ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                         U-HAUL CO. OF KANSAS CITY, INC.

         THE UNDERSIGNED, being twenty-one years or older does hereby adopt the
following Articles of Incorporation for the purpose of forming a corporation
under the laws of the State of Kansas.

                                    ARTICLE I

         The name of the corporation is U-HAUL CO. OF KANSAS CITY, INC.

                                   ARTICLE II

         The period of duration of the corporation is 100 years.

                                  ARTICLE III

         The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized are to
rent and lease to the general public trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, passenger
automobiles and other equipment, tools, machinery, vehicles and property of any
and every kind and description, and to purchase or otherwise acquire and operate
any facilities useful for the conduct of the business enterprises of this

         In general, to carry on any other business in connection with the
foregoing, and to have and exercise all powers conferred by the laws of the
State of Kansas upon corporations, and to engage in any lawful activity within
the purposes for which corporations may be organized under the laws of the State
of Kansas.

                                   ARTICLE IV

         The aggregate number of shares which the corporation shall have
authority to issue are two thousand five hundred (2,500) shares of common stock
with a par value of Ten ($10.00) Dollars each, or a total capitalization of
Twenty Five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars.

                                    ARTICLE V

         The corporation will not commence business until the consideration

Page one of three pages

of at least One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars has been received for the issuance
of shares.

                                   ARTICLE VI

         The address of its registered office shall be c/o The Corporation
Company, Inc., First National Bank Building, Topeka, Kansas, and the name of the
resident agent at said address is The Corporation Company, Inc..

                                   ARTICLE VII

         The initial Board of Directors shall consist of three (3) members, and
the initial Board who shall act until the first annual meeting of stockholders
and their successors have been elected and qualified are:

             Douglas W. Ledbetter     401 South 42nd Street
                                      Kansas City, Kansas      66106

             Donald L. Stubbs         401 South 42nd Street
                                      Kansas City, Kansas      66106

             Richard D. Ludlow        401 South 42nd Street
                                      Kansas City, Kansas      66106

                                  ARTICLE VIII

         The name and address of each incorporator is as follows:

             David L. Helsten         2727 North Central Avenue
                                      Phoenix, Arizona  85004

             Richard Rink             2727 North Central Avenue
                                      Phoenix, Arizona  85004

             Arthur G. Seifert        2727 North Central Avenue
                                      Phoenix, Arizona  85004

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand and seal this 12th
day of February, 1970.

                                        /s/ David L. Helsten
                                            David L. Helsten

                                        /s/ Richard Rink
                                            Richard Rink

                                        /s/ Arthur G. Seifert
                                            Arthur G. Seifert

Page two of three pages


         On this 12th Day of February, 1970, before me, a Notary Public for the
State of Arizona, personally appeared David L. Helsten, Richard Rink and Arthur
G. Seifert, known to me to be the persons named in and who executed the
foregoing instrument, and who acknowledged that they had executed the same and
that the matters therein contained are true.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial
Seal this 12th day of February, 1970.

                                        Helen H. Delamater
                                        Helen H. Delamater
                                        Notary Public for the State of Arizona
                                        Residing at Tempe, Arizona
                                        My Commission expires August 13, 1972

         (NOTARIAL SEAL)

Pages three of three pages

Topeka, Kansas               .                                 February 16, 1970

                          OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE


and deposited in the state Treasury, fees on these Articles of Incorporation as

Application Fee ........................  $ 25.00
Filing and Recording Fee ...............  $  2.50

Capitalization Fee .....................  $ 25.00

                                          /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                          Secretary of State

    Assistant Secretary of State

                         CONSENT TO USE OF SIMILAR NAME

To the Secretary of State
State of Kansas

         The undersigned corporation hereby consents to the use of a similar

1.       The name of the consenting corporation is U-HAUL Co., INC., a
         corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of

2.       The name of the corporation to which this consent is given and which is
         about to be organized under the laws of this State is:

                            U-HAUL CO. OF KANSAS CITY

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this corporation has caused this consent to be
executed this 26 day of January, 1970.

