November 29, 2005

                                                         VIA EDGAR AND FACSIMILE

Ms. Barbara C. Jacobs
Mr. Daniel Lee
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20549

Re:   Catuity, Inc.
      Registration Statement on Form S-3 filed September 26, 2005
      File No. 333-128600

      Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 2004
      Form 10-QSB for fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2005
      Form 10-QSB for fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2005
      File No. 0-30045

Dear Ms. Jacobs and Mr. Lee:

      On behalf of Catuity, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), this
letter sets forth the Company's responses to the comments of the Staff of the
Division of Corporation Finance (the "Staff") contained in your letter dated
October 25, 2005 to Mr. John H. Lowry III, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary
of the Company. For reference, each Staff comment is reprinted below followed by
the corresponding response of the Company.


1.    We note your disclosure regarding the consummation of your acquisition of
      Loyalty Magic on September 1, 2005. It does not appear that you have
      provided financial statements or pro forma financial information for
      Loyalty Magic pursuant to Item 9.01 of Form 8-K in your Forms 8-K filed on
      September 7 and 9, 2005. Please advise us of your requirements under Item
      9.01. Please also note that unless Rule 310(c)(3)(iv) of Regulation S-B is
      available your registration statement will not be declared effective until
      the financial information required by Rule 310(c) is provided. If
      applicable, please provide us your analysis with respect to the
      availability of Rule 310(c)(3)(iv). Please also see the Instruction to
      Item 9.01 of Form 8-K and Interpretation S.21 of our July 1997 Manual of
      Publicly Available Telephone Interpretations for additional guidance.

      RESPONSE: The Company acknowledges that financial statements and pro forma
financial information for Loyalty Magic are required pursuant to Item 9.01 for
its Form 8-K filed September 7 (in which the consummation of the Loyalty Magic
acquisition was reported). The Company finalized those financial statements and
information, and filed them with the SEC on Form 8-K/A on November 14,
2005(within the time period specified in Item 9.01(a)(4) and

Ms. Barbara C. Jacobs
Mr. Daniel Lee
November 29, 2005
Page 2

(b)(2)). The Form 8-K/A filed on November 14, 2005 has been incorporated by
reference on page 13 of the prospectus contained in Catuity's Form S-3
Registration Statement.


2.    Please disclose the natural persons who exercise the voting and/or
      dispositive powers with respect to the securities to be offered for resale
      by your selling stockholders that are non-reporting entities. Please see
      Interpretation I.60 of our July 1997 Manual of Publicly Available
      Telephone Interpretations and Interpretation 4S of the Regulation S-K
      portion of the March 1999 Supplement to our July 1997 Manual of Publicly
      Available Telephone Interpretations.

      RESPONSE: The Company has added the suggested disclosure, to clarify that
the named selling stockholders are the beneficial owners of the shares and not
merely nominees. We note that all of the selling stockholders' subject shares
have been issued irrevocably against full payment made on the closing of the
respective acquisitions, and that the provisions of Interpretation 4S (relating
to the treatment of future issuances of shares to be made to parties pursuant to
binding commitments to purchase shares at a future date) do not apply to these
selling stockholders of this transaction.

3.    It does not appear that any selling stockholder is a registered
      broker-dealer. Please confirm. Please disclose whether any selling
      stockholder is an affiliate of a registered broker-dealer. If a selling
      stockholder is an affiliate of a registered broker-dealer, please expand
      the prospectus disclosure to indicate whether such selling stockholders
      acquired the securities to be resold in the ordinary course of business.
      Also indicate whether at the time of the acquisition such selling
      stockholders had any agreements, understandings or arrangements with any
      other persons, either directly or indirectly, to dispose of the

      RESPONSE: The Company has confirmed with the selling stockholders, and
confirms to the Staff, that (a) with the exception of Mr. Stewart Flink as
disclosed in the Form S-3 Registration Statement, none of the selling
stockholders is, or is an affiliate of, a registered broker-dealer, and (b) at
the time of the acquisition, no selling stockholder had any agreements,
understandings or arrangements with any other persons, either directly or
indirectly, to dispose of the securities.

4.    Pursuant to Item 601(b)(1)(i)(A) of Regulation S-B, please incorporate by
      reference or file the subscription agreements and purchase agreement that
      you have entered into with your selling stockholders as exhibits to your
      registration statement. We note that you have filed various registration
      rights agreements.

Ms. Barbara C. Jacobs
Mr. Daniel Lee
November 29, 2005
Page 3

      RESPONSE: The Company has incorporated by reference or filed the
subscription agreement and purchase agreement with the selling stockholders, per
Item 601(b)(10(i)(A) of Regulation S-B.

