Exhibit 14


      The policy of EvergreenBancorp, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the "Company")
is to conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical standards in order
to merit the continued trust and confidence of its customers, its shareholders,
and the public in general. The Company's Senior Financial Officers hold an
important role in serving this policy. They must conduct their personal affairs
and manage their business transactions in a manner which does not result in
negative comments or criticism from the public or in any way damage the
Company's reputation as a responsible corporate organization.

      The Company's Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers (sometimes
referred to herein as the "Code") addresses requirements for honest and ethical
conduct between personal and professional relationships, the full, fair and
accurate disclosure of reports, compliance with applicable laws, internal
procedure for prompt reporting of violations to this Code, and accountability
for adherence to the Code. The term "Senior Financial Officers" applies to the
principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting
officer or controller, and persons performing similar functions.

      This Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers is intended to
supplement other policies and procedures adopted by the Company governing the
conduct of its employees.

      HONEST AND ETHICAL CONDUCT. The policy of the Company is for all Senior
Financial Officers to act in an honest and ethical manner, including the
handling of actual or apparent conflict of interest between personal and
professional relationships. The Company expects its Senior Financial Officers to
use sound judgment based on high ethical principles and to refrain from any form
of illegal, dishonest or unethical conduct. Additionally, Senior Financial
Officers may not personally influence, coerce, manipulate or mislead any
accountant engaged in preparing an audit for the Company, or cause anyone else
to do so.

      FULL, FAIR AND TIMELY DISCLOSURE. The policy of the Company is that Senior
Financial Officers provide to shareholders and financial markets full, fair,
accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that the
Company files with, or submits to the Securities and Exchange Commission and
other public communications, if applicable.

Financial Officers must fully comply with the spirit and intent of all
applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

      INTERNAL REPORTING OF CODE VIOLATIONS. The Senior Financial Officers are
expected to actively promote both ethical behavior and compliance with this
Code. The Company encourages Senior Financial Officers and employees to talk to
supervisors, managers, or other appropriate personnel when in doubt about the
best course of action in a particular situation. In addition, Senior Financial
Officers and other employees should promptly report violations of applicable
laws, rules, regulations or codes of business

conduct, including this Code, to the Audit Committee. An anonymous complaint may
be made using the procedures established by the Audit Committee for complaints
regarding financial matters. No one in the Company has authority to retaliate
against any employee for reports of possible violations of this Code made in
good faith. Any act of retaliation should be reported immediately for
appropriate discipline.

      ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ADHERENCE TO THE CODE. It is the responsibility of each
Senior Financial Officer to be familiar with the Company's Code of Ethics for
Senior Financial Officers. Those officers who violate this Code may be subject
to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Violations of this
Code may also constitute violations of law and may result in civil and criminal
penalties for the violator, his or her supervisor, and/or the Company.

      The Board of Directors of EvergreenBancorp, Inc. has the exclusive
responsibility for the final interpretation of the Code of Ethics for Senior
Financial Officers, and the Code may be revised or amended at any time by the
Board of Directors. The Board has the sole discretionary authority to approve
any deviation or waiver from the Code. Any waiver, and the grounds for such
waiver, for a Senior Financial Officer shall be promptly disclosed as required
by law.

Please indicate that you have received, read and will abide by this Code of
Ethics for Senior Financial Officers by signing your name and dating the
attached acknowledgment and returning it promptly to the Legal Department.


I certify that I have received and read and that I will abide by this Code of
Ethics for Senior Financial Officers. I understand that my agreement to comply
with the Code of Ethics does not constitute a contract of employment.

Sign here:  ______________________________      Date: __________________

Print name: _____________________________

(Ed. 12/2003)