WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                   FORM 10-K/A
                          AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO FORM 10-K




                          COMMISSION FILE NUMBER: 0-45

                                 SHELDAHL, INC.

                 MINNESOTA                                      41-0758073
                 ---------                                      ----------
       (STATE OR OTHER JURISDICTION                            (IRS EMPLOYER

                               1150 SHELDAHL ROAD
                              NORTHFIELD, MN 55057
              (Address of principal executive offices and zip code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (507) 663-8000
        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None
           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                   COMMON STOCK, PAR VALUE OF $0.25 PER SHARE
                         PREFERRED STOCK PURCHASE RIGHTS
                                (Title of Class)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports) and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.
YES      X     NO
    ----------    ----------

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Rule 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [ ]

The aggregate market value of shares held by non-affiliates was approximately
$23,919,097 on April 2, 2001, when the last sales price of the Registrant's
Common Stock, as reported in the Nasdaq National Market System, was $2.06. As of
April 2, 2001, the Company had outstanding 30,762,279 shares of Common Stock.

Documents Incorporated by Reference: The Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K
for the transition period January 30, 2000 to December 29, 2000 filed with the
Commission on April 5, 2001.


                                    PART III


         The names of the directors, their principal occupations and other
information is set forth below, based upon information furnished to the Company
by the directors.

    NAME AND AGE                             PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION                                 DIRECTOR
    ------------                            AND OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS                                SINCE
                                           -----------------------                                -----
John D. Lutsi (60)                  General Partner of Morgenthaler Venture Partners V,             2000
                                    L.P. (venture capital firm);  Director of APSCO
                                    International, Cambridge International, Warrick
                                    Industries and American Management Partners.

Stuart A. Auerbach (43)             Currently General Partner of Ampersand Ventures                 2000
                                    where he has been employed since 1991, Managing
                                    Member of AMP-IV management Company Limited
                                    Liability Company (venture capital firm); interim
                                    Chief Financial Officer of ADflex Solutions (a flex
                                    circuit producer) in 1993, and from 1988 to 1991,
                                    consultant at Bain Company (a management consulting
                                    company). Currently a director of Tomah Holdings,
                                    Inc. and several other private companies.

Donald R. Friedman (54)             President and Chief Executive Officer of the                    2000
                                    Company since January 1, 2001; since 1999,
                                    President of International Flex Technologies, a
                                    subsidiary of the Company, since December 28, 2000
                                    (fine-line flex circuit producer); prior to 1999,
                                    Vice President-Marketing and Strategy, IBM.

William B. Miller (69)              Partner, Miller & Company, Ayr, Scotland (business              1991
                                    consulting); prior to 1991, Managing Director and
                                    Chairman, Prestwick Holdings plc, Ayr, Scotland
                                    (electronic component manufacturer); Director of
                                    Magnum Power plc and Stathclyde University
                                    Incubator Ltd.


Raymond C. Wieser (63)              Retired; prior to 2001, Corporate Vice President of             1998
                                    Molex Incorporated (connector manufacturer).

         For information as to how directors of the Registrant are selected, see
"Certain Relationships and Related Transactions - Governance Agreement, Voting
Agreement" at page 10.

         For information regarding executive officers, see "Executive Officers
of the Registrant" at page 11 of Sheldahl's Annual Report on 10-K filed on April
5, 2001.


      Directors who are not employees and are not affiliated with a major
shareholder ("Non-affiliate Directors") receive an annual retainer of $18,000,
50% paid in cash and 50% paid in restricted stock valued at the fair market
value of shares on the date of issuance, and a fee of $800 for each day of
meetings of the Board of Directors or any committee. Messrs. Lutsi, Auerbach and
Wieser do not receive the annual retainer nor meeting fee. See "Certain
Transactions and Change in Control". During fiscal 2000, Mr. Donaghy received an
additional $2,000 per month for acting as Chairman of the Board and Mr. Roering
received an aggregate of $5,000 per month for acting as Vice Chairman of the
Company. Pursuant to the terms of the Company's Target Grant Program, each
non-employee director (excluding Messrs. Lutsi and Auerbach) has received
options to purchase 25,000 shares (the "Target Level"). Upon exercise of such
options, each non-employee director automatically receives replacement options
to maintain his Target Level. The replacement options vest over three years and
will have an option exercise price equal to the fair market value on the date of

      In fiscal year 1982, the Company established a retirement program for
directors not covered by another retirement plan of the Company which provides
for the payment of an annual benefit equal to the annual retainer paid to
directors during the full fiscal year preceding retirement. The retirement
benefit, which is payable to directors who have served five years or more, will
commence at the later of the time of retirement or when the director becomes 65
years old and will be subject to proportionate reduction if the director has
served the Company less than 15 years. The maximum number of years that the
benefit is payable is ten years. Effective December 28, 2000, this program was
terminated with respect to any person who has not served as a director of the
Company prior to such date.


      Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the
Company's directors and executive officers, and persons who own more than 10% of
a registered class of the Company's equity securities, to file with the
Securities and Exchange Commission initial reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership of Common Stock and other equity securities of the Company.
These insiders are required by Securities and Exchange Commission regulations to
furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file, including
Forms 3, 4 and 5.

      To the Company's knowledge, based solely on review of the copies of such
reports furnished to the Company and written representations that no other
reports were required, during the fiscal year ended

December 29, 2000, all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its
insiders were complied with, except Messrs. Friedman and Lutsi, who failed to
file Form 3's in a timely manner.


         The following table shows sets forth certain information concerning
cash and other compensation for services rendered to the Company in all
capacities during the periods set forth below by (i) Donald R. Friedman, the
Company's Chief Executive Officer , (ii) each of the four other most highly
compensated executive officers of the Company in office at the end of fiscal
year 2000, whose salary and bonus exceeded $100,000 and (iii) one former
executive officer who served as Chief Executive Officer during fiscal 2000 but
who was not serving as an executive officer of the Company at the end of fiscal
2000 (together with Mr. Friedman, the "Named Executive Officers"):

                          SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE(1)

                                                                                                 Long Term
                                                              Annual Compensation                  Awards
                                                                                   Other          Securities
Name and                                                                          Annual          Underlying          All Other
Principal Position                     Year (2)    Salary ($)    Bonus ($)    Compensation($)(3)    Options       Compensation($)(4)
- ------------------                    --------    ----------    ---------    ------------------     -------       ------------------
Donald R. Friedman                    TP00        231,769        32,500              0                   0            1,646
President and Chief Executive

Peter Duff                            TP00        142,011        18,750              0                   0            4,744
Vice President-

Gregory D. Closser                    STP00        49,303             0              0                   0            1,504
Vice President-Flexible Interconnect  2000        150,000             0              0                   0            3,002
                                      1999        137,345             0              0                   0            2,581
                                      1998        136,906             0              0                   0            2,481

Jill D. Burchill (5)                  STP00        63,078             0              0                   0         450,000(6)
Vice President                        2000        200,378        50,000              0                   0            3,002
Chief Financial Officer               1999         94,432        50,000              0                   0            2,581
                                      1998              -             -              -                   -                -

James Havener                         STP00        60,508             0              0                   0            1,995
Vice President-Micro Products         2000        181,221             0              0                   0            3,624
Business Unit (7)                     1999        175,001             0              0                   0            3,500
                                      1998        111,745             0              0              75,000            2,221

Edward L. Lundstrom (8)               STP00        72,692             0              0                   0         600,000(6)
President and Chief Executive         2000        250,912             0              0                   0            5,018
Officer                               1999        200,176             0         63,924              75,000            3,687
                                      1998        199,953             0              0              10,654            3,691

- ------------------------


TP00     Denotes transition period of January 30, 2000 (the beginning of
         Holdings' fiscal year) through December 29, 2000.
STP00    Denotes transition period of September 2, 2000 (the beginning
         of Sheldahl's fiscal year) to December 29, 2000.
(1)      See "Certain Transactions and Change in Control - Transactions' Affect
         on Financial Statements and - Fiscal Year."
(2)      Unless otherwise indicated, all reporting periods relate to Sheldahl's
         fiscal years ended September 1, 2000, August 27, 1999 and August 28,
         1998, respectively.
(3)      With respect to Mr. Lundstrom, these amounts represent taxable gain
         related to option exercises during fiscal 1999.
(4)      Unless otherwise indicated, these amounts represent the Company's basic
         and matching contributions to the Company's 401(k) plan on behalf of
         such employees.
(5)      Ms. Burchill became Chief Financial Officer of Sheldahl on March 13,
         1999 and ceased serving in that capacity on December 28, 2000. Ms.
         Burchill resigned effective January 1, 2001.
(6)      $875,000 and $175,000, respectively was accrued by the Company for
         severance compensation and benefits, $375,000 and $500,000 of which was
         paid in March 2001 under severance agreements with Ms. Burchill and Mr.
         Lundstrom. See "Employment and Other Agreements".
(7)      Mr. Havener resigned effective April 9, 2001.
(8)      Mr. Lundstrom served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of
         Sheldahl until December 28, 2000. Mr. Lundstrom resigned effective
         January 1, 2001.



