THIS INSTRUMENT is made the fourteenth day of July 2000 by LYCIDAS (323) LIMITED
(Company No. 207527) having its registered office at 292 St Vincent Street,
Glasgow, G2 5TQ ("the Company")


The Company has determined to constitute (pound Sterling)4,704,773 in nominal
value of Guaranteed Loan Notes 2000-2005 ("the Loan Notes") in the manner
hereafter appearing.



         1.1      The Loan Notes are constituted by a resolution of the board of
                  directors of the Company passed on 14 July 2000. The Loan
                  Notes are subject to a guarantee in favour of the holder
                  thereof by Bank One NA ("the Guarantor") and are issued
                  pursuant to a Sale Agreement between inter alia the Company
                  and the Noteholders dated 26 June 2000 ("the Agreement").

         1.2      Each Noteholder shall have the right to acquire (by
                  subscription at nominal value of an amount up to or equal to
                  such Noteholder's holding of Loan Notes, such amount to be
                  payable in full on subscription) additional loan notes to be
                  issued by a subsidiary of the Company ("Additional Notes") on
                  terms and conditions substantially the same as those
                  applicable to the Loan Notes, except as follows:

                  1.2.1    the Additional Notes shall not carry any right to
                           acquire additional securities;

                  1.2.2    the rate of interest on the Additional Notes shall be
                           1% below the rate per annum specified in Condition
                           4.1; and

                  1.2.3    the Additional Notes will be guaranteed by the
                           Company and not by the Guarantor.

         1.3      The Company shall be at liberty by resolution of its Directors
                  from time to time to create and issue further unsecured Loan
                  Notes either so as to be identical in all respects with the
                  Loan Notes hereby constituted or upon such terms as to
                  interest redemption and otherwise as the Directors shall think
                  fit but save in respect of the Additional Notes no such
                  further Notes shall form a single series with the Loan Notes
                  or be constituted by deed or instrument expressed to be
                  supplemental hereto.


         2.1      The Loan Notes are represented by a series of Loan Note
                  certificates in amounts and multiples of(pound Sterling)1. All
                  the certificates for the time being issued and outstanding


                  rank pari passu in all respects.

         2.2      If any certificate for Loan Notes is defaced, lost or
                  destroyed, it shall be replaced (free of charge) on such terms
                  as to evidence and indemnity as the directors may reasonably
                  require provided always that, in the case of defacement, the
                  defaced certificate shall be surrendered before the new
                  certificate is issued.

3        REGISTER

         3.1      The Company will keep a register at its registered office
                  showing the names and addresses of the Noteholders together
                  with the amounts of their respective holdings of Loan Notes
                  and the dates upon which they were respectively registered as
                  holders thereof. The Noteholders (or any of them or any person
                  authorised in writing by any of them) shall be at liberty at
                  all reasonable times during office hours to inspect that
                  register or to make copies thereof.

         3.2      The Company shall be entitled, but shall not be bound, to
                  accept and, in the case of acceptance, shall record in such
                  manner as it may think fit, notice of any trust or trusts in
                  respect of any Loan Notes. Notwithstanding any such acceptance
                  and/or the making of any such record, the Company shall not be
                  bound to see to the execution, administration or observance of
                  any trust, whether express, implied or constructive, in
                  respect of Loan Notes and shall be entitled to recognise and
                  give effect to the acts and deeds of the registered holders of
                  Loan Notes as if they were the absolute owners thereof. For
                  the purposes of this sub-clause, "trust" includes any right in
                  respect of Loan Notes other than an absolute right thereto in
                  the registered holder thereof for the time being.

4        INTEREST

         4.1      Interest shall accrue on the principal nominal amount of the
                  Loan Notes outstanding from time to time (subject to condition
                  4.3) at the rate per annum which is 1% below the arithmetic
                  mean of the rates quoted as of 11.00am on the first business
                  day of each interest period as the interest rates offered in
                  the London Inter-bank market for three month sterling
                  borrowing (and so that the first interest period shall
                  notwithstanding the date of this instrument be deemed to have
                  commenced on 1 July 2000 and the next such period shall
                  commence on 1 October 2000). Interest payments will be made
                  (subject to Clause 14) half-yearly in arrears on 30 June and
                  31 December in each year.

         4.2      The Company shall deduct from any interest payments payable
                  pursuant to condition 4.1, any income or other tax required by
                  law to be deducted therefrom and any Carrying Costs as
                  referred to in Clause 14.

