SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM 8-K/A CURRENT REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 FEBRUARY 23, 2001 ----------------------------------- Date of report (Date of earliest event reported) KUPPER PARKER COMMUNICATIONS, INCORPORATED ---------------------------------- (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter) NEW YORK ---------------- (State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation) 000-24131 -------------- (Commission File Number) 8301 MARYLAND AVENUE, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI ------------------------------------------------------ (Address of Principal Executive Offices) 112250305 -------------- (IRS Employer Identification No.) 63105 -------- (Zip Code) (314) 290-2000 -------------------- (Registrant's Telephone Number Including Area Code) The undersigned Registrant hereby amends Item 7 (a) of its Form 8-K dated February 23, 2001 to include the unaudited interim financial statements of CGT (UK) Limited for the nine months ended December 31, 2000 and the required pro forma financial statements of Registrant and CGT (UK) Limited. ITEM 2. OTHER EVENTS On February 23, 2001, the registrant completed the acquisition of all of the outstanding shares of CGT (UK) Limited ("CGT"), a London-based strategic marketing communications agency, in exchange for $475,000 in cash and 70,000 shares of registrant's common stock. Under the terms of the acquisition agreement, registrant will issue up to an additional 500,000 shares of its common stock to the former CGT shareholders if CGT meets certain future pretax income targets. The cash component of the acquisition price was funded through the issuance of short-term bank borrowings under the registrant's existing line-of-credit. Registrant has recorded this acquisition as a purchase transaction and will amortize the related goodwill arising from this transaction over a period of twenty years. ITEM 7. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND EXHIBITS Registrant has included herein the audited financial statements of CGT, a foreign business, meeting the requirements of Item 17 of Form 20-F as prescribed by Rule 3.05 of Regulation S-X. (a) Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired i. Financial Statements of CGT (UK) Limited as of March 31, 2000 Report of the Directors Report of the Auditors Profit and Loss Account for the year ended March 31, 2000 Balance Sheet at March 31, 2000 Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended March 31, 2000 Notes to the Financial Statements ii. Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements of CGT (UK) Limited as of December 31, 2000 Unaudited Profit and Loss Account for the nine months ended December 31, 2000 Unaudited Balance Sheet at December 31, 2000 Unaudited Statement of Cash Flows for the nine months ended December 31, 2000 Notes to Financial Statements iii. Pro Forma Financial Information (c) Exhibits The following exhibit is filed with this report. EXHIBIT NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Stock Purchase Agreement SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized. Date: November 9, 2001 By: /s/ John J. Rezich John J. Rezich Chief Financial Officer CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) DIRECTORS' REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 MARCH 2000 COMPANY NUMBER: 3304518 F-1 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) DIRECTORS J L Coleman R M Thackery D I Thatcher SECRETARY AND REGISTERED OFFICE D I Thatcher 15 Station Road St Ives Cambridgeshire PE27 5BH REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The directors submit their report and the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2000. ACTIVITIES AND REVIEW The company's principal activity during the year was as an advertising agency. On 16 March 2000 the company changed its name to CGT (UK) Limited. RESULTS AND DIVIDENDS The results for the year are shown on page 4 to the accounts. The directors propose the payment of a dividend of (POUND) 200,000 for the year (1999 : (POUND) 102,000 paid). DIRECTORS AND THEIR INTERESTS The directors who held office during the year under review were as named above. The directors have the following interest in the share capital of the company. ORDINARY SHARES 2000 1999 NO NO J L Coleman 2,080 2,080 R M Thackery 2,080 2,080 D I Thatcher 1,040 1,040 DATE RECOGNITION The directors have assessed the risks to our business resulting from date-recognition issues. We do not envisage any such problems and hence foresee no costs being incurred as a result. We have also assessed the possibility of date-recognition related failures in our significant suppliers, who inform us that they have adequately addressed these problems. It is impossible to guarantee that no date-recognition problems will remain. However, the directors believe that the company will be able to deal promptly with any failures that might occur. AUDITORS In accordance