PANHANDLE STATE BANK

                  2003-2005 LONG TERM EXECUTIVE INCENTIVE PLAN
                                  PLAN DOCUMENT

                                  January 2003

                         AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 4, 2005


SECTION                                       PAGE
- -------                                       ----
Purpose                                        3

Administration                                 3

Plan Description                               3

Eligibility                                    3

Size of Award Opportunities                    4

Performance Criteria and Goals                 4

Payout Schedule                                4

Withholding                                    4

Payment                                        4

Automatic Vesting                              4

No Guarantee of Employment                     5

Modification and Termination                   5

Extraordinary Items                            6

Termination                                    6

         Exhibit "A" Participants
         Exhibit "B" Matrix of Performance


                              PANHANDLE STATE BANK
                       2003-2005 LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN

This document describes the 2003-2005 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the Plan) for
Panhandle State Bank (the Bank).

1.    PURPOSE.

      The purpose of the Plan is to provide motivation and direction to key
      executives to achieve the long-term strategic goals of the Bank. Specific
      objectives of the Plan include:

      -     Support the Bank's long-term strategic plan.

      -     Provide long-term orientation to decision making

      -     Focus participants' attention on maximizing long-term shareholder


      The Plan will be administered by the Compensation Committee of the Board
      of Directors of Intermountain Community Bancorp (the Committee). The
      Committee will assure that the Plan is implemented and maintained
      according to Plan provisions.


      The Plan will provide participants with long-term financial reward
      opportunities based on achieving minimum levels of long-term performance
      goals. The Plan consists of a matrix which will reward the participants
      providing the minimum long-term corporate goals are obtained, and, if
      achieved, stock grants will be provided to Plan participants such that
      fifty (50%) percent of the long-term reward will be provided to Plan
      participants in 2006 and the remaining fifty (50%) percent to be provided
      in 2007. The minimum performance levels are to be based upon a three (3)
      year running average of return on equity and net asset growth.


      Participants in the Plan will include key members of the executive team of
      the Bank. The CEO of the Bank will recommend who participates in the Plan
      for Committee approval. The CEO will communicate such participation to
      each participant at the beginning of each Plan Performance Period.
      Participants must be continuously employed at the Bank for all three (3)
      years of the Long-Term Plan and must further remain employed until
      December 1, 2006, in order to receive the first half of the grant and
      continue to be employed until December 1, 2007, for the second half of the
      grant. Participants for the 2003-2005 Long-Term Plan are listed on Exhibit
      "A" of this Plan.


      At the beginning of each calendar year, the CEO will review and, if
      appropriate, revise Plan participation for the remaining period of the
      Long-Term Plan.


      To be most effective, payout opportunities must be meaningful and
      competitive. To accomplish this, there has been established a matrix which
      will award participants for bank performance so long as minimum levels of
      return on equity and average asset growth over a three year period are
      met. If the Bank's performance is in excess of the minimums, the Plan's
      participant benefits will increase as performance increases. The
      performance matrix for each participant in this Plan is attached hereto as
      Exhibit "B". The stock grants awarded shall be adjusted for any stock
      splits/dividends issued during the term of the Plan.


      The performance criteria of consolidated average annual return on equity
      of Intermountain Community Bancorp and consolidated average annual asset
      growth of Intermountain Community Bancorp for the three-year period
      covering fiscal years 2003 through 2005 will support the maximization of
      long-term shareholder value. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the CEO
      will provide to the Committee the performance pursuant to the Plan for the
      prior calendar year.


      The benefits, if any, to be paid to the executives shall vest such that
      fifty (50%) percent of the benefits are to be paid on December 1, 2006,
      and the remaining fifty (50%) percent to be paid on December 1, 2007. As a
      condition precedent to the award of any benefits pursuant to this Plan,
      the executive will be required to remain employed by the Bank at the time
      of the payout of benefits.


      The Bank shall deduct the regulatory tax withholding amounts from any
      earned awards that are paid, and participant shall be responsible for any
      tax implications associated with the award.

9.    PAYMENT.

      Benefits to be awarded pursuant to this Plan, if any, shall be in the form
      of a stock grant to the executive according to the applicable matrix
      attached as Exhibit "B".


      If a change in control of Intermountain Community Bancorp occurs before
      the end of the


      three-year period covering fiscal years 2003 through 2005, the stock
      grants awarded to participants under the Plan shall be determined as of
      the date the change in control occurred rather than as of the end of the
      three-year period. The stock grants shall be determined by the Committee
      based on Intermountain Community Bancorp's consolidated average annual
      return on equity and consolidated average annual asset growth through the
      most recent quarter end before the change in control occurred. If the most
      recent quarter end is an interim period, the Committee may make
      annualizing or other appropriate adjustments to consolidated average
      annual return on equity and consolidated average annual asset growth. The
      stock grants shall be similarly determined for any participant who dies or
      who becomes disabled (as determined by the Committee) before the end of
      the three-year period, based on consolidated average annual return on
      equity and consolidated average annual asset growth through the most
      recent quarter end before death or disability occurred. Once a
      participant's stock grant is determined after a change in control or after
      the participant's death or disability, the stock grant shall be paid to
      the participant as promptly as practicable, rather than according to the
      schedule set forth in section 7 (50% on December 1, 2006 and 50% on
      December 1, 2007), and the requirement that a participant remain employed
      through December 1, 2007 to claim entitlement to the full amount of his
      stock grant shall not apply. If a change in control occurs after December
      31, 2005 or if the participant dies or becomes disabled after December 31,
      2005 but before the stock grant is paid according to the schedule set
      forth in section 7, the stock grant shall likewise be paid to the
      participant as promptly as practicable and the requirement that the
      participant remain employed through December 1, 2007 to claim entitlement
      to the full amount of his stock grant shall not apply.

      For purposes of this section 10, the term change in control shall mean a
      change in the ownership of Intermountain Community Bancorp, a change in
      effective control of Intermountain Community Bancorp, or a change in the
      ownership of a substantial portion of the assets of Intermountain
      Community Bancorp, as those terms are defined in Internal Revenue Code
      section 409A or in regulations or guidance of general applicability issued
      by the Treasury Department under Section 409A of the Internal Revenue
      Code, including the Treasury Department's Notice 2005-1, Part IV.B
      (questions 11 through 14), contained in Internal Revenue Bulletin 2005-2
      (January 10, 2005). For purposes of this section 10, the term disability
      means that, because of any medically determinable physical or mental
      impairment that can be expected to result in death or can be expected to
      last for a continuous period of at least 12 months, the participant is
      unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity or the participant is
      receiving income replacement benefits for a period of at least three
      months under an accident and health plan covering employees of the Bank.
      The existence of disability shall be determined by the Committee.