                                        U-HAUL CO., INC


                                        By: /s/ Theodore R. Fore
                                            Theodore R. Fore      President

By: /s/ Winifred F. Shop
    Winifred F. Shop   Secretary

STATE OF Kansas      )
                     ) ss.
COUNTY OF Wyandotte  )

         Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Theodore R. Fore &
Winifred F. Shop known to me to be the person who executed the foregoing
instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same for the purpose therein
contained and that the statements therein contained are truly set forth.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this
26 day of January, 1970.

                                          /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                            Notary Public

                                          My Commission Expires Sept. 17, 1972


                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT


                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                        U-HAUL CO. OF KANSAS CITY, INC.


         Douglas W. Ledbetter and Mary R. Ledbetter being first duly sworn upon
their oath depose and say:

         1.       That they are the President and the Secretary respectively of
                  U-HAUL, CO. OF KANSAS CITY, INC.

         2.       That at a meeting of the Board of Directors of said
                  corporation, duly held at Kansas City, Kansas on August 12,
                  1970, the following resolution was adopted:

                           "RESOLVED: That Article I of the Articles of
                           Incorporation be amended to read as follows:

                           The name of this corporation is AMERCO MARKETING CO.
                           OF KANSAS CITY, INC.."

         3.       That the shareholders have adopted said amendment by
                  resolution at a meeting held at Kansas City, Kansas on August
                  12, 1970. That the wording of the amended article, as set
                  forth in the shareholders' resolution, is the same as that set
                  forth in the directors' resolution in Paragraph 2 above.

         4.       That the number of shares which voted affirmatively for the
                  adoption of said resolution is 500, and that the total number
                  of shares entitled to vote on or consent to said amendment is

                                                 /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]


        /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]

Page One of Two Pages

                       )  ss.

         On this 14th day of August, 1970, before me a Notary Public, personally
appeared Douglas W. Ledbetter and Mary R. Ledbetter known by me to be the
persons whose signatures are subscribed to the within instrument and who
acknowledged that they executed the sane as their free act for the purpose
therein contained.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal.

                                                 /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                          Notary Public

                        My commission expires My Commission Expires MAY 16, 1974


Page Two of Two Pages

                         CONSENT TO USE OF SIMILAR NAME

         The undersigned corporation hereby consents to the use of a similar

         1.       The name of the consenting corporation is U-HAUL CO., INC., a
                  corporation organized and existing under the laws of the
                  State of Kansas.

         2.       The name of the corporation to which this consent is given and
                  which is about to amend its corporate name is:


         3.       The name the corporation shall adopt by amending its Articles
                  of Incorporation is:

                        U-HAUL CO. OF KANSAS CITY, INC.

         In Witness Whereof, this corporation has caused this consent to be
executed this 28th day of February, 1973.

                                      U-HAUL CO. INC., a Kansas corporation

                                      By: /s/ Arthur G. Seifert
                                          Arthur G. Seifert Assistant Secretary

                      ) ss.

         Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Arthur G. Seifert,
known to me to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and
acknowledged that he executed the same for the purpose therein contained and
that the statements therein contained are truly set forth.

         In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this
28th day of February, 1973.


                                          /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                          Notary Public    -    State of Arizona

                                           My commission expires August 13, 1976

                         CONSENT TO USE OF SIMILAR NAME

To the Secretary of State
State of Kansas

         The undersigned corporation hereby consents to the use of a similar

1.       The name of the consenting corporation is AMERCO, a corporation
         organized and existing under the laws of the State of Arizona.

2.       The name of the corporation to which this consent is given and which is
         about to be organized under the laws of this State is:


         In Witness Whereof, this corporation has caused this consent to be
executed this 12 day of August, 1970.

                                          AMERCO, an Arizona corporation

                                        BY: /s/ L. S. Shoen
                                                   L. S. Shoen - President

                      ) ss.

         Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared L. S. Shoen known to me
to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he
executed the same for the purpose therein contained and that the statements
therein contained are truly set forth.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this
12th day of August, 1970.

                                            /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                         Notary Public

                                            My Commission Expires Aug. 13, 1972.

                                 State of Kansas
                               Secretary of State
                           State House - Topeka 66612

Date: September 18, 1970


Two and 50/100                                                          Dollars,

fee for filing the within amendment.

                                            /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                Secretary of State

       Assistant Secretary of State




County of STATE OF KANSAS,     )ss.

         We, Douglas W. Ledbetter, President, and Mary Ruth Ledbetter, Secretary
of AMERCO MARKETING CO. OF KANSAS CITY, INC., a corporation organized and
existing under the laws of the State of Kansas, and whose registered office is

The Corporation Company, Inc., First National Bank Bldg., Topeka, Kansas, Shawnee
     (Street and Number)            (Town or City)               (County)

Kansas, do hereby certify that at the___________________  meeting of the Board
                                     (Regular or Special)
of Directors of said corporation held on the 21st day of February, 1973, said
board adopted a resolution setting forth the following amendment to the Articles
of Incorporation and declared its advisability, to wit:

                                    ARTICLE I


         That thereafter, pursuant to said resolution and in accordance with the
by-laws and the laws of the State of Kansas, said directors called a meeting of
stockholders for the consideration of said amendment, and thereafter, pursuant
to said notice and in accordance with the statutes of the State of Kansas, on
the 21st day of February, 1973, said stockholders met and convened and
considered said proposed amendment.

         That at said meeting the stockholders entitled to vote did vote upon
said amendment, and the majority of voting stockholders of the corporation had
voted for the proposed amendment certifying that the votes were
       500 Common Stock
_________________________________shares in favour of the proposed amendment and
     (By class of classes)
__________________________________shares against the amendment.
     (By class or classes)

         That said amendment was duly adopted in accordance with the provisions
of Chapter 52, 1972 Session Laws.

         That the capital of said corporation will not be reduced under or by
reason of said amendment.

                                    IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our
                                    hands and affixed the seal of said
                                    corporation this 3 day of March, 1973

                                            /s/ Douglas W. Ledbetter
                                                Douglas W. Ledbetter President

                                            /s/ Mary Ruth Ledbetter
                                                Mary Ruth Ledbetter Secretary

STATE OF KANSAS,            )
                            ) ss.
County of Wyandotte         )

         Be it remembered, that before me  [ILLEGIBLE] a Notary Public in and
for the County and State aforesaid, came Douglas W. Ledbetter President, and
Mary Ruth Ledbetter Secretary, of AMERCO MARKETING CO. OF KANSAS CITY, INC. a
corporation, personally known to me to be the persons who executed the foregoing
instrument of writing as President and Secretary respectively, and duly
acknowledged the execution of the same this 5th day of March, 1973.

                                            /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                                  Notary Public.

         My commission expires [ILLEGIBLE], 19 [ILLEGIBLE]

Submit to the office in duplicate.
A fee of $20.00 must accompany this form.


                               AGREEMENT OF MERGER

         THIS AGREEMENT OF MERGER dated this 12th day of September, 1975, made
by and between U-Haul Co. of Kansas, Inc., a Kansas corporation, Absorbed, and
U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc., a Kansas corporation, Surviving Corporation and
together with Absorbed referred to as Constituent Corporations, hereby


         The respective Boards of Directors and the sole shareholder of the
Constituent Corporations have determined it is advisable that Absorbed be merged
into Surviving Corporation under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth
in accordance with the applicable provisions of the State of Kansas which permit
such a merger:

         NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do agree as follows:


         The provisions for handling the shares of stock of the Constituent
Corporations are as follows:

         1.       All issued and outstanding shares of stock of Absorbed shall
be cancelled.

         2.       On the effective date of the merger and when the
aforementioned cancellation has been effected, the outstanding stock of the
Surviving Corporation shall be deemed for all corporate purposes to evidence the
ownership of the Constituent Corporations.


