MORGAN STANLEY                     AS REVISED
                                OCTOBER 31, 2001         [CONSUMERS ENERGY LOGO]
Securitized Products Group


                            [CONSUMERS ENERGY LOGO]

                              CONSUMERS FUNDING LLC


                       SECURITIZATION BONDS SERIES 2001-1


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This information is furnished on a confidential basis and may not be reproduced
in whole or in part and is being delivered to a specific number of prospective
sophisticated investors in order to assist them in determining whether they have
an interest in the type of security described herein. It has been prepared
solely for information purposes and is not an offer to buy or sell or a
solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to
participate in any trading strategy. This material is based on information
provided by Consumers Funding LLC and Consumers Energy Company with respect to
the expected characteristics of the securitization property securing these
securities. The actual characteristics and performance of the securitization
property will differ from the assumptions used in preparing these materials,
which are hypothetical in nature. Changes in the assumptions may have a material
impact on the information set forth in these materials. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated makes no representation or warranty with respect to the
appropriateness, usefulness, accuracy or completeness of the information, or
with respect to the terms of any future offer of securities conforming to the
terms hereof. Any such offer of securities would be made pursuant to a
definitive Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement prepared by the issuer which
could contain material information not contained herein and to which the
prospective purchasers are referred. In the event of any such offering, this
information shall be deemed superseded, amended and supplemented in its entirety
by such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. Such Prospectus and Prospectus
Supplement will contain all material information in respect of any securities
offered thereby and any decision to invest in such securities should be made
solely in reliance upon such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. The
information contained in this material may be based on assumptions regarding
market conditions and other matters as reflected therein and is therefore
subject to change. We make no representations regarding the reasonableness of
such assumptions or the likelihood that any of such assumptions will coincide
with actual market conditions or events, and this material should not be relied
on for such purposes. No representation is made that any returns indicated will
be achieved. Changes to the assumptions may have a material impact on any
returns detailed. Although the analyses herein may not show a negative return on
the securities referred to herein, such securities are not principal protected
and, in certain circumstances, investors in such securities may suffer a
complete or partial loss on their investment. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
disclaims any and all liability relating to this information, including without
limitation any express or implied representations or warranties for, statements
contained in, and omissions from, this information. Additional information is
available upon request. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and others associated
with it may have positions in, and may effect transactions in, securities and
instruments of issuers mentioned herein and may also perform or seek to perform
investment banking services for the issuers of such securities and instruments.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Price and
availability are subject to change without notice. Information contained in this
material is current as of the date appearing on this material only. Information
in this material regarding any assets backing any securities discussed herein
supercedes all prior information regarding such assets. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated is acting as the lead underwriter and not acting as agent for the
issuer or its affiliates in connection with the proposed transaction. To our
readers worldwide: In addition, please note that this publication has been
issued by Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, approved by Morgan Stanley
International Limited, a member of The Securities and Futures Authority, and by
Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd. We recommend that such investors obtain the advice of
their Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, Morgan Stanley International or Morgan
Stanley Japan Ltd. representative about the investments concerned. NOT FOR

MORGAN STANLEY                     AS REVISED
                                OCTOBER 31, 2001         [CONSUMERS ENERGY LOGO]
Securitized Products Group

                            CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY

                             TRANSACTION HIGHLIGHTS

                                         Ratings              Average                                Expected
                             Tranche   (Moody's/S&P/       Life/Modified     Payment      Expected    Legal
Class            Size         Type         Fitch)            Duration         Window       Final      Final
A-1         $ 26,000,000    Sequential   Aaa/AAA/AAA      1.0 yrs./1.0 yrs.  10 months    4/20/03    4/20/05
A-2         $ 84,000,000    Sequential   Aaa/AAA/AAA      3.0 yrs./2.8 yrs.  37 months    4/20/06    4/20/08
A-3         $ 31,000,000    Sequential   Aaa/AAA/AAA      5.0 yrs./4.4 yrs.  13 months    4/20/07    4/20/09
A-4         $ 95,000,000    Sequential   Aaa/AAA/AAA      7.0 yrs./5.8 yrs.  37 months    4/20/10    4/20/12
A-5         $117,000,000    Sequential   Aaa/AAA/AAA      10.0 yrs./7.5 yrs. 37 months    4/20/13    4/20/15
A-6         $115,592,000    Sequential   Aaa/AAA/AAA      12.9 yrs./8.8 yrs. 31 months    10/20/15   10/20/16