with Section 385 of the Companies Act 1985, a resolution for the re-appointment of Edwards as auditors of the company is to be proposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. F-2 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS CONTINUED DIRECTORS' RESPONSIBILITIES Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the profit or loss of the company for that period. In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required to: - - select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; - - make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; - - state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; - - prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business. The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of the company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1985. The directors are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. In preparing this report advantage has been taken of the special exemptions conferred by Part VII of the Companies Act 1985 relating to small companies. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD 16 JANUARY 2001 D I THATCHER D I THATCHER SECRETARY F-3 [EDWARDS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS LETTERHEAD] REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE MEMBERS OF CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) We have audited the financial statements on pages four to eleven. RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES OF DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS The directors are responsible for preparing the directors' report and, as described on page 2, the financial statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and accounting standards. Our responsibilities, as independent auditors, are established in the United Kingdom by statute, the Auditing Practices Board and by our profession's ethical guidance. We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act. We also report to you if, in our opinion, the directors' report is not consistent with the financial statements, if the company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding directors' remuneration and transactions with the company is not disclosed. BASIS OF OPINION We conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the directors in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the preparation of information in the financial statements. OPINION In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 March 2000 and of the results for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1985. 16 JANUARY 2001 EDWARDS EDWARDS REGISTERED AUDITORS F-4 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2000 2000 1999 NOTES (POUND) (POUND) TURNOVER 1 2,081,868 1,671,729 Cost of sales (1,168,369) (979,530) ----------- ---------- GROSS PROFIT 913,499 692,199 Administrative expenses (655,779) (476,976) ----------- ---------- OPERATING PROFIT 2 257,720 215,223 Investment income and interest receivable 3,978 4,220 ----------- ---------- PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 261,698 219,443 Taxation 3 (55,816) (47,029) ----------- ---------- PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 205,882 172,414 Dividends 5 (200,000) (102,000) ----------- ---------- RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (POUND) 5,882 (POUND) 70,414 ----------- ---------- CONTINUING OPERATIONS Turnover and operating profit derive wholly from continuing operations for the above two financial years. TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES There were no recognised gains or losses either in the current or preceding year other than those recorded in the profit and loss account. HISTORICAL PROFITS AND LOSSES Historical profit is the same as shown above. F-5 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2000 2000 1999 NOTES (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 6 64,332 54,107 Investments 7 15,000 - ------- ------- 79,332 54,107 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 32,745 51,996 Debtors 8 399,283 378,231 Cash at bank and in hand 44,449 178,171 ------ ------ 476,477 608,398 CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR 9 (439,795) (552,373) ------ ------ NET CURRENT ASSETS 36,682 56,025 ------- ------- TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES (POUND) 116,014 (POUND) 110,132 ------- ------- CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 11 5,200 5,200 Profit and loss account 12 110,814 104,932 ------- ------- SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 13 (POUND) 116,014 (POUND) 110,132 ------- ------- In the opinion of the directors, for the year ended 31 March 2000, the company was entitled to the exemptions under Part VII of the Companies Act 1985 and the accounts have been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of the Act relating to small companies. These financial statements were approved by the board of directors on 16 January 2001 and were