COAL SALES AGREEMENT

         THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), entered into on October 22, 1999, by and
between Anker Energy Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("Seller") and AK Steel
Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("Buyer").


         WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase from Seller 100% of Buyer's
requirements for low volatile coal for its coke requirements at its Middletown,
Ohio Coke Plant (the "Middletown Plant") and its Ashland, Kentucky Coke Plant
(the "Ashland Plant") (the Middletown Plant and the Ashland Plant are
collectively referred to as the "Plants"), and Seller desires to sell such Coal
to Buyer.

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the mutual
covenants and agreements contained herein and intending to be legally bound, the
parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I



     The coal to be bought and sold pursuant to this Agreement ("Coal") is low
     volatile metallurgical grade coal (i) solely sourced from the Baylor
     underground coal mine near Beckley, West Virginia (the "Mine") and (ii)
     meeting the specifications set forth in Exhibit 1 hereto.

                                   ARTICLE II



     This Agreement shall be effective as of October 1, 1999 and shall expire on
     December 31, 2001, unless earlier terminated in accordance with the express
     provisions of this Agreement; provided, however, deliveries of Coal for the
     Middletown Plant shall not begin before December 1, 1999 and, provided
     further, that Buyer shall only be required to purchase one trainload of
     Coal for the Middletown Plant in December, 1999.



     So long as Seller or any of its affiliates does not (i) sell or otherwise
     transfer in the aggregate more than 12,000 tons of Coal per month from the
     Mine in Calendar Year 2000 to persons or entities other than Buyer; and
     (ii) enter into any arrangement for the sale of Coal with a person or
     entity other than Buyer in Calendar Year 2001 without the prior written
     consent of Buyer, Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agreement
     at any time in the event that (y) Seller determines in its sole reasonable
     opinion that all of the economically minable Coal has been mined and
     removed from the Mine; and (z) Anker West Virginia Mining Co. terminates
     mining operations at the Mine.

                                   ARTICLE III



     (a)  In accordance with this Agreement, Seller shall sell and deliver, and
          Buyer shall accept and purchase, Buyer's requirements for Coal used in
          the coke ovens at the Plants during the term of this Agreement.


     (a)  Except in the event of force majeure as set forth in Article IX of the
          Agreement, in the event the Coal supplied by Seller from the Mine, is
          less than that required by Buyer and Buyer must purchase substitute
          Coal, Seller shall reimburse Buyer the excess, if any, of the price
          for the substitute Coal plus applicable transportation cost paid by
          Buyer for such substitute Coal over the Base Price for Coal hereunder
          plus the cost which Buyer would have paid for transportation of Coal
          hereunder. Such payment shall be made by Seller upon receipt of
          Buyer's invoice together with satisfactory documentation of the total
          delivered cost of such substitute Coal.

3.3      Buyer shall provide Seller by the 15th day of the month preceding the
         month in which Coal is to be delivered a good faith forecast of its
         requirements for the month for each of the Plants.

                                   ARTICLE IV



     The point of delivery for all Coal hereunder shall be railcars at the Mine.
     Buyer shall be responsible for arranging for and paying for transportation
     of the Coal to the Plants and obtaining insurance during transit. Shipment
     shall be by unit trains with minimum of both seventy (70) railcars and


     net tons ("Trainloads") unless otherwise specified by Buyer in writing.
     Seller must tender Trainload shipments to CSXT from the Mine within
     twenty-four (24) hours after the last empty car is placed at the Mine for


     Title to, and risk of loss of, all Coal shall pass to Buyer upon loading
     into railcars.


     Coal shall be delivered hereunder in shipments distributed as evenly as
     practical throughout each month and throughout the calendar year. Seller
     shall communicate to Buyer any impact to its production schedule caused by,
     but not limited to, break down, scheduled maintenance, labor disputes,
     miner's vacation and geological changes in the seam. Seller shall use
     reasonable efforts to adjust shipping schedules to reduce any negative
     impact to Buyer.


