[United States Department of Agriculture Letterhead]

                                                              EXHIBIT 10.27(5)

                                 April 11, 1996

VIA FAX - (515) 276-8305

Mr. Dennis G. Daggett
Executive Vice President
IGF Insurance Company
2882 106th Street
Des Moines, IA 50322

RE: 1996 Standard Reinsurance Agreement - Approval

Dear Mr. Daggett:

        The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) has completed its review
and evaluation of the 1996 Standard Reinsurance Agreement (Agreement) and Plan
of Operation (Plan) initially received on June 15, 1995, with revisions
received on August 31, and December 5, 1995, from IGF Insurance Company (IGF).
This review and evaluation was completed based on the requirements outlined in
the 1995 Agreement, Amendments, Plan, FCIC's Manual 14, and the Standards for
Approval contained in 7 CFR 400, Subpart L, as amended (Federal Register 57
34665, August 6, 1992). According to our analysis of the Plan, IGF meets the
financial requirements and possesses adequate surplus to cover IGF's requested
maximum reinsurable premium volume of $82,560,000.

        Based on IGF's 1995 Annual Statement, IGF is authorized to write up to
$82,560,000 in requested reinsurable premium volume. IGF may not write any
reinsurable premium volume above this amount unless approval is obtained in
advance from FCIC. If you fail to obtain FCIC approval, any amount exceeding
the maximum reinsurable premium volume authorized may not be included under the
terms and conditions of the 1996 Agreement.

        IGF's 1996 Escrow Agreement and Escrow Agreement are approved. The
Agreement Regarding Reinsurance Escrow Agreement (Arrangement), Exhibit 27 of
the Plan, states that the Company agrees to submit on a monthly basis, a
certified accurate report of reconciliation (reconciliation) of the Loss
Account and the Escrow Account. The reconciliation must be submitted to FCIC
within 20 business days of the cutoff date of the Bank Statements and is in
addition to the monthly reports required by the Agreement. If the
reconciliation is not received within 20 business days as required by the
Arrangement, FCIC will suspend funding of the Escrow Account until the
reconciliation is received.
Mr. Dennis G. Daggett                                                         2

        If IGF intends to submit Private Sector Supplemental or Private Sector
Alternative policies for FCIC review and approval, it must do so in accordance
with Section V.E.2. of the Agreement and as directed in FCIC's Submission
Standards Handbook. If a Private Sector Supplemental or Private Sector
Alternative policy not approved by FCIC is attached to a FCIC-approved group
risk plan (GRP) or multiple peril crop insurance (MPCI) policy, the
FCIC-approved GRP or MPCI policy to which it is attached will not be reinsured
by FCIC. 

        IGF has complied with our request for corrections and revisions to the
1996 Agreement and Plan. The Agreement and Plan are approved. We appreciate you
cooperating with us to finalize and approve IGF's 1996 Agreement and Plan. A
copy of the 1996 Agreement and Plan is enclosed. If we can be of additional
assistance, please do not hesitate to contact your Account Executive, James
Jackson, at (202) 690-2092. 


                                       E. Heyward Baker
                                       E. Heyward Baker
                                       Reinsurance Services Liaison Branch


cc:  Mr. Robert Parkerson (cover letter only)
     National Crop Insurance Services
     7301 College Boulevard, Suite 170
     Overland Park, Kansas 66210

                                 (July 1, 1994)

                                  between the



                             IGF INSURANCE COMPANY
                            (Insurance Company Name)

                                DES MOINES, IOWA
                                (City and State)

This Standard Reinsurance Agreement, including the Appendixes, all referenced
documents and Federal Crop Insurance Corporation ("FCIC") Manual 13 and Manual
14 in effect at the start of the reinsurance year ("Agreement"), establishes
the terms and conditions under which the FCIC will provide premium subsidy,
expense reimbursement, and reinsurance on multiple peril crop insurance
policies sold or reinsured by the above named Insurance Company (the
"Company"). This Agreement is authorized by the Federal Crop Insurance Act, as
amended (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) (the "Act"), and regulations promulgated
thereunder which are codified in title 7, chapter IV of the Code of Federal
Regulations (C.F.R.). Such regulations are incorporated into this Agreement by
reference. The provisions of this Agreement which are inconsistent with
provisions of state or local law or regulation will supersede such law or
regulation to the extent of the inconsistency. This is a cooperative financial
assistance agreement between the FCIC and the Company to deliver multiple peril
crop insurance under the authority of the Act. For the purposes of this
Agreement, use of the plural form of a word includes the singular and use of
the singular form of a word includes the plural unless the context indicates


