Registration Number 333-135565
                                                Filed Pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3)

                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK
                              399 WEST MAIN STREET
                                FARWELL, MI 48622

                        TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 26, 2006

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the shareholders of The
Farwell State Savings Bank will be held at the Surrey Township Hall, Farwell,
Michigan, at 10 a.m. Michigan time, on September 26, 2006, for the following

     1. To adopt the Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger by and
between Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge, The Farwell State Savings Bank and
IBT Bancorp, Inc., dated as of May 2, 2006, and the transactions contemplated by
the Merger Agreement.

     2. To transact any other business that properly comes before the special
meeting of shareholders, or any adjournments or postponements of the special
meeting, including, without limitation, a motion to adjourn the special meeting
to another time or place for the purpose of soliciting additional proxies in
order to approve the Merger Agreement and the merger or otherwise.

     The proposed merger is described in more detail in this proxy statement-
prospectus, which you should read carefully in its entirety before voting. A
copy of the Merger Agreement is attached as Appendix A to this document. Only
The Farwell State Savings Bank shareholders of record as of the close of
business on August 15, 2006, are entitled to notice of and to vote at the
special meeting of shareholders or any adjournments of the special meeting.

HONORED AT THE SEPTEMBER 26, 2006 SPECIAL MEETING. This will not prevent you
from voting in person, but it will help to secure a quorum and avoid added
solicitation costs. Your proxy may be revoked at any time before it is voted.

                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                        /s/ Herbert R. Miller
                                        Herbert R. Miller,
                                        Chairman of the Board

Farwell, Michigan
September 12, 2006




                           FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK


     Due to a technical problem with respect to the notice for the September 12,
2006 Special Meeting of Shareholders, it was necessary for the Board of
Directors to reschedule the meeting from September 12, 2006 to September 26,
2006. You are cordially invited to attend the rescheduled special meeting of
shareholders of The Farwell State Savings Bank, to be held on September 26,
2006, at 10 a.m., local time, at the Surrey Township Hall, Farwell, Michigan. At
this special meeting, you will be asked to approve the acquisition of The
Farwell State Savings Bank by Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of IBT Bancorp, Inc. The acquisition will be accomplished through the
merger of The Farwell State Savings Bank with and into Farmers State Bank of

     If the merger is completed as proposed, subject to certain possible
adjustments, each share of The Farwell State Savings Bank common stock will be
converted into the right to receive 3.0382 shares of IBT Bancorp, Inc. common
stock and $29.00 in cash. Cash will be paid in lieu of any fractional share of
IBT Bancorp, Inc. common stock.

     The last transaction price in IBT Bancorp, Inc. common stock known to
management occurring prior to the public announcement of the merger was $38.18 a
share on December 15, 2005, making 3.0382 shares of IBT Bancorp, Inc. common
stock and $29.00 in cash on that date equal to $145.00. The last transaction
price in IBT Bancorp, Inc. common stock known to management occurring prior to
the mailing of this Proxy Statement-Prospectus was $44 a share on August 15,
2006, making 3.0382 shares of IBT Bancorp, Inc. common stock and $29.00 in cash
equal on that date to $162.68.

     YOUR VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT. The parties cannot complete the merger unless,
among other things, our shareholders approve the merger. THE FARWELL STATE
VOTE "FOR" APPROVAL OF THE MERGER. Please review and consider this Proxy
Statement-Prospectus carefully.

     It is important that your shares are represented at the meeting, whether or
not you plan to attend. An abstention or failure to vote will have the same
effect as a vote against the merger. Accordingly, please complete, date, sign,
and return promptly your proxy card in the enclosed envelope. You may attend the
meeting and vote your shares in person if you wish, even if you have previously
returned your proxy.


                                        /s/ Thomas E. Kedrowski
                                        Thomas E. Kedrowski
                                        President and Chief Executive Officer of
                                        The Farwell State Savings Bank



                    THIS DOCUMENT IS DATED SEPTEMBER 12, 2006

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS



  SHAREHOLDERS..........................................................     i
SUMMARY.................................................................     1
PRO FORMA MERGER DATA (UNAUDITED).......................................     7
CAPITAL RATIOS..........................................................     8
COMPARATIVE PER SHARE DATA (UNAUDITED)..................................     8
RISK FACTORS............................................................    10
THE FARWELL SPECIAL MEETING.............................................    12
THE MERGER AND THE MERGER AGREEMENT.....................................    13
COMPARISON OF SHAREHOLDERS' RIGHTS......................................    36
DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL STOCK OF IBT.....................................    41
EXPERTS.................................................................    42
LEGAL OPINIONS..........................................................    42
ADJOURNMENT OF THE SPECIAL MEETING......................................    42
UNAUDITED PRO FORMA FINANCIAL INFORMATION...............................    44
  AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS.............................................    50
CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS OF IBT COMMON STOCK...........................    83
OTHER MATTERS...........................................................    83
WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION.....................................    83
FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS..............................................    85
A. Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger by and between
   Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge, The Farwell State Savings Bank
   and IBT Bancorp, Inc. dated May 2, 2006..............................     A
B. Opinion of Austin Associates, LLC....................................     B
C. Opinion of Donnelly Penman & Partners................................     C
D. Section 3706(2) (b) of the Michigan Banking Code of 1999.............     D

     This proxy statement-prospectus incorporates business and financial
information about IBT Bancorp, Inc. ("IBT") that is not included in or delivered
with this proxy statement-prospectus. Documents incorporated by reference are
available from IBT without charge. You may obtain documents incorporated by
reference in this proxy statement-prospectus by requesting them in writing or by
telephone from IBT at the following address:

     IBT Bancorp, Inc.
     Attn: Dennis P. Angner
     President & Chief Executive Officer
     200 East Broadway
     Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858
     (989) 772-9471

rely only on the information contained or incorporated by reference in this
proxy statement-prospectus to vote on the merger and the related issuance of IBT
common stock. Neither IBT nor Farwell has authorized anyone to provide you with
information that is different from what is contained in this proxy statement-


                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS


A:     Pursuant to the Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger (the
       "Merger Agreement") (attached as Appendix A to this proxy statement-
       prospectus), Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge ("Farmers") will acquire
       Farwell through a merger transaction in which Farwell will merge with and
       into Farmers. At the effective time of the merger, Farmers will change
       its name to FSB Bank ("FSB"). FSB will continue to be a wholly-owned
       subsidiary of IBT.


A:     Generally speaking, because you will receive a combination of IBT common
       stock and cash, you should recognize a capital gain, but not loss, on the
       exchange to the extent of the lesser of cash received or gain realized in
       the exchange. This tax treatment may not apply to all Farwell
       shareholders. Farwell shareholders should consult their own tax advisors
       for a full understanding of the tax consequences of the merger. Farwell
       recommends that Farwell shareholders carefully read the complete
       explanation of the "Material Federal Income Tax Consequences" of the
       merger beginning on page 32.


A:     After you have carefully read this document, indicate on your proxy card
       how you want your shares to be voted. Then sign and mail your proxy card
       in the enclosed prepaid return envelope as soon as possible. This will
       enable your shares to be represented and voted at the special meeting.


A:     The Merger Agreement must be adopted by 66 2/3% of the shares of Farwell
       issued and outstanding as of the record date for the special meeting
       (August 15, 2006). A failure to vote will have the same effect as a vote
       against the Merger Agreement.


A:     No. Your broker will not be able to vote your shares without instructions
       from you. You should instruct your broker to vote your shares, following
       the directions your broker provides.


A:     If you fail to instruct your broker to vote your shares, the broker will
       submit an unvoted proxy (a broker non-vote) as to your shares. Broker
       non-votes will count toward a quorum at the special meeting. However,
       broker non-votes will not count as a vote with respect to the Merger
       Agreement, and therefore will have the same effect as a vote against the
       Merger Agreement.


A:     Yes. All shareholders are invited to attend the special meeting.
       Shareholders of record can vote in person at the special meeting by
       executing a proxy card. If a broker holds your shares in street name,
       then you are not the shareholder of record and you must ask your broker
       how you can vote your shares at the special meeting.


A:     Yes. If you have not voted through your broker, you can change your vote
       after you have sent in your proxy card by:

       - providing written notice to the Secretary of Farwell;

       - submitting a new proxy card. Any earlier proxies will be revoked
         automatically; or

       - attending the special meeting and voting in person. Any earlier proxy
         will be revoked. However, simply attending the special meeting without
         voting will not revoke your proxy.

       If you have instructed a broker to vote your shares, you must follow your
       broker's directions to change your vote.



A:     PLEASE DO NOT send your stock certificates with your proxy card. You will
       be sent a letter of transmittal to complete and return with your Farwell
       common stock certificate after the completion of the merger.


A:     Farmers and Farwell currently expect to complete the merger in the third
       quarter of 2006, assuming all of the conditions to completion of the
       merger have been satisfied.


A:     If the Merger Agreement is approved and the merger is subsequently
       completed, each outstanding share of Farwell common stock (other than any
       dissenting shares) will be converted into the right to receive 3.0382
       shares of IBT common stock and $29.00 in cash subject to adjustment under
       certain circumstances. Cash will be paid in lieu of any fractional share
       of IBT common stock.


A:     You should direct any questions regarding the special meeting of
       shareholders or the merger to Thomas E. Kedrowski, President and Chief
       Executive Officer of Farwell at (989) 588-9945.



     This summary highlights selected information included in this document and
does not contain all of the information that may be important to you. You should
read this entire document and its appendices and the other documents to which we
refer you before you decide how to vote with respect to the Merger Agreement.
You may obtain the information incorporated by reference into this document
without charge by following the instructions in the section entitled "Where You
Can Find More Information" on page 83. Each item in this summary includes a page
reference directing you to a more complete description of that item.

     This document, including information included or incorporated by reference
in this document, contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking
statements include, but are not limited to: (i) statements of goals, intentions
and expectations; (ii) statements regarding business plans, prospects, growth
and operating strategies; (iii) statements regarding the asset quality of loan
and investment portfolios; (iv) statements regarding estimates of risks and
future costs and benefits; and (v) other statements identified by words such as
"expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates,"
or words of similar meaning. These forward-looking statements are based on
current beliefs and expectations of the management of IBT, Farmers and Farwell
and are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive
uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control. In
addition, these forward-looking statements are subject to assumptions with
respect to future business strategies and decisions that are subject to change.
Actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results discussed in
these forward-looking statements. See "Forward-Looking Statements" on page 85.





     Farmers, a Michigan chartered commercial bank, is headquartered in
Breckenridge, Michigan, and operates three offices. As of March 31, 2006,
Farmers had assets of $136.4 million, deposits of $111.7 million and
shareholders equity of $13.0 million. Farmers' principal executive office is
located at 316 East Saginaw Street, Breckenridge, Michigan, 48615, and the
telephone number is (989) 842-3191.


     Farwell, a Michigan chartered commercial bank, is headquartered in Farwell,
Michigan, and operates 2 offices. As of March 31, 2006, Farwell had assets of
$91.6 million, deposits of $76.8 million and shareholders' equity of $13.7
million. Farwell's principal executive office is located at 399 West Main
Street, Farwell, Michigan, 48622, and the telephone number is (989) 588-9945.

  IBT (PAGE 13)

     IBT, headquartered in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, is the holding company for
Farmers and Isabella Bank and Trust, which operate 20 full service offices and
IBT Title and Insurance Agency which operates five offices. As of March 31,
2006, IBT had consolidated assets of $761.7 million, deposits of $616.7 million
and shareholders' equity of $81.8 million.

     The principal executive office of IBT is located at 200 East Broadway, Mt.
Pleasant, Michigan, 48858, and the telephone number is (989) 772-9471.



     If the Merger Agreement is approved and the merger is subsequently
completed, each outstanding share of Farwell common stock (other than dissenting
shares) will be converted into the right to receive 3.0382 shares of IBT common
stock and $29.00 in cash, subject to adjustment under certain circumstances.
Cash will be paid in lieu of any fractional share of IBT common stock.


     As a result of receiving a combination of IBT common stock and cash in
exchange for shares of Farwell common stock, you will likely recognize gain, but
not loss, equal to the lesser of (1) the amount of cash received or (2) the
amount of gain realized in the transaction.

     Generally, the actual U.S. federal income tax consequences to you will
depend on whether your shares of Farwell common stock were purchased at
different times and at different prices and the character of the gain, if any,
as either capital gain or ordinary income.

     You should read "Material United States Federal Income Tax Consequences of
the Merger" starting on page 32 for a more complete discussion of the federal
income tax consequences of the merger. Tax matters can be complicated and the
tax consequences of the merger to you will depend on your particular tax
situation. You should consult your own tax advisor to fully understand the tax
consequences of the merger to you.


     The Board of Directors of Farwell believes that the merger presents an
opportunity to join a financial institution that will have greater financial
strength and earning power than Farwell would have on its own, as well as the
added scale necessary to undertake and solidify leadership positions.

     As a result, the Board of Directors of Farwell unanimously approved the
Merger Agreement. The Board of Directors of Farwell believes that the merger and
the Merger Agreement are fair to and in the best interests of Farwell and its
shareholders and unanimously recommends that you vote "FOR" adoption of the
Merger Agreement.


     In connection with the merger, the Board of Directors of Farwell, Farmers
and IBT received the written opinion of Austin Associates, LLC, that the terms
of the merger are fair to IBT's and Farwell's shareholders from a financial
point of view. In addition, Donnelly Penman & Partners has given its written
opinion to Farwell's Board of Directors that the consideration to be received in
the merger by Farwell shareholders is fair from a financial point of view. The
full texts of the opinion of Austin Associates, LLC, dated August 18, 2006 and
the opinion of Donnelly Penman & Partners dated June 30, 2006 are included in
this document as Appendix B and C, respectively. Farwell encourages you to read
these opinions carefully in their entirety for a description of the procedures
followed, assumptions made, matters considered and limitations of the review
undertaken by Austin Associates, LLC and Donnelly Penman & Partners. The
opinions do not constitute a recommendation to you or any other shareholder as
to how to vote with respect to the merger, or any other matter relating to the
proposed transaction. Austin Associates, LLC and Donnelly Penman & Partners will
each receive a fee for rendering their respective fairness opinions in
connection with the merger.


     Farwell will hold a special meeting of its shareholders on September 26,
2006 at 10:00 a.m., Michigan time, at the Surrey Township Hall, Farwell,
Michigan. At the special meeting of shareholders, you will be asked to vote to
adopt the Merger Agreement.

     You may vote at the special meeting of shareholders if you owned shares of
Farwell common stock at the close of business on the record date, August 15,
2006. On that date, there were 262,500 shares of Farwell common stock


outstanding and entitled to vote at the special meeting of shareholders. You may
cast one vote for each share of Farwell common stock you owned on the record

     Even if you expect to attend the special meeting of shareholders, Farwell
recommends that you promptly complete and return your proxy card in the enclosed
return envelope.


     Adoption of the Merger Agreement requires the affirmative vote of the
holders of 66 2/3% of the shares of Farwell common stock issued and outstanding
on the record date. A failure to vote or an abstention will have the same effect
as a vote against the merger. As of the record date, directors and executive
officers of Farwell beneficially owned 75,485 shares of Farwell common stock
entitled to vote at the special meeting of shareholders. This represents
approximately 28.8% of the total votes entitled to be cast at the special
meeting of shareholders. These individuals have indicated that they will vote
"FOR" adoption of the Merger Agreement.


     Under Section 3706(2)(b) of the Michigan Banking Code of 1999, holders of
Farwell common stock have the right to obtain an appraisal of the value of their
shares of Farwell common stock in connection with the merger. To perfect
appraisal rights, a Farwell shareholder must not vote for the adoption of the
Merger Agreement and must strictly comply with all of the procedures required
under Section 3706(2)(b) of the Michigan Banking Code of 1999.

     We have included a copy of Section 3706(2)(b) of the Michigan Banking Code
of 1999 relating to dissenters' rights as Appendix D to this document.


     In considering the recommendation of the Board of Directors of Farwell to
approve the merger, you should be aware that certain executive officers and
directors of Farwell have employment and other compensation agreements or plans
and continuing liability insurance and indemnification protections that give
them interests in the merger that are somewhat different from, or in addition
to, the interests of Farwell shareholders.


     We cannot complete the merger without the prior approval or non-objection
of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") and the Michigan Office of
Financial and Insurance Services. The parties have received FDIC approval and
Farmers is in the process of seeking the other approvals and non-objections.
While we do not know of any reason why Farmers would not be able to obtain any
necessary approvals in a timely manner, we cannot assure you that these
approvals and non-objections will occur or what the timing may be or that these
approvals and non-objections will not be subject to one or more conditions that
affect the advisability of the merger.


     Completion of the merger depends on a number of conditions being satisfied
or waived, including but not limited to the following:

     - the Farwell shareholders must have adopted the Merger Agreement;

     - the FDIC and the Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Services must
       have approved or not objected to the merger, as appropriate, and all
       statutory waiting periods must have expired;

     - no stop order suspending the effectiveness of IBT's registration
       statement of which this document is a part shall have been issued and no
       proceedings for that purpose shall have been initiated or threatened by
       the Securities and Exchange Commission; and

     - the holders of no more than 10% of Farwell's shares of common stock have
       indicated their intention to seek dissenter's rights of appraisal.


     Other conditions to the completion of the merger are described beginning on
page 30. We cannot be certain when, or if, the conditions to the merger will be
satisfied or waived or whether or not the merger will be completed.


     Farwell has agreed, subject to certain limited exceptions, not to initiate
discussions with another party regarding a business combination with such other
party while the merger with Farmers is pending.


     Farmers and Farwell may mutually agree at any time to terminate the Merger
Agreement without completing the merger, even if Farwell shareholders have
approved it. Also, either party may decide, without the consent of the other
party, to terminate the Merger Agreement under specified circumstances, if the
required regulatory approvals are not received or if the other party breaches
its agreements.


     The rights of Farwell shareholders after the merger who continue as IBT
shareholders will be governed by Michigan corporate law and the articles of
incorporation and bylaws of IBT rather than the articles of incorporation and
bylaws of Farwell, which are governed by Michigan banking law.


                           IBT AND FARWELL (UNAUDITED)

     The following tables show summarized historical consolidated financial data
for IBT and Farwell. This information is derived from IBT's audited financial
statements for 2001 through 2005 and unaudited financial statements for the
three-month period ended March 31, 2006 and Farwell's audited financial
statements for 2005 and unaudited financial statements for 2001 through 2004 and
for the three-month period ended March 31, 2006. This information is only a
summary. You should read it in conjunction with the historical financial
statements (and related notes) contained or incorporated by reference in IBT's
annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and other
information filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and in
Farwell's financial statements, related notes, Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and other information
included in this proxy statement-prospectus. See "Where You Can Find More
Information" on page 83.


                                                               YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                               MARCH 31    --------------------------------------------------------------
                                 2006         2005         2004         2003         2002         2001
                              ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------


  Net interest income......   $    5,906   $   23,909   $   23,364   $   23,528   $   22,905   $   21,538
  Provision for loan
     losses................          167          777          735        1,455        1,025          770
  Net income...............        1,214        6,776        6,645        7,205        6,925        6,066
  Assets...................   $  761,749   $  741,654   $  678,034   $  664,079   $  652,717   $  592,143
  Deposits.................      616,716      592,478      563,876      567,707      561,456      516,241
  Loans (gross)............      484,897      483,242      452,895      421,859      391,088      397,864
  Borrowings...............       44,242       52,165       30,982       18,053       17,793       11,632
  Shareholders' equity.....       81,818       80,902       72,594       68,936       63,457       56,828
Common Share Summary(1)
  Net income...............   $     0.22   $     1.25   $     1.24   $     1.36   $     1.33   $     1.17
  Cash dividends...........         0.11         0.60         0.57         0.55         0.50         0.45
  Book value...............        14.92        14.78        13.48        12.94        12.09        10.99
  Weighted average shares
     outstanding IBT.......    5,464,420    5,416,961    5,344,585    5,270,085    5,193,885    5,162,071

- --------

  (1) all per share data was adjusted for stock dividends



                                                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                MARCH 31   ----------------------------------------------------
                                  2006       2005       2004       2003       2002       2001
                                --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------


  Net interest income.........  $    829   $  3,462   $  3,646   $  3,707   $  3,583   $  3,404
  Provision for loan losses...        --         --         16         48         42         48
  Net income..................       355      1,547      1,642      1,753      1,668      1,537
  Assets......................  $ 91,550   $ 89,142   $ 89,051   $ 91,825   $ 90,524   $ 85,692
  Deposits....................    76,788     74,378     72,887     73,676     73,053     69,047
  Loans (gross)...............    63,977     64,246     64,704     61,930     59,277     57,863
  Borrowing...................        --         --         --         --         --         --
  Shareholders' equity........    13,731     13,555     14,999     17,034     16,358     15,517
Common Share Summary
  Net income..................  $   1.22   $   5.89   $   6.26   $   6.68   $   6.35   $   5.86
  Cash dividends..............      0.50      11.00      13.25       3.25       3.25       3.25
  Book value..................     52.31      51.64      57.14      64.90      62.32      59.11
  Weighted average shares
     outstanding FSSB.........   262,500    262,500    262,500    262,500    262,500    262,500


                        PRO FORMA MERGER DATA (UNAUDITED)

     The following table shows selected financial information of IBT on a pro
forma combined basis giving effect to the merger as if the merger had become
effective at the end of the period presented, in the case of balance sheet
information, and at the beginning of the period presented, in the case of income
statement information. The pro forma information reflects the purchase method of
accounting under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
of America. These adjustments are preliminary and are subject to change. The
final adjustments will be calculated when the merger is effective and may be
materially different from those presented.

     The unaudited pro forma financial information is provided for informational
purposes only. The pro forma financial information presented is not necessarily
indicative of the actual results that would have been achieved by IBT had the
merger been consummated on the dates or at the beginning of the periods
presented, and is not necessarily indicative of future results.

     You should read this summary pro forma information in conjunction with the
information under "Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information" beginning on page

                                                     QUARTER ENDED    YEAR ENDED
                                                       MARCH 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                                          2006           2005
                                                     -------------   ------------
                                                        (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)


  Net interest income..............................     $  6,632       $ 26,960
  Provision for loan losses........................          167            777
  Net income.......................................        1,437          7,936
  Assets...........................................     $876,432       $854,105
  Loans (net of allowance for loan losses).........      540,087        538,715
  Deposits.........................................      692,304        665,656
  Borrowings.......................................       51,855         59,778
  Shareholders' equity.............................      112,269        111,353

- --------

  (1) The pro forma combined balance sheet data assumes the issuance of 797,528
      shares of IBT common stock, plus the payment of $7,612,500 in cash, in
      exchange for all of the outstanding shares of Farwell common stock. This
      assumes an exchange ratio of 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock and $29.00
      in cash for each share of Farwell common stock outstanding as of August
      15, 2006. The aggregate merger consideration to be paid by Farmers to all
      Farwell shareholders is subject to certain possible adjustments pursuant
      to the Merger Agreement.


                                 CAPITAL RATIOS

     Under the "risk-based" capital guidelines presently in effect for banks and
bank holding companies, minimum capital levels are based on the perceived risk
in the various asset categories. Certain off-balance-sheet instruments, such as
loan commitments and letters of credit, require capital allocations. Bank
holding companies such as IBT and banks such as Farwell are required to maintain
minimum risk-based capital ratios. IBT's and Farwell's ratios are above the
regulatory minimum guidelines, Farwell met the regulatory criteria to be
categorized as a "well-capitalized" institution as of December 31, 2005. The
"well-capitalized" classification may permit banks to minimize the cost of FDIC
insurance assessments by being charged a lesser rate than those that do not meet
this definition. Designation as a "well-capitalized" institution does not
constitute a recommendation by federal bank regulators. The following table
shows capital ratios and requirements as of March 31, 2006.

                                                          RISK-BASED CAPITAL
                                                   LEVERAGE %   TIER 1 %   TOTAL %
                                                   ----------   --------   -------


IBT's capital ratios.............................     10.8        15.9       17.2
Farwell's capital ratios.........................     15.4        29.0       30.2
Pro forma combined capital ratios -- Consolidated
  IBT Bancorp....................................     11.3        17.0       18.3
Regulatory capital ratios -- "well-capitalized"
  definition.....................................     5.00        6.00      10.00
Regulatory capital ratios -- minimum
  requirement....................................     4.00        4.00       8.00


     The following table shows pro forma information about earnings per share,
dividends per share, and book value per share.

     IBT anticipates that the combined company will derive financial benefits
from the merger that include reduced operating expenses and the opportunity to
earn more revenue. The pro forma information, while helpful in illustrating the
financial characteristics of the combined entities under one set of assumptions,
does not reflect these benefits and, accordingly, does not attempt to credit or
suggest future results. The pro forma information also does not necessarily
reflect what the historical results of the combined entities would have been had
the companies actually been combined during these periods.

     The pro forma information in the following table is based on, and should be
read together with, the historical financial information that is presented in
this document and in IBT's prior filings with the SEC and with the condensed
combined pro forma financial statements presented elsewhere in this document.
See "Where You Can Find More Information" on page 83.

                                                                                 PRO FORMA
                                              IBT        FARWELL    PRO FORMA    PER SHARE
                                          HISTORICAL   HISTORICAL    COMBINED   OF FARWELL
                                          ----------   ----------   ---------   ----------


Comparative Per Share Data                                                (1)         (4)
Year ended December 31, 2005............    $ 1.25       $ 5.89       $ 1.28      $ 1.47
Quarter ended March 31, 2006............      0.22         1.22         0.23        0.32
Year ended December 31, 2005............    $ 1.25       $ 5.89       $ 1.28      $ 1.47
Quarter ended March 31, 2006............      0.22         1.22         0.22        0.32
Year ended December 31, 2005............    $ 0.60       $11.00       $ 0.60      $ 0.60(2)
Quarter ended March 31, 2006............      0.11         0.50         0.11        0.11(2)
December 31, 2005.......................    $14.78        51.64       $17.92      $38.18
March 31, 2006..........................     14.92        52.31        17.89       38.18


- --------

  (1) The Pro Forma Combined earnings per share amounts were calculated by
      totaling the historical earnings of IBT and Farwell and dividing the
      resulting amount by the average pro forma shares of IBT and Farwell giving
      effect to the merger as if it had occurred as of the beginning of the
      periods presented. The average pro forma shares of IBT and Farwell reflect
      historical basic and diluted shares, plus historical basic and diluted
      average shares of Farwell, as adjusted based on an assumed exchange ratio
      of 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock, plus the payment of $29.00 in cash,
      for each share of Farwell common stock. The aggregate merger consideration
      to be paid by Farmers is subject to certain adjustments pursuant to the
      Merger Agreement. The pro forma earnings amounts do not take into
      consideration any operating efficiencies that may be realized as a result
      of the merger.

  (2) Pro Forma Combined cash dividends paid represents IBT's historical amount

  (3) The Pro Forma Combined tangible book value data gives effect to the merger
      as if it had occurred on March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005.

  (4) The Equivalent Pro Forma Per Share of Farwell amounts were calculated by
      multiplying the Pro Forma Combined amounts by the assumed exchange ratio
      of 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock for each share of Farwell common
      stock. These amounts do not take into consideration any operating
      efficiencies that may be realized as a result of the merger. This data is
      presented for comparative purposes only.


                                  RISK FACTORS

     In addition to the other information contained in or incorporated by
reference into this proxy statement-prospectus, including the matters addressed
under the caption "Forward-Looking Statements," on page 85 you should carefully
consider the following risk factors in deciding whether to vote for adoption of
the Merger Agreement.



     The success of the merger will depend on, among other things, IBT's ability
to realize anticipated cost savings, to conduct the business of Farwell in a
manner that does not materially disrupt the existing customer relationships of
Farwell nor result in decreased revenues resulting from any loss of customers,
and permits growth opportunities to occur. Farwell represents a new market area
for IBT. If IBT is not able to successfully achieve these objectives, the
anticipated benefits of the merger may not be fully realized, realized at all or
may take longer to realize than expected.

     Farmers and Farwell have operated and, until the completion of the merger,
will continue to operate, independently. It is possible that the integration
process could result in the loss of key employees, the disruption of Farwell's
ongoing business or inconsistencies in standards, controls, procedures and
policies that adversely affect the ability of IBT to maintain relationships with
customers and employees or to achieve the anticipated benefits of the merger.


     Farwell's directors and officers have various interests in the merger that
differ from, or are in addition to, the interests of Farwell shareholders. These
interests include:

     - the agreement by Farmers to employ Mr. Kedrowski pursuant to a two-year
       written employment agreement.

     - following completion of the merger, the Farwell officers will continue to
       serve with Farmers and the Farwell directors will serve on a regional
       advisory board for the Farwell division of Farmers and shall receive the
       same board member compensation as provided by Farwell prior to the

     - upon completion of the merger, Michael McGuire shall join the
       reconstituted Farmers' Board of Directors.

     - the agreement by Farmers to employ all current Farwell employees pursuant
       to a five-year written employment agreement.

     - the agreement by Farmers to provide liability insurance and
       indemnification protection to Farwell directors and officers.



     IBT's success depends primarily on the general economic conditions in Mid-
Michigan. Unlike larger banks that are more geographically diversified, IBT
provides banking and financial services to customers primarily in Mid-Michigan.
The local economic conditions in the Mid-Michigan area have a significant impact
on its loans, the ability of the borrowers to repay these loans and the value of
the collateral securing these loans. A significant decline in general economic
conditions caused by inflation, recession, unemployment or other factors beyond
IBT's control would impact these local economic conditions and could negatively
affect the financial results of its banking operations.

     IBT targets its business lending and marketing strategy for loans to serve
primarily the banking and financial services needs of small to medium size
businesses. These small to medium size businesses generally have fewer financial
resources in terms of capital or borrowing capacity than larger entities. If
general economic conditions negatively impact these businesses, IBT's results of
operations and financial condition may be adversely affected.



     IBT's results of operations and financial condition are significantly
affected by changes in interest rates. IBT's results of operations depend
substantially on its net interest income, which is the difference between the
interest income earned on its interest-earning assets and the interest expense
paid on its interest-bearing liabilities. At December 31, 2005, IBT's interest
rate risk profile indicated that net interest income would increase in a rising
long term interest rate environment, but would decrease in a declining long term
interest rate environment.

     Changes in interest rates also affect the value of IBT's interest-earning
assets, and in particular IBT's securities portfolio. Generally, the value of
securities fluctuates inversely with changes in interest rates. At December 31,
2005, IBT's available for sale securities totaled $183 million. Decreases in the
fair value of securities available for sale could have an adverse effect on
shareholders' equity or earnings.

     IBT also is subject to reinvestment risk associated with changes in
interest rates. Changes in interest rates may affect the average life of loans
and mortgage-related securities. Decreases in interest rates can result in
increased prepayments of loans and mortgage-related securities, as borrowers
refinance to reduce borrowing costs. Under these circumstances, IBT is subject
to reinvestment risk to the extent that it is unable to reinvest the cash
received from such prepayments at rates that are comparable to the rates on
existing loans and securities. Additionally, increases in interest rates may
decrease loan demand and make it more difficult for borrowers to repay
adjustable rate loans.


     Competition in the banking and financial services industry is intense. In
IBT's market area, IBT competes with commercial banks, savings institutions,
mortgage brokerage firms, credit unions, finance companies, mutual funds,
insurance companies, and brokerage and investment banking firms operating
locally and elsewhere. Many of these competitors (whether regional or national
institutions) have substantially greater resources and lending limits than IBT
does and may offer certain services that IBT does not or cannot provide. IBT's
profitability depends upon its continued ability to successfully compete in its
market area.


     IBT is subject to regulation, supervision and examination by the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve. Isabella Bank and Trust and Farmers State Bank
of Breckenridge are subject to regulation by the Office of Financial and
Insurance Services of the State of Michigan and by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, as insurer of their deposits. Such regulation and supervision
govern the activities in which a bank and its holding company may engage and are
intended primarily for the protection of the deposit insurance funds and
depositors. These regulatory authorities have extensive discretion in connection
with their supervisory and enforcement activities, including the imposition of
restrictions on the operation of a bank, the classification of assets by a bank
and the adequacy of a bank's allowance for loan losses. Any change in such
regulation and oversight, whether in the form of regulatory policy, regulations,
or legislation, could have a material impact on IBT and its operations.

     IBT's operations are also subject to extensive regulation by other federal,
state and local governmental authorities and are subject to various laws and
judicial and administrative decisions imposing requirements and restrictions on
part or all of its operations. IBT believes that it is in substantial compliance
in all material respects with applicable federal, state and local laws, rules
and regulations. Because its business is highly regulated, the laws, rules and
regulations applicable to IBT are subject to regular modification and change.
There are currently proposed various laws, rules and regulations that, if
adopted, would impact its operations, including, among other things, matters
pertaining to corporate governance and SEC rules pertaining to public reporting
disclosures. There can be no assurance that these proposed laws, rules and
regulations, or any other laws, rules or regulations, will not be adopted in the
future, which could make compliance more difficult or expensive or otherwise
adversely affect its business, financial condition or prospects.


                           THE FARWELL SPECIAL MEETING

     Farwell is mailing this proxy statement-prospectus to you as a Farwell
shareholder on or about September 12, 2006. With this document, Farwell is
sending you a notice of the Farwell special meeting of shareholders and a form
of proxy that is solicited by Farwell's Board of Directors. The special meeting
will be held on September 26, 2006 at 10:00 a.m., local time, at the Surrey
Township Hall, Farwell, Michigan.


     The sole purpose of the special meeting of shareholders is to vote on the
adoption of the Merger Agreement by which Farwell will merge with and into

     You may also be asked to vote upon a proposal to adjourn or postpone the
special meeting of shareholders. Farwell could use any adjournment or
postponement for the purpose, among others, of allowing additional time to
solicit proxies.


     You should complete and return the proxy card accompanying this document to
ensure that your vote is counted at the special meeting of shareholders,
regardless of whether you plan to attend. You can revoke your proxy at any time
before the vote is taken at the special meeting by:

     - submitting written notice of revocation to the Secretary of Farwell;

     - submitting a properly executed proxy bearing a later date before the
       special meeting of shareholders; or

     - voting in person at the special meeting of shareholders. However, simply
       attending the special meeting without voting will not revoke an earlier

     If your shares are held in street name, you should follow the instructions
of your broker regarding revocation of proxies.

     All shares represented by valid proxies, and not revoked, will be voted in
accordance with your instructions on the proxy card. If you sign your proxy
card, but make no specification on the card as to how you want your shares
voted, your proxy card will be voted "FOR" approval of the foregoing proposal.
The Board of Directors is presently unaware of any other matter that may be
presented for action at the special meeting of shareholders. If any other matter
does properly come before the special meeting, the Board of Directors intends
that shares represented by properly submitted proxies will be voted, or not
voted, by and at the discretion of the persons named as proxies on the proxy


     The close of business on August 15, 2006 has been fixed as the record date
for determining the Farwell shareholders entitled to receive notice of and to
vote at the special meeting of shareholders. At that time, 262,500 shares of
Farwell common stock were outstanding, and were held by approximately 120
holders of record.


     The presence, in person or by properly executed proxy, of the holders of a
majority of the outstanding shares of Farwell common stock entitled to vote is
necessary to constitute a quorum at the special meeting of shareholders.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted for the purpose of determining
whether a quorum is present but will not be counted as votes cast either for or
against the Merger Agreement.

     Adoption of the Merger Agreement requires the affirmative vote of the
holders of 66 2/3% of the shares of Farwell common stock issued and outstanding
on the record date. Accordingly, a failure to vote, an abstention or a broker
non-vote will have the same effect as a vote against the Merger Agreement. As of
the record date, directors and executive officers of Farwell beneficially owned
75,485 shares of Farwell common stock entitled to vote at the special meeting of
shareholders. This represents approximately 28.8% of the total votes entitled to
be cast at the special meeting. These individuals have indicated that they will
vote "FOR" adoption of the Merger Agreement.



     For Farwell shareholders, the proxy that accompanies this document is being
solicited by Farwell's Board of Directors. In addition to solicitations by mail,
directors, officers, and regular employees of Farwell may solicit proxies from
shareholders personally or by telephone or other electronic means. Such
individuals will not receive any additional compensation for doing so. Farwell
will bear its own costs of soliciting proxies, which Farwell estimates will be
less than $20,000. Farwell also will make arrangements with brokers and other
custodians, nominees, and fiduciaries to send this document to beneficial owners
of Farwell common stock and, upon request, will reimburse those brokers and
other custodians for their reasonable expenses in forwarding these materials.


     Farwell's Board of Directors has unanimously approved the Merger Agreement
and the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement. The Board of
Directors believes that the Merger Agreement is fair to Farwell shareholders and
is in the best interest of Farwell and its shareholders and recommends that you
vote "FOR" the approval of the Merger Agreement. See "The Merger and the Merger
Agreement-Recommendation of the Farwell Board of Directors and Reasons for the


     The description of the merger and the Merger Agreement contained in this
proxy statement-prospectus describes the material terms of the Merger Agreement;
however, it does not purport to be complete. It is qualified in its entirety by
reference to the Merger Agreement. We have attached a copy of the Merger
Agreement as Appendix A and urge you to carefully review it.


     Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, Farwell will merge with and into Farmers,
a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBT. Outstanding shares of Farwell common stock
will be converted into the right to receive 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock
and $29.00 in cash, subject to adjustment under certain circumstances. Cash will
be paid in lieu of any fractional share of IBT common stock. See "Merger
Consideration" below. At the effective time of the merger, Farwell's corporate
existence will terminate; and Farmers will continue as the surviving bank with a
Board of Directors consisting of Dennis Angner, Michael McGuire, Dale Weburg,
James Fabiano and David Maness. The name of the surviving bank shall be FSB.



     Farmers, a Michigan chartered commercial bank, is headquartered in
Breckenridge, Michigan, and operates three offices. As of March 31, 2006,
Farmers had assets of $136.4 million, deposits of $111.7 million and
shareholders equity of $13.0 million. Farmers' principal executive office is
located at 316 East Saginaw Street, Breckenridge, Michigan, 48615, and the
telephone number is (989) 842-3191.


     Farwell, a Michigan chartered commercial bank is headquartered in Farwell,
Michigan, and operates two offices. As of March 31, 2006, Farwell had assets of
$91.6 million, deposits of $76.8 million and shareholders' equity of $13.7
million. Farwell's principal executive office is located at 399 West Main
Street, Farwell, Michigan, 48622, and the telephone number is (989) 588-9945.


     IBT, headquartered in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, is the holding company for
Farmers and Isabella Bank and Trust, which operate 20 full service offices and
IBT Title and Insurance Agency which operates five offices. As of March 31,
2006, IBT had consolidated assets of $761.7 million, deposits of $616.7 million
and shareholders' equity


of $81.8 million. IBT was organized in 1988. As of July 18, 2006, IBT had
5,491,252 shares of outstanding common stock.

     The principal executive office of IBT is located at 200 East Broadway, Mt.
Pleasant, Michigan, 48858, and the telephone number is (989) 772-9471.


     Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, each outstanding share of Farwell
common stock (other than dissenting shares) will be converted upon completion of
the merger into the right to receive 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock and
$29.00 in cash, subject to adjustment under certain circumstances.

     No fractional shares of IBT will be issued in connection with the merger.
Instead, Farmers will make a cash payment to each Farwell shareholder who would
otherwise receive a fractional share.

     Based on the last transaction price in IBT common stock known to management
occurring prior to the mailing of this Proxy Statement-Prospectus on September
12, 2006, each share of Farwell common stock that is exchanged solely for IBT
common stock and cash would be converted into shares of IBT common stock and
cash having a value of $162.68.




     The terms and conditions of the Merger Agreement are the result of arm's
length negotiations between the representatives of Farmers and IBT and the
representatives of Farwell. A summary of the background of these negotiations is
set forth below.

     The Board of Directors and management of Farwell have periodically explored
the possibility of merging with another financial institution as part of the
ongoing fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders. During the past 15 years,
Farwell's management has had several conversations with IBT management about
becoming part of the IBT organization. In June 2003, the Board of Directors of
both institutions agreed to formally explore the potential of a merger. The
companies agreed to retain Austin Associates, LLC of Toledo, Ohio as a

     From July 2003 through July 2005, various discussions took place between
management and the Boards of Directors. These discussions included operating
philosophies, employee benefits, price and management of Farwell post-merger. As
a result of these discussions, the parties agreed to the price and the basic
structure of the transaction and, on October 3, 2005, executed a confidentiality
agreement. During October, November and December, 2005, the parties performed
due diligence and reviewed the draft of the definitive Merger Agreement. The
Board of Directors of both institutions agreed unanimously to sign the initial
agreement, which was signed on December 22, 2005.

     Subsequent to the initial agreement's signing, IBT and Farwell began
preparing the required regulatory applications. As part of the regulatory
application preparation process, legal counsel had discussions with the
supervisor of the research department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
(FRB). Based on these discussions, the likelihood that the FRB would approve the
merger was extremely poor due to anti-competitive deposit market concentration.
The market as defined by the FRB was extremely narrow and included only the
deposits of commercial bank branches in Clare and Isabella counties.

     Based on preliminary market research results, management of both
institutions believed that the FRB market area definition and restructuring the
market measurement to deposits only grossly overstated the anti-competitive
results of the proposed transaction. At the request of management, legal counsel
had discussions with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) about
their criteria and requirement to approve the proposed transaction.


Based on the criteria set forth by the FDIC and advice of legal counsel, Farwell
and IBT undertook further negotiations to change the structure of the
transaction in order to move the regulatory venue to the FDIC.

     On March 6, 2006, the parties agreed in principal on the restructuring of
the initial agreement. The restructured transaction as set forth in the Merger
Agreement involves the merger of Farwell with and into Farmers, a wholly owned
subsidiary of IBT. As a result of the merger, Farmers will change its name to
FSB Bank. The revised structure and changes to the initial agreement were
unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of Farmers on April 19, 2006, by
the IBT Board on April 18, 2006 and the Farwell Board on May 2, 2006; and the
Merger Agreement was signed on May 2, 2006.


     The Board of Directors of Farwell has approved the Merger Agreement and has
determined that the merger is fair to and in the best interests of Farwell and
its shareholders. In reaching its decision to approve the Merger Agreement, the
Board of Directors consulted with its outside counsel regarding the legal terms
of the merger and the Board of Director's fiduciary obligations in its
consideration of the proposed merger, considered the financial aspects and
fairness of the proposed Merger Agreement from a financial point of view and
consulted with the management of Farwell regarding the future prospects of
Farwell as an independent entity and as part of IBT. Without assigning any
relative or specific weight, the Board of Directors of Farwell considered a
number of factors, including the following both from a short-term and long-term

     - The merger consideration to be paid to Farwell shareholders;

     - The structure of the merger and the financial and other terms of the
       Merger Agreement, including the fact that the merger is conditioned upon
       Farwell's receipt of financial analysis and opinions to be delivered by
       Austin Associates, LLC and Donnelly, Penman & Partners that the terms of
       the Merger Agreement are fair to the shareholders of Farwell from a
       financial point of view;

     - The fact that the transaction was structured to keep Farwell's offices
       open and to provide that no employee would be laid off;

     - The Board of Directors reviews, with its legal and financial advisors, of
       alternatives to the merger, the range and possible value to Farwell
       shareholders obtainable through such alternatives and the timing and
       likelihood of the alternatives.

     - The familiarity of the Board of Directors of Farwell with, and review of,
       its business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects,
       including, but not limited to, its potential growth, development,
       productivity and profitability and the business risks associated with the

     - The current and prospective environment in which Farwell operates,
       including national and local economic conditions, the highly competitive
       environment for financial institutions generally, the increased
       regulatory burden on financial institutions, the trend toward
       consolidation in the financial services industry, and the increasing
       importance of operational scale and financial resources in maintaining
       efficiency, remaining competitive, and capitalizing on technological

     - The potential for appreciation in market and book value of Farwell's
       common stock on both a short- and long-term basis, as a stand-alone

     - Information concerning IBT's management, business, financial condition,
       results of operations, asset quality and prospects, including the long-
       term growth potential of IBT, the future growth prospects of IBT combined
       with Farwell following the proposed merger, the potential synergies
       expected from the merger and the business risks associated with the

     - The United States federal income tax consequences to Farwell shareholders
       of receiving the merger consideration in exchange for their shares of
       Farwell common stock;

     - The advantages and disadvantages of Farwell remaining an independent
       institution or affiliating with a larger institution;


     - The short- and long-term interests of Farwell and its shareholders, the
       interests of the employees, customers, creditors and suppliers of
       Farwell, and the interests of Farwell's community, all of which may
       benefit from an appropriate affiliation with a larger institution with
       increased economies of scale and with a greater capacity to serve all of
       the banking needs of the community;

     - The fact that some of Farwell's directors and executive officers have
       interests in the merger that are in addition to and may differ from the
       interests of Farwell shareholders. See "Interests of Directors and
       Officers In the Merger"; and

     - The compatibility of the businesses and management philosophies of
       Farwell and IBT and IBT's strong commitment to the communities it serves.

     On the basis of these considerations, the Merger Agreement was unanimously
approved by Farwell's Board of Directors.


  Opinions of Farwell's, Farmer's and IBT'S Financial Advisors

     The fairness opinions of the financial advisors, Austin Associates, LLC
("AAL") and Donnelly Penman & Partners ("Donnelly Penman") are described below.
The full text of the fairness opinions which set forth, among other things,
assumptions made, procedures followed, matters considered and limitations on the
review undertaken are attached to this document as Appendix B and C,
respectively. Shareholders of Farwell are urged to read the fairness opinions
carefully and in their entirety. To the extent that the descriptions contain
projections, estimates and/or other forward-looking statements about the future
earnings or other measures of the future performance of IBT, you should not rely
on any of these statements as having been made or adopted by IBT unless they
have been made by IBT in a document that is incorporated by reference into this
proxy statement-prospectus. See "Where You Can Find More Information."

