TO THE


A. DTE Energy Company (the "Company") adopted the DTE Energy Company Executive
Supplemental Retirement Plan (the "Plan") to enable the Company to attract and
retain executives.

B. The Organization and Compensation Committee (the "Committee") of the
Company's Board of Directors is authorized to amend the Plan.

C. By a resolution properly adopted on October 30, 2006, the Committee amended
the Plan to permit discretionary Company contributions and to eliminate
duplicate benefits for certain participants.

                                 PLAN AMENDMENT

Effective October 30, 2006, the DTE Energy Company Executive Supplemental
Retirement Plan is amended:

1. Section 2.01 is replaced in its entirety with the following:

      2.01. "ACCOUNT" means, except as to a Frozen MSBP Participant's Benefit,
the hypothetical record or bookkeeping entry maintained by the Company
reflecting each Participant's Opening Balance (if any), Compensation Credits,
Discretionary Contributions, credited earnings and losses, and distributions
under the Plan. The term "Account" should not be construed as an actual
segregation of assets for the benefit of any particular Participant.

2. New Section 2.15A is added as follows:

      2.15A "DISCRETIONARY CONTRIBUTION" means a credit to a Participant's
Account in addition to Compensation Credits. A Discretionary Contribution will
be stated as a percentage of a Participant's Compensation or as a lump sum
amount. All Discretionary Contributions must be approved by the Committee.

3. Section 4.01 is amended by adding the following sentence at the end of the
second paragraph:

      A Discretionary Contribution will be credited to a Participant's Account
      as of the date determined by the Committee when the Committee approves the
      Discretionary Contribution.

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4. Section 5.03 is replaced in its entirety with the following:

      5.03. Election for Frozen MSBP Participants. (a) A Frozen MSBP Participant
who has Compensation Credits or Discretionary Contributions credited to his or
her Account under section 4.01 must make the election described in section 5.02.
The Frozen MSBP Participant may not receive both the Participant's MSBP benefit
and the Participant's Account.

            (b) A Frozen MSBP Participant who has not had any Compensation
Credits or Discretionary Contributions credited to his or her Account under
section 4.01 does not have an election as described in section 5.02. The benefit
available to the Frozen MSBP Participant will be calculated as described in
section 5.01(a) or (b).

5. Section 7.02(a) is amended by inserting ", Discretionary Contributions" after
"Compensation Credits" in the last sentence.

                            CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY
                               DTE ENERGY COMPANY

I, Sandra Kay Ennis, certify that I am the Corporate Secretary of DTE Energy
Company, a Michigan corporation (the "Company"), and have access to the
Company's corporate records and am familiar with the matters contained and
certified to in this Certificate.

I certify that, at a duly called meeting of the Organization and Compensation
Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of Directors of the Company held on
October 30, 2006, the Committee adopted the above resolutions and amendment.

/s/ Sandra Kay Ennis
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Sandra Kay Ennis
Corporate Secretary

November 9, 2006
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