A.      "Actuarial Data Master File" means the hard copy and electronic data
        processing (EDP) compatible information distributed by FCIC which
        contains premium rates, program dates, and related information
        concerning the crop insurance program for a crop year.

B.      "Annual settlement" means the preliminary settlement of accounts
        between the Company and FCIC for the reinsurance year pursuant to Manual

C.      "Billing date" means the date specified in the Actuarial Data Master
        File as the date on which FCIC provides that policyholders should be
        invoiced for premium due on eligible crop insurance contracts.

D.      "Book of business" means the aggregation of all eligible crop insurance
        contracts in force between the Company and its policyholders which have
        a sales closing date within the reinsurance year reinsured under this

E.      "Cancellation date" means the date by which the Company or policyholder
        must notify the other that coverage under an eligible crop insurance
        contract issued by the Company is cancelled for a succeeding crop year.
        The day following this date is considered as the date an eligible crop
        insurance contract carried over from the previous crop year is renewed
        for the subsequent crop year. 

F.      "Carry-over crop insurance contract" means an eligible crop insurance
        contract which has been in force for one policy term and which continues
        in force for another policy term after the cancellation date. 

G.      "Company payment date" means the last business day of the month.

H.      "Crop insurance contract" means a policy, provision, or endorsement, or
        like instrument, and associated documents issued by the Company and held
        by the policyholder to insure the interest of the policyholder in a
        single crop.

I.      "Eligible crop insurance contract" means a crop insurance contract
        which is sold and serviced in a manner consistent with the Act, 7 C.F.R.
        chapter IV., FCIC policy and procedure, and applicable rates, terms, and
        special limitations; having a sales closing date within the reinsurance
        year; to a person eligible to receive crop insurance protection; for a
        crop and in areas approved by FCIC;  and on forms that have been 
        approved by FCIC.

J.      "Eligible producer" means a person who is determined to be in compliance
        with the Food Security Act of 1985, and the regulations promulgated
        thereunder, the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990,
        and the regulations promulgated thereunder, and 7 C.F.R. chapter IV.

K.      "FCIC payment date" means the first banking day following the fourteenth
        calendar day after FCIC receives the accounting report and supporting
        data upon which any payment is based.

L.      "Group risk plan" means crop insurance coverage based on a county crop
        yield experience rather than on individual yield history. Indemnities
        are paid based on county yields rather than on individual yields during
        a crop year.

M.      "Ineligible crop insurance contract" means any crop insurance contract
        determined by FCIC in accordance with its regulations to be ineligible
        for reinsurance under this Agreement.

N.      "Insurable interest" means the portion of an insured crop an insured has
        at risk in the event of an insurable loss. 

O.      "Local agency" means the office in which the business of selling and
        servicing eligible crop insurance contracts to the general public is


P.  "Loss ratio" means the ratio of ultimate net loss to net book premium,
    expressed as a percentage. For example, the ratio of one dollar ultimate net
    loss to one dollar net book premium would be expressed as one hundred
    percent (100%). 

Q.  "Multiple peril or Multi-peril Crop Insurance (MPCI)" means an eligible crop
    insurance contract that provides coverage based on individual producer crop
    yield experience or crop yield experience applicable to an individual farm
    against more than one cause of loss set out in the contract and reinsured
    under the Agreement. 

R.  "Net book premium" means total premium payable by the policyholder plus the
    FCIC premium subsidy, less cancellations and adjustments. 

S.  "Person" means any individual or legal entity. 

T.  "Policyholder" means the person identified on an eligible crop insurance
     contract issued by the Company subject to this Agreement. 