         The Surviving Corporation shall pay all expenses of accomplishing the


         If the Surviving Corporation shall consider or be advised that any
assignment or assurances in law are necessary or desirable to vest or to perfect
or confirm of record in the Surviving Corporation the title to any property or
rights of Absorbed, or to otherwise carry out the provisions hereof, the proper
officers and directors of Absorbed as of the effective date of the merger shall
execute and deliver any assignments and assurances

in law and do all things necessary or proper to vest or perfect such rights in
the Surviving Corporation and otherwise to carry out the provisions hereof.


         The Articles of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation shall
continue to be its Articles of Incorporation until altered or amended following
the effective date of the merger.


         Each of the Constituent Corporations shall take or cause to be taken
all action or all things necessary, proper or advisable under the laws of the
State of Kansas to consummate and make effective the merger subject, however, to
the consent of their sole stockholder, and the directors of each Constituent
Corporation are authorized and directed to perform all actions required for
accomplishing and filing this Agreement of Merger.

         IS WITNESS WHEREOF the corporate parties hereto certify as to the
shareholder vote by the Certificate of Corporate Resolution which is attached
hereto and by reference incorporated herein, and pursuant to authority given by
their respective Boards of Directors and sole shareholder, hereby enter into
this Agreement of Merger, executed and sealed this 3rd day of October, 1975.

                           Absorbed Corporation: U-Haul Co. of Kansas, Inc.,
                                                 a Kansas corporation

                                        By: /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]


                                        By: /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]

                         Surviving Corporation: U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc.,
                                                a Kansas Corporation

                                        By: /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]


                                        By: /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]


         I, John A. Lorentz, do hereby certify that I am the duly elected and
acting Secretary of AMERCO, a Nevada corporation, and that the following is a
true and accurate copy of the resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors at a
meeting duly called and held on the 12th day of September, 1975, as the same
appears on the books and records of this corporation:

                  RESOLVED: That this corporation, being the sole owner of all
                  of the outstanding stock of U-Haul Co. of Kansas, Inc. and
                  U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc., both Kansas corporations,
                  hereby authorizes and directs that the respective Boards of
                  Directors of said corporations proceed with such actions as
                  will accomplish the merger of said corporations, with U-Haul
                  Co. of Kansas City, Inc. being the survivor corporation, and
                  be it further

                  RESOLVED: That the Secretary of this corporation be and hereby
                  is directed to execute a Certificate of Corporate Resolution
                  to be submitted to the Office of the Secretary of State of
                  Kansas, attesting to the aforesaid Resolution and certifying
                  that this corporation does hereby vote all of the outstanding
                  stock of said corporation in favor of such merger.

         In Witness Whereof, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of this
corporation this 12th day of September, 1975.

                                            /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]


State of Kansas        )
                       ) ss.
County of Wyandotte    )

         On this the 3rd day of October, 1975, before me, the undersigned Notary
Public, appeared [ILLEGIBLE] and Patricia Rawlings who, being duly sworn, did
say that they are the President and the Secretary respectively of U-Haul Co. of
Kansas City, Inc., a Kansas corporation, that they are the persons whose names
are subscribed to the foregoing instrument on behalf of said corporation in the
above-stated capacities, that the seal is the corporate seal of the said
corporation, that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said
corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and its sole shareholder as
the free act and deed of said corporation for the purposes therein stated;
further, that the facts therein stated are true to the best of their knowledge,
information and belief.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I set my hand and official seal.

