

                                MASTER AGREEMENT

                            dated as of June 7, 2007

CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET                and                 CITIBANK, N.A.
        TRUST 2007-SN1

have entered and/or anticipate entering into one or more transactions (each a
"Transaction") that are or will be governed by this Master Agreement, which
includes the schedule (the "Schedule"), and the documents and other confirming
evidence (each a "Confirmation") exchanged between the parties confirming those

Accordingly, the parties agree as follows:


(a) DEFINITIONS. The terms defined in Section 14 and in the Schedule will have
the meanings therein specified for the purpose of this Master Agreement.

(b) INCONSISTENCY. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of
the Schedule and the other provisions of this Master Agreement, the Schedule
will prevail. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of any
Confirmation and this Master Agreement (including the Schedule), such
Confirmation will prevail for the purpose of the relevant Transaction.

(c) SINGLE AGREEMENT. All Transactions are entered into in reliance on the fact
that this Master Agreement and all Confirmations form a single agreement between
the parties (collectively referred to as this "Agreement"), and the parties
would not otherwise enter into any Transactions.



     (i) Each party will make each payment or delivery specified in each
     Confirmation to be made by it, subject to the other provisions of this

     (ii) Payments under this Agreement will be made on the due date for value
     on that date in the place of the account specified in the relevant
     Confirmation or otherwise pursuant to this Agreement, in freely
     transferable funds and in the manner customary for payments in the required
     currency. Where settlement is by delivery (that is, other than by payment),
     such delivery will be made for receipt on the due date in the manner
     customary for the relevant obligation unless otherwise specified in the
     relevant Confirmation or elsewhere in this Agreement.

     (iii) Each obligation of each party under Section 2(a)(i) is subject to (1)
     the condition precedent that no Event of Default or Potential Event of
     Default with respect to the other party has occurred and is continuing, (2)
     The condition precedent that no Early Termination Date in respect of the
     relevant Transaction has occurred or been effectively designated and (3)
     each other applicable condition precedent specified in this Agreement.


(b) CHANGE OF ACCOUNT. Either party may change its account for receiving a
payment or delivery by giving notice to the other party at least five Local
Business Days prior to the scheduled date for the payment or delivery to which
such change applies unless such other party gives timely notice of a reasonable
objection to such change.

(c) NETTING. If on any date amounts would otherwise be payable:-

     (i)  in the same currency; and

     (ii) in respect of the same Transaction,

by each party to the other, then, on such date, each party's obligation to make
payment of any such amount will be automatically satisfied and discharged and,
if the aggregate amount that would otherwise have been payable by one party
exceeds the aggregate amount that would otherwise have been payable by the other
party, replaced by an obligation upon the party by whom the larger aggregate
amount would have been payable to pay to the other party the excess of the
larger aggregate amount over the smaller aggregate amount.

The parties may elect in respect of two or more Transactions that a net amount
will be determined in respect of all amounts payable on the same date in the
same currency in respect of such Transactions, regardless of whether such
amounts are payable in respect of the same Transaction. The election may be made
in the Schedule or a Confirmation by specifying that subparagraph (ii) above
will not apply to the Transactions identified as being subject to the election,
together with the starting date (in which case subparagraph (ii) above will not,
or will cease to, apply to such Transactions from such date). This election may
be made separately for different groups of Transactions and will apply
separately to each pairing of Offices through which the parties make and receive
payments or deliveries.


     (i) GROSS-UP. All payments under this Agreement will be made without any
     deduction or withholding for or on account of any Tax unless such deduction
     or withholding is required by any applicable law, as modified by the
     practice of any relevant governmental revenue authority, then in effect. If
     a party is so required to deduct or withhold, then that party ("X") will:-

          (1) promptly notify the other party ("Y") of such requirement;

          (2) pay to the relevant authorities the full amount required to be
          deducted or withheld (including the full amount required to be
          deducted or withheld from any additional amount paid by X to Y under
          this Section 2(d)) promptly upon the earlier of determining that such
          deduction or withholding is required or receiving notice that such
          amount has been assessed against Y;

          (3) promptly forward to Y an official receipt (or a certified copy),
          or other documentation reasonably acceptable to Y. evidencing such
          payment to such authorities; and

          (4) if such Tax is an Indemnifiable Tax, pay to Y. in addition to the
          payment to which Y is otherwise entitled under this Agreement, such
          additional amount as is necessary to ensure that the net amount
          actually received by Y (free and clear of Indemnifiable Taxes, whether
          assessed against X or Y) will equal the full amount Y would have
          received had no such deduction or withholding been required. However,
          X will not be required to pay any additional amount to Y to the extent
          that it would not be required to be paid but for: --

               (A) the failure by Y to comply with or perform any agreement
               contained in Section 4(a)(i), 4(a)(iii) or 4(d); or

               (B) the failure of a representation made by Y pursuant to Section
               3(f) to be accurate and true unless such failure would not have
               occurred but for (I) any action taken by a taxing authority, or
               brought in a court of competent jurisdiction, on or after the
               date on which a Transaction is entered into (regardless of
               whether such action is taken or brought with respect to a party
               to this Agreement) or (II) a Change in Tax Law.


     (ii) LIABILITY. If:-

          (1) X is required by any applicable law, as modified by the practice
          of any relevant governmental revenue authority, to make any deduction
          or withholding in respect of which X would not be required to pay an
          additional amount to Y under Section 2(d)(i)(4);

          (2) X does not so deduct or withhold; and

          (3) a liability resulting from such Tax is assessed directly against

     then, except to the extent Y has satisfied or then satisfies the liability
     resulting from such Tax, Y will promptly pay to X the amount of such
     liability (including any related liability for interest, but including any
     related liability for penalties only if Y has failed to comply with or
     perform any agreement contained in Section 4(a)(i), 4(a)(iii) or 4(d)).

(e) DEFAULT INTEREST; OTHER AMOUNTS. Prior to the occurrence or effective
designation of an Early Termination Date in respect of the relevant Transaction,
a party that defaults in the performance of any payment obligation will, to the
extent permitted by law and subject to Section 6(c), be required to pay interest
(before as well as after judgment) on the overdue amount to the other party on
demand in the same currency as such overdue amount, for the period from (and
including) the original due date for payment to (but excluding) the date of
actual payment, at the Default Rate. Such interest will be calculated on the
basis of daily compounding and the actual number of days elapsed. If, prior to
the occurrence or effective designation of an Early Termination Date in respect
of the relevant Transaction, a party defaults in the performance of any
obligation required to be settled by delivery, it will compensate the other
party on demand if and to the extent provided for in the relevant Confirmation
or elsewhere in this Agreement.


Each party represents to the other party (which representations will be deemed
to be repeated by each party on each date on which a Transaction is entered into
and, in the case of the representations in Section 3(f), at all times until the
termination of this Agreement) that: --


     (i) STATUS. It is duly organised and validly existing under the laws of the
     jurisdiction of its organisation or incorporation and, if relevant under
     such laws, in good standing;

     (ii) POWERS. It has the power to execute this Agreement and any other
     documentation relating to this Agreement to which it is a party, to deliver
     this Agreement and any other documentation relating to this Agreement that
     it is required by this Agreement to deliver and to perform its obligations
     under this Agreement and any obligations it has under any Credit Support
     Document to which it is a party and has taken all necessary action to
     authorise such execution, delivery and performance;

     (iii) NO VIOLATION OR CONFLICT. Such execution, delivery and performance do
     not violate or conflict with any law applicable to it, any provision of its
     constitutional documents, any order or judgment of any court or other
     agency of government applicable to it or any of its assets or any
     contractual restriction binding on or affecting it or any of its assets;

     (iv) CONSENTS. All governmental and other consents that are required to
     have been obtained by it with respect to this Agreement or any Credit
     Support Document to which it is a party have been obtained and are in full
     force and effect and all conditions of any such consents have been complied
     with; and

     (v) OBLIGATIONS BINDING. Its obligations under this Agreement and any
     Credit Support Document to which it is a party constitute its legal, valid
     and binding obligations, enforceable in accordance with their respective
     terms (subject to applicable bankruptcy, reorganisation, insolvency,
     moratorium or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and
     subject, as to enforceability, to equitable principles of general
     application (regardless of whether enforcement is sought in a proceeding in
     equity or at law)).


(b) ABSENCE OF CERTAIN EVENTS. No Event of Default or Potential Event of Default
or, to its knowledge, Termination Event with respect to it has occurred and is
continuing and no such event or circumstance would occur as a result of its
entering into or performing its obligations under this Agreement or any Credit
Support Document to which it is a party.

(c) ABSENCE OF LITIGATION. There is not pending or, to its knowledge, threatened
against it or any of its Affiliates any action, suit or proceeding at law or in
equity or before any court, tribunal, governmental body, agency or official or
any arbitrator that is likely to affect the legality, validity or enforceability
against it of this Agreement or any Credit Support Document to which it is a
party or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or such
Credit Support Document.

(d) ACCURACY OF SPECIFIED INFORMATION. All applicable information that is
furnished in writing by or on behalf of it to the other party and is identified
for the purpose of this Section 3(d) in the Schedule is, as of the date of the
information, true, accurate and complete in every material respect.

(e) PAYER TAX REPRESENTATION. Each representation specified in the Schedule as
being made by it for the purpose of this Section 3(e) is accurate and true.

(f) PAYEE TAX REPRESENTATIONS. Each representation specified in the Schedule as
being made by it for the purpose of this Section 3(f) is accurate and true.