         There were no grants of stock options under the Company's stock option
plans to the Named Executive Officers during the fiscal year.


         The following table sets forth information with respect to the Named
Executive Officers, concerning the exercise of options during the last fiscal
year and unexercised options held as of the end of fiscal year 2000.


                                                      Number of Securities          Value of Unexercised
                                                           Underlying              In-the-Money Options at
                                                     Unexercised Options at            Fiscal Year-End
                                                         Fiscal Year-End
                                                    ------------------------      -------------------------
                        Acquired on       Value
Name                      Exercise     Realized(1)  Exercisable  Unexercisable Exercisable(2)  Unexercisable(2)
- ----                      --------     -----------  -----------  ------------- --------------  ----------------
Donald R. Friedman           0            $ 0               0           0         $      0       $      0
Peter Duff                   0            $ 0          77,997      39,000         $118,212       $ 59,108
Gregory D. Closser           0            $ 0          75,000           0         $      0       $      0
Jill D. Burchill             0            $ 0          25,000           0         $      0       $      0
James Havener                0            $ 0          75,000           0         $      0       $      0
Edward L. Lundstrom          0            $ 0         175,000      29,000         $      0       $      0

- -------------------

(1)      Market value on the date of exercise of shares covered by options
         exercised, less option exercise price.
(2)      Based on a per share price of $1.5156 which is the average of the high
         and low prices for the Company's Common Stock on December 29, 2000.
         Value is calculated on the difference between the option exercise price
         and $1.5156 multiplied by the number of shares of Common Stock
         underlying the options, but before taxes associated with exercise.


      The Company has employment agreements with certain officers not affiliated
with Holdings prior to the Merger which, as a result of the Merger discussed in
"Certain Transactions and Change in Control," require severance benefits equal
to 1.5 times the individual's average annual compensation over the preceding
five (5) years plus certain fringe benefits, or a greater amount, if any,
payable under the Company's severance pay plan, which provides generally for
payment based on length of service of up to two times an employee's base pay in
effect on the date of termination if an employee is terminated at the Company's
initiative and such employee is in good standing at the time of such
termination. Benefits under the employment agreements are available upon
termination of employment if the officers continues employment with the Company
for at least one year from the date of the Merger or if certain other events
occur resulting in a termination of employment within three (3) years of the
date of the Merger. If such termination of employment had occurred as of the end
of fiscal year 2000, Mr. Closser would have received $320,100 and all current
officers subject to such employment agreements would have received $906,865, in
the aggregate.


      Certain officers which were affiliated with Holdings prior to the Merger
have employment agreements which provide severance payments ranging from twelve
to eighteen months of an employee's base pay in the event of a termination of
employment by the Company without cause of by the employee for good reason, as
defined. Mr. Friedman's employment agreement provides additional severance
benefits if his employment is terminated within one year following a change of
control either by the Company without cause or by the officer for good reason.
In such event, Mr. Friedman would receive severance pay through the end of the
term of the agreement, December 31, 2001, plus twelve months. If a change of
control had occurred at the end of fiscal year 2000, and, if, as a result, Mr.
Friedman's employment had been terminated, he would have received approximately
$500,000 pursuant to his employment agreement.

      In connection with Mr. Lundstrom's resignation from the Company, Mr.
Lundstrom and the Company entered into a severance agreement on December 21,
2000. This agreement provides for a lump sum payment of $500,000 sixty (60) days
from the effective date of Mr. Lundstrom's resignation, continued medical
insurance coverage for a period of twenty-four (24) months and one year of
continued vesting of outstanding options which shall continue to be exercisable
for their original term. Mr. Lundstrom has agreed as part of this severance
agreement to be held to an employee agreement, which prohibits Mr. Lundstrom
from seeking employment with a competitor company for a period of one (1) year
after termination of employment with the Company and from disclosing
confidential information regarding the Company's products, customers and other
business matters. In addition, Mr. Lundstrom has agreed to consult with the
Company for a twenty-four (24) month period at no additional cost to the