                                            /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                       Notary Public
My commission
expires: January 5, [ILLEGIBLE]

         (NOTARIAL SEAL)

State of Kansas      )
                     ) ss.
County of Wyandotte  )

         On this the 3rd day of October, 1975 before me, the undersigned Notary
Public, appeared [ILLEGIBLE] and [ILLEGIBLE] who, being duly sworn, did say
that they are the President and the Secretary respectively of U-Haul Co. of
Kansas, Inc., a Kansas corporation, that they are the persons whose names are
subscribed to the foregoing instrument on behalf of said corporation in the
above-stated capacities, that the seal is the corporate seal of the said
corporation, that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said
corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and its sole shareholder as
the free act and deed of said corporation for the purposes therein stated;
further, that the facts therein stated are true to the best of their knowledge,
information and belief.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I set my hand and official seal.

                                            /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                       Notary Public

My Commission
Expires: January 5, 1978


                               CERTIFICATE OF VOTE

State of Kansas        )
                       ) ss.
County of Wyandotte    )

         I, Patricia Rawlings, Secretary of U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc., a
Kansas corporation, do hereby certify that on the 12th day of September, 1975
at a special meeting of the sole shareholder of said corporation, held at 9:00
a.m. at 2727 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona, the vote for this Agreement of
Merger between this corporation and U-Haul Co. of Kansas, Inc. was as follows:

         Number of shares outstanding and entitled to vote        - 500

         Number of shares voted for said Agreement of Merger      - 500

         Number of shares voted against said Agreement of Merger  - - 0-

                                            /s/ Patricia Rawligns
                                            [ILLEGIBLE] Secretary

         Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of October, 1975.

                                            /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                       Notary Public

My Commission
Expires January 5, 1978

                            CERTIFICATE OF VOTE

State of Kansas       )
                      ) ss.
County of Wyandotte   )

         I, Patricia Rawlings ass't, Secretary of U-Haul Co. of Kansas Inc., a
Kansas corporation, do hereby certify that on the 12th day of September, 1975 at
a special meeting of the sole shareholder of said corporation, held at 9:00 a.m.
at 2727 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona, the vote for this Agreement of
Merger between this corporation and U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc. was as

         Number of Shares outstanding and entitled to vote        - 500

         Number of shares voted for said Agreement of Merger      - 500

         Number of shares voted against said Agreement of Merger  - -0-

                                            /s/ Patricia Rawlings
                                            Assistant Secretary

         Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of October, 1975.

                                            /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                       Notary Public

My Commission
Expires January 5, 1978


         This PLAN/AGREEMENT/ARTICLES OF MERGER dated this 28th day of April,
1989, entered into by U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc., the surviving corporation
and Kansas City Rental Equipment Repair Shop, Inc., the Absorbed Corporation,
both corporations of the State of Kansas and together referred to as the
Constituent Corporations hereby witnesseth that :

         The respective Boards of Directors and the Sole Shareholder by
resolution have determined it to be advisable that the absorbed Corporation be
merged into the Surviving Corporation under the terms and conditions hereinafter
set forth in accordance with the applicable provisions of the General
Corporation Law of the States of Kansas, which laws permit such merger.

         NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do agree as follows:


         The Articles of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation shall
continue to be its Articles of Incorporation, unless altered or amended below,
following the effective date of the merger.


         The executed PLAN/AGREEMENT/ARTICLES OF MERGER is on file at the
Surviving Corporation's principal office. The location of that office is 5200
state Ave., Kansas  City, KS 66102.


         The provisions for handling the shares of stock of the constituent
corporations are as follows:

                  (1)      All issued and outstanding shares of stock of the
                           constituent Corporation shall be absorbed.

                  (2)      On the effective date of the merger and when the
                           aforementioned cancellation has been effected, the
                           outstanding shares of stock of the surviving
                           corporation shall be deemed for all corporate
                           [ILLEGIBLE] to evidence the ownership of the
                           constituent corporations.


         The number of shares outstanding and the number of shares entitled to
vote upon such PLAN/AGREEMENT/ARTICLES OF MERGER, and the number of shares voted
for the against such PLAN/AGREEMENT/ARTICLES OF MERGER to each corporation was
as follows:

                                    NUMBER OF
                       NUMBER OF     SHARES    NUMBER   NUMBER
      COMPANY           SHARES      ENTITLED   VOTED     VOTED
       NAME           OUTSTANDING    TO VOTE    FOR     AGAINST
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Kansas, City Rental,       11,700      11,700  11,700         0
Equipment Repair
Shop, Inc.