Each party agrees with the other that, so long as either party has or may have
any obligation under this Agreement or under any Credit Support Document to
which it is a party:-

(a) FURNISH SPECIFIED INFORMATION. It will deliver to the other party or, in
certain cases under subparagraph (iii) below, to such government or taxing
authority as the other party reasonably directs:-

     (i) any forms, documents or certificates relating to taxation specified in
     the Schedule or any Confirmation;

     (ii) any other documents specified in the Schedule or any Confirmation; and

     (iii) upon reasonable demand by such other party, any form or document that
     may be required or reasonably requested in writing in order to allow such
     other party or its Credit Support Provider to make a payment under this
     Agreement or any applicable Credit Support Document without any deduction
     or withholding for or on account of any Tax or with such deduction or
     withholding at a reduced rate (so long as the completion, execution or
     submission of such form or document would not materially prejudice the
     legal or commercial position of the party in receipt of such demand), with
     any such form or document to be accurate and completed in a manner
     reasonably satisfactory to such other party and to be executed and to be
     delivered with any reasonably required certification,

in each case by the date specified in the Schedule or such Confirmation or, if
none is specified, as soon as reasonably practicable.

(b) MAINTAIN AUTHORISATIONS. It will use all reasonable efforts to maintain in
full force and effect all consents of any governmental or other authority that
are required to be obtained by it with respect to this Agreement or any Credit
Support Document to which it is a party and will use all reasonable efforts to
obtain any that may become necessary in the future.

(c) COMPLY WITH LAWS. It will comply in all material respects with all
applicable laws and orders to which it may be subject if failure so to comply
would materially impair its ability to perform its obligations under this
Agreement or any Credit Support Document to which it is a party.

(d) TAX AGREEMENT. It will give notice of any failure of a representation made
by it under Section 3(f) to be accurate and true promptly upon learning of such

(e) PAYMENT OF STAMP TAX. Subject to Section 11, it will pay any Stamp Tax
levied or imposed upon it or in respect of its execution or performance of this
Agreement by a jurisdiction in which it is incorporated,


organised, managed and controlled, or considered to have its seat, or in which a
branch or office through which it is acting for the purpose of this Agreement is
located ("Stamp Tax Jurisdiction") and will indemnify the other party against
any Stamp Tax levied or imposed upon the other party or in respect of the other
party's execution or performance of this Agreement by any such Stamp Tax
Jurisdiction which is not also a Stamp Tax Jurisdiction with respect to the
other party.


(a) EVENTS OF DEFAULT. The occurrence at any time with respect to a party or, if
applicable, any Credit Support Provider of such party or any Specified Entity of
such party of any of the following events constitutes an event of default (an
"Event of Default") with respect to such party:-

     (i) FAILURE TO PAY OR DELIVER. Failure by the party to make, when due, any
     payment under this Agreement or delivery under Section 2(a)(i) or 2(e)
     required to be made by it if such failure is not remedied on or before the
     third Local Business Day after notice of such failure is given to the

     (ii) BREACH OF AGREEMENT. Failure by the party to comply with or perform
     any agreement or obligation (other than an obligation to make any payment
     under this Agreement or delivery under Section 2(a)(i) or 2(e) or to give
     notice of a Termination Event or any agreement or obligation under Section
     4(a)(i), 4(a)(iii) or 4(d)) to be complied with or performed by the party
     in accordance with this Agreement if such failure is not remedied on or
     before the thirtieth day after notice of such failure is given to the


          (1) Failure by the party or any Credit Support Provider of such party
          to comply with or perform any agreement or obligation to be complied
          with or performed by it in accordance with any Credit Support Document
          if such failure is continuing after any applicable grace period has

          (2) the expiration or termination of such Credit Support Document or
          the failing or ceasing of such Credit Support Document to be in full
          force and effect for the purpose of this Agreement (in either case
          other than in accordance with its terms) prior to the satisfaction of
          all obligations of such party under each Transaction to which such
          Credit Support Document relates without the written consent of the
          other party; or

          (3) the party or such Credit Support Provider disaffirms, disclaims,
          repudiates or rejects, in whole or in part, or challenges the validity
          of, such Credit Support Document;

     (iv) MISREPRESENTATION. A representation (other than a representation under
     Section 3(e) or (f)) made or repeated or deemed to have been made or
     repeated by the PARTY or any Credit Support Provider of such party in this
     Agreement or any Credit Support Document proves to have been incorrect or
     misleading in any material respect when made or repeated or deemed to have
     been made or repeated;

     (v) DEFAULT UNDER SPECIFIED TRANSACTION. The party, any Credit Support
     Provider of such party or any applicable Specified Entity of such party (1)
     defaults under a Specified Transaction and, after giving effect to any
     applicable notice requirement or grace period, there occurs a liquidation
     of, an acceleration of obligations under, or an early termination of, that
     Specified Transaction, (2) defaults, after giving effect to any applicable
     notice requirement or grace period, in making any payment or delivery due
     on the last payment, delivery or exchange date of, or any payment on early
     termination of, a Specified Transaction (or such default continues for at
     least three Local Business Days if there is no applicable notice
     requirement or grace period) or (3) disaffirms, disclaims, repudiates or
     rejects, in whole or in part, a Specified Transaction (or such action is
     taken by any person or entity appointed or empowered to operate it or act
     on its behalf);

     (vi) CROSS DEFAULT. If "Cross Default" is specified in the Schedule as
     applying to the party, the occurrence or existence of (1) a default, event
     of default or other similar condition or event (however


     described) in respect of such party, any Credit Support Provider of such
     party or any applicable Specified Entity of such party under one or more
     agreements or instruments relating to Specified Indebtedness of any of them
     (individually or collectively) in an aggregate amount of not less than the
     applicable Threshold Amount (as specified in the Schedule) which has
     resulted in such Specified Indebtedness becoming, or becoming capable at
     such time of being declared, due and payable under such agreements or
     instruments, before it would otherwise have been due and payable or (2) a
     default by such party, such Credit Support Provider or such Specified
     Entity (individually or collectively) in making one or more payments on the
     due date thereof in an aggregate amount of not less than the applicable
     Threshold Amount under such agreements or instruments (after giving effect
     to any applicable notice requirement or grace period);

     (vii) BANKRUPTCY. The party, any Credit Support Provider of such party or
     any applicable Specified Entity of such party:-

          (1) is dissolved (other than pursuant to a consolidation, amalgamation
          or merger); (2) becomes insolvent or is unable to pay its debts or
          fails or admits in writing its inability generally to pay its debts as
          they become due; (3) makes a general assignment, arrangement or
          composition with or for the benefit of its creditors; (4) institutes
          or has instituted against it a proceeding seeking a judgment of
          insolvency or bankruptcy or any other relief under any bankruptcy or
          insolvency law or other similar law affecting creditors' rights, or a
          petition is presented for its winding-up or liquidation, and, in the
          case of any such proceeding or petition instituted or presented
          against it, such proceeding or petition (A) results in a judgment of
          insolvency or bankruptcy or the entry of an order for relief or the
          making of an order for its winding-up or liquidation or (B) is not
          dismissed, discharged, stayed or restrained in each case within 30
          days of the institution or presentation thereof; (5) has a resolution
          passed for its winding-up, official management or liquidation (other
          than pursuant to a consolidation, amalgamation or merger); (6) seeks
          or becomes subject to the appointment of an administrator, provisional
          liquidator, conservator, receiver, trustee, custodian or other similar
          official for it or for all or substantially all its assets; (7) has a
          secured party take possession of all or substantially all its assets
          or has a distress, execution, attachment, sequestration or other legal
          process levied enforced or sued on or against all or substantially all
          its assets and such secured party maintains possession, or any such
          process is not dismissed, discharged, stayed or restrained, in each
          case within 30 days thereafter; (8) causes or is subject to any event
          with respect to it which, under the applicable laws of any
          jurisdiction, has an analogous effect to any of the events specified
          in clauses (1) to (7) (inclusive); or (9) takes any action in
          furtherance of, or indicating its consent to, approval of, or
          acquiescence in, any of the foregoing acts; or

     (viii) MERGER WITHOUT ASSUMPTION. The party or any Credit Support Provider
     of such party consolidates or amalgamates with, or merges with or into, or
     transfers all or substantially all its assets to, another entity and, at
     the time of such consolidation, amalgamation, merger or transfer:-

          (1) the resulting, surviving or transferee entity fails to assume all
          the obligations of such party or such Credit Support Provider under
          this Agreement or any Credit Support Document to which it or its
          predecessor was a party by operation of law or pursuant to an
          agreement reasonably satisfactory to the other party to this
          Agreement; or

          (2) the benefits of any Credit Support Document fail to extend
          (without the consent of the other party) to the performance by such
          resulting, surviving or transferee entity of its obligations under
          this Agreement.

(b) TERMINATION EVENTS. The occurrence at any time with respect to a party or,
if applicable, any Credit Support Provider of such party or any Specified Entity
of such party of any event specified below constitutes an Illegality if the
event is specified in (i) below, a Tax Event if the event is specified in (ii)
below or a Tax Event Upon Merger if the event is specified in (iii) below, and,
if specified to be applicable, a Credit Event


Upon Merger if the event is specified pursuant to (iv) below or an Additional
Termination Event if the event is specified pursuant to (v) below:-

     (i) ILLEGALITY. Due to the adoption of, or any change in, any applicable
     law after the date on which a Transaction is entered into, or due to the
     promulgation of, or any change in, the interpretation by any court tribunal
     or regulatory authority with competent jurisdiction of any applicable law
     after such date, it becomes unlawful (other than as a result of a breach by
     the party of Section 4(b)) for such party (which will be the Affected

          (1) to perform any absolute or contingent obligation to make a payment
          or delivery or to receive a payment or delivery in respect of such
          Transaction or to comply with any other material provision of this
          Agreement relating to such Transaction; or

          (2) to perform, or for any Credit Support Provider of such party to
          perform, any contingent or other obligation which the party (or such
          Credit Support Provider) has under any Credit Support Document
          relating to such Transaction;

