
                             TERMINATION AGREEMENT

     TERMINATION AGREEMENT dated as of the 19th day of June, 1995 between the
holders of voting trust certificates ("1991 Voting Trust Certificates")
representing shares of Class B Common Stock of Pulitzer Publishing Company, a
Delaware corporation (the "Company"), and Ken J. Elkins, David E. Moore,
Nicholas G. Penniman IV, Emily Rauh Pulitzer, Michael E. Pulitzer, Ronald H.
Ridgway and William F. Woo as Trustees (the "Trustees"), under the Voting Trust
Agreement dated as of the 17th day of January, 1991, between the  Depositing
Stockholders (as defined therein) and the Trustees and/or their predecessors
(such Voting Trust Agreement being the "1991 Voting Trust Agreement"):

                             W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS, the Depositing Stockholders and the Trustees deem it in the best
interest of the Company and its stockholders to terminate the 1991 Voting Trust
     WHEREAS, pursuant to Paragraph 20 thereof, the 1991 Voting Trust Agreement
may be terminated with the consent in writing of the holders of sixty-six and
two-thirds percent (66-2/3%) in interest of the then issued and outstanding
1991 Voting Trust Certificates, and holders of such percentage of 1991 Voting
Trust Certificates are signatories hereto;
     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual promises
hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
     1.  The 1991 Voting Trust Agreement is hereby terminated, effective as of
the effective date of this Termination Agreement, as determined pursuant to
paragraph 3 hereof.
     2.  Upon the effectiveness of this Termination Agreement, the Depositing
Stockholders shall be entitled to receive one or more stock certificates for
their respective shares of Class B Common Stock of the Company held under the
1991 Voting Trust Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions of that
agreement, subject, however, in the case of each of the Depositing Stockholders
who is a party to a line of credit agreement with Mercantile Bank of St. Louis
N.A. which is secured by a pledge of one or more of his 1991 Voting Trust
Certificates, to the obligations of the Trustees under various documents
executed in connection with the line of credit agreement, including a certain
acknowledgement agreement, by the Trustees (or their predecessors) and/or each
of such Depositing Stockholders.
     3.  This Termination Agreement shall become effective upon the consent in
writing of the holders of not less than sixty-six and two-thirds percent
(66-2/3%) in interest of the 1991 Voting Trust Certificates issued and
outstanding under the 1991 Voting Trust Agreement at the time of such last
required consent.
     4.  This Termination Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto, or
any of them, in any number of counterparts, with the same force and effect as
if they had all executed the same instrument.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustees have hereunto set their hands and seals
as of the day and year first above written and the Depositing Stockholders
whose signatures are set forth below have signed a counterpart of this
Termination Agreement.

                                      /s/ Ken J. Elkins              
                                      Ken J. Elkins                  
                                      /s/ David E. Moore             
                                      David E. Moore                 
                                      /s/ Nicholas G. Penniman IV    
                                      Nicholas G. Penniman IV        



                             /s/ Emily Rauh Pulitzer       
                             Emily Rauh Pulitzer           
                             /s/ Michael E. Pulitzer       
                             Michael E. Pulitzer           
                             /s/ Ronald H. Ridgway         
                             Ronald H. Ridgway             
                             /s/ William F. Woo            
                             William F. Woo                



                                                       No. of Deposited
            Depositing                      Date of    Shares of Class
            Stockholders                    Execution  B common Stock
         ---------------------------------  ---------  ----------------

         Emily Rauh Pulitzer,
          James V. Maloney and William
          Bush, Successor Trustees of
          Marital Trust A U/I Joseph
          Pulitzer, Jr. dtd 6/12/74,
          as amended 10/20/92

         By:  /s/ Emily Rauh Pulitzer       6/18/95
            Emily Rauh Pulitzer, Trustee

         By:  /s/ James V. Maloney          6/18/95
            James V. Maloney, Trustee

         By:  /s/ William Bush              6/19/95    7,920
            William Bush, Trustee

         Emily Rauh Pulitzer,
          James V. Maloney and William
          Bush, Successor Trustees of
          Marital Trust B U/I Joseph
          Pulitzer, Jr. dtd 6/12/74,
          as amended 10/20/92

