This Agreement is made the 16th day of October, 2000, by and among
Great Lakes of Michigan, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Great
Lakes"), Lakes Gaming, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ("Lakes"), and the Pokagon
Band of Potawatomi Indians (the "Band").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS, the Band and Lakes have entered into a Development Agreement
dated as of July 8, 1999 (the "Development Agreement") and a Management
Agreement dated as of July 8, 1999 (the "Management Agreement"; collectively,
with the Development Agreement, the "Agreements"), pursuant to which the Band
has engaged the Lakes to, among other things, assist the Band in the design,
development, construction and management of a gambling casino and certain
related amenities (as defined in the Development Agreement, the "Facility"); and

         WHEREAS, pursuant to the Development Agreement Lakes has agreed to make
certain payments and advances to the Band, including without limitation the
Transition Loan, the Lakes Development Loan and the Non-Gaming Land Acquisition
Line of Credit (collectively the "Lakes Loans"), and the Scholarship Program
Fee, and has agreed to perform development services with regard to the Facility,
all on the terms set out in that Agreement; and

         WHEREAS, pursuant to the Management Agreement Lakes has agreed to
manage the Facility on the terms set out in that Agreement; and

         WHEREAS, Lakes has informed the Band that it wishes to restructure its
corporate organization by forming a first tier subsidiary, Lakes Gaming and
Resorts, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("LG&R"), to own the equity
in second-tier subsidiaries, including Great Lakes, that will be engaged in
gaming and gaming-related businesses, and to assign its rights and obligations
under the Agreements to Great Lakes as set out in this Agreement (the
"Restructuring"); and

         WHEREAS, in connection with such Restructuring Lakes has requested that
the Band consent to (i) the assignment of Lakes' rights and obligations under
the Agreements, the Lakes Loans and all related documentation, including without
limitation the documents listed on the attached Schedule A (the "Related
Documents"; collectively, with the Agreements and the Lake Loans, the
"Obligations") to Great Lakes, and (ii) the release of Lakes as primary obligor
under the Obligations, in exchange for the execution by Lakes and LG&R of
unconditional guarantees of the


obligations of Great Lakes under the Obligations; and

         WHEREAS, it is the intent of the parties that the Restructuring not
affect or impair the Band's rights and remedies under the Obligations, other
than the conversion of Lakes from primary obligor to unlimited guarantor;

         WHEREAS, under the Agreements Lakes cannot carry out such Restructuring
without the Band's consent; and

         WHEREAS, the Band is willing to so consent, but only on the terms and
conditions set out in this Agreement;

         NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

1.       Recitals True. The above recitals are true.

2.       Defined Terms. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein
         and defined in the Development Agreement or the Management Agreement
         shall have the same meaning herein as therein.

3.       Assignment of Lakes' Rights Under the Obligations. Lakes grants,
         bargains, sells, conveys, assigns and transfers to Great Lakes, without
         recourse, all of Lakes's right, title and interest, legal and
         equitable, in, to and under the Obligations.

4.       Transfer of Lakes Notes. Lakes agrees to endorse the Lakes Notes in
         favor of Great Lakes. Great Lakes agrees that it is the assignee of the
         Lakes Notes, but not a holder in due course.

5.       Assignment of Account. Lakes hereby assigns and transfers to Great
         Lakes all rights of Lakes in and to the Account and all cash, financial
         assets and investment property in the Account, subject to the Band's
         first perfected security interest, and agrees that the Account shall
         secure all obligations of Great Lakes and Lakes to the Band in
         accordance with the terms of the Pledge and Security Agreement and the
         Control Agreement.