      In connection with Ms. Burchill's resignation from the Company, Ms.
Burchill and the Company entered into a severance agreement on December 21,
2000. This agreement provides for a lump sum payment of $375,000 sixty (60) days
from the effective date of Ms. Burchill's resignation, continued medical
insurance coverage for a period of nine (9) months and two months of continued
vesting of outstanding options which shall continue to be exercisable for
eighteen months. Ms. Burchill has agreed as part of this severance agreement to
be held to an employee agreement, which prohibits Ms. Burchill from seeking
employment with a competitor company for a period of one (1) year after
termination of employment with the Company and from disclosing confidential
information regarding the Company's products, customers and other business

      The Company and Mr. Donaghy entered into a supplementary executive
retirement plan agreement during fiscal year 1997 which provides Mr. Donaghy
upon his retirement or other termination of his employment with an annual
retirement pension benefit equal to $137,500, less an amount equal to the sum of
(i) the aggregate of twelve (12) monthly payments received by Mr. Donaghy and/or
his spouse under his pension or deferred compensation plans established by Mr.
Donaghy's former employer; and (ii) an amount which equals an annual joint and
survivor annuity which could be purchased with the principal in Mr. Donaghy's
retirement accounts at the date of retirement provided from all retirement
contributions by the Company. Based on the above formula, the Company expects
its obligations under the agreement to be approximately $50,000 per annum
increasing to approximately $80,000 per annum in the event Mr. Donaghy
predeceases his spouse. All benefits are payable for Mr. Donaghy's life and,
after his death, if he is survived by his spouse, his spouse shall continue to
receive such benefits for the duration of her life. The agreement also restricts
Mr. Donaghy from competitive employment and disclosure of trade secrets and
confidential information.



         The following table includes information as of April 25, 2001
concerning the beneficial ownership of Common Stock of the Company by (i) the
only shareholders known to the Company to hold more than five percent of the
Common Stock of the Company, (ii) each of the directors of the Company, (iii)
each executive officer named in Item 10, and (iv) all current executive officers
and directors of the Company as a group. Unless otherwise indicated, all
beneficial owners have sole voting and investment power over the shares held.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                       AMOUNT                     PERCENT
                                                                                                     OF CLASS
Morgenthaler Venture Partners V, L.P.                                    18,968,549  (1) (2)           51.6%
Terminal Tower
50 Public Square, Suite 2700
Cleveland, OH  44113

Ampersand Ventures                                                        5,533,314  (1) (3)           16.6%
55 William Street, Suite 240
Wellesley, MA  02481

Molex Incorporated                                                        3,847,056  (4) (5)           11.3%
2222 Wellington Court
Lisle, IL  60532

Sound Beach Technology Partners, LLC                                      2,679,405  (1)                8.7%
4 Vista Avenue
Old Greenwich, CT  06870

John D. Lutsi (6) (7)                                                    18,968,549  (8)               51.6%
Stuart A. Auerbach (7) (9)                                                5,533,314  (10)              16.6%
Donald R. Friedman (7) (11) (13)                                          2,679,405  (12)               8.7%
William B. Miller (7)                                                       125,622  (14) (15)           *
Raymond C. Wieser (7)                                                        19,666  (14) (16)           *
Jill D. Burchill (17)                                                        27,578  (14)                *
Gregory D. Closser (13)                                                      84,919  (14)                *
Peter Duff (13)                                                              77,997  (14)                *
James Havener (18)                                                           84,284  (14)                *
Edward L. Lundstrom (19)                                                    205,404  (14)(20)            *
All Current Executive Officers and Directors                             27,603,472                    88.9%
  as a Group (10 persons)

- ---------------------------
* Less than one percent.



