 1989
                           between the Corporation and United States Trust
                           Company of New York, as Rights Agent as the same may
                           have been amended or extended to the time in question
                           or in any successor agreement (the "Rights
                           Agreement"); or

                  (b)      any event described in Section 11(a)(ii)(B) of the
                           Rights Agreement; or

                  (c)      any event described in Section 13 of the Rights
                           Agreement; or

                  (d)      the date on which the number of duly elected and
                           qualified directors of the Corporation who were not
                           either elected by the Board of Directors or nominated
                           by the Board of Directors or its Nominating Committee
                           for election by the shareholders shall equal or
                           exceed one-third of the total number of directors of
                           the Corporation as fixed by its by-laws;

provided, however, that no Change in Control shall be deemed to have occurred,
and no rights arising upon a Change in Control as provided in Section 6 shall
exist, to the extent that the Board of Directors so determines by resolution
adopted prior to the Change in Control.

         "CLOSING PRICE" shall mean, as of any date, the closing price of a
share of Common Stock as reported on the New York Stock Exchange Composite Tape
for such date.

         "COMMITTEE" shall mean the CEO and such other officers of the
Corporation as the CEO in his discretion may appoint from time to time. The CEO
shall have the power to remove any other member of the Committee at any time.

         "COMMON STOCK" shall mean the shares of common stock ($0.10 par value)
of the Corporation.

         "COMPENSATION COMMITTEE" shall mean the Compensation Committee of the
Board of Directors.

         "CORPORATION" shall mean Pall Corporation.

         "CREDITING DATE" shall mean, with respect to any Initial Award
Restricted Unit Subaccount, Purchased Restricted Unit Subaccount or Matching
Restricted Unit Subaccount maintained for a Participant under Section 8, the
date as of which Restricted Units, or Matching Restricted Units, were first
credited to such Subaccount pursuant to Section 5(a), (b), (c), (d), or (e).

         "DEFERRED VESTED UNITS" shall mean Vested Units with respect to which
the Participant has elected to defer payment in accordance with the provisions
of Section 7(d) hereof.

         "DIVIDEND EQUIVALENT UNITS" shall mean additional Restricted Units or
additional Deferred Vested Units credited to a Participant's Account pursuant to
Section 5(f) or Section 7(d)(vi).

         "DIVIDEND PAYMENT DATE" shall mean each date on which the Corporation
pays a dividend on its Common Stock.

         "ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE" shall mean, with respect to any Plan Year, any
Employee who has been designated under Section 4 as eligible to be credited with
Restricted Units for such Plan Year.

         "EMPLOYEE" shall mean any person employed by the Corporation or any of
its Affiliated Companies.

         "INVOLUNTARY TERMINATION" shall mean the termination of a Participant's
employment with the Corporation and all of its Affiliated Companies by the
Corporation, or by any of its Affiliated Companies, for any reason other than
for disability or for cause.

         "MATCHING RESTRICTED UNITS" shall mean Restricted Units that are
credited to a Participant's Account pursuant to Section 5(e), to match
Restricted Units that are credited to the Participant's Account under Section
5(b), (c) or (d).

         "PARTICIPANT" shall mean any Employee for whom an Account has been
established, and is being maintained, pursuant to Section 8 hereof.

         "PLAN" shall mean the Pall Corporation Management Stock Purchase Plan
as set forth herein and as amended from time to time.

         "PLAN YEAR" shall mean the period beginning on August 1 of each
calendar year and ending on July 31 of the following calendar year.

         "RESTRICTED UNIT" shall mean a Unit credited to a Participant pursuant
to Section 5 that has not yet become vested in accordance with the provisions of
Section 6.

         "RETIREMENT" shall mean the termination of a Participant's employment
with the Corporation and all of its Affiliated Companies, if at the time of such
termination of employment the Participant has attained age 62 and is eligible to
receive (i) a Retirement Benefit under Section 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3 of the Pall
Corporation Pension Plan or (ii), in the case of any Participant who is not a
resident of the U.S., a similar type of benefit under any plan or program
maintained by the Corporation or any of its Affiliated Companies (or to which
the Corporation or any of its Affiliated Companies makes contributions) that
provides benefits to Employees upon their retirement.

         "TRADING DAY" shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange
is open for trading.

         "UNIT" shall mean a unit of measurement equivalent to one share of
Common Stock, with none of the attendant rights of a shareholder of such share,
including, without limitation, the right to vote such share and the right to
receive dividends thereon, except to the extent otherwise specifically provided

         "VESTED UNIT" shall mean a Unit credited to a Participant pursuant to
Section 5 that has become vested in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.