signed on its behalf by: J L COLEMAN J L COLEMAN DIRECTOR F-6 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) STATEMENTS OF CASHFLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2000 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) CASHFLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net profit 5,882 117,664 ------- ------- Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided by operating activities Depreciation and amortisation 22,220 11,734 (Increase)/decrease in assets Accounts receivable (40,095) (238,166) Other current assets 38,294 (43,732) Other assets (15,000) (25,333) Increase/(decrease) in liabilities Accounts payable (228,979) 224,603 Accrued expenses 116,401 100,576 ------- ------- Total adjustments (107,159) 29,682 ------- ------- Net cash provided by operating activities (101,277) 147,346 ------- ------- CASHFLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of property and equipment (32,445) (42,878) ------- ------- Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (133,722) 104,468 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF YEAR 178,171 73,703 ------- ------- CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR (POUND) 44,449 (POUND) 178,171 ------- ------- F-7 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2000 1 ACCOUNTING POLICIES The following accounting policies have been applied consistently in dealing with items which are considered material in relation to the company's financial statements: BASIS OF PREPARATION The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards. TURNOVER Turnover represents sales invoiced net of Value Added Tax and is derived wholly from within the United Kingdom. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Tangible fixed assets acquired by the company have been capitalised at cost. LEASED ASSETS Assets which have been funded through finance leases are recorded as tangible fixed assets and are depreciated over their estimated useful lives. Further lease obligations, net of finance charges are included in creditors. Rentals payable are apportioned between the finance element which is charged to the profit and loss account and the capital element which reduces outstanding lease obligations. All other leases are operating leases and the rental charges are taken to profit and loss account over the life of the lease. DEPRECIATION Depreciation is provided on tangible fixed assets at rates calculated to write off the cost less estimated residual value over the estimated useful life as follows:- Plant and machinery - 25%/33% on cost Fixtures, fittings and equipment - 25% on cost STOCKS Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost comprises the purchase cost plus the cost incurred in bringing each product to its present location or condition. Net realisable value is based on estimated selling price and further costs expected to be incurred to completion, sale and distribution. FINANCE LEASES AND HIRE PURCHASE CONTRACTS Assets held under finance leases and hire purchase contracts are capitalised as tangible fixed assets and depreciated in accordance with the policies outlined above. Lease obligations are included as creditors, with the interest being charged against profit over the period of the lease. OPERATING LEASES Rentals under operating leases are charged against profits as they are incurred. DEFERRED TAXATION No provision has been made for deferred taxation, as, in the opinion of the directors, the likelihood of the liability crystallising in the foreseeable future is remote. PENSION COSTS The company operates a money purchase (defined contribution) pension scheme. Contributions payable to this scheme are charged to the profit and loss account in the period to which they relate. These contributions are invested separately from the company's assets. TAXATION The taxation charge is based on the profit for the year and takes into account the taxation deferred because of timing differences on certain items. Provision is only made for deferred taxation if it is probable that an actual liability will arise. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRACTICE (GAAP) There are no material differences between United Kingdom GAAP and USA GAAP relating to the preparation of the company's financial statements. F-8 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2000 2 OPERATING PROFIT 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) This is stated after charging: Depreciation of fixed assets 22,220 11,735 Auditors' remuneration 4,250 3,500 Operating lease rentals Land and buildings 44,584 34,960 ------- ------- 3 TAXATION UK Corporation Tax at 20% (1999: 24%) (POUND) 55,816 (POUND) 47,029 ------- ------- 4 INFORMATION ON DIRECTORS AND EMPLOYEES DIRECTORS' EMOLUMENTS Emoluments including pension contributions to money purchase (defined contribution) schemes (POUND) 193,408 (POUND) 207,934 ------- ------- 2000 1999 NO NO During the year the following number of directors accrued benefits under money