6.       Assumption of Obligations. Great Lakes accepts assignment of Lakes'
         rights and obligations under the Obligations. Great Lakes assumes and
         agrees to perform and discharge all of the obligations and liabilities
         of Lakes arising under or relating to the Obligations in accordance
         with the terms thereof, as if


         Great Lakes had originally been a party thereto. The liabilities so
         assumed by Great Lakes include any obligations or liabilities of Lakes
         which have accrued under the Obligations as of the date hereof, as well
         as those subsequently accruing. All references to Lakes in the
         Obligations shall, except as set out in ss. 10 or in a certain
         Amendment of Account Control Agreement or Amendment to Pledge and
         Security Agreement of near or even date, be deemed to refer to Great

7.       Band Consent. The Band consents to this Assignment, recognizes Great
         Lakes as a substituted party under the Obligations, and agrees that
         Great Lakes shall be a party to such Obligations to the same extent as
         if Great Lakes had originally been a party thereto; without prejudice,
         however, to Lakes' continued obligations to the Band under the
         Obligations as provided in ss. 10, under its Guaranty, the Account
         Control Agreement, as amended, the Amendment to Pledge and Security
         Agreement, as amended, and under this Agreement.

8.       Release of Lakes. The Band releases and forever discharges Lakes of any
         and all liabilities or obligations under the Obligations except as
         specifically set out in ss. 10 below, and except as provided in ss. 10
         agrees to look solely to Great Lakes for performance of all obligations
         of Lakes under the Obligations; conditioned on, however, the execution
         by Lakes and LG&R of the unlimited guarantee attached hereto as Exhibit
         B (the "Guarantee"), and without prejudice to the Band's rights under
         such Guarantee, under the provisions of the Obligations specified
         in ss. 10, or under this Agreement.

9.       Release of the Band. Lakes agrees that, given the assignment of its
         rights under the Obligations to Great Lakes, Lakes has and shall have
         no claims against the Band under or relating to such Obligations;
         reserving, however, any rights or remedies, if any, which (a) Lakes may
         now have or may in the future acquire under the Indemnity Agreement
         referred to in ss. 10(b) below, (b) Lakes may in the future acquire
         under the specific provisions of the Obligations described in ss.
         10(c), or (c) Lakes or LG&R may have under this Agreement or the

10.      Lakes Continuing Obligations. Notwithstanding any other provision of
         this Agreement:

         a.       Lakes shall continue to be bound by, and shall remain subject
                  to and (where applicable) liable for breach of, the following
                  provisions of the


                  Obligations, and any reference to Lakes in such provisions
                  (whether in its own name or as Manager) shall be deemed to be
                  references to each of Lakes and Great Lakes. The reference to
                  captions is for convenience only, and does not substitute for
                  or affect the terms of the indicated sections.

         AGREEMENT                  SECTION          CAPTION

Development Agreement               1.1              Definition of Insider

                                    1.1              Definition of Lakes Internal Expenses

                                    1.1              Definition of Limited Recourse

                                    1.1              Definition of Material Adverse Change

                                    1.1              Definition of NIGC Approval

                                    2.1.1            Option

                                    2.3              Confidentiality

                                    2.4              Assignment of Other Options

                                    10.4             Non-Competition

                                    10.5(c)          Change of Control; provided that in the second paragraph of that
                                                     subsection the term "Lakes" shall not include Great Lakes as to
                                                     clauses II, III and IV.

                                    10.6             Restrictions on Collateral Development

                                    11.3             Representations and Warranties of Lakes

                                    11.4             Lakes Covenants

                                    12.2             Events of Defaults by Lakes

                                    13.5             Band Right to Terminate for Material Adverse



                                    14.2             Arbitration

                                    14.3             Limitation of Actions

                                      (D) and (E)    Liquidated Damages Payable by Lakes

                                    14.6             Lakes Continuing Obligations

                                    14.9             Fees not Damages

                                    15.13            Confidentiality

Management Agreement                2                Definition of Affiliate

                                    2                Definition of Gross Revenues

                                    2                Definition of Insider

                                    2                Definition of Limited Recourse

                                    2                Definition of Manager's Internal Expenses

                                    2                Definition of NIGC Approval

                                    3.5              Manager Compliance with Law; Licenses

                                    4.2.2            Compliance with Band Ordinances

                                    4.6              No Manager Internal Expenses; Limitation on
                                                     Manager Payments

                                    4.8              Employee Background Checks

                                    9.3              Non-Competition

                                    9.4.3            Change of Control; provided that in the second paragraph of that subsection
                                                     the term "Lakes" shall only include Great Lakes as to


                                                     clause I of the definition of Change of Control, and shall not include Great
                                                     Lakes as to clauses II, III and IV.