         "VESTING DATE" shall mean, with respect to any Restricted Units
credited to a Participant's Account, the date on which such Restricted Units
become vested in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.


         The number of shares of Common Stock that may be distributed with
respect to Restricted Units and Deferred Vested Units credited to Participants
under the Plan, (including Dividend Equivalent Units credited with respect to
such Units) shall be limited to 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock. If any
Restricted Units initially credited to a Participant shall be forfeited, the
number of shares of Common Stock no longer payable with respect to the
Restricted Units so forfeited shall thereupon be released and shall thereafter
be available for the crediting of new Restricted Units under the Plan. The
limitation provided under this Section 3 shall be subject to adjustment as
provided in Section 9.

         The shares of Common Stock distributed under the Plan may be authorized
and unissued shares, shares held in the treasury of the Corporation, or shares
purchased on the open market by the Corporation at such time or times and in
such manner as it may

determine. The Corporation shall be under no obligations to acquire shares of
Common Stock for distribution to Participants before payment in Common Stock is


         An Employee shall be eligible to be credited with Restricted Units
under Section 5 during any Plan Year only if he or she has been designated by
the Compensation Committee as an Eligible Employee with respect to such year.

         Upon the recommendation of the CEO, the Compensation Committee may
select as an Eligible Employee for any Plan Year any Employee who is expected to
make significant contributions during the course of such year to the success of
the Corporation and its Affiliated Companies and to the growth of their

         Any person who has been selected as an Eligible Employee for any Plan
Year shall continue to be an Eligible Employee in the Plan for each subsequent
Plan Year during the period of his or her employment, subject, however, to the
Compensation Committee's right to terminate such individual's eligibility
effective beginning as of the first base salary payment date or, if earlier, the
first Bonus Payment Date occurring after the date on which the Compensation
Committee makes its determination to terminate such individual's eligibility.


         For each Plan Year, Eligible Employees shall be credited with
Restricted Units in accordance with the following provisions:

         (a) INITIAL AWARD UNITS. Each Employee who is an Eligible Employee for
the Plan Year that begins on August 1, 1999 shall be credited as of such date
with such number of Restricted Units as the Compensation Committee in its sole
discretion may determine for such Employee. To the extent that the Compensation
Committee in its sole discretion so determines, any Employee who is designated
as an Eligible Employee at any time after August 1, 1999 shall be credited, as
of the date specified by the Compensation Committee in such determination, with
such number of Restricted Units as the Compensation Committee may determine for
such Employee.

         (b) BONUS UNITS. Each Employee who is an Eligible Employee for any Plan
Year beginning on or after August 1, 1999 may elect to have any part or all of
any Bonus that may become payable to the Participant during such year paid in
the form of Restricted Units that will be credited to his or her Account
hereunder and distributed in accordance with the provisions of this Plan,
instead of being paid to the Eligible Employee in cash. If an Eligible Employee
has so elected, the Eligible Employee's Account shall be credited on the first
Bonus Payment Date during such year with a number of Restricted Units determined
by dividing (i) the total amount of the portion of the Eligible Employee's Bonus
payable during

such year which the Eligible Employee elected to have paid in the form of
Restricted Units, by (ii) the Closing Price of a share of Common Stock on such
Bonus Payment Date or, if such date is not a Trading Day, on the next following
day that is a Trading Day.

         (c) BASE SALARY UNITS. Each Employee who is an Eligible Employee for
any Plan Year beginning on or after August 1, 1999 may elect to have up to 50%
of the amount of the base salary otherwise payable to the Eligible Employee on
each payday during such year paid in the form of Restricted Units that will be
credited to his or her Account hereunder and distributed in accordance with the
provisions of this Plan, instead of being paid to the Eligible Employee in cash.
If an Eligible Employee has so elected, the amount specified in such election
shall be withheld from the payment of base salary otherwise required to be made
to the Eligible Employee on each payday during such year, and the Eligible
Employee's Account shall be credited on January 31 and on July 31 of such year,
with a number of Restricted Units determined by dividing (i) the aggregate
amount so withheld from the start of such year, in the case of the Restricted
Units to be credited on January 31, or from January 31, in the case of the
Restricted Units to be credited on July 31, by (ii) the Closing Price of a share
of Common Stock on the applicable crediting date or, if such date is not a
Trading Day, on the next following day that is a Trading Day.

         (d) CASH PAYMENT UNITS. Each Employee who is an Eligible Employee for
any Plan Year beginning on or after August 1, 1999 may make a direct cash
payment to the Corporation at least seven days prior to any Bonus Payment Date
during such year and in consideration thereof, have his or her Account credited
on such Bonus Payment Date with a number of Restricted Units determined by
dividing (i) the amount of such cash payment by (ii) the Closing Price of a
share of Common Stock on such Bonus Payment Date or, if such date is not a
Trading Day, on the next following day that is a Trading Day.