U.  "Producer premium" means that portion of the FCIC-approved insurance premium
     that the policyholder must pay. 

V.  "Reinsurance account" means an account maintained by FCIC within the
     Reinsurance Accounting System by which certain underwriting gains are

W.  "Reinsurance year" means the period from July 1 of any year through June 30
     of the following year and identified by reference to the following year. 

X.  "Renewed crop insurance contract" (see Carry-over crop insurance contract). 

Y.  "Retained" as applied to ultimate net losses, net book premium, or book for
     business, means remaining liability for ultimate net losses and the right
     to associated net book premiums after all reinsurance cessions under this

Z.  "Sales closing date" means the date approved by FCIC as the last date on
     which a producer may apply for an eligible crop insurance contract on a
     crop in a specific county. All terms and conditions of the insurance
     contract other than those which must be established by the Contract Change
     Date, must be established by this date. 

AA. "Sales Supervisor" means any person who either supervises, coordinates, or
     facilitates the activities of sales agents, local competing agencies or
     local sales agents on behalf of the Company, whether as an employee, or a
     contractor, and whose compensation is in whole or in part calculated as a
     percentage of the gross premiums written. 

AB. "Standards for Approval" means the minimum requirements the Company must
     meet in order to be eligible to obtain this Agreement. Standards for
     Approval are codified in 7 C.F.R. part 400, subpart L. 

                                     - 3 -

AC.     "Transaction Cut-off Date" for weekly data reporting is 11:59 PM central
        time on Saturday of each week. The transaction cut-off date for Monthly
        Summary Reports is 11:59 PM central time on the Saturday occurring
        within the first full week of the month.

AD.     "Ultimate net loss" means the amount paid by the Company under any
        eligible crop insurance contract reinsured under this Agreement in
        settlement of any claim and in satisfaction of any judgement rendered on
        account of such claim, less any recovery or salvage by the Company.
        "Ultimate net loss" may include interest and policyholder's court costs
        related to the eligible crop insurance contract provisions or procedures
        which are contained in a final judgement against the Company by a court
        of competent jurisdiction if FCIC determines: (1) that such interest or
        court costs resulted from the Company's substantial compliance with FCIC
        procedures or instructions in the handling of the claim or in the
        servicing of the insured; or (2) that the actions of the Company were in
        accordance with accepted loss adjustment procedures; and (3) that the
        award of such interest or court costs did not involve negligence or
        culpability on the part of the Company. "Ultimate net loss" may also
        include interest or policyholder's court costs related to the crop
        insurance provisions or procedures which are included in the settlement
        of any claim if FCIC, in addition to the determinations included above,
        is advised of the terms of and the basis for the settlement and
        determines that the settlement should be approved. Under no
        circumstances are any punitive or consequential damages included in the
        calculation of ultimate net loss.

AE.     "Underwriting gain" means the amount by which retained net book premium
        exceeds retained ultimate net losses.

AF.     "Underwriting  loss" means the amount by which retained ultimate net
        losses exceed retained net book premium.


A.      General Terms

        1.      The Company is required to make crop insurance available to all
                eligible producers for the crops and in the areas which are
                stated in its Plan of Operation as approved by FCIC. Only
                eligible crop insurance contracts written under the authority of
                the Act will be reinsured under this Agreement.

        2.      In exchange for the reinsurance premiums provided by the Company
                in accordance with this Agreement, FCIC will provide the Company
                with reinsurance pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement.

        3.      All crop Insurance contracts reinsured under this Agreement must
                contain the following statement:

                        This insurance policy is reinsured by the Federal Crop
                        Insurance Corporation under the provisions of the
                        Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended (the "Act") (7
                        U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), and all terms of the policy and
                        rights and responsibilities of the parties are
                        specifically subject to the Act and the regulations
                        under the Act codified in chapter IV of title 7 of the
                        Code of Federal Regulations.