MANAGER:                           Morgan Stanley
CO-MANAGERS:                       Banc One Capital Markets, Inc., Barclays Capital, J.P. Morgan Securities Inc., Loop
                                   Capital Markets, LLC
EXPECTED PRICING:                  On or about November 1, 2001.        Securitization Bonds priced to maturity
EXPECTED SETTLEMENT:               November 8, 2001, settling flat through DTC, Cedel and Euroclear
INTEREST PAYMENTS:                 Quarterly, on the 20th of each January, April, July and October
PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS:                Quarterly, on the 20th of each January, April, July and October
FIRST INTEREST PAYMENT:            July 20, 2002
PAYMENT:                           July 20, 2002
DAY COUNT BASIS:                   30/360
CREDIT ENHANCEMENT:                (i)   Mandatory true-up mechanism - enables rates charged to customers to be adjusted to
                                         cover scheduled debt service, pay expenses, fund overcollateralization and replenish
                                         capital subaccount

                                   (ii)  Capital subaccount (upfront deposit of 0.5% of initial aggregate principal balance)

                                   (iii) Overcollateralization subaccount: 0.5% of initial aggregate principal balance (initially
                                         $0, funded ratably over life of Securitization Bonds, reaching an aggregate balance of

This information is furnished on a confidential basis and may not be reproduced
in whole or in part and is being delivered to a specific number of prospective
sophisticated investors in order to assist them in determining whether they have
an interest in the type of security described herein. It has been prepared
solely for information purposes and is not an offer to buy or sell or a
solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to
participate in any trading strategy. This material is based on information
provided by Consumers Funding LLC and Consumers Energy Company with respect to
the expected characteristics of the securitization property securing these
securities. The actual characteristics and performance of the securitization
property will differ from the assumptions used in preparing these materials,
which are hypothetical in nature. Changes in the assumptions may have a material
impact on the information set forth in these materials. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated makes no representation or warranty with respect to the
appropriateness, usefulness, accuracy or completeness of the information, or
with respect to the terms of any future offer of securities conforming to the
terms hereof. Any such offer of securities would be made pursuant to a
definitive Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement prepared by the issuer which
could contain material information not contained herein and to which the
prospective purchasers are referred. In the event of any such offering, this
information shall be deemed superseded, amended and supplemented in its entirety
by such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. Such Prospectus and Prospectus
Supplement will contain all material information in respect of any securities
offered thereby and any decision to invest in such securities should be made
solely in reliance upon such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. The
information contained in this material may be based on assumptions regarding
market conditions and other matters as reflected therein and is therefore
subject to change. We make no representations regarding the reasonableness of
such assumptions or the likelihood that any of such assumptions will coincide
with actual market conditions or events, and this material should not be relied
on for such purposes. No representation is made that any returns indicated will
be achieved. Changes to the assumptions may have a material impact on any
returns detailed. Although the analyses herein may not show a negative return on
the securities referred to herein, such securities are not principal protected
and, in certain circumstances, investors in such securities may suffer a
complete or partial loss on their investment. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
disclaims any and all liability relating to this information, including without
limitation any express or implied representations or warranties for, statements
contained in, and omissions from, this information. Additional information is
available upon request. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and others associated
with it may have positions in, and may effect transactions in, securities and
instruments of issuers mentioned herein and may also perform or seek to perform
investment banking services for the issuers of such securities and instruments.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Price and
availability are subject to change without notice. Information contained in this
material is current as of the date appearing on this material only. Information
in this material regarding any assets backing any securities discussed herein
supercedes all prior information regarding such assets. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated is acting as the lead underwriter and not acting as agent for the
issuer or its affiliates in connection with the proposed transaction. To our
readers worldwide: In addition, please note that this publication has been
issued by Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, approved by Morgan Stanley
International Limited, a member of The Securities and Futures Authority, and by
Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd. We recommend that such investors obtain the advice of
their Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, Morgan Stanley International or Morgan
Stanley Japan Ltd. representative about the investments concerned. NOT FOR


