DELPHI CORPORATION


I.   Name and Purpose

     The name of this plan is the Delphi Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan
     for Non-Employee Directors (the "Plan"). Its purpose is to establish a
     mechanism for the mandatory deferral of a portion of director fees into
     stock units and provide Non-Employee Directors of Delphi Corporation (the
     "Corporation" or "Delphi") with an opportunity to voluntarily defer
     remaining director fees. Director fees, which do not include expense
     reimbursement, are referred to in this Plan as "Compensation". Compensation
     deferred in accordance with this Plan is referred to as "Deferred

II.  Effective Date; Amendment Date

     The Plan is effective February 5, 1999, and as amended December 8, 2004.

III. Participants

     Any director of the Corporation who is not an employee of Delphi or a
     Delphi subsidiary ("Participant") is eligible to participate in the Plan.
     The Corporation will establish and maintain an unfunded Deferred
     Compensation Account for each Participant in accordance with the Plan.

IV.  Election of Deferral

     (A)  On or before December 31 of each year, a Participant, or nominee for
          election to the Board who is not an employee of Delphi or a Delphi
          subsidiary, must make an election to defer receipt of all or a
          specified portion of Compensation otherwise payable during the
          following year. The deferral is irrevocable. Deferred Compensation
          will be credited to a Participant's Deferred Compensation Account on
          the date the Compensation would, but for the deferral, be payable as
          determined by the Corporation.

     (B)  For a newly elected Participant, the election under the Plan for the
          remainder of the calendar year in which the Participant joins the
          Board will be made within 30 days after the date the Participant
          becomes eligible to participate.

     (C)  Each annual election will include the method by which the value of
          amounts deferred will be measured and paid in accordance with Sections
          V and VI below, respectively.

V.   Value of Deferred Compensation Accounts

     (A)  A Participant's Compensation will be deferred by means of stock-based
          units of Delphi.

     (B)  Deferred Compensation will be held for the Participant's Deferred
          Compensation Account in the general funds of the Corporation. In
          accordance with the Participant's instructions, Deferred Compensation
          will be credited as follows:

          Stock-Based Units

               Amounts deferred will be converted into units representing the
               Corporation's Common Stock, determined by dividing the amount of
               Deferred Compensation in each calendar quarter by the average
               daily closing market price of such stock as reported in The Wall
               Street Journal, or other similar reference, for that calendar
               quarter. On the dividend payment date dividend equivalents in


               the form of additional units will be credited to the
               Participant's Deferred Compensation Account equal to the sum of
               the per share cash dividend multiplied by the number of units in
               the Participant's Deferred Compensation Account and then divided
               by the average market price of such stock on the payment date. In
               the event of any change in the number or kind of any outstanding
               shares of the Corporation, appropriate adjustments will be made
               in the number of units credited to a Participant's Deferred
               Compensation Account. Amounts credited to the Participant's
               Deferred Compensation Account will continue to accrue dividend
               equivalents until distributed in accordance with the Plan. Units
               will be calculated to the nearest thousandth. Average market
               price on any valuation date under the Plan is defined as the mean
               of the highest and lowest sales prices of the stock as reported
               in The Wall Street Journal, or other similar reference.

     (C)  In the event that the Participant's Deferred Compensation Account has
          been credited with units calculated as provided in Section V(B), the
          value of such portion of the Deferred Compensation Account for
          purposes of distribution to the Participant will be determined by
          multiplying the number of units by the average daily closing market
          price of the stock they represent as reported in The Wall Street
          Journal, or other similar reference, for the calendar quarter
          preceding delivery.

     (D)  A Participant will not have any interest in the Deferred Compensation
          Account until it is paid in accordance with Section VII of the Plan.

VI.  Required Deferral; Elective Deferral

     (A)  A minimum required stock-based unit balance of three times each
          Participant's annual Compensation is required. A review of each
          Participant's Deferred Compensation Account towards the achievement of
          this requirement and notification of the status will occur once a year
          prior to the due date of the next year's irrevocable election

     (B)  Until such balance is achieved, each Participant, other than the lead
          director, will be paid 60% of his or her annual Compensation by a
          grant of stock based units which will be deferred in accordance with
          Section V(B) . The lead director will be paid two-thirds of his or her
          annual Compensation by a grant of stock based units, also deferred in
          accordance with Section V(B).

          a.   The mandatory deferral will be effective for the Plan year.

          b.   Any remaining Compensation will be paid in cash unless
               voluntarily deferred under Section IV.

     (C)  Once the minimum balance has been achieved, then in the deferral year
          following, a Director may elect to defer up to 50%, in increments of
          10%, of his or her total Compensation in stock units in accordance
          with Section V(B). If Compensation is to be deferred, a notification
          of the percentage must be made per the terms of Section IV(A). Any
          Deferred Compensation will be paid per the terms in Sections VII and
          VIII. In subsequent annual elections, the Participant may change his
          or her election.

     (D)  A copy of the required form of notice is attached as Exhibit A and
          made a part hereof.

VII. Payment of Deferred Compensation

     (A)  No withdrawal may be made from the Participant's Deferred Compensation
          Account except as provided in this Section VII.


     (B)  The value of a Participant's Deferred Compensation Account is payable
          in cash, in a lump sum. The payment of the Deferred Compensation
          Account will be made seven months after the Participant's departure
          from the Delphi Board of Directors.

VIII. Distribution Upon Death

     If any Participant dies before receiving all Deferred Compensation, the
     unpaid amount will be paid to his or her beneficiary; but, if none has been
     designated, to his or her estate, in one lump sum seven months after the
     Participant's death. The value of the Deferred Compensation Account on the
     date of payment will be determined in accordance with the provisions of
     Sections V and VI above, respectively.

IX.  Participant's Rights Unsecured

     The right of any Participant to receive payment under the Plan will be an
     unsecured claim against the general assets of the Corporation.

X.   Non-Assignability

     The right of a Participant to payment under this Plan may not be assigned,
     transferred, pledged or encumbered or be subject in any manner to
     alienation or anticipation.

XI.  Statement of Account

     Statements will be sent to Participants as soon as practicable each year as
     to the value of the Deferred Compensation Accounts as of the end of the
     previous year.

XII. Administration

     The Administrator of this Plan is the Delphi Strategy Board. The
     Administrator has authority to adopt rules and regulations for carrying out
     the Plan and to interpret, construe and implement the Plan's provisions.

XIII. Business Days

     If any date specified in the Plan falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal
     holiday, such date will be deemed to refer to the next business day after
     that date.

XIV. Effect of Taxation

     Any provision of this Plan will cease to be operable and any action which
     may be taken under the terms of the Plan (including without limitation any
     Participant investment or distribution elections) will cease to be
     available, to the extent such provision or permitted action would cause
     deferrals and earnings under the Plan to be treated as immediately taxable
     for U.S. federal income tax purposes for one or more Participants, as
     determined by the Corporation, in its sole discretion. The Corporation will
     notify Participants of any determination under this Section XIV as soon as
     practicable thereafter.

XV.  Amendment and Termination

     This Plan may at any time be amended, modified, or terminated by the Delphi
     Strategy Board; provided, however, that these Plan provisions will not be
     amended more than once every six months, other than to comport with changes
     in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the Securities Exchange
     Act of 1934, as amended, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
     1974, as amended, or any other applicable law or regulations. No amendment,
     modification or termination will, without the consent of a Participant,
     adversely affect such Participant's rights with respect to amounts accrued
     in his or her Deferred Compensation Account.