         By:  /s/ Emily Rauh Pulitzer       6/18/95
            Emily Rauh Pulitzer, Trustee

         By:  /s/ James V. Maloney          6/18/95
            James V. Maloney, Trustee

         By:  /s/ William Bush              6/19/95    5,193,290
            William Bush, Trustee



                                                       No. of Deposited
            Depositing                      Date of    Shares of Class
            Stockholders                    Execution  B common Stock
         ---------------------------------  ---------  ----------------

         /s/ David E. Moore                 6/17/95    3,151,082
         David E. Moore

         /s/ Michael E. Pulitzer            6/19/95    2,818,841
         Michael E. Pulitzer

         The Ceil and Michael E.
          Pulitzer Foundation, Inc.

         By: /s/ Michael E. Pulitzer        6/19/95    16,000
            Michael E. Pulitzer, President

         /s/ Emily Rauh Pulitzer            6/18/95    137
         Emily Rauh Pulitzer

         /s/ Katherine C. Moore             6/28/95    275
         Katherine C. Moore

         /s/ Julie Cecille Pulitzer         7/7/95     837
         Julie Cecille Pulitzer

         /s/ Barbara F. Moore               6/28/95    7,166
         Barbara F. Moore

         /s/ David E. Moore, Jr.            7/29/95    95,626
         David E. Moore, Jr.

         /s/ Deborah Moore                  7/4/95     1,811
         Deborah Moore



                                                       No. of Deposited
            Depositing                      Date of    Shares of Class
            Stockholders                    Execution  B common Stock
         ---------------------------------  ---------  ----------------

         /s/ Evelyn Moore                   7/20/95    698
         Evelyn Moore

         /s/ Kate C. Moore                  7/10/95    98,460
         Kate C. Moore

         /s/ Richard W. Moore               6/19/95    83,051
         Richard W. Moore

         /s/ Timothy P. Moore               7/4/95     97,408
         Timothy P. Moore

         Joseph Pulitzer IV

         /s/ Michael E. Pulitzer, Jr.       7/3/95     31,480
         Michael E. Pulitzer, Jr.  
         /s/ Ramelle C. Pulitzer            7/3/95     2,830
         Ramelle C. Pulitzer  
         /s/ Robert Stair Pulitzer          7/31/95    2,830
         Robert Stair Pulitzer  
         /s/ Elizabeth E. Pulitzer Voges    7/4/95     5,606
         Elizabeth E. Pulitzer Voges  
         /s/ Christina H. Eisenbeis         7/3/95     4,506
         Christina H. Eisenbeis  



                                                      No. of Deposited
              Depositing                   Date of    Shares of Class
              Stockholders                 Execution  B common Stock
          -------------------------------  ---------  ----------------

          /s/ Mark C. Eisenbeis            6/28/95    4,081
          Mark C. Eisenbeis

          /s/ William H. Eisenbeis         6/17/95    4,746
          William H. Eisenbeis

          /s/ Catherine Dory Culver        6/27/95    4,358
          Catherine Dory Culver

          Richard A. Palmer, as Trustee
           U/A dtd 8/16/83 F/B/O
           Michael E. Pulitzer

          By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer        6/19/95    39,628
              Richard A. Palmer, Trustee

          William Bush and Richard A.
           Palmer, as Trustees U/I
           dtd 11/3/87 F/B/O Bianca

          By: /s/ William Bush
              William Bush, Trustee

          By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer        6/19/95    5,738
              Richard A. Palmer, Trustee



                                                      No. of Deposited
              Depositing                   Date of    Shares of Class
              Stockholders                 Execution  B common Stock
          -------------------------------  ---------  ----------------

          William Bush and Richard A.
           Palmer, as Trustees U/I
           dtd 11/3/87 F/B/O Elinor

          By: /s/ William Bush
              William Bush, Trustee

          By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer        6/19/95    5,738
              Richard A. Palmer, Trustee

          William Bush and Richard A.
           Palmer, as Trustees U/I
           dtd 11/3/87 F/B/O Elkhanah

          By: /s/ William Bush
              William Bush, Trustee

          By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer        6/19/95    5,738
              Richard A. Palmer, Trustee