      Nothing in the Plan or any Plan materials guarantees employment at the
      Bank. Further, this Plan should not be implied as any contract agreement.


      The Committee has the right to amend or terminate the Plan at any time.


      termination or modification of the Plan during a Performance Period will
      not negatively affect performance goals and payout opportunities up until
      the point of termination.


      The Committee has the authority but no obligation to exclude any
      extraordinary accounting items such as changes in generally accepted
      accounting procedures, sales or major assets or regulatory changes.


      Participants must be continuously employed by the Bank throughout the
      2003-2005 performance period and must further continue to be employed
      until December 1, 2006, in order to receive fifty (50%) percent of the
      benefits and December 1, 2007, in order to receive the balance of the
      benefits. Participants who become fully disabled or die during the
      long-term Plan will receive benefits pursuant to the Plan on a pro-rata
      basis based upon the performance results through the most recent quarter
      end. Participants who voluntarily or involuntarily terminate their
      employment prior to receiving benefits under this Plan shall forfeit
      automatically their rights to any award.


                                          Exhibit "A" - Participants

                                          2003 - 2005 Long Term Plan

                           Curt Hecker         Chief Executive Officer

                           Jerry Smith         President, Branch Administration

                           Doug Wright         Executive Vice President
                                               & Chief Financial Officer

                           John Nagel          Senior Vice President
                                               & Credit Administrator


Long-Term Incentive Program


                                                               Asset Growth
 ROE         58.0%       60.0%       62.0%       64.0%       66.0%       68.0%       70.0%       72.0%       74.0%       76.0%
- -----       ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
12.00%      10,060      10,720      11,380      12,040      12,700      13,360      14,020      14,680      15,340      16,000
12.25%      10,240      10,920      11,600      12,280      12,960      13,640      14,320      15,000      15,680      16,360
12.50%      10,480      11,180      11,880      12,580      13,280      13,980      14,680      15,380      16,080      16,780
12.75%      10,720      11,440      12,160      12,880      13,600      14,320      15,040      15,760      16,480      17,200
13.00%      10,960      11,700      12,440      13,180      13,920      14,660      15,400      16,140      16,880      17,620
13.25%      11,210      11,950      12,690      13,430      14,170      14,910      15,650      16,390      17,130      17,870
13.50%      11,480      12,240      13,000      13,760      14,520      15,280      16,040      16,800      17,560      18,320
13.75%      11,740      12,530      13,320      14,110      14,900      15,690      16,480      17,270      18,060      18,850
14.00%      12,000      12,800      13,600      14,400      15,200      16,000      16,800      17,600      18,400      19,200
14.25%      12,270      13,090      13,910      14,730      15,550      16,370      17,190      18,010      18,830      19,650
14.50%      12,560      13,400      14,240      15,080      15,920      16,760      17,600      18,440      19,280      20,120
14.75%      12,840      13,700      14,560      15,420      16,280      17,140      18,000      18,860      19,720      20,580
15.00%      13,120      14,000      14,880      15,760      16,640      17,520      18,400      19,280      20,160      21,040
15.25%      13,440      14,340      15,240      16,140      17,040      17,940      18,840      19,740      20,640      21,540
15.50%      13,750      14,670      15,590      16,510      17,430      18,350      19,270      20,190      21,110      22,030
15.75%      14,060      15,010      15,960      16,910      17,860      18,810      19,760      20,710      21,660      22,610
16.00%      14,380      15,340      16,300      17,260      18,220      19,180      20,140      21,100      22,060      23,020
16.25%      14,700      15,670      16,640      17,610      18,580      19,550      20,520      21,490      22,460      23,430
16.50%      15,040      16,050      17,060      18,070      19,080      20,090      21,100      22,110      23,120      24,130
16.75%      15,380      16,400      17,420      18,440      19,460      20,480      21,500      22,520      23,540      24,560
17.00%      15,740      16,790      17,840      18,890      19,940      20,990      22,040      23,090      24,140      25,190
17.25%      16,100      17,180      18,260      19,340      20,420      21,500      22,580      23,660      24,740      25,820
17.50%      16,450      17,550      18,650      19,750      20,850      21,950      23,050      24,150      25,250      26,350
17.75%      16,840      17,960      19,080      20,200      21,320      22,440      23,560      24,680      25,800      26,920
18.00%      17,220      18,360      19,500      20,640      21,780      22,920      24,060      25,200      26,340      27,480
18.25%      17,620      18,800      19,980      21,160      22,340      23,520      24,700      25,880      27,060      28,240
18.50%      18,030      19,220      20,410      21,600      22,790      23,980      25,170      26,360      27,550      28,740
18.75%      18,430      19,660      20,890      22,120      23,350      24,580      25,810      27,040      28,270      29,500
19.00%      18,850      20,110      21,370      22,630      23,890      25,150      26,410      27,670      28,930      30,190
19.25%      19,280      20,570      21,860      23,150      24,440      25,730      27,020      28,310      29,600      30,890
19.50%      19,720      21,040      22,360      23,680      25,000      26,320      27,640      28,960      30,280      31,600
19.75%      20,170      21,510      22,850      24,190      25,530      26,870      28,210      29,550      30,890      32,230
20.00%      20,630      22,010      23,390      24,770      26,150      27,530      28,910      30,290      31,670      33,050
20.25%      21,100      22,500      23,900      25,300      26,700      28,100      29,500      30,900      32,300      33,700
20.50%      21,590      23,030      24,470      25,910      27,350      28,790      30,230      31,670      33,110      34,550
20.75%      22,080      23,560      25,040      26,520      28,000      29,480      30,960      32,440      33,920      35,400
21.00%      22,590      24,100      25,610      27,120      28,630      30,140      31,650      33,160      34,670      36,180
21.25%      23,100      24,640      26,180      27,720      29,260      30,800      32,340      33,880      35,420      36,960
21.50%      23,620      25,200      26,780      28,360      29,940      31,520      33,100      34,680      36,260      37,840
21.75%      24,160      25,780      27,400      29,020      30,640      32,260      33,880      35,500      37,120      38,740
22.00%      24,760      26,400      28,040      29,680      31,320      32,960      34,600      36,240      37,880      39,520