  Austin Associates, LLC Opinion

     Farwell and IBT retained Austin Associates, LLC ("AAL") pursuant to an
engagement letter dated July 10, 2003 to provide financial advisory services in
connection with facilitating a potential business combination transaction under
which IBT would acquire Farwell. IBT and Farwell selected AAL based on its
experience, expertise and familiarity in representing community banks in similar
transactions. AAL is a nationally recognized investment banking firm and is
regularly engaged in the valuation of businesses and securities in connection
with mergers and acquisitions and valuations for corporate and other purposes.
AAL issued its written opinion dated August 18, 2006, that the financial terms
of the Merger Agreement are fair to each company and their respective
shareholders. AAL's written opinion is attached as Appendix B to this Proxy

     You should consider the following when reading the discussion of AAL's
opinion in this document:

     - The summary of the AAL opinion set forth in this Proxy
       Statement/Prospectus is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
       full text of the opinion that is attached as Appendix B to this document.
       You should read the opinion in its entirety for a full discussion of the
       procedures followed, assumptions made, matters considered and
       qualifications and limitations of the review undertaken by AAL in
       connection with its opinion.

     - AAL expressed no opinion as to the price at which IBT common stock would
       actually be trading at any time.

     - The AAL opinion does not address the relative merits of the Merger and
       the other business strategies considered by IBT or Farwell, nor does it
       address the IBT or Farwell board decision to proceed with the Merger.

     - The AAL opinion to the IBT and Farwell boards rendered in connection with
       the Merger does not constitute a recommendation to any Farwell
       shareholder as to how he or she should vote at the special meeting.


     In connection with its opinion, AAL made the following assumptions:

     - that the Merger will be accounted for as a "purchase" in accordance with
       generally accepted accounting principles;

     - that all material governmental, regulatory and other consents and
       approvals necessary for the consummation of the Merger would be obtained
       without any adverse effect to IBT, Farwell or on the anticipated benefits
       of the Merger;

     - that IBT and Farwell had provided it with all of the information prepared
       by IBT and Farwell or its other representatives that might be material to
       AAL in its review; and

     - that the financial projections it reviewed were reasonably prepared on a
       basis reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgment of
       the management of IBT and Farwell as to the future operating and
       financial performance of IBT and Farwell, respectively.

     In addition, AAL:

     - reviewed the Merger Agreement and publicly available business and
       financial information relating to IBT and Farwell that it considered

     - reviewed other information relating to IBT and Farwell, including
       internal financial forecasts and forecasts of cost savings to be achieved
       in the merger;

     - held discussions with IBT and Farwell management related to the business
       and prospects of the pro forma company;

     - considered financial and stock market information about IBT and Farwell
       and compared that information with similar information about other
       publicly traded financial institutions;

     - considered the financial terms of other recent business combinations
       among financial institutions; and

     - considered such other studies, analyses, inquiries and examinations as
       AAL deemed appropriate.

     In connection with its review, AAL did not assume any responsibility for
independent verification of any of the information provided to or otherwise
reviewed by AAL. AAL relied on this information being complete and accurate in
all material respects. As to the financial forecasts, including the estimates of
future cost savings expected to be achieved as a result of the merger, AAL
assumed that these forecasts were reasonably prepared and reflected the best
currently available estimates and judgments of the management of IBT and Farwell
as to the future financial performance of IBT and Farwell. In addition, IBT and
Farwell did not ask AAL to make, and AAL did not make, an independent evaluation
or appraisal of the assets or liabilities, contingent or otherwise, of IBT or
Farwell, nor was AAL furnished with any evaluations or appraisals of this kind.
IBT and Farwell placed no limits on the scope of analysis performed, or opinion
expressed, by AAL.

     In preparing its opinion, AAL performed a variety of financial and
comparative analyses, the material aspects of which are described below. The
preparation of a fairness opinion is a complex analytic process involving
various determinations as to the most appropriate and relevant methods of
financial analyses and the application of those methods to the particular
circumstances. Therefore, such an opinion is not readily susceptible to partial
analysis or summary description. In arriving at its opinion, AAL made
qualitative judgments as to the significance and relevance of each analysis and
factor considered by it. Accordingly, AAL believes that its analyses must be
considered as a whole and that selecting portions of its analyses and factors,
without considering all analyses and factors, could create a misleading or
incomplete view of the process underlying its analyses and its opinion.

     The following is a summary of the material financial analyses performed by
AAL in connection with its written opinion rendered to the IBT and Farwell
boards of directors as of August 18, 2006. Certain of these summaries include
information presented in tabular format. In order to fully understand the
financial analyses used by AAL, these tables must be read together with the
accompanying narrative. The tables alone do not constitute a complete
description of the applicable financial analysis.


     SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL TERMS OF AGREEMENT:  AAL reviewed the financial terms
of the proposed transaction, including the form of consideration and the
exchange ratio. Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, each outstanding share
of Farwell common stock shall be exchanged for 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock
plus $29.00 in cash. Based on a market price of $43.00 for each IBT share (as of
May 2, 2006), the market value of the total transaction consideration payable to
Farwell shareholders is $159.64 per share, or $41.9 million in the aggregate for
100% of Farwell shares. Farwell reported 262,500 shares outstanding at March 31,
2006. No fractional shares of IBT common stock shall be issued in the Merger.
Cash will be paid in lieu of fractional shares based on the value of IBT common
stock of $42.00 per share.

     PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:  In connection with AAL's role as
financial advisor, AAL prepared various financial analyses as summarized below.
These analyses were based on March 31, 2006 financial information.

     CONTRIBUTION ANALYSIS:  The contribution analysis performed by AAL compares
the relative contribution of key balance sheet and income statement measures by
IBT and Farwell to the pro-forma company. AAL also compared the contribution of
market value as determined by IBT's current market capitalization and Farwell's
value as determined in the transaction with IBT.

                                                         IBT             FARWELL
                                        COMBINED   ---------------   --------------
                                         ($000)     ($000)      %     ($000)     %
                                        --------   --------   ----   -------   ----


Assets................................  $853,299   $761,749   89.3%  $91,550   10.7%
Equity................................  $ 95,549   $ 81,818   85.6%  $13,731   14.4%
Tangible Equity.......................  $ 92,319   $ 78,588   85.1%  $13,731   14.9%
Last 12 months (LTM)..................  $  8,153   $  6,647   81.5%  $ 1,506   18.5%
  Net Income
MARKET VALUE(1).......................  $277,732   $235,826   84.9%  $41,906   15.1%

- --------

  (1) IBT's market value based on $43.00 per share times 5,484,324 shares
      outstanding. Farwell's market value based on 3.0382 shares of IBT common
      stock for each share of Farwell plus $29.00 in cash. Farwell reported
      262,500 shares outstanding.

     The range of contribution from Farwell in terms of assets, equity and net
income ranges from 10.7 percent to 18.5 percent in the pro forma company. The
actual market value contribution of Farwell equals 15.1 percent.

     RELATIVE DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW VALUES:  AAL calculated discounted cash flow
("DCF") values of both IBT and Farwell, and computed the relative DCF value
contribution of each organization to the combined company. The DCF value of IBT
was computed on the basis of a stand-alone, going concern company. The
calculation is based on a five year projection of key financial inputs including
total assets, net income and capital levels, among other variables. The
projected cash flows and residual value are discounted to a present value under
this methodology. The following provides highlights for the projected
performance of IBT:

                                ACTUAL                  PROJECTED LTM ENDING ($000)
                                  LTM     ------------------------------------------------------
STAND-ALONE                      03/06      03/07      03/08      03/09      03/10       03/11
- -----------                    --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   ----------


Assets.......................  $761,749   $807,454   $855,901   $907,255   $961,691   $1,019,392
Net Income...................  $  6,647   $  7,344   $  7,979   $  8,664   $  9,403   $   10,199
ROAA.........................      0.93%      0.94%      0.96%      0.98%      1.01%        1.03%

     Note:  LTM = last twelve months

     AAL determined the resulting aggregate DCF value of IBT at $112.7 million.


     A DCF analysis of Farwell was prepared on a control level basis by
computing a stand-alone value for the company and adding the present value of
potential cost savings related to the Merger. The following provides highlights
for the key assumptions used in this analysis:

                                   ACTUAL               PROJECTED LTM ENDING ($000)
                                    LTM     --------------------------------------------------
STAND-ALONE                        03/06     03/07     03/08      03/09      03/10      03/11
- -----------                       -------   -------   -------   --------   --------   --------


Assets..........................  $91,550   $94,297   $97,125   $100,039   $103,040   $106,132
Net Income......................  $ 1,506   $ 1,474   $ 1,518   $  1,564   $  1,611   $  1,659
ROAA............................     1.65%     1.59%     1.59%      1.59%      1.59%      1.59%

     Based on these performance assumptions, AAL determined the resulting DCF
value of Farwell, on a stand-alone basis, equal to $20.1 million. AAL also
calculated the present value of potential cost savings in connection with the
Merger. AAL considered pre-tax cost savings equal to 4.6 percent of Farwell's
operating expenses in the first year after the Merger, and 6.4 percent
thereafter. Combining the stand-alone DCF value of Farwell with the present
value of potential cost savings resulted in a pro forma DCF value of $21.7

     The following table provides the resulting DCF values for both IBT and
Farwell and the respective contribution to the pro forma company.

                                                                     FARWELL (SALE OF
                                           IBT (STAND-ALONE)             CONTROL)
                                        -----------------------   ----------------------
                                           DCF           %          DCF           %
- -------------------                     --------   ------------   -------   ------------


$134,359..............................  $112,679       83.9%      $21,680       16.1%

     The above table indicates the relative DCF value contribution of Farwell in
the pro forma company is 16.1 percent. This compares to the actual Farwell
market value contribution of 15.1 percent.

     Market Premium Analysis for IBT:  AAL compared the price-to-book and price-
to-core earnings multiples of IBT to guideline peer companies. AAL utilized two
guideline peer groups under this approach. The first guideline peer group
consisted of six Michigan publicly traded banks with assets between $500 million
and $1.5 billion and last twelve-month core return on average equity ("ROAE")
greater than 5 percent. The second guideline peer group consisted of 41 Midwest
publicly traded banks with assets between $500 million and $1 billion and last
twelve-month core ROAE between 5 and 15 percent. The following table provides
the median financial and stock price data of the guideline peer groups compared
to IBT. IBT stock trades at a substantial premium to the median trading
multiples of both the Michigan and Midwest peer organizations.

                                                            MINORITY SHARE PEER
                                                            MICHIGAN    MIDWEST
                                                    IBT       PEER       PEER
                                                 --------   --------   --------


Total Assets...................................  $761,749   $671,323   $696,529
Tangible Equity/Assets.........................     10.36%      9.16%      8.13%
LTM Core ROAA..................................      0.93%      1.11%      0.98%
LTM Core ROAE..................................      8.66%     10.91%     10.69%
Market Price Per Share.........................  $  43.00       N.M.       N.M.
Price to Tangible Book.........................       300%       171%       180%
Price to LTM Core EPS..........................      35.2x      15.5x     15.2x
  PEER MEDIAN PRICE-TO-TANGIBLE BOOK RATIO.....                  175%       167%
  MEDIAN PRICE-TO-CORE EPS MULTIPLE............                  227%       232%

     The above table indicates that IBT's stock trades at a premium of 67
percent to 75 percent over the peer median price-to-tangible book value ratio.
Also, IBT's stock trades at a premium of 127 percent to 132 percent over the
peer median price-to-last twelve months ("LTM") core earnings per share.


     Market Premium Analysis for Farwell:  AAL compared the price-to-book and
price-to-LTM earnings multiples being received by Farwell shareholders in the
Merger to guideline peer companies. AAL also utilized two guideline peer groups
under this approach. The first guideline transaction peer group consisted of 31
Midwest bank deals announced from January 1, 2004 through May 2, 2006 with
seller's assets between $50 and $250 million, year-to-date return on average
assets ("ROAA") greater than 0.5 percent, and tangible equity to assets greater
than 8.0 percent. The second guideline transaction group was based on a national
listing of sale transactions which consisted of 27 bank deals announced from
January 1, 2004 to May 2, 2006 with the seller's assets between $75 and $150
million, year-to-date ROAA greater than 0.75 percent, and tangible equity to
tangible assets greater than 10.0 percent. The following table provides the
median financial and deal pricing multiples for the guideline transaction peer
groups compared to the pricing multiples being received by Farwell shareholders
in the Merger.

                                                           GUIDELINE SALE OF CONTROL
                                                             MIDWEST       NATIONAL
                                                FARWELL   TRANSACTIONS   TRANSACTIONS
                                                -------   ------------   ------------


Total Assets..................................  $91,550     $102,749       $115,728
Tangible Equity/Assets........................    14.99%        9.84%         11.26%
LTM ROAA......................................     1.65%        0.94%          1.17%
LTM ROAE......................................    10.95%        8.91%         10.65%
Price to Tangible Book........................      305%         170%           220%
Price to LTM Earnings.........................     27.8x        19.7x         22.5x
  BOOK RATIO..................................                   179%           139%
  EARNINGS....................................                   141%           124%

     The above table indicates the Farwell deal transaction multiples are at a
premium to the market. The price-to-tangible book premium ranges from 39 to 79
percent, while the price-to-LTM earnings premium ranges from 24 to 41 percent
over the guideline transaction multiples.

     Application of Guideline Pricing Multiples And Resulting Contribution
Analysis:  AAL reviewed the guideline peer groups identified in the above tables
and applied current market pricing multiples to both IBT and Farwell book value
and earnings levels. AAL utilized minority share guideline transaction multiples
for IBT and control level multiples for Farwell. The guideline pricing multiples
assigned to each company were subjectively determined after consideration of the
respective underlying performance characteristics of both IBT and Farwell. AAL
computed the aggregate value of each company using the selected price-to-
tangible book and price-to-earnings multiples. The following chart summarizes
the aggregate results and the resulting contribution that each company would
make to the combined organization:

                                                   IBT       %    FARWELL     %
                                                --------   ----   -------   ----


Tangible Book Value...........................  $ 78,588          $13,731
Guideline Multiple............................       170%             160%
                                                --------          -------

PRICE/TANGIBLE BOOK...........................  $133,600   85.9%  $21,970   14.1%
LTM Net Income................................  $  6,647          $ 1,506
Guideline Multiple............................      15.0             14.0
                                                --------          -------

PRICE/LTM EARNINGS............................  $ 99,705   82.5%  $21,084   17.5%

     The above table indicates a contribution by Farwell ranging from 14.1
percent to 17.5 percent using guideline transaction-based market values. This
compares to the actual Farwell market value contribution of 15.1 percent.

     The opinion expressed by AAL was based on market, economic and other
relevant considerations as they existed and could be evaluated as of the date of
the opinion. Events occurring after the date of issuance of the opinion,
including but not limited to, changes affecting the securities markets, the
results of operations or material


changes in the financial condition of either IBT or Farwell could materially
affect the assumptions used in preparing this opinion.

     IBT and Farwell have agreed to pay AAL customary fees for its services as
financial advisor in connection with the Merger. In addition to its fees and
regardless of whether the merger is consummated, IBT and Farwell have agreed to
reimburse AAL for its reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, and to indemnify AAL
against certain liabilities, including liabilities under securities laws.


     Farwell retained Donnelly Penman & Partners ("Donnelly Penman") to act as
Farwell's financial advisor in connection with the merger and related matters
based upon its qualifications, expertise and reputation, as well as its
familiarity with Farwell. Donnelly Penman is a recognized investment banking and
advisory firm. As a part of its investment banking and advisory business,
Donnelly Penman is continually engaged in the valuation of businesses and
securities in connection with mergers and acquisitions, negotiated
underwritings, competitive biddings, secondary distributions of listed and
unlisted securities, private placements and valuations for estate, corporate and
other purposes.

     On December 22, 2005 IBT, a bank holding company headquartered in Mt.
Pleasant, Michigan and Farwell announced that they had entered into an Agreement
and Plan of Merger (the "Agreement") to which IBT would acquire Farwell. On May
2, 2006 IBT, Farmers, a subsidiary of IBT, and Farwell entered into an amended
and restated Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement") to substitute
Farmers as the acquiring entity. In accordance with the terms of the Merger
Agreement, Farwell will merge with Farmers with Farmers as the surviving entity.
Concurrently, each share of Farwell common stock issued and outstanding
immediately prior to the effective time of the merger shall be converted into
the right to receive 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock plus $29.00 in cash.
Donnelly Penman has delivered its opinion that the exchange ratio and cash
consideration received is fair to Farwell's shareholders from a financial point
of view. No limitations were imposed by Farwell on the scope of Donnelly
Penman's investigation or on the procedures followed by Donnelly Penman in
rendering its opinion.


     In arriving at its opinion, Donnelly Penman engaged in discussions with
members of the management of each of Farwell and IBT concerning the historical
and current business operations, financial conditions and prospects of Farwell
and IBT and reviewed:

     - the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated December 22, 2005 and the Amended
       and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger dated May 2, 2006;

     - the most recent draft dated June 29, 2006 of the Form S-4 Registration
       Statement relating to the merger;

     - certain publicly-available information for IBT, including each of the
       Annual Reports to Stockholders and Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the
       years December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005 and the quarterly reports on Form
       10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2006;

     - certain information, including financial forecasts, relating to earnings,
       assets, liabilities and prospects of IBT furnished by senior management
       of IBT;


     - Independent Auditor's Report for Farwell State Bank for the years ended
       December 31, 2005 and 2004 and the unaudited condensed balance sheet and
       statement of income for the three months ended March 31, 2006 and March
       31, 2005;

     - certain information, including financial forecasts, relating to earnings,
       assets, liabilities and prospects of Farwell furnished by senior
       management of Farwell;

     - IBT's senior management projected earnings estimates for fiscal years
       2006 through 2010, which were deemed reasonable by IBT management;

     - Farwell's senior management projected earnings estimates for fiscal years
       2006 through 2010, which were deemed reasonable by Farwell management;

     - the amount and timing of the cost savings expected to result from the
       merger furnished by senior management of IBT;

     - the financial condition and operating results of IBT and Farwell compared
       to the financial conditions and operating results of certain other
       financial institutions that Donnelly Penman deemed comparable;

     - various valuation analyses of Farwell and IBT Donnelly Penman performed
       including dividend discount analyses, analysis of comparable transactions
       and analysis of comparable companies; and

     - such other information, financial studies, analyses and investigations
       and such other factors that Donnelly Penman deemed relevant for the
       purposes of its opinion.

     In conducting its review and arriving at its opinion, as contemplated under
the terms of its engagement by Farwell, Donnelly Penman, with the consent of IBT
and Farwell, relied, without independent investigation, upon the accuracy and
completeness of all financial and other information provided to it by IBT and
Farwell or upon publicly-available information. Donnelly Penman did not
undertake any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or reasonableness
of, or any obligation independently to verify, such information. Donnelly Penman
further relied upon the assurance of management of IBT and Farwell that they
were unaware of any facts that would make the information provided or available
to Donnelly Penman incomplete or misleading in any respect. Donnelly Penman did
not make any independent evaluations, valuations or appraisals of the assets or
liabilities of IBT or Farwell. Donnelly Penman did not review any individual
credit files of IBT or Farwell and assumed that the aggregate allowances for
credit losses for IBT and Farwell were adequate to cover such losses. Donnelly
Penman's opinion was necessarily based upon economic and market conditions and
other circumstances as they existed and were evaluated by Donnelly Penman on the
date of its opinion. Donnelly Penman does not have any obligation to update its
opinion, unless requested by Farwell in writing to do so, and Donnelly Penman
expressly disclaims any responsibility to do so in the absence of any written
request by Farwell.

     In connection with rendering its opinion to the Farwell Board, Donnelly
Penman performed a variety of financial analyses, which are summarized below.
Donnelly Penman believes that its analyses must be considered as a whole and
that selecting portions of its analyses and the factors considered by it,
without consideration of all factors and analyses, could create a misleading
view of the analyses and the processes underlying Donnelly Penman's opinion.
Donnelly Penman arrived at its opinion based on the results of all the analyses
it undertook assessed as a whole, and it did not draw conclusions from or with
regard to any one method of analysis. The preparation of a fairness opinion is a
complex process involving subjective judgments, and is not necessarily
susceptible to partial analysis or summary description. With respect to the
analysis of selected comparable companies and analysis of selected comparable
merger of equal transactions summarized below, no public company utilized as a
comparison is identical to IBT or Farwell, and such analyses necessarily involve
complex considerations and judgments concerning the differences in financial and
operating characteristics of the relevant financial institutions and other
factors that could affect the acquisition or public trading values of the
financial institutions concerned.

     The financial forecast information and cost savings and other synergies
expected to result from the merger furnished by management of IBT and Farwell,
respectively, and deemed reasonable by them contained in or underlying Donnelly
Penman's analyses are not necessarily indicative of future results or values,
which may be significantly more or less favorable than such forecasts and
estimates. The forecasts and estimates were based on


numerous variables and assumptions that are inherently uncertain, including
factors related to general economic and competitive conditions. In that regard,
Donnelly Penman assumed, with IBT's and Farwell's consent, that the financial
forecasts, including the cost savings and other synergies expected to result
from the merger, were reasonably prepared on a basis reflecting the best
currently available judgments of IBT and Farwell, and that such forecasts will
be realized in the amounts and at the times that they contemplate. The estimates
contained in Donnelly Penman's analyses are not necessarily indicative of actual
values or future results, which may be significantly more or less favorable than
those suggested by those analyses. Estimates of values of financial institutions
or assets do not purport to be appraisals or necessarily reflect the prices at
which financial institutions or their securities actually may be sold.
Accordingly, actual results could vary significantly from those assumed in the
financial forecasts and related analyses. None of the analyses performed by
Donnelly Penman was assigned a greater significance by Donnelly Penman than any

     The following is a brief summary of the analyses performed by Donnelly
Penman. Certain analyses have been updated to reflect currently available
information for purposes of the written fairness opinion.


     The Merger Agreement provides that each share of Farwell common stock
issued and outstanding immediately prior to the effective time of the merger
shall be converted into the right to receive 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock
plus $29.00 in cash.

     Donnelly Penman reviewed the terms of the merger. It noted that the
exchange ratio of 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock for each share of Farwell
common stock and cash consideration of $29.0 per share meant that the
transaction had an implied per share value of $145.00 for each share of Farwell
common stock based upon the closing price of IBT of $38.18 on December 15, 2005.
This implied per share value represents a 277.2% premium to the book value per
Farwell share of $52.31 as of March 31, 2006. Donnelly Penman also noted that,
based on the exchange ratio and cash consideration the transaction had an
implied aggregate value of approximately $38.1 million (exclusive of transaction
costs) as of December 15, 2005. The complete aggregate deal metrics in relation
to the Farwell financial position as of March 31, 2006 are displayed below:

                                        FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2006
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 DEAL PRICE                               PRICE/TANGIBLE          PRICE/LTM
(AGGREGATE)          PRICE/BOOK                BOOK                EARNINGS           PRICE/ASSETS          PRICE/DEPOSITS
- -----------          ----------           --------------          ---------           ------------          --------------


  $38,062              277.2%                 277.2%                25.3x                41.6%                   49.6%

              31, 2006
- ------------------------------------
- -----------          ---------------


  $38,062                 40.4%

     Donnelly Penman also noted, when considering the most recent trading based
upon the closing price of IBT of $45.00 on June 28, 2006 that the exchange ratio
of 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock for each share of Farwell common stock and
cash consideration of $29.00 per share meant that the transaction had an implied
per share value of $165.72 for each share of Farwell common stock. This implied
per share value represents a 316.8% premium to the book value per Farwell share
of $52.31 as of March 31, 2006.

     Donnelly Penman also noted, when considering the value of the transaction
based on an implied equity value per share of IBT of $23.79 that the exchange
ratio of 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock for each share of Farwell common
stock and cash consideration of $29.00 per share meant that the transaction had
an implied per share value of $101.28 for each share of Farwell common stock.
This implied per share value represents a 193.6% premium to the book value per
Farwell share of $52.31 as of March 31, 2006. The $23.79 implied per share value
for IBT is based on an assumed price to tangible book multiple of 1.66 times
IBT's tangible book value of $14.33 as of March 31, 2006. The price to tangible
book multiple is based on a review of the multiples for select publicly traded
Midwest commercial banks with assets of $500 million to $1 billion and a return
on average equity between 8% and 12%.

     Donnelly Penman also noted, when considering the value of the transaction
based on an implied equity value per share of IBT of $20.34 that the exchange
ratio of 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock for each share of Farwell common
stock and cash consideration of $29.00 per share meant that the transaction had
an implied per share value of $90.80 for each share of Farwell common stock.
This implied per share value represents a 173.6% premium to the book value per
Farwell share of $52.31 as of March 31, 2006. The $20.34 implied per share value
for IBT is based on a discounted dividend analysis. This analysis utilized a
range of discount rates of 11.0% to 14.0% and a range of


terminal value multiples of 14.0 to 17.0 times projected 2010 net income. The
discount rate was derived from the Ibbotson and Associates 20051 data on cost of
equity buildup (and sensitized a range of 11.0%-14.0%). The terminal multiple
range was determined by reviewing the multiples for select publicly traded
placeMidwest commercial banks with assets between $500 million and $1 billion
and return on average equity between 8% and 12%.

- --------

(1) Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation -- Valuation Edition 2006 Yearbook, (C)
    Ibbotson Associates, Inc. 2006


     Donnelly Penman compared selected financial and operating results of
Farwell to a peer group that included the following 18 exchange traded
commercial banks in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin, which were
selected based on comparable asset size and financial returns. Specifically the
peer group identified had assets less than $250 million and a last twelve
month's return on average equity between 8% and 12%. The peer group had median
trading multiples of 139.2% of book value per share, 139.2% of tangible book
value per share and 16.79 times last twelve months earnings per share. These
peer companies consisted of:

     - American Community Bancorp (ACBP)

     - Capital Directions, Incorporated (CTDN)

     - Century Financial Corporation (CYFL)

     - ChoiceOne Financial Corporation (COFS)

     - Community National Corporation (CMNC)

     - Community Shores Bank Corporation (CSHB)

     - Communibanc Corporation (CBCZ)

     - Consumers Bancorp, Inc. (CBKM)

     - CSB Bancorp, Inc. (CBMI)

     - Eastern Michigan Financial Corporation (EFIN)

     - F & M Bancorp (FMOO)

     - FNB, Inc. (FIDS)

     - Heartland Bancshares, Inc. (HRTB)

     - ICNB Financial Corporation (ICNB)

     - Layton Park State Bank (LTPM)

     - Ohio Heritage Bancorp, Inc. (OHHB)

     - United Commerce Bancorp (UCBN)

     - Western Reserve Bancorp, Inc. (WRBO)

     This comparison showed, among other things, that for the latest twelve
months ended March 31, 2006:

     - Farwell's net interest margin was 3.94%, compared with the Farwell peer
       group median of 4.06%;

     - Farwell's efficiency ratio was 43.96%, compared with the Farwell peer
       group median of 68.61%;

     - Farwell's return on average assets was 1.65%, compared to the Farwell
       peer group median of 0.88%;

     - Farwell's return on average equity was 10.95%, compared to the Farwell
       peer group median of 9.30%; and

     - Farwell's ratio of nonperforming assets to total assets was 0.11%,
       compared with the Farwell peer group median of 0.42%.


     No financial institution used in the above analyses as a comparison is
identical to Farwell. Accordingly, an analysis of the results of the foregoing
necessarily involves complex considerations and judgments concerning differences
in financial and operating characteristics of the companies and other factors
that could affect the public trading values of Farwell and the financial
institutions to which it was compared.


     Donnelly Penman reviewed and compared actual information for 19 completed
or pending bank merger transactions announced from a period of January 1, 2003
to December 31, 2005. Furthermore, the transactions listed involved commercial
banks located in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin with total
assets less than $250 million and a last twelve month's return on average equity
of between 8% and 12%. These transactions consisted of:


     - MainSource Financial Group/ HFS Bank FSB

     - Hometown Community Bncp Inc/ Progressive Bancorp Inc.

     - River Holding Co./ Farmers State Bancshares Inc.

     - Peotone Bancorp Inc./ Vermilion Bancorp Inc.

     - Princeton National Bancorp/ Somonauk FSB Bancorp Inc.

     - Peoples Community Bancorp Inc./ American State Corporation

     - Park National Corp./ First Clermont Bank

     - Webster Financial Corp./ Eastern Wisconsin Bcshrs Inc.

     - Croghan Bancshares Inc./ Custar State Bank

     - Wintrust Financial Corp./ Town Bankshares Ltd

     - Camco Financial Corp./ London Financial Corp.

     - Lincoln Bancorp/ First Shares Bancorp Inc.

     - Harrodsburg First Fin Bancorp/ Independence Bancorp

     - Van Orin Bancorp Inc./ Malden Bancorp Inc.

     - State Financial Services Corp./ Lakes Region Bancorp Inc.

     - Citizens First Bancorp Inc./ Metro Bancorp, Inc.

     - Blackhawk Bancorp Inc./ DunC Corp.

     - Carlinville Natl Bk Shares Inc/ Cornerstone Bank & Trust, NA

     - JW Bancorp Inc./ John Warner Financial Corp.

     This comparison showed that based on the transaction price calculated above
compared with Farwell's financial condition as of March 31, 2006:

     - The transaction price to last twelve months earnings multiple was 25.3
       times, compared with the comparable transaction group median of 20.0
       times last twelve month's earnings;

     - The transaction price was 277.2% of book value, compared with the
       comparable transaction group median of 181.06%;

     - The transaction price was 277.2% of tangible book value, compared with
       the comparable transaction group median of 181.06%;


     - The transaction price was 41.6% of total assets, compared with the
       comparable transaction group median of 17.9%;

     - The transaction price was 49.6% of deposits, compared with the comparable
       transaction group median of 22.3%; and

     - The transaction price represented a 40.4% premium to core deposits,
       compared with the comparable transaction group median of 12.7%.

     Donnelly Penman recognized that no transaction reviewed was identical to
the merger and that, accordingly, any analysis of comparable transactions
necessarily involves complex considerations and judgments concerning differences
in financial and operating characteristics of the parties to the transactions
being compared.


     Donnelly Penman calculated an estimated range of equity values per share
for Farwell based upon the values, discounted to the present, of estimates of
projected dividends from the fiscal year ending December 31, 2006 through the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2010 and a projected year 2010 terminal value
assuming Farwell continued to operate as an independent company. The valuation
date contemplated is July 1, 2006, with half of the 2006 dividends being paid in
the last six months of the year. In conducting its analysis, Donnelly Penman
utilized financial estimates provided by and deemed reasonable by Farwell and
IBT for 2006 through 2010. Donnelly Penman further assumed, with Farwell senior
management's consent, a $3.25 dividend payment per share in 2006 and each year
thereafter. Additionally, Donnelly Penman assumed that Farwell could pay a one
time special dividend at the beginning of the projection period. This special
dividend was estimated by Donnelly Penman as the excess capital that could be
distributed to shareholders and still leave Farwell at a 6.5% capital to assets
ratio. Then, estimated net income was reduced by the impact of the cost of cash
on the projected earnings.

     This analysis utilized a range of discount rates of 11.0% to 14.0% and a
range of terminal value multiples of 14.0 to 17.0 times projected 2010 net
income. The discount rate was derived from the Ibbotson and Associates 20052
data on cost of equity buildup and sensitized to the base cost of equity of 12%
provided from the Ibbotson and Associates Research (a range of 11.0%-14.0% was
utilized). The terminal multiple range was determined by reviewing the multiples
for select publicly traded Midwest commercial banks with assets less than $250
million and return on average equity between 8% and 12%. The analysis resulted
in a range of present values between $92.30 and $103.23 per share.

     The analysis was based upon Farwell and IBT senior management's projections
of future performance on a stand alone basis, which were based upon many factors
and assumptions deemed reasonable by Farwell and IBT senior management. This
analysis did not purport to be indicative of actual values or actual future
results and did not purport to reflect the prices at which any securities may
trade at the present or at any time in the future. Donnelly Penman included this
analysis because it is a widely used valuation methodology, but noted that the
results of such methodology are highly dependent upon the numerous assumptions
that must be made, including earnings growth rates, dividend payout rates,
terminal values and discount rates.

     For its financial advisory services provided to Farwell, Donnelly Penman
has been paid ordinary and customary fees at or before the closing of the
merger. In addition, Farwell has agreed to indemnify Donnelly Penman against
various liabilities, including any which may arise under the federal securities

- --------

  (2) Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation -- Valuation Edition 2006 Yearbook, (C)
      Ibbotson Associates, Inc. 2006


     Directors and Officers of Farmers Following the Merger.  Upon the
completion of the merger, Michael McGuire shall be added to the reconstituted
Farmers' Board of Directors. The current officers of Farwell will continue with
Farmers. In addition, Mr. Kedrowski will serve as a Vice-President of Farmers
pursuant to a two-year written employment agreement.


     Regional Advisory Board.  Upon completion of the merger, the incumbent
directors of Farwell will serve on a regional advisory board for the Farwell
division of Farmers and shall receive the same board member compensation as
provided by Farwell prior to the merger.

     Indemnification.  Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, Farmers has agreed that
from and after the effective date of the merger through the fifth anniversary
thereof, it will indemnify and hold harmless each present and former director,
officer and employee of Farwell against any costs or expenses (including
reasonable attorneys' fees), judgments, fines, losses, claims, damages or
liabilities incurred in connection with any claim, action, suit, proceeding or
investigation (each a "Claim"), arising in whole or in part out of, the fact
that such person is or was a director, officer, employee, fiduciary or agent of
Farwell or its subsidiary or is or was serving at the request of Farwell or its
subsidiary in such a role of another corporation, partnership, joint venture,
trust or other enterprise if such Claim pertains to any matters existing or
occurring at or before the effective date of the merger to the fullest extent to
which said individuals are entitled under applicable law.

     Directors' and Officers' Insurance.  Farmers has further agreed, for a
period of five years after the effective date of the merger, to maintain
Farwell's current directors' and officers' liability insurance policy (provided
that Farmers may substitute therefor policies of at least the same coverage and
amounts containing terms and conditions which are not materially less
advantageous than such policy) with respect to acts or omissions occurring prior
to the effective date of the merger.


     Board of Directors.  At the effective time of the merger, the members of
the Farmers Board of Directors shall consist of Dennis Angner, Michael McGuire,
Dale Weburg, James Fabiano and David Maness.

     Management.  Mr. Kedrowski, the current president and chief executive
officer of Farwell, will enter into an employment agreement with Farmers to
become a Vice President of Farmers on the effective date of the merger. Dennis
P. Angner, the current president and chief executive officer of IBT shall also
serve as president and CEO of Farmers, with Timothy Miller, the current
president and CEO of Farmers becoming a Vice President. Following the effective
time of the merger, IBT will form a regional advisory board for the Farwell
division of Farmers consisting of persons living and/or working in the trade
area currently served by Farwell. The regional board will initially be comprised
of the directors of Farwell incumbent immediately preceding the merger.

     Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws.  The certificate of incorporation
and bylaws of Farmers will be the same as the certificate of incorporation and
bylaws of the surviving entity, with the exception that the name of Farmers
shall be changed to FSB.


     The parties expect that the merger will be effective during the third
quarter of 2006 or as soon as possible after the receipt of all regulatory and
shareholder approvals, the expiration of all regulatory waiting periods and
after the satisfaction of all conditions to the merger set forth in the Merger


     At the effective time of the merger, Farwell's shareholders will cease to
own shares of Farwell. Subject to certain adjustments pursuant to the Merger
Agreement, each share of Farwell common stock issued and outstanding immediately
prior to the completion of the merger will automatically be converted into the
right to receive 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock and $29.00 in cash.

     At the effective time of the merger, IBT will deliver to its exchange
agent, Isabella Bank and Trust, the amount of cash and number of shares of IBT
common stock issuable in the merger. Within five business days after the closing
of the merger, the exchange agent will send you and other former Farwell
shareholders transmittal materials to be used to exchange the old Farwell stock
certificates. The transmittal materials will contain instructions with respect
to the surrender of old Farwell stock certificates. After the effective time of
the merger, and once the exchange agent receives your old Farwell stock
certificates, the exchange agent will send you a check for the cash payable in
exchange for your shares of Farwell common stock and will register the shares of
IBT common stock


issuable to you in the name and at the address appearing on Farwell's stock
records as of the time of the merger or such other name or address as you
request in the transmittal materials. The exchange agent will not be required to
register the shares in that manner until it has received all of your old Farwell
stock certificates (or an affidavit of loss for such certificate or certificates
and an indemnity bond), together with properly executed transmittal materials.
Such old Farwell stock certificates, transmittal materials, and affidavits must
be in a form and condition reasonably acceptable to IBT and the exchange agent.
The exchange agent will have discretion to determine reasonable rules and
procedures relating to the exchange (or lack thereof) of old Farwell stock
certificates and the payment of the per share merger consideration.


     The Merger Agreement contains various restrictions on the operations of
Farwell before the effective time of the merger. In general, the Merger
Agreement obligates Farwell to conduct its business in the usual, regular and
ordinary course of business and to use reasonable efforts to preserve its
business organization and assets and maintain its rights and franchises. In
addition, Farwell has agreed that, except as expressly contemplated by the
Merger Agreement or specified in a schedule to the Merger Agreement, without the
prior written consent of Farmers, it will not, among other things:

     - change or waive any provision of its charter or bylaws, except as
       required by law;

     - change the number of authorized or issued shares of its capital stock;

     - enter into, amend in any material respect or terminate any material
       contract or agreement except in the ordinary course of business;

     - make application for the opening or closing of any, or open or close any,
       branch or automated banking facility, except as required by regulators;

     - change compensation or benefits of its employees, except for certain
       increases or bonuses subject to limits specified in the Merger Agreement;

     - enter into or modify any employee benefit plans relating to any director,
       officer or employee, except as may be required by law;

     - merge or consolidate with any other corporation or sell or lease all or
       any substantial portion of Farwell's assets;

     - sell or dispose of the capital stock of Farwell or otherwise dispose of
       any assets other than in the ordinary course of business;

     - take any action that would cause any of the representations and
       warranties contained in the Merger Agreement to be untrue or would fail
       to cause any conditions precedent to be satisfied;

     - change any method, practice or principle of accounting except as required
       by generally accepted accounting principles or any bank regulator;

     - waive, release, grant or transfer any material rights of value or modify
       in any material respect any existing material agreement or indebtedness,
       other than in the ordinary course of business;

     - purchase equity securities, or securities for its investment portfolio
       inconsistent with current investment policy;

     - enter into, review, extend or modify any affiliate transaction (other
       than a deposit transaction) other than pursuant to existing insider loan

     - enter into any futures contract, option, interest rate caps, floors or
       exchange agreement for purposes of hedging the exposure of interest-
       earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities to changes in interest
       rates, except in the ordinary course of business;

     - take any action that would give rise to a payment to any individual under
       any employment agreement;


     - change policies with respect to extension of credit, establishment of
       reserves, investments, asset/liability management or other material
       banking policies;

     - take any action that would result in acceleration of the right to payment
       under any benefit plan;

     - sell any participation interest in any loan;

     - enter into any lease or contract other than in the normal course of

     - pay, discharge, settle or compromise any claim, action, litigation,
       arbitration or proceeding in an amount exceeding $10,000;

     - incur any capital expenditures in excess of $25,000 individually or in
       the aggregate other than pursuant to binding commitments existing on the
       date of the Merger Agreement or necessary to maintain existing assets in
       good repair; and

     - make any new loan or other credit facility commitment to any borrower or
       group of affiliated borrowers in excess of $250,000 for a construction
       loan, $500,000 for a commercial real estate loan, $250,000 for a
       commercial business loan or $500,000 for a residential loan, except for
       prior commitments previously disclosed to Farmers and for any loan in
       excess of such amount to which Farmers does not object within 24 hours
       after being notified of the intent to make the loan.

     - sell or dispose of any assets or incur any liability other than in the
       ordinary course of business consistent with past practices and policies.

     In addition to these covenants, the Merger Agreement contains various other
customary covenants, including, among other things, access to information and
each party's efforts to cause its representations and warranties to be true and
correct on the closing date.


     The Merger Agreement contains a number of customary representations and
warranties by Farmers, IBT and Farwell regarding aspects of their respective
businesses, financial condition, structure and other facts pertinent to the
merger that are customary for a transaction of this kind. They include, among
other things:

     - the organization, existence, and corporate power and authority, and
       capitalization of each of the companies;

     - the absence of conflicts between the Merger Agreement and applicable laws
       and other documents, contracts and agreements;

     - the absence of any development materially adverse to the companies;

     - the obtaining of necessary consents;

     - the absence of adverse material litigation;

     - the accuracy of reports and financial statements of each party;

     - the ownership of their respective material assets and properties;

     - the existence, performance and legal effect of certain contracts;

     - loan portfolio matters;

     - compliance with applicable laws;

     - the filing of tax returns, payment of taxes and other tax matters by
       either party;

     - labor and employee benefit matters; and

     - compliance with applicable environmental laws by Farwell.

     All representations, warranties and covenants of the parties, other than
the covenants in specified sections which relate to continuing matters,
terminate upon the merger.




     The respective obligations of Farmers and Farwell to complete the merger
are subject to various conditions prior to the merger. The conditions include
the following:

     - Each of the FDIC and the Office of Financial and Insurance Services of
       the State of Michigan approves or provides its non-objection of the
       merger and all statutory waiting periods expire;

     - approval of the Merger Agreement by the affirmative vote of 66 2/3% of
       the issued and outstanding shares of Farwell;

     - the absence of any litigation, statute, law, regulation, order, decree or
       injunction by which the merger is restrained or enjoined;

     - the registration statement of which this proxy statement prospectus is a
       part must have been declared effective by the SEC and must not be subject
       to a stop order or threatened stop order;

     - Farmers and Farwell must have received a fairness opinion from Austin
       Associates LLC to the effect that the terms of the merger are fair to
       IBT's and Farwell's shareholders from a financial point of view;

     - Farmers and Farwell must have received a tax opinion from Foster, Swift,
       Collins & Smith, P.C. to the effect that the merger will qualify as a
       reorganization; and

     - None of the regulatory approvals shall impose any term, condition or
       restriction that Farmers or Farwell in good faith reasonably determines
       would so materially adversely affect the transaction as to render
       inadvisable in the reasonable good faith judgment of Farmers or Farwell,
       the consummation of the merger.


     In addition to the mutual conditions to close described above, Farmer's
obligation to complete the merger is subject to fulfillment of additional
conditions, including the following:

     - the representations and warranties made by Farwell in the Merger
       Agreement must be true and correct as of the closing date or to a
       specifically related earlier date;

     - Farwell must have performed in all material respects all of the
       agreements, obligations and covenants made in the Merger Agreement to be
       completed at or before the effective time;

     - all requisite material permits, authorizations, consents, waivers,
       clearances or approvals have been obtained;

     - the holders of no more than 10% of Farwell's common stock shall have
       indicated their intention to seek dissenters' rights of appraisal; and

     - Farmers must have received an opinion from Bodman LLP (legal counsel for
       Farwell) to the effect that Farwell is in good standing, the merger has
       been approved by Farwell's Board of Directors and shareholders, and the
       Merger Agreement is binding on Farwell.


     In addition to the mutual conditions to close described above, Farwell's
obligation to complete the merger is subject to the fulfillment of additional
conditions, including the following:

     - the representations and warranties made by Farmers and IBT in the Merger
       Agreement must be true and correct as of the closing date or to a
       specifically related earlier date;

     - Farmers and IBT must have performed in all material respects all of the
       agreements, obligations and covenants made in the Merger Agreement to be
       completed at or before the effective time;

     - all requisite material permits, authorizations, consents, waivers,
       clearances or approvals have been obtained;


     - Farwell must have received an opinion from Foster, Swift, Collins &
       Smith, P.C. (legal counsel for Farmers and IBT) to the effect that
       Farmers and IBT are in good standing, the Merger Agreement has been duly
       executed by Farmers and IBT and is binding on Farmers and IBT;

     - IBT shall have delivered the merger consideration (IBT stock and cash) to
       the exchange agent; and

     - Farwell must have received a fairness opinion from Donnelly Penman &
       Partners to the effect that the terms of the merger are fair to Farwell's
       shareholders from a financial point of view.


     Farwell and Farmers have agreed to use all reasonable efforts to obtain all
permits, consents, approvals and authorizations of all third parties and
governmental entities that are necessary or advisable to consummate the merger.
This includes the approval or non-objection of the FDIC and the Office of
Financial and Insurance Services of the State of Michigan. Farmers has filed the
application or notice materials necessary to obtain these regulatory approvals
and has received approval of the merger from the FDIC. The merger cannot be
completed without such approvals and non-objections. Other than the FDIC
approval, Farmers cannot assure that it will obtain the required regulatory
approvals and non-objections, when they will be received, or whether there will
be conditions in the approvals or any litigation challenging the approvals.

     Farwell and Farmers are not aware of any material governmental approvals or
actions that are required prior to the merger other than those described above.
Farwell and Farmers presently contemplate that they will seek any additional
governmental approvals or actions that may be required in addition to those
requests for approval currently pending; however, they cannot assure that they
will obtain any such additional approvals or actions.


     Until the merger is completed or the Merger Agreement is terminated,
Farwell has agreed that it, its officers, directors employees, representatives
or agents will not:

     - initiate, solicit or knowingly encourage any inquiries or the making of
       any acquisition proposal;

     - enter into, maintain or continue any discussions or negotiations
       regarding any acquisition proposals; or

     - agree to or endorse any other acquisition proposal.

