[GRAPHIC LOGO]                                                      NEWS RELEASE


               JACKSON, Mich., Oct. 24, 2003 -- CMS Energy's Board of Directors
announced today a new compensation package for the Company's chairman and chief
executive officer, Ken Whipple. The package is linked to long-term corporate

               Whipple will receive an annual salary of $400,000 in cash and
$850,000 in "stock units." He also will be eligible for a $1 million annual
bonus in "stock units," provided the Company meets cash flow and earnings
targets. The package also provides a long-term compensation award of 125,000
"stock units." The Board may make similar awards in the future at its
discretion. No stock options, restricted stock or other similar benefits are
included in the package.

               When granted, the value of one "stock unit" equals the current
price of one share of CMS Energy common stock (NYSE: CMS). The "stock unit"
payout value fluctuates with the market price of the Company's stock.

               John B. Yasinsky, chairman of the Board's Organization and
Compensation Committee, said more than 80 percent of Whipple's annual
compensation package is tied to the Company's future performance.

               Whipple asked for his compensation to be based completely on the
Company's performance after he became chairman in May 2002, Yasinsky said. He
added the new package is "more in line with traditional compensation agreements,
yet retains the feature that the majority of Ken's compensation is deferred and
at risk."

               In 2002, Whipple earned $2,125 in cash and $636,935 in deferred
"stock units," and received no stock options, restricted stock or any form of
long-term compensation.

               Presiding director Earl D. Holton said CMS Energy was fortunate
that Whipple, a former top executive at Ford Motor Co., was willing to take the
chairman and chief executive officer's post during a difficult time.

               "Over the past 16 months, Ken Whipple has helped form and guide a
new management team that has led CMS Energy through some extremely difficult
challenges and implemented a new business strategy that continues to improve the
Company's financial flexibility," Holton said.

               "This new compensation package reflects the Board's support for
Ken's continuing leadership and the implementation of the strategic direction
that he helped craft for the Company. And it keeps his compensation clearly
aligned with the interests of shareholders."

               The new compensation package will be retroactive to Sept. 1,

               CMS Energy is an integrated energy company, which has as its
primary business operations an electric and natural gas utility, natural gas
pipeline systems, and independent power generation.

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For more information on CMS Energy, please visit our web site
at:  www.cmsenergy.com

Media Contacts: Jeff Holyfield, 517/788-2394 or Dan Bishop, 517/788-2395

Investment Analyst Contact: CMS Energy Investor Relations, 517/788-2590