(1)      Based on a Schedule 13D filed with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission, Ampersand IV Limited Partnership and Ampersand IV Companion
         Fund Limited Partnership (the "Ampersand Funds") and AMP-IV Management
         Company Limited Liability Company ("AMP-IV" and together with the
         Ampersand Funds, "Ampersand Ventures"), Morgenthaler Venture Partners
         V, L.P. and Sound Beach Technology Partners, LLC (the "Investors") have
         shared voting and dispositive power with respect to a total of
         27,181,268 shares, representing an aggregate of 68.9% of the Common
         Stock of the Company. The Investors entered into a Voting Agreement
         with respect to their respective shares whereby they agreed to vote for
         each others Board nominees under certain circumstances. Amounts shown
         in this table for each of the Investors exclude the amounts held by
         each of the other Investors and as to which the Investors disclaim
         beneficial ownership. Pursuant to a Governance Agreement, dated
         December 28, 2000, among the Company and the Investors, the Investors
         have agreed, until December 28, 2003, that they may not own more shares
         of the Company's securities than they currently hold and that they and
         their Affiliates are restricted from taking certain actions, as more
         fully described in "Certain Transactions and Change in Control" above.
(2)      Morgenthaler Ventures' holdings include 5,651,428 shares which may be
         issued upon the conversion of the Company's Series G Convertible
         Preferred Stock, and 411,065 shares which may be issued upon the
         exercise of Subdebt Warrants.
(3)      The Ampersand Ventures's holdings include 2,422,143 shares of Common
         Stock which may be issued upon the conversion of the Company's Series G
         Convertible Preferred Stock, and 176,171 shares of Common Stock which
         may be issued upon the exercise of Subdebt Warrants.
(4)      Based upon information filed with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission on Schedule 13D.
(5)      Molex Incorporated's holdings include 1,960,785 shares which may be
         issued upon the conversion of the Company's Series D Convertible
         Preferred Stock, 120,792 shares which may be issued upon the exercise
         of Series D Warrants, 238,096 shares which may be issued upon the
         conversion of the Company's Series F Convertible Preferred Stock,
         40,300 shares which may be issued upon the exercise of the Series F
         Warrants, and 939,578 shares which may be issued upon the exercise of
         Subdebt Warrants.
(6)      Mr. Lutsi is a General Partner of Morgenthaler Venture Partners V, L.P.
(7)      Serves as a director of the Company and has been nominated for
(8)      Mr. Lutsi disclaims beneficial ownership of all shares except to the
         extent of his pecuniary interest in shares directly owned by
         Morgenthaler Venture Partners V, L.P.
(9)      Mr. Auerbach is a managing member of AMP-IV.
(10)     Mr. Auerbach disclaims beneficial ownership of all shares except to the
         extent of his pecuniary interest in shares directly owned by the
         Ampersand Funds.
(11)     Mr. Friedman is the Chief Executive Officer and significant shareholder
         of Sound Beach Technology Partners, LLC.
(12)     Mr. Friedman disclaims beneficial ownership of all shares except to the
         extent of his pecuniary interest in shares directly owned by Sound
         Beach Technology Partners, LLC.
(13)     Serves as an executive officer of the Company.
(14)     Includes shares which may be purchased within sixty days from the date
         hereof upon exercise of outstanding stock options in the amount of
         22,000 shares for Mr. Miller; 16,666 shares for Mr. Wieser; 25,000
         shares for Ms. Burchill; 75,000 shares for Mr. Closser; 77,997 shares
         for Mr. Duff; 75,000 shares for Mr. Havener; 175,000 shares for Mr.
         Lundstrom; and 286,335 shares for all current executive officers and
         directors as a group.
(15)     Mr. Miller's holdings include 5,000 shares which may be issued upon the
         exercise of Series E Warrants, and 81,622 shares held in a custodial
         account with RBSTB Nominees Limited.
(16)     Mr. Wieser is a retired officer of Molex Incorporated and disclaims
         beneficial ownership of any shares held by Molex Incorporated.
(17)     Ms. Burchill served as Chief Financial Officer of Sheldahl until
         December 28, 2000.
(18)     Mr. Havener resigned as an executive officer of the Company effective
         April 9, 2001.
(19)     Mr. Lundstrom served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of
         Sheldahl until December 28, 2000.
(20)     Mr. Lundstrom's shares include 8,170 shares which may be issued upon
         the conversion of the Company's Series D Convertible Preferred Stock,
         503 shares which may be issued upon the exercise of Series D Warrants,
         and 30 shares held indirectly by his spouse.





         On December 28, 2000, the Company acquired all of the outstanding
securities of International Flex Holdings, Inc ("Holdings"), for approximately
9.7 million shares of Sheldahl's Common Stock under the terms of a definitive
merger agreement, as amended, (the "Merger Agreement") by and among Sheldahl,
IFT West Acquisition Company, a newly formed subsidiary of Sheldahl ("West"),
Holdings, the sole shareholder of International Flex Technologies, Inc. ("IFT"),
and the stockholders of Holdings (the "Stockholders"). Under the terms of the
Merger Agreement, West merged with and into Holdings, with Holdings surviving
and becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sheldahl (the "Merger"). As
consideration for the Merger, holders of outstanding shares of Holdings' common
stock, Class A Stock, Class B Stock and Series A Preferred Stock received shares
of Sheldahl Common Stock. Holdings' option holders and warrant holder received
equivalent options and a warrant to purchase shares of Sheldahl Common Stock.
The total number of shares of Sheldahl Common Stock issued, including shares to
be issued upon exercise of options and warrants, was approximately 9.7 million.

