CONSULTING AGREEMENT

         This Consulting Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of
August 24, 1999 by and between Stockpoint, Inc. a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"), and Equity Dynamics, Inc. (the "Consultant").

         WHERAS, the Company and Consultant desire to confirm the terms and
conditions pertaining to the rendering of services by Consultants for the

         NOW, THEREFORE, the Company and Consultant agree as follows:

         1.       Term of the Agreement.  The Company hereby retains the
         services of Consultant hereby agrees to render services as a Consultant
         for the Company for a one (1) year period commencing on the date hereof
         and continuing until the date which is one (1) year from the date
         hereof, subject, however, to prior termination as hereinafter provided
         in Section 4.

         2.       Duties and Obligations.

                  a.       For the term of the Agreement, Consultants shall
                           provide management and financial consulting and
                           advisory services to the Company and shall at times
                           report to and follow the instructions and wishes of
                           the President or Chief Executive Officer of the

                  b.       Consultant agrees that to the best of Consultant's
                           ability and experience Consultant will at all times
                           loyally and conscientiously perform all of the duties
                           and obligations required of and from Consultant
                           pursuant to the express and implicit terms hereof, to
                           the reasonable satisfaction of the Company.

                  c.       Consultant agrees to indemnify and hold the Company
                           harmless against any and all loss, liability, damage,
                           claims, demands or suits and related costs and
                           expenses that arise, directly or indirectly, from
                           Consultant's acts or omissions.


         3. Compensation. In connection wit this Agreement, Consultant agrees to
         provide a minimum of 20 days per year of consulting services to the
         Company. To compensate Consultant for Consultant's services during the
         term of this Agreement, (i) the Company shall pay Consultant aggregate
         compensation equal to $50,000, $4,167.00 of which shall be paid by the
         Company to Consultant upon the execution of this Agreement and $4,67
         per month thereafter (ii) upon execution of this Agreement the Company
         will grant Consultant warrants to purchase 125,000 shares of Common
         Stock, with an exercise price of $6.00 per share, pursuant to the terms
         of the stock purchase Warrant attached hereto as Exhibit A. In
         addition, the Company will reimburse Consultant for all out of pocket
         expenses related to Consultant's activities with the Company. The
         Consultant will supply the Company with invoices containing out of
         pocket expense detail.

         4.       Termination of Agreement.

                  a.       This Agreement may be terminated by the Company at
                           any time for any reason, with or without cause by
                           giving sixty (60) days written notice to Consultant:
                           such termination shall be effective sixty (60) days
                           after Consultant's receipt of such written notice. If
                           this Agreement is terminated without Good Cause (as
                           defined herein) by the Company, any unvested options
                           granted to Consultants shall immediately vest and
                           become exercisable upon the effective date of such
                           termination. No additional benefits, aside from
                           options fully vested at the date of termination and
                           any accrued compensation, shall be due upon such

                  b.       This Agreement shall terminate if Consultant ceases
                           to function and exist due to bankruptcy or otherwise.

                  c.       The Company may terminate this Agreement at any time
                           for Good Cause (as defined herein). For the purposes
                           of the Agreement, "Good Cause" includes but is not
                           limited to, gross misconduct, gross neglect of
                           duties, intentional acts or omission of Consultant of
                           such negative quality that they may be deemed to have
                           material and adverse effects on the Company's
                           business, breach of any representation, warranty
                           agreement or covenant made by Consultant in this
                           Agreement or any act or omission involving fraud,
                           embezzlement, or misappropriation of any property or
                           proprietary information of the Company.

                  d.       Consultant may terminate this Agreement by giving
                           sixty (60) days written notice to the Company.


         5.       Working Arrangement.

                  a.       Consultant is an independent Consultant and is solely
                           responsible for all taxes, withholdings, and other
                           similar statutory obligations, including, but not
                           limited to Workers' Compensation Insurance; and
                           Consultant will defend, indemnify and hold Company
                           harmless from any and all claims made by any entity
                           on account of an alleged failure by Consultant to
                           satisfy any such tax or withholding obligations.

                  b.       Consultant has no authority to act on behalf of or
                           enter into any Contract or incur any liability on
                           behalf of the Company.

                  c.       Consultant's performance under this Agreement shall
                           be conducted in full compliance with the highest
                           standards of practice.

         6.       Miscellaneous.

                  a.       Governing Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted,
                           construed, governed and enforced according to the
                           laws of the State of Iowa.

                  b.       Arbitration. Any controversy between the parties
                           hereto involving The construction or application of
                           any terms, covenants or conditions to this Agreement,
                           will be submitted to and be settled by final and
                           binding arbitration in New York, New York or such
                           other place as the parties may mutually agree, in
                           accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration
                           Association then in effect, and judgment upon the
                           award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in
                           any court having jurisdiction thereof.

                  c.       Amendment. No amendment or modification of the terms
                           or Conditions of this Agreement shall be valid unless
                           in writing and signed by the parties hereto.

                  d.       Severalbility. If one or more provisions of this
                           Agreement are held to be unenforceable under
                           applicable law, such provision shall be construed, if
                           possible, so as to be enforceable under applicable
                           law, else, such provision shall be excluded from this
                           Agreement and the balance of the Agreement shall be
                           interpreted as if such provision were so excluded and
                           shall be enforceable in accordance with its terms.

                  e.       Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of
                           the Company under this Agreement shall insure to the
                           benefits of and shall be binding upon the successors
                           and assigns of the Company.


                           Consultant shall not be entitled to assign any of his
                           rights or obligations under this Agreement.

                  f.       Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the
                           entire agreement between the parties with respect to
                           the employment of Consultant.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
date set forth above.

                                                   Stockpoint, Inc.:


                                                   Equity Dynamics, Inc.:

                                                       John Pappajohn