     (ii)TAX EVENT. Due to (x) any action taken by a taxing authority, or
     brought in a court of competent jurisdiction, on or after the date on which
     a Transaction is entered into (regardless of whether such action is taken
     or brought with respect to a party to this Agreement) or (y) a Change in
     Tax Law, the party (which will be the Affected Party) will, or there is a
     substantial likelihood that it will, on the next succeeding Scheduled
     Payment Date (1) be required to pay to the other party an additional amount
     in respect of an Indemnifiable Tax under Section 2(d)(i)(4) (except in
     respect of interest under Section 2(e), 6(d)(ii) or 6(e)) or (2) receive a
     payment from which an amount is required to be deducted or withheld for or
     on account of a Tax (except in respect of interest under Section 2(e),
     6(d)(ii) 6(e)) and no additional amount is required to be paid in respect
     of such Tax under Section 2(d)(i)(4) (other than by reason of Section
     2(d)(i)(4)(A) or (B));

     (iii) TAX EVENT UPON MERGER. The party (the "Burdened Party") on the next
     succeeding Scheduled Payment Date will either (1) be required to pay an
     additional amount in respect of an Indemnifiable Tax under Section
     2(d)(i)(4) (except in respect of interest under Section 2(e), 6(d)(ii) or
     6(e)) or (2) receive a payment from which an amount has been deducted or
     withheld for or on account of any Indemnifiable Tax in respect of which the
     other party is not required to pay an additional amount (other than by
     reason of Section 2(d)(i)(4)(A) or (B)), in either case as a result of a
     party consolidating or amalgamating with, or merging with or into, or
     transferring all or substantially all its assets to, another entity (which
     will be the Affected Party) where such action does not constitute an event
     described in Section 5(a)(viii);

     (iv) CREDIT EVENT UPON MERGER. If "Credit Event Upon Merger" is specified
     in the Schedule as applying to the party, such party ("X"), any Credit
     Support Provider of X or any applicable Specified Entity of X consolidates
     or amalgamates with, or merges with or into, or transfers all or
     substantially all its assets to, another entity and such action does not
     constitute an event described in Section 5(a)(viii) but the
     creditworthiness of the resulting, surviving or transferee entity is
     materially weaker than that of X, such Credit Support Provider or such
     Specified Entity, as the case may be, immediately prior to such action
     (and, in such event, X or its successor or transferee, as appropriate, will
     be the Affected Party); or

     (v) ADDITIONAL TERMINATION EVENT. If any "Additional Termination Event" is
     specified in the Schedule or any Confirmation as applying, the occurrence
     of such event (and, in such event, the Affected Party or Affected Parties
     shall be as specified for such Additional Termination Event in the Schedule
     or such Confirmation).

(c) EVENT OF DEFAULT AND ILLEGALITY. If an event or circumstance which would
otherwise constitute or give rise to an Event of Default also constitutes an
Illegality, it will be treated as an Illegality and will not constitute an Event
of Default.



Default with respect to a party (the "Defaulting Party") has occurred and is
then continuing, the other party (the "Non-defaulting Party") may, by not more
than 20 days notice to the Defaulting Party specifying the relevant Event of
Default, designate a day not earlier than the day such notice is effective as an
Early Termination Date in respect of all outstanding Transactions. If, however,
"Automatic Early Termination" is specified in the Schedule as applying to a
party, then an Early Termination Date in respect of all outstanding Transactions
will occur immediately upon the occurrence with respect to such party of an
Event of Default specified in Section 5(a)(vii)(1), (3), (5), (6) or, to the
extent analogous thereto, (8), and as of the time immediately preceding the
institution of the relevant proceeding or the presentation of the relevant
petition upon the occurrence with respect to such party of an Event of Default
specified in Section 5(a)(vii)(4) or, to the extent analogous thereto, (8).


     (i) NOTICE. If a Termination Event occurs, an Affected Party will, promptly
     upon becoming aware of it, notify the other party, specifying the nature of
     that Termination Event and each Affected Transaction and will also give
     such other information about that Termination Event as the other party may
     reasonably require.

     (ii) TRANSFER TO AVOID TERMINATION EVENT. If either an Illegality under
     Section 5(b)(i)(1) or a Tax Event occurs and there is only one Affected
     Party, or if a Tax Event Upon Merger occurs and the Burdened Party is the
     Affected Party, the Affected Party will, as a condition to its right to
     designate an Early Termination Date under Section 6(b)(iv), use all
     reasonable efforts (which will not require such party to incur a loss,
     excluding immaterial, incidental expenses) to transfer within 20 days after
     it gives notice under Section 6(b)(i) all its rights and obligations under
     this Agreement in respect of the Affected Transactions to another of its
     Offices or Affiliates so that such Termination Event ceases to exist.

     If the Affected Party is not able to make such a transfer it will give
     notice to the other party to that effect within such 20 day period,
     whereupon the other party may effect such a transfer within 30 days after
     the notice is given under Section 6(b)(i).

     Any such transfer by a party under this Section 6(b)(ii) will be subject to
     and conditional upon the prior written consent of the other party, which
     consent will not be withheld if such other party's policies in effect at
     such time would permit it to enter into transactions with the transferee on
     the terms proposed.

     (iii) TWO AFFECTED PARTIES. If an Illegality under section 5(b)(i)(1) or a
     Tax Event occurs and there are two Affected Parties, each party will use
     all reasonable efforts to reach agreement within 30 days after notice
     thereof is given under Section 6(b)(i) on action to avoid that Termination

     (iv) RIGHT TO TERMINATE. If: -

          (1) a transfer under Section 6(b)(ii) or an agreement under Section
          6(b)(iii), as the case may be, has not been effected with respect to
          all Affected Transactions within 30 days after an Affected Party gives
          notice under Section 6(b)(i); or

          (2) an Illegality under Section 5(b)(i)(2), a Credit Event Upon Merger
          or an Additional Termination Event occurs, or a Tax Event Upon Merger
          occurs and the Burdened Party is not the Affected Party,

     either party in the case of an Illegality, the Burdened Party in the case
     of a Tax Event Upon Merger, any Affected Party in the case of a Tax Event
     or an Additional Termination Event if there is more than one Affected
     Party, or the party which is not the Affected Party in the case of a Credit
     Event Upon Merger or an Additional Termination Event if there is only one
     Affected Party may, by not more than 20 days notice to the other party and
     provided that the relevant Termination Event is then


     continuing, designate a day not earlier than the day such notice is
     effective as an Early Termination Date in respect of all Affected


     (i) If notice designating an Early Termination Date is given under Section
     6(a) or (b), the Early Termination Date will occur on the date so
     designated, whether or not the relevant Event of Default or Termination
     Event is then continuing.

     (ii) Upon the occurrence or effective designation of an Early Termination
     Date, no further payments or deliveries under Section 2(a)(i) or 2(e) in
     respect of the Terminated Transactions will be required to be made, but
     without prejudice to the other provisions of this Agreement. The amount, if
     any, payable in respect of an Early Termination Date shall be determined
     pursuant to Section 6(e).


     (i) STATEMENT. On or as soon as reasonably practicable following the
     occurrence of an Early Termination Date, each party will make the
     calculations on its part, if any, contemplated by Section 6(e) and will
     provide to the other party a statement (1) showing, in reasonable detail,
     such calculations (including all relevant quotations and specifying any
     amount payable under Section 6(e)) and (2) giving details of the relevant
     account to which any amount payable to it is to be paid. In the absence of
     written confirmation from the source of a quotation obtained in determining
     a Market Quotation, the records of the party obtaining such quotation will
     be conclusive evidence of the existence and accuracy of such quotation.

     (ii) PAYMENT DATE. An amount calculated as being due in respect of any
     Early Termination Date under Section 6(e) will be payable on the day that
     notice of the amount payable is effective (in the case of an Early
     Termination Date which is designated or occurs as a result of an Event of
     Default) and on the day which is two Local Business Days after the day on
     which notice of the amount payable is effective (in the case of an Early
     Termination Date which is designated as a result of a Termination Event).
     Such amount will be paid together with (to the extent permitted under
     applicable law) interest thereon (before as well as after judgment) in the
     Termination Currency, from (and including) the relevant Early Termination
     Date to (but excluding) the date such amount is paid, at the Applicable
     Rate. Such interest will be calculated on the basis of daily compounding
     and the actual number of days elapsed.

(e) PAYMENTS ON EARLY TERMINATION. If an Early Termination Date occurs, the
following provisions shall apply based on the parties' election in the Schedule
of a payment measure, either "Market Quotation" or "Loss", and a payment method,
either the "First Method" or the "Second Method". If the parties fail to
designate a payment measure or payment method in the Schedule, it will be deemed
that "Market Quotation" or the "Second Method", as the case may be, shall apply.
The amount, if any, payable in respect of an Early Termination Date and
determined pursuant to this Section will be subject to any Set-off.

     (i) EVENTS OF DEFAULT. If the Early Termination Date results from an Event
     of Default:-

          (1) First Method and Market Quotation. If the First Method and Market
          Quotation apply, the Defaulting Party will pay to the Non-defaulting
          Party the excess, if a positive number, of (A) the sum of the
          Settlement Amount (determined by the Non-defaulting Party) in respect
          of the Terminated Transactions and the Termination Currency Equivalent
          of the Unpaid Amounts owing to the Non-defaulting Party over (B) the
          Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to the
          Defaulting Party.

          (2) First Method and Loss. If the First Method and Loss apply, the
          Defaulting Party will pay to the Non-defaulting Party, if a positive
          number, the Non-defaulting Party's Loss in respect of this Agreement.

          (3) Second Method and Market Quotation. If the Second Method and
          Market Quotation apply, an amount will be payable equal to (A) the sum
          of the Settlement Amount (determined by the


          Non-defaulting Party) in respect of the Terminated Transactions and
          the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to the
          Non-defaulting Party less (B) the Termination Currency Equivalent of
          the Unpaid Amounts owing to the Defaulting Party. If that amount is a
          positive number, the Defaulting Party will pay it to the
          Non-defaulting Party; if it is a negative number, the Non-defaulting
          Party will pay the absolute value of that amount to the Defaulting

          (4) Second Method and Loss. If the Second Method and Loss apply, an
          amount will be payable equal to the Non-defaulting Party's Loss in
          respect of this Agreement. If that amount is a positive number, the
          Defaulting Party will pay it to the Non-defaulting Party; if it is a
          negative number, the Non-defaulting Party will pay the absolute value
          of that amount to the Defaulting Party.