U-Haul Co, of                 500         500     500         0
Kansas City, Inc.


         The constituent corporations shall take or cause to be taken all action
or do or cause to be done, all things necessary, proper or advisable under the
laws of the state of Kansas, to consummate and make effective this merger,
subject, however to be appropriate vote or consent to the stockholders of the
Constituent Corporation in accordance with the requirements of the State of


         The Surviving Corporation hereby irrevocable appoints. The Corporation
Company, as its agent to accept service of process in any suit or other
proceeding and to enforce against the surviving Corporation any obligation of
any Constituent Domestic Corporation or enforce the rights of a dissenting
shareholder of any Constituent Domestic Corporation. A copy of any such process
may be mailed to John A. Lorentz, P.O. Box 21502, Phoenix, Arizona, 85036.


         The Surviving Corporation shall pay all expenses of accomplishing the
merger, and assumes the responsibility for all tax liabilities of the Absorbed

         Surviving Corporation: U-HAUL CO. OF KANSAS CITY,
                                A Kansas corporation

                                        By: /s/ Aubrey E. Rawlings
                                            Aubrey E. Rawlings, President

By : /s/ Patricia S. Rawlings
     Patricia S. Rawlings, Secretary

                           Absorbed Corporation: Kansas City Rental Equipment
                                                 Repair Shop, Inc.
                                                 A Kansas Corporation

                                        By: /s/ John M. Dodds
                                            John M. Dodds, President

By: /s/ John A. Lorentz
    John A. Lorentz, Secretary

COUNTY OF Wyandotte

         On this 19 day of May, 1989, before me, the undersigned Notary Public,
personally appeared Aubrey E. Rawlings, President and Patricia Rawlings,
Secretary of U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc., a Kansas corporation, that they
are the individuals who executed this instrument on behalf of said corporation,
and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.

          (NOTARY SEAL)

                                            /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                            NOTARY PUBLIC


         On this 30th day of May, 1989, before me, the undersigned Notary
Public, personally appeared John M. Dodds, President and John A. Lorentz,
Secretary of Kansas City Rental Equipment Repair Shop, Inc. a Kansas
corporation, that they are the individuals who executed this instrument on
behalf of said corporation, and acknowledged to me that such corporation
executed the same.

                                            NOTARY PUBLIC


                                          My Commission Expires May 22, 1991

                         CONSENT OF THE SOLE STOCKHOLDER


                         U-HAUL CO OF KANSAS CITY, INC.



                            BOTH KANSAS CORPORATIONS

                                                   April 28, 1989

         AMERCO, a Nevada corporation, the sole shareholder of the above named
corporations, acting through John M. Dodds, on authority of the Executive
Management Team, the group designated by the Board of Directors of AMERCO to
vote the stock of all of its subsidiaries, hereby consents to and adopts the

         RESOLVED: That this corporation, the sole shareholder of U-Haul Co. of
         Kansas City, Inc., Kansas City Rental Equipment Repair Shop, Inc., does
         hereby approve and adopt the Plan of Merger between said corporations,
         whereby Kansas City Rental Equipment Repair Shop, Inc., shall be
         absorbed into U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc., the surviving
         corporation, all in accordance with the Plan of Merger, and be it

         RESOLVED: That the Board of Directors and Officers of said merging
         corporations be and they hereby are, authorized and directed to all
         further action and to execute all documents they deem necessary or
         advisable to consummate the said merger and to amend any of the terms
         of the said Plan of Merger, and further

         BE IT RESOLVED: That the Secretary of each said corporation is hereby
         authorized to certify as to the consent of the sole shareholder of the
         Plan of Merger, or within the Articles of Merger.