                                                         Asset Growth
 ROE         78.0%       80.0%       82.0%       84.0%       86.0%       88.0%       90.0%       92.0%       94.0%
- -----       ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
12.00%      16,700      17,330      17,960      18,590      19,220      19,850      20,480      21,110      21,740
12.25%      17,080      17,720      18,360      19,000      19,640      20,280      20,920      21,560      22,200
12.50%      17,470      18,130      18,790      19,450      20,110      20,770      21,430      22,090      22,750
12.75%      17,860      18,530      19,200      19,870      20,540      21,210      21,880      22,550      23,220
13.00%      18,270      18,950      19,630      20,310      20,990      21,670      22,350      23,030      23,710
13.25%      18,690      19,390      20,090      20,790      21,490      22,190      22,890      23,590      24,290
13.50%      19,120      19,840      20,560      21,280      22,000      22,720      23,440      24,160      24,880
13.75%      19,560      20,300      21,040      21,780      22,520      23,260      24,000      24,740      25,480
14.00%      20,000      20,750      21,500      22,250      23,000      23,750      24,500      25,250      26,000
14.25%      20,460      21,220      21,980      22,740      23,500      24,260      25,020      25,780      26,540
14.50%      20,920      21,710      22,500      23,290      24,080      24,870      25,660      26,450      27,240
14.75%      21,400      22,200      23,000      23,800      24,600      25,400      26,200      27,000      27,800
15.00%      21,890      22,710      23,530      24,350      25,170      25,990      26,810      27,630      28,450
15.25%      22,390      23,230      24,070      24,910      25,750      26,590      27,430      28,270      29,110
15.50%      22,910      23,770      24,630      25,490      26,350      27,210      28,070      28,930      29,790
15.75%      23,430      24,310      25,190      26,070      26,950      27,830      28,710      29,590      30,470
16.00%      23,960      24,860      25,760      26,660      27,560      28,460      29,360      30,260      31,160
16.25%      24,500      25,420      26,340      27,260      28,180      29,100      30,020      30,940      31,860
16.50%      25,060      26,010      26,960      27,910      28,860      29,810      30,760      31,710      32,660
16.75%      25,640      26,600      27,560      28,520      29,480      30,440      31,400      32,360      33,320
17.00%      26,220      27,190      28,160      29,130      30,100      31,070      32,040      33,010      33,980
17.25%      26,820      27,830      28,840      29,850      30,860      31,870      32,880      33,890      34,900
17.50%      27,430      28,450      29,470      30,490      31,510      32,530      33,550      34,570      35,590
17.75%      28,060      29,120      30,180      31,240      32,300      33,360      34,420      35,480      36,540
18.00%      28,700      29,780      30,860      31,940      33,020      34,100      35,180      36,260      37,340
18.25%      29,360      30,460      31,560      32,660      33,760      34,860      35,960      37,060      38,160
18.50%      30,040      31,160      32,280      33,400      34,520      35,640      36,760      37,880      39,000
18.75%      30,720      31,880      33,040      34,200      35,360      36,520      37,680      38,840      40,000
19.00%      31,420      32,600      33,780      34,960      36,140      37,320      38,500      39,680      40,860
19.25%      32,140      33,340      34,540      35,740      36,940      38,140      39,340      40,540      41,740
19.50%      32,880      34,120      35,360      36,600      37,840      39,080      40,320      41,560      42,800
19.75%      33,630      34,890      36,150      37,410      38,670      39,930      41,190      42,450      43,710
20.00%      34,390      35,690      36,990      38,290      39,590      40,890      42,190      43,490      44,790
20.25%      35,180      36,500      37,820      39,140      40,460      41,780      43,100      44,420      45,740
20.50%      35,980      37,320      38,660      40,000      41,340      42,680      44,020      45,360      46,700
20.75%      36,800      38,180      39,560      40,940      42,320      43,700      45,080      46,460      47,840
21.00%      37,640      39,050      40,460      41,870      43,280      44,690      46,100      47,510      48,920
21.25%      38,500      39,950      41,400      42,850      44,300      45,750      47,200      48,650      50,100
21.50%      39,380      40,860      42,340      43,820      45,300      46,780      48,260      49,740      51,220
21.75%      40,280      41,800      43,320      44,840      46,360      47,880      49,400      50,920      52,440
22.00%      41,240      42,780      44,320      45,860      47,400      48,940      50,480      52,020      53,600

Long-Term Incentive Program

Executive - JS


                                                               Asset Growth
 ROE         58.0%       60.0%       62.0%       64.0%       66.0%       68.0%       70.0%       72.0%       74.0%       76.0%
- -----        -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
12.00%       1,880       2,000       2,120       2,240       2,360       2,480       2,600       2,720       2,840       2,960
12.25%       1,910       2,040       2,170       2,300       2,430       2,560       2,690       2,820       2,950       3,080
12.50%       1,960       2,090       2,220       2,350       2,480       2,610       2,740       2,870       3,000       3,130
12.75%       2,000       2,130       2,260       2,390       2,520       2,650       2,780       2,910       3,040       3,170
13.00%       2,050       2,190       2,330       2,470       2,610       2,750       2,890       3,030       3,170       3,310
13.25%       2,090       2,230       2,370       2,510       2,650       2,790       2,930       3,070       3,210       3,350
13.50%       2,140       2,280       2,420       2,560       2,700       2,840       2,980       3,120       3,260       3,400
13.75%       2,190       2,340       2,490       2,640       2,790       2,940       3,090       3,240       3,390       3,540
14.00%       2,240       2,390       2,540       2,690       2,840       2,990       3,140       3,290       3,440       3,590
14.25%       2,290       2,440       2,590       2,740       2,890       3,040       3,190       3,340       3,490       3,640
14.50%       2,350       2,510       2,670       2,830       2,990       3,150       3,310       3,470       3,630       3,790
14.75%       2,400       2,560       2,720       2,880       3,040       3,200       3,360       3,520       3,680       3,840
15.00%       2,450       2,610       2,770       2,930       3,090       3,250       3,410       3,570       3,730       3,890
15.25%       2,510       2,680       2,850       3,020       3,190       3,360       3,530       3,700       3,870       4,040
15.50%       2,570       2,740       2,910       3,080       3,250       3,420       3,590       3,760       3,930       4,100
15.75%       2,630       2,810       2,990       3,170       3,350       3,530       3,710       3,890       4,070       4,250
16.00%       2,690       2,870       3,050       3,230       3,410       3,590       3,770       3,950       4,130       4,310
16.25%       2,750       2,930       3,110       3,290       3,470       3,650       3,830       4,010       4,190       4,370
16.50%       2,810       3,000       3,190       3,380       3,570       3,760       3,950       4,140       4,330       4,520
16.75%       2,870       3,060       3,250       3,440       3,630       3,820       4,010       4,200       4,390       4,580
17.00%       2,940       3,140       3,340       3,540       3,740       3,940       4,140       4,340       4,540       4,740
17.25%       3,010       3,210       3,410       3,610       3,810       4,010       4,210       4,410       4,610       4,810
17.50%       3,070       3,280       3,490       3,700       3,910       4,120       4,330       4,540       4,750       4,960
17.75%       3,140       3,350       3,560       3,770       3,980       4,190       4,400       4,610       4,820       5,030
18.00%       3,220       3,430       3,640       3,850       4,060       4,270       4,480       4,690       4,900       5,110
18.25%       3,290       3,510       3,730       3,950       4,170       4,390       4,610       4,830       5,050       5,270
18.50%       3,370       3,590       3,810       4,030       4,250       4,470       4,690       4,910       5,130       5,350
18.75%       3,440       3,670       3,900       4,130       4,360       4,590       4,820       5,050       5,280       5,510
19.00%       3,520       3,760       4,000       4,240       4,480       4,720       4,960       5,200       5,440       5,680
19.25%       3,600       3,840       4,080       4,320       4,560       4,800       5,040       5,280       5,520       5,760
19.50%       3,680       3,930       4,180       4,430       4,680       4,930       5,180       5,430       5,680       5,930
19.75%       3,770       4,020       4,270       4,520       4,770       5,020       5,270       5,520       5,770       6,020
20.00%       3,850       4,110       4,370       4,630       4,890       5,150       5,410       5,670       5,930       6,190
20.25%       3,940       4,200       4,460       4,720       4,980       5,240       5,500       5,760       6,020       6,280
20.50%       4,030       4,300       4,570       4,840       5,110       5,380       5,650       5,920       6,190       6,460
20.75%       4,120       4,400       4,680       4,960       5,240       5,520       5,800       6,080       6,360       6,640
21.00%       4,220       4,500       4,780       5,060       5,340       5,620       5,900       6,180       6,460       6,740
21.25%       4,310       4,600       4,890       5,180       5,470       5,760       6,050       6,340       6,630       6,920
21.50%       4,410       4,700       4,990       5,280       5,570       5,860       6,150       6,440       6,730       7,020
21.75%       4,510       4,810       5,110       5,410       5,710       6,010       6,310       6,610       6,910       7,210
22.00%       4,610       4,920       5,230       5,540       5,850       6,160       6,470       6,780       7,090       7,400