         The aggregate amount of the direct cash payments that an Eligible
Employee may make under this Section 5(d) during any Plan Year shall not exceed
the sum of (x) the amount by which 50% of the Eligible Employee's base salary
for such year exceeds the portion thereof which the Eligible Employee has
elected under Section 5(c) to have paid in the form of Restricted Units, plus
(y) the amount by which the Bonus payable to the Eligible Employee during such
Plan Year exceeds the portion thereof which the Eligible Employee elected under
Section 5(b) to have paid in the form of Restricted Units.

         (e) MATCHING UNITS. On each date on which any Restricted Units are
credited to an Eligible Employee's Account pursuant to the provisions of
paragraphs (b), (c) or (d) of this Section 5, there shall also be credited to
the Eligible Employee's Account on that date a number of Matching Restricted
Units equal to (i) 50% of the number of Restricted Units credited on such date,
in the case of Restricted Units credited during the Plan Year beginning on
August 1, 1999, and (ii) 331/3% of the number of Restricted Units credited on
such date, in the case of Restricted Units credited during each Plan Year
beginning on or after August 1, 2000.

         (f) DIVIDEND EQUIVALENTS. Until the Vesting Date for the Restricted
Units that have been credited to a Participant's Account pursuant to paragraphs
(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of this Section 5, additional Restricted Units shall
be credited to the Participant's Account, with respect to the Restricted Units
so credited, as of each Dividend Payment Date. The number of additional
Restricted Units to be so credited shall be determined separately for each
Initial Award Restricted Unit Subaccount, for each Purchased Restricted Unit
Subaccount, and for each Matching Restricted Unit Subaccount, maintained for a
Participant pursuant to Section 8. The number of additional Restricted Units to
be credited to each such Subaccount shall be determined by first multiplying (A)
the total number of Restricted Units standing to the Participant's credit in
such Subaccount on the day immediately preceding such Dividend Payment Date
(including all Dividend Equivalent Units credited to such Subaccount on all
previous Dividend Payment Dates), by (B) the per-share dollar amount of the
dividend paid on such Dividend Payment Date and then, dividing the resulting
amount by the Closing Price of one share of Common Stock on such Dividend
Payment Date.

         (g) ELECTION PROCEDURES. Any election made by an Eligible Employee
under paragraph (b) or (c) of this Section 5 shall be made in accordance with,
and shall be subject to, the provisions set forth below.

                  (i) any such election shall be made in writing, on a form
         furnished to the Eligible Employee for such purpose by the Committee
         and filed by the Eligible Employee with the Committee.

                  (ii) An election under Section 5(b) with respect to the Bonus
         payable to an Eligible Employee during the Plan Year beginning on
         August 1, 1999 shall be made by no later than July 23, 1999. An
         election under Section 5(b) with respect to the Bonus payable to an
         Eligible Employee during any Plan Year beginning on or after August 1,
         2000 shall be made by no later than April 30 of the immediately
         preceding Plan Year. An election under Section 5(c) with respect to the
         base salary payable to an Eligible Employee during any Plan Year shall
         be made on or prior to the last Business Day preceding the start of
         such Plan Year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Employee who is
         hired after the start of a Plan Year but who is designated under
         Section 4 as an Eligible Employee for such year may make election under
         Section 5(c) with respect to his or her base salary for such year at
         any time during the 30-day period commencing on his or her date of
         hire; provided, however, that any election so made shall be effective
         only with respect to base salary payable to the Eligible Employee for
         periods of service beginning after the date on which he or she files
         such election with the Committee.

                  (iii) In his or her election form, the Eligible Employee shall
         specify, by dollar amount (which shall be an even multiple of $100) or
         by percentage (which shall be an even multiple of 1%), the portion of
         his or her Bonus and/or base salary that the Eligible Employee wishes
         to have paid in the form of Restricted Units credited to his or her
         Account, instead of in cash. The dollar amount or percentage so
         specified shall

         be at least equal to any minimum amount or percentage which the
         Committee in its discretion may have determined to be applicable to
         elections under Section 5(b) and/or Section 5(c) for the Plan Year.

                  (iv) Any election made under Section 5(b) or (c) for any Plan
         Year shall be irrevocable.