5.    Please clarify your use of the designation "atf" with respect to certain
      selling stockholders.

      RESPONSE: The designation "atf" is a commonly-used Australian abbreviation
for "as trustee for", to designate that a party holds the noted property in a
fiduciary capacity. We have clarified this in the appropriate text. Further, the
beneficial owner is appropriately named and disclosed for each of the selling


6.    Please update our contact information.

      RESPONSE: The Company has updated the Commission's contact information.


7.    It appears that you have filed a Form 8-K subsequent to the filing of your
      registration statement. Please revise to incorporate by reference all
      filings required by Item 12 of Form S-3.

      RESPONSE: The Company has revised the noted section to specifically
incorporate by reference any Form 8-Ks filed subsequent to the original S-3
filing date. We will also update this section, as appropriate, if any further
Form 8-Ks are subsequently filed prior to the final S-3 filing.


8.    We note that counsel's opinion on the legality of the shares subject to
      the registration statement is limited to federal laws and the laws of
      Michigan, but that you are subject to Delaware law with respect to the
      issuance of your securities. Item 601(b)(5) of Regulation S-B contemplates
      an opinion as to the legality of the securities being sold without
      qualification. We believe that all lawyers are capable of opinions on the
      Delaware General Corporation Law, but counsel cannot include any sort of
      jurisdictional qualification in their opinion. Please revise. Please also
      see Section VIII.A.14 of our Current Issues and Rulemaking Projects
      Outline dated November 14, 2000.

Ms. Barbara C. Jacobs
Mr. Daniel Lee
November 29, 2005
Page 4

      RESPONSE: Counsel's revised opinion has been filed as an exhibit.



9.    Your disclosure suggests that your disclosure controls and procedures are
      effective, but only to the extent that information required to be
      disclosed is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time
      periods specified by the Commission's rules and forms. This text does not
      address the effectiveness of your disclosure controls and procedures with
      respect to whether information required to be disclosed by you in the
      reports that you file or submit under the Exchange Act is accumulated and
      communicated to your management, including your principal executive and
      principal financial officers, to allow timely decisions regarding required
      disclosure. We note similar disclosure in your subsequent interim reports.
      Please confirm whether your disclosure controls and procedures as of
      December 31, 2004, March 31, 2005 and June 30, 2005 are effective with
      respect to the foregoing requirement and whether you will note this
      comment with respect to preparing reports. Please see Rule 13a-15(e) of
      the Exchange Act for additional guidance.

      RESPONSE: The Company confirms that its disclosure controls and procedures
as of December 31, 2004, March 31, 2005 and June 30, 2005 are effective with
respect to the Company's obligations to ensure that information required to be
disclosed by it in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act
is accumulated and communicated to its management, including its principal
executive and principal financial officers, to allow timely decisions regarding
required disclosure. We will include this disclosure language in future reports.

10.   We note your qualifying statement that your disclosure controls and
      procedures are effective "in all material respects." Please confirm
      whether your disclosure controls and procedures are designed to provide
      reasonable assurance of achieving their objectives and that your chief
      executive officer and chief financial officer concluded that your
      disclosure controls and procedures are effective at that reasonable
      assurance level. In the alternative, remove the qualification to your
      disclosure controls and procedures. Please refer to Section II.F.4 of
      Release No. 33-8238 for additional guidance.

      RESPONSE: The Company confirms that our disclosure controls and procedures
are designed to provide reasonable assurance of achieving their objectives and
that our chief executive officer and chief financial officer have concluded that
our disclosure controls and procedures are effective at that reasonable
assurance level.

Ms. Barbara C. Jacobs
Mr. Daniel Lee
November 29, 2005
page 5

11.   We note your disclosure that "there have been no significant changes in
      [your] internal controls or in other factors that could significantly
      affect internal controls subsequent to the date [you] carried out your
      evaluation." Please note that Items 308 of Regulations S-K and S-B require
      the disclosure of "any" change in your internal control over financial
      reporting that occurred during your "last fiscal quarter" that has
      "materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect," your
      internal control over financial reporting. We note similar disclosure in
      your subsequent interim reports. In light of the foregoing, please advise
      us with respect to changes in your internal control over financial
      reporting for the quarter ended December 31, 2004, March 31, 2005 and June
      30, 2005 and whether you will note this comment with respect to preparing

      RESPONSE: The Company confirms there has not been any change in the
Company's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during its
last fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to
materially affect, its internal control over financial reporting. We will
include this disclosure language in future reports.

                                      * * *

      We anticipate that we will request acceleration of the effective date of
the pending registration statement in the near future. Our acceleration request,
when submitted, will include an appropriate acknowledgment letter and otherwise
comply with Rule 461.

                                  CATUITY, INC.

                                /s/ John H. Lowry

cc: Alfred H. Racine