     Farwell may, however, furnish information regarding Farwell to, or enter
into and engage in discussion with, any person or entity in response to an
unsolicited proposal by the person or entity relating to an acquisition proposal

     - Farwell's Board of Directors determines in good faith that such proposal,
       if consummated, is reasonably likely to result in a transaction more
       favorable from a financial point-of-view to Farwell's shareholders than
       the Farmers' merger;

     - Farwell's Board of Directors determines in good faith, after consultation
       with its legal counsel and financial advisors, that the action is
       required for Farwell's directors to comply with their fiduciary
       obligations under applicable law; and

     - Farwell promptly notifies Farmers of such inquiries, proposals or offers,
       the material terms of such inquiries, proposals or offers and the
       identity of the person making such inquiry, proposal or offer.


     The Merger Agreement may be terminated prior to the closing, before or
after approval by Farwell's shareholders, as follows:

     - by mutual written agreement of Farmers and Farwell;

     - by Farmers or Farwell if Farwell shareholders do not approve the Merger
       Agreement and merger;


     - by a non-breaching party if the other party (1) materially breaches any
       covenants or undertakings contained in the Merger Agreement or (2)
       materially breaches any representations or warranties contained in the
       Merger Agreement, in each case if such breach by its nature cannot be
       cured prior to December 31, 2006 or has not been cured within thirty days
       after written notice from the terminating party;

     - by either party if any required regulatory approvals for consummation of
       the merger is not obtained;

     - by either party if the closing does not occur by December 31, 2006;

     - by either party if any condition to closing cannot be satisfied or
       fulfilled by December 31, 2006;

     - by Farmers if Farwell shall have received a superior proposal and Farwell
       Board of Directors shall have entered into an acquisition agreement with
       respect to a superior proposal and terminates the Merger Agreement or
       fails to recommend that the shareholders of Farwell approve the Merger
       Agreement or has withdrawn, modified or changed such recommendation in a
       manner which is adverse to Farmers; or

     - by Farwell in order to accept a "superior proposal," as defined in the
       Merger Agreement, which has been received and considered by Farwell in
       compliance with the applicable terms of the Merger Agreement, provided
       that Farwell has notified Farmers at least five business days in advance
       of any such action and given Farmers the opportunity during such period,
       if Farmers elects in its sole discretion, to negotiate amendments to the
       Merger Agreement which would permit Farwell to proceed with the proposed
       merger with Farmers.


     Each party will each pay its own costs and expenses in connection with the
Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby; provided, however,
if the merger is not consummated due to the failure to obtain any necessary
regulatory approval, Farmers shall reimburse Farwell for its actual costs and
expenses incurred by Farwell after March 9, 2006 in connection with the Merger
Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby.


     The following discussion addresses the material United States federal
income tax consequences of the merger to holders of Farwell common stock. This
discussion applies only to Farwell shareholders who hold their Farwell common
stock as a capital asset within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Internal
Revenue Code. Further, this discussion does not address all aspects of United
States federal income taxation that may be relevant to a particular shareholder
in light of his or her personal circumstances or to shareholders subject to
special treatment under the United States federal income tax laws, including:
banks or trusts; tax-exempt organizations; insurance companies; regulated
investment companies or mutual funds; dealers in securities or foreign currency;
traders in securities who elect to apply a mark-to-market method of accounting;
pass-through entities and investors in such entities; foreign persons; and
shareholders who hold Farwell common stock as part of a hedge, straddle,
constructive sale, conversion transaction or other integrated instrument; and
shareholders of Farwell common stock who acquired their shares of Farwell common
stock upon the exercise of warrants or employee stock options or otherwise as

     This discussion is based on the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury
regulations, administrative rulings and judicial decisions, all as currently
applicable, and all of which are subject to change (possibly with retroactive
effect) and to differing interpretations. Tax considerations under state, local
and foreign laws are not addressed in this document. Tax consequences to you may
vary depending upon your particular circumstances. Therefore, you should consult
your tax advisor to determine the particular tax consequences of the merger to
you, including those relating to state and/or local taxes.

     No ruling has been, or will be, sought from the Internal Revenue Service
concerning tax issues with respect to the merger. It is a condition to the
obligations of Farmers and Farwell to complete the merger that they receive from
Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C., legal counsel for Farmers and IBT, an
opinion regarding the material federal income tax consequences of the merger
which concludes that the tax consequences of the merger will be substantially
identical to those described in this proxy statement-prospectus.


     Based on representations contained in letters provided by IBT and Farwell
and on certain customary factual assumptions, all of which must continue to be
true and accurate in all material respects as of the effective time of the
merger, it is the opinion of Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C., counsel to
Farmers and IBT, that the material United States federal income tax consequences
of the merger are expected to be as follows:

     - the merger will qualify as a "reorganization" within the meaning of
       Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and Farmers, Farwell and IBT
       will each be a "party to a reorganization" within the meaning of Section

     - no gain or loss will be recognized by IBT, its subsidiaries or Farwell by
       reason of the merger; and

     - the tax consequences to Farwell shareholders will be as described in
       detail below.

     The tax opinion neither binds nor precludes the Internal Revenue Service
from adopting a contrary position. An opinion has no binding effect or official
status of any kind and no assurance can be given that contrary positions will
not be successfully asserted by the Internal Revenue Service or adopted by a
court if the issues are litigated. Accordingly, you are strongly urged to
consult with your tax advisor to determine the particular United States federal,
state, local or foreign income or other tax consequences of the merger to you.


     As a result of receiving a combination of cash and IBT common stock in
exchange for shares of Farwell common stock, a Farwell shareholder will
recognize gain, but not loss, equal to the lesser of (1) the amount of cash
received or (2) the amount of gain "realized" in the merger. The amount of gain
a Farwell shareholder "realizes" will equal the amount by which (a) the cash
plus the fair market value at the effective time of the merger of the IBT common
stock received exceeds (b) the shareholder's tax basis in Farwell common stock
surrendered in the merger. If a shareholder of Farwell common stock purchased
his or her shares of Farwell common stock at different prices, such Farwell
shareholder will have to compute his or her recognized gain or loss separately
for the shares of Farwell common stock with different adjusted basis in
accordance with the rules described in the previous sentence. Any recognized
gain would be taxed as a capital gain or a dividend, as described below. The tax
basis of the IBT common stock received in the merger will be the same as the tax
basis of the shares of Farwell common stock surrendered in the merger decreased
by the amount of cash received in the merger and increased by the (i) gain
recognized in the merger, if any and (ii) dividend income recognized in the
merger, if any. The holding period for shares of IBT common stock received by a
Farwell shareholder will include such shareholder's holding period for the
Farwell common stock surrendered in exchange for the IBT common stock, provided
that such shares of Farwell common stock were held as capital assets of the
shareholder at the effective time of the merger.

     In certain circumstances, a Farwell shareholder may receive dividend or
ordinary income treatment, rather than capital gain treatment on all or a
portion of the gain recognized in the merger if receipt of the cash portion of
the merger consideration has the effect of the distribution of a dividend under
the principles of Section 302 of the Internal Revenue Code. The determination of
whether a cash payment has such effect is based on a comparison of the Farwell
shareholder's proportionate interest in IBT after the merger with the
proportionate interest the Farwell shareholder would have had if the shareholder
had received solely IBT common stock in the merger. For purposes of this
comparison, the Farwell shareholder may constructively own shares of IBT held by
certain members of the Farwell shareholder's family or certain entities in which
the Farwell shareholder has an ownership or beneficial interest and certain
stock options may be aggregated with the Farwell shareholder's shares of IBT
common stock. The amount of the cash payment that may be treated as a dividend
is limited to the shareholder's ratable share of the accumulated earnings and
profits of Farwell at the effective time of the merger. Any gain that is not
treated as a dividend will be taxed as a capital gain, provided that the Farwell
shareholder's common stock was held as a capital asset at the time of the
merger. Capital gain or loss recognized by a Farwell shareholder in the merger
will be long-term capital gain or loss if the holding period of the shares of
Farwell common stock exceeds one year at the completion of the merger. In the
case of individuals, the maximum federal income tax rate applicable to long-term
capital gains generally is 15%. If a Farwell shareholder has to recognize
ordinary income, such income for individuals is currently taxed at the maximum
rate of 15% if treated as dividend or 35% if treated as other ordinary income.
The determination of whether a cash payment will be treated as having the effect
of a dividend depends


primarily upon the facts and circumstances of each Farwell shareholder. Farwell
shareholders are urged to consult their own tax advisors regarding the tax
treatment of the cash received in the merger.

     A Farwell shareholder who holds Farwell common stock as a capital asset and
who receives in the merger, in exchange for such stock, cash in lieu of a
fractional share interest in IBT common stock, will be treated as having
received such cash in full payment for such fractional share of stock and as
capital gain or loss, notwithstanding the dividend rules discussed above.

     Unless an exemption applies under the backup withholding rules of Section
3406 of the Internal Revenue Code, the Exchange Agent is required to withhold,
and will withhold, 28% of any cash payments to which a Farwell shareholder is
entitled pursuant to the merger, unless the Farwell shareholder provides the
appropriate form. A Farwell shareholder should complete and sign the substitute
Internal Revenue Service Form W-9 enclosed with the letter of transmittal sent
by Isabella Bank and Trust. This completed form provides the information,
including the Farwell shareholder's taxpayer identification number (a social
security number for individuals), and certification necessary to avoid backup

     The foregoing is a summary discussion of material federal income tax
consequences of the merger. The discussion is included for general information
purposes only and may not apply to a particular Farwell shareholder in light of
such shareholder's particular circumstances. Farwell shareholders should consult
their own tax advisors as to the particular tax consequences to them of the
merger, including the application of state, local and foreign tax laws and
possible future changes in federal income tax laws and the interpretation
thereof, which can have retroactive effects.

     Dissenting Shareholders.  Holders of Farwell common stock who dissent with
respect to the merger as discussed in "Dissenters' Rights" and who receive cash
in respect of their shares of Farwell common stock will recognize capital gain
or loss equal to the difference between the amount of cash received and their
aggregate tax basis in their shares.

     Holding IBT Common Stock.  The following discussion describes the U.S.
federal income tax consequences to a holder of IBT common stock after the
merger. Any cash distribution paid by IBT out of earnings and profits, as
determined under U.S. federal income tax law, will be subject to tax as ordinary
dividend income and will be includible in your gross income in accordance with
your method of accounting. See below under "Tax Rate Changes" for information
regarding the rate of tax on dividends. Cash distributions paid by IBT in excess
of its earnings and profits will be treated as (i) a tax-free return of capital
to the extent of your adjusted basis in your IBT common stock (reducing such
adjusted basis, but not below zero), and (ii) thereafter as gain from the sale
or exchange of a capital asset.

     Upon the sale, exchange or other disposition of IBT common stock, you will
generally recognize gain or loss equal to the difference between the amount
realized upon the disposition and your adjusted tax basis in the shares of IBT
common stock surrendered. Any such gain or loss generally will be long-term
capital gain or loss if your holding period with respect to the IBT common stock
surrendered is more than one year at the time of the disposition. For the rate
of tax on capital gains, see below under "Tax Rate Changes."

     Tax Rate Changes.  Under the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act
of 2003, the individual tax rates on long-term capital gains and dividend income
have been reduced. The top individual rate for long-term capital gains from
sales or exchanges on or after May 6, 2003 is 15%. The top individual rate for
"qualified dividend income" received after December 31, 2002 is also 15%. To be
considered "qualified dividend income" to a particular holder, the holder must
have held the common stock for more than 60 days during the 120 day period
beginning 60 days before the ex-dividend period as measured under section 246(a)
of the Internal Revenue Code. Dividend income that is not qualified dividend
income will be taxed at ordinary income rates. You are urged to consult your tax
advisor to determine whether a dividend, if any, would be treated as qualified
dividend income.

     Limitations on Tax Opinion and Discussion.  As noted earlier, the tax
opinion is subject to certain assumptions, relating to, among other things, the
truth and accuracy of certain representations made by IBT and Farwell, and the
consummation of the merger in accordance with the terms of the Merger Agreement
and applicable state law. Furthermore, the tax opinion will not bind the
Internal Revenue Service and, therefore, the IRS is not precluded from asserting
a contrary position. The tax opinion and this discussion are based on currently
existing provisions of


the Internal Revenue Code, existing and proposed Treasury regulations, and
current administrative rulings and court decisions. There can be no assurance
that future legislative, judicial, or administrative changes or interpretations
will not adversely affect the accuracy of the tax opinion or of the statements
and conclusions set forth herein. Any such changes or interpretations could be
applied retroactively and could affect the tax consequences of the merger.



     All shares of IBT common stock received by Farwell shareholders in the
merger will be registered under the Securities Act of 1933 and will be freely
transferable under the Securities Act of 1933, except that shares of IBT common
stock received by persons who are deemed to be "affiliates," as the term is
defined under the Securities Act of 1933, of IBT or Farwell at the time of the
special meeting may be resold by them only in transactions permitted by the
resale provisions of Rule 145 under the Securities Act of 1933 or as otherwise
permitted under the Securities Act of 1933. Persons who may be deemed to be
affiliates of IBT or Farwell generally include individuals or entities that
control, are controlled by, or are under common control with, the party and may
include certain officers and directors of such party as well as principal
shareholders of such party. Affiliates of both parties have previously been
notified of their status. The Merger Agreement requires Farwell to use
reasonable efforts to receive an affiliate letter from each person who is an
affiliate of Farwell.

     This proxy statement-prospectus does not cover resales of IBT common stock
received by any person who may be deemed to be an affiliate of Farwell or IBT.


     In accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America, the merger will be accounted for using the purchase method.
As a result, the recorded assets and liabilities of IBT will be carried forward
at their recorded amounts, the historical operating results will be unchanged
for the prior periods being reported on and the assets and liabilities from the
acquisition of Farwell will be adjusted to fair value at the date of the merger.
In addition, all identified intangibles, which presently consists of a core
deposit intangible, will be recorded at fair value and included as part of the
net assets acquired. To the extent that the purchase price payable to former
Farwell shareholders exceeds the fair value of the net assets including
identifiable intangibles of Farwell at the merger date, that amount will be
reported as goodwill. In accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets," goodwill will not be
amortized but will be evaluated for impairment annually. Identified intangibles
will be amortized over their estimated lives. Further, the purchase accounting
method results in the operating results of Farwell being included in the
consolidated income of IBT beginning from the date of consummation of the


     Under Michigan banking law, shareholders of Farwell have the right to
dissent from the merger and to receive payment in cash for the fair value of
their shares of Farwell common stock. Farwell shareholders electing to do so
must comply with the provisions of Section 3706(2)(b) of the Michigan Banking
Code of 1999 in order to perfect their dissenters' rights. A copy of the
applicable Michigan statute is attached as Appendix D of this document.



     The following is intended as a brief summary of the material provisions of
the Michigan statutory procedures that a Farwell shareholder must follow in
order to dissent from the merger and obtain payment of the fair value of his or
her shares of Farwell common stock. This summary, however, is not a complete
statement of all applicable requirements and is qualified in its entirety by
reference to Section 3706(2)(b) of the Michigan Banking Code of 1999, the full
text of which appears in Appendix D of this document.

     Under Section 3706(2)(b), a shareholder of Farwell who votes against the
merger, or who has given notice in writing to Farwell at or before the meeting
called for the purpose of considering the Merger Agreement that the shareholder
dissents from the merger, is entitled to receive in cash from Farmers the fair
value of all shares held by the shareholder, if and when the merger is
consummated, upon written request made to Farmers at any time within 30 days
after the date of consummation of the merger, accompanied by the surrender of
the stock voted in dissent by the shareholder. Upon the filing of the written
request and the surrender of stock certificates, if any, the shareholder shall
cease to have any of the rights of a shareholder except the right to be paid the
fair value of the shareholder's shares. The request having been made shall not
be withdrawn except with the written consent of Farmers.

     The fair value of the shares shall be determined, as of the date on which
the meeting of Farwell shareholders was held adopting the Merger Agreement, by a
qualified and independent appraiser selected by the Commissioner of the Office
of Financial and Insurance Services upon written request submitted by a
dissenting shareholder entitled to receive the fair value of his or her shares.
The appraiser selected shall file a written appraisal with the Commissioner, who
in turn shall forward copies to all interested parties. The valuation determined
by the appraiser is final and binding on all parties as to the fair value of the
shares. Farmers shall pay to each dissenting shareholder entitled the fair value
of his or her shares within 30 days following the receipt of the written
appraisal. The fees and expenses of the appraisal, which shall be approved by
the Commissioner, shall be paid by Farmers.

     If you are a Farwell shareholder who elects to exercise dissenters' rights,
you should mail or deliver a written demand to: The Farwell State Savings Bank,
399 West Main Street, Farwell, Michigan, 48622, Attention: Dean L. Beavers,
Corporate Secretary.



     There is no established public trading market for Farwell common stock. It
is Farwell's established practice to pay annual cash dividends. Farwell paid
cash dividends of $3.25 and $13.25 per share in 2003 and 2004, respectively, and
Farwell paid a cash dividend of $11.00 per share in 2005. As of August 15, 2006,
there were 262,500 shares of Farwell common stock issued and outstanding, and
approximately 120 shareholders of record.


     IBT is incorporated under the Michigan Business Corporation Act. Farwell is
incorporated under the predecessor to the Michigan Banking Code of 1999.
Accordingly, the rights of IBT shareholders are governed by the corporate laws
of the State of Michigan and the rights of Farwell shareholders are governed by
the banking laws of the State of Michigan. As a result of the merger, Farwell
shareholders will become shareholders of IBT. Thus, following the merger, the
rights of Farwell shareholders who become IBT shareholders in the merger will be
governed by the general corporate laws of the State of Michigan and by the IBT
articles of incorporation and bylaws. IBT's articles of incorporation and bylaws
will be unaltered by the merger.


     Set forth on the following pages is a summary comparison of the rights of
an IBT shareholder under the IBT articles of incorporation, the IBT bylaws, and
Michigan corporate law (right column) and the rights of a shareholder under the
Farwell Articles of Incorporation, the Farwell bylaws and Michigan banking law
(left column). The summary set forth below is not intended to provide a
comprehensive summary of Michigan corporate and banking


law or of each company's governing documents. This summary is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the full text of the IBT articles of incorporation and
IBT bylaws, and the Farwell Charter and Farwell bylaws.

FARWELL                                                       IBT
- -------                                                       ---


                                 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL
262,500 shares of common stock, par value  10,000,000 shares of common stock no par
$10.00 per share. As of August 15, 2006,   value. As of July 18, 2006, there were
there were 262,500 shares of Farwell       5,491,252 shares of IBT common stock
common stock issued and outstanding.       issued and outstanding.

                                 NUMBER OF DIRECTORS
The bylaws of Farwell fix the required     The bylaws of IBT fix the required number
number of directors at not less than 5     of directors at not less than five, with
nor more than 8 members. At each annual    the actual number determined by the Board
meeting, within the foregoing limitation,  of Directors. There are currently eleven
the shareholders of Farwell designate the  directors in office. The corporation's
number of directors that are to be         bylaws require that a majority of
elected for the ensuing year. There are    directors shall consist of individuals
currently six directors in office.         who are not employees of the corporation
                                           or an affiliated entity.

Vacancies occurring in the board may be    Filled by a vote of the directors then in
filled for the current year by             office. The person who fills any such
appointment made by the remaining          vacancy holds office until the next
directors; however, when a vacancy         election of the class for which the
reduces the number of directors below 5,   director shall have been chosen.
the remaining directors must promptly
fill such vacancy in order to maintain a
minimum of 5 directors.

                            SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD
Special meetings of the Board of           Special meetings of the Board of
Directors may be called by the President,  Directors may be called by the president
Vice-President, or Cashier at any time by  or by the written request of at least
telephone, telegram or letter.             three directors as long as twenty-four
                                           hours notice is given to each director.

                           SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
Special meetings of the shareholders may   Special meetings of the shareholders may
be called for any purpose at any time by   be called by the President or Secretary,
the Board of Directors or by holders of    and shall be called by either of them on
at least 10% of the then outstanding       the request, in writing or by vote, of a
shares of any class of shares.             majority of the directors or by the
                                           holders of at least a majority of the
                                           shares of common stock issued and
Notice of the meeting must be sent first-
class mail, not less than 10 days before
the date of the meeting, to all
shareholders of record entitled to act
and vote at the meeting, stating the
purpose of the meeting.

                                  CUMULATIVE VOTING
No cumulative voting for election of       No cumulative voting for election of
directors is provided for shareholders of  directors is provided for shareholders of
Farwell.                                   IBT


FARWELL                                                       IBT
- -------                                                       ---


                                CLASSES OF DIRECTORS
The bylaws and articles of incorporation   The bylaws of IBT provide that the Board
of Farwell do not provide for classes of   of Directors shall be divided into three
directors. The shareholders elect the      classes, with the term of one class of
entire Board of Directors at each annual   directors expiring each year.
meeting for the ensuing year.              Consequently, directors of a particular
                                           class are elected to a three-year term.

                                REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS
The bylaws and articles of incorporation   IBT's articles of incorporation provide
of Farwell are silent on removal of        that a director may be removed from
directors. However, Section 3505 of the    office only for 'cause' by a majority of
Michigan Banking Code of 1999 provides     voting shares entitled to vote at an
the Farwell shareholders may remove one    election of directors.
or more directors with or without cause
by a majority of shares entitled to vote
at an election of directors.

                               RETIREMENT OF DIRECTORS
The bylaws and articles of incorporation   A member of the Board of Directors must
of Farwell are silent on mandatory         retire from the board at the completion
retirement of directors                    of the month in which he or she attains
                                           70 years of age.

                           STATE ANTI-TAKEOVER PROVISIONS
Farwell is not subject to any state anti-  Fair Price Act. Certain provisions of the
takeover provisions.                       Michigan Business Corporation Act,
                                           referred to as the Fair Price Act,
                                           establish a statutory scheme similar to
                                           the supermajority and fair price
                                           provisions found in many corporate
                                           charters. The Fair Price Act provides
                                           that a supermajority vote of 90% of the
                                           shareholders and no less than two-thirds
                                           of the votes of noninterested
                                           shareholders must approve a "business
                                           combination." The Fair Price Act defines
                                           a "business combination" to include
                                           nearly any merger, consolidation, share
                                           exchange, sale of assets, stock issuance,
                                           liquidation, or reclassification of
                                           securities involving an 'interested
                                           shareholder' or certain "affiliates" of
                                           an interested shareholder. An "interested
                                           shareholder" is generally any person who
                                           owns 10% or more of the outstanding
                                           voting shares of the corporation. An
                                           "affiliate" is a person who directly or
                                           indirectly controls, is controlled by, or
                                           is under common control with a specified


FARWELL                                                       IBT
- -------                                                       ---

                                           Control Share Act. Certain portions of
                                           the Michigan Business Corporation Act,
                                           referred to as the Control Share Act,
                                           also regulate the acquisition of "control
                                           shares" of widely held Michigan
                                           corporations. The Control Share Act
                                           establishes procedures governing "control
                                           share acquisitions." A control share
                                           acquisition is defined as an acquisition
                                           of shares by an acquiror which, when
                                           combined with other shares held by that
                                           person or entity, would give the acquiror
                                           voting power in the election of directors
                                           of the corporation at or above any of the
                                           following thresholds: 20%, 33% and 50%.
                                           Under the Control Share Act, an acquiror
                                           may not vote "control shares" that were
                                           acquired in a control share acquisition
                                           unless the corporation's disinterested
                                           shareholders (defined to exclude the
                                           acquiring person, officers of the target
                                           corporation and directors of the target
                                           corporation who are also employees of the
                                           corporation) vote to confer voting rights
                                           on the control shares. The Control Share
                                           Act does not affect the voting rights of
                                           shares owned by an acquiring person
                                           before the control share acquisition. The
                                           Control Share Act entitles corporations
                                           to redeem control shares from the
                                           acquiring person under certain
                                           circumstances. In other cases, the
                                           Control Share Act confers dissenters'
                                           rights upon all of a corporation's
                                           shareholders except the acquiring person.

Section 3701 of the Michigan Banking Code  The articles of incorporation of IBT have
of 1999 requires the approval by not less  a super-majority vote on certain business
than  2/3 of Farwell shareholders of a     combinations, including a merger. A vote
consolidation or merger.                   of 66 2/3% of all outstanding voting
                                           shares must be voted affirmatively on
                                           such business combination.

                           CONSENT ACTION BY SHAREHOLDERS
Farwell shareholders are not authorized    Under IBT's articles of incorporation,
to take action by written consent in lieu  IBT shareholders are entitled to take
of a meeting.                              action without a meeting if the minimum
                                           number of voting shares required to
                                           approve such action consent to taking
                                           such action in writing.


FARWELL                                                       IBT
- -------                                                       ---


The bylaws and articles of incorporation   The articles of incorporation of IBT
of Farwell are silent on indemnification   provide for indemnification of its
of directors and officers. In addition,    directors, officers, employees and agents
the Michigan Banking Code of 1999 does     to the fullest extent permitted by
not address the issue.                     Michigan law. Michigan law generally
                                           provides for indemnification against
                                           liability incurred because a person is a
                                           director, officer, employee or agent if
                                           that individual acted in good faith and
                                           in a manner he or she reasonably believed
                                           to be in or not opposed to the best
                                           interests of the corporation or its
                                           shareholders; and, with respect to any
                                           criminal action or proceeding, had no
                                           reasonable cause to believe his or her
                                           conduct was unlawful. If an indemnified
                                           individual is successful in defense of
                                           any such action, the corporation shall
                                           indemnify such director or officer for
                                           expenses actually and reasonably incurred
                                           in connection with such action.

                          DIRECTOR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY
Section 3504 of the Michigan Banking Code  The articles of incorporation of IBT
of 1999 states that a bank's articles of   provide that a director shall not be
incorporation may provide that a director  personally liable to the corporation or
is not personally liable for monetary      its shareholders for monetary damages for
damages due to a director's breach of a    a breach of the director's fiduciary
fiduciary duty, subject to certain         duty. However, limitation of liability
limitations. However, the articles of      protection will not be provided to a
incorporation of Farwell do not grant the  director for any breach of the duty of
directors this limitation of liability.    loyalty to the corporation or its
                                           shareholders, for acts or omissions not
                                           in good faith or which involve
                                           intentional misconduct or a knowing
                                           violation of law, liability under Section
                                           551(1) of the Michigan Business
                                           Corporation Act, or for any transaction
                                           from which the director derived an
                                           improper personal benefit.

Section 3203 of the Michigan Banking Code  The articles of incorporation of IBT can
of 1999 states that the articles of        be amended by the affirmative vote of the
incorporation of Farwell may be amended    holders of 66 2/3% of the outstanding
by the affirmative vote of a majority of   shares. Under the bylaws of IBT, the
shareholders owning voting shares and      bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds
with the approval of the commissioner of   vote of the Board of Directors or by a
the Michigan Office of Financial and       majority vote of shares in attendance at
Insurance Services. The bylaws of Farwell  a duly called meeting. However, any
may be amended by a  2/3 affirmative vote  amendment that relates to the classified
of the Board of Directors at any regular   board provisions of the bylaws requires
meeting or special meeting called for      the approval of holders of a majority of
that purpose, upon prior notice of the     outstanding shares.
proposed action.

                                PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS

     Neither Farwell's charter nor IBT's articles of incorporation provide for
preemptive rights.



     IBT is authorized to issue 10,000,000 shares of common stock, no par value.
IBT is not authorized to issue any shares of preferred stock. At July 18, 2006,
there were 5,491,252 shares of IBT common stock issued and outstanding. Each
share of IBT common stock has the same relative rights as, and is identical in
all respects with, each other share of common stock.

     The common stock of IBT is not an account of an insurable type, and is not
insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government


     Dividends.  The holders of common stock of IBT are entitled to receive and
share equally in dividends as may be declared by the Board of Directors of IBT
out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends. The payment of
dividends by IBT is subject to limitations that are imposed by law and
applicable regulation.

     Voting Rights.  The holders of common stock of IBT have exclusive voting
rights in IBT. They elect IBT's Board of Directors and act on other matters as
are required to be presented to them under Michigan law or as are otherwise
presented to them by the Board of Directors. Generally, each holder of common
stock is entitled to one vote per share and does not have any right to cumulate
votes in the election of directors. No vote of IBT shareholders is required for
approval of the merger or Merger Agreement under Michigan law.

     Liquidation.  In the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
IBT, the holders of its common stock would be entitled to receive, after payment
or provision for payment of all its debts and liabilities, all of the assets of
IBT available for distribution.

     Preemptive Rights.  Holders of the common stock of IBT are not entitled to
preemptive rights with respect to any shares that may be issued. The common
stock is not subject to redemption.

     The transfer agent for IBT common stock is Isabella Bank and Trust.

                          CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE IBT

     The following discussion is a general summary of the material provisions of
IBT's articles of incorporation and bylaws and certain other regulatory
provisions that may be deemed to have an "anti-takeover" effect. The following
description of certain of these provisions is necessarily general and, with
respect to provisions contained in IBT's articles of incorporation and bylaws,
reference should be made in each case to the document in question. relating to
corporate governance and rights of shareholders, that might discourage future
takeover attempts. As a result, shareholders who might desire to participate in
such transactions may not have an opportunity to do so. In addition, these
provisions will also render the removal of the Board of Directors or management
of IBT more difficult.

     The following description is a summary of the provisions of the articles of
incorporation and bylaws. See "Where You Can Find More Information" as to how to
review a copy of these documents.

     Restrictions on Call of Special Meetings.  The bylaws provide that special
meetings of shareholders can be called only by the President or the Secretary,
or by either of them on the request in writing or by vote of a majority of
directors or holders of at least a majority of the shares of capital stock of
IBT issued and outstanding.

     Prohibition of Cumulative Voting.  The articles of incorporation prohibit
cumulative voting for the election of directors.

     Authorized But Unissued Shares.  IBT has authorized but unissued shares of
common stock. See "Description of Capital Stock of IBT". The articles of
incorporation authorize ten million (10,000,000) shares of common stock, no par
value. As of July 18, 2006, there were 5,491,252 shares of IBT common stock
issued and outstanding.

     Amendments to Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.  Amendments to the
articles of incorporation must be approved by 66 2/3% of the outstanding shares
of IBT's voting stock. The bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the
directors of IBT or the affirmative vote of a majority of shares in attendance
at a duly constituted meeting


of shareholders. However, any amendment that relates to the classified board
provisions of the bylaws requires the approval of holders of a majority of
outstanding shares.

     Classified Board of Directors.  The IBT Board of Directors is divided into
three classes, with the directors in each class being elected for a term of
three years.

     "for Cause" Removal of Directors.  Directors of IBT may be removed from
office at any time, but only for cause by the affirmative vote of the holders of
a majority of the shares of IBT common stock entitled to vote thereon.


     The consolidated financial statements of IBT as of December 31, 2005 and
2004, and for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31,
2005, have been incorporated by reference into this proxy statement-prospectus
herein in reliance upon the report of Rehmann Robson, P.C., independent
registered public accountants, which report is incorporated by reference herein,
and upon the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

     The financial statements of Farwell as of December 31, 2005 and for the
year then ended, which are included in this proxy statement-prospectus, include
the report of Rehmann Robson independent registered public accountants and are
included in this document in reliance upon such report given on the authority of
said firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

     The financial statements of Farwell as of December 31, 2004 and for each of
the two years then ended are unaudited.

                                 LEGAL OPINIONS

     The validity of the common stock to be issued in and the United States
federal income tax consequences of, the merger transaction will be passed upon
by Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C., Lansing, Michigan, counsel to Farmers
and IBT.


     In the event that there are not sufficient votes to constitute a quorum or
approve the adoption of the Merger Agreement at the time of the special meeting,
the Merger Agreement may not be approved unless the special meeting is adjourned
to a later date or dates in order to permit further solicitation of proxies. If
it is necessary to adjourn the special meeting, no notice of the adjourned
special meeting is required to be given to shareholders (unless a new record
date is fixed), other than an announcement at the special meeting of the hour,
date and place to which the special meeting is adjourned.


                          CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS OF
                              FARWELL COMMON STOCK

     The following table sets forth, to the best knowledge and belief of
Farwell, certain information regarding the beneficial ownership of Farwell
common stock as of August 15, 2006, by (i) each person known to Farwell to be
the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the Farwell common stock; (ii) each
director and certain named executive officers of Farwell; and (iii) all of
Farwell's directors and executive officers as a group.

                                                  NUMBER OF SHARES      PERCENT OF ALL
                                                   OF COMMON STOCK       COMMON STOCK
- ------------------------                         ------------------   -----------------


Warren L. McGuire..............................        66,365                25.3%
Farwell ESOP...................................        26,582                10.1%
Francis Schofield, Trust.......................        18,887                 7.2%
Pauline Scheer.................................        17,396                 6.6%
Warren L. McGuire, Director....................        66,365                25.3%
Herbert Miller, Director**.....................         4,400                 1.7%
W. Michael McGuire, Director...................         1,718                   *
Thomas Kedrowski, Director/President**.........         1,600                   *
Larry Schofield, Director......................           867                   *
Dean Beavers, Director/Senior Vice President...           475                   *
Melody Darnell, Vice President.................            60                   *
All directors and executive officers as a group
  (7) persons..................................        75,485                28.8%

- --------

    * Less than 1%

   ** Trustees of the ESOP who vote ESOP shares.



     The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet and
income statement give effect to the merger. This pro forma financial information
is based on the historical consolidated financial statements of IBT and Farwell
under the assumptions, and including the adjustments, set forth in the
accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial
statements. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet presents
combined financial information as of March 31, 2006, and the unaudited pro forma
consolidated condensed combined statement of income presents combined financial
information for the three-month period ended March 31, 2006, and for the year
ended December 31, 2005. The unaudited pro forma consolidated condensed combined
balance sheet assumes the merger was consummated on March 31, 2006, and the
unaudited pro forma condensed combined statements of income give effect to the
merger as if the merger occurred at the beginning of each period covered by such
statements of income. Pro forma per share amounts are based on total merger
consideration of $145 per share of Farwell common stock. The actual amount of
total merger consideration is subject to certain possible adjustments pursuant
to the Merger Agreement.

     The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements reflect the
restructuring and other merger related expenses disclosed in the notes to such
statements but do not reflect anticipated cost savings. As a result of this and
other factors, the pro forma combined financial condition and results of
operations of IBT as of and after the effective time of the merger may not be
indicative of the results that actually would have occurred if the merger had
been in effect during the periods presented or of the results that may be
attained in the future.

     This pro forma financial information should be read in conjunction with the
historical financial statements of IBT consolidated and Farwell, including the
respective notes to those financial statements that are included or incorporated
by reference in this proxy statement-prospectus, and in conjunction with the pro
forma financial data appearing elsewhere in this proxy statement-prospectus. See
"Where You Can Find More Information" on page 83.


                              AS OF MARCH 31, 2006

                                                                                PRO FORMA
                                            IBT BANCORP     FARWELL    --------------------------
                                             HISTORICAL   HISTORICAL   ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED
                                            -----------   ----------   -----------       --------
                                                            (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)


Cash and due from banks...................    $ 30,619      $ 1,818      $    --         $ 32,437
Federal funds sold........................          --        5,429           --            5,429
                                              --------      -------      -------         --------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS.................      30,619        7,247           --           37,866
Securities available for sale.............     200,341       18,241           --          218,582
Loans available for sale..................         831           --           --              831
Loans net of the allowance for loan losses
  (IBT $6,899; Farwell $738)..............     477,950       63,239       (1,102)(C)      540,087
Premises and equipment, net...............      19,387          324          599(C)        20,310
Accrued interest receivable...............       4,742          424           --            5,166
Bank-owned life insurance.................      11,132        1,299           --           12,431
Goodwill..................................       3,113           --       22,126(H)        25,239
Core deposits and other intangibles.......         117           --        1,510(E)         1,627
Other assets..............................      13,517          776           --           14,293
                                              --------      -------      -------         --------
TOTAL ASSETS..............................    $761,749      $91,550      $23,133         $876,432
                                              ========      =======      =======         ========

                               LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
  Noninterest-bearing.....................    $ 71,763      $10,310      $    --         $ 82,073
  Interest-bearing........................     544,953       66,478       (1,200)(C)      610,231
                                              --------      -------      -------         --------
TOTAL DEPOSITS............................     616,716       76,788       (1,200)         692,304
Federal Home Loan Bank
  Advances and other borrowed funds.......      44,242           --        7,613(B)(I)(K)  51,855
Escrow payable............................      13,748           --           --           13,748
Accrued interest payable and other
  liabilities.............................       5,225        1,031           --            6,256
                                              --------      -------      -------         --------
TOTAL LIABILITIES.........................     679,931       77,819        6,413          764,163
                                              --------      -------      -------         --------
  Common stock............................      81,748        2,625       16,720(G)(F)    101,093
  Additional paid in capital..............          --        2,625           --            2,625
  Retained earnings.......................       1,829        8,584           --           10,413
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss....      (1,759)        (103)          --           (1,862)
                                              --------      -------      -------         --------
TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY................      81,818       13,731       16,720          112,269
                                              --------      -------      -------         --------
  EQUITY..................................    $761,749      $91,550      $23,133         $876,432
                                              ========      =======      =======         ========


         See notes to unaudited pro forma combined financial statements


                 FOR THE THREE MONTH PERIOD ENDED MARCH 31, 2006

                                                                                PRO FORMA
                                           IBT BANCORP     FARWELL      ------------------------
                                            HISTORICAL   HISTORICAL     ADJUSTMENTS    COMBINED
                                           -----------   ----------     -----------   ----------
                                              (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)


  Loans, including fees..................   $    8,167    $  1,031        $    138(I) $    9,336
  Investment securities
     Taxable.............................        1,078          69              --         1,147
     Tax-exempt..........................          649          82              --           731
  Federal funds sold.....................           74          47              --           121
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
TOTAL INTEREST AND DIVIDEND INCOME.......        9,968       1,229             138        11,335
  Deposits...............................        3,556         400             150(I)      4,106
  Borrowings.............................          506          --              91(I)        597
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE...................        4,062         400             241         4,703
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
NET INTEREST INCOME......................        5,906         829            (103)        6,632
Provision for loan losses................          167          --              --           167
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
  LOAN LOSSES............................        5,739         829            (103)        6,465
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
  Service charges on deposit accounts....        1,030          52              --         1,082
  Title insurance revenue................          474          --              --           474
  Gain on sale of mortgages..............           57          --              --            57
  Other..................................          440          24              --           464
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
TOTAL NONINTEREST INCOME.................        2,001          76              --         2,077
  Compensation and benefits..............        3,529         225                         3,754
  Occupancy and equipment................        1,169          35              11(L)      1,215
  Other..................................        1,610         189              38(E)      1,837
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
TOTAL NONINTEREST EXPENSES...............        6,308         449              49         6,806
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
INCOME BEFORE FEDERAL INCOMES TAXES......        1,432         456            (152)        1,736
Federal income taxes.....................          218         136             (54)(M)       300
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
NET INCOME...............................   $    1,214         320             (98)   $    1,436
                                            ==========    ========        ========    ==========
  BASIC..................................   $     0.22    $   1.22                    $     0.23
                                            ==========    ========                    ==========
  DILUTED................................   $     0.22    $   1.22                    $     0.22
                                            ==========    ========                    ==========
Average Shares Outstanding -- Basic......    5,477,383     262,500         535,028(J)  6,274,911
Effect of Shares Earned in the Deferred
  Director Fee Plan......................      158,329          --              --       158,329
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
Average Shares Outstanding -- Diluted....    5,635,712     262,500         535,028(J)  6,433,240
                                            ==========    ========        ========    ==========



                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2005

                                                                                PRO FORMA
                                           IBT BANCORP     FARWELL      ------------------------
                                            HISTORICAL   HISTORICAL     ADJUSTMENTS    COMBINED
                                           -----------   ----------     -----------   ----------
                                              (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)


  Loans, including fees..................   $   30,682    $  4,204        $    551(I) $   35,437
  Investment securities
     Taxable.............................        3,487         339              --         3,826
     Tax-exempt..........................        2,398         202              --         2,600
  Federal funds sold.....................          315         164              --           479
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
TOTAL INTEREST AND DIVIDEND INCOME.......       36,882       4,909             551        42,342
  Deposits...............................       11,374       1,447             600(I)     13,421
  Borrowings.............................        1,599          --             362(I)      1,961
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE...................       12,973       1,447             962        15,382
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
NET INTEREST INCOME......................       23,909       3,462            (411)       26,960
Provision for loan losses................          777          --              --           777
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
  LOAN LOSSES............................       23,132       3,462            (411)       26,183
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
  Service charges on deposit accounts....        4,928         209              --         5,137
  Title insurance revenue................        2,351          --              --         2,351
  Gain on sale of mortgages..............          270          --              --           270
  Other..................................          927         119              --         1,046
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
TOTAL NONINTEREST INCOME.................        8,476         328              --         8,804
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
  Compensation and benefits..............       13,548         930                        14,478
  Occupancy and equipment................        4,210         122              42(L)      4,374
  Other..................................        5,126         570             151(E)      5,847
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
TOTAL NONINTEREST EXPENSES...............       22,884       1,622             193        24,699
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
INCOME BEFORE FEDERAL INCOME TAXES.......        8,724       2,168            (604)       10,288
Federal income taxes.....................        1,948         621            (217)(M)     2,352
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
NET INCOME...............................   $    6,776    $  1,547        $   (387)   $    7,936
                                            ==========    ========        ========    ==========
  BASIC..................................   $     1.25    $   5.89                    $     1.28
                                            ==========    ========                    ==========
  DILUTED................................   $     1.25    $   5.89                    $     1.28
                                            ==========    ========                    ==========
Average Shares Outstanding -- Basic......    5,416,961     262,500         535,028(J)  6,214,489
Effect of Shares Earned in the Deferred
  Director Fee Plan......................          434          --              --           434
                                            ----------    --------        --------    ----------
Average Shares Outstanding -- Diluted....    5,417,395     262,500         535,028(J)  6,214,923
                                            ==========    ========        ========    ==========



                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)



     The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet of IBT Bancorp,
Inc. and subsidiaries and Farwell State Savings Bank at March 31, 2006 has been
prepared as if the merger had been consummated on that date. The unaudited pro
forma condensed combined statements of income for the three-month period ended
March 31, 2006 and for the year ended December 31, 2005 were prepared as if the
merger had been consummated at the beginning of the periods presented. The
unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements are based on the
historical financial statements of IBT Bancorp, Inc. and the historical
financial statements of Farwell State Savings Bank and give effect to the merger
under the purchase method of accounting and the assumptions and adjustments in
the notes that follow.

     Assumptions relating to the pro forma adjustments set forth in the
unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements are summarized as

          (1) Estimated fair values -- The estimated fair value and resulting
     net discount on loans for purposes of these pro forma financial statements
     are being accreted to interest income over their remaining estimated lives
     of two years, using the level yield method.

          (2) The resulting adjustment on deposits and borrowings is being
     amortized to interest expense over the remaining estimated lives of two


     The cash portion of the acquisition assumes funding through available cash
on deposit with affiliate banks. For purposes of this pro forma presentation, it
is assumed that the affiliated banks will offset the loss in deposits by
borrowing from established lines of credit.


     Purchase accounting fair value adjustments are estimated as follows(1).


Loans...........................................................  $(1,102)
Time deposits...................................................    1,200
Land, building and equipment....................................      599
Total...........................................................  $   697


- --------

  (1) Fair value adjustments in accordance with purchase accounting under
      generally accepted accounting principles.


     Transaction related costs including legal, investment advisor and printing
expense are estimated to be $250,000 after tax, and have not been reflected in
these pro formas.


     To record core deposit intangible created, which is estimated to be
$1,510,000 and equals 4.0% of Farwell's non-contractual deposits. This amount is
an estimate of the value of the core deposit. The core deposit intangible is
assumed to be amortized on the level yield method over 10 years.


     Elimination of Farwell's equity



     To record common stock issued (80.0%) and cash paid (20%) for each share of

                                               TOTAL         STOCK         CASH
                                            -----------   -----------   ----------


Purchase price(1).........................  $38,062,500   $30,450,000   $7,612,500
Farwell shares outstanding(2).............      262,500
  Price paid per share....................  $    145.00
Estimated IBT stock price(3)..............                $     38.18
  Total IBT common shares issued..........                    797,528

- --------

  (1) The cash portion of the purchase price is expected to be funded with
      proceeds from internal sources and borrowing.

  (2) Outstanding at March 31, 2006

  (3) Estimate based on the price on the day the definitive agreement was signed


     Goodwill resulting from the total purchase price less Farwell's total
equity and fair market value adjustment.


     Pro forma adjustments to interest income and interest expense were
calculated as follows:

                                                        MARCH 31,   DECEMBER 31,
                                                           2006         2005
                                                        ---------   ------------


Accretion of discount on loans (2 year straight
  line)...............................................    $ 138         $551
                                                          =====         ====
Amortized of adjustment on deposits (2 year straight
  line)...............................................    $(150)        $600
Interest expense on Federal Funds purchased...........      (91)         362
                                                          -----         ----
Total adjustments -- interest expense.................    $ 241         $962
                                                          =====         ====



     Basic and fully diluted weighted average number of common and common stock
equivalents utilized for the calculation of earnings per share for the periods
presented were calculated using Farwell's historical weighted average basic and
diluted shares of 262,500 plus 535,028 shares estimated to be issued to
Farwell's shareholders under the terms of the Merger Agreement. The shares to be
issued were assumed to be issued at the beginning of the period presented.


     To record additional Federal Funds balances that will be required to fund a
portion of the cash paid in the transaction.


     The annual depreciation associated with fair market value adjustment of the
building and equipment, over estimated useful lives of five to thirty years,
using the straight-line basis.


     Income taxes calculated at 36% of pretax income.