Common Stock and Series G Investment

         Concurrent with consummating the Merger, Sheldahl completed an equity
investment pursuant to an amended stock purchase agreement (the "Stock Purchase
Agreement") by and among Sheldahl, and three accredited investors including
Morgenthaler Venture Partners V, L.P. ("Morgenthaler V"), Ampersand IV Limited
Partnership and Ampersand IV Companion Fund Limited Partnership (collectively
the "Ampersand Funds"). Under the terms of the Stock Purchase Agreement,
Morgenthaler V and the Ampersand Funds (the "Investors") collectively invested
an aggregate of $25.0 million in equity capital in exchange for approximately
9.8 million shares of Sheldahl Common Stock and 11,303 shares of a newly created
11.06% Series G Convertible Preferred Stock of Sheldahl, par value $1.00 per
share (the "Series G Stock"), such shares being convertible at $1.40 per share
in the aggregate into approximately 8.1 million shares of Sheldahl Common Stock
(the "Equity Investment"). The cash used by the Investors to complete the Equity
Investment came from the liquid assets of the Investors.

Subordinated Notes and Warrant Purchase Investment

         Concurrent with consummating the Merger and Equity Investment, Sheldahl
consummated a debt investment pursuant to an amended and restated subordinated
notes and warrant purchase agreement (the "Debt Agreement") by and among
Sheldahl, Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand Funds and Molex Incorporated ("Molex").
Under the terms of the Debt Agreement, Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand Funds and
Molex (the "Purchasers") purchased $6.5 million of 12% Senior Subordinated Notes
("Notes") and related warrants (the " Subdebt Warrants") (the "Debt
Investment"). In addition, the Purchasers collectively received Subdebt Warrants
to purchase 1,526,814 shares of Sheldahl Common Stock. The Subdebt Warrants
issued under the Debt Agreement are exercisable at $.01 per share and are
exercisable for seven years from the date of issuance. The cash used by the
Investors to complete the Debt Investment came from the liquid assets of the

Governance Agreement

         Concurrent with the closing of the Merger, the Equity Investment and
the Debt Investment (collectively, the "Transactions"), Sheldahl entered into a
governance agreement by and among it and Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand Funds and
Sound Beach Technology Partners, LLC, a former IFT stockholder ("Sound Beach")
(collectively, the "Parties") establishing the terms and conditions regarding
(i) future purchases and sales of the Company's securities, and (ii) the
Parties' relationship with the


Company (the "Governance Agreement"). Donald Friedman, the Company's Chief
Executive Officer, is a significant shareholder and officer of Sound Beach.
Molex is not a party to the Governance Agreement.

         Under the terms of the Governance Agreement, until the third
anniversary of the closing of the Transactions, the Parties and their respective
affiliates are restricted from beneficially owning any Sheldahl securities in
excess of that issued or issuable (i) in the Merger, (ii) under the Stock
Purchase Agreement, (iii) upon conversion of the Series G Stock, (iv) issuable
in respect of dividends due on the Series G Stock, and (v) upon exercise of the
Warrants issued under the Debt Agreement. The Parties are also restricted from
doing a business combination or proxy solicitation during the same period. This
restriction does not include, however, acquiring securities directly from the
Company or making business combination or tender offer proposals to the Company
or conducting a proxy solicitation in response to the same made by third

         Also under the terms of the Governance Agreement, for one year from the
date of the closing of the Transactions, the Parties are restricted from
transferring any of their shares of Common Stock, Series G Stock and Warrants,
other than to their Affiliates or Associates. At any time prior to the third
anniversary of the closing of the Transactions, any transferees of such parties,
other than a partner or a member of a Party, must become a signatory to the
Governance Agreement. After one year, any of the Parties that is an investment
fund may distribute its shares to its partners and members.