                                    9.5              Restrictions on Collateral Development

                                    10.3             Representations and Warranties of Manager

                                    10.4             Manager Covenants

                                    10.5             No Liens

                                    10.7             Authority to Execute and Perform Agreement

                                    10.8             Brokerage

                                    11.2             Events of Default by Manager

                                    12.5             Band Right to Terminate for Material Adverse Change

                                    12.6             Termination if Manager License Withdrawn or on Conviction

                                    13.2             Arbitration

                                    13.3             Limitation of Actions

                                    13.6             Manager Continuing Obligations

                                    13.10            No Setoff

                                    13.11            Indemnification on Termination

                                    13.12            Fees not Damages

                                    15.2             Warranties

                                    15.3             Disclosure Amendments

                                    15.4             Breach of Manager's Warranties and Agreements


                                    18.4             Further Actions

                                    18.15            Confidential and Proprietary Information

                                    18.19            Government Savings Clause

         b.       Lakes shall continue to be a Hazardous Waste Indemnitee under
                  ss. 4 of the Indemnity Agreement between the Band and Lakes
                  dated March 10, 2000 and shall have the benefit of, and be
                  bound by, ss.ss. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of that Indemnity

         c.       Lakes shall continue to have the benefit of its right and
                  remedies, if any, under the following provisions of the

AGREEMENT                                   SECTION                   CAPTION

Development Agreement                       10.3                      Indiana Casino

                                            11.1                       Representations and Warranties of the Band

                                            12.3                       Right to Cure

                                            13.5                       Band Right to Terminate for Material Adverse Change

                                            14.8                       Remedies; provided that the remedies of Lakes shall be
                                                                       limited to claims for breach of its retained rights under
                                                                       this ss. 10(c).

                                            15.4                       Notice

                                            15.7                       Waiver

                                            15.10                      Survival of Covenants

                                            15.12                      Periods of Time; Time of the Essence

                                            15.13                      Confidential and Proprietary



                                            15.18(a)                   Consent - Band; provided that the rights of Lakes under
                                                                       this subsection shall be limited to claims relating to
                                                                       consent of the Band with regard to sections specified in
                                                                       this ss. 10(c).

Management Agreement
                                             9.2                       Indiana Casino

                                            10.1                       Representations and Warranties of the Band

                                            11.3                       Right to Cure

                                            12.5                       Band Right to Terminate for Material Adverse Change

                                            13.8                       Remedies; provided that the remedies of Lakes shall be
                                                                       limited to claims for breach of its retained rights under
                                                                       this ss. 10(c).

                                            13.11(ii)                  Indemnity of Manager by Band, provided that such indemnity
                                                                       shall be limited to claims relating to the period prior to
                                                                       the date of this Agreement.

                                            14.1                       Consents and Approvals - Band; provided that the rights of
                                                                       Lakes under this subsection shall be limited to claims
                                                                       relating to consent of the Band with regard to sections
                                                                       specified in this ss. 10(c).

                                            18.2                       Notice

                                            18.5                       Waiver

                                            18.10                      Survival of Covenants


                                            18.12                      Periods of Time; Time of the Essence

                                            18.15                      Confidential  and Proprietary Information

         d.       Lakes and Great Lakes shall both be parties to, and bound by,
                  the Account Control Agreement, as amended, and the Amendment
                  to Pledge and Security Agreement, as amended,

11.      Sovereign Immunity. Lakes agrees that all claims and causes of action
         it may in the future have against the Band, whether at law, in tort or
         otherwise, shall be subject to the Band's sovereign immunity, unless
         specifically waived by the Band in writing after the date of this
         Agreement or, as to disputes under this Agreement or as to sections
         specified in ss.10, as provided in ss.19 of this Agreement. Lakes
         shall, upon the execution of this Agreement, no longer have the
         benefit of any limited waiver of sovereign immunity provided in the
         Obligations. Nothing in this Agreement waives or prejudices any rights
         Lakes or LG&R may have under the terms of their Guaranty, or affects
         any limited waiver of sovereign immunity in such Guaranty.

