GENERAL HOST CORPORATION


        Individuals eligible to participate are the following:

               -  Chief Executive Officer
               -  Operating Company Presidents
               -  Designated Corporate Staff Members

        The basis of participation for individuals who are permitted to enter
        the Program during the year will be determined at time of entry by the
        Chief Executive Officer.



       The Program is designed to pay a bonus that ranges up to 60% of base
       salary.  The amount of the bonus award will be based on three factors:

               -  Operating Profit Objective Attainment
               -  Specific Objective Achievement
               -  Corporate Target Result Attainment

       1.    Corporate Profit Objective Attainment

             The Chief Executive Officer and Operating Company Presidents can
             earn bonuses ranging up to 30% of base salary, based on the
             relationship between reported operating income and the operating
             income objectives established by the Board's Compensation
             Committee.  Operating income objectives will be set for the 3%,
             15% and 30% payment levels. (Percentage achievement for operating
             income levels between the objectives established for the 3% and
             15% levels, and the 15% and 30% levels, will be interpolated to
             the nearest percent.) Reported operating income will, in all
             cases, be computed (1) before interest expense, (2) before
             provisions for federal and state income taxes, (3) after
             provisions for payment of bonuses to the operating company
             president payable under this Program and to other operating
             company employees under any bonus program in effect for such
             operating company covering employees not covered by this Program,
             and (4) will be adjusted to reflect any variances for the year
             between actual and budgeted interest expense (both intercompany
             interest and outside interest expense).  In the case of the Chief
             Executive Officer and Senior Executives of the corporation, profit
             objectives will be based upon net income per share, as reported in
             the Consolidated Audited Financial Statements for each fiscal
             year, and will be after appropriate provisions for payment of
             bonuses under this Program.

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             In determining the extent to which an individual has met his
             profit objectives, the Chief Executive Officer will have the
             discretion to reduce reported operating profit appropriately, for
             purposes of this Program, where reported profits were achieved by
             actions significantly at variance with planned profit achievement
             and which actions did not receive prior review and approval of the
             Chief Executive Officer.

             In addition, at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer,
             reported operating profit for the performance year will be
             increased or decreased by an amount equal to 20% of the difference
             between the assets employed in the business at the beginning and
             end of the current performance year.

       2.    Specific Objective Achievement

             Up to 24% of base salary will be paid for the achievement of
             specific objectives.  Operating profit levels will be established
             for each participant below which no bonus will be paid for
             specific objective achievement.

             The specific objectives will be developed between the participant
             and his immediate superior, and approved by the Chief Executive
             Officer.  Objectives shall not be more than five (preferably four)
             specific items; these items will have a weighted value approved by
             the Chief Executive Officer and recorded with the Program

             Within two weeks following the close of the year, each
             participant, in conjunction with the Program Administrator, is to
             submit a written summary of his degree of accomplishment of his
             specific objectives.  This statement, together with a recommended
             award, shall then be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer.

             During the year, revisions to objectives, where appropriate, are
             to be submitted and approved by the Chief Executive Officer.

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       The Program is designed to pay a bonus that ranges up to a maximum of
       48% of base salary.  The amount of the bonus award will be based on
       corporate profit objective attainment, specific objective achievement,
       and corporate target result attainment.

       1.    Corporate Profit Objective Attainment

             Participants can earn bonuses ranging up to 20% of base salary,
             based on the relationship between reported profit and the profit
             objectives established by the Chief Executive Officer.  Profit
             objectives will be set for the 3%, 10% and 20% payment levels.
             (Percentage achievement for profits between the objectives
             established for the 3% and 10% levels, and the 10% and 20%
             levels, will be interpolated to the nearest percent.) Reported
             profits will, in all cases, be computed after provisions for
             payments of bonuses under this Program and under any other bonus
             program in effect for Corporate staff employees.

             For purposes of this Paragraph IIB (1), provisions will be made
             for payment of bonuses (other than to the Chief Executive Officer)
             pursuant to Paragraphs IIA (1) and (2), before determining the
             extent to which the Corporate Target Result has been attained.

       2.    Specific Objective Achievement

             Up to 24% of base salary will be paid for the achievement of
             specific objectives (see Paragraph IIA (2) regarding establishment
             of specific objectives).  Any bonus payable under this Paragraph
             is also subject to the following limitations: (1) if less than 75%
             of the Corporate Target Result is achieved, any bonus otherwise
             earned is reduced by 50%; (2) the Chief Executive Officer will
             establish a profit objective level for the Corporate Staff below
             which no bonus will be paid.


       When the Corporate Target Result is achieved, any Profit Objective bonus
       otherwise earned pursuant to IIA and IIB above shall be increased by
       20%.  The Corporate Target Result will be computed after provision for
       bonus payments under this Program.

       At the beginning of each year, the Chief Executive Officer determines
       the Corporate Target Result, subject to the approval of the Compensation
       Committee of the Board of Directors.  The Corporate Target Result will
       be recorded with the Administrator along with the profit objectives and
       specific objectives of each participant.

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       1.    No awards will be paid with respect to achievement of specific
             objectives in a year when dividends (cash or stock in lieu of
             cash) on the Company's Common Stock are not paid.  If a dividend
             is paid for a portion of the year, any specific objective
             achievement bonus otherwise earned will be pro-rated.

       2.    Any bonus otherwise payable under this Program to the Chief
             Executive Officer or any Corporate Staff Member will be reduced
             proportionately to the extent necessary, if any, to prevent the
             Corporation from reporting a loss for the fiscal year in question.

       3.    Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, no bonus will be
             paid to any individual whose overall performance during the year,
             in the judgment and at the discretion of his supervisor and the
             CEO, was unsatisfactory.

       4.    In the event that profit targets are not attained, the Chief
             Executive Officer will have the discretion to recommend the
             payment of a reasonable and appropriate bonus for performance that
             was otherwise outstanding.


       1.    Individual awards will be computed on base salary as of February 1
             of the current fiscal year.

       2.    The Program must be approved by the Compensation Committee of the
             Board of Directors.  The CEO's objectives and the Corporate Target
             Result must also be approved by the Compensation Committee.

       3.    The Chief Executive Officer and the Vice President, Human
             Resources will be the Administrators of the Program.  They will
             prepare a report for the Compensation Committee by the end of
             February of each year, documenting last year's results and listing
             the year's:

             a.  Program Participants
             b.  Corporate Profit Objectives
             c.  Specific Objectives for Each Participant
             d.  Corporate Target Result
             e.  Bonus Possibilities for Each Participant

       4.    The Chief Executive Officer will have full and final discretion to
             determine the amount of bonus, if any, to be paid to any
             Participant who dies or retires during the year, or whose
             responsibilities are changed during the year, subject to the
             approval of the Board of Directors.

             In the event there is any dispute as to the amount of any bonus
             payable under this Program, the Board of Directors will have full
             and final discretion to resolve the matter as it deems equitable
             and appropriate.

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       5.    Any bonuses payable under this Program will be payable within a
             reasonable time after audited financial statements for the current
             fiscal year are available.  All bonuses are subject to applicable
             payroll taxes.

       6.    Any bonus payable under this Program may, at the Company's
             discretion, be paid in General Host's common stock in lieu of
             cash, which stock may be subject to certain restrictions in
             accordance with Federal Securities laws.  In such event, the
             Company will consider the tax effects and either provide low cost
             tax loans or a cash payment to cover Participant's additional tax

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