EXHIBIT 10.1(a)

                                SECOND AMENDMENT
                                     TO THE
                                     OF THE
                (formerly the "LaBarge Retirement Action Plan")

     This Plan document executed on November 30, 1993 by the Company,


     WHEREAS, LaBarge, Inc. established the profit-sharing plans for its various
divisions as follows:

             Plan                       Initial Effective Date
             ----                       ----------------------
Profit Sharing Plan for Employees               
  of LaBarge Electronics Division               January 1, 1974  
Profit Sharing Plan for Employees                                
  of Management Division                        January 1, 1974  
Profit Sharing Plan for Employees                                
  of Dot-Flex Electronics Division              January 1, 1969  
Profit-Sharing Plan for Employees                                
  of Wire and Cable Division                    January 1, 1974  
Profit-Sharing Plan for Employees                                
  of LaBarge Tubular Division                   February 29, 1957
Profit-Sharing Plan for Employees                                
  of Dorsett Electronics Division               January 1, 1968  
Nelson Employees Profit-Sharing Plan            February 29, 1959

     WHEREAS, the Company consolidated all such plans into the Plan effective
January 1, 1984; and

     WHEREAS, the Plan has been amended as follows:

     Effective Date of                      Date Amendment
        Amendment                              Executed
     -----------------                      --------------
     April 1, 1986                          April 1, 1986     
     July 1, 1988                           September 30, 1988
     July 1, 1988                           September 30, 1988
     July 1, 1988                           September 30, 1988
     January 1, 1989                        December 6, 1988  

     WHEREAS, the Plan was amended and restated May 3, 1990 effective January 
1, 1987; and


      WHEREAS, the amendment and restatement of the Plan was amended on June 
28, 1990 effective July 1, 1990; and

      WHEREAS, the Company wants to further amend the Plan;

      NOW, THEREFORE, the Company amends the Plan as follows:

      1.   Effective October 1, 1993, delete Section 5.10.

      2.  Effective October 1, 1993, delete Section 6.7 and insert the following
new Section 6.7 in lieu thereof:

           6.7 In addition to directing the manner of the initial investment of
      contributions made to his respective Accounts, a Participant or
      Beneficiary, from time to time, may direct reinvestment of assets
      credited to his respective Accounts as of each Valuation Date upon
      written notice delivered to the Plan Administrator at least thirty days
      prior to such Valuation Date; provided, however, to the extent amounts
      credited to Matching, Company Profit Sharing or Company Elective
      Contribution Accounts are invested in the LaBarge Common Stock Fund, such
      amounts cannot be reinvested in another Fund.

           An investment direction change may be expressed in terms of whole 
      dollar amounts or percentages in increments of twenty-five percent (25%) 
      of the amounts credited to the account of the Participant but may not be 
      in excess of the amount credited to such account as of the last day of 
      such Valuation Date.

           As soon as practical after, subject to Section 4.10, the close of 
      each such Valuation Date, the Trustee shall transfer amounts between the 
      four respective Funds equal to the net change in investments as directed 
      by the Participants as of the last day of such Plan Quarter,

      3.   Effective October 1, 1993, add the following new

Section 6.10:

           6.10 For purposes of this Section 6.10, the following terms have the
      meanings as indicated:

           "Accounting Valuation Date" means a Valuation Date as of which the
      accounting is made for amounts which are to be invested in the LaBarge 
      Common Stock Fund and amounts transferred from the LaBarge Common Stock 
      Fund to other Funds,

           "Affiliate" means any person subject to Section 16(b) of the 
      Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.


           "Cash Pool" means, as of a Valuation Date, the sum of:
                (a) Employee Savings Contributions made during the calendar
           quarter containing the Accounting Valuation Date which are to
           be invested in the LaBarge Common Stock Fund.  Such contributions
           shall be invested in short term money market investments as they are
           made and interest credited in such contributions shall also be
           credited to the Cash Pool.

                (b) Amounts from the Money Market, Fixed and Equity Funds which
           are to be invested in the LaBarge Common Stock Fund as of the
           Accounting Valuation Date. These amounts, to the extent they are not
           invested in the LaBarge Common Stock Fund on the Accounting
           Valuation Date, shall be invested in short term money market
           investments as of such date.

