November 16, 2004

Dear Shareholder:

         The Board of Directors of Commercial National Financial Corporation
(CNFC), the bank holding company for Commercial Bank, has approved, subject to
shareholder and regulatory approval, a "going private" merger transaction. The
effect of this merger transaction will be that owners of fewer than 4,000 shares
of CNFC's common stock will receive $12.50 in cash for each share of CNFC's
common stock that they hold prior to completion of the merger. Shareholders
owning 4,000 or more shares will continue to hold their shares after the merger.

         This transaction will NOT result in a "sale" of CNFC or Commercial
Bank. It is the intent of the Board of Directors and management that Commercial
Bank remain as a strong independent community bank serving our local area.

         This action is being taken to allow CNFC to reduce the number of CNFC
shareholders of record to less than 300, the level at which CNFC is required to
continue to file reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Assuming that the merger transaction is consummated, CNFC intends to terminate
the registration of its stock with the SEC. The Board of Directors believes that
the increasing costs and complexities of being a "public" company are not
justified by the benefits, given CNFC's limited trading activity.

         We appreciate that not all shareholders owning fewer than 4,000 shares
of CNFC want to receive cash in exchange for their shares at this time. However,
the Board of Directors of CNFC has decided that the reduction in costs and
significant additional administrative burdens to CNFC from required filings with
the SEC mandate that CNFC takes this action.

         This is not a decision that the Board has entered into lightly. Much
soul searching has been done and alternative methods have been considered. We
have sought the advice of legal, accounting and financial professionals and, in
their opinion, the projected additional annual expenses involved in complying
with the new regulations required of public companies could be as much as
$250,000 during 2005. Ongoing costs after 2005 may result in as much as $150,000
in additional expense. These possible expenditures, merely to comply with
regulations which have come about from abuses by the officers, employees and
directors of a few large corporations, did not, in the Board's opinion, seem to
be a wise use of CNFC's earnings. Therefore, we have made the difficult decision
to move forward with the going private transaction.

         In conjunction with this transaction, the Board of Directors have voted
to discontinue the dividend reinvestment plan effective with the dividend
payable January 3, 2005. You will receive cash in lieu of receiving additional
shares. Discontinuing the dividend reinvestment plan will assist management in

maintaining the number of shareholders below 300. The board has also voted to
terminate the CNFC stock repurchase program that was established in 1998.

         Please note that this letter is only a description of the proposed
transaction and is not a solicitation of a proxy or an offer to acquire any
shares of common stock.

         The proposed transaction will be structured as a merger of a wholly
owned subsidiary of CNFC with and into CNFC. The transaction is subject to
shareholder and regulatory approvals. Details of the transaction may be found in
CNFC's Preliminary Proxy Statement that will be filed with the SEC. CNFC plans
to mail to each shareholder a proxy statement about the proposed transaction,
and shareholders are advised to read the proxy statement carefully when it
becomes available because it will contain important information about the
transaction, the persons soliciting proxies, and their interests in the
transaction and related manners. Shareholders may obtain free copies of the
proxy statement (when available) and other documents filed by CNFC at the SEC's
website (www.sec.gov) or from CNFC by directing requests to the attention of
Jeffrey S. Barker, President and CEO, or Patrick G. Duffy, Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer, Commercial Bank, 101 North Pine River,
P.O. Box 280, Ithaca, Michigan 48847, telephone number 989-875-4144.

         The board of Directors appreciates your past loyalty and commitment to
CNFC, both as customers and shareholders. We look forward to continuing to serve
you as customers of the Bank. Should you have any questions on this matter,
please feel free to contact me or Patrick G. Duffy.


Jeffrey S. Barker
President and CEO