         4.3      Interest shall cease to accrue on the Loan Notes on the due
                  date for redemption


                  thereof save to the extent that redemption is not then
                  effected by the Company (otherwise than as a consequence of
                  the Noteholder failing to comply with its obligations under
                  condition 8.2).


         5.1      All Loan Notes to be redeemed pursuant to this condition 5
                  shall be redeemed at par together with all accrued interest
                  thereon down to and including the date of actual redemption
                  (less any income tax or other tax required by law to be
                  deducted) and subject to Clause 14.

         5.2      Subject to conditions 5.3 and 9, the whole of the Loan Notes
                  shall be redeemed by the Company on 31 December 2005.

         5.3      A Noteholder may, at any time on or after twelve months
                  following the issue of the Loan Notes (and in the case of
                  successive partial redemptions, from time to time thereafter
                  until the final redemption date), serve written notice on the
                  Company requiring the Company to redeem all/part of the Loan
                  Notes held by that Noteholder and the Company shall comply
                  with such written notice within not more than 21 days of
                  receipt thereof. The Company shall be under no obligation to
                  advise any other Noteholder of receipt of such notice, or of
                  redemption of such Loan Notes, nor shall the Company be ipso
                  facto obliged to redeem any other Loan Notes by virtue of such

         5.4      All Loan Notes redeemed or purchased by the Company shall be
                  cancelled and the Company shall not be at liberty to keep the
                  same alive for the purposes of re-issue or to re-issue the

         5.5      The Company shall be entitled to set off against any moneys
                  payable to any Noteholder in respect of the Loan Notes
                  (whether by way of principal or interest) any liability of any
                  Noteholder to the Company under the Agreement but only in
                  accordance with Clause 7.17 of the Agreement. In the event and
                  to the extent that the Company shall validly exercise such
                  right of set off against the principal amount of the Loan
                  Notes, then the liability of the Company under the Loan Notes
                  shall be reduced accordingly by cancellation of the relevant
                  number of Loan Notes (rateably against the registered holders
                  of the Loan Notes at the time of such set-off) and references
                  in these Conditions to "the Loan Notes" shall be deemed to be
                  a reference to the principal amount of the Loan Notes as
                  reduced by such set-off. Subject thereto, the principal moneys
                  and accrued interest (if any) payable in respect of Loan Notes
                  to be redeemed shall be paid without regard to any equities
                  between the Company and the Noteholder(s) as to any right of
                  set-off or counterclaim.

         5.6      No transfer of any of the Loan Notes shall be made unless the
                  transferee expressly


                  acknowledges that he is bound by the right of set off referred
                  to in Condition 5.5 in respect of the Loan Notes transferred
                  to him.


         A copy of every balance sheet, profit and loss account and other
         document required by law to be annexed thereto (together with a copy of
         the auditor's report thereon) shall be sent by the Company to every
         holder of Loan Notes at the time of issue thereof to the members of the

7        TRANSFER

         7.1      Other than following upon the death of any Noteholder (and
                  then only to such Noteholders personal representatives and
                  assignees following grant of confirmation on such Noteholder's
                  estate (in Scotland) or grant of probate (in England)), the
                  Loan Notes may only be transferred (and then only in amounts
                  and multiples of (pound Sterling)50,000 nominal of Notes) with
                  the approval of the directors of the Company and that by
                  instrument in writing in such form as the directors (acting
                  reasonably) may approve.

         7.2      Every instrument of transfer must be signed by the transferor.
                  The transferor shall be deemed to remain the owner of the Loan
                  Notes to be transferred until the name of the transferee is
                  entered in the register maintained pursuant to condition 3 in
                  respect thereof. Provided condition 7.3 is met, the Company
                  shall forthwith enter the name of each such transferee in the
                  said register and issue to such transferee a certificate for
                  its holding of Loan Notes.

         7.3      Every instrument of transfer must be left for registration at
                  the registered office of the Company accompanied by the
                  certificate relative to the Loan Notes to be transferred and
                  such other evidence as the directors of the Company may
                  reasonably require to prove the title of the transferor of its
                  right to transfer the relevant Loan Notes.

         7.4      All instruments of transfer which are registered will be
                  retained by the Company together with the cancelled stock

         7.5      No fee shall be payable for the registration of any transfer
                  or for the registration of any confirmation, probate, letters
                  of administration, certificate of marriage or death, power of
                  attorney or other documents relating to or affecting title to
                  Loan Notes.

