INSURANCE SERVICE AGREEMENT

This Agreement is between Mutual Service Casualty Insurance Company, a
Minnesota corporation (hereinafter called "MSI", and IGF Insurance Company, an
Indiana corporation (hereinafter called "IGF").

WHEREAS, IGF insures growing crops; and

WHEREAS, IGF is not licensed to do an insurance business in all states; and

WHEREAS, IGF has requested that MSI front for it in several states in which IGF
is not licensed to do an insurance business; and

WHEREAS, MSI is willing to provide its facilities to IGF, subject to the terms
and conditions hereinafter set forth;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Reinsurance Agreement identified in
paragraph 3, and for other good and valuable consideration, MSI and IGF agree
as follows:

1.   Authority of IGF.

     A.   MSI authorizes IGF:

          (1)    to procure Crop Hail, Multi-Peril, Named Peril (Agricultural)
                 and Flood Insurance business (herein called "Insurance")
                 through properly licensed producers ("Agents") for MSI's
                 account in the states of California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho,
                 Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio,
                 Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia,
                 Washington and such other states as the parties may mutually
                 agree to in a writing referencing this Agreement; and

          (2)    to manage such Insurance on behalf of MSI as set forth in this

      B.  Subject to the restrictions contained in this Agreement, MSI
          grants IGF the authority to perform the following activities on MSI's

          (1)    to file rules, rates and forms applicable to the Insurance
                 with appropriate regulatory authorities;

          (2)    to appoint and remove Agents, and to pay commissions on
                 Insurance produced by Agents;

          (3)    to accept and decline Insurance risks;

          (4)    to bind, issue and cancel Insurance policies ("Policies");

          (5)    to bill, collect and refund Insurance premiums;

          (6)    to make customary endorsements, changes, assignments,
                 transfers and modifications of existing Policies; and

          (7)    to adjust, compromise and process Insurance claims, including
                 the right to litigate claims in MSI's name.

2.   Effective Date. IGF can Issue Policies providing Multi-Peril Crop
     Insurance Coverage reinsured by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation for
     the policy period July 1, 1995 - June 30, 1996 upon execution of this
     Agreement.  IGF can issue Policies for the other lines of insurance
     beginning January 1, 1996.

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3.   Reinsurance.

     A.   All Insurance business coming within the scope of this Agreement
          shall be the joint and several liability of IGF and PAFCO General
          Insurance Company, an Indiana corporation, under a 100% Quota Share
          Reinsurance Agreement approved by MSI (the "Reinsurance Agreement").

     B.   IGF agrees to maintain reinsurance on Insurance underwritten and
          assumed by it from time to time as may be required by MSI. IGF shall
          not change its reinsurance cover without MSI's written consent.

4.   Issuing Fee and Expense.

     A.  MSI shall be entitled to an annual fee for its participation hereunder
         equal to the greater of the sum of the percentages shown below of the
         net premium written on Insurance, by line, during the calendar year
         and $350,000 (the "Issuing Fee").

         (1)   Crop Hail

               2.50% of the net premium written on the Insurance during the
               calendar year for all Crop Hail business.

         (2)   Multi-Peril Crop Insurance

               (a)    Non Catastrophe Policies

                      A minimum rate of 2.00% shall apply to 100% of farmers
                      paid and subsidy premium and shall slide to maximum of
                      3.00% if the Grow Loss Ratio (before application of the
                      Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA)) is less than or
                      equal to 90%, for the applicable crop year in question.

               (b)    Catastrophe Policies

                      A minimum rate of .6% of "imputed premium", as defined in
                      the SRA, and shall slide to a maximum of 1.10% if the
                      Gross Loss Ratio is less than or equal to 90%, for the
                      applicable Crop year in question.

   B.    IGF agrees to pay and/or reimburse MSI for all expenses related to
         insurance produced pursuant to this Agreement.  Such expenses shall
         include, but shall not be limited to Agent licenses, Agent
         Commissions, agency supplies (such as application forms, policy
         blanks, daily reports, adjuster supplies and loss drafts),
         advertising, premium taxes, local board and association fees, state
         policy filing fees, and other fees pursuant to those laws and
         regulations creating obligatory funds, pools, joint underwriting
         associations, FAIR plans and similar plans, and reinsurance facilities
         designed to provide insurance on risks upon which coverage cannot be
         obtained through the normal insurance market.