                                        AMERCO, a Nevada corporation

                                        By: /s/John M. Dodds
                                            John M. Dodds

                        UNANIMOUS CONSENT OF THE MEMBERS

                          OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF

                            U-HAUL CO. OF KANSAS CITY

                              A KANSAS CORPORATION

                                                    April 2, 1989

         The undersigned, constituting all the members of the Board of Directors
of U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc., a Kansas corporation, hereby consent to and
adopt the following resolutions:

         RESOLVED: That this corporation does hereby agree to and approve the
         Plan of Merger between this corporation and Kansas City Rental
         Equipment Repair Shop, Inc., whereby this corporation shall be the
         surviving corporation, all in accordance with the copy of the Plan of
         Merger attached hereto, and be it further

         RESOLVED: That the President and Secretary of this corporation be and
         they hereby are authorized and directed to executed on behalf of this
         corporation said Plan of Merger and to do all and everything necessary
         to complete said merger, and

         RESOLVED: That said Plan be submitted to the sole shareholder of this
         corporation for the purpose of considering the approval of said Plan.

                                            /s/ Aubrey E. Rawlings
                                            Aubrey E. Rawlings, Director

                                            /s/ Jerry Malerich
                                            Jerry Malerich, Director

                                            /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                            Doug [ILLEGIBLE], Director

                        UNANIMOUS CONSENT OF THE MEMBERS

                          OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF


                              A KANSAS CORPORATION

                                                                  April 28, 1989

         The undersigned, constituting all the members of the Board of Directors
of Kansas City Rental Equipment Repair Shop, Inc., a Kansas corporation, hereby
consents to and adopts the following resolutions:

         RESOLVED: That Kansas City Rental Equipment Repair Shop, Inc. does
         hereby agree to and approve the Plan of Merger between this corporation
         and U-Haul of Kansas City, Inc., whereby this corporation shall be
         absorbed into U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc., all in accordance with
         the copy of the Plan of Mergar attached hereto, and be it further

         RESOLVED: That the President and Secretary of this corporation be and
         they hereby are authorized and directed to execute on behalf of this
         corporation said Plan of Merger and to do all and everything necessary
         to complete said merger, and be it further

         RESOLVED: That said Plan be submitted to the sole Shareholder of this
         corporation for the purpose of considering the approval of said Plan.

                                           /s/ John M. Dodds
                                           John M. Dodds, Director

                                           /s/ John A. Lorentz
                                           John A. Lorentz, Director

                                           /s/ George R. Olds
                                           George R. Olds, Director

                         MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF
                            THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF
                         U-HAUL CO. OF KANSAS CITY, INC.
                              A KANSAS CORPORATION

                                                                  April 28, 1989

         On the above date there was held a special meeting of the Board of
Directors of U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc. a Kansas corporation, at its office
in Kansas.

         Aubrey E. Rawlings acted as Chairman and Patricia S. Rawlings acted as
Secretary. Roll call was taken and a quorum being found to be present, the
meeting was called to order.

         The Chairman announced that the purpose of the meeting was to vote upon
the proposed merger and absorption of another corporation into this corporation.

         Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolutions were

         RESOLVED: That this corporation does hereby agree to and approve the
         Plan of Merger between this corporation and Kansas City Rental
         Equipment Repair Shop, Inc., a Kansas corporation, whereby this
         corporation shall be the surviving corporation, all in accordance with
         the copy of the Plan of Merger attached hereto, and be it further

         RESOLVED: That the President and Secretary of this corporation be and
         they hereby are authorized and directed to execute on behalf of this
         corporation said Plan of Merger and to do all and everything necessary
         to complete said merger, and

         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That said Plan be submitted to the sole
         shareholder of this corporation for the purpose of considering the
         approval of said Plan.

         There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was,
upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned.