        4.      FCIC will not provide reinsurance, expense reimbursement, or
                premium subsidy for any crop insurance contract which is not
                eligible or which is sold or serviced in violation of the terms
                of this Agreement. Ineligible crop insurance contracts will
                include those sold or renewed after the date a person is placed
                upon a list of ineligible persons maintained and provided by
                FCIC periodically or who the Company has reason to know is
                otherwise ineligible. Any application for crop insurance from
                any person who is not identified on such listing of ineligible
                persons, which the Company refuses to accept, must be
                immediately referred to FCIC.

        5.      No portion of any payment made to the Company under this
                Agreement may be rebated in any form to policyholders. Neither
                the Company nor its agents shall assess service fees or
                additional charges on eligible crop insurance contracts
                reinsured under this Agreement.

        6.      The Company, in accordance with its Plan of Operation, may
                designate eligible crop insurance contracts to one of three
                funds for each reinsurance year: 1) Commercial Fund, 2)
                Developmental Fund, and 3) Assigned Risk Fund.

B.      Reinsurance Funds

        1.      Assigned Risk Fund

                a.      Within each individual state, the Company may designate
                        eligible crop insurance contracts which have an
                        aggregate net book premium not greater than the maximum
                        cession to the Assigned Risk Fund for that state as
                        published by FCIC in Appendix 2, Exhibit 15 to the Plan
                        of Operation. FCIC will assume eighty percent (80%) of
                        the liability for ultimate net losses on these
                        designated eligible crop insurance contracts in exchange
                        for eighty percent (80%) of the associated net book
                        premium except as provided in paragraphs II.B.1.c. and
                        II.B.4. The Company must retain twenty percent (20%) of
                        the net book premium and associated liability for
                        ultimate net losses on these designated eligible crop
                        insurance contracts except as provided in paragraphs
                        II.B.1.c. and II.B.4.

                b.      The Company must designate eligible crop insurance
                        contracts to the Assigned Risk Fund not later than the
                        transaction cut-off date for the week including the 30th
                        calendar day after the sales closing date for the
                        eligible crop insurance contract.

        c.      In the event the aggregate net book premium for all such
                eligible crop insurance contracts exceeds the maximum cession 
                allowed for an individual state, the amount ceded for each 
                eligible crop insurance contract in such state will be reduced 
                pro-rata to the maximum cession for that state. The net book 
                premium and associated liability for ultimate net losses which 
                exceeds the maximum cession for an individual state will be 
                placed in the Developmental Fund.

        d.      Eligible group risk plan crop insurance contracts which are
                included in the Company's book of business for the 1995 crop 
                year under this Agreement may be designated to the Assigned 
                Risk Fund in excess of the Company's maximum cession permitted 
                under paragraph II.B.1.a.

2.      Developmental Fund

        a.      The Company may designate net book premium and associated
                liability for ultimate net losses to the Developmental Fund. 
                Such designation must be made in its Plan of Operation for 
                each reinsurance year.

        b.      Designations to the Developmental Fund may be made by crop or
                by county, but not by both within a state. If designations are 
                by county, all eligible crop insurance contracts for all crops 
                in that county will be included. If designations are by crop, 
                all eligible crop insurance contracts for that crop in that 
                state will be included.

        c.      Eligible crop insurance contracts designated to the Assigned
                Risk Fund will not be included in any designations to the 
                Developmental Fund except to the extent required by 
                paragraph II.B.1.c.

        d.      The Company must retain at least thirty-five percent (35%) of
                the net book premium and associated liability for ultimate net 
                losses on eligible crop insurance contracts placed into the 
                Developmental Fund within each state. The Company may retain a 
                greater percentage of the net book premium and associated 
                liability for ultimate net losses within each state whenever it
                designates a percentage greater than thirty-five percent (35%) 
                in its Plan of Operation for any reinsurance year. Such 
                percentage designations must be in five percent (5%) 
                increments. FCIC will assume the liability for ultimate net
                losses not retained by the Company within each state in 
                exchange for any equal percentage of the associated net book 
                premium included in the Developmental Fund in that state.