         The terms of the Governance Agreement also require that the initial
composition of Board of Directors of Sheldahl as of the closing of the
Transactions be comprised of (i) three continuing directors from Sheldahl (each
a "Continuing Director"), (ii) the director appointed by Molex (the "Molex
Director"), and (iii) three directors nominated by Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand
Funds and Sound Beach. With respect to the election of directors following the
closing of the Transactions, Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand Funds and Sound Beach
together shall be entitled to nominate three directors. The number of directors
which may be nominated by Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand Funds and Sound Beach
will be reduced as their collective ownership in the Company is reduced. The
terms of the Governance Agreement require that the identity of directors to
stand for election by the Company's shareholders or to fill vacancies on the
Board of Directors be determined by a nominating committee of the Board of
Directors (the "Nominating Committee"). For the 2001 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders, the Nominating Committee was to be comprised of one director
appointed by Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand Funds and Sound Beach together, one
Continuing Director and the Molex Director. Messrs. Lutsi, Auerbach and Friedman
have been nominated for election to the Company's Board of Directors at the
requests of Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand Funds and Sound Beach, respectively.

         In the event the Company desires to enter into a transaction with any
of the holders of the Series G Stock or their affiliates, the Governance
Agreement requires that such transaction must be approved by a majority vote of
the Board of Directors, excluding any Series G Director who is a party to or
otherwise has an interest in the transaction.

         Without the consent of Morgenthaler V and the Ampersand Funds, the
Company may not authorize or enter into any agreement relating to a merger, sale
or lease of substantially all of the Company's assets, set the number of
directors at a number other than seven (7), or repurchase or redeem any equity
securities of the Company, as long as such Party continues to hold at least 15%
of the shares of Common Stock issued or issuable to it pursuant to the



Voting Agreement

         In connection with the Transactions, Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand
Funds and Sound Beach together executed a voting agreement, as amended (the
"Voting Agreement"). The Company is not a party to this Voting Agreement. Under
the terms of the Voting Agreement, Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand Funds and Sound
Beach have agreed how they will designate individuals to be nominated for
election as directors as provided under the Governance Agreement. Additionally,
provided the parties hold a certain level of ownership in the Company,
Morgenthaler V, the Ampersand Funds and Sound Beach agree to vote their shares
in favor of such nominees to the Company's Board of Directors. Lastly, the
Voting Agreement restricts the ability of Sound Beach to dispose of its shares
provided Morgenthaler V and the Ampersand Funds maintain ownership of at least
60% of the securities received in the Transactions.

Post Transactions Ownership

         The beneficial ownership of the Investors, calculated in conformance
with Rule 13d-1 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, is
thoroughly described on page __ under "Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial
Owners and Management."

Molex Transactions

         Molex Incorporated ("Molex") is a customer of the Company with
purchases in the eleven month period ending December 29, 2000, on a pro forma
combined basis including IFT and Sheldahl, of approximately $7,574,000,
representing 5.5% of the Company's gross revenues. On July 28, 1998, the Company
and Molex formed a joint venture to design, market and assemble modular
interconnect systems to replace wiring harnesses primarily in the automotive
market (the "Joint Venture"). The new company was named Modular Interconnect
Systems, L.L.C. and it is a Delaware limited liability company ("Modular
Interconnect"). Modular Interconnect will utilize proprietary flexible products
developed by the Company and proprietary connectors developed by Molex in the
development of the new modular interconnect system as an alternative to
conventional automotive wiring harnesses and flex circuit assemblies. The
Company and Molex will supply their respective products to Modular Interconnect
pursuant to long-term supply contracts. Modular Interconnect is managed by five
managers, three of whom are designated by Molex and two by Sheldahl. Certain
transactions require the approval of the majority of managers designated by each

         On July 30, 1998, the Company completed a private placement of shares
of its Series D Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Series D Stock"). This private
offering resulted in gross proceeds to the Company of $32,917,000 and the
issuance to accredited investors of 32,917 shares of the Series D Stock at a
price of $1,000 per share. As one of the investors in the Series D offering,
Molex purchased from the Company $12,000,000 of the total shares of the Series D
Stock. Given the current conversion price of $6.1002 per share, Molex's Series D
Stock is convertible into 1,967,149 shares of the Company's Common Stock and
carries warrants to purchase an additional 120,792 shares of Common Stock at an
exercise price of $7.6371 per share. As of the date of the closing of the Series
D offering, Molex also owned 340,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock.