     Seller shall FAX, on the day of shipment, the shipping date, Trainload
     number, car numbers and estimated total weight of shipment. This FAX will
     be sent to:

     Middletown Shipments:                                            Ashland Shipments:
     ---------------------                                            ------------------
     AK Steel Corporation                                             AK Steel Corporation
     Middletown Coke Plant                                            Ashland Coke Plant
     Attn:  Bill Weber at Fax: 513-425-5423                           Attn:  Bill Weber at Fax: 513-425-5423
     & Dave Chmielewski at Fax: 513-425-6262                          & Dan Howell at Fax: 606-329-7947

                                    ARTICLE V



     Coal delivered hereunder shall conform to the specifications in Exhibit I,
     on a Trainload basis except as otherwise noted.


     In the event shipments of less than 7,000 net tons are tendered, such
     shipments may be combined with the next shipment(s) from that Mine to that
     Plant up to a maximum of 10,000 tons. In which case such combined tonnages
     of Coal shall be considered a Trainload. The weighted average analysis of
     the combined tonnages of those shipments shall be considered the analysis
     for that Trainload.


     (a)  Buyer may reject any Trainload of Coal which fails to conform to the
          rejection limits as set forth in Exhibit I. Only if Seller is in
          compliance with Section 5.3(d), Buyer shall have twenty-four (24)
          hours from receipt of analysis indicating the Coal is subject to
          rejection to notify Seller of its intent to reject. If Seller is not
          in compliance with Section 5.3(d), Buyer shall have a reasonable time
          to notify Seller of its intent to reject. Failure by Buyer to notify
          Seller constitutes acceptance. Upon Buyer's rejection, title and all
          risk of loss of such Coal shall immediately revert back to Seller and
          Seller shall be responsible for all reasonable costs associated with
          such reject Coal.

     (b)  In the event, on a plant by plant basis, any single specifications
          parameter of the Coal from three consecutive Trainloads does not meet
          the tolerance levels set forth in Exhibit I, but is not subject to
          rejection, Buyer by notice to Seller may suspend the deliveries of

     (c)  In the event any single specification parameter of the Coal, on a
          plant by plant basis, in the Monthly Analysis ("Monthly Analysis"
          shall mean the specification obtained by taking the weighted average
          of all Coal in a given month) fails to conform to the tolerance levels
          set forth in Exhibit "I" hereto, but is not subject to rejection, and
          such condition persists for three consecutive months, Buyer by notice
          to Seller may suspend deliveries of Coal.

     (d)  Upon receipt of notice of suspension, Seller shall use reasonable
          efforts to correct the condition(s) causing the Coal to deviate from
          such specification(s). The suspensions outlined above in 5.2(b) and
          5.2(c) and 5.2(e) below shall continue until Seller provides Buyer
          reasonable assurances of correction of such condition(s). During the
          period of any suspension of deliveries pursuant to Section 5.2(b),
          5.2(c) or 5.2(e), Buyer and Seller will work together in good faith to
          select Substitute Coal sources in accordance with Section 3.2.

     (e)  If two consecutive shipments to the same Plant display more than 8%
          SHO Expansion, Buyer may suspend deliveries.


     (a)  Seller shall cause each Trainload of Coal to be sampled by an
          independent laboratory mutually agreeable to Buyer and Seller in 10
          car lots and in accordance with the standards of the American Society
          for Testing and Materials ("ASTM"), or with other methods mutually
          agreeable to Seller and Buyer. A composite sample of each 10 car lot
          shall be divided into two (2) equal parts. One part shall be retained
          as a referee sample, and one shall be used by Seller for quality


     (b)  Methods and procedures for conducting tests and analyses shall be in
          accordance with ASTM standards, or with other methods and procedures
          mutually agreeable to Seller and Buyer. All such tests and analysis
          shall be performed by an independent laboratory mutually agreeable to
          Buyer and Seller.