          William Bush and Richard A.
           Palmer, as Trustees U/I
           dtd 11/3/87 F/B/O Joseph
           Pulitzer V

          By: /s/ William Bush
              William Bush, Trustee

          By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer        6/19/95    5,738
              Richard A. Palmer, Trustee



                                                      No. of Deposited
              Depositing                   Date of    Shares of Class
              Stockholders                 Execution  B common Stock
          -------------------------------  ---------  ----------------

          William Bush and Richard A.
           Palmer, as Trustees U/I
           dtd 1/14/88 F/B/O
           Theodosia Cochrane Pulitzer
          By: /s/ William Bush
              William Bush, Trustee
          By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer        6/19/95    3,646
              Richard A. Palmer, Trustee

          William Bush and Richard A.
               Palmer, as Trustees U/I
               dtd 1/14/88 F/B/O Michael
               E. Pulitzer III
          By: /s/ William Bush
               William Bush, Trustee
          By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer       6/19/95    3,646
             Richard A. Palmer, Trustee

          William Bush and Richard A.
             Palmer, as Trustees U/I
             dtd 1/14/88 F/B/O Philip
             Sherwood Pulitzer

          By: /s/ William Bush
             William Bush, Trustee

          By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer      6/19/95    3,646
             Richard A. Palmer, Trustee



                                                     No. of Deposited
              Depositing                  Date of    Shares of Class
              Stockholders                Execution  B common Stock
           -----------------------------  ---------  ----------------

           William Bush and Richard A.
            Palmer, as Trustees U/I
            dtd 1/14/88 F/B/O Samuel

           By: /s/ William Bush
              William Bush, Trustee

           By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer      6/19/95    3,852
              Richard A. Palmer, Trustee

           William Bush and Richard A.
               Palmer, as Trustees U/I
               dtd 1/14/88 F/B/O Sarah
               G. Pulitzer
           By: /s/ William Bush
               William Bush, Trustee
           By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer          6/19/95    3,852
               Richard A. Palmer, Trustee

           William Bush and Richard A.
            Palmer, as Trustees U/I
            dtd 5/4/90 F/B/O Shelton
            Campbell Voges III
           By: /s/ William Bush
               William Bush, Trustee

           By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer          6/19/95    3,131
               Richard A. Palmer, Trustee



                                                       No. of Deposited
             Depositing                     Date of    Shares of Class
             Stockholders                   Execution  B common Stock
         ---------------------------------  ---------  ----------------

         William Bush and Richard A.
          Palmer, as Trustees U/I
          dtd 10/19/90 F/B/O
          Clarissa Reed Dore Golding

         By: /s/ William Bush
             William Bush, Trustee

         By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer          6/19/95    3,131
             Richard A. Palmer, Trustee

         William Bush and Richard A.
          Palmer, as Trustees U/I
          dtd 10/21/93 F/B/O
          Grayson Carrol Voges

         By: /s/ William Bush
             William Bush, Trustee

         By: /s/ Richard A. Palmer          6/19/95    1,062
             Richard A. Palmer, Trustee

         /s/ Timothy P. Moore               7/4/95     5,325
         Timothy P. Moore, as Custodian
          for Elisabeth W. Moore

         /s/ Timothy P. Moore               7/4/95     5,325
         Timothy P. Moore, as Custodian
          for Zachary P. Moore

         /s/ Richard W. Moore               6/19/95    7,505
         Richard W. Moore, as Custodian
          for Alexander F. Moore

                                                       No. of Deposited
             Depositing                     Date of    Shares of Class
             Stockholders                   Execution  B common Stock
         ---------------------------------  ---------  ----------------

         /s/ Richard W. Moore               6/19/95    7,505
         Richard W. Moore, as Custodian
          for Meredith C. Moore

         /s/ Richard W. Moore               6/19/95    7,505
         Richard W. Moore, as Custodian
          for Anne L. Moore

         /s/ David E. Moore, Jr             7/29/95    5,325
         David E. Moore, Jr., as Custodian
          for Alida Livingston Moore

         /s/ David E. Moore, Jr             7/29/95    5,325

         David E. Moore, Jr., as Custodian
              for Clement Clarke Moore