MORGAN STANLEY                     AS REVISED
                                OCTOBER 31, 2001         [CONSUMERS ENERGY LOGO]
Securitized Products Group

TRUE-UP ADJUSTMENTS:                           TRUE-UP FREQUENCY                                    PAYMENT DATES
                                                     Annually                                       10/20/02 - 7/20/14
                                                     Quarterly                                      10/20/14 - 10/20/15

OPTIONAL CLEAN-UP CALL:             5% of initial aggregate principal balance
ERISA ELIGIBILITY:                  All classes, subject to applicable ERISA exemptions

This information is furnished on a confidential basis and may not be reproduced
in whole or in part and is being delivered to a specific number of prospective
sophisticated investors in order to assist them in determining whether they have
an interest in the type of security described herein. It has been prepared
solely for information purposes and is not an offer to buy or sell or a
solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to
participate in any trading strategy. This material is based on information
provided by Consumers Funding LLC and Consumers Energy Company with respect to
the expected characteristics of the securitization property securing these
securities. The actual characteristics and performance of the securitization
property will differ from the assumptions used in preparing these materials,
which are hypothetical in nature. Changes in the assumptions may have a material
impact on the information set forth in these materials. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated makes no representation or warranty with respect to the
appropriateness, usefulness, accuracy or completeness of the information, or
with respect to the terms of any future offer of securities conforming to the
terms hereof. Any such offer of securities would be made pursuant to a
definitive Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement prepared by the issuer which
could contain material information not contained herein and to which the
prospective purchasers are referred. In the event of any such offering, this
information shall be deemed superseded, amended and supplemented in its entirety
by such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. Such Prospectus and Prospectus
Supplement will contain all material information in respect of any securities
offered thereby and any decision to invest in such securities should be made
solely in reliance upon such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. The
information contained in this material may be based on assumptions regarding
market conditions and other matters as reflected therein and is therefore
subject to change. We make no representations regarding the reasonableness of
such assumptions or the likelihood that any of such assumptions will coincide
with actual market conditions or events, and this material should not be relied
on for such purposes. No representation is made that any returns indicated will
be achieved. Changes to the assumptions may have a material impact on any
returns detailed. Although the analyses herein may not show a negative return on
the securities referred to herein, such securities are not principal protected
and, in certain circumstances, investors in such securities may suffer a
complete or partial loss on their investment. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
disclaims any and all liability relating to this information, including without
limitation any express or implied representations or warranties for, statements
contained in, and omissions from, this information. Additional information is
available upon request. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and others associated
with it may have positions in, and may effect transactions in, securities and
instruments of issuers mentioned herein and may also perform or seek to perform
investment banking services for the issuers of such securities and instruments.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Price and
availability are subject to change without notice. Information contained in this
material is current as of the date appearing on this material only. Information
in this material regarding any assets backing any securities discussed herein
supercedes all prior information regarding such assets. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated is acting as the lead underwriter and not acting as agent for the
issuer or its affiliates in connection with the proposed transaction. To our
readers worldwide: In addition, please note that this publication has been
issued by Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, approved by Morgan Stanley
International Limited, a member of The Securities and Futures Authority, and by
Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd. We recommend that such investors obtain the advice of
their Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, Morgan Stanley International or Morgan
Stanley Japan Ltd. representative about the investments concerned. NOT FOR


MORGAN STANLEY                     AS REVISED
                                OCTOBER 31, 2001         [CONSUMERS ENERGY LOGO]
Securitized Products Group


Consumers will file true-up requests with the Michigan Public Service Commission
to adjust Securitization Charges ("SCs") so that the actual class balance
matches the projected class balance by the appropriate payment date.

