EXHIBIT 3.65 [LOGO] INDUSTRY CANADA Industrie Canada CERTIFICATE CERTIFICAT OF DISCONTINUANCE DE CHANGEMENT DE REGIME CANADA BUSINESS LOI CANADIENNE SUR CORPORATIONS ACT LES SOCIETES PAR ACTIONS U-HAUL CO. (CANADA) LTD. U-HAUL CO. (CANADA) LTEE 119351-1 Name of corporation-Denomination Corporation number-Numero de la societe de la societe I hereby certify that the above-named corporation Je certifie que la societe susmentionnee: a) was discontinued under section 188 of the [X] a) a change de regime en vertu de l'article 188 de Canada Business Corporations Act and la Loi canadienne sur les societes par actions et continued under the laws of another a ete prorogee sous le regime d'une autre jurisdiction as specified in the attached autorite legislative, laquelle est mentionnee notice; dans l'avis ci-joint; b) was discontinued under section 188 of the b) a change de regime en vertu de l'article 188 de Canada Business Corporations Act and la Loi canadienne sur les societes par actions et continued under the a ete prorogee sous le regime de la: i) Bank Act, [ ] i) Loi sur les banques, ii) Canada Cooperative Associations [ ] ii) Loi sur les associations cooperatives du Act, Canada, iii) Insurance Companies Act , or [ ] iii) Loi sur les societes d'assurances, iv) Trust and Loans Companies Act, [ ] v) Loi sur les societes de fiducie et de pret, as specified in the attached notice; or laquelle est mentionnee dans l'avis ci-joint; c) was amalgamated pursuant to the c) a ete fusionnee en vertu des dispositions de la provisions of the i) Bank Act, [ ] i) Loi sur les banques, ii) Canada Cooperative Associations [ ] ii) Loi sur les associations cooperatives du Act, Canada, iii) Cooperative Credit Associations [ ] iii) Loi sur les associations cooperatives de Act, credit, iv) Insurance Companies Act, or [ ] iv) Loi sur les societes d'assurances, v) Trust and Loans Companies Act. [ ] v) Loi sur les societes de fiducie et de pret. as specified in the attached notice. laquelle est mentionnee dans l'avis ci-joint. /s/ [ILLEGIBLE] - -------------------- MAY 8, 2001/LE 8 MAI 2001 Director - Directeur Date of Discontinuance - Date du changement de regime [CANADA LOGO] Form 6 Business Corporations Act Formule numero 6 Loi sur les compagnies ARTICLES OF CONTINUANCE STATUTS DE PROROGATION 1. The name of the corporation is: Denomination sociale de la compagnie: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U - H A U L C O. ( C A N A D A ) L T D. U - H A U - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L C O. ( C A N A D A ) L T E E - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The corporation is to be Nouvelle denomination sociale de continued under the name la compagnie (si elle different de (if different from 1): celle inscrite ci-dessus): - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Name of jurisdiction the corporation Nom de l'etat que quitte la is leaving: compagnie: FEDERAL (CANADA) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name of jurisdiction) (Nom de l'etat) 4. Date of incorporation/amalgamation: Date de la constitution ou de la fusion: 23 SEPTEMBER 1981 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Day, Month, Year) (jour, mois, annee) 5. The address of the registered office is: Addresse du siege social: 40 KING STREET WEST, SUITE 6200 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Street & Number, or R.R. Number & if Multi-Office Building give Room No.) (Rue et numero, ou numero de la R.R. et, s'il s'agit edifice a bureaux, numero du bureau) TORONTO M 5 H 3 Z 7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name of Municipality or Post Office) (Postal Code/Code postal) (Nom de la municipalite ou du bureau de poste) DYE & DURHAM FORM 6 (B.C.A.) 01/99 2. 