     The following is management's discussion and analysis of the major factors
that influenced Farwell's financial performance as of the dates and for the
periods indicated. This analysis should be read in conjunction with Farwell's
2005 annual report and other financial information appearing elsewhere in this

     The data contained in this management discussion and analysis that are not
historical facts are forward looking statements subject to the safe harbor
created by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward looking
statements, which are based on certain assumptions and describe future plans,
strategies, and expectations of Farwell, are generally identifiable by use of
the words "believe", "intend", "anticipate", "estimate", "project", or similar
expressions. Farwell's ability to predict results or the actual effect of future
plans or strategies is inherently uncertain. Factors which could have an adverse
impact on the operations and future prospects of Farwell include, but are not
limited to, changes in interest rates, general economic conditions, legislation,
regulations, fiscal policy of the United States government, monetary policy of
the Federal Reserve Board, competition from both other financial institutions
and non-financial institutions, and accounting principles. These risks and
uncertainties should be considered in evaluating forward looking statements and
undue reliance should not be placed on such statements.


     Net income equaled $1.55 million for the year ended December 31, 2005
compared to $1.64 million for the same period in 2004, a 5.8% decrease. The
decrease in net income was due primarily to lower net interest income resulting
from increases in interest expense. Return on average assets, which measures the
ability of Farwell to profitably and efficiently employ its resources, equaled
1.69% during 2005 and 1.77% in 2004. Return on average equity, which indicates
how effectively Farwell is able to generate earnings on shareholder invested
capital, equaled 10.84% in 2005 versus 10.29% for the same period in 2004. Net
income for the first quarter of 2006 was $320,000, a $41,000 decrease from the
same period in 2005. Return on assets for the three month period ending March
31, 2006 and 2005 was 1.58%. Return on average equity for the three-month period
ending March 31, 2006 was 9.38% versus 9.54% in 2005. The decrease in net income
was primarily related to a decrease in net interest income and legal and
professional expenses associated with the proposed merger with IBT Bancorp's
wholly owned subsidiary Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge.


     Net interest income equals interest income less interest expense and is the
primary source of income for Farwell. For analytical purposes, net interest
income is adjusted to a "taxable equivalent" basis by adding the income tax
savings from interest on tax-exempt loans and securities, thus making year-to-
year comparisons more meaningful.

     Average assets for the first quarter of 2006 were $90.1 million versus
$91.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2005 and $92.7 million for the
year ended December 31, 2004. The $2.6 million decrease since 2004 is primarily
related to payments of special dividends in 2004 and 2005 which has reduced
average shareholders equity by $2.2 million. Since 2004, average loans
outstanding declined $604,000 and investments by $1.6 million. As a result of
the decline in non-interest bearing and relatively low interest bearing funding
sources, and the corresponding decrease in interest earning assets, Farwell's
net interest margin has declined from 4.23% for the year ended December 31, 2004
to 3.97% in the first quarter of 2006. An additional factor adversely affecting
net interest margins is short term interest rates rising more rapidly than long
term rates. Generally, earning assets are repriced based on longer term rates
and funding sources are repriced based on short term interest rates. Thus the
cost of funding has risen disproportionately to the amount earned.

     The impact on Farwell's interest income is due to a change in the asset and
liability mix and changes in rates. Management expects short term interest rates
to increase during 2006. Based on this expectation, and assets and liability re-
pricing characteristics, management projects that the fully taxable equivalent
(FTE) net interest margin as a percentage of average assets will decrease
slightly in 2006. Due to the many factors that can affect net interest income
earned, it cannot be predicted with any certainty.


     Average assets were $91.7 million during 2005, a $1.0 million decrease
since December 31, 2004. Average loans outstanding increased $924,000 to $64.3
million, investments including federal funds sold decreased $1.7 million, and
other assets decreased $292,000. The decrease in average assets was primarily
due to a $1.7 million decrease in average shareholders' equity resulting from a
payout of excess capital. Deposits increased $550,000 in 2005, of which $347,000
was interest earned by customers being reinvested and a $203,000 increase in
non-interest bearing demand deposits.

     As shown in Tables 1 and 2, when comparing the twelve month period ending
December 31, 2005 to the same period in 2004, fully taxable interest income
related to the volume of earning assets decreased $16,000. A 0.5% increase in
interest bearing liabilities resulted in $68,000 of additional interest expense.
Overall, changes in volume of assets and liabilities resulted in a reduction of
$84,000 in FTE interest income. The average FTE interest rate earned on assets
increased by 0.11%, increasing FTE interest income by $72,000 and the average
rate paid on deposits increased by 0.34% increasing interest expense by
$162,000. The increased interest rates earned and paid reduced FTE net interest
income by $90,000. Overall FTE net interest income decreased by $174,000 as a
result of changes in volume and rates.

     Farwell's FTE net interest yield as a percentage of average earning assets
during 2005 decreased by 0.17% to 4.06%. The decrease is primarily a result of
the average interest rates paid on deposits increasing faster than rates earned
on assets and the decline in non-interest bearing funding from the decline in


     The viability of any financial institution is ultimately determined by its
management of credit risk. Net loans outstanding represent 69% of Farwell's
total assets and is the single largest concentration of risk as of March 31,
2006. The allowance for loan losses is management's estimation of potential
future losses inherent in the existing loan portfolio. Factors used to evaluate
the loan portfolio, and thus to determine the current charge to expense, include
recent loan loss history, financial condition of borrowers, amount of non-
performing and impaired loans, overall economic conditions, and other factors.
This evaluation is inherently subjective as it requires material estimates,
including the amounts and timing of future cash flows and may be subject to
significant change.

     During the first quarter of 2006, Farwell had net charge-offs of $35,000 or
0.21% of loans on an annualized basis. The net loss was entirely related to
consumer loans. Loans classified as substandard declined from 1.23% of gross
loans outstanding as of December 31, 2005 to 1.06% as of March 31, 2006.

     As shown in Table 3, net loan charge offs were $44,000 in 2005, a $21,000
increase from 2004. Net charged off loans were 0.07% of average loans in 2005
and 0.04% in 2004. The allowance for loan losses as a percentage of loans
equaled 1.20% and 1.38% as of December 31, 2005 and 2004 respectively.



     The following schedules present the daily average amount outstanding for
each major category of interest earning assets, non-earning assets, interest
bearing liabilities, and non-interest bearing liabilities. This schedule also
presents an analysis of interest income and interest expense for the periods
indicated. All interest income is reported on a fully taxable equivalent (FTE)
basis using a 34% tax rate. Non-accruing loans, for the purpose of the following
computations, are included in the average loan amounts outstanding.

                                                 2005                             2004
                                    ------------------------------   ------------------------------
                                                  TAX      AVERAGE                 TAX      AVERAGE
                                    AVERAGE   EQUIVALENT    YIELD/   AVERAGE   EQUIVALENT    YIELD/
                                    BALANCE    INTEREST      RATE    BALANCE    INTEREST      RATE
                                    -------   ----------   -------   -------   ----------   -------


  Loans...........................  $64,271     $4,208       6.55%   $63,347     $4,138       6.53%
  Taxable investment securities...   10,972        339       3.09     13,462        472       3.51
  Non-taxable investment
     securities...................    7,370        306       4.15      7,622        303       3.98
  Federal funds sold..............    5,248        164       3.13      4,156         48       1.15
                                    -------     ------       ----    -------     ------       ----
  Total earning assets............   87,861      5,017       5.71     88,587      4,961       5.60
  Allowance for loan losses.......     (812)                            (830)
  Cash and due from banks.........    1,893                            2,164
  Premises and equipment..........      321                              350
  Accrued income and other
     assets.......................    2,416                            2,408
                                    -------                          -------
  Total assets....................  $91,679                          $92,679
                                    =======                          =======
  Interest-bearing demand
     deposits.....................  $ 8,473         89       1.05    $ 9,719         76       0.78
  Savings deposits................   21,587        172       0.80     22,969        183       0.80
  Time deposits...................   36,283      1,186       3.27     33,308        958       2.88
                                    -------     ------       ----    -------     ------       ----
  Total interest bearing
     liabilities..................   66,343      1,447       2.18     65,996      1,217       1.84
  Demand deposits.................    9,853                            9,650
  Other...........................    1,216                            1,071
  Shareholders' equity............   14,267                           15,962
                                    -------                          -------
  Total liabilities and equity....  $91,679                          $92,679
                                    =======                          =======
  Net interest income (FTE).......              $3,570                           $3,744
                                                ======                           ======
  Net yield on interest earning
     assets (FTE).................                           4.06%                            4.23%
                                                             ====                             ====




     The following table details the dollar amount of changes in FTE net
interest income for each major category of interest earning assets and interest
bearing liabilities, and the amount of change attributable to changes in average
balances (volume) or average rates. The change in interest due to both volume
and rate, has been allocated to volume and rate changes in proportion to the
relationship of the absolute dollar amounts of the change in each.

                                      2005 COMPARED TO 2004    2004 COMPARED TO 2003
                                       INCREASE (DECREASE)      INCREASE (DECREASE)
                                              DUE TO                  DUE TO
                                      ---------------------   ----------------------
                                      VOLUME   RATE    NET    VOLUME    RATE    NET
                                      ------   ----   -----   ------   -----   -----


  Loans.............................   $ 60    $ 10   $  70    $255    $(411)  $(156)
  Taxable investment securities.....    (81)    (52)   (133)    (42)    (152)   (194)
  Nontaxable investment securities..    (10)     13       3      34      (29)      5
  Federal funds sold................     15     101     116      (7)       4      (3)
                                       ----    ----   -----    ----    -----   -----
     Total changes in interest
       income.......................    (16)     72      56     240     (588)   (348)
     Total changes in interest
       expense......................     68     162     230     (31)    (251)   (282)
                                       ----    ----   -----    ----    -----   -----
Net Change in Net Interest Income
  (FTE).............................   $(84)   $(90)  $(174)   $271    $(337)  $ (66)
                                       ====    ====   =====    ====    =====   =====



                                                             DECEMBER 31
                                                            2005      2004
                                                          -------   -------


Amount of loans outstanding at the end of period........  $64,246   $64,704
                                                          =======   =======
Average amount of loans outstanding for the period......  $64,271   $63,347
                                                          =======   =======
Summary of changes in allowances:
  Allowance for loan losses -- January 1................  $   816   $   823
  Loans charged off:
     Commercial and agricultural........................       --        --
     Real estate mortgage...............................       24        --
     Installment........................................       37        56
                                                          -------   -------
       TOTAL LOANS CHARGED OFF..........................       61        56
     Commercial and agricultural........................       --        --
     Real estate mortgage...............................       --        --
     Installment........................................       17        33
                                                          -------   -------
       TOTAL RECOVERIES.................................       17        33
                                                          -------   -------
       Net charge-offs..................................       44        23
Provision charged to income.............................        0        16
                                                          -------   -------
ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSES -- DECEMBER 31.................  $   772   $   816
                                                          =======   =======
Ratio of net charge-offs during the year to average
  loans outstanding.....................................     0.07%     0.04%
                                                          =======   =======
Ratio of the allowance for loan losses to loans
  outstanding at year end...............................     1.20%     1.26%
                                                          =======   =======


     As shown in Table 4, loans classified as nonperforming plus other real
estate were $793,000 as December 31, 2005, an increase of $201,000 since
December 31, 2004. Nonperforming loans as a percentage of outstanding loans were
1.23% and 0.91% as December 31, 2005 and 2004 respectively. During 2005 net
charged off loans were


$44,000 and the provision for loans losses was zero. Management did not provide
for any loan losses in 2005 as a result of their internal analysis for allowance
for loan losses showing an adequate amount of allowance for loan losses. The
policy of Farwell is to transfer a loan, including impaired loans, to non-
accrual status whenever it is determined that the interest should be recorded on
a cash basis instead of the accrual basis because of a deterioration in the
financial position of the borrower, it is determined that the payment in full of
principal or interest cannot be expected, or the loan has been in default for a
period of 90 days or more, unless it is both well secured and in the process of
collection. Restructured loans are loans whose terms have been renegotiated to
provide for deferral of interest or principal because of a borrower's
deterioration in their financial position.


     The following loans are all the credits which required classification for
state or federal regulatory purposes. Non-performing loans, including other real
estate acquired in satisfaction of loans, were as follows:

                                                                   DECEMBER 31
                                                      MARCH 31,   -------------
                                                         2006      2005    2004
                                                      ---------   -----   -----


Non-accrual loans...................................    $  --     $  --   $ 117
  Accruing loans past due 90 days or more...........      678       793     475
  Restructured loans................................       --        --      --
                                                        -----     -----   -----
     Total..........................................    $ 678     $ 793   $ 592
                                                        =====     =====   =====
  Non-performing loans as a % of outstanding loans..     1.06%     1.23%   0.91%
                                                        =====     =====   =====


     As of March 31, 2006, there were no other interest bearing assets which
would require classification. Management is not aware of any recommendations by
regulatory agencies which, if implemented, would have a significant impact on
liquidity, capital, or operations.

     In management's opinion, the allowance for loan losses is adequate as of
December 31, 2005. Management has allocated, as shown in Table 5, the allowance
for loan losses to the following categories: commercial and agricultural, 7.7%;
real estate mortgages, 15.9%; installment loans, 68.1%; and unallocated, 8.3%.


     The allowance for loan losses has been allocated according to the amount
deemed to be reasonably necessary to provide for the possibility of losses being
incurred within the following categories:

                                                           DECEMBER 31
                                                   2005                    2004
                                          ---------------------   ---------------------
                                                      % OF EACH               % OF EACH
                                                       CATEGORY                CATEGORY
                                          ALLOWANCE    TO TOTAL   ALLOWANCE    TO TOTAL
                                            AMOUNT      LOANS       AMOUNT      LOANS
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------


Commercial and agricultural.............     $ 59         7.4%       $ 63         6.7%
Real estate mortgage....................      123        87.2         130        87.5
Installment.............................      526         5.4         560         5.8
Unallocated loans.......................       64          --          63          --
                                             ----       -----        ----       -----
Total...................................     $772       100.0%       $816       100.0%
                                             ====       =====        ====       =====



     Noninterest income consists of deposit service charges and fees for other
financial services. Total income earned from these sources increased $7,000 in
the first quarter of 2006 versus the same period in 2005 and $3,000 during the
year ended December 31, 2005 when compared to the year ended December 31, 2004.
There were no significant changes in any one category during these periods.


     Total noninterest expense for the first quarter of 2006 increased $61,000
or 15.7%, when compared to the same period in 2005. The majority of the increase
in 2006 is related to an increase in audit and accounting fees as the result of
having a financial statement audit in 2005 versus a compilation in prior years
and legal and other professional expenses related to the proposed merger with

     Total non-interest expense for the year ended December 31, 2005 increased
$41,000 or 2.6%. Salary and benefits increased $23,000, equipment and occupancy
expense decreased $13,000 and all other expenses increased $31,000. The largest
component of non-interest expense is salaries and employee benefits. The $23,000
increase is related to normal merit salary increases and increased benefit
costs. Occupancy and equipment expenses decreased $13,000. The decrease is
associated with a decrease in depreciation of equipment and building repairs.
Other non-interest expenses increased $31,000 or 5.8%. The most significant
changes were increases in legal and professional expenses related to the
proposed merger with Farmers.


     Federal income tax expense in 2005 was $621,000 or 28.6% of pretax income
and in 2004 $732,000 or 30.8% of pre-tax income. The difference between the
statutory rate of 34% and actual rates paid is primarily due to the exclusion of
interest income earned on tax exempt municipal bonds from taxable income.


     When comparing 2005 year ending balances to 2004, total assets increased
$91,000 to $89.1 million. During this period, loans outstanding decreased
$414,000, while fed funds sold and investment securities increased $651,000.
Changes in funding sources include a $1.1 million increase in non-interest
bearing deposits, a $393,000 increase in interest bearing deposits, and a $1.4
million decrease in shareholders' equity.


     The primary objective of investing activities is to provide for safety of
the principal invested. Secondary considerations include the need for earnings
and liquidity. During 2005, Farwell's net holdings of investment securities
decreased $471,000. Table 6 shows the carrying value of investment securities
available for sale. At December 31, 2005, Farwell held no securities of any
single issue that exceeded 10% of shareholders' equity.


     The following is a schedule of the carrying value of investment securities
available for sale:

                                                             DECEMBER 31
                                                            2005      2004
                                                          -------   -------


Available For Sale:
U.S. Treasury and U.S. Government agencies..............  $ 8,041   $ 5,596
State and political subdivisions........................    8,339    11,645
Mortgage backed.........................................       22       126
Other securities........................................    1,521     1,027
                                                          -------   -------
Total investment securities.............................  $17,923   $18,394
                                                          =======   =======




     The following table shows the relative maturities of securities available
for sale at fair value and their weighted average interest rate for each
maturity range as of December 31, 2005. There were no investments with a stated
maturity date greater than 5 years. All interest rates are reported on a fully
taxable equivalent (FTE) basis using a 34% tax rate.

                                                                      AFTER FIVE
                                                   AFTER ONE YEAR        YEARS
                                     WITHIN          BUT WITHIN       BUT WITHIN          AFTER
                                    ONE YEAR         FIVE YEARS        TEN YEARS        TEN YEARS
                                 --------------   ---------------   --------------   --------------
                                 AMOUNT   YIELD    AMOUNT   YIELD   AMOUNT   YIELD   AMOUNT   YIELD
                                 ------   -----   -------   -----   ------   -----   ------   -----


Available for sale:
  U.S. treasury and U.S.
     government agencies......   $3,978    2.40%  $ 4,063    4.11%   $ --       --%    $--      --%
  State and political
     subdivisions.............    2,205    2.66     5,328    3.06     806     5.02      --      --
  Mortgage backed.............       22    5.22        --      --      --       --      --      --
  Other.......................       --      --     1,521    3.58      --       --      --      --
                                 ------    ----   -------    ----    ----     ----     ---      --
  Total.......................   $6,205    2.50%  $10,912    3.52%   $806     5.02%    $ 0      --%
                                 ======    ====   =======    ====    ====     ====     ===      ==



     Loans are the largest component of earning assets. As a percentage of
assets, gross loans outstanding were $72.1% as of December 31, 2005. The proper
management of credit risk and market risk is critical to the financial well
being of Farwell. To control these risks, Farwell has adopted strict
underwriting standards. The standards include limits against lending outside
Farwell's defined market area, lending limits to a single borrower, and loan to
collateral value limits. Farwell has no foreign loans, and there were no
concentrations greater than 10% of total loans that are not disclosed as a
separate category in Table 8.


     As shown in the following table, total loans decreased $458,000 in 2005 to
$64.2 million. The decrease was primarily in residential real estate and
personal loan categories.

                                                             DECEMBER 31
                                                            2005      2004
                                                          -------   -------


Real estate mortgage....................................  $55,998   $56,601
Commercial..............................................    4,626     4,255
Agricultural............................................      114        86
Personal................................................    3,508     3,762
                                                          -------   -------
Total...................................................  $64,246   $64,704
                                                          =======   =======




     The following table shows the maturity of commercial and agricultural loans
outstanding at December 31, 2005. Also provided are the amounts due after one
year, classified according to the sensitivity to changes in interest rates.

                                                              DUE IN
                                                 1 YEAR   1 TO 5   OVER 5
                                                OR LESS    YEARS    YEARS    TOTAL
                                                -------   ------   ------   ------


Commercial and agricultural...................   $1,015   $3,725     $--    $4,740
                                                 ======   ======     ===    ======
Interest Sensitivity:
Loans maturing after one year which have:
  Fixed interest rates........................            $3,725     $--
  Variable interest rates.....................                --      --
                                                          ------     ---
  Total.......................................            $3,725     $--
                                                          ======     ===



     Deposits are the largest source of funds for financing asset growth. As
shown in Table 10, average deposits increased $550,000 in 2005 or 0.7%. Within
the banking industry there is agreement that competition from equity
investments, the bond market, and other financial intermediaries has had a
significant impact on deposit growth. The result of this competition is a
general slowing of deposit growth. To fund asset growth in the future, it is
likely that Farwell is going to have to obtain funds from other sources such as
the Federal Home Loan Bank.


                                                  DECEMBER 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                                      2005             2004
                                                 --------------   --------------
                                                  AMOUNT   RATE    AMOUNT   RATE
                                                 -------   ----   -------   ----


Non-interest bearing demand deposits...........  $ 9,853          $ 9,650
Interest-bearing demand deposits...............    8,473   1.05%    9,719   0.78%
Savings deposits...............................   21,587   0.80    22,969   0.80
Time deposits..................................   36,283   3.27    33,308   2.88
                                                 -------          -------
Total..........................................  $76,196          $75,646
                                                 =======          =======



     The following table shows the maturity schedule and amounts of time
deposits of more than $100,000 for the dates indicated. These deposits represent
34.8% of the total deposits in 2005 and 35.7% in 2004.

                                                             DECEMBER 31,
                                                            2005      2004
                                                          -------   -------


Within 3 months.........................................  $ 3,294   $ 3,955
Within 3 to 12 months...................................    7,641     8,949
Within 1 to 3 years.....................................    9,134     7,529
Over 3 years............................................    5,850     5,588
                                                          -------   -------
                                                          $25,919   $26,021
                                                          =======   =======




     The capital of Farwell consists solely of common stock, capital surplus,
retained earnings, and accumulated other comprehensive income. Total capital
decreased $1.4 million in 2005. The decrease was related to the payment of $2.9
million cash dividend in 2005.

     The Federal Reserve Board's current recommended minimum primary capital to
assets requirement is 6.0%. Farwell's primary capital to assets, which consists
of shareholders' equity plus allowance for loan losses was 15.9% as of December
31, 2005.

     The Federal Reserve has also established minimum capital requirements for
banks. Table 12 shows the minimum regulatory capital requirement to be
considered well capitalized and Farwell's ratios. Tier 1 capital consists of
shareholders' equity, excluding unrealized gains and losses on securities
available for sale less intangible assets. Total capital is comprised of Tier 1
capital plus the allowance for loan losses. At March 31, 2006, Farwell continued
to be well capitalized under the prompt corrective action regulatory criteria,
as shown below.


                                                     FARWELL STATE      REGULATORY
                                                        SAVINGS        MINIMUM TO BE
                                                          BANK       WELL CAPITALIZED
                                                     -------------   ----------------


Tier 1 capital to average assets...................       15.4%             5.0%
Tier 1 capital to risk weighted assets.............       29.0%             6.0%
Total capital to risk weighted assets..............       30.2%            10.0%


     Liquidity management is designed to have adequate resources available to
meet depositor and borrower discretionary demands for funds. Liquidity is also
required to fund expanding operations, investment opportunities, and the payment
of cash dividends. The primary sources of Farwell's liquidity are cash, cash
equivalents, and investment securities available for sale.

     As of March 31, 2006, cash and cash equivalents as a percentage of total
assets equaled 7.9% versus 5.6% as of December 31, 2005. During the first three
months of 2006, $152,000 in net cash was provided from operations. Investing
activities used $135,000 and financing activities resulted in a $2.3 million
increase in cash and cash equivalents. Overall, cash and cash equivalents
increased $2.3 million in the first quarter of 2006. In addition to funding from
traditional sources Farwell has the ability to borrow in the federal funds
market. Farwell's liquidity is considered adequate by management.


     Asset and liability management aims at achieving reasonable stability in
the net interest margins through periods of changing interest rates. One method
to measure the exposure to changes in interest rates is gap analysis. GAP
analysis measure the cash flows and/or the earliest repricing of Farwell's
interest bearing assets and liabilities. The analysis is useful for measuring
trends in the repricing characteristics of the balance sheet. As shown in Table
13, the gap analysis depicts Farwell's position for specific time periods and
the cumulative gap as a percentage of total assets.

     Investment securities and other investments are scheduled according to
their contractual maturity. Nonvariable rate loans are included in the
appropriate time frame based on their scheduled amortization. Farwell does not
offer variable rate loans. Time deposits are scheduled according to their
contractual maturity. Money market, NOW, and savings accounts have no
contractual maturity and are believed to be predominantly noninterest sensitive
by management. For purposes of gap analysis, these deposits are included in the
0-3 month repricing time frame.

     Farwell has no foreign exchange risk, holds no trading account assets, nor
does it utilize interest rate swaps or derivatives in the management of its
interest rate risk. Farwell does have a significant portion of its assets in
real estate mortgages.



     The following table shows the time periods and the amount of assets and
liabilities available for interest rate repricing as of December 31, 2005. For
purposes of this analysis, nonaccrual loans and the allowance for loan losses
are excluded.

                                              0-3       4-12     1 TO 5    OVER 5
                                             MONTHS    MONTHS    YEARS     YEARS
                                            -------   -------   -------   -------


Interest Sensitive Assets:
  Federal funds sold......................  $ 3,232   $    --   $    --   $    --
  Investment securities...................    2,754     4,948     9,415       806
  Loans...................................    1,218     4,233    58,553       242
                                            -------   -------   -------   -------
     TOTAL................................  $ 7,204   $ 9,181   $67,968   $ 1,048
                                            =======   =======   =======   =======
Interest Sensitive Liabilities:
  Time deposits...........................  $ 5,375    10,684    20,580   $    --
  Savings.................................    4,746     1,100    11,026     2,961
  Interest bearing demand.................    1,385       923     5,482       477
                                            -------   -------   -------   -------
     TOTAL................................   11,506    12,707    37,088     3,438
                                            =======   =======   =======   =======
Cumulative gap deficiency.................  $(4,302)  $(7,828)  $23,052   $20,662
Cumulative gap deficiency as a % of
  assets..................................    (4.83)%   (8.78)%   25.86%    23.18%


     The majority of assets and liabilities of financial institutions are
monetary in nature. Generally, changes in interest rates have a more significant
impact on earnings of Farwell than inflation. Although influenced by inflation,
changes in rates do not necessarily move in either the same magnitude or
direction as changes in the price of goods and services. Inflation does impact
the growth of total assets, creating a need to increase equity capital at a
higher rate to maintain an adequate equity to assets ratio, which in turn
reduces the amount of earnings available for cash dividends.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK
                                FARWELL, MICHIGAN
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                   YEARS ENDED
                        DECEMBER 31, 2005, 2004 AND 2003


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS



INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT....................................................      62
  Balance Sheets................................................................      63
  Statements of Income..........................................................      64
  Statements of Comprehensive Income............................................      65
  Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity.................................      66
  Statements of Cash Flows......................................................      67
  Notes to Financial Statements.................................................   68-77


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

Stockholders and Board of Directors
The Farwell State Savings Bank
Farwell, Michigan

     We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS
BANK as of December 31, 2005, and the related statements of income,
comprehensive income, changes in stockholders' equity and cash flows for the
year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audit.

     We conducted our audit of the 2005 financial statements in accordance with
auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion, the 2005 financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of THE FARWELL STATE
SAVINGS BANK as of December 31, 2005, and the results of its operations and its
cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.

                                        /s/ REHMANN ROBSON

Saginaw, Michigan
January 27, 2006


                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                    DECEMBER 31
                                                                 2005        2004
                                                               -------   -----------
                                                                    (DOLLARS IN


Cash and due from banks......................................  $ 1,720     $ 2,059
Federal funds sold...........................................    3,232       2,110
                                                               -------     -------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS....................................    4,952       4,169
Securities available for sale................................   17,923      18,394
Net loans....................................................   63,474      63,888
Premises and equipment, net..................................      328         331
Accrued interest receivable..................................      425         419
Other assets.................................................    2,040       1,850
                                                               -------     -------
TOTAL ASSETS.................................................  $89,142     $89,051
                                                               =======     =======

  Interest-bearing...........................................  $64,739     $64,346
  Noninterest-bearing........................................    9,639       8,541
                                                               -------     -------
TOTAL DEPOSITS...............................................   74,378      72,887
Accrued interest payable and other liabilities...............    1,209       1,165
                                                               -------     -------
TOTAL LIABILITIES............................................   75,587      74,052
Commitments and contingencies (Notes 11 and 13)
  Common stock, $10 par value; 262,500 shares authorized,
     issued and outstanding..................................    2,625       2,625
  Additional paid-in capital.................................    2,625       2,625
  Retained earnings..........................................    8,396       9,736
  Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income..............      (91)         13
                                                               -------     -------
TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY...................................   13,555      14,999
                                                               -------     -------
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY...................  $89,142     $89,051
                                                               =======     =======


   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK

                              STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                             YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                                        2005        2004          2003
                                                       ------   -----------   -----------
                                                                (UNAUDITED)   (UNAUDITED)
                                                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)


  Loans, including fees..............................  $4,204      $4,149        $4,291
  Debt securities Taxable............................     339         466           666
     Tax-exempt......................................     202         200           197
  Federal funds sold.................................     164          48            51
                                                       ------      ------        ------
TOTAL INTEREST INCOME................................   4,909       4,863         5,205
Interest expense on deposits.........................   1,447       1,217         1,498
                                                       ------      ------        ------
NET INTEREST INCOME..................................   3,462       3,646         3,707
Provision for loan losses............................      --          16            48
                                                       ------      ------        ------
                                                       ------      ------        ------
  Service charges on deposit accounts................     209         222           220
  Other..............................................     119         103           148
                                                       ------      ------        ------
TOTAL NONINTEREST INCOME.............................     328         325           368
                                                       ------      ------        ------
  Compensation and benefits..........................     930         907           832
  Occupancy and equipment............................     122         135           149
  Other..............................................     570         539           505
                                                       ------      ------        ------
TOTAL NONINTEREST EXPENSES...........................   1,622       1,581         1,486
                                                       ------      ------        ------
INCOME BEFORE FEDERAL INCOME TAXES...................   2,168       2,374         2,541
Federal income taxes.................................     621         732           788
                                                       ------      ------        ------
NET INCOME...........................................  $1,547      $1,642        $1,753
                                                       ======      ======        ======
NET INCOME PER BASIC SHARE OF COMMON STOCK...........  $ 5.89      $ 6.26        $ 6.68
                                                       ======      ======        ======


   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



                                                             YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                                        2005        2004          2003
                                                       ------   -----------   -----------
                                                                (UNAUDITED)   (UNAUDITED)
                                                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)


Unrealized holding losses on available-for-sale
  securities arising during the year.................  $ (157)     $ (302)       $ (339)
Income tax benefit related to other comprehensive
  loss...............................................      53         103           115
                                                       ------      ------        ------
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE LOSS.............................    (104)       (199)         (224)
Net income...........................................   1,547       1,642         1,753
                                                       ------      ------        ------
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME.................................  $1,443      $1,443        $1,529
                                                       ======      ======        ======


   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK


                                        COMMON STOCK     ADDITIONAL              COMPREHENSIVE       TOTAL
                                      ----------------     PAID-IN    RETAINED       INCOME      STOCKHOLDERS'
                                       SHARES   AMOUNT     CAPITAL    EARNINGS       (LOSS)          EQUITY
                                      -------   ------   ----------   --------   -------------   -------------
                                                               (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)


  (UNAUDITED).......................  262,500   $2,625     $2,625      $10,674       $ 436          $16,360
  Comprehensive income..............       --       --         --        1,753        (224)           1,529
  Cash dividends paid -- $3.25 per
     share of common stock..........       --       --         --         (854)         --             (854)
                                      -------   ------     ------      -------       -----          -------
  (UNAUDITED).......................  262,500    2,625      2,625       11,573         212           17,035
  Comprehensive income..............       --       --         --        1,642        (199)           1,443
  Cash dividends paid -- $13.25 per
     share of common stock..........       --       --         --       (3,479)         --           (3,479)
                                      -------   ------     ------      -------       -----          -------
  (UNAUDITED).......................  262,500    2,625      2,625        9,736          13           14,999
  Comprehensive income..............       --       --         --        1,547        (104)           1,443
  Cash dividends paid -- $11.00 per
     share of common stock..........       --       --         --       (2,887)         --           (2,887)
                                      -------   ------     ------      -------       -----          -------
BALANCES, DECEMBER 31, 2005.........  262,500   $2,625     $2,625      $ 8,396       $ (91)         $13,555
                                      =======   ======     ======      =======       =====          =======


   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                                         2005        2004          2003
                                                       -------   -----------   -----------
                                                                 (UNAUDITED)   (UNAUDITED)
                                                              (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)


  Net income.........................................  $ 1,547     $  1,642      $ 1,753
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
     provided by operating activities
     Provision for loan losses.......................       --           16           48
     Depreciation....................................       34           48           77
     Deferred income taxes (benefit).................       14          (96)           3
     Net amortization of investments.................      174          202          131
     (Gain) loss on sale of premises and equipment...      (11)          --           12
     Loss on sale of other real estate owned.........       --           13            4
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities
       which (used) provided cash
       Life insurance................................       (9)         (38)         (28)
       Accrued interest receivable...................       (6)          75           40
       Other assets..................................       40          104          (32)
       Accrued interest payable and other
          liabilities................................       44           60           (7)
                                                       -------     --------      -------
NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES............    1,827        2,026        2,001
                                                       -------     --------      -------
  Activity in available-for-sale securities
  Purchases..........................................   (6,312)     (10,967)      (7,556)
  Maturities, prepayments and calls..................    6,452       13,116        8,057
  Loan originations and principal collections, net...      232       (2,954)      (2,658)
  Proceeds from the sale of premises and equipment...       16           --           11
  Proceeds from the sale of other real estate owned..       --          132           30
  Purchases of premises and equipment................      (36)         (12)         (56)
                                                       -------     --------      -------
NET CASH PROVIDED BY (USED IN) INVESTING ACTIVITIES..      352         (685)      (2,172)
                                                       -------     --------      -------
  Net increase (decrease) in non-interest bearing
     deposits........................................    1,098         (381)         654
  Net increase (decrease) in interest-bearing
     deposits........................................      393         (409)         (31)
  Cash dividends paid on common stock................   (2,887)      (3,479)        (854)
                                                       -------     --------      -------
NET CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES................   (1,396)      (4,269)        (231)
                                                       -------     --------      -------
Net change in cash and cash equivalents..............      783       (2,928)        (402)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year.........    4,169        7,097        7,499
                                                       -------     --------      -------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR...............  $ 4,952     $  4,169      $ 7,097
                                                       =======     ========      =======


   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)



     THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK ("Farwell") provides a variety of financial
services to individuals and businesses in Mid-Michigan through its two locations
in Farwell and Lake, Michigan. Active competition, principally from other
commercial banks, savings banks and credit unions, exists in all of Farwell's
primary markets. Farwell's results of operations can be significantly affected
by changes in interest rates or changes in the tourism industry which comprise a
significant portion of the local economic environment.

     Farwell's primary deposit products are interest and noninterest bearing
checking accounts, savings accounts and time deposits and its primary lending
products are real estate mortgages, commercial and consumer loans. Note 3
further describes the types of lending Farwell engages in and Note 6 provides
additional information on deposits. Note 2 discusses the types of securities
Farwell invests in. Farwell does not have significant concentrations with
respect to any one industry, customer, or depositor.

     Farwell is a state chartered bank and is a member of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") Bank Insurance Fund. Farwell is subject to the
regulations and supervision of the FDIC and state regulators and undergoes
periodic examinations by these regulatory authorities.


     In preparing financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles, management is required to make estimates and assumptions
that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as of the date of the
balance sheet and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the year.
Actual results could differ from those estimates. The material estimate that is
particularly susceptible to significant change in the near term relates to the
determination of the allowance for loan losses.


     Accounting policies used in preparation of the accompanying financial
statements conform to predominant banking industry practices and are based on
generally accepted accounting principles. The principles which materially affect
the determination of the financial position or results of operations of Farwell
are summarized below:

  Cash and Cash Equivalents

     For the purposes of the statements of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents
include cash on hand, amounts due from banks, and federal funds sold. Generally,
federal funds are sold for a one-day period. Farwell maintains deposit accounts
in various financial institutions which generally exceed federally insured
limits or are not insured.


     Securities are classified as "available-for-sale" and are recorded at fair
value with unrealized gains and losses, net of the effect of deferred income
taxes, excluded from earnings and reported in other comprehensive income.

     Purchase premiums and discounts are recognized in interest income using the
interest method over the terms of the securities. Declines in the fair value of
available-for-sale securities below their cost that are deemed to be other than
temporary are reflected in earnings as realized losses. In estimating other-
than-temporary impairment losses, management considers 1) the length of time and
extent to which the fair value has been less than cost, 2) the financial
condition and near-term prospects of the issuer, and 3) the intent and ability
of Farwell to retain its investment in the issuer for a period of time
sufficient to allow for anticipated recovery in fair value. Gains or losses on
the sale of securities are recorded on the trade date and are determined using
the specific identification method.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK



     Loans that management has the intent and ability to hold for the
foreseeable future or until maturity or pay-off are generally reported at their
outstanding unpaid principal balances adjusted for charge-offs, the allowance
for loan losses, and any deferred fees or costs on originated loans. Interest
income is accrued on the unpaid principal balance. Management estimates that
direct costs incurred in originating loans classified as held-to-maturity
approximate the origination fees generated on these loans. Therefore, net
deferred loan origination fees on loans classified as held-to-maturity are not
included on the accompanying balance sheets.

     The accrual of interest on mortgage and commercial loans is discontinued at
the time the loan is 90 days past due unless the credit is well-secured and in
process of collection. Personal loans are typically charged off no later than
180 days past due. Past due status is based on contractual terms of the loan. In
all cases, loans are placed on non-accrual or charged-off at an earlier date if
collection of principal and interest is considered doubtful.

     All interest accrued but not collected for loans that are placed on non-
accrual or charged off is reversed against interest income, while interest
accrued but not collected for prior years is reversed against the allowance for
loan losses. The interest on these loans is accounted for on the cash-basis or
cost-recovery method, until qualifying for return to accrual. Loans are returned
to accrual status when all principal and interest amounts contractually due are
brought current and future payments are reasonably assured.

  Allowance for Loan Losses

     The allowance for loan losses is established as losses are estimated to
have occurred through a provision for loan losses charged to earnings. Loan
losses are charged against the allowance when management believes the
uncollectibility of the loan balance is confirmed. Subsequent recoveries, if
any, are credited to the allowance.

     The allowance for loan losses is evaluated on a regular basis by management
and is based upon management's periodic review of the collectibility of the
loans in light of historical experience, the nature and volume of the loan
portfolio, adverse situations that may affect the borrower's ability to repay,
estimated value of any underlying collateral and prevailing economic conditions.
This evaluation is inherently subjective as it requires estimates that are
susceptible to significant revision as more information becomes available.

     The allowance consists of specific, general and unallocated components. The
specific component relates to loans that are classified as doubtful, substandard
or special mention. For such loans that are classified as impaired, an allowance
is established when the discounted cash flows (or collateral value or observable
market price) of the impaired loan is lower than the carrying value of that
loan. The general component covers non-classified loans and is based on
historical loss experience adjusted for qualitative factors. An unallocated
component is maintained to cover uncertainties that could affect management's
estimate of probable losses. The unallocated component of the allowance reflects
the margin of imprecision inherent in the underlying assumptions used in the
methodologies for estimating specific and general losses in the portfolio.

     A loan is considered impaired when, based on current information and
events, it is probable that Farwell will be unable to collect the scheduled
payments of principal or interest when due according to the contractual terms of
the loan agreement. Factors considered by management in determining impairment
include payment status, collateral value, and the probability of collecting
scheduled principal and interest payments when due. Loans that experience
insignificant payment delays and payment shortfalls generally are not classified
as impaired. Management determines the significance of payment delays and
payment shortfalls on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration all of the
circumstance surrounding the loan and the borrower, including the length of the
delay, the reasons for the delay, the borrower's prior payment record, and the
amount of the shortfall in relation to the principal and interest owed.
Impairment is measured on a loan by loan basis for commercial and construction
loans by either the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at
the loan's effective interest rate, the loan's obtainable market price, or the
fair value of the collateral if the loan is collateral dependent.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK


     Large groups of smaller balance homogeneous loans are collectively
evaluated for impairment. Accordingly, Farwell generally does not separately
identify individual consumer and residential loans for impairment disclosures,
unless such loans are the subject of a restructuring agreement.

  Foreclosed Assets

     Assets acquired through, or in lieu of, loan foreclosure are held for sale
and are initially recorded at fair value at the date of transfer, establishing a
new cost basis. Subsequent to foreclosure, valuations are periodically performed
by management and the assets are carried at the lower of the carrying amount or
fair value less costs to sell. Revenue and expenses from operations and changes
in the valuation allowance are included in net expenses from foreclosed assets.

  Premises and Equipment

     Land is carried at cost. Premises and equipment are carried at cost less
accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is computed principally by the straight-
line method based upon the useful lives of the related assets which generally
range from 3 to 40 years. Maintenance, repairs, and minor alterations are
charged to current operations as expenditures occur and major improvements are

  Corporate Owned Life Insurance

     Farwell has purchased life insurance policies on certain key executives.
Corporate owned life insurance is recorded at its cash surrender value, or the
amount that can be realized.

  Off-Balance Sheet Credit Related Financial Instruments

     In the ordinary course of business, Farwell has entered into commitments to
extend credit, including commercial letters of credit and standby letters of
credit. Such financial instruments are recorded when they are funded.

  Federal Income Taxes

     Federal income taxes are provided for the tax effects of transactions
reported in the financial statements and consist of taxes currently due plus
deferred income taxes. Deferred income taxes are recognized for temporary
differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial
reporting purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes. Deferred income
tax assets and liabilities represent the future tax return consequences of those
differences, which will either be taxable or deductible when the assets or
liabilities are recorded or settled. Valuation allowances are established when
necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.
As changes in income tax laws or rates are enacted, deferred tax assets and
liabilities are adjusted through the provision for income taxes.

  Net Income Per Share

     Net income per basic share of common stock represents income available to
common stockholders divided by the weighted-average number of common shares
outstanding during the year, which was 262,500 in 2005, 2004, and 2003.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK



     The amortized cost and fair value of available-for-sale securities with
unrealized gains and losses are as follows as of December 31:

                                          AMORTIZED   UNREALIZED   UNREALIZED     FAIR
                                             COST        GAINS       LOSSES      VALUE
                                          ---------   ----------   ----------   -------


U.S. government and federal agency......   $ 8,112       $ --         $ 71      $ 8,041
States and municipal....................     8,377         27           65        8,339
Corporate...............................     1,549         --           28        1,521
Mortgage-backed securities..............        22         --           --           22
                                           -------       ----         ----      -------
Total...................................   $18,060       $ 27         $164      $17,923
                                           =======       ====         ====      =======
U.S. government and federal agency......   $ 5,641       $  1         $ 46      $ 5,596
States and municipal....................    11,577        104           36       11,645
Corporate...............................     1,032          4            9        1,027
Mortgage-backed securities..............       124          2           --          126
                                           -------       ----         ----      -------
Total...................................   $18,374       $111         $ 91      $18,394
                                           =======       ====         ====      =======


     The amortized cost and fair value of available-for-sale securities by
contractual maturity at December 31, 2005 are as follows:

                                                          AMORTIZED     FAIR
                                                             COST      VALUE
                                                          ---------   -------


Due in one year or less.................................   $ 6,247    $ 6,184
Due after one year through five years...................    11,004     10,911
Due after five years through ten years..................       787        806
                                                           -------    -------
Subtotal................................................    18,038     17,901
Mortgage-backed securities..............................        22         22
                                                           -------    -------
Total...................................................   $18,060    $17,923
                                                           =======    =======


     Because of their variable payments, mortgage-backed securities are not
reported by a specific maturity group.

     Information pertaining to securities with unrealized losses at December 31,
2005, aggregated by investment category and the length of time that individual
securities have been in a continuous loss position is as follows:

                                               LESS THAN TWELVE
                                                    MONTHS          OVER TWELVE MONTHS
                                             -------------------   -------------------
                                             UNREALIZED    FAIR    UNREALIZED    FAIR
                                               LOSSES      VALUE     LOSSES      VALUE
                                             ----------   ------   ----------   ------


Securities Available-for-Sale Debt
U.S. Government and federal agency.........      $17      $3,050      $ 54      $4,495
State and municipal........................       20       2,935        45       3,181
Corporate..................................       13       1,020        15         501
                                                 ---      ------      ----      ------
  Total Debt Securities....................      $50      $7,005      $114      $8,177
                                                 ===      ======      ====      ======



                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK


     Management evaluates securities for other-than-temporary impairment at
least on a quarterly basis, and more frequently when economic or market concerns
warrant such evaluation. Consideration is given to (1) the length of time and
the extent to which the fair value has been less than cost, (2) the financial
condition and near-term prospects of the issuer, and (3) the intent and ability
of Farwell to retain its investment in the issuer for a period of time
sufficient to allow for any anticipated recovery in fair value.

     At December 31, 2005, 12 government and federal agencies, 33 state and
municipal, and 3 corporate securities have unrealized losses with aggregate
depreciation of 1.0%, 1.0% and 1.3%, respectively.

     In analyzing an issuer's financial condition, management considers whether
the securities are issued by the federal government or its agencies, whether
downgrades by bond rating agencies have occurred, and industry analysts'
reports. As Farwell has the ability to hold debt securities until maturity, or
for the foreseeable future if classified as available for sale, no declines are
deemed to be other than temporary.