     (ii) TERMINATION EVENTS. If the Early Termination Date results from a
     Termination Event:-

          (1) One Affected Party. If there is one Affected Party, the amount
          payable will be determined in accordance with Section 6(e)(i)(3), if
          Market Quotation applies, or Section 6(e)(i)(4). if Loss applies,
          except that, in either case, references to the Defaulting Party and to
          the Non-defaulting Party will be deemed to be references to the
          Affected Party and the party which is not the Affected Party,
          respectively, and, if Loss applies and fewer than all the Transactions
          are being terminated, Loss shall be calculated in respect of all
          Terminated Transactions.

          (2) Two Affected Parties. If there are two Affected Parties:-

               (A) if Market Quotation applies, each party will determine a
               Settlement Amount in respect of the Terminated Transactions, and
               an amount will be payable equal to (I) the sum of (a) one-half of
               the difference between the Settlement Amount of the party with
               the higher Settlement Amount ("X") and the Settlement Amount of
               the party with the lower Settlement Amount ("Y") and (b) the
               Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to X
               less (II) the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid
               Amounts owing to Y; and

               (B) if Loss applies, each party will determine its Loss in
               respect of this Agreement (or, if fewer than all the Transactions
               are being terminated, in respect of all Terminated Transactions)
               and an amount will be payable equal to one-half of the difference
               between the Loss of the party with the higher Loss ("X") and the
               Loss of the party with the lower Loss ("Y").

          If the amount payable is a positive number, Y will pay it to X; if it
          is a negative number, X will pay the absolute value of that amount to

     (iii) ADJUSTMENT FOR BANKRUPTCY. In circumstances where an Early
     Termination Date occurs because "Automatic Early Termination" applies in
     respect of a party, the amount determined under this Section 6(e) will be
     subject to such adjustments as are appropriate and permitted by law to
     reflect any payments or deliveries made by one party to the other under
     this Agreement (and retained by such other party) during the period from
     the relevant Early Termination Date to the date for payment determined
     under Section 6(d)(ii).

     (iv) PRE-ESTIMATE. The parties agree that if Market Quotation applies an
     amount recoverable under this Section 6(e) is a reasonable pre-estimate of
     loss and not a penalty. Such amount is payable for the loss of bargain and
     the loss of protection against future risks and except as otherwise
     provided in this Agreement neither party will be entitled to recover any
     additional damages as a consequence of such losses.



Subject to Section 6(b)(ii), neither this Agreement nor any interest or
obligation in or under this Agreement may be transferred (whether by way of
security or otherwise) by either party without the prior written consent of the
other party, except that:-

(a) a party may make such a transfer of this Agreement pursuant to a
consolidation or amalgamation with, or merger with or into, or transfer of all
or substantially all its assets to, another entity (but without prejudice to any
other right or remedy under this Agreement); and

(b) a party may make such a transfer of all or any part of its interest in any
amount payable to it from a Defaulting Party under Section 6(e).

Any purported transfer that is not in compliance with this Section will be void.


(a) PAYMENT IN THE CONTRACTUAL CURRENCY. Each payment under this Agreement will
be made in the relevant currency specified in this Agreement for that payment
(the "Contractual Currency"). To the extent permitted by applicable law, any
obligation to make payments under this Agreement in the Contractual Currency
will not be discharged or satisfied by any tender in any currency other than the
Contractual Currency, except to the extent such tender results in the actual
receipt by the party to which payment is owed, acting in a reasonable manner and
in good faith in converting the currency so tendered into the Contractual
Currency, of the full amount in the Contractual Currency of all amounts payable
in respect of this Agreement. If for any reason the amount in the Contractual
Currency so received falls short of the amount in the Contractual Currency
payable in respect of this Agreement, the party required to make the payment
will, to the extent permitted by applicable law, immediately pay such additional
amount in the Contractual Currency as may be necessary to compensate for the
shortfall. If for any reason the amount in the Contractual Currency so received
exceeds the amount in the Contractual Currency payable in respect of this
Agreement, the party receiving the payment will refund promptly the amount of
such excess.

(b) JUDGMENTS. To the extent permitted by applicable law, if any judgment or
order expressed in a currency other than the Contractual Currency is rendered
(i) for the payment of any amount owing in respect of this Agreement, (ii) for
the payment of any amount relating to any early termination in respect of this
Agreement or (iii) in respect of a judgment or order of another court for the
payment of any amount described in (i) or (ii) above, the party seeking
recovery, after recovery in full of the aggregate amount to which such party is
entitled pursuant to the judgment or order, will be entitled to receive
immediately from the other party the amount of any shortfall of the Contractual
Currency received by such party as a consequence of sums paid in such other
currency and will refund promptly to the other party any excess of the
Contractual Currency received by such party as a consequence of sums paid in
such other currency if such shortfall or such excess arises or results from any
variation between the rate of exchange at which the Contractual Currency is
converted into the currency of the judgment or order for the purposes of such
judgment or order and the rate of exchange at which such party is able, acting
in a reasonable manner and in good faith in converting the currency received
into the Contractual Currency, to purchase the Contractual Currency with the
amount of the currency of the judgment or order actually received by such party.
The term "rate of exchange" includes, without limitation, any premiums and costs
of exchange payable in connection with the purchase of or conversion into the
Contractual Currency.

(c) SEPARATE INDEMNITIES. To the extent permitted by applicable law, these
indemnities constitute separate and independent obligations from the other
obligations in this Agreement, will be enforceable as separate and independent
causes of action, will apply notwithstanding any indulgence granted by the party
to which any payment is owed and will not be affected by judgment being obtained
or claim or proof being made for any other sums payable in respect of this

(d) EVIDENCE OF LOSS. For the purpose of this Section 8, it will be sufficient
for a party to demonstrate that it would have suffered a loss had an actual
exchange or purchase been made.



(a) ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and
understanding of the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes
all oral communication and prior writings with respect thereto.

(b) AMENDMENTS. No amendment, modification or waiver in respect of this
Agreement will be effective unless in writing (including a writing evidenced by
a facsimile transmission) and executed by each of the parties or confirmed by an
exchange of telexes or electronic messages on an electronic messaging system.

(c) SURVIVAL OF OBLIGATIONS. Without prejudice to Sections 2(a)(iii) and
6(c)(ii), the obligations of the parties under this Agreement will survive the
termination of any Transaction.

(d) REMEDIES CUMULATIVE. Except as provided in this Agreement, the rights,
powers, remedies and privileges provided in this Agreement are cumulative and
not exclusive of any rights, powers, remedies and privileges provided by law.


     (i) This Agreement (and each amendment, modification and waiver in respect
     of it) may be executed and delivered in counterparts (including by
     facsimile transmission), each of which will be deemed an original.

     (ii) The parties intend that they are legally bound by the terms of each
     Transaction from the moment they agree to those terms (whether orally or
     otherwise). A Confirmation shall be entered into as soon as practicable and
     may be executed and delivered in counterparts (including by facsimile
     transmission) or be created by an exchange of telexes or by an exchange of
     electronic messages on an electronic messaging system, which in each case
     will be sufficient for all purposes to evidence a binding supplement to
     this Agreement. The parties will specify therein or through another
     effective means that any such counterpart, telex or electronic message
     constitutes a Confirmation.

(f) NO WAIVER OF RIGHTS. A failure or delay in exercising any right, power or
privilege in respect of this Agreement will not be presumed to operate as a
waiver, and a single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege will
not be presumed to preclude any subsequent or further exercise, of that right,
power or privilege or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.

(g) HEADINGS. The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience of
reference only and are not to affect the construction of or to be taken into
consideration in interpreting this Agreement.


(a) If Section 10(a) is specified in the Schedule as applying, each party that
enters into a Transaction through an Office other than its head or home office
represents to the other party that, notwithstanding the place of booking office
or jurisdiction of incorporation or organisation of such party, the obligations
of such party are the same as if it had entered into the Transaction through its
head or home office. This representation will be deemed to be repeated by such
party on each date on which a Transaction is entered into.

(b) Neither party may change the Office through which it makes and receives
payments or deliveries for the purpose of a Transaction without the prior
written consent of the other party.

(c) If a party is specified as a Multibranch Party in the Schedule, such
Multibranch Party may make and receive payments or deliveries under any
Transaction through any Office listed in the Schedule, and the Office through
which it makes and receives payments or deliveries with respect to a Transaction
will be specified in the relevant Confirmation.


A Defaulting Party will, on demand, indemnify and hold harmless the other party
for and against all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, including legal fees and
Stamp Tax, incurred by such other party by reason of the enforcement and
protection of its rights under this Agreement or any Credit Support Document


to which the Defaulting Party is a party or by reason of the early termination
of any Transaction, including, but not limited to, costs of collection.


(a) EFFECTIVENESS. Any notice or other communication in respect of this
Agreement may be given in any manner set forth below (except that a notice or
other communication under Section 5 or 6 may not be given by facsimile
transmission or electronic messaging system) to the address or number or in
accordance with the electronic messaging system details provided (see the
Schedule) and will be deemed effective as indicated: --

     (i) if in writing and delivered in person or by courier, on the date it is

     (ii) if sent by telex, on the date the recipient's answerback is received;

     (iii) if sent by facsimile transmission, on the date that transmission is
     received by a responsible employee of the recipient in legible form (it
     being agreed that the burden of proving receipt will be on the sender and
     will not be met by a transmission report generated by the sender's
     facsimile machine);

     (iv) if sent by certified or registered mail (airmail, if overseas) or the
     equivalent (return receipt requested), on the date that mail is delivered
     or its delivery is attempted; or

     (v) if sent by electronic messaging system, on the date that electronic
     message is received,

unless the date of that delivery (or attempted delivery) or that receipt, as
applicable, is not a Local Business Day or that communication is delivered (or
attempted) or received, as applicable, after the close of business on a Local
Business Day, in which case that communication shall be deemed given and
effective on the first following day that is a Local Business Day.