         (h) OTHER ELECTION RULES. Elections made under Section 5(b) or (c)
shall be subject to the following rules:

                  (i) If an Eligible Employee who has made an election under
         Section 5(b) with respect to the Bonus payable to the Eligible Employee
         during any Plan Year terminates employment with the Company and all of
         its Affiliated Companies for any reason prior to any Bonus Payment Date
         for such Bonus but is nevertheless entitled to receive a Bonus payment
         on such date, the portion of such payment that is otherwise required to
         be paid by means of the crediting of Restricted Units to the Eligible
         Employee's Account pursuant to his or her election under Section 5(b)
         shall not be paid in such form, but shall be paid instead in the form
         of a single lump sum cash payment. Such payment shall be made as soon
         as practicable after such Bonus Payment Date.

                  (ii) If an Eligible Employee who has made an election under
         Section 5(c) with respect to the base salary payable to the Eligible
         Employee during any Plan Year terminates employment with the Company
         and all of its Affiliated Companies for any reason prior to any date on
         which Restricted Units are to be credited to his or her Account with
         respect to amounts withheld from his or her base salary pursuant to
         such election, no Restricted Units shall be so credited on such date
         but instead, the aggregate amount so withheld as of the date of the
         Eligible Employee's termination of employment shall be paid to the
         Eligible Employee, without interest thereon, in a single lump sum cash
         payment. Payment shall be made on such termination date, or as soon
         thereafter as is practicable.

                  (iii) Any election made by an Eligible Employee under Section
         5(b) or (c) shall not be given effect if, at any time during the
         12-month period ending on the date as of which any Restricted Units are
         otherwise required to be credited to his or her Account pursuant to
         such election, the Eligible Employee received a hardship withdrawal
         under Section 7.2 of the Pall Corporation Profit-Sharing Plan.


         Restricted Units credited to a Participant's Account, and Dividend
Equivalent Units credited with respect thereto, shall become vested in
accordance with the provisions set forth below.

         (a) All Restricted Units standing to a Participant's credit in any
Initial Award Restricted Unit Subaccount, Purchased Restricted Unit Subaccount
or Matching Restricted Unit Subaccount maintained for the Participant under
Section 8 (including, in each case, all such Units that are Dividend Equivalent
Units) shall become vested on the earliest to occur of the following dates:

                  (i) the third anniversary of the Crediting Date for such

                  (ii) the date of the Participant's death,

                  (iii) the date as of which the Participant first incurs a
         disability that entitles the Participant to a Social Security
         certificate of disability award under the Federal Social Security Act,

                  (iv) the date on which a Change in Control occurs.

         (b) If a Participant's employment with the Corporation and all of its
Affiliated Companies terminates as a result of Retirement or Involuntary
Termination prior to the third anniversary of the Crediting Date for any Initial
Reward Restricted Unit Subaccount, Purchased Restricted Unit Subaccount or
Matching Restricted Unit Subaccount maintained for the Participant under Section
8 and prior to the occurrence of a Change in Control, as of the date of such
termination of the Participant's employment

                  (i) all Units in any such Purchased Restricted Unit Subaccount
         (including all such Units that are Dividend Equivalent Units), shall
         become vested;

                  (ii) the Earned Portion (as defined below) of all Units in any
         such Initial Award Restricted Unit Subaccount and in any such Matching
         Restricted Unit Subaccount (including all such Units that are Dividend
         Equivalent Units), shall become vested; and

                  (iii) the Unearned Portion (as defined below) of all Units in
         any such Initial Award Restricted Unit Subaccount and in any such
         Matching Restricted Unit Subaccount (including all such Units that are
         Dividend Equivalent Units) shall be forfeited, and the Participant
         shall have no further rights with respect thereto.

         For purposes of the foregoing, the "Earned Portion" of the Units in any
Initial Award Restricted Unit Subaccount and in any Matching Restricted Unit
Subaccount maintained for a Participant shall mean the percentage of such Units
determined by dividing by 36 the number of months in the period beginning on the
Crediting Date for such Subaccount and ending on the date of the Participant's
termination of employment, with any fraction of a month included in such period
treated as a full month; and the "Unearned Portion" of the Units in any such
Subaccount shall mean the percentage of such Units determined by

subtracting from 100% the Earned Portion of such Units, as determined under the
preceding clause.

         (c) If a Participant's employment with the Corporation and all of its
Affiliated Companies terminates for any reason other than death, disability,
Retirement or Involuntary Termination prior to the third anniversary of the
Crediting Date for any Initial Award Restricted Unit Subaccount, Purchased
Restricted Unit Subaccount or Matching Restricted Unit Subaccount maintained for
the Participant under Section 8 and prior to the occurrence of a Change in
Control, upon such termination of the Participant's employment

                  (i) all Units in any such Initial Award Restricted Unit
         Subaccount and in any such Matching Restricted Unit Subaccount
         (including all such Units that are Dividend Equivalent Units), shall be
         forfeited, and the Participant shall have no further rights with
         respect thereto; and

                  (ii) all Units in any such Purchased Restricted Unit
         Subaccount shall become vested.