                                                         Asset Growth
 ROE         78.0%       80.0%       82.0%       84.0%       86.0%       88.0%       90.0%       92.0%       94.0%
- -----        -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
12.00%       3,120       3,240       3,360       3,480       3,600       3,720       3,840       3,960       4,050
12.25%       3,190       3,310       3,430       3,550       3,670       3,790       3,910       4,030       4,150
12.50%       3,260       3,380       3,500       3,620       3,740       3,860       3,980       4,100       4,220
12.75%       3,330       3,450       3,570       3,690       3,810       3,930       4,050       4,170       4,290
13.00%       3,410       3,540       3,670       3,800       3,930       4,060       4,190       4,320       4,450
13.25%       3,490       3,620       3,750       3,880       4,010       4,140       4,270       4,400       4,530
13.50%       3,570       3,700       3,830       3,960       4,090       4,220       4,350       4,480       4,610
13.75%       3,650       3,790       3,930       4,070       4,210       4,350       4,490       4,630       4,770
14.00%       3,730       3,870       4,010       4,150       4,290       4,430       4,570       4,710       4,850
14.25%       3,820       3,960       4,100       4,240       4,380       4,520       4,660       4,800       4,940
14.50%       3,910       4,060       4,210       4,360       4,510       4,660       4,810       4,960       5,110
14.75%       4,000       4,150       4,300       4,450       4,600       4,750       4,900       5,050       5,200
15.00%       4,090       4,240       4,390       4,540       4,690       4,840       4,990       5,140       5,290
15.25%       4,180       4,340       4,500       4,660       4,820       4,980       5,140       5,300       5,460
15.50%       4,280       4,440       4,600       4,760       4,920       5,080       5,240       5,400       5,560
15.75%       4,380       4,540       4,700       4,860       5,020       5,180       5,340       5,500       5,660
16.00%       4,480       4,650       4,820       4,990       5,160       5,330       5,500       5,670       5,840
16.25%       4,580       4,750       4,920       5,090       5,260       5,430       5,600       5,770       5,940
16.50%       4,680       4,860       5,040       5,220       5,400       5,580       5,760       5,940       6,120
16.75%       4,790       4,970       5,150       5,330       5,510       5,690       5,870       6,050       6,230
17.00%       4,900       5,080       5,260       5,440       5,620       5,800       5,980       6,160       6,340
17.25%       5,010       5,200       5,390       5,580       5,770       5,960       6,150       6,340       6,530
17.50%       5,120       5,310       5,500       5,690       5,880       6,070       6,260       6,450       6,640
17.75%       5,240       5,440       5,640       5,840       6,040       6,240       6,440       6,640       6,840
18.00%       5,360       5,560       5,760       5,960       6,160       6,360       6,560       6,760       6,960
18.25%       5,480       5,690       5,900       6,110       6,320       6,530       6,740       6,950       7,160
18.50%       5,610       5,820       6,030       6,240       6,450       6,660       6,870       7,080       7,290
18.75%       5,740       5,960       6,180       6,400       6,620       6,840       7,060       7,280       7,500
19.00%       5,870       6,090       6,310       6,530       6,750       6,970       7,190       7,410       7,630
19.25%       6,000       6,230       6,460       6,690       6,920       7,150       7,380       7,610       7,840
19.50%       6,140       6,370       6,600       6,830       7,060       7,290       7,520       7,750       7,980
19.75%       6,280       6,520       6,760       7,000       7,240       7,480       7,720       7,960       8,200
20.00%       6,420       6,660       6,900       7,140       7,380       7,620       7,860       8,100       8,340
20.25%       6,570       6,820       7,070       7,320       7,570       7,820       8,070       8,320       8,570
20.50%       6,720       6,970       7,220       7,470       7,720       7,970       8,220       8,470       8,720
20.75%       6,870       7,130       7,390       7,650       7,910       8,170       8,430       8,690       8,950
21.00%       7,030       7,290       7,550       7,810       8,070       8,330       8,590       8,850       9,110
21.25%       7,190       7,460       7,730       8,000       8,270       8,540       8,810       9,080       9,350
21.50%       7,350       7,630       7,910       8,190       8,470       8,750       9,030       9,310       9,590
21.75%       7,520       7,800       8,080       8,360       8,640       8,920       9,200       9,480       9,760
22.00%       7,690       7,980       8,270       8,560       8,850       9,140       9,430       9,720      10,000