(b) CHANGE OF ADDRESSES. Either party may by notice to the other change the
address, telex or facsimile number or electronic messaging system details at
which notices or other communications are to be given to it.


(a) GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in
accordance with the law specified in the Schedule.

(b) JURISDICTION. With respect to any suit, action or proceedings relating to
this Agreement ("Proceedings"), each party irrevocably: --

     (i) submits to the jurisdiction of the English courts, if this Agreement is
     expressed to be governed by English law, or to the non-exclusive
     jurisdiction of the courts of the State of New York and the United States
     District Court located in the Borough of Manhattan in New York City, if
     this Agreement is expressed to be governed by the laws of the State of New
     York; and

     (ii) waives any objection which it may have at any time to the laying of
     venue of any Proceedings brought in any such court, waives any claim that
     such Proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum and further
     waives the right to object, with respect to such Proceedings, that such
     court does not have any jurisdiction over such party.

Nothing in this Agreement precludes either party from bringing Proceedings in
any other jurisdiction (outside, if this Agreement is expressed to be governed
by English law, the Contracting States, as defined in Section 1(3) of the Civil
Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 or any modification, extension or
re-enactment thereof for the time being in force) nor will the bringing of
Proceedings in any one or more jurisdictions preclude the bringing of
Proceedings in any other jurisdiction.

(c) SERVICE OF PROCESS. Each party irrevocably appoints the Process Agent (if
any) specified opposite its name in the Schedule to receive, for it and on its
behalf, service of process in any Proceedings. If for any


reason any party's Process Agent is unable to act as such, such party will
promptly notify the other party and within 30 days appoint a substitute process
agent acceptable to the other party. The parties irrevocably consent to service
of process given in the manner provided for notices in Section 12. Nothing in
this Agreement will affect the right of either party to serve process in any
other manner permitted by law.

(d) WAIVER OF IMMUNITIES. Each party irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent
permitted by applicable law, with respect to itself and its revenues and assets
(irrespective of their use or intended use), all immunity on the grounds of
sovereignty or other similar grounds from (i) suit, (ii) jurisdiction of any
court, (iii) relief by way of injunction, order for specific performance or for
recovery of property, (iv) attachment of its assets (whether before or after
judgment) and (v) execution or enforcement of any judgment to which it or its
revenues or assets might otherwise be entitled in any Proceedings in the courts
of any jurisdiction and irrevocably agrees, to the extent permitted by
applicable law, that it will not claim any such immunity in any Proceedings.


As used in this Agreement:-

"ADDITIONAL TERMINATION EVENT" has the meaning specified in Section 5(b).

"AFFECTED PARTY" has the meaning specified in Section 5(b).

"AFFECTED TRANSACTIONS" means (a) with respect to any Termination Event
consisting of an Illegality, Tax Event or Tax Event Upon Merger, all
Transactions affected by the occurrence of such Termination Event and (b) with
respect to any other Termination Event, all Transactions.

"AFFILIATE" means, subject to the Schedule, in relation to any person, any
entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by the person, any entity that
controls, directly or indirectly, the person or any entity directly or
indirectly under common control with the person. For this purpose, "control" of
any entity or person means ownership of a majority of the voting power of the
entity or person.


(a) in respect of obligations payable or deliverable (or which would have been
but for Section 2(a)(iii)) by a Defaulting Party, the Default Rate;

(b) in respect of an obligation to pay an amount under Section 6(e) of either
party from and after the date (determined in accordance with Section 6(d)(ii))
on which that amount is payable, the Default Rate;

(c) in respect of all other obligations payable or deliverable (or which would
have been but for Section 2(a)(iii)) by a Non-defaulting Party, the Non-default
Rate; and

(d) in all other cases, the Termination Rate.

"BURDENED PARTY" has the meaning specified in Section 5(b).

"CHANGE IN TAX LAW" means the enactment, promulgation, execution or ratification
of, or any change in or amendment to, any law (or in the application or official
interpretation of any law) that occurs on or after the date on which the
relevant Transaction is entered into.

"CONSENT" includes a consent, approval, action, authorisation, exemption,
notice, filing, registration or exchange control consent.

"CREDIT EVENT UPON MERGER" has the meaning specified in Section 5(b).

"CREDIT SUPPORT DOCUMENT" means any agreement or instrument that is specified as
such in this Agreement.

"CREDIT SUPPORT PROVIDER" has the meaning specified in the Schedule.

"DEFAULT RATE" means a rate per annum equal to the cost (without proof or
evidence of any actual cost) to the relevant payee (as certified by it) if it
were to fund or of funding the relevant amount plus 1% per annum.


"DEFAULTING PARTY" has the meaning specified in Section 6(a).

"EARLY TERMINATION DATE" means the date determined in accordance with Section
6(a) or 6(b)(iv).

"EVENT OF DEFAULT" has the meaning specified in Section 5(a) and, if applicable,
in the Schedule.

"ILLEGALITY" has the meaning specified in Section 5(b).

"INDEMNIFIABLE TAX" means any Tax other than a Tax that would not be imposed in
respect of a payment under this Agreement but for a present or former connection
between the jurisdiction of the government or taxation authority imposing such
Tax and the recipient of such payment or a person related to such recipient
(including, without limitation, a connection arising from such recipient or
related person being or having been a citizen or resident of such jurisdiction,
or being or having been organised, present or engaged in a trade or business in
such jurisdiction, or having or having bad a permanent establishment or fixed
place of business in such jurisdiction, but excluding a connection arising
solely from such recipient or related person having executed, delivered,
performed its obligations or received a payment under, or enforced, this
Agreement or a Credit Support Document).

"LAW" includes any treaty, law, rule or regulation (as modified, in the case of
tax matters, by the practice of any relevant governmental revenue authority) and
"LAWFUL" and "UNLAWFUL" will be construed accordingly.

"LOCAL BUSINESS DAY" means, subject to the Schedule, a day on which commercial
banks are open for business (including dealings in foreign exchange and foreign
currency deposits) (a) in relation to any obligation under Section 2(a)(i), in
the place(s) specified in the relevant Confirmation or, if not so specified, as
otherwise agreed by the parties in writing or determined pursuant to provisions
contained, or incorporated by reference, in this Agreement, (b) in relation to
any other payment, in the place where the relevant account is located and, if
different, in the principal financial centre, if any, of the currency of such
payment, (c) in relation to any notice or other communication, including notice
contemplated under Section 5(a)(i), in the city specified in the address for
notice provided by the recipient and, in the case of a notice contemplated by
Section 2(b), in the place where the relevant new account is to be located and
(d) in relation to Section 5(a)(v)(2), in the relevant locations for performance
with respect to such Specified Transaction.

"LOSS" means, with respect to this Agreement or one or more Terminated
Transactions, as the case may be, and a party, the Termination Currency
Equivalent of an amount that party reasonably determines in good faith to be its
total losses and costs (or gain, in which case expressed as a negative number)
in connection with this Agreement or that Terminated Transaction or group of
Terminated Transactions, as the case may be, including any loss of bargain, cost
of funding or, at the election of such party but without duplication, loss or
cost incurred as a result of its terminating, liquidating, obtaining or
reestablishing any hedge or related trading position (or any gain resulting from
any of them). Loss includes losses and costs (or gains) in respect of any
payment or delivery required to have been made (assuming satisfaction of each
applicable condition precedent) on or before the relevant Early Termination Date
and not made, except, so as to avoid duplication, if Section 6(e)(i)(1) or (3)
or 6(e)(ii)(2)(A) applies. Loss does not include a party's legal fees and
out-of-pocket expenses referred to under Section 11. A party will determine its
Loss as of the relevant Early Termination Date, or, if that is not reasonably
practicable, as of the earliest date thereafter as is reasonably practicable. A
party may (but need not) determine its Loss by reference to quotations of
relevant rates or prices from one or more leading dealers in the relevant

"MARKET QUOTATION" means, with respect to one or more Terminated Transactions
and a party making the determination, an amount determined on the basis of
quotations from Reference Market-makers. Each quotation will be for an amount,
if any, that would be paid to such party (expressed as a negative number) or by
such party (expressed as a positive number) in consideration of an agreement
between such party (taking into account any existing Credit Support Document
with respect to the obligations of such party) and the quoting Reference
Market-maker to enter into a transaction (the "Replacement Transaction") that
would have the effect of preserving for such party the economic equivalent of
any payment or delivery (whether the underlying obligation was absolute or
contingent and assuming the satisfaction of each applicable condition precedent)
by the parties under Section 2(a)(i) in respect of such Terminated Transaction
or group of Terminated Transactions that would, but for the occurrence of the
relevant Early Termination Date, have


been required after that date. For this purpose, Unpaid Amounts in respect of
the Terminated Transaction or group of Terminated Transactions are to be
excluded but, without limitation, any payment or delivery that would, but for
the relevant Early Termination Date, have been required (assuming satisfaction
of each applicable condition precedent) after that Early Termination Date is to
be included. The Replacement Transaction would be subject to such documentation
as such party and the Reference Market-maker may, in good faith, agree. The
party making the determination (or its agent) will request each Reference
Market-maker to provide its quotation to the extent reasonably practicable as of
the same day and time without regard to different time zones) on or as soon as
reasonably practicable after the relevant Early Termination Date. The day and
time as of which those quotations are to be obtained will be selected in good
faith by the party obliged to make a determination under Section 6(e), and, if
each party is so obliged, after consultation with the other. If more than three
quotations are provided, the Market Quotation will be the arithmetic mean of the
quotations, without regard to the quotations having the highest and lowest
values. If exactly three such quotations are provided, the Market Quotation will
be the quotation remaining after disregarding the highest and lowest quotations.
For this purpose, if more than one quotation has the same highest value or
lowest value, then one of such quotations shall be disregarded. If fewer than
three quotations are provided, it will be deemed that the Market Quotation in
respect of such Terminated Transaction or group of Terminated Transactions
cannot be determined.