     Farwell grants commercial, consumer and residential mortgage loans to
customers situated primarily in Mid-Michigan. The ability of Farwell's debtors
to honor their contracts is dependent upon the real estate and general economic
conditions in this area. Substantially all of the consumer and residential loans
are secured by various items of property, while commercial loans are secured
primarily by business assets and personal guarantees; a portion of loans are

     Major loan classifications are as follows at December 31:

                                                            2005      2004
                                                          -------   -------


Mortgage loans on real estate
  Residential 1-4 family................................  $53,790   $53,744
  Commercial and agricultural...........................    4,025     3,533
  Construction..........................................    2,208     2,857
                                                          -------   -------
Total mortgage loans on real estate.....................   60,023    60,134
Commercial..............................................      715       808
Consumer installment loans..............................    3,508     3,762
                                                          -------   -------
Total loans.............................................   64,246    64,704
Less allowance for loan losses..........................      772       816
                                                          -------   -------
Net Loans...............................................  $63,474   $63,888
                                                          =======   =======


     Nonaccrual loans, loans otherwise considered impaired, and loans 90 days or
more past due, and interest income recognized on such loans, were not
significant at either December 31, 2005 or 2004, or for the years ended December
31, 2005, 2004, or 2003.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK



     The following is an analysis of the changes in the allowance for loan
losses for the years ended December 31:

                                                         2005   2004   2003
                                                         ----   ----   ----


Balance, Beginning of Year.............................  $816   $823   $791
Loans charged off......................................   (61)   (56)   (43)
Recoveries.............................................    17     33     27
                                                         ----   ----   ----
Net charge offs........................................   (44)   (23)   (16)
Provision for loan losses..............................    --     16     48
                                                         ----   ----   ----
Balance, End of Year...................................  $772   $816   $823
                                                         ====   ====   ====



     A summary of the cost and accumulated depreciation of premises and
equipment is as follows at December 31:

                                                             2005     2004
                                                            ------   ------


Land and improvements.....................................  $   95   $   95
Buildings and improvements................................     612      605
Furniture and equipment...................................     513      509
                                                            ------   ------
Total.....................................................   1,220    1,209
Less accumulated depreciation.............................     892      878
                                                            ------   ------
Premises and Equipment, Net...............................  $  328   $  331
                                                            ======   ======


     Depreciation expense in 2005, 2004, and 2003 amounted to $34, $48, and $77,


     The following is a summary of the distribution of deposits at December 31:

                                                            2005      2004
                                                          -------   -------


Interest Bearing
  Money market and NOW accounts.........................  $11,323   $12,026
  Savings...............................................   16,777    18,729
  Time, $100,000 and over...............................   10,720     7,570
  Other time............................................   25,919    26,021
                                                          -------   -------
  Total interest bearing................................   64,739    64,346
  Non-interest bearing demand...........................    9,639     8,541
                                                          -------   -------
  Total.................................................  $74,378   $72,887
                                                          =======   =======


     Interest expense on time deposits issued in denominations of $100,000 or
more was $352 in 2005, $223 in 2004, and $237 in 2003.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK


     Scheduled maturities of time deposits for the years succeeding December 31,
2005 are as follows:


2006...........................................................  $15,873
2007...........................................................    6,809
2008...........................................................    3,473
2009...........................................................    4,896
2010...........................................................    5,588
Total..........................................................  $36,639



     The provision for income taxes consists of the following components for the
years ended December 31:

                                                         2005   2004   2003
                                                         ----   ----   ----


Currently payable......................................  $607   $828   $785
Deferred taxes (benefit)...............................    14    (96)     3
                                                         ----   ----   ----
Federal Income Taxes...................................  $621   $732   $788
                                                         ====   ====   ====


     A reconciliation between federal income tax expense and the amount computed
by applying the statutory federal income tax rate of 34% to income before
federal income taxes at December 31, follows:

                                                         2005   2004    2003
                                                        -----   ----   -----


Tax at statutory rate.................................  $ 737   $807   $ 849
Effect of tax-exempt interest income..................     (9)   (72)   (206)
Other -- net..........................................   (107)    (3)    145
                                                        -----   ----   -----
Federal Income Taxes..................................  $ 621   $732   $ 788
                                                        =====   ====   =====


     The components of the net deferred tax liability at December 31 included
with other liabilities in the accompanying balance sheets, are primarily related
to temporary basis differences in premises and equipment and the allowance for
loan losses and are not significant.


     Farwell maintains a non-leveraged Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) with
a 401(k) provision. Substantially all employees of Farwell are covered under the
plan. Farwell contributed 15 percent, the maximum allowed under the Internal
Revenue Code, of employee gross earnings during 2005 and 2004 and 2003. The cost
of the plan amounted to $92, $90, and $86 in 2005, 2004, and 2003, respectively.
Total shares outstanding related to the ESOP for each of the three years ended
December 31, 2005 were 26,582 and were included in the computation of dividends
and earnings per share in each of the respective years.



     During 2005 and 2004, collateral repossessed on loans in the amount of $182
and $146, respectively, was reclassified as other real estate owned.


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK



     Cash paid during the years ended December 31 for interest and income taxes
amounted to the following:

                                                       2005     2004     2003
                                                      ------   ------   ------


Interest............................................  $1,462   $1,218   $1,529
                                                      ======   ======   ======
Income taxes........................................  $  657   $  828   $  785
                                                      ======   ======   ======




     In the ordinary course of business, Farwell has granted loans to certain
directors, executive officers and their affiliates amounting to approximately
$249 and $343 at December 31, 2005 and 2004. During the year ended December 31,
2005, total principal additions were approximately $190 and total principal
payments were approximately $284.


     Deposits of Bank directors, executive officers and their affiliates were
approximately $1,109,806 and $525,930 at December 31, 2005 and 2004,


     Consulting fees in the amount of $73 and $65 at December 31, 2005 and 2004,
respectively, have been accrued and are payable to a Board member.



     Farwell is a party to credit related financial instruments with off-
balance-sheet risk in the normal course of business to meet the financing needs
of its customers. These financial instruments include commitments to extend
credit, standby letters of credit and commercial letters of credit. Such
commitments involve, to varying degrees, elements of credit and interest rate
risk in excess of the amount recognized in the balance sheets. Farwell's
exposure to credit loss is represented by the contractual amount of these
commitments. Farwell follows the same credit policy in making commitments,
including collateral, as it does for on-balance-sheet instruments; no
significant losses are anticipated as a result of these commitments.

     At December 31, 2005 and 2004, the following financial instruments were
outstanding whose contract amounts represent credit risk:

                                                             2005      2004
                                                             ----      ----


Unfunded commitments under lines of credit.................  $336      $609
Commitments to grant loans.................................   877       261
Commercial and standby letters of credit...................    53        50

     Commitments to extend credit are agreements to lend to a customer as long
as there is no violation of any condition established in the contract.
Commitments generally have fixed expiration dates or other termination clauses
and may require payment of a fee. The commitments may expire without being drawn
upon. Therefore, the total commitment amounts do not necessarily represent
future cash requirements. The amount of collateral obtained, if it is deemed
necessary by Farwell, is based on management's credit evaluation of the


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK


     Unfunded commitments under commercial lines-of-credit, revolving credit
lines, equity lines-of-credit, and overdraft protection agreements are
commitments for possible future extensions of credit to existing customers.
These lines-of-credit are uncollateralized and usually do not contain a
specified maturity date and may not be drawn upon to the total extent to which
Farwell is committed.

     Commercial and standby letters-of-credit are conditional commitments issued
by Farwell to guarantee the performance of a customer to a third party. Those
letters-of-credit are primarily issued to support public and private borrowing
arrangements. Essentially all letters-of-credit issued have expiration dates
within one year. The credit risk involved in issuing letters-of-credit is
essentially the same as that involved in extending loan facilities to customers.
Farwell generally holds collateral supporting those commitments if deemed



     Farwell is subject to various regulatory capital requirements administered
by the federal banking agencies. Failure to meet minimum capital requirements
can initiate certain mandatory and possibly additional discretionary actions by
regulators, that if undertaken, could have a direct material effect on Farwell's
financial statements. Under capital adequacy guidelines and the regulatory
framework for prompt corrective action, Farwell must meet specific capital
guidelines that involve quantitative measures of their assets, liabilities,
capital and certain off-balance-sheet items as defined in the regulations and
calculated under regulatory accounting practices. The capital amounts and
classification are also subject to qualitative judgments by the regulators about
components, risk weightings and other factors.

     Quantitative measurements established by regulation to ensure capital
adequacy require Farwell to maintain minimum amounts and ratios (set forth in
the following table) of total and Tier 1 capital (as defined in the regulations)
to risk-weighted asset (as defined) and Tier 1 capital to average assets (as
defined). Management believes, as of December 31, 2005 and 2004, that Farwell
met all capital adequacy requirements to which it is subject.

     As of December 31, 2005, the most recent notification from the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation categorized Farwell as well capitalized under the
regulatory framework for prompt corrective action. To be categorized as well
capitalized, an institution must maintain minimum total risk-based, Tier 1 risk-
based, and Tier 1 leverage ratios as set forth in the following tables. There
are no conditions or events since the notification that management believes have
changed Farwell's category. Farwell's actual capital amounts and ratios as of
December 31, 2005 and 2004 are also presented in the table.

                                                                                MINIMUM TO BE
                                                                                UNDER PROMPT
                                                                  MINIMUM        CORRECTIVE
                                                                  CAPITAL          ACTION
                                                 ACTUAL        REQUIREMENTS      PROVISIONS
                                            ---------------   --------------   --------------
                                             AMOUNT   RATIO   AMOUNT   RATIO   AMOUNT   RATIO
                                            -------   -----   ------   -----   ------   -----


December 31, 2005
Total Capital to Risk Weighted Assets.....  $14,244    29.9%  $3,814    8.0%   $4,767    10.0%
Tier 1 Capital to Risk Weighted Assets....   13,646    28.6    1,907    4.0     2,860     6.0
Tier 1 Capital to Average Assets..........   13,646    15.1    3,610    4.0     4,512     5.0
December 31, 2004
Total Capital to Risk Weighted Assets.....  $15,583    32.8%  $3,801    8.0%   $4,751    10.0%
Tier 1 Capital to Risk Weighted Assets....   14,986    31.5    1,900    4.0     2,850     6.0
Tier 1 Capital to Average Assets..........   14,986    16.5    3,636    4.0     4,545     5.0


                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK



     Farwell is required by regulatory agencies to maintain legal cash reserves
based on the level of certain customer deposits. Required reserve balances were
$292 and $352 at December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively.



     Farwell is party to litigation arising during the normal course of
business. In the opinion of management, based on consultation with legal
counsel, the resolution of such litigation is not expected to have a material
effect on the financial statements.


     As a result of acquiring real estate from foreclosure proceedings, Farwell
is subject to potential claims and possible legal proceedings involving
environmental matters. No such claims have been asserted as of December 31,


     On December 22, 2005, The Farwell State Savings Bank signed a definitive
agreement to be acquired by IBT Bancorp, Inc. (the "Agreement"). The Agreement
was amended and restated effective May 2, 2006 to provide for the merger of
Farwell with and into Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of IBT Bancorp, Inc. The acquisition is subject to regulatory

                                    * * * * *


                              ENDED MARCH 31, 2006

                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK
                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                              MARCH 31,    DECEMBER 31
                                                                 2006          2005
                                                             -----------   -----------
                                                               (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)


Cash and due from banks....................................    $ 1,818       $ 1,720
Federal funds sold.........................................      5,429         3,232
                                                               -------       -------
Cash and Cash Equivalents..................................      7,247         4,952
Securities available for sale..............................     18,241        17,923
Loans, net of allowance for loan losses of $738 and $772...     63,239        63,474
Premises and equipment, net................................        324           328
Accrued interest receivable................................        424           425
Other assets...............................................      2,075         2,040
                                                               -------       -------
Total Assets...............................................    $91,550       $89,142
                                                               =======       =======

  Noninterest-bearing......................................    $10,310       $ 9,639
  Interest-bearing.........................................     66,478        64,739
                                                               -------       -------
Total Deposits.............................................     76,788        74,378
Accrued interest payable and other liabilities.............      1,031         1,209
                                                               -------       -------
Total Liabilities..........................................     77,819        75,587
                                                               -------       -------
Stockholders' Equity
  Common stock, $10 par value; 262,500 shares authorized,
     Issued, and outstanding...............................      2,625         2,625
  Additional paid in capital...............................      2,625         2,625
  Retained earnings........................................      8,585         8,396
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss.....................       (104)          (91)
                                                               -------       -------
Total Stockholders' Equity.................................     13,731        13,555
                                                               -------       -------
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity.................    $91,550       $89,142
                                                               =======       =======



                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK

                         CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                                 THREE-MONTHS ENDED
                                                                      MARCH 31,
                                                                 2006        2005
                                                                ------   -----------
                                                                     (Dollars in
                                                                thousands except per
                                                                     share data)


Interest and Dividend Income
  Loans, including fees.......................................  $1,031      $1,032
  Debt securities:
     Taxable..................................................      69          39
     Tax-exempt...............................................      82          89
  Federal funds sold..........................................      47          28
                                                                ------      ------
Total Interest and Dividend Income............................   1,229       1,188
Interest Expense on Deposits..................................     400         336
                                                                ------      ------
Net Interest Income...........................................     829         852
                                                                ------      ------
Noninterest Income
  Service charges on deposit accounts.........................      52          46
  Other.......................................................      24          23
                                                                ------      ------
Total Noninterest Income......................................      76          69
                                                                ------      ------
Noninterest Expenses
  Compensation and benefits...................................     225         213
  Occupancy and equipment.....................................      35          32
  Other.......................................................     189         143
                                                                ------      ------
Total Noninterest Expenses....................................     449         388
                                                                ------      ------
Income Before Federal Income Taxes............................     456         533
Federal incomes taxes.........................................     136         172
                                                                ------      ------
Net Income....................................................  $  320      $  361
                                                                ======      ======
Net Income per Basic Share of Common Stock....................  $ 1.22      $ 1.38
                                                                ======      ======




                                                                 THREE-MONTHS ENDED
                                                                      MARCH 31,
                                                                2006         2005
                                                                ----     -----------
                                                                     (Dollars in


Available-for-sale securities unrealized holding losses
  arising during the quarter..................................  $ 18        $(153)
Income tax benefit related to comprehensive loss..............    (6)         (52)
                                                                ----        -----
Other Comprehensive Loss......................................   (12)        (101)
Net income....................................................   320          361
                                                                ----        -----
Comprehensive Income..........................................  $308        $ 260
                                                                ====        =====



                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK


                                 COMMON STOCK     ADDITIONAL              COMPREHENSIVE       TOTAL
                               ----------------     PAID IN    RETAINED       INCOME      STOCKHOLDERS'
                                SHARES   AMOUNT     CAPITAL    EARNINGS       (LOSS)          EQUITY
                               -------   ------   ----------   --------   -------------   -------------
                                             (Dollars in thousands except per share data)


Balances, January 1, 2005....  262,500   $2,625     $2,625      $9,736        $  13          $14,999
Comprehensive income.........       --       --         --         361         (101)             260
Cash dividends paid ($0.50
  per share).................       --       --         --        (131)          --             (131)
                               -------   ------     ------      ------        -----          -------
Balances, March 31, 2005.....  262,500   $2,625     $2,625      $9,966        $ (88)         $15,128
                               =======   ======     ======      ======        =====          =======
Balances, January 1, 2006....  262,500   $2,625     $2,625      $8,396        $ (91)         $13,555
Comprehensive income.........       --       --         --         320          (13)             307
Cash dividends paid ($0.50
  per share).................       --       --         --        (131)          --             (131)
                               -------   ------     ------      ------        -----          -------
Balances, March 31, 2006.....  262,500   $2,625     $2,625      $8,585        $(104)         $13,731
                               =======   ======     ======      ======        =====          =======



                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                    THREE MONTHS
                                                                     MARCH 31,
                                                                   2006      2005
                                                                 -------   -------
                                                                    (DOLLARS IN


  Net income...................................................  $   320   $   361
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
     operating activities Depreciation.........................        8         9
     Net amortization of investments...........................       30        44
     Decrease in deferred taxes................................       --        56
     Decrease(increase) in bank owned life insurance...........        9        (9)
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities which provided
       (used) cash:
     Accrued interest receivable...............................        1       (53)
     Other assets..............................................      (38)      (89)
     Accrued interest payable and other liabilities............     (178)     (175)
                                                                 -------   -------
NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES......................      152       144
                                                                 -------   -------
  Activity in available-for-sale securities:
     Purchases.................................................   (1,624)   (1,534)
     Maturities, prepayments and calls.........................    1,257     1,410
  Loan principal collections and (originations), net...........      235      (294)
  Additions to premises and equipment..........................       (4)       --
                                                                 -------   -------
NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES..........................     (136)     (418)
                                                                 -------   -------
  Net increase in noninterest bearing deposits.................      671       160
  Net increase in interest bearing deposits....................    1,739     2,994
  Cash dividends paid on common stock..........................     (131)     (131)
                                                                 -------   -------
NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES......................    2,279     3,023
                                                                 -------   -------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents......................    2,295     2,749
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period.................    4,952     4,169
                                                                 -------   -------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD.......................  $ 7,247   $ 6,918
                                                                 =======   =======




     The following table sets forth, to the best knowledge and belief of IBT,
certain information regarding the beneficial ownership of IBT common stock as of
July 18, 2006, by (i) each person known to IBT to be the beneficial owner of
more than 5% of the IBT common stock; (ii) each director and certain named
officers of IBT; and (iii) all of IBT's directors and officers as a group.

                                                         NUMBER OF SHARES    PERCENT OF ALL
                                                          OF COMMON STOCK     COMMON STOCK
- ------------------------                                ------------------   --------------


James J. McGuirk......................................        365,402             6.65%
P.O. Box 222
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858
Dennis P. Angner**....................................         13,817                *
Richard J. Barz**.....................................         16,524                *
Sandra L. Caul........................................          8,832                *
James C. Fabiano......................................        230,807             4.20%
David W. Hole.........................................         20,723                *
David J. Maness.......................................          1,007                *
W. Joseph Manifold....................................            285                *
Timothy M. Miller.....................................          3,078                *
Ronald E. Schumacher..................................         13,606                *
William J. Strickler..................................         73,686             1.34%
Dale D. Weburg........................................         49,704                *
All directors and executive officers as a group (11)
  persons.............................................        432,069             7.87%

- --------

    * Less than 1%

   ** Trustees of the ESOP who vote ESOP shares.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     As of the date of this document, Farwell's Board of Directors knows of no
matters that will be presented for consideration at its special meeting other
than as described in this document. However, if any other matter shall properly
come before this special meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof and
shall be voted upon, the proposed proxy will be deemed to confer authority to
the individuals named as authorized therein to vote the shares represented by
the proxy as to any matters that fall within the purposes set forth in the
notice of special meeting.


     Farwell deferred scheduling its 2006 annual meeting of shareholders with
the impending special shareholders meeting and deems it to be in the best
interests of Farwell to continue to defer holding its 2006 annual meeting until
such special meeting of shareholders has occurred, after which the annual
meeting will be scheduled only if the Merger Agreement is not approved by the
requisite vote at the special meeting of the shareholders.


     IBT has filed a registration statement on Form S-4 to register with the SEC
the offering of IBT common stock to be issued by IBT in the merger. This proxy
statement-prospectus is a part of that registration statement. As allowed by SEC
rules, this proxy statement-prospectus does not contain all of the information
contained in the registration statement or the exhibits to the registration
statement. This means that this proxy-statement prospectus


incorporates important business and financial information about IBT that is not
included in or delivered with this document.

     IBT is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended. Accordingly, IBT files annual, quarterly, and current
reports, proxy statements, and other information with the SEC. You may read and
copy any reports, statements, or other information that we file at the SEC's
Public Reference Room at 450 Fifth Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549. You may
call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for further information on the operation of the
Public Reference Room. IBT's SEC filings are also available to the public from
commercial document retrieval services and at the website maintained by the SEC
at The website contains reports, proxy and information statements,
and other information regarding companies that file electronically with the SEC.

     The SEC allows IBT to incorporate by reference information into this proxy
statement-prospectus. This means that IBT can disclose important information by
referring to another document filed separately with the SEC. The information
incorporated by reference is considered to be part of this proxy statement-
prospectus, except for any information superseded by information in this proxy
statement-prospectus. This proxy statement prospectus incorporates by reference
the documents set forth below that IBT has previously filed with the SEC. These
documents contain important information about IBT and its finances.

     IBT Commission Filings (File No. 000-18415)
     Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the six-month period ended June 30, 2006.
     Current Report on Form 8-K filed May 5, 2006
     Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the three-month period ended March 31,
     Current Report on Form 8-K filed April 25, 2006
     Current Report on Form 8-K filed March 28, 2006
     Current Report on Form 8-K filed March 10, 2006
     Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A filed March 28, 2006
     Annual Report on Form 10-K for year ended December 31, 2005

     All documents subsequently filed by IBT with the SEC pursuant to Sections
13(a), 13(c), 14 and 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
between the date of this proxy statement-prospectus and the date of the special
meeting of the shareholders of Farwell are also incorporated by reference into
this proxy statement-prospectus.

     Documents incorporated by reference are available from IBT without charge.
You may obtain documents incorporated by reference in this proxy statement-
prospectus by requesting them in writing or by telephone from IBT at the
following address:

     IBT Bancorp, Inc.
     Attn: Dennis P. Angner, President & Chief Executive Officer
     200 East Broadway
     Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858
     (989) 772-9471





                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

     This document, including information included or incorporated by reference
in this document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of
the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking
statements include, but are not limited to:

          (i) the financial condition, results of operations and business of IBT
     and Farwell;

          (ii) statements about the benefits of the merger, including future
     financial and operating results, cost savings, enhancements to revenue and
     accretion to reported earnings that may be realized from the merger;

          (iii) statements about our respective plans, objectives, expectations
     and intentions and other statements that are not historical facts; and

          (iv) other statements identified by words such as "expects,"
     "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," or
     words of similar meaning. These forward-looking statements are based on
     current beliefs and expectations of our management and are inherently
     subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and
     contingencies, many of which are beyond our control. In addition, these
     forward-looking statements are subject to assumptions with respect to
     future business strategies and decisions that are subject to change. The
     following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ
     materially from the anticipated results or other expectations expressed in
     the forward-looking statements:

          - general economic conditions in the areas in which we operate;

          - our businesses may not be combined successfully, or such combination
            may take longer to accomplish than expected;

          - delays or difficulties in the integration by IBT of recently
            acquired businesses;

          - the growth opportunities and cost savings from the merger may not be
            fully realized or may take longer to realize than expected;

          - operating costs, customer losses and business disruption following
            the merger, including adverse effects of relationships with
            employees, may be greater than expected;

          - governmental approvals of the merger may not be obtained, or adverse
            regulatory conditions may be imposed in connection with governmental
            approvals of the merger;

          - adverse governmental or regulatory policies may be enacted;

          - the interest rate environment may change, causing margins to
            compress and adversely affecting net interest income;

          - the risks associated with continued diversification of assets and
            adverse changes to credit quality;

          - competition from other financial services companies in our markets;

          - the concentration of IBT's operations in Michigan may adversely
            affect results if the Michigan economy or real estate market
            declines; and

          - the risk of an economic slowdown that would adversely affect credit
            quality and loan originations.

     Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
from those expressed in the forward-looking statements are discussed in IBT's
reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements concerning the
proposed transaction or other matters attributable to either of us or any person
acting on our behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary
statements above. Neither of us undertake any obligation to update any forward-
looking statement to reflect circumstances or events that occur after the date
the forward-looking statements are made.


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                             DATED AS OF MAY 2, 2006

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE I -- CERTAIN DEFINITIONS...........................................    A-1
  1.1.     CERTAIN DEFINITIONS.............................................    A-1

ARTICLE II -- THE MERGER...................................................    A-5
  2.1.     MERGER..........................................................    A-5
  2.2.     CLOSING; EFFECTIVE TIME.........................................    A-5
  2.3.     ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS; NAME......................    A-5
  2.5.     EFFECTS OF THE MERGER...........................................    A-5
  2.6.     TAX CONSEQUENCES................................................    A-5
  2.7.     POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE STRUCTURES.................................    A-5

ARTICLE III -- CONVERSION OF SHARES........................................    A-6
  3.2.     PROCEDURES FOR EXCHANGE OF FSSB COMMON STOCK....................    A-7
  3.3.     RESERVATION OF SHARES...........................................    A-8

  4.1.     REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF FSSB..........................    A-8

  5.1.     REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF FARMERS.......................   A-18

ARTICLE VI -- COVENANTS OF FSSB............................................   A-25
  6.1.     CONDUCT OF BUSINESS.............................................   A-25
  6.2.     CURRENT INFORMATION.............................................   A-27
  6.3.     ACCESS TO PROPERTIES AND RECORDS................................   A-27
  6.4.     FINANCIAL AND OTHER STATEMENTS..................................   A-28
  6.5.     MAINTENANCE OF INSURANCE........................................   A-28
  6.6.     DISCLOSURE SUPPLEMENTS..........................................   A-28
  6.7.     CONSENTS AND APPROVALS OF THIRD PARTIES.........................   A-28
  6.8.     ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS..........................................   A-28
  6.9.     FAILURE TO FULFILL CONDITIONS...................................   A-28
  6.10.    NO SOLICITATION.................................................   A-28
  6.12     FSSB AUDIT FOR 2005.............................................   A-29

ARTICLE VII -- COVENANTS OF FARMERS........................................   A-29
  7.1.     CONDUCT OF BUSINESS.............................................   A-29
  7.2.     DISCLOSURE SUPPLEMENTS..........................................   A-29
  7.3.     CONSENTS AND APPROVALS OF THIRD PARTIES.........................   A-30
  7.4.     ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS..........................................   A-30
  7.5.     FAILURE TO FULFILL CONDITIONS...................................   A-30
  7.6.     EMPLOYEE BENEFITS...............................................   A-30
  7.7.     ACCESS TO PROPERTIES AND RECORDS................................   A-30
  7.8.     FINANCIAL AND OTHER STATEMENTS..................................   A-30




ARTICLE VIII -- REGULATORY AND OTHER MATTERS...............................   A-32
  8.1.     MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS........................................   A-32
  8.3.     REGULATORY APPROVALS............................................   A-32
  8.4.     AFFILIATES......................................................   A-33
  8.5.     EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT............................................   A-33
  8.6.     POST-CLOSING OPERATIONS.........................................   A-33

ARTICLE IX -- CLOSING CONDITIONS...........................................   A-33

ARTICLE X -- THE CLOSING...................................................   A-35
  10.1.    TIME AND PLACE..................................................   A-35
  10.2.    DELIVERIES AT THE CLOSING.......................................   A-35

ARTICLE XI -- TERMINATION, AMENDMENT AND WAIVER............................   A-35
  11.1.    TERMINATION.....................................................   A-35
  11.2.    EFFECT OF TERMINATION...........................................   A-36
  11.3.    AMENDMENT, EXTENSION AND WAIVER.................................   A-37

ARTICLE XII -- MISCELLANEOUS...............................................   A-37
  12.1.    CONFIDENTIALITY.................................................   A-37
  12.2.    PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS............................................   A-38
  12.3.    SURVIVAL........................................................   A-38
  12.4.    NOTICES.........................................................   A-38
  12.5.    PARTIES IN INTEREST.............................................   A-38
  12.6.    COMPLETE AGREEMENT..............................................   A-38
  12.7.    COUNTERPARTS....................................................   A-38
  12.8.    SEVERABILITY....................................................   A-38
  12.9.    GOVERNING LAW...................................................   A-39
  12.10.   INTERPRETATION..................................................   A-39
  12.11.   SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE............................................   A-39


                              AMENDED AND RESTATED

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

     This Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger is dated as of May
2, 2006 (the "Agreement"), by and between Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge, a
Michigan chartered commercial bank ("Farmers"), The Farwell State Savings Bank,
a Michigan chartered commercial bank ("FSSB") and IBT Bancorp, Inc., a Michigan
financial services holding company ("IBT").

     WHEREAS, FSSB and IBT, the parent corporation of Farmers, entered into an
Agreement and Plan of Merger dated December 22, 2005;

     WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 2.7 of the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated
December 22, 2005, the parties now desire to modify certain terms and conditions
of the Agreement as more particularly provided in this amended and restated
Agreement, including but not limited to substituting Farmers for IBT as the
acquiring entity;

     WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of each of Farmers and FSSB (i) has
determined that this Agreement and the business combination and related
transactions contemplated hereby are in the best interests of their respective
companies and shareholders and (ii) has determined that this Agreement and the
transactions contemplated hereby are consistent with and in furtherance of their
respective business strategies, and (iii) has approved this Agreement at
meetings of each of such Boards of Directors;

     WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, FSSB will merge
with Farmers with Farmers as the surviving entity (the "Merger"). Concurrently,
shareholders of FSSB shall exchange their shares of FSSB for shares of IBT and

     WHEREAS, the parties currently intend that the Merger shall qualify as a
reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); and

     WHEREAS, the parties desire to make certain representations, warranties and
agreements in connection with the business transactions described in this
Agreement and to prescribe certain conditions thereto.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, representations,
warranties and agreements herein contained, and of other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the
parties hereto agree as follows:

                        ARTICLE I -- CERTAIN DEFINITIONS

     1.1.  Certain Definitions.  As used in this Agreement, the following terms
have the following meanings (unless the context otherwise requires, references
to articles and sections refer to articles and sections of this Agreement).

     "Affiliates" means any Person who directly, or indirectly, through one or
more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control
with, such Person and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
includes any executive officer or director of such Person and any Affiliates of
such executive officer or director.

     "Agreement" means this agreement, and any amendment hereto.

     "Bank Regulator" shall mean any Federal or state banking regulatory agency
with supervisory authority over Farmers, FSSB, IBT, Isabella Bank and Trust, or
a subsidiary of any of them.

     "Bureau" shall mean the Office of Financial and Insurance Services of the
State of Michigan.

     "Certificate" shall mean a certificate evidencing shares of FSSB Common

     "Closing" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

     "Closing Date" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

     "COBRA" shall mean the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1985, as amended.

     "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.


     "Confidentiality Agreements" shall mean the confidentiality agreements
referred to in Section 12.1 of this Agreement.

     "Dissenting Shareholder" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "Dissenting Shares" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1(d).

     "Effective Time" shall mean the date and time specified pursuant to Section
2.2 hereof as the effective time of the Merger.

     "Environmental Laws" means any applicable Federal, state or local law,
statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, code, license, permit, authorization,
approval, consent, order, judgment, decree, injunction or agreement with any
governmental entity relating to (1) the protection, preservation or restoration
of the environment (including, without limitation, air, water vapor, surface
water, groundwater, drinking water supply, surface soil, subsurface soil, plant
and animal life or any other natural resource) and/or (2) the use, storage,
recycling, treatment, generation, transportation, processing, handling,
labeling, production, release or disposal of Materials of Environmental Concern.
The term "Environmental Laws" includes without limitation (a) the comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C.
Section 9601, et seq.; the resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended,
42 U.S.C. Section 901, et seq.; the Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section
7401, et seq.; the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C.
Section 1251, et seq.; the Toxic Substances Control Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C.
Section 2601, et seq.; the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act,
42 U.S.C. Section 11001, et seq.; the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. Section
300f, et seq.; and all comparable state and local laws, and (b) any common law
(including without limitation common law that may impose strict liability) that
may impose liability or obligations for injuries or damages due to the presence
of or exposure to any Materials of Environmental Concern.

     "ERISA" shall mean the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as

     "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "Exchange Agent" shall mean Isabella Bank and Trust, or such other bank or
trust company or other agent designated by Farmers, and reasonably acceptable to
FSSB, which shall act as agent for Farmers in connection with the exchange of
the Certificates for the Merger Consideration.

     "Exchange Fund" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.2(a).

     "Exchange Ratio" shall mean the number of shares IBT Common Stock and the
amount of cash into which one (1) share of FSSB Common Stock shall be converted
at the Effective Time, which shall be as set forth below:

          3.0382 shares of IBT Common Stock plus $29.00 in cash for each share
          of FSSB Common Stock, provided that the cash portion shall be reduced
          by the amount that cash dividends paid by FSSB during 2006 exceed
          $3.50 per share and shall be increased by the amount that cash
          dividends paid by IBT during 2006 exceed $0.66 per share.

     "Farmers" shall mean Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge, with its principal
offices located at 316 East Saginaw Street, Breckenridge, Michigan 48615.

     "Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule" shall mean a written disclosure
schedule delivered by Farmers and IBT to FSSB specifically referring to the
appropriate section of this Agreement.

     "Farmers Entity" shall mean any of Farmers, IBT, Isabella Bank and Trust,
IBT Title and Insurance Agency, Inc., Financial Group Information Services,
Inc., IB&T Employee Leasing, LLC, and IBT Personnel, LLC.

     "FDIC" shall mean the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any
successor thereto.

     "FRB" shall mean the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or
any successor thereto.

     "FSSB" shall mean The Farwell State Savings Bank, with its principal
offices located at 399 West Main Street, Farwell, Michigan 48622.

     "FSSB Common Stock" shall mean the common stock, par value $10.00 per
share, of FSSB.


     "FSSB Disclosure Schedule" shall mean a written disclosure schedule
delivered by FSSB to IBT specifically referring to the appropriate section of
this Agreement.

     "FSSB Financial Statements" shall mean (i) the audited statements of
financial condition (including related notes and schedules, if any) of FSSB as
of December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 and the statements of income, changes in
shareholders' equity and cash flows (including related notes and schedules, if
any) of FSSB for each of the three years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003,
as set forth in FSSB's annual report for the year ended December 31, 2004 and
(ii) the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements of FSSB as of the
end of the three-month period ended March 31, 2006.

     "FSSB Shareholders Meeting" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "FSSB Stock Benefit Plans" shall mean any and all stock-based benefit plans
and amendments thereto of FSSB.

     "FSSB Subsidiary" means any corporation or entity, 50% or more of the
equity interest of which is owned, either directly or indirectly, by FSSB,
except any corporation or entity the equity interest of which is held in the
ordinary course of the lending activities of FSSB.

     "GAAP" shall mean accounting principles generally applied in the United
States of America.

     "Governmental Entity" shall mean any Federal or state court, administrative
agency or commission or other governmental authority or instrumentality.

     "IBT" shall mean IBT Bancorp, Inc., a Michigan corporation, with its
principal executive offices located at 200 East Broadway Street, Mt. Pleasant,
Michigan, 48858.

     "IBT Common Stock" shall mean the common stock, no par value per share, of

     "IBT Financial Statements" shall mean the (i) the audited consolidated
statements of financial condition (including related notes and schedules) of IBT
as of December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 and the consolidated statements of
income, changes in shareholders' equity and cash flows (including related notes
and schedules, if any) of IBT for each of the three years ended December 31,
2005, 2004 and 2003, as set forth in IBT's annual report for the year ended
December 31, 2005, and (ii) the unaudited interim consolidated financial
statement of IBT as of the end of the three-month period ended March 31, 2006,
as filed by IBT in its Securities Documents.

     "IBT Stock Benefit Plans" shall mean any and all stock-based benefit plans
and amendments thereto of IBT.

     "IBT Subsidiary" means any corporation or entity, 50% or more of the equity
interest of which is owned, either directly or indirectly, by IBT, Isabella Bank
and Trust or Farmers, except any corporation or entity, the equity interest of
which is held in the ordinary course of the lending activities of Isabella Bank
and Trust or Farmers.

     "IRS" shall mean the United States Internal Revenue Service.

     "Knowledge" as used with respect to a Person (including references to such
person being aware of a particular matter) means those facts that are known by
the current executive officers and directors of such Person, and includes any
and all facts, matters or circumstances set forth in any written notice from any
Bank Regulator or any other material written notice received by such executive
officer or director of that Person.

     "Loan Property" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.1(o).

     "Material Adverse Effect" shall mean, with respect to Farmers or FSSB,
respectively, any effect that (i) is material and adverse to the financial
condition, results of operations or business of IBT and its Subsidiaries taken
as a whole, or FSSB and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole, respectively, or (ii)
does or would materially impair the ability of either FSSB, on the one hand, or
Farmers, on the other hand, to perform its obligations under this Agreement or
otherwise materially threaten or materially impede the consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided that "Material Adverse
Effect" shall not be deemed to include the impact of (a) changes in laws and
regulations affecting banks generally or interpretations thereof by courts or
governmental agencies, (b) changes in GAAP or regulatory accounting principles
generally applicable to financial institutions and their holding companies, (c)
actions and omissions of a party hereto (or any of its Subsidiaries) taken with
the prior


written consent of the other party, (d) compliance with this Agreement on the
business, financial condition or results of operations of the parties and their
respective Subsidiaries, including the expenses incurred by the parties hereto
in consummating the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (consistent with
the information included in the Disclosure Schedules) and (e) any change in the
value of the securities portfolio of IBT or FSSB, respectively, whether held as
available for sale or held to maturity, resulting from a change in interest
rates value of the securities portfolio of IBT or FSSB, respectively, whether
held as available for sale or held to maturity, resulting from a change in
interest rates generally.

     "Materials of Environmental Concern" means pollutants, contaminants,
wastes, toxic substances, petroleum and petroleum products, and any other
materials regulated under Environmental Laws.

     "MBCA" shall mean the Michigan Business Corporation Act, as amended.

     "Merger" shall mean the merger of FSSB with and into Farmers pursuant to
the terms hereof.

     "Merger Consideration" shall mean the IBT Common Stock and cash, to be paid
by Farmers for each share of FSSB Common Stock, as set forth in Section 3.1.

     "Merger Registration Statement" shall mean the registration statement,
together with all amendments, filed with the SEC under the Securities Act for
the purpose of registering shares of IBT Common Stock to be offered to holders
of FSSB Common Stock in connection with the Merger.

     "Michigan Banking Law" shall mean the Michigan Banking Code of 1999, as
amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended, as
administered by the Bureau.

     "Participation Facility" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "PBGC" shall mean the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation or any successor

     "Pension Plan" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.1(m).

     "Person" shall mean any individual, corporation, limited liability company,
partnership, joint venture, association, trust "group" (as that term is defined
under the Exchange Act) or entity.

     "Proxy Statement -- Prospectus" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "Regulatory Agreement" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.1(l).

     "Regulatory Approvals" means the approval of any Bank Regulator that is
necessary in connection with the consummation of the Merger and the related
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     "Rights" shall mean warrants, options, rights, convertible securities,
stock appreciation rights and other arrangements or commitments which obligate
an entity to issue or dispose of any of its capital stock or other ownership
interests or which provide for compensation based on the equity appreciation of
its capital stock.

     "SEC" shall mean the Securities and Exchange Commission or any successor

     "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     "Securities Documents" shall mean all reports, offering circulars, proxy
statements, registration statements and all similar documents filed pursuant to
the Securities Laws.

     "Securities Laws" shall mean the Securities Act; the Exchange Act; the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended; the Investment Advisers Act of 1940,
as amended; the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as amended, and the rules and
regulations of the SEC promulgated thereunder.

     "Significant Subsidiary" shall have the meaning set forth in Rule 1-02 of
Regulation S-X of the SEC.

     "Surviving Corporation" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1

     "Termination Date" shall mean December 31, 2006.

     Other terms used herein are defined in the preamble and elsewhere in this


                            ARTICLE II -- THE MERGER

     2.1.  Merger.  Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, at
the Effective Time, FSSB shall merge with Farmers, with Farmers as the resulting
or surviving banking corporation (the "Surviving Corporation"). As part of the
Merger, each share of FSSB Common Stock shall be converted into the right to
receive the Merger Consideration pursuant to the terms of Article III hereof.

     2.2.  Closing; Effective Time.  Subject to the satisfaction or waiver of
all conditions to closing contained in Article IX hereof, the Closing shall
occur no later than five (5) business days following the latest to occur of (i)
the receipt of all required Regulatory Approvals, and the expiration of any
applicable waiting periods, (ii) the approval of the Merger by the shareholders
of FSSB, or (iii) at such other date or time upon which Farmers and FSSB
mutually agree (the "Closing"). The Merger shall be effected by the filing of a
certificate of merger with the Bureau on the day of the Closing (the "Closing
Date"), in accordance with Michigan Banking Law. The "Effective Time" means the
date and time upon which the certificate of merger is filed with the Bureau, or
as otherwise stated in the certificate of merger, in accordance with Michigan
Banking Law.

     2.3.  Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws; Name.  The Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws of Farmers as in effect immediately prior to the
Effective Time shall be the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the
Surviving Corporation, until thereafter amended as provided therein and by
applicable law. The name of the Surviving Corporation shall be FSB.

     2.4.  Directors and Officers of Surviving Corporation.  The board directors
of the Surviving Corporation shall consist of one of the incumbent directors of
each of FSSB and Farmers immediately preceding the Effective Time, the President
and CEO of IBT and two outside directors of IBT, each to hold office in
accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Surviving
Corporation. At the Effective Time, IBT shall establish by resolution of the
Board of Directors a regional board to preserve the institutional knowledge of
FSSB immediately before the Merger and to provide advice to the IBT Board of
Directors about business and operations, community and customer needs in the
market area, regional economic conditions and such other advisory
responsibilities as determined by the IBT Board of Directors. The members of the
initial regional board shall consist of all incumbent members of the FSSB board
of directors immediately preceding the Effective Time. Regional board member
compensation shall be the same as that provided by FSSB prior to the Effective
Time provided, however, that IBT may conduct periodic reviews of director
compensation to assess reasonableness and consistency. The officers of the
Surviving Corporation at the Effective Time shall be as set forth in Exhibit F.

     2.5.  Effects of the Merger.  At and after the Effective Time, the Merger
shall have the effects as set forth in the Michigan Banking Law.

     2.6.  Tax Consequences.  It is intended that the Merger shall constitute a
reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code and that this
Agreement shall constitute a "plan of reorganization" as that term is used in
Sections 354 and 361 of the Code. From and after the date of this Agreement and
until the Closing, each party hereto shall use its reasonable best efforts to
cause the Merger to qualify, and will not knowingly take any action, cause any
action to be taken, fail to take any action or cause any action to fail to be
taken which action or failure to act could prevent the Merger from qualifying as
a reorganization under Section 368(a) of the Code other than is contemplated by
this Agreement. Following the Closing, neither Farmers nor FSSB nor any of their
Affiliates shall knowingly take any action, cause any action to be taken, fail
to take any action or cause any action to fail to be taken, which action or
failure to act could cause the Merger to fail to qualify as a reorganization
under Section 368(a) of the Code.

     2.7.  Possible Alternative Structures.  Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained in this Agreement and subject to the satisfaction of the
conditions set forth in Article IX, prior to the Effective Time, Farmers shall,
with the consent of FSSB, which will not be unreasonably withheld, be entitled
to revise the structure of the Merger described in Section 2.1 hereof provided
that (i) there are no adverse Federal or state income tax consequences to FSSB
shareholders as a result of the modification; (ii) the consideration to be paid
to the holders of FSSB Common Stock under this Agreement is not thereby changed
in kind or value (or the composition thereof), or reduced in amount; and (iii)
such modification will not delay materially or jeopardize receipt of any
required Regulatory


Approvals or other consents and approvals relating to the consummation of the
Merger. The parties hereto agree to appropriately amend this Agreement and any
related documents in order to reflect any such revised structure.

                       ARTICLE III -- CONVERSION OF SHARES

     3.1.  Conversion of FSSB Common Stock; Merger Consideration.  At the
Effective Time, by virtue of the Merger and without any action on the part of
Farmers, FSSB or the holders of any of the shares of FSSB Common Stock, the
Merger shall be effected in accordance with the following terms:

          (a) Each share of Farmers Common Stock that is issued and outstanding
     immediately prior to the Effective Time shall remain issued and outstanding
     following the Effective Time and shall be unchanged by the Merger.

          (b) All shares of FSSB Common Stock held in the treasury of FSSB and
     each share of FSSB Common Stock owned by IBT or any direct or indirect
     wholly owned subsidiary of IBT or of FSSB immediately prior to the
     Effective Time, shall cease to exist, and the certificates for such shares
     shall be canceled as promptly as practicable thereafter, and no payment or
     distribution shall be made in consideration therefor.

          (c) Except as set forth above, each share of FSSB Common Stock issued
     and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time (other than
     Dissenting Shares) shall become and be converted into, as provided in and
     subject to the limitations set forth in this Agreement, the right to
     receive shares of IBT Common Stock and cash based on the Exchange Ratio
     (the "Merger Consideration").

          (d) Each outstanding share of FSSB Common Stock the holder of which
     has perfected his right to dissent under Michigan Banking Law and has not
     effectively withdrawn or lost such right as of the Effective Time (the
     "Dissenting Shares") shall not be converted into or represent a right to
     receive the Merger Consideration hereunder, and the holder thereof shall be
     entitled only to such rights as are granted by Michigan Banking Law. FSSB
     shall give Farmers prompt notice upon receipt by FSSB of any such demand
     for payment of the fair value of such shares of FSSB Common Stock and of
     withdrawals of such demands and any other instruments provided pursuant to
     applicable law (any shareholder duly making such demand being hereinafter
     called a "Dissenting Shareholder"), and Farmers shall have the right to
     participate in all negotiations and proceedings with respect to any such
     demand for payment, or waive any failure to timely deliver a written demand
     for appraisal or the taking of any other action by such Dissenting
     Shareholder as may be necessary to perfect appraisal rights under Michigan
     Banking Law. Any payments made with respect to Dissenting Shares shall be
     made by the Surviving Corporation.

          (e) If any Dissenting Shareholder shall effectively withdraw or lose
     (through failure to perfect or otherwise) his right to payment as a
     Dissenting Shareholder at or prior to the Effective Time, such holder's
     shares of FSSB Common Stock shall be converted into a right to receive the
     Merger Consideration in accordance with the applicable provisions of this

          (f) At the Effective Time, shares of FSSB Common Stock shall
     automatically be canceled and shall no longer be outstanding, and shall be
     converted into the right to receive the Merger Consideration.

          (g) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, no
     certificates or script representing fractional shares of IBT Common Stock
     shall be issued upon the surrender and exchange of Certificates, no
     dividend or distribution with respect to IBT Common Stock shall be payable
     on or with respect to any fractional share interest, and such fractional
     share interests shall not entitle the owner thereof to vote or to any other
     rights of a shareholder of IBT. In lieu of the issuance of any such
     fractional share, Farmers shall pay to each former holder of FSSB Common
     Stock who otherwise would be entitled to receive a fractional share of IBT
     Common Stock, an amount in cash, rounded to the nearest cent and without
     interest, equal to the product of (i) the fraction of a share to which such
     holder would otherwise have been entitled and (ii) $42.00. For purposes of
     determining any fractional share interest, all shares of FSSB Common Stock
     owned by a FSSB shareholder shall be combined so as to calculate the
     maximum number of whole shares of IBT Common Stock issuable to such FSSB


          (h) In the event that, subsequent to the date of this Agreement but
     prior to the Effective Time, the outstanding shares of IBT Common Stock
     and/or FSSB Common Stock shall have been increased, decreased, changed into
     or exchanged for a different number or kind of shares or securities through
     a reorganization, recapitalization, reclassification, stock dividend, stock
     split, reverse stock split, or other similar change in capitalization, or
     exchanged or converted into shares or securities of another corporation,
     then an appropriate, equitable and proportionate adjustment shall be made
     to the Exchange Ratio.