     (c)  Buyer, at its own risk and expense, may observe the sampling and
          analysis performed by or on behalf of Seller and conduct periodic
          inspections of equipment and facilities used in the sampling and

     (d)  Seller shall cause each 10 car composite sample to be analyzed, with
          respect to moisture, ash, sulfur and volatile matter. Geiseler
          plastometer, alkalies, reflectance, total inerts, SHO Expansion, Arnu
          dilatometer and size analysis shall be performed on each Trainload of
          Coal delivered to Buyer, unless this frequency is modified by mutual
          agreement. The analysis for each Trainload with respect to moisture,
          ash, volatile matter and sulfur shall be obtained by calculating the
          weighted average of the results from the 10 car composite analyses.
          Seller's conclusions as to the quality of the coal with respect to
          moisture, ash, sulfur and volatile matter analysis shall be provided
          to Buyer no later than one day following the date of shipment and with
          respect to Geiseler plastometer, Arnu dilatometer and size analysis,
          shall be provided no later than four (4) days following the date of
          shipment and, unless a referee analysis as hereinafter provided for is
          performed, shall be conclusive and binding. Referee samples of
          sufficient quantity to run all analysis of each Trainload shall be
          retained for a period of 30 days following the receipt of its quality
          conclusions relative to such shipment to Buyer. By notice to Seller
          within 20 days following the receipt of Seller's conclusions, Buyer
          may request that such referee samples be analyzed by an independent
          company agreeable to Seller. In such event, the results of such
          referee analysis, if different from Seller's analysis by more than the
          applicable ASTM tolerances, shall supersede Seller's quality
          conclusions and shall be conclusive and binding. If the referee
          analysis differs from Seller's analysis by more than the applicable
          ASTM tolerances, Seller shall pay for the referee analysis; otherwise,
          the referee analysis shall be at Buyer's expense. Seller shall be
          responsible for all costs, including demurrage, incurred by Buyer
          which results from Seller's failure to provide the analysis within the
          time periods set forth above.

     (e)  Seller shall fax the analysis to:

     Middletown Shipments:                       Ashland Shipments:
     --------------------                        ------------------
     AK Steel Corporation                        AK Steel Corporation
     Middletown Coke Plant                       Ashland Coke Plant
     1801 Crawford Street                        Route 23
     Middletown, Ohio 45043                      Ashland, Kentucky 41105
     Attn: Dave Chmielewski                      Attn: Dan Howell
     FAX: 513-425-6262                           FAX: 606-329-7947



     The weights of Coal delivered and accepted hereunder shall be determined by
     certified railroad weights.


     Buyer and Seller shall meet once per quarter or at a mutually agreed
     frequency to review past performance and future projections.

                                   ARTICLE VI


6.1  PRICE

     The Base Price for the coal shall be [*](1) per net ton delivered to the
     railcars at the Mine. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, the
     Base Price shall be fixed and not subject to increase or decrease during
     the term of the Agreement.


     At Buyer's request, freeze conditioning agents of a quality, type, source
     and quantity acceptable to the Buyer shall be applied to minimize the
     freezing of Coal during periods of cold weather. Buyer shall reimburse
     Seller for all of Seller's actual and necessary costs in applying such
     freeze conditioning agents upon proper documentation to Buyer. Such costs
     shall be competitive in the industry. Buyer will specify the date to begin
     and end freeze conditioning each year.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                             ADJUSTMENTS FOR QUALITY


     The Base Price shall be adjusted to reflect the quality of Coal delivered
     hereunder as specified in Article VII.

- -------------------------------
(1)      Portions of this exhibit have been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"Commission"). The omitted portions, marked by "[*]," have been filed separately
with the Commission.



     The Base Price for any Trainload of Coal containing in excess of [*](2)
     moisture shall be reduced by [*](2) per ton for each [*](2) moisture in
     excess of [*],(2) fractions pro rata.


     The Base Price for any Trainload of Coal containing in excess of [*](2) ash
     (dry) shall be reduced by [*](2) per ton, for each [*](2) ash in excess of
     [*](2) (dry), fractions pro rate.