                (c) Matching Contributions for the quarter containing the
           Accounting Valuation Date.  To the extent such Matching
           Contributions are not invested in the LaBarge Common Stock Fund as
           of the Accounting Valuation Date, such Contributions shall be
           invested in short term money market investments.

           "Shares Out" means the number of share of LaBarge, Inc. common stock
      as of the Accounting Valuation Date which are to be transferred from the 
      LaBarge Common Stock Fund to other Funds.

           "Shares Out Value" means the product of the LaBarge Shares Out as 
      of the Accounting Valuation Date multiplied by the Twenty Day Price as 
      of such Valuation Date.

           "Twenty Day Price" means the price of Company common stock as of a 
      given day, as determined as follows:

                        (i) For each of the twenty consecutive trading dates
                immediately preceding the date Company common stock is to be
                valued, multiply the number of shares of Company common stock
                traded on the American Stock Exchange during each day by the
                per share closing price of Company common stock as listed by
                the American Stock Exchange for such day.

                        (ii)   Add the products determined under (i) for each
                of  the twenty consecutive trading dates immediately  preceding
                the date Company common stock is to  be valued. 

                        (iii) Divide the sum determined under (ii) by the total
                number of shares of Company common


                stock traded on the American Stock Exchange for such twenty 
                consecutive day period.

           If the Cash Pool exceeds the Shares Out Value as of an Accounting
      Valuation Date, the Administrator shall take the following actions as of 
      such Date:

                (d) The Administrator shall direct the Trustee to purchase
           Company common stock from Affiliates or on the open market using
           cash equal to the difference between the Cash Pool and the Shares
           Out Value.  Such purchases shall be made in a manner so as not to
           significantly distort the market price of Company common stock.  The
           purchase price of Company common stock purchased from Affiliates
           shall be the Twenty Day Price on the date of sale.  To the extent
           the Cash Pool is not utilized to purchase Company common stock by
           the Valuation Date occurring on the last day of the calendar quarter
           immediately following the Accounting Valuation Date, such amount
           shall be credited to the Cash Pool to be utilized for such quarter.

                (e) Calculate the average price of a share of Company common
           stock purchased during the calendar quarter immediately following
           the Accounting Valuation Date by dividing the sum of the Shares Out
           Value and the total purchase price of Company common stock purchased
           during the period by the sum of the total number of Shares Out plus
           the shares of Company common stock purchased during the period.

                (f) Allocate to the appropriate Account or Accounts of a
           Participant shares of Company common stock equal to the amount of
           the Cash Pool attributable to such Participant divided by the
           average price of a share of Company common stock as determined under
           Subsection 6.10(e).

                (g) Credit to the appropriate Account or Accounts of a
           Participant electing to transfer as of the Accounting Valuation Date
           funds from the LaBarge Common Stock Fund to other Funds an amount
           equal to the product of the average price of a share of LaBarge
           common stock, as determined under Subsection 6.10(e), multiplied by
           the number of shares of Company common stock the Participant elected
           to so transfer.

           If the Shares Out Value exceeds the Cash Pool as of an Accounting    
      Valuation Date, the Administrator shall take the following actions as of
      such Date:

                (h) Subtract from the number of Shares Out the result of the
           Cash Pool divided by the Twenty Day Price.


                (i) Sell on the open market or to Affiliates the number of
           shares of Company common stock as determined under Subsection
           6.10(h). Such sales shall be made in a manner so as to not
           significantly distort the market price of Company common stock.  The
           price of Company common stock sold to an Affiliate shall be the
           Twenty Day Price on the day of such sale.  To the extent shares of
           Company common stock are not sold by the Valuation Date at the end
           of the calendar quarter immediately following the Accounting
           Valuation Date, such shares shall be credited to the Shares Out to
           be utilized for such calendar quarter.

                (j) Calculate the average selling price of a share of Company
           common stock sold during the calendar quarter immediately following
           the Accounting Valuation Date by dividing the sum of the Cash Pool
           and the total selling price of shares of Company stock sold during
           the period by the result of the sum of the result of the Cash Pool
           divided by the Twenty Day Price plus the number of shares of Company
           common stock sold during the period.