"NON-DEFAULT RATE" means a rate per annum equal to the cost (without proof or
evidence of any actual cost) to the Non-defaulting Party (as certified by it) if
it were to fund the relevant amount.

"NON-DEFAULTING PARTY" has the meaning specified in Section 6(a).

"OFFICE" means a branch or office of a party, which may be such party's head or
home office.

"POTENTIAL EVENT OF DEFAULT" means any event which, with the giving of notice or
the lapse of time or both, would constitute an Event of Default.

"REFERENCE MARKET-MAKERS" means four leading dealers in the relevant market
selected by the party determining a Market Quotation in good faith (a) from
among dealers of the highest credit standing which satisfy all the criteria that
such party applies generally at the time in deciding whether to offer or to make
an extension of credit and (b) to the extent practicable, from among such
dealers having an office in the same city.

"RELEVANT JURISDICTION" means, with respect to a party, the jurisdictions (a) in
which the party is incorporated, organised, managed and controlled or considered
to have its seat, (b) where an Office through which the party is acting for
purposes of this Agreement is located, (c) in which the party executes this
Agreement and (d) in relation to any payment, from or through which such payment
is made.

"SCHEDULED PAYMENT DATE" means a date on which a payment or delivery is to be
made under Section 2(a)(i) with respect to a Transaction.

"SET-OFF" means set-off, offset, combination of accounts, right of retention or
withholding or similar right or requirement to which the payer of an amount
under Section 6 is entitled or subject (whether arising under this Agreement,
another contract, applicable law or otherwise) that is exercised by, or imposed
on, such payer.

"SETTLEMENT AMOUNT" means, with respect to a party and any Early Termination
Date, the sum of:-

(a) the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Market Quotations (whether
positive or negative) for each Terminated Transaction or group of Terminated
Transactions for which a Market Quotation is determined; and

(b) such party's Loss (whether positive or negative and without reference to any
Unpaid Amounts) for each Terminated Transaction or group of Terminated
Transactions for which a Market Quotation cannot be determined or would not (in
the reasonable belief of the party making the determination) produce a
commercially reasonable result.

"SPECIFIED ENTITY" has the meaning specified in the Schedule.


"SPECIFIED INDEBTEDNESS" means, subject to the Schedule, any obligation (whether
present or future, contingent or otherwise, as principal or surety or otherwise)
in respect of borrowed money.

"SPECIFIED TRANSACTION" means, subject to the Schedule, (a) any transaction
(including an agreement with respect thereto) now existing or hereafter entered
into between one party to this Agreement (or any Credit Support Provider of such
party or any applicable Specified Entity of such party) and the other party to
this Agreement (or any Credit Support Provider of such other party or any
applicable Specified Entity of such other party) which is a rate swap
transaction, basis swap, forward rate transaction, commodity swap, commodity
option, equity or equity index swap, equity or equity index option, bond option,
interest rate option, foreign exchange transaction, cap transaction, floor
transaction, collar transaction, currency swap transaction, cross-currency rate
swap transaction, currency option or any other similar transaction (including
any option with respect to any of these transactions), (b) any combination of
these transactions and (c) any other transaction identified as a Specified
Transaction in this Agreement or the relevant confirmation.

"STAMP TAX" means any stamp, registration, documentation or similar tax.

"TAX" means any present or future tax, levy, impost, duty, charge, assessment or
fee of any nature (including interest, penalties and additions thereto) that is
imposed by any government or other taxing authority in respect of any payment
under this Agreement other than a stamp, registration, documentation or similar

"TAX EVENT" has the meaning specified in Section 5(b).

"TAX EVENT UPON MERGER" has the meaning specified in Section 5(b).

"TERMINATED TRANSACTIONS" means with respect to any Early Termination Date (a)
if resulting from a Termination Event, all affected Transactions and (b) if
resulting from an Event of Default, all Transactions (in either case) in effect
immediately before the effectiveness of the notice designating that Early
Termination Date (or, if "Automatic Early Termination" applies, immediately
before that Early Termination Date).

"TERMINATION CURRENCY" has the meaning specified in the Schedule.

"TERMINATION CURRENCY EQUIVALENT" means, in respect of any amount denominated in
the Termination Currency, such Termination Currency amount and, in respect of
any amount denominated in a currency other than the Termination Currency (the
"Other Currency"), the amount in the Termination Currency determined by the
party making the relevant determination as being required to purchase such
amount of such Other Currency as at the relevant Early Termination Date, or, if
the relevant Market Quotation or Loss (as the case may be), is determined as of
a later date, that later date, with the Termination Currency at the rate equal
to the spot exchange rate of the foreign exchange agent (selected as provided
below) for the purchase of such Other Currency with the Termination Currency at
or about 11:00 a.m. (in the city in which such foreign exchange agent is
located) on such date as would be customary for the determination of such a rate
for the purchase of such Other Currency for value on the relevant Early
Termination Date or that later date. The foreign exchange agent will, if only
one party is obliged to make a determination under Section 6(e), be selected in
good faith by that party and otherwise will be agreed by the parties.

"TERMINATION EVENT" means an Illegality, a Tax Event or a Tax Event Upon Merger
or, if specified to be applicable, a Credit Event Upon Merger or an Additional
Termination Event.

"TERMINATION RATE" means a rate per annum equal to the arithmetic mean of the
cost (without proof or evidence of any actual cost) to each party (as certified
by such party) if it were to fund or of funding such amounts.

"UNPAID AMOUNTS" owing to any party means, with respect to an Early Termination
Date, the aggregate of (a) in respect of all Terminated Transactions, the
amounts that became payable (or that would have become payable but for Section
2(a)(iii)) to such party under Section 2(a)(i) on or prior to such Early
Termination Date and which remain unpaid as at such Early Termination Date and
(b) in respect of each Terminated Transaction, for each obligation under Section
2(a)(i) which was (or would have been but for Section 2(a)(iii)) required to be
settled by delivery to such party on or prior to such Early Termination Date and
which has not been so settled as at such Early Termination Date, an amount equal
to the fair market


value of that which was (or would have been) required to be delivered as of the
originally scheduled date for delivery, in each case together with (to the
extent permitted under applicable law) interest, in the currency of such
amounts, from (and including) the date such amounts or obligations were or would
have been required to have been paid or performed to (but excluding) such Early
Termination Date, at the Applicable Rate. Such amounts of interest will be
calculated on the basis of daily compounding and the actual number of days
elapsed. The fair market value of any obligation referred to in clause (b) above
shall be reasonably determined by the party obliged to make the determination
under Section 6(e) or, if each party is so obliged, it shall be the average of
the Termination Currency Equivalents of the fair market values reasonably
determined by both parties.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this document on the
respective dates specified below with effect from the date specified on the
first page of this document.


By: Deutsche Bank Trust Company
    Delaware, not in its individual
    capacity but solely as CARAT
    Owner Trustee

By: /s/ Jenna Kaufman                   By: /s/ Myongsu Kong
    ---------------------------------       ------------------------------------
Name: Jenna Kaufman                     Name: Myongsu Kong
Title: Attorney-In-Fact                 Title: Legal Counsel/V.P.
Date:                                   Date:
      ---------------                         ---------------

By: /s/ Aranka R. Paul
Name: Aranka R. Paul
Title: Attorney-In-Fact

                                                   Primary Master ISDA Agreement

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.4

                                     TO THE
               ISDA MASTER AGREEMENT (Multicurrency-Cross Border)
                               (this "AGREEMENT")

                            dated as of June 7, 2007


                                  (the "TRUST")


                                 CITIBANK, N.A.
                              (the "COUNTERPARTY")


     (a)  "Specified Entity" means in relation to the Counterparty for the
          purpose of:

          Section 5(a)(v), none
          Section 5(a)(vi), none
          Section 5(a)(vii), none
          Section 5(b)(iv), none

     and in relation to the Trust for the purpose of:

          Section 5(a)(v), none
          Section 5(a)(vi), none
          Section 5(a)(vii), none
          Section 5(b)(iv), none

     (b)  All references to "Potential Events of Default" in this Agreement
          shall be deleted.

     (c)  Events of Default.

          (i) The following Events of Default will not apply to the Trust and
the definition of "Event of Default" in Section 14 is deemed to be modified

               Section 5(a)(ii), (Breach of Agreement)
               Section 5(a)(iii), (Credit Support Default)
               Section 5(a)(iv), (Misrepresentation)
               Section 5(a)(v), (Default Under Specified Transaction)
               Section 5(a)(vi), (Cross Default)
               Section 5(a)(vii), (Bankruptcy)

          (ii) The following Events of Default will not apply to the
Counterparty and the definition of "EVENT OF DEFAULT" in Section 14 is deemed to
be modified accordingly:

               Section 5(a)(v), (Default Under Specified Transaction)
               Section 5(a)(vi) (Cross Default)

          (iii) It shall be an additional Event of Default under Section 5(a),
and the Trust shall be deemed to be the Defaulting Party with respect thereto,
if (x) (i) there occurs an Indenture "Event of Default" under Section 5.1(a),
(b), (c), or (d) of the CARAT Indenture and (ii) after such Indenture "Event of
Default," remedies are commenced with respect to the Collateral under Section
5.4(a)(iv) of the CARAT Indenture or any other sale or liquidation of the
Collateral occurs under Article V of the CARAT Indenture or (y) there occurs an
Indenture "Event of Default" under Section 5.1(e) or (f) of the CARAT Indenture.