                                            /s/ Patricia S. Rawlings
                                            Patricia S. Rawlings, Secretary

                         MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF
                            THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF
                              A KANSAS CORPORATION

                                                                  April 28, 1989

         On the above date there was held a special meeting of the Board of
Directors of Kansas City Rental Equipment Repair Shop, Inc., a Kansas
corporation, at its office in Kansas.

         John M. Dodds acted as Chairman and John A. Lorentz acted as Secretary.
Roll call was taken and a quorum being found to be present, the meeting was
called to order.

         The Chairman announced that the purpose of the meeting was to vote upon
the proposed merger of this corporation.

         Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolutions were
unanimously adopted.

         RESOLVED:  That Kansas City Rental Equipment Repair Shop, Inc.,
         a Kansas corporation, does hereby agree to and approve the Plan
         of Merger between this corporation and U-Haul Co. of Kansas
         City, Inc., whereby this corporation shall be absorbed into
         U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc., all in accordance with the copy
         of the plan of Merger attached hereto, and be it further.

         RESOLVED: That the President and Secretary of this Corporation be and
         they hereby are authorized and directed to execute on behalf of this
         corporation said plan of Merger and to do all and everything necessary
         to complete said merger, and be it further.

         RESOLVED: That said plan be submitted to the sole shareholder of this
         corporation for the purpose of considering the approval of said plan.

         There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was upon
motion duly made and seconded, adjourned.

                                                 /s/ John A. Lorentz
                                                 John A. Lorentz, Secretary


                         U-HAUL CO. OF KANSAS CITY, INC.

                             (Name of Corporation)

         We,   John A. Lorentz                    President, [ILLEGIBLE]
               Gary V. Klinefelter                Secretary, [ILLEGIBLE] of
                            U-Hall Co. of Kansas City, Inc.
a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Kansas, and
whose [ILLEGIBLE] officer is at

               515 So. KANSAS AVENUE
               TOPEKA        Country of              Shawnee
          ----------------,               ---------------------------  --------
               (City)                                (Country)        (Zip Code)
Kansas, do hereby certify that at the Special meeting of the Board of Directors
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
of said corporation held on the 26th day of October 1990, said board adopted a
resolution setting forth the following amendment to the Articles of
Incorporation and declaring its advisability:

                                   ARTICLE I

         That the name of the corporation is:

         U-Haul Co. of Kansas, Inc.

         We further certify that thereafter, pursuant to said resolution, and in
accordance with the by-laws of the corporation and the laws of the State of
Kansas, the Board of Directors called a meeting of stockholders for
consideration of the proposed amendment, and thereafter, pursuant to notice and
in accordance with the statutes of the State of Kansas on the 26th day of
October, 1990, said stockholders convened and considered the proposed amendment.

         We further certify that at said meeting a majority of the stockholders
entitled to vote voted in favor of the proposed amendment, and that the votes
were 500 shares in favor of the proposed amendment and - 0 - shares against the
     ---                                               -----
     [ILLEGIBLE]                                       [ILLEGIBLE]

         We further certify that the amendment was duly adopted in accordance
with the provision of K.S.A. 17-6602, as amended.

         We further certify that the capital of said corporation will not be
reduced under or by reason of said amendment.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the
seal of said corporation this 26th day of October 1990.

    [SEAL]                                   /s/ John A. Lorentz
                                             John A. Lorentz, President

                                             /s/ Gary V. Klinefelter
                                             Gary V. Klinefelter, Secretary

         County of [ILLEGIBLE]

         Be it remembered that before me a Notary Public and for the aforesaid
county and [ILLEGIBLE] personally appeared: John A. Lorentz, President, and Gary
V. Klinefelter, Secretary, U-Haul Co. of Kansas City, Inc., a corporation, who
are known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Certificate of
Amendment of Articles of Incorporation, and duly acknowledged the execution of
the same this 26th day of October, 1990

                                           /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                 Notary Public

         My appointment [ILLEGIBLE] [ILLEGIBLE] 19____



Secretary of State
Capitol, 2nd Floor
Topeka, KS 66612