     3.2.  Procedures for Exchange of FSSB Common Stock.

     (a) IBT to Make Merger Consideration Available.  No later than the Closing
Date, IBT shall deposit, or shall cause to be deposited, in an account with the
Exchange Agent for the benefit of the holders of FSSB Common Stock, for exchange
in accordance with this Section 3.2, certificates representing the shares of IBT
Common Stock and an aggregate amount of cash sufficient to pay the aggregate
amount of cash payable pursuant to this Article III (such cash and certificates
for shares of IBT Common Stock, together with any dividends or distributions
with respect thereto (without any interest thereon) being hereinafter referred
to as the "Exchange Fund").

     (b) Exchange of Certificates.  IBT shall take any steps necessary to cause
the Exchange Agent, within five (5) business days after the Effective Time, to
mail to each holder of a Certificate or Certificates, a form letter of
transmittal for return to the Exchange Agent and instructions for use in
effecting the surrender of the Certificates in exchange for the Merger
Consideration. The letter of transmittal shall be in customary form and shall
specify that delivery shall be effected, and risk of loss and title to the
Certificates shall pass, only upon delivery of the Certificates to the Exchange
Agent. Upon proper surrender of a Certificate for exchange and cancellation to
the Exchange Agent, together with a properly completed letter of transmittal,
duly executed, the holder of such Certificate shall be entitled to receive in
exchange therefore the Merger Consideration to which such holder of FSSB Common
Stock shall have become entitled pursuant to Section 3.1(c) and 3.1(g) hereof,
and the Certificate so surrendered shall forthwith be cancelled. No interest
will be paid or accrued on any cash payable hereunder or any unpaid dividends
and distributions, if any, payable to holders of Certificates.

     (c) Rights of Certificate Holders After the Effective Time.  After the
Effective Time, the holders of the Certificates shall have no rights (excluding
dissenter's rights of those shareholders properly exercising dissenter's rights)
with respect to the shares of FSSB Common Stock formerly represented by those
Certificates except to surrender those Certificates in exchange for the Merger
Consideration as provided in this Agreement. No dividends or other distributions
declared after the Effective Time with respect to IBT Common Stock or interest
with respect to cash that is part of the Exchange Fund shall be paid to the
holder of any Certificate until the holder thereof shall surrender such
Certificate in accordance with this Section 3.2. After the surrender of a
Certificate in accordance with this Section 3.2, the record holder thereof shall
be entitled to receive any dividends or other distributions, without any
interest thereon, that become payable after the Effective Time with respect to
the shares of IBT Common Stock that are part of the Merger Consideration for the
shares of FSSB Common Stock represented by the surrendered Certificate.

     (d) Surrender by Persons Other than Record Holders.  If the Person
surrendering a Certificate and signing the accompanying letter of transmittal is
not the record holder thereof, then it shall be a condition of the payment of
the Merger Consideration that: (i) such Certificate is properly endorsed to such
Person or is accompanied by appropriate stock powers, in either case signed
exactly as the name of the record holder appears on such Certificate, and is
otherwise in proper form for transfer, or is accompanied by appropriate evidence
of the authority of the Person surrendering such Certificate and signing the
letter of transmittal to do so on behalf of the record holder; and (ii) the
person requesting such exchange shall pay to the Exchange Agent in advance any
transfer or other taxes required by reason of the payment to a Person other than
the registered holder of the Certificate surrendered, or required for any other
reason, or shall establish to the satisfaction of the Exchange Agent that such
tax has been paid or is not payable.

     (e) Closing of Transfer Books.  From and after the Effective Time, there
shall be no transfers on the stock transfer books of FSSB of the FSSB Common
Stock that were outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time. If, after
the Effective Time, Certificates representing such shares are presented for
transfer to the Exchange Agent, they shall be exchanged for the Merger
Consideration and canceled as provided in this Section 3.2. Certificates
surrendered for exchange by any person constituting an "Affiliate" of FSSB for
purposes of Rule 145 under the


Securities Act shall not be exchanged until Farmers has received a written
agreement from such person as provided in Section 8.4.

     (f) Return of Exchange Fund.  At any time following the twelve (12) month
period after the Effective Time, IBT shall be entitled to require the Exchange
Agent to deliver to it any portions of the Exchange Fund which has been made
available to the Exchange Agent and not disbursed to holders of Certificates
(including, without limitation, all interest and other income received by the
Exchange Agent in respect of all funds made available to it), and thereafter
such holders shall be entitled to look to IBT (subject to abandoned property,
escheat and other similar laws) with respect to any Merger Consideration that
may be payable upon due surrender of the Certificates held by them.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither IBT nor the Exchange Agent shall be
liable to any holder of a Certificate for any Merger Consideration delivered in
respect of such Certificate to a public official pursuant to any abandoned
property, escheat or other similar law.

     (g) Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Certificates.  In the event any Certificate
shall have been lost, stolen or destroyed, upon the making of an affidavit of
that fact by the person claiming such Certificate to be lost, stolen or
destroyed and, if required by IBT, the posting by such person of a bond in such
amount as IBT may reasonably direct as indemnity against any claim that may be
made against it with respect to such Certificate, the Exchange Agent will issue
in exchange for such lost, stolen or destroyed Certificate, the Merger
Consideration deliverable in respect thereof.

     (h) Withholding. IBT or the Exchange  Agent will be entitled to deduct and
withhold from the consideration otherwise payable pursuant to this Agreement or
the transactions contemplated hereby to any holder of FSSB Common Stock such
amounts as IBT (or any Affiliate thereof) or the Exchange Agent are required to
deduct and withhold with respect to the making of such payment under the Code,
or any applicable provision of U.S. Federal, state, local or non-U.S. tax law.
To the extent that such amounts are properly withheld by IBT or the Exchange
Agent, such withheld amounts will be treated for all purposes of this Agreement
as having been paid to the holder of the FSSB Common Stock in respect of whom
such deduction and withholding were made and shall be delivered to the
applicable taxing authorities.

     3.3.  Reservation of Shares.  IBT shall reserve for issuance a sufficient
number of shares of IBT Common Stock for the purpose of issuing such shares to
FSSB shareholders in accordance with this Article III.


     4.1.  Representations and Warranties of FSSB.  FSSB represents and warrants
to Farmers that the statements contained in this Article IV are correct as of
the date of this Agreement, except as set forth in the FSSB Disclosure Schedule
delivered by FSSB to Farmers on the date hereof, and except as to any
representation or warranty which specifically relates to an earlier date. FSSB
has made a good faith effort to ensure that the disclosure on each schedule of
the FSSB Disclosure Schedule corresponds to the section referenced herein.
However, for purposes of the FSSB Disclosure Schedule, any item disclosed on any
schedule therein is deemed to be fully disclosed with respect to all schedules
under which such item may be relevant as and to the extent that it is reasonably
apparent that such item applies to such other schedule.

     (a) Organization, Standing and Power.

          (i) FSSB is a Michigan chartered commercial bank duly organized,
     validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
     Michigan. FSSB has all requisite power and authority to own, lease and
     operate its properties and to carry on its business as now being conducted.
     The deposits of FSSB are insured by the FDIC to the fullest extent
     permitted by law, and all premiums and assessments required to be paid in
     connection therewith have been paid by FSSB when due.

          (ii) FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(a)(ii) sets forth each FSSB
     Subsidiary. Each FSSB Subsidiary is a corporation, limited liability
     company or other legal entity duly organized, validly existing and in good
     standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation or


          (iii) The respective minute books of FSSB and each FSSB Subsidiary
     accurately records, in all material respects, all material corporate
     actions of the respective shareholders and boards of directors (including
     committees) since January 1, 2003.

          (iv) Prior to the date of this Agreement, FSSB has made available to
     Farmers or a Farmers Entity, true and correct copies of the articles of
     incorporation or charter and bylaws of FSSB and each FSSB Subsidiary. FSSB
     Disclosure Schedule 4.1(a)(iv) sets forth any and all current noncompliance
     with FSSB's charter and bylaws. Such noncompliance has not, and will not
     have, a Material Adverse Effect on FSSB.

     (b) Capital Structure.

          (i) The authorized capital stock of FSSB consists of 262,500 shares of
     FSSB Common Stock, of which 262,500 shares are outstanding, validly issued,
     fully paid and nonassessable (except for assessments by the Bureau pursuant
     to Section 3807 of the Michigan Banking Code of 1999) and free of
     preemptive rights. There are no shares of FSSB Common Stock held by FSSB as
     treasury stock. FSSB has no outstanding options, warrants or other rights
     which are convertible into shares of FSSB Common Stock, except as disclosed
     on FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(b)(i). Neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary
     has or is bound by any Rights of any character relating to the purchase,
     sale or issuance or voting of, or right to receive dividends or other
     distributions on any shares of FSSB Common Stock, or any other security of
     FSSB or any securities representing the right to vote, purchase or
     otherwise receive any shares of FSSB Common Stock or any other security of
     FSSB, other than shares issuable under the FSSB Stock Benefit Plans. FSSB
     Disclosure Schedule 4.1(b)(i) sets forth: the name of each holder of an
     award granted under any FSSB Stock Benefit Plan, identifying the nature,
     number of shares, grant and vesting dates of the award.

          (ii) Except for the FSSB Subsidiaries and as set forth in FSSB
     Disclosure Schedule 4.1(b)(ii), FSSB does not possess, directly or
     indirectly, any material equity interest in any corporate entity, except
     for equity interests held in the investment portfolios of FSSB or any FSSB
     Subsidiary, equity interests held by FSSB in a fiduciary capacity, and
     equity interests held in connection with the lending activities of FSSB.
     FSSB owns each of its outstanding shares of capital stock of each FSSB
     Subsidiary free and clear of all liens, security interests, pledges,
     charges, encumbrances, agreements and restrictions of any kind or nature.

          (iii) To FSSB's Knowledge, except as set forth on FSSB Disclosure
     Schedule 4.1(b)(iii), no Person is the beneficial owner (as defined in
     Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act) of 5% or more of the outstanding shares
     of FSSB Common Stock.

          (iv) No bonds, debentures, notes or other indebtedness having the
     right to vote on any matters on which FSSB's shareholders may vote has been
     issued by FSSB and are outstanding.

     (c) Authority.

          (i) FSSB has full corporate power and authority to execute and deliver
     this Agreement and, subject to the receipt of the Regulatory Approvals
     described in Section 8.3 and the approval of this Agreement by FSSB's
     shareholders, to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. The
     execution and delivery of this Agreement by FSSB and the completion by FSSB
     of the transactions contemplated hereby, up to and including the Merger,
     have been duly and validly approved by the Board of Directors of FSSB. This
     Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by FSSB, and
     subject to approval by the shareholders of FSSB and receipt of the
     Regulatory Approvals, constitutes the valid and binding obligation of FSSB,
     enforceable against FSSB in accordance with its terms, subject to
     applicable bankruptcy, insolvency and similar laws affecting creditors'
     rights generally, and subject, as to enforceability, to general principles
     of equity.

          (ii) (A) The execution and delivery of this Agreement by FSSB, (B)
     subject to receipt of Regulatory Approvals, and FSSB's and Farmers'
     compliance with any conditions contained therein, and subject to the
     receipt of the approval of the shareholders of FSSB, the consummation of
     the transactions contemplated hereby, and (C) compliance by FSSB with any
     of the terms or provisions hereof will not (i) conflict with or result in a
     breach of any provision of the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of FSSB
     or any FSSB Subsidiary; (ii) violate any statute, code, ordinance, rule,
     regulation, judgment, order, writ, decree or injunction applicable to FSSB
     or any FSSB Subsidiary or any of their respective properties or assets; or
     (iii) except as set forth in


     FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(c)(ii), violate, conflict with, result in a
     breach of any provisions of, constitute a default (or an event which, with
     notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a default), under,
     result in the termination of, accelerate the performance required by, or
     result in a right of termination or acceleration or the creation of any
     lien, security interest, charge or other encumbrance upon any of the
     properties or assets of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary under any of the terms,
     conditions or provisions of any note, bond, mortgage, indenture, deed of
     trust, license, lease, agreement or other investment or obligation to which
     FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary is a party, or by which they or any of their
     respective properties or assets may be bound or affected, except for such
     violations, conflicts, breaches or defaults under clause (ii) or (iii)
     hereof which, either individually or in the aggregate, will not have a
     Material Adverse Effect on FSSB and the FSSB Subsidiaries taken as a whole.

     (d) Information Supplied.  None of the information supplied or to be
supplied by FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary for inclusion or incorporation by
reference in (i) the Registration Statement on Form S-4 to be filed with the SEC
by IBT in connection with the issuance of shares of IBT Common Stock in the
Merger (including the Proxy Statement and prospectus constituting a part
thereof, the "S-4") will, at the time the S-4 becomes effective under the
Securities Act, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state
any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
statements therein not misleading, and (ii) the Proxy Statement -- Prospectus
and any amendment or supplement thereto will, at the date of mailing to FSSB
shareholders and at the time of the meeting of shareholders of FSSB to be held
in connection with the Merger, contain any untrue statement of a material fact
or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in
order to make the statements therein not misleading. The Proxy
Statement -- Prospectus (except for such portions thereof that relate only to
IBT) will comply in all material respects with the provisions of the Exchange
Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, and the S-4 (except for such
portions thereof that relate only to IBT) will comply in all material respects
with the provisions of the Securities Act and the rules and regulations

     (e) Consents.  Except for the Regulatory Approvals referred to in Section
8.3 hereof and consents set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(e) and
compliance with any conditions contained therein, and the approval of this
Agreement by the requisite vote of the shareholders of FSSB, no consents,
waivers or approvals of, or filings or registrations with, any Governmental
Entity or Bank Regulator are necessary, and, to FSSB's Knowledge, no consents,
waivers or approvals of, or filings or registrations with, any other third
parties are necessary, in connection with the execution and delivery of this
Agreement by FSSB, and the completion by FSSB of the Merger. To FSSB's
knowledge, (i) it has not received notice as of the date hereof that any Bank
Regulator intends to disapprove or object to the completion of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, and (ii) there is no reason to expect that all
Regulatory Approvals required for the consummation of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement will not be received.

     (f) Financial Statements.

          (i) FSSB has previously made available to Farmers or a Farmers Entity
     the FSSB Financial Statements. Except as disclosed in FSSB Disclosure
     Schedule 4.1(f)(i), the FSSB Financial Statements have been prepared in
     accordance with GAAP, and (including the related notes where applicable)
     fairly present in each case in all material respects (subject to the case
     of the unaudited interim statements to normal year-end adjustments) the
     consolidated financial position, results of operations and cash flows of
     FSSB and the FSSB Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis as of and for the
     respective periods ending on the dates thereof, in accordance with GAAP
     during the periods involved, except as indicated in the notes thereto.

          (ii) Except as disclosed in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(f)(ii), at
     the date of each balance sheet included in the FSSB Financial Statements,
     FSSB did not have any liability, obligation or loss contingency of any
     nature (whether absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise) of a type
     required to be reflected in such FSSB Financial Statements or in the
     footnotes thereto which were not fully reflected or reserved against
     therein or fully disclosed in a footnote thereto, except for liabilities,
     obligations and loss contingencies which were not material individually or
     in the aggregate or which are incurred in the ordinary course of business,
     consistent with past practice, and except for liabilities, obligations and
     loss contingencies which are within the subject matter of a specific
     representation and warranty herein and subject, in the case of any
     unaudited statements, to normal, recurring audit adjustments and the
     absence of footnotes.


     (g) Taxes.  Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(g), FSSB
and the FSSB Subsidiaries that are at least 80% owned by FSSB are members of the
same Affiliated group within the meaning of Code Section 1504(a) and (A) FSSB
has duly filed all federal, state and material local tax returns required to be
filed by or with respect to FSSB and each Significant Subsidiary of FSSB on or
prior to the Closing Date, taking into account any extensions (all such returns,
to FSSB's Knowledge, being accurate and correct in all material respects) and
has duly paid or made provisions for the payment of all material federal, state
and local taxes which have been incurred by or are due or claimed to be due from
FSSB and any Significant Subsidiary of FSSB by any taxing authority or pursuant
to any written tax sharing agreement on or prior to the Closing Date other than
taxes or other charges which (i) are not delinquent, (ii) are being contested in
good faith, or (iii) have not yet been fully determined, (B) as of the date of
this Agreement, FSSB has received no written notice of, and to FSSB's Knowledge
there is no audit examination, deficiency assessment, tax investigation or
refund litigation with respect to any taxes of FSSB or any of its Significant
Subsidiaries, and no claim has been made by any authority in a jurisdiction
where FSSB or any of its Significant Subsidiaries do not file tax returns that
FSSB or any such Significant Subsidiary is subject to taxation in that
jurisdiction and (C) FSSB and its Significant Subsidiaries have not executed an
extension or waiver of any statute of limitations on the assessment or
collection of any material tax due that is currently in effect. FSSB and each of
its Significant Subsidiaries has withheld and paid all taxes required to have
been withheld and paid in connection with amounts paid or owing to any employee,
independent contractor, creditor, shareholder or other third party, and FSSB and
each of its Significant Subsidiaries, to FSSB's Knowledge, has timely complied
with all applicable information reporting requirements under Part III,
Subchapter A of Chapter 61 of the Code and similar applicable state and local
information reporting requirements.

     (h) No Material Adverse Effect.  Except as disclosed in FSSB Disclosure
Schedule 4.1(h), FSSB and the FSSB Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, have not
suffered any Material Adverse Effect since December 31, 2004, and, to FSSB's
Knowledge, no event has occurred or circumstance arisen since that date which,
in the aggregate, has had or is reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse
Effect on FSSB and the FSSB Subsidiaries, taken as a whole.

     (i) Material Contracts; Leases; Defaults.

          (i) Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(i)(i), neither
     FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary is a party to or subject to: (i) any
     employment, consulting or severance contract with any past or present
     officer, director or employee of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary, except for
     "at will" arrangements; (ii) any plan or contract providing for bonuses,
     pensions, options, deferred compensation, retirement payments, profit
     sharing or similar material arrangements for or with any past or present
     officers, directors or employees of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary; (iii) any
     collective bargaining agreement with any labor union relating to employees
     of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary; (iv) any agreement (other than this
     Agreement) which by its terms limits the payment of dividends by FSSB or
     any FSSB Subsidiary; (v) any instrument evidencing or related to material
     indebtedness for borrowed money whether directly or indirectly, by way of
     purchase money obligation, conditional sale, lease purchase, guaranty or
     otherwise, in respect of which FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary is an obligor to
     any person, which instrument evidences or relates to indebtedness other
     than deposits, repurchase agreements, bankers' acceptances, and "treasury
     tax and loan" accounts established in the ordinary course of business and
     transactions in "federal funds" or which contains financial covenants or
     other restrictions (other than those relating to the payment of principal
     and interest when due) which would be applicable on or after the Closing
     Date to Farmers or any Farmers Entity; (vi) any other agreement, written or
     oral, that obligates FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary for the payment of more
     than $50,000 annually; or (vii) any agreement (other than this Agreement),
     contract, arrangement, commitment or understanding (whether written or
     oral) that restricts or limits in any material way the conduct of business
     by FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary (it being understood that any non-compete or
     similar provision shall be deemed material).

          (ii) Each real estate lease that will require the consent of the
     lessor or its agent or the assignment to Surviving Corporation as a result
     of the Merger by virtue of the terms of any such lease, is listed in FSSB
     Disclosure Schedule 4.1(i)(ii) identifying the section of the lease that
     contains such prohibition or restriction. Subject to any consents that may
     be required as a result of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
     to its Knowledge, neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary is in default in any
     material respect under any material contract, agreement, commitment,
     arrangement, lease, insurance policy or other instrument to which it is a
     party, by which its assets, business, or operations may be bound or
     affected, or under which it or its assets,


     business, or operations receive benefits, and there has not occurred any
     event that, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, would
     constitute such a default.

          (iii) True and correct copies of agreements, contracts, arrangements
     and instruments referred to in Section 4.1(i)(i) and 4.1(i)(ii) have been
     made available to Farmers or its Affiliates on or before the date hereof,
     are listed on FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(i)(i) and 4.1(i)(ii) and are in
     full force and effect on the date hereof. Except as set forth in FSSB
     Disclosure Schedule 4.1(i)(iii), no plan, contract, employment agreement,
     termination agreement, or similar agreement or arrangement to which FSSB or
     any FSSB Subsidiary is a party or under which FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary
     may be liable contains provisions which permit an employee or independent
     contractor to terminate it without cause and continue to accrue future
     benefits thereunder. Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule
     4.1(i)(iii), no such agreement, plan, contract, or arrangement (x) provides
     for acceleration in the vesting of benefits or payments due thereunder upon
     the occurrence of a change in ownership or control of FSSB or any FSSB
     Subsidiary; or (y) requires FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary to provide a
     benefit in the form of FSSB Common Stock or determined by reference to the
     value of FSSB Common Stock. FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(i)(iii) sets forth
     an analysis of FSSB Pension Plan liability including the amounts that are
     funded and unfunded.

     (j) Ownership of Property; Insurance Coverage.

          (i) FSSB and each FSSB Subsidiary has good and, as to real property,
     marketable title to all material assets and properties owned by FSSB or
     each FSSB Subsidiary in the conduct of its businesses, whether such assets
     and properties are real or personal, tangible or intangible, including
     assets and property reflected in the balance sheet contained in the most
     recent FSSB Financial Statements or acquired subsequent thereto (except to
     the extent that such assets and properties have been disposed of in the
     ordinary course of business, since the date of such balance sheet), subject
     to no material encumbrances, liens, mortgages, security interests or
     pledges, except (i) those items which secure liabilities for public or
     statutory obligations or any discount with, borrowing from or other
     obligations to FHLB, inter-bank credit facilities or any transaction by
     FSSB acting in a fiduciary capacity, and (ii) statutory liens for amounts
     not yet delinquent or which are being contested in good faith. FSSB and the
     FSSB Subsidiaries, as lessee, have the right under valid and existing
     leases of real and personal properties used by FSSB and the FSSB
     Subsidiaries in the conduct of their businesses to occupy or use all such
     properties as presently occupied and used by each of them. Such existing
     leases and commitments to lease constitute or will constitute operating
     leases for both tax and financial accounting purposes and the lease expense
     and minimum rental commitments with respect to such leases and lease
     commitments are as disclosed in all material respects in the notes to the
     FSSB Financial Statements.

          (ii) FSSB and each Significant Subsidiary of FSSB currently maintain
     insurance considered by each of them to be reasonable for their respective
     operations. Neither FSSB nor any Significant Subsidiary of FSSB has
     received notice from any insurance carrier that (i) such insurance will be
     canceled or that coverage thereunder will be reduced or eliminated, or (ii)
     premium costs with respect to such policies of insurance will be
     substantially increased. There are presently no material claims pending
     under such policies of insurance and no notices of material claims have
     been given by FSSB or any Significant Subsidiary of FSSB under such
     policies. All such insurance is valid and enforceable and in full force and
     effect, and within the last three (3) years FSSB and each Significant
     Subsidiary of FSSB has received each type of insurance coverage for which
     it has applied and during such periods has not been denied indemnification
     for any material claims submitted under any of its insurance policies. FSSB
     Disclosure Schedule 4.1(j) (ii) identifies all policies of insurance
     maintained by FSSB and each Significant Subsidiary of FSSB.

     (k) Legal Proceedings.  Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule
4.1(k), neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary is a party to any, and there are no
pending or, to FSSB's Knowledge, threatened legal, administrative, arbitration
or other proceedings, claims (whether asserted or unasserted), actions or
governmental investigations or inquiries of any nature (i) against FSSB or any
FSSB Subsidiary, (ii) to which FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary's assets are or may
be subject, (iii) challenging the validity or propriety of any of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or (iv) which could adversely
affect the ability of FSSB to perform under this Agreement, except for any
proceeding, claim, action, investigation or inquiry referred to in clauses (i)
and (ii) which, individually or in the aggregate, would not be reasonably
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.


     (l) Compliance With Applicable Law.

          (i) Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(l)(i), to
     FSSB's Knowledge, each of FSSB and each FSSB Subsidiary is in compliance in
     all material respects with all applicable federal, state, and local
     statutes, laws, regulations, ordinances, rules, judgments, orders or
     decrees applicable to it, its properties, assets and deposits, its
     business, and its conduct of business and its relationship with its
     employees, including, without limitation, the USA PATRIOT Act, the Bank
     Secrecy Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Fair Housing Act, the
     Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 ("CRA"), the Home Mortgage Disclosure
     Act, and all other applicable fair lending laws and other laws relating to
     discriminatory business practices and neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary
     has received any written notice to the contrary.

          (ii) Each of FSSB and each FSSB Subsidiary has all material permits,
     licenses, authorizations orders and approvals of, and has made all filings,
     applications and registrations with, all Bank Regulators that are required
     in order to permit it to own or lease its properties and to conduct its
     business as presently conducted; all such permits, licenses, certificates
     of authority, orders and approvals are in full force and effect and, to the
     Knowledge of FSSB, no suspension or cancellation of any such permit,
     license, certificate, order or approval is threatened or will result from
     the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
     subject to obtaining the approvals set forth in Section 8.3.

          (iii) Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(l)(iii) for
     the period beginning January 1, 2003, neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary
     has received any written notification or, to FSSB's Knowledge, any other
     communication from any Bank Regulator (i) asserting that FSSB or any FSSB
     Subsidiary is not in material compliance with any of the statutes,
     regulations or ordinances which such Bank Regulator enforces; (ii)
     threatening to revoke any license, franchise, permit or governmental
     authorization which is material to FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary; (iii)
     requiring or threatening to require FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary, or
     indicating that FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary may be required, to enter into
     a cease and desist order, agreement or memorandum of understanding or any
     other agreement with any federal or state governmental agency or authority
     which is charged with the supervision or regulation of banks or engages in
     the insurance of bank deposits restricting or limiting, or purporting to
     restrict or limit, in any material respect the operations of FSSB or any
     FSSB Subsidiary, including without limitation any restriction on the
     payment of dividends; or (iv) directing, restricting or limiting, or
     purporting to direct, restrict or limit, in any material manner the
     operations of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary (any such notice, communication,
     memorandum, agreement or order described in this sentence is hereinafter
     referred to as a "Regulatory Agreement"). Except as set forth in FSSB
     Disclosure Schedule 4.1(l)(iii), neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary has
     consented to or entered into any Regulatory Agreement that is currently in
     effect. Any such Regulatory Agreement and all correspondence relating
     thereto is set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(l)(iii). The most
     recent regulatory rating given to FSSB as to compliance with the CRA is
     "Satisfactory" or better.

     (m) Employee Benefit Plans.

          (i) FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(m)(i) includes a descriptive list of
     all existing bonus, incentive, deferred compensation, pension, retirement,
     profit-sharing, thrift, savings, employee stock ownership, stock bonus,
     stock purchase, restricted stock, stock option, stock appreciation, phantom
     stock, severance, welfare benefit plans, fringe benefit plans, employment,
     severance and change in control agreements and all other material benefit
     practices, policies and arrangements maintained by FSSB or any FSSB
     Subsidiary in which any employee or former employee, consultant or former
     consultant or director or former director of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary
     participates or to which any such employee, consultant or director is a
     party or is otherwise entitled to receive benefits (the "Compensation and
     Benefit Plans"). Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(m)(i),
     neither FSSB nor any of its Subsidiaries has any commitment to create any
     additional Compensation and Benefit Plan or to materially modify, change or
     renew any existing Compensation and Benefit Plan (any modification or
     change that increases the cost of such plans would be deemed material),
     except as required to maintain the qualified status thereof. FSSB has made
     available to Farmers or a Farmers Entity true and correct copies of the
     Compensation and Benefit Plans. There are no outstanding unvested or
     unexercised awards under any FSSB benefit plans and there are no awards
     available for issuance under any such plan.


          (ii) Except as disclosed in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(m)(ii), each
     Compensation and Benefit Plan has been operated and administered in all
     material respects in accordance with its terms and with applicable law,
     including, but not limited to, ERISA, the Code, the Securities Act, the
     Exchange Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, COBRA, the Health
     Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and any regulations or rules
     promulgated thereunder, and all material filings, disclosures and notices
     required by ERISA, the Code, the Securities Act, the Exchange Act, the Age
     Discrimination in Employment Act and any other applicable law have been
     timely made or any interest, fines, penalties or other impositions for late
     filings have been paid in full. Each Compensation and Benefit Plan which is
     an "employee pension benefit plan" within the meaning of Section 3(2) of
     ERISA (a "Pension Plan") and which is intended to be qualified under
     Section 401(a) of the Code has received a favorable determination letter
     from the IRS, and FSSB is not aware of any circumstances which are
     reasonably likely to result in revocation of any such favorable
     determination letter. There is no material pending or, to the Knowledge of
     FSSB, threatened action, suit or claim relating to any of the Compensation
     and Benefit Plans (other than routine claims for benefits). Neither FSSB
     nor any FSSB Subsidiary has engaged in a transaction, or omitted to take
     any action, with respect to any Compensation and Benefit Plan that would
     reasonably be expected to subject FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary to an unpaid
     tax or penalty imposed by either Section 4975 of the Code or Section 502 of

          (iii) Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(m)(iii), no
     liability, other than PBGC premiums arising in the ordinary course of
     business, has been or is expected by FSSB or any of its Subsidiaries to be
     incurred with respect to any FSSB Compensation and Benefit Plan which is a
     defined benefit plan subject to Title IV of ERISA ("FSSB Defined Benefit
     Plan"), or with respect to any "single-employer plan" (as defined in
     Section 4001(a) of ERISA) currently or formerly maintained by FSSB or any
     entity which is considered one employer with FSSB under Section 4001(b)(1)
     of ERISA or Section 414 of the Code (an "ERISA Affiliate") (such plan
     hereinafter referred to as an "ERISA Affiliate Plan"). To the Knowledge of
     FSSB and any FSSB Subsidiary, except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure
     Schedule 4.1(m)(iii), no FSSB Defined Benefit Plan had an "accumulated
     funding deficiency" (as defined in Section 302 of ERISA), whether or not
     waived, as of the last day of the end of the most recent plan year ending
     prior to the date hereof. Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule
     4.1(m)(iii), the fair market value of the assets of each FSSB Defined
     Benefit Plan exceeds the present value of the benefits guaranteed under
     Section 4022 of ERISA under such FSSB Defined Benefit Plan as of the end of
     the most recent plan year with respect to the respective FSSB Defined
     Benefit Plan ending prior to the date hereof, calculated on the basis of
     the actuarial assumptions used in the most recent actuarial valuation for
     such FSSB Defined Benefit Plan as of the date hereof; and no notice of a
     "reportable event" (as defined in Section 4043 of ERISA) for which the 30-
     day reporting requirement has not been waived has been required to be filed
     for any FSSB Defined Benefit Plan within the 12-month period ending on the
     date hereof. Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(m)(iii),
     neither FSSB nor any of its Subsidiaries has provided, or is required to
     provide, security to any FSSB Defined Benefit Plan or to any single-
     employer plan of an ERISA Affiliate pursuant to Section 401(a)(29) of the
     Code or has taken any action, or omitted to take any action, that has
     resulted, or would reasonably be expected to result in the imposition of a
     lien under Section 412(n) of the Code or pursuant to ERISA. To the
     Knowledge of FSSB, and except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule
     4.1(m)(iii), there is no pending investigation or enforcement action by any
     Bank Regulator with respect to any Compensation and Benefit Plan or any
     ERISA Affiliate Plan.

          (iv) With respect to any FSSB Defined Benefit Plan that is a "multi-
     employer plan" as such term is defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA, covering
     employees of FSSB or any ERISA Affiliate, (i) neither FSSB nor any ERISA
     Affiliate has made or suffered a "complete withdrawal" or "partial
     withdrawal," as such terms are respectively defined in Sections 4203 and
     4205 of ERISA, (ii) no event has occurred, and no circumstances exist, that
     alone or with the passage of time present a material risk of a complete or
     partial withdrawal, and (iii) neither FSSB or any ERISA Affiliate has any
     contingent liability under Section 4204 of ERISA and no circumstances exist
     that present a material risk that any such plan will go into
     reorganization. FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(m)(iv) lists FSSB's best
     estimate of the amount of withdrawal liability that would be incurred if
     FSSB and each ERISA Affiliate were to make a complete withdrawal from such
     plan as of the Effective Time and also states the aggregate withdrawal
     liability of FSSB and the ERISA Affiliate. There are no "unfunded vested
     benefits" (within the meaning of Section 4211 of ERISA) as of the end of
     the most recently completed plan year and as of the date of this Agreement.


          (v) All material contributions required to be made under the terms of
     any Compensation and Benefit Plan or ERISA Affiliate Plan or any employee
     benefit arrangements to which FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary is a party or a
     sponsor have been timely made, and all anticipated contributions and
     funding obligations are accrued on FSSB's consolidated financial statements
     to the extent required by GAAP. FSSB or its Subsidiaries have expensed and
     accrued as a liability the present value of future benefits under each
     applicable Compensation and Benefit Plan for financial reporting purposes
     as required by GAAP.

          (vi) Neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary has any obligations to
     provide retiree health, life insurance, disability insurance, or other
     retiree death benefits under any Compensation and Benefit Plan, other than
     benefits mandated by Section 4980B of the Code. Except as set forth in FSSB
     Disclosure Schedule 4.1(m)(vi), there has been no communication to
     employees by FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary that would reasonably be expected
     to promise or guarantee such employees retiree health, life insurance,
     disability insurance, or other retiree death benefits.

          (vii) Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(m)(vii),
     FSSB and its Subsidiaries do not maintain any Compensation and Benefit
     Plans covering employees who are not United States residents.

          (viii) Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(m)(viii),
     with respect to each Compensation and Benefit Plan, if applicable, FSSB has
     provided or made available to Farmers or a Farmers Entity copies of the:
     (A) trust instruments and insurance contracts, (B) two (2) most recent
     Forms 5500 filed with the IRS, (C) two (2) most recent actuarial reports
     and financial statements; (D) most recent summary plan description, (E)
     most recent determination letter issued by the IRS; (F) any Form 5310 or
     Form 5330 filed with the IRS within the last two years, and (G) most recent
     nondiscrimination tests performed under ERISA and the Code (including
     401(k) and 401(m) tests), if applicable.

          (ix) Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(m)(ix), the
     consummation of the Merger will not, directly or indirectly (including,
     without limitation, as a result of any termination of employment or service
     at any time prior to or following the Effective Time) (A) entitle any
     employee, consultant or director to any payment or benefit (including
     severance pay, change in control benefit, or similar compensation) or any
     increase in compensation, (B) result in the vesting or acceleration of any
     benefits under any Compensation and Benefit Plan or (C) result in any
     material increase in benefits payable under any Compensation and Benefit

          (x) Neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary maintains any compensation
     plans, programs or arrangements under which any payment is reasonably
     likely to become non-deductible, in whole or in part, for tax reporting
     purposes as a result of the limitations under Section 162(m) of the Code
     and the regulations issued thereunder.

          (xi) To the Knowledge of FSSB, the consummation of the Merger will
     not, directly or indirectly (including without limitation, as a result of
     any termination of employment or service at any time prior to or following
     the Effective Time), entitle any current or former employee, director or
     independent contractor of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary to any actual or
     deemed payment (or benefit) which could constitute a "parachute payment"
     (as such term is defined in Section 280G of the Code).

          (xii) There are no stock appreciation or similar rights, earned
     dividends or dividend equivalents, or shares of restricted stock,
     outstanding under any of the Compensation and Benefit Plans or otherwise as
     of the date hereof and none will be granted, awarded, or credited after the
     date hereof.

     (n) Brokers, Finders and Financial Advisors.  Except as set forth in FSSB
Disclosure Schedule 4.1(n), neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary, nor any of
their respective officers, directors, employees or agents, has employed any
broker, finder or financial advisor other than Austin Associates, LLC in
connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or incurred any
liability or commitment for any fees or commissions to any such person other
than Austin Associates, LLC in connection with the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement.


     (o) Environmental Matters.

          (i) Except as may be set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(o) and
     any Phase I Environmental Report identified therein, with respect to FSSB
     and each FSSB Subsidiary:

               (A) Each of FSSB and the FSSB Subsidiaries and, to FSSB's
          Knowledge, the Participation Facilities and Loan Properties are, and
          have been, in substantial compliance with, and are not liable under,
          any Environmental Laws;

               (B) FSSB has received no written notice that there is any suit,
          claim, action, demand, executive or administrative order, directive,
          investigation or proceeding pending and, to FSSB's Knowledge, no such
          action is threatened, before any court, governmental agency or other
          forum against it or any of the FSSB Subsidiaries or any Participation
          Facility (x) for alleged noncompliance (including by any predecessor)
          with, or liability under, any Environmental Law or (y) relating to the
          presence of or release into the environment of any Materials of
          Environmental Concern, whether or not occurring at or on a site owned,
          leased or operated by it or any of the FSSB Subsidiaries or any
          Participation Facility;

               (C) FSSB has received no notice that there is any suit, claim,
          action, demand, executive or administrative order, directive,
          investigation or proceeding pending and, to FSSB's Knowledge no such
          action is threatened, before any court, governmental agency or other
          forum relating to or against any Loan Property (or FSSB or any of the
          FSSB Subsidiaries in respect of such Loan Property) (x) relating to
          alleged noncompliance (including by any predecessor) with, or
          liability under, any Environmental Law or (y) relating to the presence
          of or release into the environment of any Materials of Environmental
          Concern, whether or not occurring at or on a site owned, leased or
          operated by a Loan Property;

               (D) To FSSB's Knowledge, the properties currently owned or
          operated by FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary (including, without
          limitation, soil, groundwater or surface water on, or under the
          properties, and buildings thereon) are not contaminated with and do
          not otherwise contain any Materials of Environmental Concern other
          than as permitted under applicable Environmental Law;

               (E) neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary has received any written
          notice, demand letter, executive or administrative order, directive or
          request for information from any federal, state, local or foreign
          governmental entity or any third party indicating that it may be in
          violation of, or liable under, any Environmental Law;

               (F) To FSSB's Knowledge, there are no underground storage tanks
          on, in or under any properties owned or operated by FSSB or any of the
          FSSB Subsidiaries or any Participation Facility, and to FSSB's
          Knowledge, no underground storage tanks have been closed or removed
          from any properties owned or operated by FSSB or any of the FSSB
          Subsidiaries or any Participation Facility; and

               (G) To FSSB's Knowledge, during the period of (s) FSSB's or any
          of the FSSB Subsidiaries' ownership or operation of any of their
          respective current properties or (t) FSSB's or any of the FSSB
          Subsidiaries' participation in the management of any Participation
          Facility, there has been no contamination by or release of Materials
          of Environmental Concerns in, on, under or affecting such properties
          that could reasonably be expected to result in material liability
          under the Environmental Laws. To FSSB's Knowledge, prior to the period
          of (x) FSSB's or any of the FSSB Subsidiaries' ownership or operation
          of any of their respective current properties or (y) FSSB's or any of
          the FSSB Subsidiaries' participation in the management of any
          Participation Facility, there was no contamination by or release of
          Materials of Environmental Concern in, on, under or affecting such
          properties that could reasonably be expected to result in material
          liability under the Environmental Laws.

          (ii) "Loan Property" means any property in which the applicable party
     (or a Subsidiary of it) holds a security interest, and, where required by
     the context, includes the owner or operator of such property, but only with
     respect to such property. "Participation Facility" means any facility in
     which the applicable party (or a Subsidiary of it) participates in the
     management (including all property held as trustee or in any other
     fiduciary capacity) and, where required by the context, includes the owner
     or operator of such property, but only with respect to such property.


     (p) Loan Portfolio.

          (i) To FSSB's Knowledge, the allowance for loan losses reflected in
     the notes to FSSB's audited consolidated statement of financial condition
     at December 31, 2004 was, and the allowance for loan losses shown in the
     notes to the FSSB's unaudited consolidated financial statements for periods
     ending after December 31, 2004 were, or will be, adequate, as of the dates
     thereof, under GAAP.

          (ii) FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(p)(ii) sets forth a listing, as of
     the most recently available date, by account, of: (A) each borrower,
     customer or other party which has notified FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary
     during the past twelve months of, or has asserted against FSSB or any FSSB
     Subsidiary, in each case in writing, any "lender liability" or similar
     claim, and, to the Knowledge of FSSB, each borrower, customer or other
     party which has given FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary any oral notification of,
     or orally asserted to or against FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary, any such
     claim; and (B) all loans, (1) that are contractually past due 90 days or
     more in the payment of principal and/or interest, (2) that are on non-
     accrual status, (3) that as of the date of this Agreement are classified as
     "Other Loans Specifically Mentioned", "Special Mention", "Substandard",
     "Doubtful", "Loss", "Classified", "Criticized", "Watch list" or words of
     similar import, together with the principal amount of and accrued and
     unpaid interest on each such loan and the identity of the obligor
     thereunder, (4) where the interest rate terms have been reduced and/or the
     maturity dates have been extended subsequent to the agreement under which
     the loan was originally created due to concerns regarding the borrower's
     ability to pay in accordance with such initial terms, or (5) where a
     specific reserve allocation exists in connection therewith; and (C) all
     other assets classified by FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary as real estate
     acquired through foreclosure or in lieu of foreclosure, including in-
     substance foreclosures, and all other assets currently held that were
     acquired through foreclosure or in lieu of foreclosure.

          (iii) All loans receivable (including discounts) and accrued interest
     entered on the books of FSSB and the FSSB Subsidiaries arose out of bona
     fide arm's-length transactions, were made for good and valuable
     consideration in the ordinary course of FSSB's or the appropriate FSSB
     Subsidiary's respective business, and the notes or other evidences of
     indebtedness with respect to such loans (including discounts) are true and
     genuine and are what they purport to be, except as set forth in FSSB
     Disclosure Schedule 4.1(p)(iii). To the Knowledge of FSSB, the loans,
     discounts and the accrued interest reflected on the books of FSSB and the
     FSSB Subsidiaries are subject to no defenses, set-offs or counterclaims
     (including, without limitation, those afforded by usury or truth-in-lending
     laws), except as may be provided by bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws
     affecting creditors' rights generally or by general principles of equity.
     Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(p)(iii), all such loans
     are owned by FSSB or the appropriate FSSB Subsidiary free and clear of any

          (iv) The notes and other evidences of indebtedness evidencing the
     loans described above, and all pledges, mortgages, deeds of trust and other
     collateral documents or security instruments relating thereto are, in all
     material respects, valid, true and genuine, and what they purport to be.

     (q) Related Party Transactions.  Except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure
Schedule 4.1(q), neither FSSB nor any FSSB Subsidiary is a party to any
transaction (including any loan or other credit accommodation) with any
Affiliate of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary. All such transactions (a) were made in
the ordinary course of business, (b) were made on substantially the same terms,
including interest rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the time for
comparable transactions with other Persons, and (c) did not involve more than
the normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable features. No loan
or credit accommodation to any Affiliate of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary is
presently in default or, during the three (3) year period prior to the date of
this Agreement, has been in default or has been restructured, modified or
extended except for rate or other modifications pursuant to FSSB's loan
modification policy that is applicable to all Persons. Neither FSSB nor any FSSB
Subsidiary has been notified that principal and interest with respect to any
such loan or other accommodation will not be paid when due or that the loan
grade classification accorded such loan or credit accommodation by FSSB is

     (r) Deposits.  Except as disclosed in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(f), none
of the deposits of FSSB is a "brokered deposit" as defined in 12 C.F.R. Section


     (s) Required Vote.  The affirmative vote of not less than 2/3rds of the
issued and outstanding shares of FSSB Common Stock is required to approve this
Agreement and the Merger under FSSB's Articles of Incorporation and Michigan

     (t) Intellectual Property.  FSSB and each Significant Subsidiary of FSSB
owns or, to FSSB's Knowledge, possesses valid and binding licenses and other
rights to use all patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, servicemarks
and trademarks used in their business, each without payment, and neither FSSB
nor any Significant Subsidiary of FSSB has received any notice of conflict with
respect thereto that asserts the rights of others. FSSB and each Significant
Subsidiary of FSSB have performed all the obligations required to be performed,
and are not in default in any respect, under any contract, agreement,
arrangement or commitment relating to any of the foregoing.

     (u) Administration of Trust Accounts.  FSSB and each FSSB Subsidiary has
properly administered in all material respects and which could reasonably be
excepted to be material to the financial condition of FSSB and the FSSB
Subsidiaries taken as a whole, all accounts for which it acts as a fiduciary,
including but not limited to accounts for which it serves as a trustee, agent,
custodian, personal representative, guardian, conservator or investment advisor,
in accordance with the terms of the governing documents and applicable state and
federal law and regulations and common law. To the Knowledge of FSSB, neither
FSSB, any FSSB Subsidiary, nor any director, officer or employee of FSSB or any
FSSB Subsidiary has committed any breach of trust with respect to any such
fiduciary account which is material to or could reasonably be expected to be
material to the financial condition of FSSB and the FSSB Subsidiaries taken as a
whole, and the accountings for each such fiduciary account are true and correct
in all material respects and accurately reflect the assets of such fiduciary


     5.1.  Representations and Warranties of Farmers.  Farmers and IBT represent
and warrant to FSSB that the statements contained in this Article V are correct
as of the date of this Agreement, except as set forth in the Farmers Entity
Disclosure Schedule delivered by Farmers and IBT to FSSB on the date hereof.
Farmers and IBT have made a good faith effort to ensure that the disclosure on
each schedule of the Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule corresponds to the
section referenced herein. However, for purposes of the Farmers Entity
Disclosure Schedule, any item disclosed on any schedule therein is deemed to be
fully disclosed with respect to all schedules under which such item may be
relevant as and to the extent that it is reasonably apparent that such item
applies to such other schedule.