         Payment with respect to a Participant's Vested Units shall be made in
accordance with the provisions set forth below.

         (a) TIME FOR PAYMENT. Payment with respect to a Participant's Vested
Units shall be made to the Participant or, in the event of the Participant's
death, to his or her Beneficiary, as soon as practicable after the Vesting Date
for such Units, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (d) below.

         (b) FORM OF PAYMENT. Except as provided in paragraph (c) below, payment
to be made in accordance with paragraph (a) above with respect to all Restricted
Units that have become vested on any Vesting Date shall be made in the form of a
single lump sum payment consisting of (i) a number of shares of Common Stock
equal to the total number of whole Restricted Units that have become vested on
such Vesting Date, and (ii) a cash payment for any fractional part of a
Restricted Unit that has become vested on such Vesting Date. The amount of such
cash payment shall be determined by multiplying such fractional part by the
Closing Price of a share of Common Stock on the first Trading Day preceding the
date of payment.

         (c) PAYMENT ON TERMINATION. Payment to be made in accordance with
paragraph (a) above with respect to all Restricted Units that have become vested
pursuant to Section 6(c)(ii) on any Vesting Date shall be made by the issuance
of a number of shares of Common Stock determined by dividing the lesser of (x)
the aggregate value of such Units determined by multiplying the number of such
Units by the Closing Price of a share of Common Stock on the date or dates as of
which such Units were credited to the Participant's Account, or (y)

the aggregate value of such Units determined by multiplying the number of such
Units by the Closing Price of a share of Common Stock on such Vesting Date, by
(z) the Closing Price of a share of Common Stock on such Vesting Date. If such
Vesting Date was not a Trading Day, the Closing Price of a share of Common Stock
on the first Trading Day following such Vesting Date shall be used for purposes
of the preceding sentence. If the number of shares of Common Stock determined in
accordance with the provisions of the second preceding sentence includes a
fractional part of a share, payment with respect to such fractional part shall
be made in cash, in an amount determined by multiplying such fractional part by
the Closing Price of a share of Common Stock on the first Trading Day preceding
the date of payment.

         (d) DEFERRED PAYMENT. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (e) below,
payment with respect to part or all of a Participant's Restricted Units that
become vested on any Vesting Date pursuant to Section 6(a)(i) shall be deferred,
and shall be made at the time and in the manner hereinafter set forth, if the
Participant so elects in accordance with the following provisions:

                  (i) An election by the Participant hereunder with respect to
         any Restricted Units that become vested on any Vesting Date shall be
         made in writing, on a form furnished to the Participant for such
         purpose by the Committee. The form shall be filed with the Committee at
         least one year prior to such Vesting Date.

                  (ii) In the Participant's election form, the Participant shall
         specify the number of such Restricted Units with respect to which the
         Participant wishes to defer payment, and the date on which payment with
         respect to such Units shall be made (the "Payment Date").

                  (iii) The Participant may select, as the Payment Date for such
         Units (A) the first Business Day of the calendar year following the
         date of termination of his or her employment with the Corporation or
         any of its Affiliated Companies for any reason, or (B) the first
         Business Day of any earlier calendar month but no earlier than the
         first Business Day of the third calendar year following the calendar
         year in which the Vesting Date for such Units occurs.

                  (iv) Any election made hereunder by the Participant shall be

                  (v) As of the Vesting Date for any Restricted Units covered by
         a deferral election made by a Participant hereunder, the number of such
         Units shall be transferred from the Restricted Unit Subaccount or
         Matching Restricted Unit Subaccount in which such Units were recorded
         to the appropriate Deferred Vested Unit Subaccount established for the
         Participant under Section 8.

                  (vi) Until payment has been made with respect to all of the
         Units in any Deferred Vested Unit Subaccount maintained for the
         Participant under Section 8,

         there shall be credited to each such Subaccount, as of each Dividend
         Payment Date, a number of additional Deferred Vested Units determined
         by first multiplying (A) the total number of Deferred Vested Units
         standing to the Participant's credit in such Subaccount on the day
         immediately preceding such Dividend Payment Date (including all
         Dividend Equivalent Units credited to such Subaccount on all previous
         Dividend Payment Dates), by (B) the per-share dollar amount of the
         dividend paid on such Dividend Payment Date and then, dividing the
         resulting amount by the Closing Price of one share of Common Stock on
         such Dividend Payment Date.