DISTRIBUTION DATE       CLASS A-1          CLASS A-2          CLASS A-3          CLASS A-4           CLASS A-5           CLASS A-6
-----------------       ---------          ---------          ---------          ---------           ---------           ---------
  Issuance Date        $ 26,000,000       $ 84,000,000       $ 31,000,000       $ 95,000,000       $ 117,000,000       $ 115,592,000
    7/20/02              17,700,961         84,000,000         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    10/20/02             10,350,370         84,000,000         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    1/20/03               3,666,292         84,000,000         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    4/20/03                       0         81,007,867         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    7/20/03                       -         75,022,007         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    10/20/03                      -         67,542,756         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    1/20/04                       -         60,661,938         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    4/20/04                       -         53,775,385         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    7/20/04                       -         47,596,577         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    10/20/04                      -         39,919,038         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    1/20/05                       -         32,838,454         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    4/20/05                       -         25,737,563         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    7/20/05                       -         19,338,243         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    10/20/05                      -         11,424,749         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    1/20/06                       -          4,116,844         31,000,000         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    4/20/06                       -                  0         27,793,855         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    7/20/06                       -                  -         21,155,600         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    10/20/06                      -                  -         12,974,116         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    1/20/07                       -                  -          5,394,886         95,000,000         117,000,000         115,592,000
    4/20/07                       -                  -                  0         92,792,137         117,000,000         115,592,000
    7/20/07                       -                  -                  -         85,845,782         117,000,000         115,592,000
    10/20/07                      -                  -                  -         77,331,333         117,000,000         115,592,000
    1/20/08                       -                  -                  -         69,419,271         117,000,000         115,592,000
    4/20/08                       -                  -                  -         61,482,284         117,000,000         115,592,000
    7/20/08                       -                  -                  -         54,180,570         117,000,000         115,592,000
    10/20/08                      -                  -                  -         45,293,307         117,000,000         115,592,000
    1/20/09                       -                  -                  -         37,016,366         117,000,000         115,592,000
    4/20/09                       -                  -                  -         28,719,497         117,000,000         115,592,000
    7/20/09                       -                  -                  -         21,042,645         117,000,000         115,592,000
    10/20/09                      -                  -                  -         11,762,972         117,000,000         115,592,000
    1/20/10                       -                  -                  -          3,100,895         117,000,000         115,592,000
    4/20/10                       -                  -                  -                  0         111,423,220         115,592,000
    7/20/10                       -                  -                  -                  -         103,343,396         115,592,000
    10/20/10                      -                  -                  -                  -          93,633,452         115,592,000
    1/20/11                       -                  -                  -                  -          84,535,344         115,592,000
    4/20/11                       -                  -                  -                  -          75,413,536         115,592,000
    7/20/11                       -                  -                  -                  -          66,869,428         115,592,000