   C.    IGF agrees to hold MSI harmless and reimburse it for all other
         amounts, including claims and adjustment fees and judgments, to pay as
         a result of insurance produced pursuant to this Agreement and not
         covered by the Reinsurance Agreement, it being the intent of the
         parties that MSI shall be entitled to earn a profit in each year that
         this Agreement is in effect equal to the Issuing Fee.

   D.    As used in this Agreement "net premium written" means gross premium
         written less returns and cancellations.

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5.       Reports and Remittances.

         A.      IGF shall prepare and submit to MSI within forty-five (45)
                 days after the end of each month a bordereau report showing
                 for that month gross premiums written less returns and
                 cancellations; Agent's commissions; paid losses and loss
                 adjustment expenses; and reserves for outstanding losses.  IGF
                 shall also provide MSI with such other information as MS[ may
                 require to complete its Annual Statement and satisfy internal
                 and external reporting requirements.

         B.      IGF shall remit to MSI within forty-five (45) days after the
                 end of each month an amount equal to MSI's liability for
                 premium taxes on the net premium written on insurance during
                 such month.

         C.      Each year, by December 1, IGF shall remit to MSI an amount
                 equal to the greater of the percentage fees noted in 4.A.
                 1.-2.  of the net premium on Insurance written through October
                 of that year and $350,000.

         D.      Beginning in 1996 and each year thereafter, on or before April
                 15, IGF shall remit to MSI the amount, if any, by which the
                 percentage fees noted In 4.A. 1.-2. of the net premium on
                 Insurance written during the preceding calendar year exceeds
                 the amount paid to MSI under paragraph 5.C. In the event the
                 amount previously paid by IGF under paragraph 5.C. for the
                 year exceeds the difference to IGF following receipt of notice
                 form IGF on the amount due.

         E.      IGF shall be liable to MSI for all premiums on Insurance
                 produced under this Agreement, regardless of whether such
                 premiums are collected by IGF.

         F.      IGF shall have its financial affairs audited annually by an
                 Independent auditor acceptable to MSI, and shall provide MSI
                 with a copy of such audit promptly upon its completion.

6.   Restrictions.

     A.  IGF shall underwrite, issue and non-renew Policies in accordance with
         the following underwriting guidelines:

         (1)   Maximum annual net written premium: $21 million (inclusive of
               direct subsidies).

         (2)   Maximum limits of liability:  For Crop Hail or Named Peril
               (Agricultural) - $1,600,000 in any one township; for
               Multi-Peril - $10,000,000 in any township; for Flood - $1,000,000
               per risk.

         (3)   Maximum policy period: For Crop Hail, Multi-Peril and Named
               Peril (Agricultural) - 12 months; for Flood - 36 months.

         (4)   Lines and classes of business to be written:  Crop Hail,
               Multi-Peril, Named Peril (Agricultural) and Flood - 36 months.

         (5)   Policy rates and rating basis: For Crop Hail, Multi-Peril and
               Named Peril (Agricultural) - the rules and rates approved by MSI
               and, where required, applicable regulatory authorities, and in
               effect in the various territories in which Insurance is being
               marketed; for Flood - in accordance with the rules and rates
               promulgated under the National Flood Insurance Program.

         (6)   Required policy wording and exclusions: For Crop Hail,
               Multi-Peril and Named Peril (Agricultural) - as set forth in the
               various policy forms developed by IGF, and approved by MSI and,
               where required, applicable regulatory authorities; for Flood -
               as set forth in forms promulgated under the National Flood
               Insurance Program.

                                     Page 3

         (7)   Territorial limitations: Risks resident in the states identified
               in paragraph 2.A.

               Subject to applicable laws, regulations and policy terms, IGF
               shall have the right to cancel or non-renew any Policy at its

    B.   IGF shall process and adjust all claims incurred under binders,
         endorsements or Policies issued by IGF under this Agreement at its own
         expense.  Settlement of any individual claim exceeding the sum of
         $70,000 shall be subject to the approval of MSI.  In connection with
         lawsuits seeking the recovery of damages in excess of $100,000, IGF
         shall furnish MSI with copies of all pleadings, and related file
         material, pertaining thereto in a prompt and timely fashion.  IGF
         shall consult with MSI in the handling of all such litigation.