12.      Covenants and Representations of Lakes and Great Lakes

         a.       Great Lakes is, and at all times during the Term of the
                  Development Agreement and the Term of the Management Agreement
                  shall be, the wholly owned subsidiary of LG&R, which in turn
                  is and shall remain during such Terms the wholly owned
                  subsidiary of Lakes.

         b.       The Chief Manager and Chief Financial Manager of Great Lakes
                  are, and at all times during the Term of the Development
                  Agreement and the Term of the Management Agreement shall be,
                  the Chief Executive Officer and Treasurer, respectively, of

         c.       Lyle Berman is and at all times during the Term of the
                  Development Agreement and the Term of the Management Agreement
                  shall be the Chief Manager of Great Lakes, unless (i) Mr.
                  Berman dies or becomes disabled, or (ii) Mr. Berman is
                  replaced as Chief Executive Officer of Lakes with the consent
                  of the Band as provided in ss. 10.5(c) of the Development
                  Agreement. In the event of such replacement, Mr.


                  Berman's replacement as approved by the Band shall be the
                  Chief Manager of Great Lakes.

         d.       Great Lakes is a duly organized Minnesota limited liability

         e.       This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding
                  obligation of Great Lakes and Lakes, and is fully enforceable
                  in accordance with its terms.

         f.       The Obligations constitute the legal, valid and binding
                  obligation of Great Lakes, and are fully enforceable in
                  accordance with their terms.

         g.       Neither the execution or delivery of this Agreement nor
                  fulfillment of or compliance with the terms and provisions
                  hereof, will conflict with, or result in a breach of the
                  terms, conditions or provisions of, constitute a default under
                  or result in the creation of any lien, charge or encumbrance
                  upon any property or assets of Lakes or Great Lakes under any
                  agreement or instrument to which either of them is now a party
                  or by which either of them is or may in the future be bound.

         h.       The fulfillment of and compliance with the terms and
                  provisions of the Obligations will not conflict with, result
                  in a breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of,
                  constitute a default under, or result in the creation of any
                  lien, charge or encumbrance upon any property or assets of
                  Great Lakes under any agreement or instrument to which it is
                  now a party or by which it is or may in the future be bound.

         i.       The Band has, and shall have until the termination of the
                  Pledge Agreement in accordance with ss. 12 thereof, a first
                  perfected security interest in the Account.

13.      Amendment of Related Documents. The following Related Documents shall
         be amended as provided in the indicated exhibits:

         a.       Account Control Agreement (Exhibit C)

         b.       Pledge and Security Agreement (Exhibit D)

                  i.       UCC-1 Financing Statements

                           (1)      Minnesota Secretary of State (Exhibit E-1)


                           (2)      Michigan Secretary of State (Exhibit E-2)

                  ii.      UCC-3 Financing Statements

                           (1)      Minnesota Secretary of State (Exhibit E-3)

                           (2)      Michigan Secretary of State (Exhibit E-4)

         c.       Assignment of Mortgage (Exhibit F)

14.      Further Assurances. From time to time hereafter, Lakes, Great Lakes
         and/or the Band will execute and deliver, or will cause to be executed
         and delivered, such additional instruments, certificates or documents,
         and will take all such actions, as may reasonably be requested by the
         other party or parties, for the purpose of implementing or effectuating
         the provisions of this Agreement.

15.      Governing Law; Severability. This Agreement shall be interpreted in
         accordance with the law of Michigan. Wherever possible each provision
         of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be
         effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provisions of this
         Agreement shall be prohibited by, unenforceable or invalid under
         applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of
         such prohibition, unenforceability or invalidity, without invalidating
         the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this

16.      Amendments, Assignments, Etc. Any provision of this Agreement may be
         amended if, but only if, such amendment is in writing and is signed by
         each of the parties hereto. No modification shall be implied from
         course of conduct. Great Lakes may not further assign its rights and
         obligations hereunder and under the Obligations without the written
         consent of the Band.

17.      Gender and Number; Counterparts. Whenever the context so requires the
         masculine gender shall include the feminine and/or neuter and the
         singular number shall include the plural, and conversely in each case.
         This Agreement may be executed in separate counterparts and said
         counterparts shall be deemed to constitute one binding document.