         7.6      If any Noteholder sells or otherwise disposes of part only of
                  its Loan Notes, it shall be entitled to receive a stock
                  certificate from the Company for the balance of the Loan Notes
                  retained by it and that without payment of any fee.


8        PAYMENT

         8.1      Repayment of principal and payment of interest in respect of
                  Loan Notes will be made subject to Clause 14 by cheque payable
                  to the registered holder or, in the case of joint holders, to
                  the order of the first named holder and will be sent by
                  registered post at the risk of the Noteholder to the
                  registered address of such holder.

         8.2      Every Noteholder whose Loan Notes are due to be redeemed under
                  these conditions shall, not later than the due date for
                  redemption, deliver to the Company, at its registered office,
                  the certificate(s) for its Loan Notes in order that the same
                  may be cancelled. Upon such delivery and against a receipt for
                  the principal moneys payable in respect of the Loan Notes to
                  be redeemed, the Company shall make payment to the Noteholder.

         8.3      If any Noteholder whose Loan Notes are due to be redeemed
                  under these conditions shall fail or refuse to deliver the
                  certificate(s) therefor at the time and place fixed for
                  redemption or shall fail or refuse to accept payment of the
                  moneys payable in respect thereof, the moneys payable to such
                  Noteholder shall be paid into a separate bank account and held
                  by the Company in trust for such Noteholder. Such payment
                  shall be deemed to be a payment to such Noteholder and the
                  Company shall thereby be discharged from all obligations in
                  connection with the relevant Loan Notes. If the Company
                  exercises the foregoing power, it shall not be responsible for
                  the safe custody of such moneys or for interest thereon except
                  such interest (if any) as accrues on the moneys whilst on
                  deposit (under deduction of any expenses incurred by the
                  Company in connection therewith). Any such amount so deposited
                  which remains unclaimed after a period of twelve years from
                  the making of the deposit shall revert to the Company.

         8.4      The receipt of the registered holder for the time being of any
                  Loan Notes or, in the case of joint registered holders, the
                  receipt of any of them in respect of any amounts payable on
                  those Loan Notes shall be a good discharge to the Company
                  notwithstanding any notice it may have (whether express or
                  otherwise) of the right, title, interest or claim of any other
                  person to or in such Loan Notes or moneys.


         9.1      Notwithstanding condition 5, each holder of Loan Notes may
                  treat the occurrence of any of the following events as an
                  event of default and by written notice ("Default Notice")
                  require that the Loan Notes shall be redeemed at par and all
                  accrued interest thereon down to the actual date of redemption
                  shall be paid forthwith if:-

                  9.1.1    the Company makes default in the due performance or
                           observance of any of its obligations or undertakings
                           pursuant to the Loan Notes conditions (including, for
                           the avoidance of doubt, payment of any sum due in
                           respect of


                           the Loan Notes) and such default is not remedied
                           within twenty eight days of it occurring;

                  9.1.2    diligence (other than an arrestment on the dependence
                           of an action) is executed against or a lien exercised
                           over, any material part of the assets of the Company
                           and is not discharged within twenty-eight days of
                           taking effect;

                  9.1.3    the Company ceases to carry on its business or
                           substantially the whole of its business;

                  9.1.4    the Company suspends payment of its debts or is
                           unable or is deemed to be unable to pay its debts
                           (within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency
                           Act 1986 or any statutory modification or
                           re-enactment thereof);

                  9.1.5    a proposal is made or a nominee or supervisor is
                           appointed for a composition in satisfaction of the
                           debts of the Company or for a scheme of arrangement
                           of the affairs of the Company or the Company
                           commences negotiations with one or more of its
                           creditors with a view to the general readjustment or
                           rescheduling of all or part of its debts or enters
                           into any composition or other arrangement for the
                           benefit of its creditors generally or any class of
                           creditors or proceedings are commenced in relation to
                           the Company under any law, regulation or procedure
                           relating to the reconstruction or readjustment of
                           debt; or

                  9.1.6    control of the Company passes to any person or
                           persons (acting individually or in concert) without
                           the prior written consent of the Noteholders
                           ("control" having the meaning ascribed to it in
                           relation to a body corporate by Section 840 of the
                           Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988).