Long-Term Incentive Program

Executive - DW


                                                               Asset Growth
 ROE         58.0%       60.0%       62.0%       64.0%       66.0%       68.0%       70.0%       72.0%       74.0%       76.0%
- -----        -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
12.00%       1,790       1,910       2,030       2,150       2,270       2,390       2,510       2,630       2,750       2,870
12.25%       1,810       1,930       2,050       2,170       2,290       2,410       2,530       2,650       2,770       2,890
12.50%       1,850       1,970       2,090       2,210       2,330       2,450       2,570       2,690       2,810       2,930
12.75%       1,900       2,030       2,160       2,290       2,420       2,550       2,680       2,810       2,940       3,070
13.00%       1,940       2,070       2,200       2,330       2,460       2,590       2,720       2,850       2,980       3,110
13.25%       1,980       2,110       2,240       2,370       2,500       2,630       2,760       2,890       3,020       3,150
13.50%       2,030       2,170       2,310       2,450       2,590       2,730       2,870       3,010       3,150       3,290
13.75%       2,080       2,220       2,360       2,500       2,640       2,780       2,920       3,060       3,200       3,340
14.00%       2,120       2,260       2,400       2,540       2,680       2,820       2,960       3,100       3,240       3,380
14.25%       2,170       2,320       2,470       2,620       2,770       2,920       3,070       3,220       3,370       3,520
14.50%       2,220       2,370       2,520       2,670       2,820       2,970       3,120       3,270       3,420       3,570
14.75%       2,270       2,420       2,570       2,720       2,870       3,020       3,170       3,320       3,470       3,620
15.00%       2,320       2,480       2,640       2,800       2,960       3,120       3,280       3,440       3,600       3,760
15.25%       2,380       2,540       2,700       2,860       3,020       3,180       3,340       3,500       3,660       3,820
15.50%       2,430       2,590       2,750       2,910       3,070       3,230       3,390       3,550       3,710       3,870
15.75%       2,480       2,650       2,820       2,990       3,160       3,330       3,500       3,670       3,840       4,010
16.00%       2,540       2,710       2,880       3,050       3,220       3,390       3,560       3,730       3,900       4,070
16.25%       2,600       2,770       2,940       3,110       3,280       3,450       3,620       3,790       3,960       4,130
16.50%       2,660       2,840       3,020       3,200       3,380       3,560       3,740       3,920       4,100       4,280
16.75%       2,720       2,900       3,080       3,260       3,440       3,620       3,800       3,980       4,160       4,340
17.00%       2,780       2,970       3,160       3,350       3,540       3,730       3,920       4,110       4,300       4,490
17.25%       2,840       3,030       3,220       3,410       3,600       3,790       3,980       4,170       4,360       4,550
17.50%       2,910       3,100       3,290       3,480       3,670       3,860       4,050       4,240       4,430       4,620
17.75%       2,980       3,180       3,380       3,580       3,780       3,980       4,180       4,380       4,580       4,780
18.00%       3,040       3,240       3,440       3,640       3,840       4,040       4,240       4,440       4,640       4,840
18.25%       3,110       3,320       3,530       3,740       3,950       4,160       4,370       4,580       4,790       5,000
18.50%       3,190       3,400       3,610       3,820       4,030       4,240       4,450       4,660       4,870       5,080
18.75%       3,260       3,480       3,700       3,920       4,140       4,360       4,580       4,800       5,020       5,240
19.00%       3,330       3,550       3,770       3,990       4,210       4,430       4,650       4,870       5,090       5,310
19.25%       3,410       3,640       3,870       4,100       4,330       4,560       4,790       5,020       5,250       5,480
19.50%       3,490       3,720       3,950       4,180       4,410       4,640       4,870       5,100       5,330       5,560
19.75%       3,560       3,800       4,040       4,280       4,520       4,760       5,000       5,240       5,480       5,720
20.00%       3,650       3,890       4,130       4,370       4,610       4,850       5,090       5,330       5,570       5,810
20.25%       3,730       3,980       4,230       4,480       4,730       4,980       5,230       5,480       5,730       5,980
20.50%       3,820       4,070       4,320       4,570       4,820       5,070       5,320       5,570       5,820       6,070
20.75%       3,910       4,170       4,430       4,690       4,950       5,210       5,470       5,730       5,990       6,250
21.00%       4,000       4,270       4,540       4,810       5,080       5,350       5,620       5,890       6,160       6,430
21.25%       4,090       4,360       4,630       4,900       5,170       5,440       5,710       5,980       6,250       6,520
21.50%       4,180       4,460       4,740       5,020       5,300       5,580       5,860       6,140       6,420       6,700
21.75%       4,280       4,570       4,860       5,150       5,440       5,730       6,020       6,310       6,600       6,890
22.00%       4,390       4,680       4,970       5,260       5,550       5,840       6,130       6,420       6,710       7,000

                                                         Asset Growth
 ROE         78.0%       80.0%       82.0%       84.0%       86.0%       88.0%       90.0%       92.0%       94.0%
- -----        -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
12.00%       2,950       3,060       3,170       3,280       3,390       3,500       3,610       3,720       3,850
12.25%       3,020       3,130       3,240       3,350       3,460       3,570       3,680       3,790       3,900
12.50%       3,090       3,210       3,330       3,450       3,570       3,690       3,810       3,930       4,050
12.75%       3,160       3,280       3,400       3,520       3,640       3,760       3,880       4,000       4,120
13.00%       3,230       3,350       3,470       3,590       3,710       3,830       3,950       4,070       4,190
13.25%       3,300       3,420       3,540       3,660       3,780       3,900       4,020       4,140       4,260
13.50%       3,380       3,510       3,640       3,770       3,900       4,030       4,160       4,290       4,420
13.75%       3,460       3,590       3,720       3,850       3,980       4,110       4,240       4,370       4,500
14.00%       3,540       3,670       3,800       3,930       4,060       4,190       4,320       4,450       4,580
14.25%       3,620       3,760       3,900       4,040       4,180       4,320       4,460       4,600       4,740
14.50%       3,700       3,840       3,980       4,120       4,260       4,400       4,540       4,680       4,820
14.75%       3,780       3,920       4,060       4,200       4,340       4,480       4,620       4,760       4,900
15.00%       3,870       4,020       4,170       4,320       4,470       4,620       4,770       4,920       5,070
15.25%       3,960       4,110       4,260       4,410       4,560       4,710       4,860       5,010       5,160
15.50%       4,050       4,200       4,350       4,500       4,650       4,800       4,950       5,100       5,250
15.75%       4,140       4,300       4,460       4,620       4,780       4,940       5,100       5,260       5,420
16.00%       4,230       4,390       4,550       4,710       4,870       5,030       5,190       5,350       5,510
16.25%       4,330       4,490       4,650       4,810       4,970       5,130       5,290       5,450       5,610
16.50%       4,430       4,600       4,770       4,940       5,110       5,280       5,450       5,620       5,790
16.75%       4,530       4,700       4,870       5,040       5,210       5,380       5,550       5,720       5,890
17.00%       4,630       4,800       4,970       5,140       5,310       5,480       5,650       5,820       5,990
17.25%       4,740       4,920       5,100       5,280       5,460       5,640       5,820       6,000       6,180
17.50%       4,850       5,030       5,210       5,390       5,570       5,750       5,930       6,110       6,290
17.75%       4,960       5,150       5,340       5,530       5,720       5,910       6,100       6,290       6,480
18.00%       5,070       5,260       5,450       5,640       5,830       6,020       6,210       6,400       6,590
18.25%       5,190       5,380       5,570       5,760       5,950       6,140       6,330       6,520       6,710
18.50%       5,310       5,510       5,710       5,910       6,110       6,310       6,510       6,710       6,910
18.75%       5,430       5,630       5,830       6,030       6,230       6,430       6,630       6,830       7,030
19.00%       5,550       5,760       5,970       6,180       6,390       6,600       6,810       7,020       7,230
19.25%       5,680       5,890       6,100       6,310       6,520       6,730       6,940       7,150       7,360
19.50%       5,810       6,030       6,250       6,470       6,690       6,910       7,130       7,350       7,570
19.75%       5,940       6,160       6,380       6,600       6,820       7,040       7,260       7,480       7,700
20.00%       6,080       6,310       6,540       6,770       7,000       7,230       7,460       7,690       7,920
20.25%       6,220       6,450       6,680       6,910       7,140       7,370       7,600       7,830       8,060
20.50%       6,360       6,600       6,840       7,080       7,320       7,560       7,800       8,040       8,280
20.75%       6,510       6,750       6,990       7,230       7,470       7,710       7,950       8,190       8,430
21.00%       6,660       6,910       7,160       7,410       7,660       7,910       8,160       8,410       8,660
21.25%       6,810       7,070       7,330       7,590       7,850       8,110       8,370       8,630       8,890
21.50%       6,970       7,230       7,490       7,750       8,010       8,270       8,530       8,790       9,050
21.75%       7,130       7,400       7,670       7,940       8,210       8,480       8,750       9,020       9,290
22.00%       7,310       7,580       7,850       8,120       8,390       8,660       8,930       9,200       9,500