     (a) Organization, Standing and Power.

          (i) IBT is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good
     standing under the laws of the State of Michigan, and is duly registered as
     a financial services holding company under the Bank Holding Company Act of
     1956, as amended. IBT has all requisite power and authority to own, lease
     and operate its properties and to carry on its business as now conducted
     and is duly licensed or qualified to do business in the states of the
     United States and foreign jurisdictions where its ownership or leasing of
     property or the conduct of its business requires such qualification.

          (ii) Isabella Bank and Trust is a state chartered bank duly organized,
     validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
     Michigan. The deposits of Isabella Bank and Trust are insured by the FDIC
     to the fullest extent permitted by law, and all premiums and assessments
     required to be paid in connection therewith have been paid when due.

          (iii) Farmers is a state chartered bank duly organized, validly
     existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Michigan. The
     deposits of Farmers are insured by the FDIC to the fullest extent permitted
     by law, and all premiums and assessments required to be paid in connection
     therewith have been paid when due.

          (iv) Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule 5.1(a)(iv) sets forth each IBT
     Subsidiary. Each IBT Subsidiary (other than Isabella Bank and Trust and
     Farmers) is a corporation or limited liability company duly organized,
     validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of
     incorporation or organization.


     (b) Capital Structure.

          (i) The authorized capital stock of IBT consists of 10,000,000 shares
     of IBT Common Stock, of which 4,949,515 shares are outstanding, validly
     issued, fully paid and nonassessable and free of preemptive rights. Neither
     IBT nor any IBT Entity has or is bound by any Rights of any character
     relating to the purchase, sale or issuance or voting of, or right to
     receive dividends or other distributions on any shares of IBT Common Stock,
     or any other security of IBT or any securities representing the right to
     vote, purchase or otherwise receive any shares of IBT Common Stock or any
     other security of IBT, other than shares issuable under the IBT Stock
     Benefit Plans.

          (ii) IBT owns all the outstanding shares of the capital stock of
     Isabella Bank and Trust and of Farmers. Either IBT, Isabella Bank and Trust
     or Farmers owns all the outstanding shares of the capital stock or all the
     equity interest of each IBT Subsidiary.

          (iii) Except as set forth in Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule
     5.1(b)(iii), or as is set forth in the IBT proxy statement, to the
     Knowledge of IBT or Farmers, no Person is the beneficial owner (as defined
     in Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act) of 5% or more of the outstanding
     shares of IBT Common Stock.

          (iv) No bonds, debentures, notes or other indebtedness having the
     right to vote on any matters on which IBT's shareholders may vote has been
     issued by IBT and are outstanding.

     (c) Authority.

          (i) Farmers and IBT each have full corporate power and authority to
     execute and deliver this Agreement and, subject to receipt of the required
     Regulatory Approvals, to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.
     The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Farmers and IBT and the
     completion by Farmers and IBT of the transactions contemplated hereby, up
     to and including the Merger, have been duly and validly approved by each of
     the Board of Directors of Farmers and IBT, and no other corporate
     proceedings on the part of Farmers or IBT are necessary to complete the
     transactions contemplated hereby, up to and including the Merger. This
     Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by Farmers and
     IBT, and subject to the receipt of the Regulatory Approvals described in
     Section 8.3 hereof constitutes the valid and binding obligations of Farmers
     and IBT enforceable against Farmers and IBT in accordance with its terms,
     subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency and similar laws affecting
     creditors' rights generally, and subject, as to enforceability, to general
     principles of equity.

          (ii) (A) The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Farmers and
     IBT, (B) subject to receipt of the Regulatory Approvals, and FSSB's and
     Farmers' compliance with any conditions contained therein, and subject to
     the receipt of the approval of the shareholders of FSSB, the consummation
     of the transactions contemplated hereby, and (C) compliance by Farmers and
     IBT with any of the terms or provisions hereof will not (i) conflict with
     or result in a breach of any provision of the Articles of Incorporation or
     Bylaws of Farmers or any Farmers Entity; (ii) violate any statute, code,
     ordinance, rule, regulation, judgment, order, writ, decree or injunction
     applicable to Farmers or any Farmers Entity or any of their respective
     properties or assets; or (iii) violate, conflict with, result in a breach
     of any provisions of, constitute a default (or an event which, with notice
     or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a default), under, result in
     the termination of, accelerate the performance required by, or result in a
     right of termination or acceleration or the creation of any lien, security
     interest, charge or other encumbrance upon any of the properties or assets
     of Farmers or any Farmers Entity under any of the terms, conditions or
     provisions of any note, bond, mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, license,
     lease, agreement or other investment or obligation to which any of them is
     a party, or by which they or any of their respective properties or assets
     may be bound or affected, except for such violations, conflicts, breaches
     or defaults under clause (ii) or (iii) hereof which, either individually or
     in the aggregate, will not have a Material Adverse Effect on Farmers and
     the Farmers Entities taken as a whole.

     (d) Consents.  Except for the Regulatory Approvals referred to in Section
8.3 hereof and compliance with any conditions contained therein, and the
approval of this Agreement by the requisite vote of the shareholders of FSSB, no
consents, waivers or approvals of, or filings or registrations with, any
Governmental Entity or Bank Regulator are necessary, and, to the Knowledge of
Farmers and IBT, no consents, waivers or approvals of, or filings or
registrations with, any other third parties are necessary, in connection with
the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Farmers or IBT and the
completion by Farmers and IBT of the Merger. To Farmers' and IBT's


knowledge, (i) they have not received notice as of the date hereof that any Bank
Regulator intends to disapprove or object to the completion of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, and (ii) there is no reason to expect that all
Regulatory Approvals required for the consummation of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement will not be received.

     (e) Financial Statements.

          (i) Farmers or a Farmers Entity has previously made available to FSSB
     the IBT Financial Statements. The IBT Financial Statements have been
     prepared in accordance with GAAP, and (including the related notes where
     applicable) fairly present in each case in all material respects (subject
     in the case of the unaudited interim statements to normal year-end
     adjustments) the consolidated financial position, results of operations and
     cash flows of Farmers and the Farmers Entities on a consolidated basis as
     of and for the respective periods ending on the dates thereof, in
     accordance with GAAP during the periods involved, except as indicated in
     the notes thereto, or in the case of unaudited statements, as permitted by
     Form 10-Q.

          (ii) At the date of each balance sheet included in the IBT Financial
     Statements, neither Farmers nor any Farmers Entity had any liability,
     obligation or loss contingency of any nature (whether absolute, accrued,
     contingent or otherwise) of a type required to be reflected in such IBT
     Financial Statements or in the footnotes thereto which were not fully
     reflected or reserved against therein or fully disclosed in a footnote
     thereto, except for liabilities, obligations and loss contingencies which
     were not material individually or in the aggregate or which are incurred in
     the ordinary course of business, consistent with past practice, and except
     for liabilities, obligations and loss contingencies which are within the
     subject matter of a specific representation and warranty herein and
     subject, in the case of any unaudited statements, to normal, recurring
     audit adjustments and the absence of footnotes.

     (f) Taxes.  Farmers, IBT and the IBT Subsidiaries that are at least 80
percent owned by IBT are members of the same Affiliated group within the meaning
of Code Section 1504(a). IBT has duly filed all federal, state and material
local tax returns required to be filed by or with respect to Farmers and each
Farmers Entity on or prior to the Closing Date, taking into account any
extensions (all such returns, to the Knowledge of Farmers, being accurate and
correct in all material respects) and has duly paid or made provisions for the
payment of all material federal, state and local taxes which have been incurred
by or are due or claimed to be due from Farmers, IBT and any Significant
Subsidiary of IBT by any taxing authority or pursuant to any written tax sharing
agreement on or prior to the Closing Date other than taxes or other charges
which (i) are not delinquent, (ii) are being contested in good faith, or (iii)
have not yet been fully determined. As of the date of this Agreement, neither
Farmers nor any Farmers Entity has received notice of, and to the Knowledge of
Farmers, there is no audit examination, deficiency assessment, tax investigation
or refund litigation with respect to any taxes of Farmers, IBT or any of its
Significant Subsidiaries, and no claim has been made by any authority in a
jurisdiction where Farmers, IBT or any of its Significant Subsidiaries do not
file tax returns that Farmers, IBT or any such Significant Subsidiary is subject
to taxation in that jurisdiction. Except as set forth in Farmers Entity
Disclosure Schedule 5.1(f), Farmers, IBT and its Significant Subsidiaries have
not executed an extension or waiver of any statute of limitations on the
assessment or collection of any material tax due that is currently in effect.
Farmers, IBT and each of its Significant Subsidiaries has withheld and paid all
taxes required to have been withheld and paid in connection with amounts paid or
owing to any employee, independent contractor, creditor, shareholder or other
third party, and Farmers, IBT and each of its Significant Subsidiaries, to the
Knowledge of Farmers, has timely complied with all applicable information
reporting requirements under Part III, Subchapter A of Chapter 61 of the Code
and similar applicable state and local information reporting requirements.

     (g) No Material Adverse Effect.  Except as disclosed in IBT's Securities
Documents filed on or prior to the date hereof, Farmers and the Farmers
Entities, taken as a whole, have not suffered any Material Adverse Effect since
December 31, 2004 and to Farmers' Knowledge, no event has occurred or
circumstance arisen since that date which, in the aggregate, has had or is
reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on Farmers and the Farmers
Entities, taken as a whole.

     (h) Ownership of Property; Insurance Coverage.

          (i) Farmers and each Farmers Entity has good and, as to real property,
     marketable title to all material assets and properties owned by Farmers or
     any Farmers Entity in the conduct of its businesses, whether such


     assets and properties are real or personal, tangible or intangible,
     including assets and property reflected in the balance sheet contained in
     the most recent IBT Financial Statements or acquired subsequent thereto
     (except to the extent that such assets and properties have been disposed of
     in the ordinary course of business, since the date of such balance sheet),
     subject to no material encumbrances, liens, mortgages, security interests
     or pledges, except (i) those items which secure liabilities for public or
     statutory obligations or any discount with, borrowing from or other
     obligations to FHLB, inter-bank credit facilities or any transaction by
     Farmers or IBT acting in a fiduciary capacity, and (ii) statutory liens for
     amounts not yet delinquent or which are being contested in good faith.
     Farmers and each Farmers Entity, as lessee, have the right under valid and
     existing leases of real and personal properties used by Farmers and each
     Farmers Entity in the conduct of their businesses to occupy or use all such
     properties as presently occupied and used by each of them. Such existing
     leases and commitments to lease constitute or will constitute operating
     leases for both tax and financial accounting purposes and the lease expense
     and minimum rental commitments with respect to such leases and lease
     commitments are as disclosed in all material respects in the notes to the
     IBT Financial Statements.

          (ii) Farmers and each Farmers Entity currently maintain insurance
     considered by each of them to be reasonable for their respective
     operations. Neither Farmers nor any Farmers Entity has received notice from
     any insurance carrier that (i) such insurance will be canceled or that
     coverage thereunder will be reduced or eliminated, or (ii) premium costs
     with respect to such policies of insurance will be substantially increased.
     There are presently no material claims pending under such policies of
     insurance and no notices of material claims have been given by Farmers, or
     any Farmers Entity under such policies. All such insurance is valid and
     enforceable and in full force and effect, and within the last three (3)
     years Farmers and each Farmers Entity has received each type of insurance
     coverage for which it has applied and during such periods has not been
     denied indemnification for any material claims submitted under any of its
     insurance policies. Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule 5.1(h) (ii)
     identifies all policies of insurance maintained by Farmers and each Farmers

     (i) Legal Proceedings.  Except as disclosed in Farmers Entity Disclosure
Schedule 5.1(i), neither Farmers nor any Farmers Entity is a party to any, and
there are no pending or, to Farmers' and IBT's Knowledge, threatened legal,
administrative, arbitration or other proceedings, claims (whether asserted or
unasserted), actions or governmental investigations or inquiries of any nature
(i) against Farmers or any Farmers Entity, (ii) to which Farmers or any Farmers
Entity's assets are or may be subject, (iii) challenging the validity or
propriety of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or (iv)
which could adversely affect the ability of Farmers or any Farmers Entity to
perform under this Agreement, except for any proceeding, claim, action,
investigation or inquiry referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) which, individually
or in the aggregate, would not be reasonably expected to have a Material Adverse

     (j) Compliance with Applicable Law.

          (i) To the Knowledge of Farmers and IBT, each of Farmers and each
     Farmers Entity is in compliance in all material respects with all
     applicable federal, state, local and foreign statutes, laws, regulations,
     ordinances, rules, judgments, orders or decrees applicable to it, its
     properties, assets and deposits, its business, and its conduct of business
     and its relationship with its employees, including, without limitation, the
     USA PATRIOT Act, the Bank Secrecy Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act,
     the Fair Housing Act, the CRA, the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, and all
     other applicable fair lending laws and other laws relating to
     discriminatory business practices and neither Farmers nor any Farmers
     Entity has received any written notice to the contrary.

          (ii) Each of Farmers and each Farmers Entity has all material permits,
     licenses, authorizations, orders and approvals of, and has made all
     filings, applications and registrations with, all Bank Regulators that are
     required in order to permit it to own or lease its properties and to
     conduct its business as presently conducted; all such permits, licenses,
     certificates of authority, orders and approvals are in full force and
     effect and, to the Knowledge of Farmers, no suspension or cancellation of
     any such permit, license, certificate, order or approval is threatened or
     will result from the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
     Agreement, subject to obtaining the approvals set forth in Section 8.3.

          (iii) For the period beginning January 1, 2003, neither Farmers nor
     any Farmers Entity has received any written notification or, to the
     Knowledge of Farmers, any other communication from any Bank Regulator


     (i) asserting that Farmers or any Farmers Entity is not in material
     compliance with any of the statutes, regulations or ordinances which such
     Bank Regulator enforces; (ii) threatening to revoke any license, franchise,
     permit or governmental authorization which is material to Farmers or any
     Farmers Entity; (iii) requiring or threatening to require Farmers or any
     Farmers Entity, or indicating that Farmers or any Farmers Entity may be
     required, to enter into a cease and desist order, agreement or memorandum
     of understanding or any other agreement with any federal or state
     governmental agency or authority which is charged with the supervision or
     regulation of banks or engages in the insurance of bank deposits
     restricting or limiting, or purporting to restrict or limit, in any
     material respect the operations of Farmers or any Farmers Entity, including
     without limitation any restriction on the payment of dividends; or (iv)
     directing, restricting or limiting, or purporting to direct, restrict or
     limit, in any manner the operations of Farmers or any Farmers Entity,
     including without limitation any restriction on the payment of dividends
     (any such notice, communication, memorandum, agreement or order described
     in this sentence is hereinafter referred to as a "Regulatory Agreement").
     Neither Farmers nor any Farmers Entity has consented to or entered into any
     currently effective Regulatory Agreement. The most recent regulatory
     ratings given to Isabella Bank and Trust and Farmers as to compliance with
     the CRA is satisfactory or better.

     (k) IBT Common Stock.  The shares of IBT Common Stock to be issued pursuant
to this Agreement, when issued in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,
will be duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable and
subject to no preemptive rights.

     (l) Material Contracts; Leases, Defaults.  Neither Farmers nor any Farmers
Entity is a party to or subject to: (i) any collective bargaining agreement with
any labor union relating to employees of Farmers or any Farmers Entity; nor (ii)
any agreement which by its terms limits the payment of dividends by Farmers or
any Farmers Entity.

     (m) Securities Documents.  IBT has made available to FSSB copies of its (i)
annual reports on Form 10-K for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and
2002, (ii) quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2005,
June 30 2005 and September 30, 2005, and (iii) proxy materials used or for use
in connection with its meetings of shareholders held in 2005, 2004 and 2003.
Such reports and proxy materials complied, at the time filed with the SEC, in
all material respects, with the Securities Laws.

     (n) Reorganization.  Farmers and IBT have no knowledge of any reason why
the Merger would fail to qualify as a reorganization under Section 368(a) of the

     (o) Information Supplied.  None of the information supplied or to be
supplied by Farmers or any Farmers Entity for inclusion or incorporation by
reference in (i) the S-4 will, at the time the S-4 becomes effective under the
Securities Act, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state
any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
statements therein not misleading and (ii) the Proxy Statement and any amendment
or supplement thereto will, at the date of mailing to FSSB shareholders and at
the time of the meeting of shareholders of FSSB to be held in connection with
the Merger, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any
material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the
statements therein not misleading. The Proxy Statement (except for such portions
thereof that relate only to FSSB) will comply in all material respects with the
provisions of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, and the
S-4 (except for such portions thereof that relate only to FSSB) will comply in
all material respects with the provisions of the Securities Act and the rules
and regulations thereunder.

     (p) Required Vote.  Only the vote of the sole stockholder of Farmers is
required by law, by Farmer's Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws, or otherwise
to approve this Agreement and the Merger on behalf of the Farmers Entities.

     (q) Merger Consideration.  As of the Closing Date and subject to Article
IX, IBT will have cash and authorized shares of IBT Common Stock in the
aggregate amount of the Merger Consideration available for deposit with the
Exchange Agent.

     (r) Pro Forma Capital Requirements.  Farmers is, and on a pro forma basis
giving effect for the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and any
financing or capital injection contemplated by IBT, will be "adequately
capitalized" as defined for purposes of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and
applicable regulations.


     (s) Brokers, Finders and Financial Advisors.  Neither IBT, Farmers nor any
Farmers Entity, nor any of their respective officers, directors, employees or
agents, has employed any broker, finder or financial advisor other than Austin
Associates, LLC in connection with the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement, or incurred any liability or commitment for any fees or commissions
to any such person other than Austin Associates, LLC in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     (t) Employee Benefit Plans.

          (i) Except as disclosed in Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule
     5.1(t)(i), each bonus, incentive, deferred compensation, pension,
     retirement, profit-sharing, thrift, savings, employee stock ownership,
     stock bonus, stock purchase, restricted stock, stock option, stock
     appreciation, phantom stock, severance, welfare benefit plans, fringe
     benefit plans, employment, severance and change in control agreements and
     all other material benefit practices, policies and arrangements maintained
     by Farmers or any Farmers Entity (the "Farmers Entity Plans") has been
     operated and administered in all material respects in accordance with its
     terms and with applicable law, including, but not limited to, ERISA, the
     Code, the Securities Act, the Exchange Act, the Age Discrimination in
     Employment Act, COBRA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
     Act and any regulations or rules promulgated thereunder, and all material
     filings, disclosures and notices required by ERISA, the Code, the
     Securities Act, the Exchange Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act
     and any other applicable law have been timely made or any interest, fines,
     penalties or other impositions for late filings have been paid in full.
     Each Farmers Entity Plan which is an "employee pension benefit plan" within
     the meaning of Section 3(2) of ERISA (a "Pension Plan") and which is
     intended to be qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code has received a
     favorable determination letter from the IRS, and Farmers is not aware of
     any circumstances which are reasonably likely to result in revocation of
     any such favorable determination letter. There is no material pending or,
     to the Knowledge of Farmers or IBT, threatened action, suit or claim
     relating to any of the Compensation and Benefit Plans (other than routine
     claims for benefits). Neither Farmers nor any Farmers Entity has engaged in
     a transaction, or omitted to take any action, with respect to any
     Compensation and Benefit Plan that would reasonably be expected to subject
     Farmers or any Farmers Entity to an unpaid tax or penalty imposed by either
     Section 4975 of the Code or Section 502 of ERISA.

          (ii) Except as set forth in Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule
     5.1(t)(ii), no liability, other than PBGC premiums arising in the ordinary
     course of business, has been or is expected by Farmers or any Farmers
     Entity to be incurred with respect to any Farmers Entity Plan which is a
     defined benefit plan subject to Title IV of ERISA ("Farmers Entity Defined
     Benefit Plan"), or with respect to any "single-employer plan" (as defined
     in Section 4001(a) of ERISA) currently or formerly maintained by Farmers,
     any Farmers Entity or any entity which is considered one employer with
     Farmers under Section 4001(b)(1) of ERISA or Section 414 of the Code (a
     "Farmers Entity ERISA Affiliate") (such plan hereinafter referred to as a
     "Farmers Entity ERISA Affiliate Plan"). To the Knowledge of Farmers and
     IBT, except as set forth in Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule 5.1(t)(ii),
     no Farmers Entity Defined Benefit Plan had an "accumulated funding
     deficiency" (as defined in Section 302 of ERISA), whether or not waived, as
     of the last day of the end of the most recent plan year ending prior to the
     date hereof. Except as set forth in Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule
     5.1(t)(ii), the fair market value of the assets of each Farmers Entity
     Defined Benefit Plan exceeds the present value of the benefits guaranteed
     under Section 4022 of ERISA under such Farmers Entity Defined Benefit Plan
     as of the end of the most recent plan year with respect to the respective
     Farmers Entity Defined Benefit Plan ending prior to the date hereof,
     calculated on the basis of the actuarial assumptions used in the most
     recent actuarial valuation for such Farmers Entity Defined Benefit Plan as
     of the date hereof; and no notice of a "reportable event" (as defined in
     Section 4043 of ERISA) for which the 30-day reporting requirement has not
     been waived has been required to be filed for any Farmers Entity Defined
     Benefit Plan within the 12-month period ending on the date hereof. Except
     as set forth in Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule 5.1(t)(ii), neither
     Farmers nor any Farmers Entity has provided, or is required to provide,
     security to any Farmers Entity Defined Benefit Plan or to any single-
     employer plan of a Farmers Entity ERISA Affiliate pursuant to Section
     401(a)(29) of the Code or has taken any action, or omitted to take any
     action, that has resulted, or would reasonably be expected to result in the
     imposition of a lien under Section 412(n) of the Code or pursuant to ERISA.
     To the Knowledge of Farmers and IBT, and except as set forth in Farmers
     Entity Disclosure Schedule 5.1(t)(ii), there is no pending


     investigation or enforcement action by any Bank Regulator with respect to
     any Farmers Plan or any Farmers Entity ERISA Affiliate Plan.

          (iii) With respect to any Farmers Entity Defined Benefit Plan that is
     a "multi-employer plan" as such term is defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA,
     covering employees of Farmers, any Farmers Entity or any Farmers Entity
     ERISA Affiliate, (i) neither Farmers, any Farmers Entity, nor any Farmers
     Entity ERISA Affiliate has made or suffered a "complete withdrawal" or
     "partial withdrawal," as such terms are respectively defined in Sections
     4203 and 4205 of ERISA, (ii) no event has occurred, and no circumstances
     exist, that alone or with the passage of time present a material risk of a
     complete or partial withdrawal, and (iii) neither Farmers, any Farmers
     Entity, or any Farmers Entity ERISA Affiliate has any contingent liability
     under Section 4204 of ERISA and no circumstances exist that present a
     material risk that any such plan will go into reorganization. Farmers
     Entity Disclosure Schedule 5.1(t)(iii) lists IBT's best estimate of the
     amount of withdrawal liability that would be incurred if Farmers, each
     Farmers Entity and each Farmers Entity ERISA Affiliate were to make a
     complete withdrawal from such plan as of the Effective Time and also states
     the aggregate withdrawal liability of Farmers, the Farmers Entities and the
     Farmers Entity ERISA Affiliates. There are no "unfunded vested benefits"
     (within the meaning of Section 4211 of ERISA) as of the end of the most
     recently completed plan year and as of the date of this Agreement.

          (iv) All material contributions required to be made under the terms of
     any Farmers Plan or Farmers Entity ERISA Affiliate Plan or any employee
     benefit arrangements to which Farmers or any Farmers Entity is a party or a
     sponsor have been timely made, and all anticipated contributions and
     funding obligations are accrued on IBT's consolidated financial statements
     to the extent required by GAAP. Farmers or any Farmers Entity have expensed
     and accrued as a liability the present value of future benefits under each
     applicable Farmers Entity Plan for financial reporting purposes as required
     by GAAP.

          (v) Neither Farmers nor any Farmers Entity has any obligations to
     provide retiree health, life insurance, disability insurance, or other
     retiree death benefits under any Farmers Entity Plan, other than benefits
     mandated by Section 4980B of the Code.

     (u) Loan Portfolio.

          (i) To IBT's Knowledge, the allowance for loan losses reflected in the
     notes to IBT's audited consolidated statement of financial condition at
     December 31, 2004 was, and the allowance for loan losses shown in the notes
     to the IBT's unaudited consolidated financial statements for periods ending
     after December 31, 2004 were, or will be, adequate, as of the dates
     thereof, under GAAP.

          (ii) Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule 5.1(u) sets forth a listing,
     as of the most recently available date, by account, of all loans having a
     principal balance in excess of $750,000 (1) that are contractually past due
     90 days or more in the payment of principal and/or interest, (2) that are
     on non-accrual status, (3) that as of the date of this Agreement are
     classified as "Other Loans Specifically Mentioned", "Special Mention",
     "Substandard", "Doubtful", "Loss", "Classified", "Criticized", "Watch list"
     or words of similar import, together with the principal amount of and
     accrued and unpaid interest on each such loan and the identity of the
     obligor thereunder, (4) where the interest rate terms have been reduced
     and/or the maturity dates have been extended subsequent to the agreement
     under which the loan was originally created due to concerns regarding the
     borrower's ability to pay in accordance with such initial terms, or (5)
     where a specific reserve allocation exists in connection therewith.

          (iii) All loans receivable (including discounts) and accrued interest
     entered on the books of Farmers and the Farmers Entities arose out of bona
     fide arm's-length transactions, were made for good and valuable
     consideration in the ordinary course of Farmers' or the appropriate Farmers
     Entity's respective business, and the notes or other evidences of
     indebtedness with respect to such loans (including discounts) are true and
     genuine and are what they purport to be, other than loans as to which the
     failure to satisfy the foregoing standards would not have a Material
     Adverse Effect on Farmers or any of the Farmers Entities.


                         ARTICLE VI -- COVENANTS OF FSSB

     6.1.  Conduct of Business.

     (a) Affirmative Covenants.  During the period from the date of this
Agreement to the Effective Time, except with the written consent of Farmers,
which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, FSSB
will, and will cause each FSSB Subsidiary to: operate its business only in the
usual, regular and ordinary course of business; use reasonable efforts to
preserve intact its business organization and assets and maintain its rights and
franchises; and voluntarily take no action which would: (i) adversely affect the
ability of the parties to obtain the Regulatory Approvals or materially increase
the period of time necessary to obtain such approvals, or (ii) adversely affect
its ability to perform its covenants and agreements under this Agreement.

     (b) Negative Covenants.  FSSB agrees that from the date of this Agreement
to the Effective Time, except as otherwise specifically permitted or required by
this Agreement, set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 6.1(b), or consented to by
Farmers in writing (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,
conditioned or delayed), it will not, and it will cause each of the FSSB
Subsidiaries not to:

          (i) change or waive any provision of its Articles of Incorporation,
     Charter or Bylaws, except as required by law;

          (ii) change the number of authorized or issued shares of its capital
     stock, issue any shares of FSSB Common Stock that are held as "treasury
     shares" as of the date of this Agreement, or issue or grant any Right or
     agreement of any character relating to its authorized or issued capital
     stock or any securities convertible into shares of such stock, make any
     grant or award under any FSSB Stock Benefit Plan, or split, combine or
     reclassify any shares of capital stock, or declare, set aside or pay any
     dividend or other distribution in respect of capital stock other than
     dividends issued consistent with the past practice of FSSB, or redeem or
     otherwise acquire any shares of capital stock;

          (iii) enter into, amend in any material respect or terminate any
     material contract or agreement (including without limitation any settlement
     agreement with respect to litigation) except in the ordinary course of

          (iv) make application for the opening or closing of any, or open or
     close any, branch or automated banking facility, except as required by any
     Bank Regulator;

          (v) except as agreed to or incurred prior to the date of this Merger
     Agreement, grant or agree to pay any bonus, severance or termination to, or
     enter into, renew or amend any employment agreement, severance agreement
     and/or supplemental executive agreement with, or increase in any manner the
     compensation or fringe benefits of, any of its directors, officers or
     employees except that FSSB may (A) authorize compensation increases
     including bonuses to officers in the ordinary course of business not to
     exceed $10,000 in the aggregate, after the execution of this Agreement
     through December 31, 2005, and (B) hire at-will, non-officer employees to
     fill vacancies that may from time to time arise in the ordinary course of

          (vi) enter into or, except as may be required by law, materially
     modify any pension, retirement, stock option, stock purchase, stock
     appreciation right, stock grant, savings, profit sharing, deferred
     compensation, supplemental retirement, consulting, bonus, group insurance
     or other employee benefit, incentive or welfare contract, plan or
     arrangement, or any trust agreement related thereto, in respect of any of
     its directors, officers or employees; or make any contributions to any
     defined contribution or defined benefit plan other than regularly scheduled
     contributions consistent with past practice, without the prior consent of

          (vii) merge or consolidate FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary with any other
     corporation; sell or lease all or any substantial portion of the assets or
     business of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary; make any acquisition of all or any
     substantial portion of the business or assets of any other Person other
     than in connection with foreclosures, settlements in lieu of foreclosure,
     troubled loan or debt restructuring, or the collection of any loan or
     credit arrangement between FSSB, or any FSSB Subsidiary, and any other
     Person; enter into a purchase and assumption transaction with respect to
     deposits and liabilities; permit the revocation or surrender by any FSSB
     Subsidiary of its certificate of authority to maintain, or file an
     application for the relocation of, any existing branch office, or file an
     application for a certificate of authority to establish a new branch


          (viii) sell or otherwise dispose of the capital stock of FSSB or sell
     or otherwise dispose of any asset of FSSB or of any FSSB Subsidiary other
     than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;
     except for transactions with the FHLB, subject any asset of FSSB or of any
     FSSB Subsidiary to a lien, pledge, security interest or other encumbrance
     (other than in connection with deposits, repurchase agreements, bankers
     acceptances, "treasury tax and loan" accounts established in the ordinary
     course of business and transactions in "federal funds" and the satisfaction
     of legal requirements in the exercise of trust powers) other than in the
     ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; incur any
     indebtedness for borrowed money (or guarantee any indebtedness for borrowed
     money), except in the ordinary course of business consistent with past

          (ix) take any action which would result in any of the representations
     and warranties of FSSB set forth in this Agreement becoming untrue as of
     any date after the date hereof or in any of the conditions set forth in
     Article IX hereof not being satisfied, except in each case as may be
     required by applicable law;

          (x) change any method, practice or principle of accounting, except as
     may be required from time to time by GAAP (without regard to any optional
     early adoption date) or any Bank Regulator responsible for regulating FSSB;

          (xi) waive, release, grant or transfer any material rights of value or
     modify or change in any material respect any existing material agreement or
     indebtedness to which FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary is a party, other than in
     the ordinary course of business, consistent with past practice;

          (xii) purchase any equity securities, or purchase any security for its
     investment portfolio inconsistent with FSSB's or any FSSB Subsidiary's
     current investment policy;

          (xiii) except for commitments issued prior to the date of this
     Agreement which have not yet expired and which have been disclosed on the
     FSSB Disclosure Schedule 6.1(b)(xiii), and the renewal of existing lines of
     credit, make any new loan or other credit facility commitment (including
     without limitation, lines of credit and letters of credit) in an amount in
     excess of $500,000 for a commercial real estate loan, $250,000 for a
     construction loan, $250,000 for a commercial business loan, or in excess of
     $500,000 for a residential loan, except that if Farmers does not object
     within 24 hours after confirmation of receipt of notification from FSSB of
     an intent to originate a loan in excess of the amounts set forth in this
     paragraph, consent shall be deemed to have been given by Farmers.
     Notwithstanding Section 12.4, notice under this Section 6.1(b)(xiii) may
     also be provided by facsimile or electronic mail;

          (xiv) except as set forth on the FSSB Disclosure Schedule 6.1(b)(xiv),
     enter into, renew, extend or modify any other transaction (other than a
     deposit transaction) with any Affiliates other than pursuant to FSSB's
     existing insider loan policy;

          (xv) enter into any futures contract, option, interest rate caps,
     interest rate floors, interest rate exchange agreement or other agreement
     or take any other action for purposes of hedging the exposure of its
     interest-earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities to changes in
     market rates of interest except in the ordinary course of business
     consistent with past practice;

          (xvi) except for the execution of this Agreement, and actions taken or
     which will be taken in accordance with this Agreement and performance
     thereunder, take any action that would give rise to a right of payment to
     any individual under any employment agreement;

          (xvii) make any change in policies in existence on the date of this
     Agreement with regard to: the extension of credit, or the establishment of
     reserves with respect to the possible loss thereon or the charge off of
     losses incurred thereon; investments; asset/liability management; or other
     material banking policies in any material respect except as may be required
     by changes in applicable law or regulations, by a Bank Regulator, or in the
     discretion of the FSSB board of directors, consistent with prudent banking
     practice, in which case FSSB shall give prior notice to Farmers;

          (xviii) except for the execution of this Agreement, and the
     transactions contemplated herein, take any action that would give rise to
     an acceleration of the right to payment to any individual under any FSSB
     Compensation and Benefit Plan;


          (xix) except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 6.1(b)(xix),
     make any capital expenditures in excess of $25,000 individually and in the
     aggregate, other than pursuant to binding commitments existing on the date
     hereof and other than expenditures necessary to maintain existing assets in
     good repair;

          (xx) except as set forth in FSSB Disclosure Schedule 6.1(b)(xx),
     purchase or otherwise acquire, or sell or otherwise dispose of, any assets
     or incur any liabilities other than in the ordinary course of business
     consistent with past practices and policies and other than the sale or
     disposal or worn, surplus or replaced equipment;

          (xxi) sell any participation interest in any loan (other than sales of
     loans secured by one- to four-family real estate that are consistent with
     past practice) unless Farmers has been given prior written notice of any
     loan participation being sold;

          (xxii) undertake or enter into any lease, contract or other commitment
     for its account, other than in the normal course of banking business;

          (xxiii) pay, discharge, settle or compromise any claim, action,
     litigation, arbitration or proceeding in an amount exceeding $10,000; or

          (xxiv) agree to do any of the foregoing.

     6.2.  Current Information.

     (a) Subject to Section 12.1 hereof, during the period from the date of this
Agreement to the Effective Time, FSSB will cause one or more of its
representatives to confer with representatives of Farmers or a designated
Farmers Entity and report the general status of its ongoing operations at such
times as Farmers or a designated Farmers Entity may reasonably request. FSSB
will promptly notify Farmers or a designated Farmers Entity of any material
change in the normal course of its business or in the operation of its
properties and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, of any governmental
complaints, investigations or hearings (or communications indicating that the
same may be contemplated), or the institution or the threat of material
litigation involving FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary.

     (b) Subject to Section 12.1 hereof, FSSB shall provide Farmers or a
designated Farmers Entity, within thirty (30) days after the end of each month,
a written list of (i) nonperforming assets (the term "nonperforming assets" for
purposes of this subsection, means loans that are "troubled debt restructuring"
as defined in Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 15, "Accounting by
Debtors and Creditors for Troubled Debt Restructuring,"), (ii) loans on
nonaccrual, (iii) real estate owned, (iv) all loans ninety (90) days or more
past due as of the end of such month, and (v) impaired loans. On a monthly
basis, FSSB shall provide Farmers or a designated Farmers Entity with a schedule
of all loan approvals, which schedule shall indicate the loan amount, loan type
and other material features of the loan.

     (c) FSSB shall promptly inform Farmers or a designated Farmers Entity upon
receiving notice of any legal, administrative, arbitration or other proceedings,
demands, notices, audits or investigations (by any federal, state or local
commission, agency or board) relating to the alleged liability of FSSB or any
FSSB Subsidiary under any labor or employment law.

     6.3.  Access to Properties and Records.  Subject to Section 12.1 hereof,
FSSB shall permit Farmers or a designated Farmers Entity access upon reasonable
notice to its properties and those of the FSSB Subsidiaries, and shall disclose
and make available to Farmers or a designated Farmers Entity to the extent
permitted by applicable law during normal business hours all of its books,
papers and records relating to the assets, properties, operations, obligations
and liabilities, including, but not limited to, all books of account (including
the general ledger), tax records, minute books of directors' (other than minutes
that discuss any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any other
subject matter FSSB reasonably determines should be treated as confidential or
privileged) and shareholders' meetings, organizational documents, bylaws,
material contracts and agreements, filings with any regulatory authority,
litigation files (to the extent not resulting in waiver of attorney-client
privilege), plans affecting employees, and any other business activities or
prospects in which Farmers may have a reasonable interest. FSSB shall provide
and shall request its auditors to provide Farmers or a designated Farmers Entity
with such historical financial information regarding it (and related audit
reports and consents) as Farmers or a designated Farmers Entity may request for
securities disclosure purposes. FSSB and each FSSB Subsidiary shall permit, upon
reasonable notice, Farmers or a designated Farmers Entity at its own expense to
cause a "phase I environmental audit" and a


"phase II environmental audit" to be performed at any physical location owned or
occupied by FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary. Farmers shall indemnify and hold
harmless FSSB for any claim, suit, liability, cost, expense or damages
whatsoever arising out of or related to such environmental audits or any other
inspection or due diligence activity conducted on FSSB's premises.

     6.4.  Financial and Other Statements.

     (a) Promptly upon receipt thereof, FSSB will furnish to Farmers copies of
each annual, interim or special audit of the books of FSSB and the FSSB
Subsidiaries made by its independent accountants and copies of all internal
control reports submitted to FSSB by such accountants in connection with each
annual, interim or special audit of the books of FSSB and the FSSB Subsidiaries
made by such accountants.

     (b) Promptly after FSSB's board meeting but no later than thirty (30) days
after the end of each month, FSSB will deliver to Farmers a consolidated balance
sheet and a consolidated statement of operations, without related notes, for
such month prepared in accordance with current financial reporting practices.

     (c) FSSB will advise Farmers promptly of the receipt of any examination
report of any Bank Regulator with respect to the condition or activities of FSSB
or any of the FSSB Subsidiaries.

     (d) With reasonable promptness, FSSB will furnish to Farmers such
additional financial data that FSSB possesses and as Farmers may reasonably
request, including without limitation, detailed monthly financial statements and
loan reports.

     6.5.  Maintenance of Insurance.  FSSB shall maintain and cause the FSSB
Subsidiaries to maintain, insurance in such amounts as are reasonable to cover
such risks as are customary in relation to the character and location of its
properties and the nature of its business.

     6.6.  Disclosure Supplements.  From time to time prior to the Effective
Time, FSSB will promptly supplement or amend the FSSB Disclosure Schedule
delivered in connection herewith with respect to any matter hereafter arising
which, if existing, occurring or known at the date of this Agreement, would have
been required to be set forth or described in such FSSB Disclosure Schedule or
which is necessary to correct any information in such FSSB Disclosure Schedule
which has been rendered materially inaccurate thereby.

     6.7.  Consents and Approvals of Third Parties.  FSSB shall use all
commercially reasonable efforts, and shall cause each FSSB Subsidiary to use all
commercially reasonable efforts to obtain as soon as practicable all consents
and approvals of any other Persons necessary or desirable for the consummation
of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     6.8.  All Reasonable Efforts.  Subject to the terms and conditions herein
provided, FSSB agrees to use all commercially reasonable efforts to take, or
cause to be taken, all action and to do, or cause to be done, all things
necessary, proper or advisable under applicable laws and regulations to
consummate and make effective the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
except to the extent that such action, in the good faith determination of the
board of directors of FSSB after consultation with legal counsel, may result in
a breach of fiduciary duty by the FSSB board of directors.

     6.9.  Failure to Fulfill Conditions.  In the event that FSSB determines
that a condition to its obligation to complete the Merger cannot be fulfilled
and that it will not waive that condition, it will promptly notify Farmers.

     6.10.  No Solicitation.  From and after the date hereof until the
termination of this Agreement, neither FSSB, nor any FSSB Subsidiary, nor any of
their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents and
Affiliates (including, without limitation, any investment banker, attorney or
accountant retained by FSSB or any of the FSSB Subsidiaries), will, directly or
indirectly, initiate, solicit or knowingly encourage (including by way of
furnishing non-public information or assistance) any inquiries or the making of
any proposal that constitutes, or may reasonably be expected to lead to, any
Acquisition Proposal (as defined below), or enter into or maintain or continue
discussions or negotiate with any Person in furtherance of such inquiries or to
obtain an Acquisition Proposal or agree to or endorse any Acquisition Proposal,
or authorize or permit any of its officers, directors, or employees or any of
its Subsidiaries or any investment banker, financial advisor, attorney,
accountant or other representative retained by any of its Subsidiaries to take
any such action, and FSSB shall notify Farmers orally


(within one business day) and in writing (as promptly as practicable) of all of
the relevant details relating to all inquiries and proposals which it or any of
its Subsidiaries or any such officer, director or employee, or, to FSSB's
Knowledge, investment banker, financial advisor, attorney, accountant or other
representative of FSSB may receive relating to any of such matters, provided,
however, that nothing contained in this Section 6.10 shall prohibit the Board of
Directors of FSSB from (i) complying with its disclosure obligations under
federal or state law; or (ii) furnishing information to, or entering into
discussions or negotiations with, any person or entity that makes an unsolicited
Acquisition Proposal, if, and only to the extent that, (A) the Board of
Directors of FSSB determines in good faith (after consultation with its
financial and legal advisors), taking into account all legal, financial and
regulatory aspects of the proposal and the Person making the proposal, that such
proposal, if consummated, is reasonably likely to result in a transaction more
favorable to FSSB's shareholders from a financial point of view than the Merger;
(B) the Board of Directors of FSSB determines in good faith (after consultation
with its financial and legal advisors) that the failure to furnish information
to or enter into discussions with such Person would likely cause the Board of
Directors to breach its fiduciary duties to shareholders under applicable law
(such proposal that satisfies clause (A) and (B) being referred to herein as a
"Superior Proposal"); and (C) FSSB promptly notifies Farmers of such inquiries,
proposals or offers received by, any such information requested from, or any
such discussions or negotiations sought to be initiated or continued with FSSB
or any of its representatives indicating, in connection with such notice, the
name of such Person and the material terms and conditions of any inquiries,
proposals or offers, and receives from such Person an executed confidentiality
agreement in form and substance identical in all material respects to the
confidentiality agreements that FSSB and IBT entered into. For purposes of this
Agreement, "Acquisition Proposal" shall mean any proposal or offer as to any of
the following (other than the transactions contemplated hereunder) involving
FSSB or any of its Subsidiaries: (i) any merger, consolidation, share exchange,
business combination, or other similar transactions; (ii) any sale, lease,
exchange, mortgage, pledge, transfer or other disposition of 25% or more of the
assets of FSSB and the FSSB Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, in a single
transaction or series of transactions; (iii) any sale or tender offer or
exchange offer for 25% or more of the outstanding shares of capital stock of
FSSB or the filing of a registration statement under the Securities Act in
connection therewith; or (iv) any public announcement of a proposal, plan or
intention to do any of the foregoing or any agreement to engage in any of the

     6.11.  Sarbanes-Oxley Certification of Financial Statements.  The Chief
Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of FSSB shall certify the FSSB
Financial Statements in the form attached as Exhibit A.

     6.12.  FSSB Audit for 2005.  FSSB's external audit for the year ending
December 31, 2005 shall be conducted by an auditor that is independent from FSSB
in accordance with Section 201 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the
regulations promulgated thereunder.

                       ARTICLE VII -- COVENANTS OF FARMERS

     7.1.  Conduct of Business.  During the period from the date of this
Agreement to the Effective Time, except with the written consent of FSSB, which
consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, Farmers and
IBT will, and they will cause each Farmers Entity to: conduct its business only
in the usual, regular and ordinary course consistent with past practices; use
reasonable efforts to preserve intact its business organization and assets and
maintain its rights and franchises; and voluntarily take no action that would:
(i) adversely affect the ability of the parties to obtain the Regulatory
Approvals or materially increase the period of time necessary to obtain such
approvals; (ii) adversely affect its ability to perform its covenants and
agreements under this Agreement; (iii) result in the representations and
warranties contained in Article V of this Agreement not being true and correct
on the date of this Agreement or at any future date on or prior to the Closing
Date or in any of the conditions set forth in Article IX hereof not being
satisfied; (iv) change or waive any provision of its Articles of Incorporation,
except as required by law; or (v) change any method, practice or principle of
accounting, except as may be required from time to time by GAAP (without regard
to any optional early adoption date) or any Bank Regulator responsible for
regulating IBT, Isabella Bank and Trust or Farmers. Additionally, IBT will not
declare an extraordinary dividend or distribution on shares of IBT Common Stock.

     7.2.  Disclosure Supplements.  From time to time prior to the Effective
Time, Farmers and IBT will promptly supplement or amend the Farmers Entity
Disclosure Schedule delivered in connection herewith with


respect to any matter hereafter arising which, if existing, occurring or known
at the date of this Agreement, would have been required to be set forth or
described in such Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule or which is necessary to
correct any information in such Farmers Entity Disclosure Schedule which has
been rendered inaccurate thereby.

     7.3.  Consents and Approvals of Third Parties.  Farmers shall use all
commercially reasonable efforts to obtain as soon as practicable all consents
and approvals of any other Persons necessary or desirable for the consummation
of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     7.4.  All Reasonable Efforts.  Subject to the terms and conditions herein
provided, Farmers agrees to use all commercially reasonable efforts to take, or
cause to be taken, all action and to do, or cause to be done, all things
necessary, proper or advisable under applicable laws and regulations to
consummate and make effective the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     7.5.  Failure to Fulfill Conditions.  In the event that Farmers determines
that a condition to its obligation to complete the Merger cannot be fulfilled
and that it will not waive that condition, it will notify FSSB.