6. Number (or minimum and maximum number) of directors is: Nombre (ou nombres minimal et maximal) d'administrateurs: MINIMUM ONE (1); MAXIMUM TEN (10) 7. The director(s) is/are: Administrateur(s): Resident Canadian Address for service, giving Street & No. or R.R.No., State Municipality and Postal Code Yes or No Domicile elu, y compris la rue et le numero, le numero Resident First name, initials and surname de la R.R. ou le nom de la municipalite et le code Canadien Prenom, initiales et nom de famille postal Oui/Non - ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -------- KATHLEEN HARRISON P.O. BOX 9950 YES STONEY CREEK, ONTARIO, L8G 4P1 CLAUDE BOUCHER P.O. BOX 9950 YES STONEY CREEK, ONTARIO, L8G 4P1 JOHN M. DODDS 2721 NORTH CENTRAL AVE. NO PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85004 8. Restrictions, if any, on business the corporation may carry on or on powers the corporation may exercise: Limites, s'il y a lieu, imposees aux activites commerciales ou aux pouvoirs de la compagnie: NONE 3. 9. The classes and any maximum number of shares that the corporation is authorized to issue: Categories et nombre maximal, s'il y a lieu, d'actions que la compagnie est autorisee a emettre: THE CORPORATION IS AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE AN UNLIMITED NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES 4. 10. Rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions (if any) attaching to each class of shares and directors authority with respect to any class of shares which may be issued in series: Droits, privileges, restrictions et conditions, s'il y a lieu, rattaches a chaque categorie d'actions et pouvoirs des administrateurs relatifs a chaque categorie d'actions qui peut etre emise en serie: N/A 5. 11. The issue, transfer or ownership of shares is/is not restricted and the restrictions (if any) are as follows: L'emission, le transfert ou la propriete d'actions est/n'est pas restreinte. Les restrictions, s'il y a lieu, sont les suivantes: NO SHARE OR SHARES IN THE CAPITAL OF THE CORPORATION SHALL BE TRANSFERRED WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION EXPRESSED BY A RESOLUTION PASSED AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OR BY AN INSTRUMENT OR INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING SIGNED BY THE DIRECTORS. 6. 12. Other provisions, (if any): Autres dispositions, s'il y a lieu: LIMITATION ON NUMBER OF SHAREHOLDERS THE NUMBER OF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE CORPORATION, EXCLUSIVE OF PERSONS WHO ARE IN ITS EMPLOYMENT AND EXCLUSIVE OF PERSONS WHO, HAVING BEEN FORMERLY IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE CORPORATION, WERE, WHILE IN THAT EMPLOYMENT, AND HAVE CONTINUED AFTER THE TERMINATION OF THAT EMPLOYMENT TO BE, SHAREHOLDERS OF THE CORPORATION, IS LIMITED TO 50, TWO OR MORE PERSONS WHO ARE THE JOINT REGISTERED OWNERS OF ONE OR MORE SHARES BEING COUNTED AS ONE SHAREHOLDER. NO PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION ANY INVITATION TO THE PUBLIC TO SUBSCRIBE FOR SECURITIES OF THE CORPORATION IS PROHIBITED. 7. 13. The corporation has complied with subsection 180(3) of the Business Corporations Act. La compagnie s'est conformee aux dispositions du paragraphe 180(3) de la Loi sur les compagnies. 14. The continuation of the corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario has been properly authorized under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the corporation was incorporated/amalgamated or previously continued on Le prorogation de la compagnie en vertu des lois de la province de I'Ontario a ete dument autorisee en vertu des lois de I'autorite legislative sous le regime de laquelle la compagnie a ete constituee ou prorogee le 25 APRIL 2001 (Day, Month, Year) (jour, mois, annee) 15. The corporation is to be continued under the Business Corporations Act to the same extent as if it had been incorporated thereunder. La prorogation de la compagnie en vertu de la Loi sur les compagnies a le meme effet que si la compagnie avait ete constituee en vertu de cette Loi. These articles are signed in duplicate. Les presents statuts sont signes en double exemplaire. U-HAUL CO. (CANADA) LTD. U-HAUL CO. (CANADA) LTEE ------------------------------------- (Name of Corporation) (Denomination sociale de la compagnie) By/Par:/s/ [ILLEGIBLE] Secretary ---------------------------------------- (Signature) (Description of Office) (Signature) (Fonction)