Long-Term Incentive Program

Executive - JN


                                                               Asset Growth
 ROE         58.0%       60.0%       62.0%       64.0%       66.0%       68.0%       70.0%       72.0%       74.0%       76.0%
- -----        -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
12.00%       1,360       1,450       1,540       1,630       1,720       1,810       1,900       1,990       2,080       2,170
12.25%       1,400       1,490       1,580       1,670       1,760       1,850       1,940       2,030       2,120       2,210
12.50%       1,430       1,530       1,630       1,730       1,830       1,930       2,030       2,130       2,230       2,330
12.75%       1,460       1,560       1,660       1,760       1,860       1,960       2,060       2,160       2,260       2,360
13.00%       1,490       1,590       1,690       1,790       1,890       1,990       2,090       2,190       2,290       2,390
13.25%       1,530       1,630       1,730       1,830       1,930       2,030       2,130       2,230       2,330       2,430
13.50%       1,570       1,670       1,770       1,870       1,970       2,070       2,170       2,270       2,370       2,470
13.75%       1,600       1,710       1,820       1,930       2,040       2,150       2,260       2,370       2,480       2,590
14.00%       1,640       1,750       1,860       1,970       2,080       2,190       2,300       2,410       2,520       2,630
14.25%       1,670       1,780       1,890       2,000       2,110       2,220       2,330       2,440       2,550       2,660
14.50%       1,710       1,820       1,930       2,040       2,150       2,260       2,370       2,480       2,590       2,700
14.75%       1,750       1,870       1,990       2,110       2,230       2,350       2,470       2,590       2,710       2,830
15.00%       1,790       1,910       2,030       2,150       2,270       2,390       2,510       2,630       2,750       2,870
15.25%       1,840       1,960       2,080       2,200       2,320       2,440       2,560       2,680       2,800       2,920
15.50%       1,880       2,010       2,140       2,270       2,400       2,530       2,660       2,790       2,920       3,050
15.75%       1,920       2,050       2,180       2,310       2,440       2,570       2,700       2,830       2,960       3,090
16.00%       1,960       2,090       2,220       2,350       2,480       2,610       2,740       2,870       3,000       3,130
16.25%       2,000       2,130       2,260       2,390       2,520       2,650       2,780       2,910       3,040       3,170
16.50%       2,050       2,190       2,330       2,470       2,610       2,750       2,890       3,030       3,170       3,310
16.75%       2,100       2,240       2,380       2,520       2,660       2,800       2,940       3,080       3,220       3,360
17.00%       2,150       2,290       2,430       2,570       2,710       2,850       2,990       3,130       3,270       3,410
17.25%       2,200       2,350       2,500       2,650       2,800       2,950       3,100       3,250       3,400       3,550
17.50%       2,240       2,390       2,540       2,690       2,840       2,990       3,140       3,290       3,440       3,590
17.75%       2,300       2,450       2,600       2,750       2,900       3,050       3,200       3,350       3,500       3,650
18.00%       2,350       2,510       2,670       2,830       2,990       3,150       3,310       3,470       3,630       3,790
18.25%       2,410       2,570       2,730       2,890       3,050       3,210       3,370       3,530       3,690       3,850
18.50%       2,460       2,620       2,780       2,940       3,100       3,260       3,420       3,580       3,740       3,900
18.75%       2,510       2,680       2,850       3,020       3,190       3,360       3,530       3,700       3,870       4,040
19.00%       2,570       2,740       2,910       3,080       3,250       3,420       3,590       3,760       3,930       4,100
19.25%       2,630       2,810       2,990       3,170       3,350       3,530       3,710       3,890       4,070       4,250
19.50%       2,690       2,870       3,050       3,230       3,410       3,590       3,770       3,950       4,130       4,310
19.75%       2,750       2,930       3,110       3,290       3,470       3,650       3,830       4,010       4,190       4,370
20.00%       2,810       3,000       3,190       3,380       3,570       3,760       3,950       4,140       4,330       4,520
20.25%       2,880       3,070       3,260       3,450       3,640       3,830       4,020       4,210       4,400       4,590
20.50%       2,950       3,150       3,350       3,550       3,750       3,950       4,150       4,350       4,550       4,750
20.75%       3,010       3,210       3,410       3,610       3,810       4,010       4,210       4,410       4,610       4,810
21.00%       3,080       3,290       3,500       3,710       3,920       4,130       4,340       4,550       4,760       4,970
21.25%       3,150       3,360       3,570       3,780       3,990       4,200       4,410       4,620       4,830       5,040
21.50%       3,220       3,440       3,660       3,880       4,100       4,320       4,540       4,760       4,980       5,200
21.75%       3,290       3,510       3,730       3,950       4,170       4,390       4,610       4,830       5,050       5,270
22.00%       3,380       3,600       3,820       4,040       4,260       4,480       4,700       4,920       5,140       5,360