         On January 11, 2000, the Company completed a private placement of
shares of its Series F Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Series F Stock"). This
private offering resulted in gross proceeds to the Company of $1,800,000 and the
issuance to accredited investors of 1,800 shares of the Series F Stock at a
price of $1,000 per share. As one of the investors in the Series F offering,
Molex purchased from the Company $1,300,000 of the total shares of the Series F
Stock. Given the current conversion price of $5.46 per share, Molex's Series F
Stock is convertible into 238,096 shares of the Company's Common


Stock and carries warrants to purchase an additional 40,300 shares of Common
Stock at an exercise price of $5.46 per share.

         In connection with the formation of the Joint Venture and the
investment by Molex in the Series D offering, Molex was granted the right to
nominate one person to the Sheldahl Board of Directors, a right of first refusal
in the event of a sale of Sheldahl, and certain preemptive rights under the
Agreement Relating to Sheldahl dated November 18, 1998 (the "Sheldahl
Agreement"). On October 20, 1998 the Board of Directors of Sheldahl elected
Raymond C. Wieser, a now retired Corporate Vice President of Molex, as a
director. Mr. Wieser has been nominated for election at the Company's Annual
Meeting of Shareholders to which this proxy statement relates.

         In connection with execution of the Merger Agreement, the Stock
Purchase Agreement and the Debt Agreement, the Company and Molex agreed to
certain amendments to (i) the Sheldahl Agreement , and (ii) the Limited
Liability Company Agreement of Modular Interconnect Systems, L.L.C., dated July
28, 1998 (the "LLC Agreement"). The Sheldahl Agreement was amended to provide
that Molex shall have the right to participate in future equity offerings of the
Company so that Molex retains up to a 10% ownership interest in the Company on a
fully diluted basis. Also, the Sheldahl Agreement was amended to provide that
Molex shall have the right to participate in future issuances of the Company's
equity securities in connection with an acquisition so that Molex retains up to
a 5% ownership interest in the Company on a fully diluted basis. Lastly, the
Sheldahl Agreement was amended to provide Molex with a right of first refusal on
any acquisitions of the Company by three Identified Parties (the "Right of First
Refusal"). The Right of First Refusal terminates at the earlier of the end of
the thirty month period following the date of closing of the Merger or the
execution of a mutually acceptable supply and technology agreement between Molex
and Sheldahl. The LLC Agreement was amended to provide that all past defaults by
either party thereto, if any, would be waived currently and that the
Transactions would not trigger the Change of Control provisions in the LLC

Transactions' Affect on Financial Statements

         In the Merger, as described above, Sheldahl acquired all of the
outstanding securities of Holdings resulting in Holdings becoming a wholly-owned
operating subsidiary of Sheldahl. Although Sheldahl is the legal survivor in the
Merger and remains the registrant with the Securities and Exchange Commission
("SEC") and a listed company on Nasdaq, under United States generally accepted
accounting principles, due to the number of shares issued and sold in the
Transactions, Holdings is considered the "acquirer" of Sheldahl for financial
reporting purposes. Among other matters, this will require Sheldahl in all of
its future financial and informational filings with the SEC to present the prior
historical financial and other information of Holdings for periods prior to
December 28, 2000, the effective date of the Merger.

Fiscal Year

         On January 5, 2001, the Board of Directors approved a change of the
Company's fiscal year end to the Friday closest to December 31 of each year
beginning December 29, 2000. Therefore, for purposes of the Company's Annual
Report on Form 10-K and amendments thereto, fiscal 2000 will consist of a
transition period from January 30, 2000, the beginning of Holdings fiscal year,
to December 29, 2000.


         See "Executive Compensation and Other Information - Employment and
Other Agreements."




Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Dated:  May 1, 2001        SHELDAHL, INC.

                           By  /s/  Donald R. Friedman
                           Donald R. Friedman
                           President and Chief Executive Officer

                           By /s/  Peter Duff
                           Peter Duff, Vice President-Finance

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant on
May 1, 2001 and in the capacities indicated.

By /s/  Donald R. Friedman             President and Chief Executive Officer and
  ------------------------------       Director (Principal Executive Officer)
        Donald R. Friedman

By /s/  Peter Duff                     Vice President-Finance
  ------------------------------       Director (Principal Executive Officer)
        Peter Duff

By /s/  John D. Lutsi*                 Chairman of the Board of Directors
        John D. Lutsi

By /s/  Stuart A. Auerbach*            Director
        Stuart A. Auerbach

By /s/  William B. Miller*             Director
        William B. Miller

By /s/  Raymond C. Wieser*             Director
        Raymond C. Wieser

*By /s/ Donald R. Friedman
        Donald R. Friedman