          (iv) It shall be an additional Event of Default under Section 5(a),
and the Trust shall be deemed to be the Defaulting Party with respect thereto,
if any CARAT Basic Document is amended, modified or supplemented, with the
consent of the holders of not less than a majority of the Outstanding Amount of
the Controlling Class of the CARAT 2007-SN1 Notes and, if any Person other than
the Seller or an Affiliate of the Seller holds any CARAT 2007-SN1 Certificates,
the holders of not less than a majority of the Voting Interests, in a manner
that materially and adversely affects any interest of the Counterparty without
the prior written consent of the Counterparty. The procedures for amending the
CARAT Basic Documents are set forth in Section 9.01 of the Trust Sale and
Administration Agreement, Article IX of the CARAT Indenture, Section 7.01 of the
Pooling and Administration Agreement and Article VIII of the Trust Agreement.

     (d) Termination Events. The "CREDIT EVENT UPON MERGER" provisions of
Section 5(b)(iv) will not apply to the Counterparty or the Trust.

     (e) "Early Termination."

          (i) In the event that the Counterparty fails to make, when due, any
payment under this Agreement or delivery under Section 2(a)(i) or 2(e) required
to be made by the Counterparty, the Trust shall immediately notify GMAC LLC
("GMAC") of such failure to pay or deliver.

          (ii) Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary in this
Agreement, upon (A) the occurrence of a Designated Event (as defined in the
Triparty Contingent Assignment Agreement among the Trust, the Counterparty and
GMAC dated as of the date hereof (the "TRIPARTY AGREEMENT"), GMAC shall accede
to rights and obligations equivalent to those set out herein in accordance with
the terms of the Fallback Swap Agreement (as defined in the Triparty Agreement).
If such a Designated Event has occurred, then upon (A) the effectiveness of the
Fallback Swap Agreement (as defined in the Triparty Agreement) and (B) the
payment by GMAC in a timely fashion of all Delinquent Payments (as defined in
the Triparty Agreement), if any, (x) the Event of Default or Termination Event,
if any, constituting such Designated Event shall be deemed to be cured on and as
of the date of assignment and (y) no Early Termination Date may be designated as
a result of such Designated Event. As of the


Assignment Date (as defined in the Triparty Agreement) the Counterparty shall
have no further liability hereunder (including in respect of rights, liabilities
and duties accrued prior to the Assignment Date). Furthermore, any and all
collateral posted by the Counterparty shall be returned to it within three
Business Days of the Assignment Date and the Credit Support Document of the
Counterparty's Credit Support Provider and any other form of collateral
arrangement (including letters of credit, surety bond or other guarantee)
provided by or on behalf of the Counterparty shall terminate as of the
Assignment Date.

          (iii) Section 6(b) is hereby amended by deleting the heading to such
section and replacing it with the following words: "Early Termination Following
Termination Event."

          (iv) Section 6(b)(ii) is hereby deleted and the following shall be
inserted in its place:

          "(1) If an Illegality, a Tax Event or a Tax Event Upon Merger occurs,
          if the Counterparty is the Affected Party it will, and if the Trust is
          the Affected Party it may request the Counterparty to (and the
          Counterparty upon notice thereof will), use its best efforts (provided
          that using its best efforts will not require the Counterparty to incur
          any loss, excluding immaterial, incidental expenses) to transfer prior
          to the 20th day following the occurrence of such event (the "TRANSFER
          CUT-OFF DATE"), all of its rights and obligations under this Agreement
          in respect of Affected Transactions to another of its offices or
          Affiliates or third party so that such Termination Event ceases to

          If the Counterparty is not able to make such a transfer it will give
          notice to the Trust to that effect prior to the Transfer Cut-Off Date.

          Any such transfer under this Section 6(b)(ii) will be subject to and
          conditional upon the prior written consent of the Trust, which consent
          will not be withheld if the Trust's policies in effect at such time
          would permit it to enter into transactions with the transferee on the
          terms proposed and may not be refused if it is pursuant to the
          Triparty Agreement.

          (2) No transfer or substitution pursuant to this Section 6(b)(ii)
          shall occur if (x) the then current ratings of the CARAT 2007-SN1
          Notes by DBRS, Inc. ("DBRS"), Fitch, Inc. ("FITCH") or Standard &
          Poor's Ratings Services ("S&P") would be reduced or adversely affected
          or (y) the position of the Trust would otherwise materially be
          prejudiced under this Agreement or any Confirmation (it being
          understood that it shall be the responsibility of the Trust to verify
          such matters prior to the occurrence of such transfer or

          (v) Section 6(b)(iii) shall hereby be amended by replacing the words
"within 30 days" with the words "by the Transfer Cut-Off Date (as defined

          (vi) Section 6(b)(iv) is hereby deleted and the following shall be
inserted in its place:


          "Early Termination.

          If a Termination Event has occurred and a transfer under Section
          6(b)(ii) or an agreement under Section 6(b)(iii), as the case may be,
          has not been effected with respect to all Affected Transactions by the
          Transfer Cut-Off Date, an Early Termination Date in respect of all
          outstanding Swap Transactions will occur immediately."

     (f) Payments on Early Termination.

          (i) "Market Quotation" and "Second Method" will apply for purposes of
Section 6(e).

          (ii) The Trust and the Counterparty, as applicable, will be obligated
to pay interest to the other party on any amounts due and unpaid under Section
6(e) at a rate equal to the Floating Rate Option under the Confirmation.

     (g) "TERMINATION CURRENCY" means United States Dollars.


     (a) Payer Tax Representations. For the purpose of Section 3(e), each of the
Counterparty and the Trust makes the following representation:

          It is not required by any applicable law, as modified by the practice
          of any Relevant Jurisdiction, to make any deduction or withholding for
          or on account of any Tax from any payment (other than interest under
          Section 2(e), 6(d)(ii) or 6(e)) to be made by it to the other party
          under this Agreement. In making this representation, it may rely on
          (i) the accuracy of any representation made by the other party
          pursuant to Section 3(f); (ii) the satisfaction of the agreement of
          the other party contained in Section 4(a)(i) or 4(a)(iii) and the
          accuracy and effectiveness of any document provided by the other party
          pursuant to Section 4(a)(i) or 4(a)(iii) and (iii) the satisfaction of
          the agreement of the other party contained in Section 4(d), provided
          that it shall not be a breach of this representation where reliance is
          placed on clause (ii) and the other party does not deliver a form or
          document under Section 4(a)(iii) by reason of material prejudice to
          its legal or commercial position.

     (b) Payee Tax Representations.

          (i) Trust Representation. For the purpose of Section 3(f) of this
Agreement, the Trust makes the following representations:

          It is a statutory trust organized or formed under the laws of the
          State of Delaware.

          It is (A) a "United States person" as defined in Section 7701(a)(30)
          of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or (B) wholly-owned
          by a "United States


          person" and disregarded as an entity separate from its owner for U.S.
          federal tax purposes.

          (ii) Counterparty Representation. For the purpose of Section 3(f), the
Counterparty makes the following representations:

          It is a national banking association organized under the laws of the
          United States of America.


For the purpose of Sections 4(a)(i) and (ii), each party agrees to deliver the
following documents, as applicable:

     (a) Tax forms, documents or certificates to be delivered are:

- -----------------        ------------------------------------   ---------------------------------
Counterparty and Trust   IRS Form W-9 (or any successor form)   Promptly upon execution of this
                                                                Agreement, and promptly upon
                                                                learning that any form previously
                                                                provided by the party has become
                                                                obsolete or incorrect.

     (b) Other documents to be delivered are:

PARTY REQUIRED TO                                                                                   COVERED BY SECTION 3(D)
- -----------------        ------------------------------------   ---------------------------------   -----------------------
Counterparty and Trust   Certificate or other documents         At or promptly following the        Yes
                         evidencing the authority of the        execution of this Agreement, and,
                         party to enter into this Agreement     if a Confirmation so requires it,
                         and the persons acting on behalf of    on or before the date set forth
                         such party.                            therein.

Counterparty and Trust   A legal opinion, in the form           At or promptly following the        No
                         reasonably acceptable to the other     execution of this Agreement, but
                         party.                                 in no event shall be later than
                                                                10 days after the


PARTY REQUIRED TO                                                                                   COVERED BY SECTION 3(D)
- -----------------        ------------------------------------   ---------------------------------   -----------------------
                                                                date hereof.

Trust                    The Trust Sale and Administration      At or promptly following the        Yes
                         Agreement and all other documents to   execution of this Agreement.
                         be executed by the Trust as
                         contemplated thereby.


     (a) Addresses for Notices. For purpose of Section 12(a):

          (i)  Address for notices or communications to the Trust:

               Address:         c/o Deutsche Bank Trust Company Delaware,
                                as CARAT Owner Trustee
                                1011 Centre Road, Suite 200
                                Wilmington, DE 19805-1266
               Facsimile No.:   (302) 636-3305
               Telephone No.:   (302) 636-3222

               with a copy to:

               Address:         Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
                                60 Wall Street, 26th Floor
                                Mail Stop: NYC60-2606
                                New York, NY 10005
               Facsimile No.:   (212) 797-8606/8607
               Telephone No.:   (212) 250-2946

               with a copy to:

               Address:         GMAC LLC
                                200 Renaissance Center, 12th Floor
                                Detroit, Michigan 48265
               Attention:       Director - Securitization and Cash Management
               Facsimile No.:   (313) 665-6351
               Telephone No.:   (313) 665-6274


          (ii) Address for notices or communications to the Counterparty:

               Address:         250 West Street, 10th Floor
                                New York New York 10013
               Attention:       Director, Derivative Operations
               Facsimile No.:   (212) 723-2956

               (For all purposes)

               In addition, in the case of notices or communications relating to
               Section 5, 6, 11 or 13 of this Agreement, a second copy of any
               such notice or communication shall be addressed to the attention
               of Party A's legal department as follows:

               Address:         Legal Department
                                77 Water Street, 9th Floor
                                New York, New York 10004
               Attention:       Department Head
               Facsimile No.:   (212) 657-1452

     (b) Notices. (i) Section 12(a)(iv) of this Agreement shall be deleted in
its entirety and replaced with the following:

          "(iv) if sent by certified or registered mail (airmail, if overseas)
          or the equivalent (return receipt requested), on the date that mail is
          delivered or its delivery is attempted, provided, however, it is
          understood that, if feasible, a party shall first attempt to send
          notice by overnight couriers, telex or facsimile before attempting to
          send notice by certified or registered mail; or,"

          (ii) Section 12(a) is hereby amended by deleting the words "facsimile
transmission or" in line 3 thereof.