This information is furnished on a confidential basis and may not be
reproduced in whole or in part and is being delivered to a specific number of
prospective sophisticated investors in order to assist them in determining
whether they have an interest in the type of security described herein. It has
been prepared solely for information purposes and is not an offer to buy or sell
or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to
participate in any trading strategy. This material is based on information
provided by Consumers Funding LLC and Consumers Energy Company with respect to
the expected characteristics of the securitization property securing these
securities. The actual characteristics and performance of the securitization
property will differ from the assumptions used in preparing these materials,
which are hypothetical in nature. Changes in the assumptions may have a material
impact on the information set forth in these materials. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated makes no representation or warranty with respect to the
appropriateness, usefulness, accuracy or completeness of the information, or
with respect to the terms of any future offer of securities conforming to the
terms hereof. Any such offer of securities would be made pursuant to a
definitive Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement prepared by the issuer which
could contain material information not contained herein and to which the
prospective purchasers are referred. In the event of any such offering, this
information shall be deemed superseded, amended and supplemented in its entirety
by such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. Such Prospectus and Prospectus
Supplement will contain all material information in respect of any securities
offered thereby and any decision to invest in such securities should be made
solely in reliance upon such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. The
information contained in this material may be based on assumptions regarding
market conditions and other matters as reflected therein and is therefore
subject to change. We make no representations regarding the reasonableness of
such assumptions or the likelihood that any of such assumptions will coincide
with actual market conditions or events, and this material should not be relied
on for such purposes. No representation is made that any returns indicated will
be achieved. Changes to the assumptions may have a material impact on any
returns detailed. Although the analyses herein may not show a negative return on
the securities referred to herein, such securities are not principal protected
and, in certain circumstances, investors in such securities may suffer a
complete or partial loss on their investment. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
disclaims any and all liability relating to this information, including without
limitation any express or implied representations or warranties for, statements
contained in, and omissions from, this information. Additional information is
available upon request. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and others associated
with it may have positions in, and may effect transactions in, securities and
instruments of issuers mentioned herein and may also perform or seek to perform
investment banking services for the issuers of such securities and instruments.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Price and
availability are subject to change without notice. Information contained in this
material is current as of the date appearing on this material only. Information
in this material regarding any assets backing any securities discussed herein
supercedes all prior information regarding such assets. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated is acting as the lead underwriter and not acting as agent for the
issuer or its affiliates in connection with the proposed transaction. To our
readers worldwide: In addition, please note that this publication has been
issued by Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, approved by Morgan Stanley
International Limited, a member of The Securities and Futures Authority, and by
Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd. We recommend that such investors obtain the advice of
their Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, Morgan Stanley International or Morgan
Stanley Japan Ltd. representative about the investments concerned. NOT FOR


MORGAN STANLEY                     AS REVISED
                                OCTOBER 31, 2001         [CONSUMERS ENERGY LOGO]
Securitized Products Group

DISTRIBUTION DATE       CLASS A-1         CLASS A-2         CLASS A-3         CLASS A-4        CLASS A-5         CLASS A-6
-----------------       ---------         ---------         ---------         ---------        ---------         ---------
    10/20/11                  -                 -                 -                 -         56,677,037        115,592,000
    1/20/12                   -                 -                 -                 -         47,101,178        115,592,000
    4/20/12                   -                 -                 -                 -         37,503,372        115,592,000
    7/20/12                   -                 -                 -                 -         28,466,831        115,592,000
    10/20/12                  -                 -                 -                 -         17,763,861        115,592,000
    1/20/13                   -                 -                 -                 -          7,681,334        115,592,000
    4/20/13                   -                 -                 -                 -                  0        113,169,844
    7/20/13                   -                 -                 -                 -                  -        103,609,042
    10/20/13                  -                 -                 -                 -                  -         92,355,734
    1/20/14                   -                 -                 -                 -                  -         81,716,545
    4/20/14                   -                 -                 -                 -                  -         71,047,543
    7/20/14                   -                 -                 -                 -                  -         60,897,245
    10/20/14                  -                 -                 -                 -                  -         49,035,223
    1/20/15                   -                 -                 -                 -                  -         37,648,858
    4/20/15                   -                 -                 -                 -                  -         25,409,551
    7/20/15                   -                 -                 -                 -                  -         13,647,227
    10/20/15                  -                 -                 -                 -                  -                  0