     7.6.  Employee Benefits.  Farmers and IBT shall, from and after the
Effective Time until January 1, 2008, continue the defined contribution plan of
FSSB in effect immediately preceding the Effective Time. Effective January 1,
2008, or as required by ERISA, Farmers and IBT shall cause the employee pension
benefit plans of IBT (as defined under ERISA) to be adopted by Farmers for all
FSSB employees who were employed as of the Effective Time (the "Former FSSB
Employees"). All Former FSSB Employees who become participants in an IBT
employee pension benefit plan covered under ERISA shall, for purposes of
determining eligibility for and for any applicable vesting periods of such
employee benefits only (and not for benefit accrual purposes) be given credit
for meeting eligibility and vesting requirements in such plans for service as an
employee of FSSB or any predecessor thereto prior to the Effective Time. All
Former FSSB Employees who become participants in the plans of IBT shall receive
aggregate annual employer contributions of 15% of salary into such plans. To the
extent said contributions do not equal at least 15% of salary, said shortfall
shall be made up as additional salary or pursuant to a contribution to a non-
qualified plan for affected employees, as determined in the sole discretion of
Farmers. This Agreement shall not be construed to limit the ability of Farmers
or the Farmers Entities to terminate the employment of any employee or to review
employee pension benefits programs from time to time and to make such changes as
it may deem appropriate. Farmers and IBT shall, from and after the Effective
Time, continue in effect any material welfare benefit plan, life insurance,
group health plan or disability plan in which the employees of FSSB participated
immediately prior to the Effective Time (or an arrangement providing
substantially similar benefits). Farmers and the Farmers Entities shall not take
any action which would adversely affect the employees of FSSB participation in
or materially reduce any benefits under any such plan or arrangement. Nothing
contained in this subsection shall limit Farmers' or any Farmers Entity's right
to amend or terminate any plan or arrangement to conform such plan or
arrangement to statutory or regulatory requirements applicable to such plan or

     7.7.  Access to Properties and Records.  Subject to Section 12.1 hereof,
Farmers and IBT shall permit FSSB access upon reasonable notice to their
properties, and shall disclose and make available to FSSB to the extent
permitted by applicable law during normal business hours all of its books,
papers and records relating to the assets, properties, operations, obligations
and liabilities, including, but not limited to, all books of account (including
the general ledger), tax records, minute books of directors' (other than minutes
that discuss any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any other
subject matter IBT reasonably determines should be treated as confidential or
privileged) and shareholders' meetings, organizational documents, bylaws,
material contracts and agreements, filings with any regulatory authority,
litigation files (to the extent not resulting in waiver of attorney-client
privilege), plans affecting employees, and any other business activities or
prospects in which FSSB may have a reasonable interest. IBT shall provide and
shall request IBT's auditors to provide FSSB with such historical financial
information regarding it (and related audit reports and consents) as FSSB may

     7.8.  Financial and Other Statements.

     (a) Promptly upon receipt thereof, IBT shall furnish to FSSB copies of each
annual, interim or special audit of the books of IBT made by its independent
accountants and copies of all internal control reports submitted to IBT by such
accountants in connection with each annual, interim or special audit of the
books of IBT made by such accountants.


     (b) Promptly after IBT's board meeting but no later than thirty (30) days
after the end of each month, Farmers shall cause IBT to deliver to FSSB a
consolidated balance sheet and a consolidated statement of operations, without
related notes, for such month prepared in accordance with current financial
reporting practices.

     (c) Farmers and IBT shall advise FSSB promptly of the receipt of any
examination report of any Bank Regulator with respect to the condition or
activities of IBT, Farmers or any IBT Subsidiaries.

     (d) With reasonable promptness, IBT shall furnish to FSSB such additional
financial data that IBT possesses and as FSSB may reasonably request, including
without limitation, detailed monthly financial statements and loan reports.

     7.9.  Directors and Officers Indemnification; Insurance.

     (a) From and after the Effective Time through the fifth anniversary of the
Effective Time, Farmers and the Farmers Entities (collectively the "Indemnifying
Party") shall indemnify and hold harmless each present and former director,
officer and employee of FSSB,determined as of the Effective Time (the
"Indemnified Parties") against any costs or expenses (including reasonable
attorneys' fees), judgments, fines, losses, claims, damages or liabilities
incurred in connection with any claim, action, suit, proceeding or
investigation, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, arising
out of matters existing or occurring at or prior to the Effective Time, whether
asserted or claimed prior to, at or after the Effective Time, arising in whole
or in part out of or pertaining to the fact that he or she was a director,
officer, employee, fiduciary or agent of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary or is or
was serving at the request of FSSB or any FSSB Subsidiary as a director,
officer, employee, fiduciary or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint
venture, trust or other enterprise, including without limitation matters related
to the negotiation, execution and performance of this Agreement or the
consummation of the Merger, to the fullest extent which indemnification is
permitted under the applicable provisions of the Michigan Banking Code, MCL
487.13904 through 487.13907, as in effect on the date hereof or in the event any
subsequent amendment thereto expands the permissible scope of indemnification,
then as amended.

     (b) Any Indemnified Party wishing to claim indemnification under this
Section 7.9 hereof, upon learning of any such claim, action, suit, proceeding or
investigation, shall promptly notify the Indemnifying Party, but the failure to
so notify shall not relieve the Indemnifying Party of any liability it may have
to such Indemnified Party if such failure does not actually prejudice the
Indemnifying Party. In the event of any such claim, action, suit, proceeding or
investigation (whether arising before or after the Effective Time), (i) the
Indemnifying Party shall have the right to assume the defense thereof and the
Indemnifying Party shall not be liable to such Indemnified Parties for any legal
expenses of other counsel or any other expenses subsequently incurred by such
Indemnified Parties in connection with the defense thereof, except that if the
Indemnifying Party elects not to assume such defense or counsel for the
Indemnified Parties advises that there are issues which raise conflicts of
interest between the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Parties, the
Indemnified Parties may retain counsel which is reasonably satisfactory to the
Indemnifying Party, and the Indemnifying Party shall pay, promptly as statements
therefore are received, the reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel for the
Indemnified Parties (which may not exceed one firm in any jurisdiction), (ii)
the Indemnified Parties will cooperate in the defense of any such matter, (iii)
the Indemnifying Party shall not be liable for any settlement effected without
its prior written consent, and (iv) the Indemnifying Party shall have no
obligation hereunder in the event that a federal or state banking agency or a
court of competent jurisdiction shall determine that indemnification of an
Indemnified Party in the manner contemplated hereby is prohibited by applicable
laws and regulations.

     (c) Prior to the Effective Time, Farmers shall cause the persons serving as
directors and officers of FSSB and any FSSB Subsidiaries immediately prior to
the Effective Time to be covered by the directors' and officers' liability
insurance policy maintained by FSSB for a period of five years after the
Effective Time (provided that Farmers may substitute therefore policies of at
least the same coverage and amounts containing terms and conditions which are
not materially less advantageous than such policy or single premium tail
coverage with policy limits equal to FSSB's existing coverage limits) with
respect to acts or omissions occurring prior to the Effective Time which were
committed by such directors and officers in their capacities as such.

     (d) If Farmers or any of its successors or assigns shall consolidate with
or merge into any other entity and shall not be the continuing or surviving
entity of such consolidation or merger or shall transfer all or substantially
all of its


assets to any other entity, then and in each case, proper provisions shall be
made so that the successors and assigns of Farmers or the surviving company
shall assume the obligations set forth in this Section 7.9 hereof prior to or
simultaneously with the consummation of such transaction.


     8.1.  Meetings of Shareholders.  FSSB will (i) as promptly as practicable
after the Merger Registration Statement is declared effective by the SEC, take
all steps necessary to duly call, give notice of, convene and hold a meeting of
its shareholders for the purpose of considering this Agreement and the Merger,
and for such other purposes as may be, in FSSB's reasonable judgment, necessary
or desirable (the "FSSB Shareholders Meeting"), (ii) in connection with the
solicitation of proxies with respect to the FSSB Shareholders Meeting, have its
Board of Directors recommend approval of this Agreement to the FSSB Shareholders
unless the Board of Directors shall have determined that such recommendation
would violate its fiduciary duties under applicable law; and (iii) cooperate and
consult with Farmers with respect to each of the foregoing matters.

     8.2.  Proxy Statement -- Prospectus; Merger Registration Statement.

     (a) For the purposes (x) of registering IBT Common Stock to be offered to
holders of FSSB Common Stock in connection with the Merger with the SEC under
the Securities Act and (y) of holding the FSSB Shareholders Meeting, Farmers and
the Farmers Entities shall draft and prepare, and FSSB shall cooperate in the
preparation of, the Merger Registration Statement, including a proxy statement
and prospectus satisfying all applicable requirements of applicable state
securities and banking laws, and of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, and
the rules and regulations thereunder (such proxy statement/prospectus in the
form mailed by FSSB to the FSSB shareholders, together with any and all
amendments or supplements thereto, being herein referred to as the "Proxy
Statement-Prospectus"). Farmers and the Farmers Entities shall provide FSSB and
its counsel with appropriate opportunity to review and comment on the Proxy
Statement-Prospectus prior to the time it is initially filed with the SEC or any
amendments are filed with the SEC. Farmers shall cause IBT to file the Merger
Registration Statement, including the Proxy Statement-Prospectus, with the SEC.
Each of Farmers and the Farmers Entities and FSSB shall use their best efforts
to have the Merger Registration Statement declared effective under the
Securities Act as promptly as practicable after such filing, and FSSB shall
thereafter promptly mail the Proxy Statement-Prospectus to its shareholders.
Farmers and the Farmers Entities shall also use its best efforts to obtain all
necessary state securities law or "Blue Sky" permits and approvals required to
carry out the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and FSSB shall
furnish all information concerning FSSB and the holders of FSSB Common Stock as
may be reasonably requested in connection with any such action.

     (b) Each party acknowledges that time is of the essence in connection with
the preparation and filing of the Merger Registration Statement. Farmers shall
cause IBT to advise FSSB promptly after IBT receives notice of the time when the
Merger Registration Statement has become effective or any supplement or
amendment has been filed, of the issuance of any stop order or the suspension of
the qualifications of the shares of IBT Common Stock issuable pursuant to the
Merger Registration Statement, or the initiation or threat of any proceeding for
any such purpose, or of any request by the SEC for the amendment or supplement
of the Merger Registration Statement, or for additional information, and Farmers
shall cause IBT to provide FSSB with as many copies of such Merger Registration
Statement and all amendments thereto promptly upon the filing thereof as FSSB
may reasonably request.

     (c) FSSB and Farmers and the Farmers Entities shall promptly notify the
other party if at any time it becomes aware that the Proxy Statement-Prospectus
or the Merger Registration Statement contains any untrue statement of a material
fact or omits to state a material fact required to be stated therein or
necessary to make the statements contained therein, in light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. In such event, FSSB
shall cooperate with IBT in the preparation of a supplement or amendment to such
Proxy Statement-Prospectus that corrects such misstatement or omission, and
Farmers shall cause IBT to file an amended Merger Registration Statement with
the SEC, and each of FSSB and Farmers and the Farmers Entities shall mail an
amended Proxy Statement-Prospectus to FSSB's shareholders.

     8.3.  Regulatory Approvals.  Each of FSSB and Farmers and the Farmers
Entities will cooperate with the other and use all reasonable efforts to
promptly prepare and, within 30 days after the date hereof or as soon


thereafter as practicable, file all necessary documentation to obtain all
necessary permits, consents, waivers, approvals and authorizations of the FRB,
FDIC and the Bureau and any other third parties and governmental bodies
necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. FSSB
and Farmers and the Farmers Entities shall furnish each other and each other's
counsel with all information concerning themselves, their Subsidiaries,
directors, officers and shareholders and such other matters as may be necessary
or advisable in connection with any application, petition or other statement
made by or on behalf of FSSB or Farmers and the Farmers Entities to any Bank
Regulator or governmental body in connection with the Merger and the other
transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Each party acknowledges that time
is of the essence in connection with the preparation and filing of the
documentation referred to above. FSSB shall have the right to review in advance
all characterizations of the information relating to FSSB and any of its
Subsidiaries which appear in any filing made in connection with the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement with any governmental body.

     8.4.  Affiliates.  FSSB shall use all reasonable efforts to cause each
director, executive officer and other person who is an "affiliate" (for purposes
of Rule 145 under the Securities Act) of FSSB to deliver to Farmers, as soon as
practicable after the date of this Agreement, and at least thirty (30) days
prior to the date of the FSSB Shareholders Meeting, a written agreement, in the
form of Exhibit B hereto, providing that such person will not sell, pledge,
transfer or otherwise dispose of any shares of IBT Common Stock to be received
by such "affiliate" as a result of the Merger otherwise than in compliance with
the applicable provisions of the Securities Act and the rules and regulations

     8.5.  Employment Agreements.  As of the Closing Date, Surviving Corporation
shall: (i) enter into a two year employment agreement with FSSB's President in
the form attached hereto as Exhibit C; and (ii) enter into employment agreements
with FSSB's then current employees in the form attached hereto as Exhibit G.

     8.6.  Post-Closing Operations.  At and after the Closing Date, Farmers and
FSSB agree that:

          (a) Surviving Corporation shall be a state of Michigan chartered
     commercial bank.

          (b) All banking offices of FSSB will remain open.

          (c) There will be no layoffs at FSSB as a result of the Merger.

          (d) The deferred compensation plan for directors of FSSB shall be

          (e) The executive supplemental income plan for officers of FSSB shall
     be continued.

                        ARTICLE IX -- CLOSING CONDITIONS

     9.1.  Conditions to Each Party's Obligations Under This Agreement.  The
respective obligations of each party under this Agreement shall be subject to
the fulfillment at or prior to the Closing Date of the following conditions,
none of which may be waived:

          (a) Shareholder Approval.  This Agreement and the transactions
     contemplated hereby shall have been approved by the requisite vote of the
     shareholders of FSSB.

          (b) Injunctions.  None of the parties hereto shall be subject to any
     order, decree or injunction of a court or agency of competent jurisdiction,
     and no statute, rule or regulation shall have been enacted, entered,
     promulgated, interpreted, applied or enforced by any Governmental Entity or
     Bank Regulator, that enjoins or prohibits the consummation of the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          (c) Regulatory Approvals.  All required Regulatory Approvals shall
     have been obtained and shall remain in full force and effect and all
     waiting periods relating thereto shall have expired; and no such Regulatory
     Approval shall include any condition or requirement, excluding standard
     conditions that are normally imposed by the regulatory authorities in bank
     merger transactions, that would, in the good faith reasonable judgment of
     the Board of Directors of Farmers, materially and adversely affect the
     business, operations, financial condition, property or assets of the
     combined enterprise of FSSB and Farmers or otherwise materially impair the
     value of FSSB to Farmers and the Farmers Entities.


          (d) Effectiveness of Merger Registration Statement.  The Merger
     Registration Statement shall have become effective under the Securities Act
     and no stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Merger Registration
     Statement shall have been issued, and no proceedings for that purpose shall
     have been initiated or threatened by the SEC and, if the offer and sale of
     IBT Common Stock in the Merger is subject to the blue sky laws of any
     state, shall not be subject to a stop order of any state securities

          (e) Fairness Opinion.  FSSB and Farmers shall have received an opinion
     from Austin Associates, LLC, reasonably acceptable to them, dated as of the
     date of this Agreement and renewed as of a date approximately the date of
     the Proxy Statement-Prospectus to the effect that the terms of the Merger
     are fair to FSSB's shareholders and IBT's shareholders from a financial
     point of view as of that date and such opinion shall not have been
     subsequently withdrawn.

          (f) Federal Tax Opinion.  FSSB and Farmers shall have received an
     opinion of Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C. counsel to Farmers and IBT
     ("Farmers' Counsel"), in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to both
     FSSB and Farmers, substantially to the effect that, on the basis of facts,
     representations and assumptions set forth in such opinion which are
     consistent with the state of facts existing at the Effective Time, the
     Merger will be treated as a reorganization within the meaning of Section
     368(a) of the Code. In rendering such opinion, Farmers' Counsel may require
     and rely upon representations and covenants, including those contained in
     certificates of officers of FSSB, Farmers, IBT, and others reasonably
     satisfactory to such counsel.

          (g) No Burdensome Condition.  None of the Regulatory Approvals shall
     impose any term, condition or restriction upon FSSB, Farmers or any of
     their respective Affiliates that FSSB or Farmers, in good faith, reasonably
     determines would so materially adversely affect the economic or business
     benefits of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement to FSSB or
     Farmers as to render inadvisable in the reasonable good faith judgment of
     FSSB or Farmers, the consummation of the Merger.

     9.2.  Conditions to the Obligations of Farmers under this Agreement.  The
obligations of Farmers under this Agreement shall be further subject to the
satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Sections 9.2(a) through 9.2(e) at or
prior to the Closing Date, which shall be waiveable by Farmers:

          (a) Representations and Warranties.  Each of the representations and
     warranties of FSSB set forth in this Agreement shall be true and correct as
     of the date of this Agreement and upon the Closing Date with the same
     effect as though all such representations and warranties had been made at
     the Closing Date (except to the extent such representations and warranties
     speak as of an earlier date); and FSSB shall have delivered to Farmers a
     certificate to such effect signed by the Chief Executive Officer and the
     Chief Financial Officer of FSSB as of the Closing.

          (b) Agreements and Covenants.  FSSB shall have performed in all
     material respects all obligations and complied in all material respects
     with all agreements or covenants to be performed or complied with by it at
     or prior to the Effective Time, and Farmers shall have received a
     certificate signed on behalf of FSSB by the Chief Executive Officer and
     Chief Financial Officer of FSSB to such effect dated as of the Effective

          (c) Permits, Authorizations, Etc.  FSSB and the FSSB Subsidiaries
     shall have obtained any and all material permits, authorizations, consents,
     waivers, clearances or approvals required to be obtained by it for the
     lawful consummation of the Merger.

          (d) Dissenters' Rights.  The holders of no more than 10% of the FSSB
     Common Stock shall have indicated their intention to seek dissenters'
     rights of appraisal.

          (e) Legal Opinion.  Farmers shall have received the opinion of Bodman
     LLP, counsel to FSSB, dated the Closing Date, in substantially the form
     shown on Exhibit D.

     FSSB will furnish Farmers with such certificates of its officers or others
and such other documents to evidence fulfillment of the conditions set forth in
this Section 9.2 as Farmers may reasonably request.


     9.3.  Conditions to the Obligations of FSSB under this Agreement.  The
obligations of FSSB under this Agreement shall be further subject to the
satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Sections 9.3(a) through 9.3(f) at or
prior to the Closing Date, which shall be waiveable by FSSB:

          (a) Representations and Warranties.  Each of the representations and
     warranties of Farmers and IBT set forth in this Agreement shall be true and
     correct as of the date of this Agreement and upon the Closing Date with the
     same effect as though all such representations and warranties had been made
     at the Closing Date (except to the extent such representations and
     warranties speak as of an earlier date); and Farmers shall have delivered
     to FSSB a certificate to such effect signed by the Chief Executive Officer
     and the Chief Financial Officer of Farmers and IBT as of the Closing.

          (b) Agreements and Covenants.  Farmers and IBT shall have performed in
     all material respects all obligations and complied in all material respects
     with all agreements or covenants to be performed or complied with by it at
     or prior to the Effective Time, and FSSB shall have received a certificate
     signed on behalf of Farmers by the Chief Executive Officer and Chief
     Financial Officer of Farmers and IBT to such effect dated as of the
     Effective Time.

          (c) Permits, Authorizations, Etc.  Farmers and the Farmers Entities
     shall have obtained any and all material permits, authorizations, consents,
     waivers, clearances or approvals required to be obtained by it for the
     lawful consummation of the Merger.

          (d) Payment of Merger Consideration.  IBT shall have delivered the
     Exchange Fund to the Exchange Agent on or before the Closing Date.

          (e) Legal Opinion.  FSSB shall have received the opinion of Foster,
     Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C., counsel to Farmers and IBT, dated the Closing
     Date, in substantially the form shown on Exhibit E.

          (f) Fairness Opinion.  FSSB shall have received an opinion from
     Donnelly Penman and Partners, dated as of the date approximately the date
     of the Proxy Statement-Prospectus to the effect that the terms of the
     Merger are fair to FSSB's shareholders from a financial point of view as of
     that date and such opinion shall not have been subsequently withdrawn.

Farmers will furnish FSSB with such certificates of its officers or others and
such other documents to evidence fulfillment of the conditions set forth in this
Section 9.3 as FSSB may reasonably request.

                            ARTICLE X -- THE CLOSING

     10.1.  Time and Place.  Subject to the provisions of Articles IX and XI
hereof, the Closing of the transactions contemplated hereby shall take place at
the offices of IBT, 200 East Broadway, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, at 10 a.m., or at
such other place or time upon which Farmers and FSSB mutually agree.

     10.2.  Deliveries at the Closing.  At Closing there shall be delivered to
Farmers and FSSB the certificates and other documents and instruments required
to be delivered at the Closing under Article IX hereof. At or prior to the
Closing, Farmers shall deliver the Merger Consideration as set forth under
Section 9.3(d) hereof.


     11.1.  Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to
the Closing Date, whether before or after approval of the Merger by the
shareholders of FSSB:

          (a) At any time by the mutual written agreement of Farmers and FSSB;

          (b) By Farmers or FSSB (provided, that the terminating party is not
     then in material breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or other
     agreement contained herein) if there shall have been a material breach of
     any of the representations or warranties set forth in this Agreement on the
     part of the other party, which breach by its nature cannot be cured prior
     to the Termination Date or shall not have been cured within 30 days after
     written notice of such breach by the terminating party to the other party;


          (c) By Farmers or FSSB (provided, that the terminating party is not
     then in material breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or other
     agreement contained herein) if there shall have been a material failure to
     perform or comply with any of the covenants or agreements set forth in this
     Agreement on the part of the other party, which failure by its nature
     cannot be cured prior to the Termination Date or shall not have been cured
     within 30 days after written notice of such failure by the terminating
     party to the other party;

          (d) By Farmers or FSSB, if the Closing shall not have occurred by the
     Termination Date, or such later date as shall have been agreed to in
     writing by Farmers and FSSB; provided, that no party may terminate this
     Agreement pursuant to this Section 11.1(d) if the failure of the Closing to
     have occurred on or before said date was due to such party's material
     breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or other agreement
     contained in this Agreement;

          (e) By Farmers or FSSB, if the shareholders of FSSB shall have voted
     at the FSSB Shareholders Meeting on the transactions contemplated by this
     Agreement and such vote shall not have been sufficient to approve such

          (f) By Farmers or FSSB, if (i) final action has been taken by a Bank
     Regulator whose approval is required in connection with this Agreement and
     the transactions contemplated hereby, which final action (x) has become
     unappealable and (y) does not approve this Agreement or the transactions
     contemplated hereby, (ii) any Bank Regulator whose approval or non-
     objection is required in connection with this Agreement and the
     transactions contemplated hereby has stated in writing that it will not
     issue the required approval or nonobjection, or (iii) any court of
     competent jurisdiction or other governmental authority shall have issued an
     order, decree, ruling or taken any other action restraining, enjoining or
     otherwise prohibiting the Merger and such order, decree, ruling or other
     action shall have become final and unappealable;

          (g) By the Board of Directors of either party (provided, that the
     terminating party is not then in material breach of any representation,
     warranty, covenant or other agreement contained herein) in the event that
     any of the conditions precedent to the obligations of such party to
     consummate the Merger cannot be satisfied or fulfilled by the date
     specified in Section 11.1(d) of this Agreement;

          (h) By the Board of Directors of Farmers if FSSB has received a
     Superior Proposal and the Board of Directors of FSSB has entered into an
     acquisition agreement with respect to the Superior Proposal, terminated
     this Agreement, withdrawn its recommendation of this Agreement, has failed
     to make such recommendation or has modified or qualified its recommendation
     in a manner adverse to Farmers;

          (i) By the Board of Directors of FSSB if FSSB has received a Superior
     Proposal and the Board of Directors of FSSB has made a determination to
     accept such Superior Proposal; provided that FSSB shall not terminate this
     Agreement pursuant to this Section 11.1(i) and enter into a definitive
     agreement with respect to the Superior Proposal until the expiration of
     five (5) business days following Farmers' receipt of written notice
     advising Farmers that FSSB has received a Superior Proposal, specifying the
     material terms and conditions of such Superior Proposal (and including a
     copy thereof with all accompanying documentation, if in writing)
     identifying the person making the Superior Proposal and stating whether
     FSSB intends to enter into a definitive agreement with respect to the
     Superior Proposal. After providing such notice, FSSB shall provide a
     reasonable opportunity to Farmers during the five business-day period to
     make such adjustments in the terms and conditions of this Agreement as
     would enable FSSB to proceed with the Merger on such adjusted terms.

     11.2.  Effect of Termination.

     (a) In the event of termination of this Agreement pursuant to any provision
of Section 11.1, this Agreement shall forthwith become void and have no further
force, except that (i) the provisions of Sections 11.2, 12.1, 12.2, 12.6, 12.9,
12.10, and any other Section which, by its terms, relates to post-termination
rights or obligations, shall survive such termination of this Agreement and
remain in full force and effect.

     (b) If this Agreement is terminated, expenses and damages of the parties
hereto shall be determined as follows:

          (i) Except as provided below, whether or not the Merger is
     consummated, all costs and expenses incurred in connection with this
     Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be paid
     by the


     party incurring such expenses; provided, however, if the Merger is not
     consummated due to the failure to obtain any necessary Regulatory Approval,
     Farmers shall reimburse FSSB for its actual costs and expenses incurred by
     FSSB after March 9, 2006 in connection with this Agreement and the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement including, without limitation,
     fees and expenses of its attorneys, accountants and financial advisors.

          (ii) In the event of a termination of this Agreement because of a
     willful breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement
     contained in this Agreement, the breaching party shall remain liable for
     any and all damages, costs and expenses, including all reasonable
     attorneys' fees, sustained or incurred by the non-breaching party as a
     result thereof or in connection therewith or with respect to the
     enforcement of its rights hereunder.

     11.3.  Amendment, Extension and Waiver.  Subject to applicable law, at any
time prior to the Effective Time (whether before or after approval thereof by
the shareholders of FSSB), the parties hereto by action of their respective
Boards of Directors, may (a) amend this Agreement, (b) extend the time for the
performance of any of the obligations or other acts of any other party hereto,
(c) waive any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties contained
herein or in any document delivered pursuant hereto, or (d) waive compliance
with any of the agreements or conditions contained herein; provided, however,
that after any approval of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated
hereby by the shareholders of FSSB, there may not be, without further approval
of such shareholders, any amendment of this Agreement which reduces the amount
or value, or changes the form of, the Merger Consideration to be delivered to
FSSB's shareholders pursuant to this Agreement. This Agreement may not be
amended except by an instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of the
parties hereto. Any agreement on the part of a party hereto to any extension or
waiver shall be valid only if set forth in an instrument in writing signed on
behalf of such party, but such waiver or failure to insist on strict compliance
with such obligation, covenant, agreement or condition shall not operate as a
waiver of, or estoppel with respect to, any subsequent or other failure. Any
termination of this Agreement pursuant to Article XI may only be effected upon a
vote of a majority of the entire Board of Directors of the terminating party.

                          ARTICLE XII -- MISCELLANEOUS

     12.1.  Confidentiality.  Except as provided below, Farmers and FSSB each

          (a) Treatment; Restricted Access.  All information furnished to the
     other party or its Affiliates pursuant to this Agreement shall be treated
     as strictly confidential and shall not be disclosed to any other person,
     natural or corporate, except for its employees, attorneys, accountants,
     regulators, and financial advisers who are reasonably believed to have a
     need for such information in connection with the Merger.

          (b) No Other Use.  No party shall make any use, other than related to
     the Merger, of any information it may come to know as a direct result of a
     disclosure by the other party, its subsidiaries, directors, officers,
     employees, attorneys, accountants, or advisers or that may come into its
     possession from any other confidential source during the course of its

          (c) Excepted Information.  The provisions of this section shall not
     preclude the parties or their respective subsidiaries, from using or
     disclosing information that is readily ascertainable from public
     information or trade sources, known by it before the commencement of
     discussions between the parties or subsequently developed by it or its
     subsidiaries independent of any investigation under this Agreement,
     received from any other person who is not Affiliates with a party and who
     is not under any obligation to keep such information confidential, or
     reasonably required to be included in any filing or application required by
     any governmental or regulatory agency.

          (d) Prohibit Insider Trading.  The parties shall each take reasonable
     steps to assure that any person who receives nonpublic information
     concerning the Merger or the other party will treat the information
     confidentially as provided in this section and not directly or indirectly
     buy or sell, or advise or encourage other persons to buy or sell, FSSB
     Common Stock or IBT Common Stock until such information is properly
     disclosed to the public.


     12.2.  Public Announcements.  FSSB and Farmers shall cooperate with each
other in the development and distribution of all news releases and other public
disclosures with respect to this Agreement, and except as may be otherwise
required by law, neither FSSB nor Farmers shall issue any news release, or other
public announcement or communication with respect to this Agreement unless such
news release or other public announcement or communication has been mutually
agreed upon by the parties hereto.

     12.3.  Survival.  All representations, warranties and covenants in this
Agreement or in any instrument delivered pursuant hereto shall expire and be
terminated and extinguished at the Effective Time, except for those covenants
and agreements contained herein which by their terms apply in whole or in part
after the Effective Time.

     12.4.  Notices.  All notices or other communications hereunder shall be in
writing and shall be deemed given if delivered by receipted hand delivery or
mailed by prepaid registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) or by
recognized overnight courier addressed as follows:


If to FSSB, to:                         Thomas Kedrowski
                                        The Farwell State Savings Bank
                                        399 West Main Street
                                        Farwell, MI 48622
With required copies to:                Bodman LLP
                                        Attn: David W. Barton
                                        229 Court Street
                                        Cheboygan, Michigan 49721
If to Farmers, to:                      Dennis P. Angner
                                        Chief Executive Officer and President
                                        IBT Bancorp, Inc.
                                        200 East Broadway
                                        Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
With required copies to:                Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C.
                                        c/o Matt G. Hrebec, Esq.
                                        313 South Washington Square
                                        Lansing, MI 48933

or such other address as shall be furnished in writing by any party, and any
such notice or communication shall be deemed to have been given: (a) as of the
date delivered by hand; (b) three (3) business days after being delivered to the
U.S. mail, postage prepaid; or (c) one (1) business day after being delivered to
the overnight courier.

     12.5.  Parties in Interest.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall
inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and
assigns; provided, however, that neither this Agreement nor any of the rights,
interests or obligations hereunder shall be assigned by any party hereto without
the prior written consent of the other party, and that (except as provided in
Article III of this Agreement) nothing in this Agreement is intended to confer
upon any other person any rights or remedies under or by reason of this

     12.6.  Complete Agreement.  This Agreement, including the Exhibits and
Disclosure Schedules hereto and the documents and other writings referred to
herein or therein or delivered pursuant hereto, and the Confidentiality
Agreements referred to in Section 12.1, contains the entire agreement and
understanding of the parties with respect to its subject matter. There are no
restrictions, agreements, promises, warranties, covenants or undertakings
between the parties other than those expressly set forth herein or therein. This
Agreement supersedes all prior agreements and understandings (other than the
Confidentiality Agreements referred to in Section 12.1 hereof) between the
parties, both written and oral, with respect to its subject matter.

     12.7.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement and
each of which shall be deemed an original.

     12.8.  Severability.  In the event that any one or more provisions of this
Agreement shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any
respect, by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality or
unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Agreement and the
parties shall use their reasonable efforts to substitute a valid, legal and
enforceable provision which, insofar as practical, implements the purposes and
intents of this Agreement.


     12.9.  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
Michigan, without giving effect to its principles of conflicts of laws.

     12.10.  Interpretation.  When a reference is made in this Agreement to
sections or exhibits, such reference shall be to a section of or exhibit to this
Agreement unless otherwise indicated. The recitals hereto constitute an integral
part of this Agreement. References to sections include subsections, which are
part of the related section. The table of contents, index and headings contained
in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any
way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. Whenever the words
"include", "includes" or "including" are used in this Agreement, they shall be
deemed to be followed by the words "without limitation". The phrases "the date
of this Agreement", "the date hereof" and terms of similar import, unless the
context otherwise requires, shall be deemed to refer to the date set forth in
the Recitals to this Agreement.

     12.11.  Specific Performance.  The parties hereto agree that irreparable
damage would occur in the event that the provisions contained in this Agreement
were not performed in accordance with its specific terms or were otherwise
breached. It is accordingly agreed that the parties shall be entitled to an
injunction or injunctions to prevent breaches of this Agreement and to enforce
specifically the terms and provisions thereof in any court of the United States
or any state having jurisdiction, this being in addition to any other remedy to
which they are entitled at law or in equity.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Farmers, FSSB and IBT have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their duly authorized officers as of the date first set forth above.

                                        Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge

                                        By: /s/ Timothy M. Miller
                                            Timothy M. Miller
                                            President and CEO

Dated: May 2, 2006

                                        The Farwell State Savings Bank

                                        By: /s/ Herbert R. Miller
                                            Herbert R. Miller
                                            Chairman of the Board

Dated: April 28, 2006

                                        IBT Bancorp, Inc.

                                        By: /s/ Dennis P Angner
                                            Dennis P. Angner
                                            President and CEO

Dated: May 2, 2006



August 18, 2006

Board of Directors
IBT Bancorp, Inc.
200 East Broadway
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858


Board of Directors
The Farwell State Savings Bank
399 West Main Street
Farwell, MI 48622

Members of the Board:

     You have requested our opinion as to the fairness, from a financial point
of view, to IBT Bancorp, Inc. ("IBT") and The Farwell State Savings Bank
("Farwell") and their respective shareholders of the terms of the Amended and
Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of April 28, 2006 ("Agreement")
between IBT, Farwell, and Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge ("Farmers").
Farmers is a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBT. The terms of the Agreement provide
for the merger of Farwell with and into Farmers. At the effective time of the
merger, Farmers will change its name to FSB Bank.

     The terms of the Agreement provide for each outstanding share of Farwell
common stock to be exchanged for 3.0382 shares of IBT common stock plus $29.00
in cash. IBT will not issue fractional shares in connection with the merger;
instead, fractional shares shall be settled in cash.

     In carrying out our engagement, we have reviewed and analyzed material
bearing upon the financial and operating condition of IBT and Farwell, including
but not limited to the following: (i) the Agreement; (ii) the financial
statements of IBT and Farwell for the period 2001 through year-to-date March 31,
2006; (iii) certain other publicly available information regarding IBT and
Farwell; (iv) publicly available information regarding the performance of
certain other companies whose business activities were believed by Austin
Associates to be generally comparable to those of IBT and Farwell; (v) the
financial terms, to the extent publicly available, of certain comparable
transactions; and (vi) such other analysis and information as we deemed

                              AUSTINASSOCIATES LOGO



Page 2
Members of the Board
August 18, 2006

     In our review and analysis, we relied upon and assumed the accuracy and
completeness of the financial and other information provided to us or publicly
available, and have not attempted to verify the same. We have made no
independent verification as to the status of individual loans made by IBT or
Farwell, and have instead relied upon representations and information concerning
loans of IBT and Farwell in the aggregate.

     In addition, we have assumed in the course of obtaining the necessary
approvals for the transaction, no condition will be imposed that will have a
material adverse effect on the contemplated benefits of the transaction to IBT
or Farwell and their respective shareholders.

     This opinion is based on economic and market conditions and other
circumstances existing on, and information made available as of, the date
hereof. This opinion is limited to the fairness of the financial terms of the
Agreement to IBT and Farwell and their respective shareholders, and does not
address the underlying business decision by the Boards of Directors to pursue
the merger.

     Austin Associates will receive a contingent fee based on consummation of
the transaction. In addition, IBT and Farwell have agreed to indemnify Austin
Associates against certain liabilities.

     Based upon our analysis and subject to the qualifications described herein,
we believe that as of the date of this letter the terms of the Agreement are
fair, from a financial point of view, to IBT and Farwell and their respective

                                        -S- SIGNATURE

                                        Austin Associates, LLC


                                                                      APPENDIX C

June 30, 2006

Board of Directors
The Farwell State Savings Bank
399 W. Main St.
Farwell, Michigan 48622-0099

Members of the Board of Directors:

     You have requested our opinion as to the fairness, from a financial point
of view, to the shareholders of Farwell State Savings Bank ("Farwell") of the
exchange ratio and cash consideration provided for pursuant to the Agreement and
Plan of Merger, dated as of December 22, 2005 to which IBT Bancorp, Inc. ("IBT")
will acquire Farwell. On May 2, 2006 IBT, Farmers State Bank of Breckenridge
("Farmers") and Farwell entered into an amended and restated Agreement and Plan
of Merger (the "Amended Agreement") to substitute Farmers as the acquiring
entity. In accordance with the terms of the Amended Agreement, Farwell will
merge with Farmers, with Farmers as the surviving entity. Concurrently, each
share of Farwell common stock issued and outstanding immediately prior to the
effective time of the merger shall be converted into the right to receive 3.0382
shares of IBT common stock plus $29.00 in cash.

     Donnelly Penman & Partners ("Donnelly Penman") is an investment-banking
firm of recognized standing. As part of our investment banking services, we are
continually engaged in the valuation of businesses and their securities in
connection with mergers and acquisitions, private placements and valuations for
stock plans, corporate and other purposes. We are acting as financial advisor to
Farwell in connection with the Merger and will receive a fee from Farwell for
our services pursuant to the terms of our engagement letter with Farwell, dated
as of January 18, 2006 (the "Engagement Letter").

     In arriving at its opinion, Donnelly Penman engaged in discussions with
members of the management teams of each of Farwell and IBT concerning the
historical and current business operations, financial conditions and prospects
of Farwell and IBT and reviewed:

     - the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated December 22, 2005 and the Amended
       and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger dated May 2, 2006;

     - the most recent draft dated June 29, 2006 of the Form S-4 Registration
       Statement relating to the merger;

     - certain publicly-available information for IBT, including each of the
       Annual Reports to Stockholders and Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the
       years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005 and the quarterly reports on
       Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2006;

     - certain information, including financial forecasts, relating to earnings,
       assets, liabilities and prospects of IBT furnished by senior management
       of IBT;

     - Independent Auditor's Report for Farwell State Bank for the years ended
       December 31, 2005 and 2004 and the unaudited condensed balance sheet and
       statement of income for the three months ended March 31, 2006 and March
       31, 2005;

     - certain information, including financial forecasts, relating to earnings,
       assets, liabilities and prospects of Farwell furnished by senior
       management of Farwell;

     - IBT's senior management projected earnings estimates for fiscal years
       2006 through 2010, which were deemed reasonable by IBT management;

     - Farwell's senior management projected earnings estimates for fiscal years
       2006 through 2010, which were deemed reasonable by Farwell management;

     - the amount and timing of the cost savings expected to result from the
       merger furnished by senior management of IBT;


     - the financial condition and operating results of IBT and Farwell compared
       to the financial conditions and operating results of certain other
       financial institutions that Donnelly Penman deemed comparable;

     - various valuation analyses of Farwell and IBT Donnelly Penman performed
       including dividend discount analyses, analysis of comparable transactions
       and analysis of comparable companies; and

     - such other information, financial studies, analyses and investigations
       and such other factors that Donnelly Penman deemed relevant for the
       purposes of its opinion.

     In conducting its review and arriving at its opinion, as contemplated under
the terms of its engagement by Farwell, Donnelly Penman, with the consent of IBT
and Farwell, relied, without independent investigation, upon the accuracy and
completeness of all financial and other information provided to it by IBT and
Farwell or upon publicly-available information. Donnelly Penman did not
undertake any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or reasonableness
of, or any obligation independently to verify, such information. Donnelly Penman
further relied upon the assurance of management of IBT and Farwell that they
were unaware of any facts that would make the information provided or available
to Donnelly Penman incomplete or misleading in any respect. Donnelly Penman did
not make any independent evaluations, valuations or appraisals of the assets or
liabilities of IBT or Farwell. Donnelly Penman did not review any individual
credit files of IBT or Farwell and assumed that the aggregate allowances for
credit losses for IBT and Farwell were adequate to cover such losses. Donnelly
Penman's opinion was necessarily based upon economic and market conditions and
other circumstances as they existed and evaluated by Donnelly Penman on the date
of its opinion. Donnelly Penman does not have any obligation to update its
opinion, unless requested by Farwell in writing to do so, and Donnelly Penman
expressly disclaims any responsibility to do so in the absence of any written
request by Farwell.

     No limitations were imposed by Farwell on Donnelly Penman on the scope of
Donnelly Penman's investigation or the procedures to be followed by Donnelly
Penman in rendering this opinion. The form and amount of the consideration to be
paid to Farwell or its shareholders were determined through arms length
negotiations between Farwell and IBT.

     In our analyses, we have made numerous assumptions with respect to industry
performance, business and economic conditions, and other matters, many of which
are beyond the control of Farwell. Any estimates contained in our analyses are
not necessarily indicative of future results or value, which may be
significantly more or less favorable than such estimates. Estimates of values of
companies do not purport to be appraisals or to necessarily reflect the prices
at which companies or their securities actually may be sold. No company or
merger utilized in our analyses was identical to Farwell, IBT or the Merger.
Accordingly, such analyses are not based solely on arithmetic calculations;
rather, they involve complex considerations and judgments concerning differences
in financial and operating characteristics of the relevant companies, the timing
of the relevant mergers and prospective buyer interests, as well as other
factors that could affect the public trading markets of Farwell or companies to
which it is being compared. None of the analyses performed by us was assigned a
greater significance than any other.

     We hereby consent to the reference to our opinion in the prospectus and
proxy statement to be issued pursuant to the Amended Agreement and to the
inclusion of the foregoing opinion in the prospectus and proxy statement
relating to the meeting of stockholders of Farwell. In giving such consent, we
do not thereby admit that we come within the category of persons whose consent
is required under Section 7 of the Securities Act of 1933 or the rules and
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission thereunder. Further, we
express no view as to the price or trading range for shares of the common stock
of IBT following the consummation of the Merger.

     Based upon and subject to the foregoing, including the various assumptions
and limitations set forth herein, it is our opinion that, as of June 30, 2006,
the exchange ratio and cash consideration to be received by Farwell shareholders
under the Amended Agreement is fair, from a financial point of view, to the
shareholders of Farwell.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        Donnelly Penman & Partners


                                                                      APPENDIX D

Section 3706(2)(b) of the Michigan Banking Code of 1999

     A shareholder of the existing bank, existing savings bank, or existing
association who votes against the consolidation, or who has given notice in
writing to that bank or association at or before the meeting called for the
purpose of considering the agreement of consolidation that the shareholder
dissents from the consolidation, is entitled to receive in cash from the
consolidated organization the fair value of all shares held by the shareholder,
if and when the consolidation is consummated, upon written request made to the
consolidated organization at any time within 30 days after the date of
consummation of the consolidation, accompanied by the surrender of the stock
voted in dissent by the shareholder. Upon the filing of the written request and
the surrender of stock certificates, if any, the shareholder shall cease to have
any of the rights of a shareholder except the right to be paid the fair value of
the shareholder's shares. The request having been made shall not be withdrawn
except with the written consent of the consolidated organization. The fair value
of the shares shall be determined, as of the date on which the meeting of
shareholders of the existing bank, existing savings bank, or existing
association was held adopting the agreement of consolidation, by a qualified and
independent appraiser selected by the commissioner upon written request
submitted by a dissenting shareholder entitled to receive the fair value of his
or her shares. The appraiser selected shall file a written appraisal with the
commissioner, who in turn shall forward copies to all interested parties. The
valuation determined by the appraiser is final and binding on all parties as to
the fair value of the shares. The consolidated organization shall pay to each
dissenting shareholder entitled the fair value of his or her shares within 30
days following the receipt of the written appraisal. The fees and expenses of
the appraisal, which shall be approved by the commissioner, shall be paid by the
consolidated organization. The agreement of consolidation shall provide the
manner of disposing of the shares of the existing bank, existing savings bank,
or existing association surrendered by the dissenting shareholders.


                                  EXHIBIT 99.1

                                 REVOCABLE PROXY

                         THE FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS


     The undersigned hereby appoints Herbert R. Miller and Thomas E. Kedrowski,
or either of them, with full power of substitution, to act as attorneys and
proxies for the undersigned to vote all shares of common stock of The Farwell
State Savings Bank ("Farwell") that the undersigned is entitled to vote at
Farwell's Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting"), to be held on
September 26, 2006, at 10 a.m., local time, located at the Surrey Township Hall,
Farwell, Michigan, and any and all adjournments and postponements thereof.

     The undersigned acknowledges receipt from Farwell, prior to the execution
of this proxy, of Notice of the Special Meeting and a Prospectus and Proxy

                 (Continued and to be signed on following page)


     Approval of the Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as
of May 2, 2006 (the "Merger Agreement"), among Farmers State Bank of
Breckenridge, IBT Bancorp, Inc. and The Farwell State Savings Bank.

     [ ] For          [ ] Against          [ ] Abstain

     The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" approval of the Agreement
and Plan of Merger.


                                        Dated: ---------------------------------

                                        Print Name: ----------------------------

                                        Signature: -----------------------------

                                        Print Name: ----------------------------

                                        Signature: -----------------------------

                                        Please sign exactly as your name appears
                                        on this card. When signing as attorney,
                                        executor, administrator, trustee or
                                        guardian, please give your full title.
                                        If shares are held jointly, each holder
                                        should sign.

                                        YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT!

                                        PLEASE PROMPTLY COMPLETE, SIGN AND MAIL
                                        THIS PROXY IN THE ENCLOSED, POSTAGE-PAID