                  (vii) Except as provided in subparagraph (viii) below, payment
         with respect to the Deferred Vested Units in any Deferred Vested Unit
         Subaccount maintained for the Participant shall be made on the Payment
         Date specified by the Participant in his or her deferral election with
         respect to such Units. Payment with respect to the Deferred Vested
         Units payable on any Payment Date shall be made (A) by the issuance of
         one share of Common Stock for each whole Deferred Vested Unit payable
         on such Payment Date, and (B) by a cash payment for any fractional part
         of a Deferred Vested Unit payable on such Payment Date. The amount of
         such cash payment shall be determined by multiplying such fractional
         part by the Closing Price of a share of Common Stock on the first
         Trading Day preceding the date of payment.

                  (viii) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Section 7
         to the contrary, payment with respect to any part or all of any
         Deferred Vested Unit Subaccount maintained for a Participant may be
         made to the Participant on any date earlier than the Payment Date
         specified by the Participant in his deferral election for such Units if
         (A) the Participant requests such early payment and (B) the Committee,
         in its sole discretion, determines that such early payment is necessary
         to help the Participant meet an "unforeseeable emergency" within the
         meaning of Section 1.457-2(h)(4) of the federal income tax regulations.
         The amount that may be so paid may not exceed the amount necessary to
         meet such emergency.

         (e) LIMITATIONS ON DEFERRALS. A deferral election otherwise permitted
to be made under paragraph (d) above shall be subject to the following

                  (i) The Committee may deny any Participant the right to make
         such election if it determines, in its sole discretion, that such
         deferral election by the Participant might cause the Plan to fail to be
         treated as a plan of deferred compensation "for a select group of
         management or highly compensated employees" for purposes of ERISA.

                  (ii) If a Change in Control should occur after the date on
         which the Participant's election form is filed with the Committee but
         before the date that otherwise would have been the Vesting Date under
         Section 6(a)(i) for the Units designated in such form, the
         Participant's deferral election shall not be given effect,

         and payment with respect to such Units shall be made in accordance with
         the other applicable provisions of this Section 7.

                  (iii) No deferral election shall be effective hereunder if, at
         any time during the 12-month period ending on the Vesting Date, the
         Participant received a hardship withdrawal under Section 7.2 of the
         Pall Corporation Profit-Sharing Plan.

                  (iv) No amount may be deferred with respect to the
         Participant's Vested Units pursuant to a Participant's deferral
         election hereunder to the extent that any tax is required to be
         withheld with respect to such amount pursuant to applicable federal,
         state or local law.

8.       ACCOUNTS.

         There shall be established on the books and records of the Corporation,
for book keeping purposes only, a separate Account for each Participant, to
reflect the Participant's interest under the Plan.

         Within each Account so established for each Participant there shall be
established and maintained the following Subaccounts: an "Initial Award
Restricted Unit Subaccount" to reflect all Restricted Units to be credited to
the Participant's Account on any Crediting Date pursuant to Section 5(a); a
"Purchased Restricted Unit Subaccount" to reflect all Restricted Units to be
credited to the Participant's account on any Crediting Date pursuant to Section
5(b), (c) or (d); a "Matching Restricted Unit Subaccount" to reflect all
Matching Restricted Units to be credited to the Participant's Account on any
Crediting Date pursuant to Section 5(e); and a "Deferred Vested Unit Subaccount"
to reflect all Vested Units with respect to which a Participant has elected to
defer payment, and for which the Participant has selected the same Payment Date,
pursuant to Section 7(d).

         A Participant's Account and Subaccounts shall be adjusted from time to
time to reflect all Dividend Equivalent Units to be credited thereto pursuant to
Section 5(f) and Section 7(d)(vi), all payments made with respect to the Units
reflected therein pursuant to Section 7, and, in the case of any Initial Award
Restricted Unit Subaccount, Purchased Restricted Unit Subaccount or Matching
Restricted Unit Subaccount maintained for a Participant, any forfeitures of
Units reflected therein pursuant to Section 6.

         A Participant's interest in any Deferred Vested Unit Subaccount
maintained for the Participant shall be fully vested and nonforfeitable at all


         In the event of any change in the shares of Common Stock by reason of
any stock dividend, stock split, recapitalization, reorganization, merger,
consolidation, split-up, combination or exchange of shares, or any rights
offering to purchase shares of Common Stock at a price substantially below fair
market value, or any similar change affecting the shares of Common Stock, the
number and kind of shares represented by Units credited to Participants'
Accounts shall be appropriately adjusted consistent with such change in such
manner as the Compensation Committee, in its sole discretion, may deem equitable
to prevent substantial dilution or enlargement of the rights granted to, or
available for, the Participants hereunder. The Committee shall give notice to
each Participant of any adjustment made pursuant to this Section and, upon such
notice, such adjustment shall be effective and binding for all purposes.