This information is furnished on a confidential basis and may not be reproduced
in whole or in part and is being delivered to a specific number of prospective
sophisticated investors in order to assist them in determining whether they have
an interest in the type of security described herein. It has been prepared
solely for information purposes and is not an offer to buy or sell or a
solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to
participate in any trading strategy. This material is based on information
provided by Consumers Funding LLC and Consumers Energy Company with respect to
the expected characteristics of the securitization property securing these
securities. The actual characteristics and performance of the securitization
property will differ from the assumptions used in preparing these materials,
which are hypothetical in nature. Changes in the assumptions may have a material
impact on the information set forth in these materials. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated makes no representation or warranty with respect to the
appropriateness, usefulness, accuracy or completeness of the information, or
with respect to the terms of any future offer of securities conforming to the
terms hereof. Any such offer of securities would be made pursuant to a
definitive Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement prepared by the issuer which
could contain material information not contained herein and to which the
prospective purchasers are referred. In the event of any such offering, this
information shall be deemed superseded, amended and supplemented in its entirety
by such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. Such Prospectus and Prospectus
Supplement will contain all material information in respect of any securities
offered thereby and any decision to invest in such securities should be made
solely in reliance upon such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. The
information contained in this material may be based on assumptions regarding
market conditions and other matters as reflected therein and is therefore
subject to change. We make no representations regarding the reasonableness of
such assumptions or the likelihood that any of such assumptions will coincide
with actual market conditions or events, and this material should not be relied
on for such purposes. No representation is made that any returns indicated will
be achieved. Changes to the assumptions may have a material impact on any
returns detailed. Although the analyses herein may not show a negative return on
the securities referred to herein, such securities are not principal protected
and, in certain circumstances, investors in such securities may suffer a
complete or partial loss on their investment. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
disclaims any and all liability relating to this information, including without
limitation any express or implied representations or warranties for, statements
contained in, and omissions from, this information. Additional information is
available upon request. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and others associated
with it may have positions in, and may effect transactions in, securities and
instruments of issuers mentioned herein and may also perform or seek to perform
investment banking services for the issuers of such securities and instruments.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Price and
availability are subject to change without notice. Information contained in this
material is current as of the date appearing on this material only. Information
in this material regarding any assets backing any securities discussed herein
supercedes all prior information regarding such assets. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated is acting as the lead underwriter and not acting as agent for the
issuer or its affiliates in connection with the proposed transaction. To our
readers worldwide: In addition, please note that this publication has been
issued by Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, approved by Morgan Stanley
International Limited, a member of The Securities and Futures Authority, and by
Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd. We recommend that such investors obtain the advice of
their Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, Morgan Stanley International or Morgan
Stanley Japan Ltd. representative about the investments concerned. NOT FOR


MORGAN STANLEY                     AS REVISED
                                OCTOBER 31, 2001         [CONSUMERS ENERGY LOGO]
Securitized Products Group

                           DECREMENT TABLE TO MATURITY

DISTRIBUTION DATE         CLASS A-1     CLASS A-2      CLASS A-3      CLASS A-4       CLASS A-5       CLASS A-6
-----------------         ---------     ---------      ---------      ---------       ---------       ---------
                             %             %               %               %              %               %
Issuance Date               100            100            100             100             100            100
   7/20/02                   68            100            100             100             100            100
  10/20/02                   40            100            100             100             100            100
   1/20/03                   14            100            100             100             100            100
   4/20/03                    0             96            100             100             100            100
   7/20/03                    -             89            100             100             100            100
  10/20/03                    -             80            100             100             100            100
   1/20/04                    -             72            100             100             100            100
   4/20/04                    -             64            100             100             100            100
   7/20/04                    -             57            100             100             100            100
  10/20/04                    -             48            100             100             100            100
   1/20/05                    -             39            100             100             100            100
   4/20/05                    -             31            100             100             100            100
   7/20/05                    -             23            100             100             100            100
  10/20/05                    -             14            100             100             100            100
   1/20/06                    -              5            100             100             100            100
   4/20/06                    -              0             90             100             100            100
   7/20/06                    -              -             68             100             100            100
  10/20/06                    -              -             42             100             100            100
   1/20/07                    -              -             17             100             100            100
   4/20/07                    -              -              0              98             100            100
   7/20/07                    -              -              -              90             100            100
  10/20/07                    -              -              -              81             100            100
   1/20/08                    -              -              -              73             100            100
   4/20/08                    -              -              -              65             100            100
   7/20/08                    -              -              -              57             100            100
  10/20/08                    -              -              -              48             100            100
   1/20/09                    -              -              -              39             100            100
   4/20/09                    -              -              -              30             100            100
   7/20/09                    -              -              -              22             100            100
  10/20/09                    -              -              -              12             100            100
   1/20/10                    -              -              -              3              100            100
   4/20/10                    -              -              -              0              95             100
   7/20/10                    -              -              -              -              88             100
  10/20/10                    -              -              -              -              80             100
   1/20/11                    -              -              -              -              72             100
   4/20/11                    -              -              -              -              64             100
   7/20/11                    -              -              -              -              57             100
  10/20/11                    -              -              -              -              48             100
   1/20/12                    -              -              -              -              40             100