3.      Commercial Fund

        a.      Any eligible crop insurance contract reinsured under this
                Agreement not included in designations to the Assigned Risk 
                Fund or the Developmental Fund will be included in the 
                Commercial Fund.

                b.      The Company must retain at least fifty percent (50%) of
                        the net book premium and associated liability for
                        ultimate net losses on eligible crop insurance contracts
                        designated to the Commercial Fund within each state. The
                        Company may retain a greater percentage of the net book
                        premiums and associated liability for ultimate net
                        losses within each state whenever it designates a
                        percentage greater than fifty percent (50%) in its Plan
                        of Operation for any reinsurance year. Such percentage
                        designations must be made in five percent (5%)
                        increments. FCIC will assume the liability for ultimate
                        net losses not retained by the Company within each state
                        in exchange for an equal percentage of the associated
                        net book premiums included in the Commercial Fund in
                        that state.

        4.      Company Minimum Retention

                a.      After all proportional reinsurance cessions under this
                        Agreement, the Company must retain a percentage of net
                        book premiums and associated liability for ultimate net
                        losses that equals or exceeds thirty-five percent (35%)
                        of its net book of business, or twenty-two and one-half
                        percent (22.5%) of its net book of business if more than
                        fifty percent (50%) of the Company's net book of
                        business is in the Assigned Risk Fund.

                b.      In the event the Company fails to retain the required
                        minimum percentage of its book of business, the percent
                        of net book premiums and associated liability for
                        ultimate net losses retained for all eligible crop
                        insurance contracts included in the Assigned Risk Fund
                        in all states will be increased on a pro-rata basis from
                        the twenty percent (20%) retention stated in paragraph
                        II.B.1.a. to the retention necessary to meet the minimum
                        retention stated in paragraph II.B.4.a.

C.      Ultimate Net Losses

        1.      Company's Responsibility for Ultimate Net Losses

                The non-proportional reinsurance provided hereunder applies to
                the Company's retained book of business in each individual Fund
                and state after proportional cessions under subsection II.B. For
                each Fund and state, the Company will retain ultimate net losses
                as follows:

                a.      The Company will pay the following percentages of the
                        amount by which its retained ultimate net losses in each
                        individual state and Fund exceed one hundred percent
                        (100%) but are less than or equal to one hundred sixty
                        percent (160%) of the Company's retained net book
                        premium in that state and Fund for the reinsurance year.

                              i.      Commercial Fund       30.0%
                              ii.     Developmental Fund    14.0%
                              iii.    Assigned Risk Fund     5.0%

                b.      In addition to the amount determined under paragraph 
                        II.C.1.a., the Company will pay the following
                        percentages of the amount by which it's retained
                        ultimate net losses in each individual state and Fund
                        exceed one hundred sixty percent (160%) but are less
                        than or equal to two hundred twenty percent (220%) of
                        the Company's retained net book premium in that state
                        and Fund for the reinsurance year.

                                i.      Commercial Fund         25.0%
                                ii.     Developmental Fund      10.0%
                                iii.    Assigned Risk Fund       3.0%

                c.      In addition to the amounts determined under paragraphs
                        II.C.1.a. and b., the Company will pay the following
                        percentages of the amount by which it's retained
                        ultimate net losses in each individual state and Fund
                        exceed two hundred twenty percent (220%) but are less
                        than or equal to five hundred percent (500%) of the
                        Company's retained net book premium in that state and
                        Fund for the reinsurance year.

                                i.      Commercial Fund         15.0%
                                ii.     Developmental Fund       7.0%
                                iii.    Assigned Risk Fund       2.0%

                d.      FCIC will assume ultimate net losses in excess of the 
                        Company's retained ultimate losses as determined under
                        paragraphs II.C.1.a., b. and c. In addition, FCIC will
                        pay one hundred percent (100%) of the amount by which
                        the Company's retained ultimate net losses in each
                        individual state and Fund exceed five hundred percent
                        (500%) of the Company's retained net book premium in
                        that state and Fund for the reinsurance year.