         The Corporation, in its discretion, may postpone the issuance,
delivery, or distribution of shares of Common Stock with respect to any Vested
Units until completion of such stock exchange listing or other qualification of
such shares under any state or federal law, rule or regulation as the
Corporation may consider appropriate, and may require any Participant or
Beneficiary to make such representations and furnish such information as it may
consider appropriate in connection with the issuance or delivery of the shares
in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.

11.      TAXES.

         The Corporation or any of its Affiliated Companies may make such
provisions and take such steps as it may deem necessary or appropriate for the
withholding of all federal, state and local taxes required by law to be withheld
with respect to any payments to be made under the Plan including, but not
limited to (i) deducting the amount so required to be withheld from any other
amount then or thereafter payable to a Participant or Beneficiary, and/or (ii)
requiring a Participant or Beneficiary to pay to the Corporation or any of its
Affiliated Companies the amount so required to be withheld as a condition of the
issuance, delivery, or distribution of any shares of Common Stock. With the
approval of the Compensation Committee, the Committee may permit such amount to
be paid in shares of Common Stock previously owned by the Participant, or a
portion of the shares of Common Stock that otherwise would be distributed to
such Participant in respect to his or her Vested Units, or a combination of cash
and shares of Common Shares.


         Each Participant shall file with the Committee a written designation of
one or more persons as the Beneficiary who shall be entitled to receive any
amount, or any shares of Common Stock, payable under the Plan upon his or her
death. A Participant may, from time to time, revoke or change his or her
Beneficiary designation without the consent of any previously designated
Beneficiary by filing a new designation with the Committee. The last such
designation received by the Committee shall be controlling; provided, however,
that no designation, or change or revocation thereof, shall be effective unless
received by the Committee prior to the Participant's death, and in no event
shall it be effective as of a date prior to such receipt. If at the date of a
Participant's death, there is no designation of a Beneficiary in effect for the
Participant pursuant to the provisions of this Section 12, or if no Beneficiary
designated by the Participant in accordance with the provisions hereof survives
to receive any amount, or any shares of Common Stock, payable under the Plan by
reason of the Participant's death, the Participant's estate shall be treated as
the Participant's Beneficiary for purposes of the Plan.


         A Participant's rights and interests under the Plan shall be subject to
the following provisions:

         (a) A Participant shall have the status of a general unsecured creditor
of the Corporation with respect to his or her right to receive any payment
under the Plan. The Plan shall constitute a mere promise by the Corporation or
the applicable Affiliated Company to make payments in the future of the benefits
provided for herein. It is intended that the arrangements reflected in the Plan
be treated as unfunded for tax purposes, as well as for purposes of any
applicable provisions of Title I of ERISA.

         (b) A Participant's rights to payments under the Plan shall not be
subject in any manner to anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer, assignment,
pledge, encumbrance, attachment, or garnishment by creditors of the Participant
or his or her Beneficiary.

         (c) Neither the Plan nor any action taken hereunder shall be construed
as giving any Participant any right to be retained in the employment of the
Corporation or any of its Affiliated Companies.

         (d) No Participant shall have the right, by virtue of having been
selected as an Eligible Employee with respect to any Plan Year, to be
automatically treated as an Eligible Employee with respect to any subsequent
Plan Year.

         (e) No Restricted Units credited to a Participant's Account, and no
payments made with respect to such Units upon or after they become vested, shall
be considered as compensation under any employee benefit plan of the Corporation
or any of its Affiliated

Companies, except as specifically provided in any such plan or as otherwise
determined by the Board of Directors.


         The Plan shall be administered by the Committee. A majority of the
members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. The Committee may act at a
meeting, including a telephone meeting, by action of a majority of the members
present, or without a meeting by unanimous written consent. In addition to the
responsibilities and powers assigned to the Committee elsewhere in the Plan, the
Committee shall have the authority, in its discretion, to establish from time to
time guidelines or regulations for the administration of the Plan, interpret the
Plan, and make all determinations considered necessary or advisable for the
administration of the Plan; provided, however, that any questions as to the
rights under the Plan of any person who is an Elected Officer under Section
4.01(a), of the By-Laws of the Corporation, as amended on June 29, 1999 or
thereafter, shall be determined by the Compensation Committee instead of by the

         The Committee may delegate any ministerial or nondiscretionary function
pertaining to the administration of the Plan to any one or more officers of the

         All decisions, actions or interpretations of the Committee or the
Compensation Committee under the Plan shall be final, conclusive and binding
upon all parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any determination made by the
Committee or the Compensation Committee after the occurrence of a Change in
Control that denies in whole or in part any claim made by any individual for
benefits under the Plan shall be subject to judicial review, under a "de novo",
rather than a deferential standard.