This information is furnished on a confidential basis and may not be reproduced
in whole or in part and is being delivered to a specific number of prospective
sophisticated investors in order to assist them in determining whether they have
an interest in the type of security described herein. It has been prepared
solely for information purposes and is not an offer to buy or sell or a
solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to
participate in any trading strategy. This material is based on information
provided by Consumers Funding LLC and Consumers Energy Company with respect to
the expected characteristics of the securitization property securing these
securities. The actual characteristics and performance of the securitization
property will differ from the assumptions used in preparing these materials,
which are hypothetical in nature. Changes in the assumptions may have a material
impact on the information set forth in these materials. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated makes no representation or warranty with respect to the
appropriateness, usefulness, accuracy or completeness of the information, or
with respect to the terms of any future offer of securities conforming to the
terms hereof. Any such offer of securities would be made pursuant to a
definitive Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement prepared by the issuer which
could contain material information not contained herein and to which the
prospective purchasers are referred. In the event of any such offering, this
information shall be deemed superseded, amended and supplemented in its entirety
by such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. Such Prospectus and Prospectus
Supplement will contain all material information in respect of any securities
offered thereby and any decision to invest in such securities should be made
solely in reliance upon such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. The
information contained in this material may be based on assumptions regarding
market conditions and other matters as reflected therein and is therefore
subject to change. We make no representations regarding the reasonableness of
such assumptions or the likelihood that any of such assumptions will coincide
with actual market conditions or events, and this material should not be relied
on for such purposes. No representation is made that any returns indicated will
be achieved. Changes to the assumptions may have a material impact on any
returns detailed. Although the analyses herein may not show a negative return on
the securities referred to herein, such securities are not principal protected
and, in certain circumstances, investors in such securities may suffer a
complete or partial loss on their investment. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
disclaims any and all liability relating to this information, including without
limitation any express or implied representations or warranties for, statements
contained in, and omissions from, this information. Additional information is
available upon request. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and others associated
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instruments of issuers mentioned herein and may also perform or seek to perform
investment banking services for the issuers of such securities and instruments.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Price and
availability are subject to change without notice. Information contained in this
material is current as of the date appearing on this material only. Information
in this material regarding any assets backing any securities discussed herein
supercedes all prior information regarding such assets. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated is acting as the lead underwriter and not acting as agent for the
issuer or its affiliates in connection with the proposed transaction. To our
readers worldwide: In addition, please note that this publication has been
issued by Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, approved by Morgan Stanley
International Limited, a member of The Securities and Futures Authority, and by
Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd. We recommend that such investors obtain the advice of
their Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, Morgan Stanley International or Morgan
Stanley Japan Ltd. representative about the investments concerned. NOT FOR


MORGAN STANLEY                     AS REVISED
                                OCTOBER 31, 2001         [CONSUMERS ENERGY LOGO]
Securitized Products Group