     The Base Price for any Trainload of Coal containing in excess of [*] (2)
     sulfur (dry) shall be reduced by [*](2) per ton for each [*](2) sulfur in
     excess of [*](2) (dry), fractions pro rata.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


8.1  TERMS

     On or before the last day of each month, Seller shall invoice Buyer for all
     Coal delivered during the month. Payment for Coal shall be due the 2nd day
     of the second month after the date of invoice; provided, however, at the
     request of Seller, Buyer may in its discretion pay Seller, within 10 days
     of its receipt of an invoice, in which case Buyer shall receive a one
     percent (1%) discount. All payments by Buyer shall be made by wire transfer
     in immediately available Federal funds to Seller's account at a designated
     bank in accordance with instructions given by Seller to Buyer from time to
     time. AK Steel purchase order number is to be referenced on all invoices.
     Only one invoice per month shall be submitted.


     Any dispute in the amount of any invoice shall not permit any delay in the
     payment of any invoice; provided, however, if it is later determined that
     the amount of any such payment is an overpayment, then Seller shall
     promptly credit Buyer the amount of any such overpayment.

- -----------------------------------
(2)      Portions of this exhibit have been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"Commission"). The omitted portions, marked by "[*]," have been filed separately
with the Commission.


                                   ARTICLE IX

                                  FORCE MAJEURE


     The term "force majeure" as used herein shall mean any event or condition
     which is beyond the reasonable control of and occurs without the fault or
     negligence of the party affected thereby, such as, but not limited to, acts
     of God, acts of the public enemy, insurrections, riots, strikes, labor
     disputes, slowdowns, labor or material shortages, fires, explosions,
     floods, unforeseen conditions of, accidental damage to or failure of mines,
     plants, equipment or facilities, unforeseen geologic conditions, depletion
     of the reserve of Coal from the Mine unavailability of, interruptions to or
     delays in transportation, embargoes, changes in or compliance with
     applicable laws, rules, regulations, including, without limitation to,
     environmental regulations, orders or decisions of legislatures,
     governmental agencies or courts or in the interpretation or enforcement
     thereof, or any other event or condition, whether of a similar or
     dissimilar nature to those specifically enumerated herein and whether or
     not foreseeable.


     If, as a result of force majeure, it becomes impossible or impracticable
     for either Seller or Buyer to carry out any of its obligations hereunder
     (other than any obligation to pay money for Coal delivered) in whole or in
     part, and if such party promptly gives notice to the other party of such
     force majeure and, as soon as practicable thereafter, of the nature and
     probable duration of such force majeure and of the extent of its effects on
     such party's performance hereunder, then such obligations shall be excused
     to the extent made necessary by such force majeure during its continuance.
     Each party shall, in the event it experiences a force majeure, undertake
     diligently and in good faith efforts to mitigate or eliminate the force
     majeure and/or its effects on performance hereunder insofar as is
     economically practical. Neither party shall be obligated to expend monies
     in order to mitigate or eliminate force majeure and/or its effects, if in
     such party's sole judgment, such expenditures would be economically
     unjustifiable. Neither party shall be obligated to settle strikes, labor
     disputes, differences with employees or unions or governmental claims on
     terms which such party considers inadvisable in order to mitigate or
     eliminate force majeure and/or its effects. Deliveries of Coal lost as a
     result of force majeure shall not be made up except by mutual consent of
     the parties.


     During any period in which mining, preparing, loading, delivering and/or
     selling Coal by Seller hereunder is curtailed as a result of force majeure,
     Seller shall cause its supplier to allocate Coal to Buyer, in a fair and
     reasonable manner but in no event less than Buyer's pro rata share of the
     production of the Mine. During any period in which transporting, accepting,
     unloading, reclaiming


     and/or utilizing Coal delivered hereunder by Buyer at its Plants is
     curtailed as a result of force majeure, Buyer shall allocate purchases of
     Coal for the Plants among its suppliers, including Seller, in a fair and
     reasonable manner. Any such allocation by either party shall be subject to
     reasonable audit by the other party.