purchase (defined contribution) pension schemes 1 1 ------- ------- 5 DIVIDENDS Ordinary dividend on equity shares final proposed/paid (POUND) 200,000 (POUND) 102,000 ------- ------- F-9 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2000 6 TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS FIXTURES, PLANT FITTINGS AND AND MACHINERY EQUIPMENT TOTAL COST (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) At 1 April 1999 58,405 11,488 69,893 Additions 31,683 762 32,445 ------ ------ ------- At 31 March 2000 90,088 12,250 102,338 ------ ------ ------- Depreciation At 1 April 1999 14,009 1,777 15,786 Charge for the year 19,209 3,011 22,220 ------ ------ ------- At 31 March 2000 33,218 4,788 38,006 ------ ------ ------- Net Book Values At 31 March 2000 56,870 7,462 64,332 ------ ------ ------- At 31 March 1999 (POUND) 44,396 (POUND) 9,711 (POUND) 54,107 ------ ------ ------- The net book value of tangible fixed assets held under hire purchase contracts at 31 March 2000 amounted to: (POUND) Nil (1999: (POUND) 31,828). 7 INVESTMENTS 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) Listed securities in Flag Technologies 15,000 - ------- ------- 8 DEBTORS 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) Trade debtors 374,594 334,499 Other debtors 18,843 26,858 Prepayments and accrued income 5,846 16,874 ------- ------- (POUND) 399,283 (POUND) 378,231 ------- ------- 9 CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE 2000 1999 WITHIN ONE YEAR (POUND) (POUND) Trade creditors 79,627 308,606 Corporation tax 61,356 72,750 Other taxes and social security 35,762 21,314 Other creditors 36,502 111,884 Accruals and deferred income 26,548 37,819 Proposed equity dividend 200,000 - ------- ------- (POUND) 439,795 (POUND) 552,373 ------- ------- F-10 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2000 10 COMMITMENTS At the year end the company was committed to making the following payments during the next year in respect of operating leases with expiry dates as follows: LAND AND BUILDINGS OTHER 2000 1999 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) More than five years (POUND) 44,000 (POUND) 44,000 (POUND) - (POUND) - ------ ------ ------ ------ 11 SHARE CAPITAL 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) AUTHORISED 50,000 Ordinary shares of(POUND) 1 each (POUND) 50,000 (POUND) 50,000 ------- ------- ALLOTTED, CALLED UP AND FULLY PAID 5,200 Ordinary shares of (POUND) 1 each (POUND) 5,200 (POUND) 5,200 ------- ------- 12 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Retained profits at 1 April 1999 104,932 34,518 Retained profit for the year 5,882 70,414 ------- ------- Retained profits at 31 March 2000 (POUND) 110,814 (POUND) 104,932 ------- ------- F-11 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2000 13 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN 2000 1999 SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (POUND) (POUND) Net profit for the year 205,882 172,414 Dividends (200,000) (102,000) -------- -------- Net addition to shareholders' funds 5,882 70,414 Opening shareholders' funds 110,132 39,718 -------- -------- Closing shareholders' funds (POUND) 116,014 (POUND) 110,132 -------- -------- REPRESENTED BY:- Equity interests (POUND) 116,014 (POUND) 110,132 -------- -------- 14 PENSION COSTS MONEY PURCHASE (DEFINED CONTRIBUTION) PENSION SCHEME The company operates a money purchase (defined contribution) pension scheme. The assets of the scheme are held separately from those of the company in an independently administered fund. The pension cost charge represents contributions payable by the company to the fund and amounted to (POUND) Nil (1999: (POUND) Nil). F-12 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) UNAUDITED CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000 AND 1999 COMPANY NUMBER: 3304518 F-13 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) UNAUDITED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2000 2000 1999 NOTES (POUND) (POUND) TURNOVER 1,148,007 1,623,180 Cost of sales (408,900) (927,218) ---------- --------- GROSS PROFIT 739,107 695,962 Administrative expenses (559,001) (478,305) ---------- --------- OPERATING PROFIT 2 180,106 217,657 Investment income and interest receivable 1,085 604 ---------- --------- PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 181,191 218,261 Taxation (36,238) (43,651) ---------- --------- PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 144,953 174,610 Dividends 3 (15,000) (150,000) ---------- --------- RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (pound) 129,953 (pound) 24,610 ========== ========= CONTINUING OPERATIONS Turnover and operating profit derive wholly from continuing operations for the above two financial periods. TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES There were no recognised gains or losses either in the current or preceding year other than those recorded in the profit and loss account. HISTORICAL PROFITS AND LOSSES Historical