                                                         Asset Growth
 ROE         78.0%       80.0%       82.0%       84.0%       86.0%       88.0%       90.0%       92.0%       94.0%
- -----        -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
12.00%       2,280       2,370       2,460       2,550       2,640       2,730       2,820       2,910       2,970
12.25%       2,330       2,420       2,510       2,600       2,690       2,780       2,870       2,960       3,050
12.50%       2,380       2,470       2,560       2,650       2,740       2,830       2,920       3,010       3,100
12.75%       2,430       2,520       2,610       2,700       2,790       2,880       2,970       3,060       3,150
13.00%       2,490       2,580       2,670       2,760       2,850       2,940       3,030       3,120       3,210
13.25%       2,550       2,650       2,750       2,850       2,950       3,050       3,150       3,250       3,350
13.50%       2,610       2,710       2,810       2,910       3,010       3,110       3,210       3,310       3,410
13.75%       2,670       2,770       2,870       2,970       3,070       3,170       3,270       3,370       3,470
14.00%       2,730       2,830       2,930       3,030       3,130       3,230       3,330       3,430       3,530
14.25%       2,790       2,890       2,990       3,090       3,190       3,290       3,390       3,490       3,590
14.50%       2,850       2,960       3,070       3,180       3,290       3,400       3,510       3,620       3,730
14.75%       2,920       3,030       3,140       3,250       3,360       3,470       3,580       3,690       3,800
15.00%       2,990       3,100       3,210       3,320       3,430       3,540       3,650       3,760       3,870
15.25%       3,060       3,170       3,280       3,390       3,500       3,610       3,720       3,830       3,940
15.50%       3,130       3,250       3,370       3,490       3,610       3,730       3,850       3,970       4,090
15.75%       3,200       3,320       3,440       3,560       3,680       3,800       3,920       4,040       4,160
16.00%       3,270       3,390       3,510       3,630       3,750       3,870       3,990       4,110       4,230
16.25%       3,340       3,470       3,600       3,730       3,860       3,990       4,120       4,250       4,380
16.50%       3,420       3,550       3,680       3,810       3,940       4,070       4,200       4,330       4,460
16.75%       3,500       3,630       3,760       3,890       4,020       4,150       4,280       4,410       4,540
17.00%       3,580       3,710       3,840       3,970       4,100       4,230       4,360       4,490       4,620
17.25%       3,660       3,800       3,940       4,080       4,220       4,360       4,500       4,640       4,780
17.50%       3,740       3,880       4,020       4,160       4,300       4,440       4,580       4,720       4,860
17.75%       3,830       3,970       4,110       4,250       4,390       4,530       4,670       4,810       4,950
18.00%       3,920       4,070       4,220       4,370       4,520       4,670       4,820       4,970       5,120
18.25%       4,010       4,160       4,310       4,460       4,610       4,760       4,910       5,060       5,210
18.50%       4,100       4,250       4,400       4,550       4,700       4,850       5,000       5,150       5,300
18.75%       4,190       4,350       4,510       4,670       4,830       4,990       5,150       5,310       5,470
19.00%       4,290       4,450       4,610       4,770       4,930       5,090       5,250       5,410       5,570
19.25%       4,390       4,550       4,710       4,870       5,030       5,190       5,350       5,510       5,670
19.50%       4,490       4,660       4,830       5,000       5,170       5,340       5,510       5,680       5,850
19.75%       4,590       4,760       4,930       5,100       5,270       5,440       5,610       5,780       5,950
20.00%       4,690       4,870       5,050       5,230       5,410       5,590       5,770       5,950       6,130
20.25%       4,800       4,980       5,160       5,340       5,520       5,700       5,880       6,060       6,240
20.50%       4,910       5,090       5,270       5,450       5,630       5,810       5,990       6,170       6,350
20.75%       5,020       5,210       5,400       5,590       5,780       5,970       6,160       6,350       6,540
21.00%       5,130       5,320       5,510       5,700       5,890       6,080       6,270       6,460       6,650
21.25%       5,250       5,450       5,650       5,850       6,050       6,250       6,450       6,650       6,850
21.50%       5,370       5,570       5,770       5,970       6,170       6,370       6,570       6,770       6,970
21.75%       5,490       5,700       5,910       6,120       6,330       6,540       6,750       6,960       7,170
22.00%       5,620       5,830       6,040       6,250       6,460       6,670       6,880       7,090       7,300

Long-Term Incentive Program

Executive - CEO


                                                           Asset Growth
 ROE        58.0%       60.0%       62.0%       64.0%       66.0%       68.0%       70.0%       72.0%       74.0%       76.0%
- -----      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
12.00%      5,030       5,360       5,690       6,020       6,350       6,680       7,010       7,340       7,670       8,000
12.25%      5,120       5,460       5,800       6,140       6,480       6,820       7,160       7,500       7,840       8,180
12.50%      5,240       5,590       5,940       6,290       6,640       6,990       7,340       7,690       8,040       8,390
12.75%      5,360       5,720       6,080       6,440       6,800       7,160       7,520       7,880       8,240       8,600
13.00%      5,480       5,850       6,220       6,590       6,960       7,330       7,700       8,070       8,440       8,810
13.25%      5,610       5,980       6,350       6,720       7,090       7,460       7,830       8,200       8,570       8,940
13.50%      5,740       6,120       6,500       6,880       7,260       7,640       8,020       8,400       8,780       9,160
13.75%      5,870       6,260       6,650       7,040       7,430       7,820       8,210       8,600       8,990       9,380
14.00%      6,000       6,400       6,800       7,200       7,600       8,000       8,400       8,800       9,200       9,600
14.25%      6,140       6,550       6,960       7,370       7,780       8,190       8,600       9,010       9,420       9,830
14.50%      6,280       6,700       7,120       7,540       7,960       8,380       8,800       9,220       9,640      10,060
14.75%      6,420       6,850       7,280       7,710       8,140       8,570       9,000       9,430       9,860      10,290
15.00%      6,560       7,000       7,440       7,880       8,320       8,760       9,200       9,640      10,080      10,520
15.25%      6,710       7,160       7,610       8,060       8,510       8,960       9,410       9,860      10,310      10,760
15.50%      6,870       7,330       7,790       8,250       8,710       9,170       9,630      10,090      10,550      11,010
15.75%      7,030       7,500       7,970       8,440       8,910       9,380       9,850      10,320      10,790      11,260
16.00%      7,190       7,670       8,150       8,630       9,110       9,590      10,070      10,550      11,030      11,510
16.25%      7,350       7,840       8,330       8,820       9,310       9,800      10,290      10,780      11,270      11,760
16.50%      7,520       8,020       8,520       9,020       9,520      10,020      10,520      11,020      11,520      12,020
16.75%      7,690       8,200       8,710       9,220       9,730      10,240      10,750      11,260      11,770      12,280
17.00%      7,870       8,390       8,910       9,430       9,950      10,470      10,990      11,510      12,030      12,550
17.25%      8,050       8,590       9,130       9,670      10,210      10,750      11,290      11,830      12,370      12,910
17.50%      8,230       8,780       9,330       9,880      10,430      10,980      11,530      12,080      12,630      13,180
17.75%      8,420       8,980       9,540      10,100      10,660      11,220      11,780      12,340      12,900      13,460
18.00%      8,610       9,180       9,750      10,320      10,890      11,460      12,030      12,600      13,170      13,740
18.25%      8,810       9,400       9,990      10,580      11,170      11,760      12,350      12,940      13,530      14,120
18.50%      9,010       9,610      10,210      10,810      11,410      12,010      12,610      13,210      13,810      14,410
18.75%      9,220       9,830      10,440      11,050      11,660      12,270      12,880      13,490      14,100      14,710
19.00%      9,430      10,060      10,690      11,320      11,950      12,580      13,210      13,840      14,470      15,100
19.25%      9,640      10,280      10,920      11,560      12,200      12,840      13,480      14,120      14,760      15,400
19.50%      9,860      10,520      11,180      11,840      12,500      13,160      13,820      14,480      15,140      15,800
19.75%     10,090      10,760      11,430      12,100      12,770      13,440      14,110      14,780      15,450      16,120
20.00%     10,320      11,010      11,700      12,390      13,080      13,770      14,460      15,150      15,840      16,530
20.25%     10,550      11,250      11,950      12,650      13,350      14,050      14,750      15,450      16,150      16,850
20.50%     10,790      11,510      12,230      12,950      13,670      14,390      15,110      15,830      16,550      17,270
20.75%     11,040      11,780      12,520      13,260      14,000      14,740      15,480      16,220      16,960      17,700
21.00%     11,290      12,040      12,790      13,540      14,290      15,040      15,790      16,540      17,290      18,040
21.25%     11,550      12,320      13,090      13,860      14,630      15,400      16,170      16,940      17,710      18,480
21.50%     11,810      12,600      13,390      14,180      14,970      15,760      16,550      17,340      18,130      18,920
21.75%     12,080      12,890      13,700      14,510      15,320      16,130      16,940      17,750      18,560      19,370
22.00%     12,380      13,200      14,020      14,840      15,660      16,480      17,300      18,120      18,940      19,760