DISTRIBUTION DATE      CLASS A-1        CLASS A-2        CLASS A-3         CLASS A-4         CLASS A-5        CLASS A-6
-----------------      ---------        ---------        ---------         ---------         ---------        ---------
                          %                %                %                 %                 %                %
4/20/12                   -                -                -                 -                 32               100
7/20/12                   -                -                -                 -                 24               100
10/20/12                  -                -                -                 -                 15               100
1/20/13                   -                -                -                 -                 7                100
4/20/13                   -                -                -                 -                 0                98
7/20/13                   -                -                -                 -                 -                90
10/20/13                  -                -                -                 -                 -                80
1/20/14                   -                -                -                 -                 -                71
4/20/14                   -                -                -                 -                 -                61
7/20/14                   -                -                -                 -                 -                53
10/20/14                  -                -                -                 -                 -                42
1/20/15                   -                -                -                 -                 -                33
4/20/15                   -                -                -                 -                 -                22
7/20/15                   -                -                -                 -                 -                12
10/20/15                  -                -                -                 -                 -                0


The following table highlights the sensitivity of the average lives of the
various classes to decreases in forecasted sales.

            TARGETED        -------------------------------------------------
CLASS       AVG. LIFE       0%             5%             10%            15%
-----       ---------       --             --             ---            ---
A-1            1.0          1.0            1.0            1.0            1.1
A-2            3.0          3.0            3.0            3.1            3.2
A-3            5.0          5.0            5.0            5.1            5.2
A-4            7.0          7.0            7.0            7.1            7.1
A-5           10.0          10.0           10.0           10.0           10.1
A-6           12.9          12.9           12.9           12.9           12.9

This information is furnished on a confidential basis and may not be reproduced
in whole or in part and is being delivered to a specific number of prospective
sophisticated investors in order to assist them in determining whether they have
an interest in the type of security described herein. It has been prepared
solely for information purposes and is not an offer to buy or sell or a
solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to
participate in any trading strategy. This material is based on information
provided by Consumers Funding LLC and Consumers Energy Company with respect to
the expected characteristics of the securitization property securing these
securities. The actual characteristics and performance of the securitization
property will differ from the assumptions used in preparing these materials,
which are hypothetical in nature. Changes in the assumptions may have a material
impact on the information set forth in these materials. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated makes no representation or warranty with respect to the
appropriateness, usefulness, accuracy or completeness of the information, or
with respect to the terms of any future offer of securities conforming to the
terms hereof. Any such offer of securities would be made pursuant to a
definitive Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement prepared by the issuer which
could contain material information not contained herein and to which the
prospective purchasers are referred. In the event of any such offering, this
information shall be deemed superseded, amended and supplemented in its entirety
by such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. Such Prospectus and Prospectus
Supplement will contain all material information in respect of any securities
offered thereby and any decision to invest in such securities should be made
solely in reliance upon such Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement. The
information contained in this material may be based on assumptions regarding
market conditions and other matters as reflected therein and is therefore
subject to change. We make no representations regarding the reasonableness of
such assumptions or the likelihood that any of such assumptions will coincide
with actual market conditions or events, and this material should not be relied
on for such purposes. No representation is made that any returns indicated will
be achieved. Changes to the assumptions may have a material impact on any
returns detailed. Although the analyses herein may not show a negative return on
the securities referred to herein, such securities are not principal protected
and, in certain circumstances, investors in such securities may suffer a
complete or partial loss on their investment. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
disclaims any and all liability relating to this information, including without
limitation any express or implied representations or warranties for, statements
contained in, and omissions from, this information. Additional information is
available upon request. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and others associated
with it may have positions in, and may effect transactions in, securities and
instruments of issuers mentioned herein and may also perform or seek to perform
investment banking services for the issuers of such securities and instruments.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Price and
availability are subject to change without notice. Information contained in this
material is current as of the date appearing on this material only. Information
in this material regarding any assets backing any securities discussed herein
supercedes all prior information regarding such assets. Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated is acting as the lead underwriter and not acting as agent for the
issuer or its affiliates in connection with the proposed transaction. To our
readers worldwide: In addition, please note that this publication has been
issued by Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, approved by Morgan Stanley
International Limited, a member of The Securities and Futures Authority, and by
Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd. We recommend that such investors obtain the advice of
their Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, Morgan Stanley International or Morgan
Stanley Japan Ltd. representative about the investments concerned. NOT FOR
