May 16, 1995

Mr. Bruce P. Bickner
Chairman of the Board and Chief
  Executive Officer
DEKALB Genetics Corporation
3100 Sycamore Road
DeKalb, Illinois  60115

Dear Mr. Bickner:

DEKALB Genetics Corporation ("DEKALB") and MONSANTO Company ("MONSANTO") are
interested in considering a potential business transaction with one another.  
Accordingly, representatives of DEKALB and MONSANTO have had some preliminary
discussions and plan to have further discussions to explore the possibility of
such a transaction.  In connection with such discussions, each party has
disclosed and may from time to time disclose to the other, either orally or in
writing or by inspection or by sample, certain information as to their
respective businesses which would be helpful in evaluating such a possible
transaction.  Such information (collectively, "Information") includes or may
include, without limitation, information relating to financial statements,
evaluations, forecasts, plans, programs, customers, plants, equipment and other
assets, products, processes, manufacturing, environmental analyses, sales,
marketing, research and development, intellectual property, patents, technology
and know-how of each party.

We believe that DEKALB and MONSANTO should have an understanding of the terms
and conditions under which any such discussions have been or will be held and
any Information has been or will be disclosed.  The purpose of this letter is
to set forth this understanding, as follows:

1.      Each party shall disclose to the other only such Information as such
        party is legally free to disclose.  The disclosure of any Information
        has been and shall be solely for the purpose of enabling the parties to
        evaluate their respective interest in the possible transaction.

2.      Any Information disclosed by a party to the other party shall be
        treated and maintained by the receiving party as

Mr. Bruce P. Bickner
May 16, 1995
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        confidential for a period of ten (10) years from the date of
        disclosure.  During such period, the receiving party shall not use any
        Information disclosed by the other pursuant to this letter for any
        purpose other than that stated in paragraph 1 above; and such
        Information shall not be directly or indirectly transmitted to or
        discussed with any third person or third party (except as provided 
        herein) without the prior written consent of the disclosing party.
        The two preceding sentences shall not apply to any Information which a
        receiving party can prove (a) has become part of the public domain
        other than by acts or omissions of such receiving party, its employees,
        representatives, attorneys, consultants or advisers, (b) has been 
        furnished or made known to such receiving party by third parties 
        without restriction on disclosure or use, (c) was in such receiving
        party's possession prior to disclosure by the disclosing party and was
        not acquired by such receiving party, its employees, representatives,
        attorneys, consultants or advisers directly or indirectly from the
        disclosing party, or (d) was independently developed by such receiving
        party without utilizing Information received from the disclosing party.
        No Information obtained by either party or its respective employees,
        representatives, attorneys, consultants or advisers shall be deemed to
        be in the public domain or in the prior possession of any of the
        foregoing merely because it is embraced by more general information in
        the public domain or in the prior possession of any of the foregoing.
        All Information in whatever form, including, without limitation, 
        documents, computer programs or tapes, and all drafts, copies or 
        excerpts, shall at all times be the property of the disclosing party
        and shall be returned to the disclosing party promptly upon its
        request.  Nothing in this letter shall be construed to grant to 
        either party a license under any patent, trade secret or other 
        property rights of the other party.

3.      Neither party shall have any obligation to commence or continue
        discussions or negotiations, to exchange any Information, to reach or
        execute any agreement with the other party, to refrain from engaging
        at any time in any business whatsoever, or to refrain from entering
        into or continuing any discussions, negotiations and/or agreements at
        any time with any third party, until a formal written contract is 
        executed as provided in the first sentence of paragraph 4.  Each party
        represents and warrants that its entering into or continuing any
        discussions or negotiations with the other party, in connection with 
        the subject matter of this letter, does not and shall not violate any
        agreement (whether express, implied or by operation of law) with any
        third person or third party.

4.      Except for the matters set forth in this letter, neither party shall be
        committed or liable in any way with respect to the possible transaction
        or the matters discussed unless and until

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May 16, 1995
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        a formal written contract with respect thereto is executed by
        appropriate officers of each party pursuant to due authorization,
        or subject to due ratification, by their respective Boards of
        Directors.  Neither party shall have any liability to the other party
        in the event that, for any reason whatsoever, no such formal written
        contract is executed and if no such formal written contract is
        executed, each party warrants and hereby covenants not to bring any
        action, suit or proceeding of any nature in any jurisdiction against
        the other with regard to the possible transaction or the matters
        discussed, except as may be necessary and solely to enforce the
        provisions of this letter.  Nothing contained in any discussions
        between the parties or in any Information disclosed by either party as
        contemplated by this letter shall be deemed to constitute a
        representation or warranty.  Except for the matters expressly specified
        in this letter or in any such formal written contract, neither party
        shall be entitled to rely on any statement, promise, agreement or
        understanding, whether oral or written, or any custom, usage of trade,
        course of dealing or conduct.

 5.     Neither party shall, at any time, without the prior written
        consent of the other party, make any announcement, issue any press
        release or make any statement to any third person or third party (except
        as provided herein) with respect to any of the matters discussed or to
        be discussed or otherwise referred to in this letter except as may be
        necessary, in the opinion of counsel, to comply with the requirements
        of any stock exchange on which the shares of such party may be listed
        or of any law, governmental regulation or order.

6.      If any claim is made by any broker, finder, investment banker,  
        investment counselor, consultant, agent or other representative for
        fees, commissions or expenses in connection with the possible 
        transaction referred to in this letter or any of the matters under
        discussion by reason of services allegedly rendered to, for or on
        behalf of a party, such party shall indemnify and hold harmless the
        other party against such claim and any damages and expenses (including,
        without limitation, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable
        attorneys' fees and expenses) in connection therewith.

7.      Information received from a party as contemplated by
        this letter may be  disclosed by the receiving party to its employees,
        representatives, attorneys, consultants, advisers and subsidiaries on a
        need to know basis only.  Before any such disclosure, the receiving
        party shall inform those individuals of the confidential nature of the
        Information and the obligations set forth in this letter and take all
        steps necessary to insure that they will hold such Information
        confidential, use it only as provided hereunder and comply
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        individually with all obligations of a party to this letter in
        a manner consistent with this letter.

8.      Each party confirms that any Information disclosed by the other
        party or any discussions held between them relating to the subject
        matter of this letter prior to the date of this letter, shall be
        subject to and governed by the terms of this letter.

9.      This letter is the complete and exclusive statement by DEKALB
        and MONSANTO of their understanding in connection with the
        discussions and disclosures of Information referred to above and
        supersedes all previous or contemporaneous dealings, agreements and
        understandings with respect thereto.  As used in this letter, employees
        of a party hereto shall be deemed to include such party's officers and
        directors.  To be effective, an amendment, waiver or termination of
        this letter or any of its provisions shall be in a document signed by an
        authorized representative of each party which specifically states that
        it amends, waives or terminates, as the case may be, this letter or
        such provision.  The obligations set forth in paragraphs 2, 5, 6 and 7
        of this letter shall be continuing and shall survive the termination of 
        any discussions or negotiations between DEKALB and MONSANTO.

Please indicate the agreement of DEKALB to this letter by executing the
enclosed counterpart at the place indicated below and return such counterpart
to me.

                                                Very truly yours,

                                                MONSANTO COMPANY

                                              By R.B. Shapiro

                                                 R.B. Shapiro
                                                 Chairman of the Board
                                                 and Chief Executive Officer



By Bruce P. Bickner

   Bruce P. Bickner
   Chairman of the Board and
   Chief Executive Officer