     (c) Process Agent. For the purpose of Section 13(c) of this Agreement:

          The Counterparty appoints as its Process Agent: Not applicable.

          The Trust appoints as its Process Agent: Not applicable.

     (d) Multibranch Party. For the purpose of Section 10:

          The Counterparty is not a Multibranch Party.

          The Trust is not a Multibranch Party.

     (e) "CALCULATION AGENT" means, unless otherwise designated by a
Confirmation for a particular Swap Transaction, GMAC. All calculations by the
Calculation Agent shall be made in good faith and through the exercise of the
Calculation Agent's commercially reasonable


judgment. All such calculations shall be final and binding upon the Counterparty
and the Trust absent manifest error. Upon the request of the Counterparty, the
Trust shall provide the Counterparty with such information as is reasonably
necessary to enable the Counterparty to confirm the accuracy of such

     (f) Credit Support Provider. Details of any Credit Support Provider:

          The Counterparty: Not applicable.

          The Trust: Not applicable.

     (g) Credit Support Document. Details of any Credit Support Document:

          The Counterparty: Not applicable.

          The Trust: Not applicable.


     (i) Waiver of Jury Trial. Each party waives, to the fullest extent
permitted by applicable law, any right it may have to a trial by jury in respect
of any Proceedings relating to this Agreement.

     (j) Netting of Payments. Section 2(c)(ii) will apply to any amounts payable
with respect to Swap Transactions from the date of this Agreement.


     (a) ISDA Definitions: Except as otherwise defined in this Schedule or a
Confirmation, this Agreement and each Swap Transaction are subject to the 2000
ISDA Definitions (as published by the International Swaps and Derivatives
Association, Inc., the "DEFINITIONS"), and will be governed in all relevant
respects by the provisions set forth in the Definitions, without regard to any
amendments to the Definitions subsequent to the date hereof. The provisions of
the Definitions are incorporated by reference in, and shall be deemed a part of,
this Agreement and each Confirmation, as if set forth in full in this Agreement
or that Confirmation. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions
of this Agreement and the Definitions, this Agreement will prevail. In the event
of any inconsistency between the provisions of any Confirmation and this
Agreement, such Confirmation will prevail for the purpose of the relevant Swap


     (b) Other Swaps. The Trust agrees that it has not and will not enter into
any other swap transactions after the date hereof which provide for payments
upon termination that are senior to or pari passu with any payment due under any

     (c) Litigation Representation. Each instance of the words "or any of its
Affiliates" shall be deleted from Section 3(c).

     (d) Gross-Up; Liability. The Counterparty agrees that the Trust will not in
any circumstance be required to pay additional amounts in respect of any
Indemnifiable Tax pursuant to Section 2(d)(i)(4) of this Agreement.

     (e) Transfer. Section 7 is hereby amended by adding the following
provision: "provided however, that, the Counterparty consents to the pledge and
assignment by the Trust of the Trust's rights and interests hereunder pursuant
to the CARAT Indenture; provided further that the Counterparty may make such a
transfer (1) to any of its Affiliates if, in the opinion of the Counterparty's
counsel (after conferring with GMAC's counsel), such transfer is required to
comply with Regulation AB under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, in which
event Citigroup, Inc. shall issue a guarantee in favor of the Trust of all of
such transferee's obligations hereunder, which guarantee shall be in a form
reasonably satisfactory to the Trust, and (2) to another of its Affiliates,
offices, or branches on ten Business Days' prior written notice to the Trust,
provided that:

          (i) no such transfer shall occur if the then current ratings of the
          CARAT 2007-SN1 Notes by DBRS, Fitch or S&P would be reduced or
          adversely affected;

          (ii) the Counterparty delivers an opinion of independent counsel of
          recognized standing, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to
          the CARAT Indenture Trustee and the Trust Administrator, confirming
          that as of the date of such transfer the transferee will not, as a
          result of such transfer, be required to withhold or deduct on account
          of Tax under this Agreement; and

          (iii) such transfer will not cause the occurrence of an Event of
          Default or a Termination Event under this Agreement.

          Notwithstanding the foregoing, prior written notice of transfer shall
not be required with respect to a transfer under Section 6(b)(ii)."

     (f) Additional Representations. Section 3 is hereby amended by adding at
the end thereof the following Subparagraph:

          (g) ELIGIBLE CONTRACT PARTICIPANT. It is an "eligible contract
          participant" as that term is defined in Section 1a(12) of the
          Commodity Exchange Act, as amended by the Commodity Futures
          Modernization Act of 2000, and it has entered into this Agreement and
          it is entering into the Transaction in connection with its line of
          business (including financial intermediation services) or the
          financing of its business; and the material terms of this Agreement
          and the Transaction have been individually tailored and negotiated.


     (g) Amendments. Section 9(b) of this Agreement is hereby amended by adding
the following:

          ; provided, however, that no such amendments, modifications or waivers
          shall be effective until such time as the Trust has obtained the
          written affirmation of each of DBRS, Fitch and S&P, who are then
          rating any securities issued by the Trust that such amendments,
          modifications or waivers shall not adversely affect the then current
          ratings of the CARAT 2007-SN1 Notes.

     (h) Confirmations. Each Confirmation supplements, forms part of, and will
be read and construed as one with this Agreement.

     (i) Capitalized Terms. Each capitalized term used in this Agreement and not
defined in this Agreement, the Confirmation or the Definitions shall have the
meaning given such term in Appendix A to the Trust Sale and Administration
Agreement, dated as of June 7, 2007, among GMAC, as Trust Administrator, Capital
Auto Receivables LLC, as Seller, and Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust
2007-SN1, as Issuer (as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time in
accordance with its terms). To the extent that a capitalized term in this
Agreement is defined by reference to a related definition contained in the Trust
Sale and Administration Agreement, the CARAT Indenture, the Pooling and
Administration Agreement, the Swap Counterparty Rights Agreement, the COLT
Servicing Agreement, the Trust Agreement and the COLT Custodian Agreement
(collectively, the "TRUST DOCUMENTS" and each, a "TRUST DOCUMENT"), for purposes
of this Agreement only, such capitalized term shall be deemed to be amended only
if the amendment of the term in a Trust Document relating to such capitalized
term occurs with the prior written consent of the Counterparty.

     (j) No Set-Off. Without affecting the provisions of this Agreement
requiring the calculation of certain net payment amounts, all payments under
this Agreement will be made without set-off or counterclaims.

     (k) Liability to Trustee. It is expressly understood and agreed by the
parties hereto that (a) this Agreement is executed and delivered by Deutsche
Bank Trust Company Delaware, not individually or personally but solely as
trustee of the Trust, in the exercise of the powers and authority conferred and
vested in it under the Trust Agreement, (b) each of the representations,
undertakings and agreements herein made on the part of the Trust is made and
intended not as personal representations, undertakings and agreements by
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Delaware but is made and intended for the purpose of
binding only the Trust and (c) under no circumstances shall Deutsche Bank Trust
Company Delaware be personally liable for the payment of any indebtedness or
expenses of the Trust or be liable for the breach or failure of any obligation,
representation, warranty or covenant made or undertaken by the Trust under this
Agreement or the other CARAT Basic Documents. For all purposes of this
Agreement, in the performance of any duties or obligations of the Trust or the
CARAT Owner Trustee hereunder, the CARAT Owner Trustee shall be entitled to the
benefits of the terms and provisions of the Trust Agreement.


     (l) Severability. In the event that any one or more of the provisions
contained in this Agreement should be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in
any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining
provisions in the Agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired. In the
event that any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement should
be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the parties will negotiate in good
faith to replace the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions with valid
provisions which will, as nearly as possible, give the originally intended legal
and economic effect of the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions.

     (m) No-Petition. The Counterparty hereby agrees that it will not, prior to
the date which is one year and one day after all CARAT 2007-SN1 Notes issued by
the Trust pursuant to the CARAT Indenture have been paid in full, acquiesce,
petition or otherwise invoke, or cause or encourage any Person, including the
Trust, to invoke, the process of any court or governmental authority for the
purpose of commencing or sustaining a case against the Trust under any federal
or state bankruptcy, insolvency or similar law or for the purpose of appointing
a receiver, liquidator, assignee, trustee, custodian, sequestrator or other
similar official for the Trust or any substantial part of the property of the
Trust, or for the purpose of ordering the winding up or liquidation of the
affairs of the Trust. Nothing herein shall prevent the Counterparty from
participating in any such proceeding once commenced.

     (n) Sole Transactions. This Agreement relates solely to, and can be used
solely for, the Transactions between the Trust and the Counterparty with
Confirmations (the "CONFIRMATIONS") dated the date hereof and having reference
numbers M072620, M072618, M072616 and M072614.

                                   * * * * * *


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Schedule by their duly
authorized officers as of the date hereof.

                                        CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET
                                        TRUST 2007-SN1

                                        By: DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY
                                            not in its individual capacity but
                                            solely as CARAT Owner Trustee on
                                            behalf of the Trust,

                                        By: /s/ Jenna Kaufman
                                        Name: Jenna Kaufman
                                        Title: Attorney-In-Fact

                                        By: /s/ Aranka R. Paul
                                        Name: Aranka R. Paul
                                        Title: Attorney-In-Fact

                                        CITIBANK, N.A.

                                        By: /s/ Myongsu Kong
                                        Name: Myongsu Kong
                                        Title: Legal Counsel/V.P.

                                                           Primary ISDA Schedule