                                    ARTICLE X



     The failure of either Seller or Buyer to insist in any one or more
     instances upon strict performance of any of the provisions of this
     Agreement or to take advantage of any of its rights hereunder at any one
     time shall not be construed as a waiver of any such provisions or the
     relinquishment of any such rights at any future time or times, but the same
     shall continue in full force and effect. In no event shall either party be
     responsible to the other party for incidental, special or consequential
     damages arising out of any default in the performance of any of its
     covenants or obligations hereunder.


     All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing and if to Buyer, shall
     be sufficient in all respects if delivered in person or by facsimile and
     sent by registered or certified mail or by a nationally recognized
     overnight delivery service to its Vice President - Purchasing and
     Transportation at 703 Curtis Street, Middletown, Ohio 45043; Fax number for
     Buyer (513) 425-5562 and if to Seller, shall be sufficient in all respect
     if delivered in person or by facsimile and sent by registered or certified
     mail or by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service, addressed to
     its Senior Vice President of Sales, 2708 Cranberry Square, Morgantown, West
     Virginia 26508. Fax number for Seller - (304) 594-3695.


     (a)  Except as provided in Section 10.3(b), no default by either party to
          this Agreement in the performance of any of its covenants or
          obligations hereunder which, except for this provision would be legal
          basis for cancellation or termination of this Agreement by the other
          party, shall give or result in such a right unless and until the party
          committing such default shall fail to correct such default within 30
          days after notice of claim of such default is given to such defaulting
          party by the other party.

     (b)  In the event of Buyer's default in payment, Seller may suspend further
          Coal deliveries hereunder until such default has been corrected. If
          such default is not corrected in a timely manner, then Seller may
          cancel this Agreement by notice to Buyer.



     No assignment of this Agreement shall be made by Buyer or Seller without
     the prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be
     unreasonably withheld; provided, however that Buyer may assign to any
     purchaser or successor-in-interest to any of the Plants any portion of this
     Agreement and upon such assignment Buyer shall have no obligation to Seller
     for the portion of the Agreement so assigned to such purchaser or
     successor-in-interest. No assignment by either party shall be effective
     until an executed copy thereof is furnished to the other party.


     Each party represents to the other party that it has full corporate
     authority and the necessary approvals to enter into and perform this
     Agreement in accordance with its terms.


     The headings of the Articles and Sections in this Agreement have been
     inserted for the convenience of reference only and shall in no way affect
     the interpretation of any of the terms or provisions hereof.


     No inference shall be drawn in favor of or against either party based on
     participation in the drafting of this Agreement.


     All prior writings, communications, negotiations, representations and
     agreements by and between the parties hereto are superseded by or merged
     into this Agreement, which is the full and complete expression of all
     understandings between Seller and Buyer regarding the object hereof, and
     this Agreement may be modified only in writing signed by both parties.


     The validity, construction and performance of this Agreement shall be
     determined in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Ohio
     applicable to agreements made and to be performed in that State.


     Buyer and Seller agree that the terms of this Agreement will be kept in
     strict confident and that neither party will disclose the same to any third
     party, except:


                  (a) to the extent necessary for the disclosing party to comply
                      with any applicable laws, rules, regulations, statutes or
                      ordinances necessary to the conduct of its business

                  (b) by commission of a valid subpoena and/or order of a court
                      of competent jurisdiction; or

                  (c) to a subsidiary, parent or affiliated corporation of Buyer
                      or Seller.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
     Agreement to be executed in duplicate originals by their duly authorized
     officers as of the date hereinabove set out.

                           ATTEST:         ANKER ENERGY CORPORATION

                                           By: :     /s/ Richard B. Bolen


                           ATTEST:         AK STEEL CORPORATION

                                           By:    / s/ Illegible