         The Board of Directors may, with prospective or retroactive effect,
amend, suspend or terminate the Plan or any portion thereof at any time;
provided, however, that no amendment, suspension or termination of the Plan
shall adversely affect the rights of any Participant with respect to any Units
previously credited to the Participant's Account, without his or her written


         The obligations of the Corporation under the Plan shall be binding upon
any successor corporation or organization resulting from the merger,
consolidation or other reorganization of the Corporation, or upon any successor
corporation or organization succeeding to substantially all of the assets and
business of the Corporation. The Corporation agrees that it will make
appropriate provision for the preservation of Participants' rights under the
Plan in any agreement or plan which it may enter into or adopt to effect any
such merger, consolidation, reorganization or transfer of assets.


         The Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of New York.


         The Plan was adopted effective as of June 29, 1999 by the Board of
Directors, acting by the Compensation Committee, subject, however, to approval
by the shareholders of the Corporation by a majority of the votes cast in person
or by proxy at the 1999 annual meeting of the Corporation's shareholders.
Restricted Units may be credited to the Accounts of Eligible Employees as
provided herein prior to such shareholder approval, subject to such approval
being obtained at such meeting.

As adopted by the Compensation Committee of
the Board of Directors on June 29, 1999, and
amended by that Committee by Consent dated
October 1, 1999, subject to approval by
shareholders at the annual meeting on
November 17, 1999.

                                PALL CORPORATION


The undersigned hereby appoints ERIC KRASNOFF, JEREMY HAYWARD-SURRY and HEYWOOD
SHELLEY, and each of them, with full power of substitution, proxies of the
undersigned to vote all shares of the Common Stock of Pall Corporation (the
"Company") which the undersigned would be entitled to vote if present at, and
to act for the undersigned at, the annual meeting of shareholders of the
Company to be held on Wednesday, November 17, 1999, at 11:00 a.m., and at any
adjournment thereof, on the matters indicated on the reverse side hereof.

This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of the Company and, when
properly executed, will be voted in accordance with the instructions specified
on the reverse side. If no instructions are specified, this proxy will be voted
FOR the election of all nominees for director named on the reverse side hereof
(or for a substitute nominee if any of those named should become unavailable)
and FOR approval of the adoption of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan and the
Management Stock Purchase Plan. On any other business which may properly come
before the meeting, this proxy will be voted in accordance with the judgment of
the persons named above as proxies.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOTE: Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. Joint owners should
 each sign. When signing as attorney-in-fact, executor, administrator, trustee,
         guardian or corporate officer, please give full title as such.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------        ------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------        ------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------        ------------------------------------

DETACH CARD                                                         DETACH CARD


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                PALL CORPORATION
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mark box at right if an address change or comment has been
noted on the reverse side of this card.                                      [ ]


Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy.            Date
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shareholder sign here                             Co-owner sign here
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Election of Directors:

                                                     For All    With-   For All
                                                     Nominees   hold    Except

         (01) Abraham Appel                            [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
         (02) Daniel J. Carroll, Jr.
         (03) Ulric Haynes, Jr.
         (04) Jeremy Hayward-Surry
         (05) Edwin W. Martin, Jr.

If you wish to withhold authority for any particular nominee(s), mark the "For
All Except" box and print the name(s) of such nominee(s) below.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       For   Against   Abstain

2. Adoption of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan.       [ ]     [ ]      [ ]

3. Adoption of the Management Stock Purchase Plan.     [ ]     [ ]      [ ]

4. The transaction of such other business as may properly come before the
   meeting or any adjournment thereof.

   The signer(s) hereby revoke(s) all proxies heretofore given by the
   signer(s) to vote at said meeting or any adjournment thereof.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               VOTE BY TELEPHONE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It's fast, convenient, and immediate!
Call Toll-Free on a Touch-Tone Phone


1. Read the accompanying Proxy Statement and this Proxy Card.

2. Call the toll-free number
   1-877-PRX-VOTE (1-877-779-8683). For shareholders residing outside the United
   States call collect on a touch-tone phone 1-201-536-8073.
   There is NO CHARGE for this call.

3. Enter your Control Number located on this Proxy Card.

4. Follow the recorded instructions.

Call 1-877-PRX-VOTE anytime!

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                VOTE BY INTERNET
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It's fast, convenient, and your vote is immediately confirmed and posted.


1. Read the accompanying Proxy Statement and this Proxy Card.

2. Go to the Website


3. Enter your Control Number located on this Proxy Card.

4. Follow the instructions provided.

Go to http://www.eproxyvote.com/pll anytime!