         9.2      Notwithstanding condition 5, an event of default shall be
                  deemed to have occurred and each holder of Loan Notes shall be
                  deemed to have served a Default Notice in respect thereof at
                  the close of business or the day prior to any of the following

                  9.2.1    an order is made or an effective resolution is passed
                           for the winding up or dissolution of the Company
                           (other than for the purposes of a solvent
                           reconstruction or amalgamation to which the prior
                           sanction of the Noteholders has been obtained, such
                           sanction not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed)
                           or the Company files a petition for its own
                           liquidation; or

                  9.2.2    a receiver, administrator or similar official is
                           appointed over the whole or any material part of the
                           undertaking or assets of the Company.



         At any time after the Loan Notes (or any part thereof) registered in a
         Noteholder's name shall become due and redeemable pursuant to
         conditions 5 or 9 hereof, the Noteholder may (subject always to
         condition 8.1) without further notice institute such proceedings as it
         may think fit to enforce payment of the monies then due to it.


         The Company undertakes to the Noteholders that it shall:-

         11.1     notify the Noteholders of any event of default mentioned in
                  condition 9 forthwith upon becoming aware of the occurrence
                  thereof; and

         11.2     duly perform and observe all the conditions, provisions and
                  obligations on its part contained in these conditions.

12       NOTICES

         12.1     Any notice hereunder may be given by delivering the same by
                  hand or sending the same by post in a prepaid letter
                  addressed, if to the Company, to its registered office or, if
                  to a Noteholder, to its last address notified to the Company
                  (as the case may be). In the case of joint registered holders
                  of any Loan Notes, a notice given to the Noteholder whose name
                  appears first in the register maintained pursuant to condition
                  3 shall be sufficient notice to all the joint holders.

         12.2     Every such notice shall, if delivered by hand, be deemed to
                  have been served when delivered and shall, if sent by first
                  class mail, be deemed to have been served forty eight hours
                  after the time of posting or, if sent by second class mail, be
                  deemed to have been served seventy two hours after the time of
                  posting and, in proving such service, it shall be sufficient
                  to prove that the letter containing the notice was properly
                  addressed, stamped and posted.


         13.1     The Company or the Registered Holder or Holders of not less
                  than one-tenth in nominal value of the Notes for the time
                  being outstanding may at any time convene a meeting of the
                  Registered Holders of the Notes and the provisions of the
                  Articles of Association of the Company with regard to General
                  Meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply to any such meeting
                  except that the necessary quorum shall be two persons at least
                  holding or representing by proxy not less than one-tenth in
                  nominal value of the Notes for the time being outstanding.
                  Seven days notice shall be given to the Company of any such
                  meeting as shall not be convened by the Company.


         13.2     A General Meeting of the Registered Holders of the Notes may
                  by Extraordinary Resolution sanction any modification or
                  alteration of the rights of the Holders of the Notes against
                  the Company and any such Extraordinary Resolution shall be
                  binding upon all the Holders of the Notes whether present or
                  not present at the Meeting provided that notwithstanding
                  anything herein contained no such Extraordinary Resolution
                  shall be binding on the Company without the express agreement
                  of the Company.

         13.3     For the purposes of this Condition the expression
                  "Extraordinary Resolution" means a Resolution passed at a
                  meeting of the Registered Holders of the Notes duly convened
                  and held by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the
                  votes given at such poll one vote being allowed for every
                  (pound Sterling)1 nominal of Notes.


         This Clause 14 shall apply in relation to all costs, charges,
         commission and expenses of any nature whatsoever payable to the
         Guarantor in respect of the maintenance in force of any Loan Note
         Guarantee (as defined in the Agreement) (such costs hereinafter being
         "Carrying Costs"). The accrued Carrying Costs (which have not already
         been set off) shall be set off against all moneys due and payable to
         the Noteholders in reduction (pro rata) of such amounts thereof as are
         due and payable to each Noteholder in respect of the Loan Notes
         (whether by way of principal or interest).


         The Loan Notes are issued subject to and shall be governed by the law
         of Scotland and the Company and the Noteholders hereby prorogate the
         exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts: IN WITNESS WHEREOF this
         Instrument has been entered into as a Deed the day and year first above
         written and is executed by the Company as follows:

Executed for and on behalf of
Lycidas (323) Limited
by                                Director
and                               Director/Secretary
at                   on               2000             -------------------------