                (k) Allocate to the appropriate Account or Accounts of a
           Participant shares of Company common stock equal to the amount of
           the Cash Pool attributable to such Participant's Account or Accounts
           divided by the average price of a share of Company common stock, as
           determined under Subsection 6.10(j).

                (l) Compute a ratio the numerator of which is the sum of the
           result of the Cash Pool divided by the Twenty Day Price plus the
           number of shares of Company common stock sold during the calendar
           quarter immediately following the Accounting Valuation Date and the
           denominator of which is the Shares Out. Multiply the number of
           shares a Participant has elected to transfer from the LaBarge Common
           Stock Fund to other Funds by the ratio determined under the first
           sentence of this Subsection 6.10(l). Credit to the appropriate
           Account or Accounts of a Participant electing to transfer amounts
           from the LaBarge Common Stock Fund to other Funds an amount equal to
           the product of the average price of a share of Company common stock,
           as reduced by the ratio determined under the second sentence of this
           Section 6.10(l), the Participant elected to so transfer.  Any shares
           of Company common stock a Participant has elected to transfer from
           the LaBarge Common Stock Fund to another Fund or Funds remaining
           after application of the ratio as described in the Subsection
           6.10(l) shall remain credited to the LaBarge Common Stock Fund until
           transferred at a later date under the provisions of this Section


The Administrator may restrict the extent to which a Participant may transfer
amounts credited to the Employee Savings Voluntary and Rollover Contribution
Accounts, to the extent such Accounts are invested in the LaBarge Common Stock
Fund.  Participants are prohibited from transferring amounts credited to
Matching, Profit-Sharing and Company Elective Contribution Accounts, to the
extent such Accounts are invested in the LaBarge Common Stock Fund, to other
Funds.  The Administrator shall in writing publish to Participants its rules
regarding transfers of amounts from the LaBarge Company Stock Fund.

      4.   Effective January 1, 1993, add the following new Section 11.14:

           11.14 The following rules apply to an "Eligible Rollover 

                (a) This Section applies to distributions made on or after
           January 1, 1993.  Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the
           contrary that would otherwise limit a Distributee's election under
           this Section, a Distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner
           prescribed by the Administrator, to have any portion of an Eligible
           Rollover Distribution paid directly to an Eligible Retirement Plan
           specified by the Distributee in a Direct Rollover.

                (b) For purposes of applying the provisions of this Section

                        (i) "Eligible Rollover Distribution" means any
                distribution of all or any portion of the balance to the credit
                of the Distributee, except that an Eligible Rollover
                Distribution does not include any distribution that is one of a
                series of substantially equal periodic payments (not less
                frequently than annually) made for the life (or life
                expectancy) of the Distributee or the joint lives (or joint
                life expectancies) of the Distributee and the Distributee's
                designated beneficiary, or for a specified period of ten years
                or more; any distribution to the extent such distribution is
                required under Code Section 401(a)(9); and the portion of any
                distribution that is not includible in gross income (determined
                without regard to the exclusion for net unrealized appreciation
                with respect to employer securities).

                        (ii) "Eligible Retirement Plan" means an individual
                retirement account described in Code Section 408(a), an
                individual retirement annuity described in Code Section 408(b),
                an annuity plan described in Code Section 403(a), or a
                qualified trust described in


                Code Section 401(a), that accepts the Distributee's Eligible
                Rollover Distribution.  However, in the case of an Eligible
                Rollover Distribution to the surviving spouse, an Eligible
                Retirement Plan is an individual retirement account or
                individual retirement annuity.

                        (iii) "Distributee" means an Employee or former
                Employee.  In addition, the Employee's or former Employee's
                surviving spouse and the Employee's or former Employee's spouse
                or former spouse who is the alternate payee under a qualified
                domestic relations order as defined in Code Section 414(p), are
                Distributees with regard to the interest of the spouse or
                former spouse.

                        (iv) "Direct Rollover" means a payment by the Plan to
                the Eligible Retirement Plan specified by the Distributee.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, LaBarge, Inc. has adopted this Plan amendment on the 
date and year first above written.

                                        LABARGE, INC.

                                        By  Craig E. LaBarge


William J. Maendu
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