D.      Company's Retention of Underwriting Gain

        1.      The amount of underwriting gain retained by the Company will be
                calculated separately for each Fund within each state as

                a.      When the loss ratio equals or exceeds sixty-five
                        percent (65%) but is less than one hundred percent
                        (100%) of the Company's retained net book premium in a
                        Fund and state for the reinsurance year, the Company
                        will retain the following percentages of the
                        underwriting gain:

                                i.      Commercial Fund         94.0%
                                ii.     Developmental Fund      45.0%
                                iii.    Assigned Risk Fund      15.0%


    b.  In addition to the amount of underwriting gain determined in the range
        of loss ratios under paragraph II.D.1.a., when the loss ratio equals or
        exceeds fifty-five percent (55%) but is less than sixty-five percent
        (65%) of the Company's retained net book premium in a Fund and state for
        the reinsurance year, the Company will retain in that Fund and state the
        following percentages of the underwriting gain: 

                i.     Commercial Fund          65.0%
                ii.    Developmental Fund       30.0%
                iii.   Assigned Risk Fund        9.0%

    c.  In addition to the amounts of underwriting gains determined in the range
        of loss ratios under paragraphs II.D.1.a. and b., when the loss ratio
        is less than fifty-five percent (55%) of the Company's retained net book
        premium in a Fund and state for the reinsurance year, the Company will
        retain in that Fund and state the following percentages of the
        underwriting gain: 

                i.     Commercial Fund          11.0%
                ii.    Developmental Fund        6.0%
                iii.   Assigned Risk Fund        2.0%

2.  The retained underwriting gain or loss for each individual Fund is totalled
    for each state to determine the gain or loss for that state. 

3.  The Company's overall gain or loss is determined by totalling the retained
    underwriting gains or losses for all states. Any net underwriting gain will
    be paid by FCIC to the Company at annual settlement except as provided in
    paragraph II.D.4. Any net underwriting loss of the Company will be paid to
    FCIC by the Company with each Monthly Summary Report. 

4.  Reinsurance Account (Applicable to 1992 and subsequent reinsurance years) 

    a.  All calculations described in this section pertain only to annual
        settlement, unless otherwise approved by FCIC. The Company's balance in
        the Company's reinsurance account is subject to the provisions of
        subsection V.S. 

    b.  Whenever the Company's retained underwriting gain for all states in any
        reinsurance year exceeds fifteen percent (15%) of its total retained net
        book premium, the excess gain will be held in a Company reinsurance
        account by FCIC. 


                c.      Whenever the Company retains an underwriting loss or an
                        underwriting gain that is less than fifteen percent
                        (15%) of its total retained net book premium in any
                        reinsurance year, FCIC will pay to the Company from the
                        Company's reinsurance account the difference between the
                        amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of its total
                        retained net book premium for the same reinsurance year
                        and the amount of the Company's actual underwriting gain
                        or underwriting loss for that same reinsurance year, not
                        to exceed the balance in the Company's reinsurance

                d.      FCIC will not pay in any reinsurance year an amount
                        greater than the balance available in the reinsurance
                        account. Negative balances in the Company reinsurance
                        account will not be carried over to a subsequent
                        reinsurance year. 

                e.      Following the distribution permitted in paragraph
                        II.D.4.c., whenever the Company's retained underwriting
                        gain for the three (3) most recent reinsurance years
                        exceeds thirty percent (30%) of its average retained net
                        book premium for those same three (3) reinsurance years,
                        FCIC will pay to the Company from the Company's
                        reinsurance account any amount which exceeds thirty
                        percent (30%) of its average retained net book premium.

                f.      In the event this Agreement is terminated, any balance
                        in the reinsurance account will be paid as follows:

                        i.      Whenever the Company terminates this Agreement,
                                any remaining balance in said account will be
                                paid to the Company by FCIC in two (2) equal
                                annual installments. The first installment will
                                be paid one year after the final Annual
                                Settlement of the last reinsurance year. The
                                second installment will be paid one year after
                                the first installment is paid. The Company must
                                cease reinsurance with the FCIC for at least one
                                (1) reinsurance year to be eligible for these

                        ii.     Whenever FCIC terminates this Agreement, if may,
                                at its option, elect to pay any remaining
                                balance as described in paragraph II.D.4.f.(i)
                                above, or its may elect to transfer such balance
                                in said account to any subsequent Agreement it
                                may offer. 