    C.   MSI reserves the right to inspect and audit IGF's claim files
         pertaining to insurance business written pursuant to this Agreement
         and to evaluate and establish claim reserves on such Agreement and to
         evaluate and establish claim reserves on such business at it sole
         discretion.  Furthermore, MSI reserves the right to determine that any
         Insurance claim denied by IGF is payable and, upon such determination,
         IGF shall promptly pay such claim.

    D.   All files and records pertaining to claims arising out of business
         subject to this Agreement shall be the property of both parties hereto
         and, upon request, MSI shall have unrestricted access to such files
         and records during IGF's business hours.  IGF shall not delete or
         destroy such files and records without MSI's prior consent.

    E.   In the event of any disagreement or dispute regarding the performance
         of any delegated underwriting or claim settlement function, or upon
         discovery of any failure on the part of IGF to comply with all
         established underwriting or claim settlement provisions, guidelines or
         instructions, MSI shall have the right to immediately suspend IGFs
         authority to perform such function pending satisfactory resolution of
         the disagreement, dispute or instance of non-compliance and perform
         such function itself. IGF shall provide MSI, at IGF's expense, with a
         copy of the requisite files and shall reimburse MSI for the expenses
         MSI shall incur in performing any suspended function.

  7.     Records.

         A.    IGF shall maintain separate records on the Insurance produced
               under this Agreement.  MSI and the State Insurance Commissioners
               shall each have access to, and the right to copy, all accounts
               and records related to such insurance at any time during IGFs
               business hours.  Such records shall be retained for at least
               three (3) years after the termination of the Reinsurance
               Agreement, or until the completion of MSI's statutory
               examination by the Minnesota Department of Commerce covering the
               period during which the Reinsurance Agreement was in effect,
               whichever is later.

         B.    MSI shall have the right at any time to inspect and audit the
               books and records of IGF on business produced under this
               Agreement, which shall be made available by IGF at its normal
               place of business.

  B.     Arbitration.

         A.    As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, in
               the event of any dispute or difference of opinion hereafter
               arising with respect to this Agreement, it is hereby mutually
               agreed that such dispute or difference of opinion shall be
               submitted to arbitration.  One Arbiter shall be chosen by MSI,
               the other by IGF, and an Umpire shall be chosen by the two
               Arbiters before they enter arbitration, all of which shall be
               active or retired disinterested executive officers of insurance
               and reinsurance companies or Lloyd's of London Underwriters.  In
               the event that either party should fail to choose an Arbiter
               within thirty (30) days following a written request by

                                     Page 4

               the other party to do so, the requesting party may choose two
               Arbiters who shall in turn choose an Umpire before entering upon
               arbitration.  If the two Arbiters fail to agree upon the
               selection of an Umpire within thirty (30) days following their
               appointment, each Arbiter shall nominate three (3) Candidates
               within ten (10) days thereafter, two (2) of whom the other shall
               decline, and the decision shall be made by drawing lots.

         B.    Each party shall present its case to the Arbiters within thirty
               (30) days following the date of appointment of the Umpire.  The
               Arbiters shall consider this Agreement as an honorable
               engagement rather than merely as a legal obligation, and they
               are relieved of all judicial formalities and may abstain from
               following the strict rules of the law.  The decision of the
               Arbiters shall be final and binding on both parties; but failing
               to agree, they shall call in the Umpire and the decision or the
               majority shall be final and binding upon both parties.  Judgment
               upon the final decision of the Arbiters may be entered in any
               court of competent jurisdiction.

         C.    Each party shall bear the expense of its own Arbiter, and shall
               jointly and equally bear with the other expense of the Umpire
               and of the arbitration.  In the event that the two Arbiters are
               chosen by one party, as above provided, the expense of the
               Arbiters, the Umpire and the arbitration shall be equally
               divided between the two parties.