profit is the same as shown above. F-14 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) UNAUDITED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2000 2000 1999 NOTES (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 44,574 72,044 Investments 4 15,000 - ------- ------- 59,574 72,044 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 56,897 23,289 Debtors 5 374,001 347,811 Cash at bank and in hand 55,966 233,464 -------- -------- 486,864 604,564 CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR 6 (300,470) (541,866) -------- -------- NET CURRENT ASSETS 186,394 62,698 ------- ------- TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES (pound)245,967 (pound)134,742 ------- ------- CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 7 5,200 5,200 Profit and loss account 8 240,767 129,542 ------- ------- SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 9 (pound)245,967 (pound)134,742 ------- ------- F-15 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) UNAUDITED STATEMENTS OF CASHFLOWS FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2000 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) (POUND) CASHFLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net profit 129,953 24,610 ------- ------- Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided by operating activities Depreciation and amortisation 18,819 15,533 (Increase)/decrease in assets Accounts receivable 92,226 30,420 Other current assets (66,946) 28,707 Other assets (24,152) - Increase/(decrease) in liabilities Accounts payable 76,123 (37,621) Accrued expenses (215,446) 27,114 ------- ------- Total adjustments (119,376) 64,153 ------- ------- Net cash provided by operating activities 10,577 88,763 ------- ------- CASHFLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase/sale of property and equipment 940 (33,470) ------- ------- Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents 11,517 55,293 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF YEAR 44,449 178,171 ------- ------- CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR (pound)55,966 (pound)233,464 ------- ------- F-16 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2000 1 ACCOUNTING POLICIES These unaudited interim financial statements have been prepared by the Company under United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"). Certain information and disclosures normally included in financial statements prepared in accordance with United Kingdom GAAP have been condensed or omitted. It is therefore suggested that these unaudited interim financial statements be read inconjunction with the company's audited financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2000 included elsewhere in this Form SB-1. Results of operations for interim periods are not necessarily indicative of annual results. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRACTICE (GAAP) There are no material differences between United Kingdom GAAP and USA GAAP relating to the preparation of the company's financial statements. 2 OPERATING PROFIT 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) This is stated after charging: Depreciation of fixed assets 18,819 15,533 Auditors' remuneration - - Operating lease rentals Land and buildings 33,122 33,000 ------- ------- 3 DIVIDENDS Ordinary dividend on equity shares final proposed/paid (pound) 15,000 (pound)150,000 ------- ------- 4 INVESTMENTS 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) Listed securities in Flag Technologies 15,000 - ------- ------- 5 DEBTORS 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) Trade debtors 282,367 310,171 Other debtors 58,402 18,032 Prepayments and accrued income 33,232 19,608 ------- ------- (pound)374,001 (pound)347,811 ------- ------- 6 CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE 2000 1999 WITHIN ONE YEAR (POUND) (POUND) Trade creditors 155,750 270,985 Corporation tax 97,595 43,874 Other taxes and social security 4,544 18,365 Other creditors 19,114 195,686 Accruals and deferred income 23,467 12,956 Proposed equity dividend - - ------- ------- (pound)300,470 (pound)541,866 ------- ------- F-17 CGT (UK) LIMITED (FORMERLY ABERCRAFT LIMITED) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2000 7 SHARE CAPITAL 2000 1999 (POUND) (POUND) AUTHORISED 50,000 Ordinary shares of (pound)1 each (pound) 50,000 (pound) 50,000 ------- ------- ALLOTTED, CALLED UP AND FULLY PAID 5,200 Ordinary shares of(pound)1 each (pound) 5,200 (pound) 5,200 ------- ------- 8 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Retained profits at 1 April 2000 110,814 104,932 Retained profit for the period 129,953 24,610 ------- ------- Retained profits at 31 December 2000 (pound)240,767 (pound)129,542 ------- ------- 9 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN 2000 1999 SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (POUND) (POUND) Net profit for the period 144,953 174,610 Dividends (15,000) (150,000) ------- ------- Net addition to