18.      Notices. Great Lakes agrees that any notice or demand upon it shall be
         deemed to be sufficiently given or served if it is in writing and is
         personally served or in lieu of personal service is mailed by first
         class certified mail, postage


         prepaid, or be overnight mail or courier service, addressed to Great
         Lakes at the address of Lakes and with copies as set forth in Section
         15.4 of the Development Agreement. Notice to the Band shall be given as
         provided in Section 15.4 of the Development Agreement. Any notice or
         demand so mailed shall be deemed received on the date of actual
         receipt, on the third business day following mailing as herein set
         forth or one day following delivery to a courier service, whichever
         first occurs.

19.      Arbitration; Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity. Any disputes under
         this Agreement or under the sections of the Agreements specified in
         ss.10 shall be subject to arbitration as provided in ss.14.2 of the
         Development Agreement; provided that any demand for arbitration shall
         be made within 30 days after a notice of default, denominated as such,
         is given under this Agreement. The Band's limited waiver of sovereign
         immunity in ss.ss.14.1 and 14.3 of the Development Agreement shall
         apply to this Agreement; provided that the liability of the Band under
         any judgment shall always be Limited Recourse, and in no instance shall
         any enforcement of any kind whatsoever be allowed against any assets of
         the Band other than the limited assets of the Band specified in Section
         14.3(i) of the Development Agreement.

20.      Ratification. Great Lakes and the Band, and Lakes (to the extent
         provided in ss.10) each ratify and confirm the Obligations.

21.      Interpretation. This Agreement, the related amendments to a Pledge and
         Security Agreement and Account Control Agreement (the "Amendments") and
         the Obligations shall be interpreted in favor of the Band so as to
         ensure for the Band the full benefit of its rights, powers and remedies
         under the Obligations notwithstanding the Restructuring, this Agreement
         and the Amendments; and to fully implement the intent of the parties
         that the Restructuring, this Agreement and the Amendments not affect or
         impair the Band's rights, powers and remedies under the Obligations,
         other than the conversion of Lakes from primary obligor to unlimited

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Assignment and
Assumption Agreement to be executed as of the day first above written.


                                          GREAT LAKES OF MICHIGAN, LLC

                                          NAME: Timothy J. Cope
                                          ITS: Chief Financial Officer

                                          LAKES GAMING, INC.

                                          NAME:  Timothy J. Cope
                                          ITS: Chief Financial Officer

                                          THE POKAGON BAND OF POTAWATOMI

                                          Its: Council Chairman

                                          Its: Secretary

Seen and agreed:

                                          LAKES GAMING AND RESORTS, LLC

                                          NAME:  Timothy J. Cope
                                          ITS: Chief Financial Officer


                                   SCHEDULE A

1.       Development Agreement between the Pokagon Band of Potawatami Indians
         (the "Band") and Lakes Gaming, Inc. ("Lakes") dated July 8, 1999.

2.       Management Agreement between the Band and Lakes dated July 8, 1999.

3.       Account Control Agreement by and among the Band, Lakes and Firstar Bank
         of Minnesota, N.A. dated July 8, 1999.

4.       Pledge and Security Agreement by and between Lakes and the Band dated
         July 8, 1999.

5.       Transition Loan Note dated July 8, 1999 made payable by the Band to the
         order of Lakes in the original principal amount of $7,500,000.

6.       Lakes Note dated July 8, 1999 made payable by the Band to the order of
         Lakes in the original principal amount of $43,000,000.

7.       Non-Gaming Land Acquisition Line of Credit Agreement dated July 8, 1999
         by and between the Band and Lakes.

8.       Guaranty by Pokagon Properties, LLC ("Pokagon Properties") in favor of
         Lakes dated March 9, 2000.

9.       Mortgage covering properties in Berrien County, Michigan dated March 9,
         2000 executed by Pokagon Properties in favor of Lakes, as amended.

10.      Mortgage covering properties in VanBuren County, Michigan dated March
         9, 2000 executed by Pokagon Properties in favor of Lakes, as amended.

11.      Mortgage covering properties in Cass County, Michigan dated September
         25, 2000 executed by Pokagon Properties in favor of Lakes.
