ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT

     Pursuant  to  Section  30-1-1006  of the Idaho  Statutes,  the  undersigned
corporation  submits  for filing the  following  Articles  of  Amendment  to its
Articles of Incorporation:

     1.   The name of the corporation is Intermountain Community Bancorp.

     2.   Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation is deleted in its entirety
          and amended to read as follows:

                                   "ARTICLE II

                                AUTHORIZED SHARES

     The total number of shares which the  Corporation  shall have  authority to
issue is Twenty Six Million, Four Hundred Thousand (26,400,000) shares of Common

     3.   The  amendment  was  adopted  and  approved  by the  directors  of the
          corporation  on July  20,  2006,  to  evidence  a 10%  stock  dividend
          effective on May 15, 2006.

     4.   Pursuant to Section  30-1-1005(4) of the Idaho  Statutes,  shareholder
          action to approve the amendment is not required and was not obtained.

                                        INTERMOUNTAIN COMMUNITY BANCORP,
                                        an Idaho Corporation

                                        By: /s/ Curt Hecker
                                            Curt Hecker
                                            President and Chief Executive

Person to contact for this filing:
Curt Hecker (208) 265-3300