         D.    Any arbitration proceedings shall take place at a location
               mutually agreed upon by both parties to this Agreement, but
               notwithstanding the location of the arbitration, all proceedings
               pursuant hereto shall be governed by the law of the state of

     9.  Termination.  This Agreement shall terminate:

         A.    Automatically, upon the termination of the Reinsurance
               Agreement.  It is of the essence of this Agreement that the
               Reinsurance Agreement, as approved by MSI, shall be in place at
               all time.

         B.    Immediately, following written notice from the other party, upon
               the placement of a party to this Agreement under supervision by
               a State Insurance Commissioner.

         C.    Immediately, following receipt of written notice from MSI, on
               account of IGF's failure to comply with a condition or provision
               of this Agreement within thirty (30) days after such failure is
               brought to IGF's attention in writing.

         D.    On December 31 of any year, by either party.  The party desiring
               to terminate this Agreement shall give the other at least ninety
               (90) days advance written notice of its intention to terminate
               this Agreement.

         E.    Unless otherwise directed by MSI in writing.  In the event this
               Agreement is terminated, IGF shall continue to perform the
               duties necessary to service all Policies, at its own expense,
               until all liability underlying the Policies shall have been
               terminated.  Such services shall consist of, but shall not
               necessarily be limited to, cancellations, return premiums,
               endorsements, account current reporting and claim settlements.
               IGF shall also Issue, for and on behalf of MSI, an effective
               notice of non-renewal to all policyholders terminating their
               coverage upon the expiration of their Policy term next following
               the termination of this Agreement.  Should good cause exist for
               MSI shall incur in performing such duties.  IGF shall also
               provide MSI, at IGF's expense, with a copy of all Insurance
               records on unexpired Policies, and all Insurance claim files.

         F.    Should this Agreement terminate on a date other than December
               31, IGF shall remit to MSI within forty-five (45) days following
               the date of termination an amount equal to the sum of the
               percentages show in 4.A. 1.-2. of the net premium written on
               Insurance in that year to the date of termination.  If the date
               of termination shall be on or after July 1, IGF shall remit to
               MSI the greater of the amount described in the preceding
               sentence and $350,000.

10.  General Provisions.

                                     Page 5

         A.    Payment of all commissions due on Policies secured by Agents
               shall be made directly by IGF to the Agents.  IGF shall
               indemnify and hold MSI harmless from all expenses, costs, causes
               of action, and damages resulting from or growing out of claims
               made by Agents against MSI for commissions or other payments
               allegedly due them on Insurance produced under this Agreement.

         B.    IGF warrants that it will abide by all statues, rules and
               regulations of the various territories in which Insurance is
               being marketed.  Furthermore, IGF shall indemnify and hold MSI
               harmless from any and all wrongful acts or conduct by its
               representatives, employees and/or the Agents on account of
               failure to properly license Agents with MSI, failure to provide
               Insurance to applicants, failure to handle claims properly, and
               any other act that creates a financial obligation for MSI as a
               result of acts or omissions by said representatives, employees
               and/or the Agents, including but not limited to all costs,
               expenses and attorney fees incurred by MSI as a result thereof.

         C.    IGF shall reimburse MSI for any out-of-pocket expenses MSI may
               incur in connection with any audit of IGF's underwriting and
               claims processing operations, including testing for reserve
               adequacy on Insurance claims.  IGF's maximum obligation under
               this paragraph is limited to $5,000 per calendar year.

         D.    IGF's obligations hereunder to reimburse MSI for all expenses
               related to business produced under this Agreement, and to
               indemnify and hold MSI harmless, shall survive the termination
               of the Agreement.

         E.    This Agreement shall not be assigned by IGF without the written
               consent of MSI.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto by their respective duly authorized
representatives have executed this Agreement as of the date shown.

Arden Hills, Minnesota, this   15th     day of     May     ,1996
                             -----------       ------------   -- 

                                      By: /s/ Lloyd A. Keller
                                          Lloyd A. Keller, Director of
                                          Mutual Service
                                          Casualty Insurance company

Des Moines, Iowa, this   20th         day of   May           ,1996
                       ---------------       ----------------   --

                        BY: /s/ Dennis G. Daggett
                             IGF Insurance Company


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