                                                     Asset Growth
 ROE        78.0%       80.0%       82.0%       84.0%       86.0%       88.0%       90.0%       92.0%       94.0%
- -----     -------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
12.00%      8,350       8,660       8,970       9,280       9,590       9,900      10,210      10,520      10,870
12.25%      8,540       8,860       9,180       9,500       9,820      10,140      10,460      10,780      11,100
12.50%      8,740       9,070       9,400       9,730      10,060      10,390      10,720      11,050      11,380
12.75%      8,940       9,280       9,620       9,960      10,300      10,640      10,980      11,320      11,660
13.00%      9,140       9,480       9,820      10,160      10,500      10,840      11,180      11,520      11,860
13.25%      9,350       9,700      10,050      10,400      10,750      11,100      11,450      11,800      12,150
13.50%      9,560       9,920      10,280      10,640      11,000      11,360      11,720      12,080      12,440
13.75%      9,780      10,150      10,520      10,890      11,260      11,630      12,000      12,370      12,740
14.00%     10,000      10,380      10,760      11,140      11,520      11,900      12,280      12,660      13,040
14.25%     10,230      10,610      10,990      11,370      11,750      12,130      12,510      12,890      13,270
14.50%     10,460      10,850      11,240      11,630      12,020      12,410      12,800      13,190      13,580
14.75%     10,700      11,100      11,500      11,900      12,300      12,700      13,100      13,500      13,900
15.00%     10,940      11,350      11,760      12,170      12,580      12,990      13,400      13,810      14,220
15.25%     11,190      11,610      12,030      12,450      12,870      13,290      13,710      14,130      14,550
15.50%     11,450      11,880      12,310      12,740      13,170      13,600      14,030      14,460      14,890
15.75%     11,710      12,150      12,590      13,030      13,470      13,910      14,350      14,790      15,230
16.00%     11,980      12,430      12,880      13,330      13,780      14,230      14,680      15,130      15,580
16.25%     12,250      12,710      13,170      13,630      14,090      14,550      15,010      15,470      15,930
16.50%     12,530      13,000      13,470      13,940      14,410      14,880      15,350      15,820      16,290
16.75%     12,820      13,300      13,780      14,260      14,740      15,220      15,700      16,180      16,660
17.00%     13,110      13,600      14,090      14,580      15,070      15,560      16,050      16,540      17,030
17.25%     13,410      13,910      14,410      14,910      15,410      15,910      16,410      16,910      17,410
17.50%     13,720      14,230      14,740      15,250      15,760      16,270      16,780      17,290      17,800
17.75%     14,030      14,560      15,090      15,620      16,150      16,680      17,210      17,740      18,270
18.00%     14,350      14,890      15,430      15,970      16,510      17,050      17,590      18,130      18,670
18.25%     14,680      15,230      15,780      16,330      16,880      17,430      17,980      18,530      19,080
18.50%     15,020      15,580      16,140      16,700      17,260      17,820      18,380      18,940      19,500
18.75%     15,360      15,940      16,520      17,100      17,680      18,260      18,840      19,420      20,000
19.00%     15,710      16,300      16,890      17,480      18,070      18,660      19,250      19,840      20,430
19.25%     16,070      16,670      17,270      17,870      18,470      19,070      19,670      20,270      20,870
19.50%     16,440      17,060      17,680      18,300      18,920      19,540      20,160      20,780      21,400
19.75%     16,820      17,450      18,080      18,710      19,340      19,970      20,600      21,230      21,860
20.00%     17,200      17,850      18,500      19,150      19,800      20,450      21,100      21,750      22,400
20.25%     17,590      18,250      18,910      19,570      20,230      20,890      21,550      22,210      22,870
20.50%     17,990      18,660      19,330      20,000      20,670      21,340      22,010      22,680      23,350
20.75%     18,400      19,090      19,780      20,470      21,160      21,850      22,540      23,230      23,920
21.00%     18,820      19,530      20,240      20,950      21,660      22,370      23,080      23,790      24,500
21.25%     19,250      19,970      20,690      21,410      22,130      22,850      23,570      24,290      25,010
21.50%     19,690      20,430      21,170      21,910      22,650      23,390      24,130      24,870      25,610
21.75%     20,140      20,900      21,660      22,420      23,180      23,940      24,700      25,460      26,220
22.00%     20,620      21,390      22,160      22,930      23,700      24,470      25,240      26,010      26,800