shareholders' funds 129,953 24,610 Opening shareholders' funds 116,014 110,132 ------- ------- Closing shareholders' funds (pound)245,967 (pound)134,742 ------- ------- REPRESENTED BY:- Equity interests (pound)245,967 (pound)134,742 ------- ------- F-18 UNAUDITED PRO FORMA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INTRODUCTION The following unaudited pro forma financial statements give effect to the acquisition of 100% of the outstanding stock of CGT (UK) Limited ("CGT"), a London-based strategic marketing communications agency, in exchange for $475,000 in cash and 70,000 shares of Registrant's Common Stock. Under the terms of the acquisition agreement, Registrant will issue up to an additional 500,000 shares of our Common Stock to the former CGT shareholders if CGT meets certain pretax earnings targets. The unaudited pro forma balance sheet of Kupper Parker Communications, Incorporated as of January 31, 2001 presents the combined financial position of Kupper Parker and CGT assuming the acquisition of CGT had occurred on that date. The unaudited pro forma income statements of Kupper Parker Communications, Incorporated for the year ended October 31, 2000 and for the three months ended January 31, 2001 present the combined operations of all of the above-noted entities assuming each acquisition had occurred at the beginning of each period presented. This pro forma financial information does not purport to be indicative of the results that would have actually occurred had these transactions occurred at the beginning of each period presented or which may be obtained in the future. F-19 KUPPER PARKER COMMUNICATIONS, INCORPORATED UNAUDITED PRO FORMA BALANCE SHEET AT JANUARY 31, 2001 Historical ------------------------- KUPPER PRO FORMA PARKER CGT (a) ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ ASSETS Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 839,159 $ 81,872 $ -- $ 921,031 Accounts receivable, net of allowance for bad debts 6,981,817 547,126 -- 7,528,943 Other current assets 621,311 83,235 -- 704,546 ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ Total current assets 8,442,287 712,233 -- 9,154,520 ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization 1,058,669 65,207 -- 1,123,876 Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization 2,812,881 -- 328,607 (e) 3,141,488 Other assets 346,963 21,944 -- 368,907 ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ $ 12,660,800 $ 799,384 $ 328,607 $ 13,788,791 ============ ========= ============ ============ LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities Current maturities of long-term debt $ 48,796 $ -- $ -- $ 48,796 Short-term bank borrowings -- -- 475,000 (b) 475,000 Accounts payable 7,214,514 255,808 47,182 (d) 7,517,504 Deferred revenue 648,689 -- -- 648,689 Accrued expenses 595,139 183,751 -- 778,890 ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ Total current liabilities 8,507,138 439,559 522,182 9,468,879 ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ Noncurrent liabilities Long-term debt, less current maturities 129,188 -- -- 129,188 Other long-term liabilities 1,524,078 -- -- 1,524,078 ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ Total noncurrent liabilities 1,653,266 -- -- 1,653,266 ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ Stockholders' equity 7,000 (c) Common stock 589,595 7,607 (7,607)(f) 596,595 Paid-in capital 3,113,320 -- 159,250 (c) 3,272,570 Retained earnings (590,561) 352,218 (352,218)(f) (590,561) Treasury stock, at average cost (611,958) -- -- (611,958) Cumulative translation adjustment -- -- -- -- ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ 2,500,396 359,825 (193,575) 2,666,646 ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ $ 12,660,800 $ 799,384 $ 328,607 $ 13,788,791 ============ ========= ============ ============ F-20 KUPPER PARKER COMMUNICATIONS, INCORPORATED UNAUDITED PRO FORMA STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED OCTOBER 31, 2000 Historical ------------------------------ KUPPER PRO FORMA PARKER CGT (g) ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------ REVENUES $ 12,033,040 $1,494,831 $ -- $ 13,527,871 OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries and Benefits 9,981,015 627,285 -- 10,608,300 Office and General 2,336,578 589,544 16,430 (h) 2,942,552 ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------ Total Operating Expenses 12,317,593 1,216,829 16,430 13,550,852 ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------ Operating Loss (284,553) 278,002 (16,430) (22,981) OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE): Interest income 106,448 6,887 -- 113,335 Interest expense (45,365) -- 28,500 (i) (16,865) ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------ 61,083 6,887 28,500 96,470 ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------ Pretax Loss (223,470) 284,889 12,070 73,489 PROVISION FOR TAXES 224,913 84,731 (11,400) (j) 298,244 ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------ NET LOSS $ (448,383) $ 200,158 $ 23,470 $ (224,755) ============ ========== =========== ============ BASIC AND DILUTED LOSS PER SHARE $ (0.09) $ (0.04) ============ ============ WEIGHTED AVERAGE SHARES USED IN BASIC AND DILUTED PER SHARE COMPUTATION 4,960,749 (k) 5,030,749 ============ ============ F-21 KUPPER PARKER COMMUNICATIONS, INCORPORATED UNAUDITED PRO FORMA STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED JANUARY 31, 2001 Historical ------------------------------ KUPPER PRO FORMA PARKER CGT (l) ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- REVENUES $ 3,553,395 $ 233,868 $ -- $ 3,787,263 OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries and Benefits 2,617,528 72,443 -- 2,689,971 Office and General 845,372 101,977 4,108 (m) 951,457 ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- Total Operating Expenses 3,462,900 174,420 4,108 3,641,428 ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- Operating Income 90,495 59,448 (4,108) 145,835 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE): Interest income 30,456 -- -- 30,456 Interest expense (12,732) -- (7,125) (n) (19,857) ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- 17,724 -- (7,125) 10,599 ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- Pretax Income 108,219 59,448 (11,233) 156,434 PROVISION FOR TAXES 61,463 11,889 (2,850) (o) 70,502 ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- NET INCOME $ 46,756 $ 47,559 $ (8,383) $ 85,932 =========== =========== ============= =========== BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE $ 0.01 $ 0.01 =========== =========== DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE $ 0.01 $ 0.01 =========== =========== WEIGHTED AVERAGE SHARES USED IN BASIC AND DILUTED PER SHARE COMPUTATION BASIC 5,754,277 (p) 5,824,277 =========== =========== DILUTED 5,940,403 (p) 6,010,403 =========== =========== F-22 KUPPER PARKER COMMUNICATIONS, INCORPORATED NOTES TO UNAUDITED PRO FORMA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. BASIS OF PRESENTATION On February 23, 2001 Kupper Parker Communications, Incorporated ("Kupper Parker") acquired 100% of the outstanding stock of CGT (UK) Limited ("CGT"), a London-based strategic marketing communications agency, in exchange for $475,000 in cash and 70,000 shares of our Common Stock. Under the terms of the acquisition agreement, Kupper Parker will issue up to an additional 500,000 shares of its Common Stock to the former CGT shareholders if CGT meets certain pretax earnings targets. Because the acquisition of CGT occurred prior to July 1, 2001, this business combination has been accounted for as a purchase transaction under APB Opinion No. 16, "Business Combinations". Goodwill arising from this business combination is being amortized over a twenty-year period. 2. UNAUDITED PRO FORMA BALANCE SHEET AT JANUARY 31, 2001 (a) Represents the unaudited balance sheet of CGT as of December 31, 2000. (b) Represents the short-term borrowings incurred in connection with the acquisition of CGT. (c) Represents the issuance of 70,000 shares of Kupper Parker stock to the former shareholders of CGT at a cost of $2.375 per share. (d) Represents estimated acquisition costs related to the acquisition of CGT. (e) Represents the net excess of acquisition cost over the fair value of net assets acquired in connection with the acquisition of Christopher Thomas, calculated as follows: Purchase price Cash $ 475,000 Kupper Parker common stock 166,250 ----------- Total purchase price 641,250 Acquisition costs 47,182 ----------- Total cost of acquisition 688,432 Less: fair value of net assets (liabilities) acquired (359,825) ----------- Excess of total cost of acquisition over the fair value of net assets (liabilities) acquired $ 328,607 (f) Represents elimination of the equity accounts of CGT. F-23 3. UNAUDITED PRO FORMA STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED OCTOBER 31, 2000 (g) Represents the unaudited statement of operations of CGT for the twelve months ended October 31, 2000. (h) Represents amortization of goodwill arising from the acquisition of CGT. (i) Represents interest expense arising from the acquisition of CGT. (j) Represents tax benefits related to the interest expense incurred in the acquisition of CGT. (k) Represents the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period presented after giving effect to the acquisition. 4. UNAUDITED PRO FORMA STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED JANUARY 31, 2001 (l) Represents the unaudited statements of operations of CGT for the three months ended December 31, 2000. (m) Represents amortization of goodwill arising from the acquisition of CGT. (n) Represents interest expense arising from the acquisitions of CGT. (o) Represents tax benefits related to the interest expense incurred in the acquisition of CGT. (p) Represents the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period presented after giving effect to the acquisition. F-24