E.      Commercial Reinsurance

        The Company may reinsure commercially its liability for ultimate net
        losses remaining after all cessions under this Agreement. The Company
        must describe in the Plan of Operation its commercial reinsurance plan
        and provide the necessary documentation as determined by FCIC to assure
        that the potential liability for premiums retained under such commercial
        reinsurance meets the requirements contained in 7 C.F.R. part 400 -
        subpart L.


        A portion of the premiums for crop insurance provided under this
        Agreement will be subsidized by FCIC in accordance with the provisions
        of the Act. Such premium subsidy will be credited against net book
        premium on the accounting report which accompanies the annual

Section IV.     Expense Reimbursement

A.      General

        In accordance with provisions of the Act, FCIC agrees to pay the Company
        an amount equal to thirty-one percent (31%) of the net book premium for
        all eligible multiple peril crop insurance contracts included under this
        Agreement except as this amount may be reduced by subsections IV.C. and
        IV.D.4. and 5., or as may be increased by subsection IV.B., and except
        for group risk plan policies. FCIC agrees to pay the Company an expense
        reimbursement of twenty-seven percent (27.0%) for all eligible group
        risk plan crop insurance contracts.

B.      Reimbursement for Excess Loss Adjustment Expense

        In addition to the expense reimbursement in subsection IV.A., if the
        loss ratio on the Company's total book of business in any individual
        Fund in a state for the reinsurance year is in excess of one-hundred
        twenty-five percent (125%), FCIC will pay to the Company two hundredths
        of one percent (.02%) of the net book premium on all eligible multiple
        peril crop insurance contracts reinsured under this Agreement for that
        individual Fund in a state, for each full point in excess of the
        one-hundred twenty-five percent (125%) loss ratio. The excess loss
        adjustment expense reimbursement under this section will not exceed four
        percent (4%) of the net book premium in any individual Fund in a state
        for all eligible multiple peril crop insurance contracts reinsured under
        this Agreement. Group risk plan crop insurance contracts are
        specifically excluded from this computation.

C.      Adjustments to Expense Reimbursement

        The expense reimbursement may be adjusted to a level that FCIC
        determines to be equitable if issuing or servicing an eligible crop
        insurance contract or group of such contracts involve expenses that vary
        significantly from the basis used to determine the expense reimbursement
        provided under this section.

D.      Payment of Expense Reimbursement

        1.      The expense reimbursement provided in subsection IV.A. will be
                paid to the Company in two installments. The first installment,
                equal to twenty-two percent (22%) of the net book premium for
                all eligible crop insurance contracts unless such amount is
                reduced by paragraph IV.D.4. or 5., will be included in the
                Monthly Summary Report containing the data obtained from
                accepted acreage reports

        (preliminary tonnage report for eligible raisin crop insurance
        contracts). The second installment, equal to nine (9%) of net book
        premium for all eligible multiple peril crop insurance contracts and
        five percent (5.0%) of the net book premium for all eligible group risk
        plan crop insurance contracts, unless such amount is reduced by
        paragraph IV.D.5., will be included in the Monthly Summary Report on
        which the Company reports the producer premium.

2.      Excess loss adjustment expenses payable under subsection IV.B. will be
        included in the Monthly Summary Report which reports losses exceeding
        the thresholds specified therein.

3.      The Company may, not sooner than the September Monthly Summary Report,
        submit to FCIC estimated reports of raisin tonnage. These reports must
        not exceed two (2) tons per acre. These reports will be used to
        determine the first installment of the expense reimbursement for raisin
        insurance. In the event the raisin premium is less than this estimate,
        the Company will include the excess expense reimbursement as an amount
        owed to FCIC in the first Monthly Summary Report after the actual raisin
        tonnage is known. Interest on this amount at a rate of fifteen percent
        (15%) simple interest per annum calculated from the date of payment by
        FCIC to the date of the Monthly Summary Report upon which the actual
        tonnage is reported must be included as an amount owed to FCIC.

4.      With the exception of raisins, the Company must not submit estimated
        data for the purpose of establishing the amount of expense reimbursement
        due the Company.

5.      All data on which liabilities and premiums are based must be reported by
        the Company to and accepted by FCIC not later than the transaction
        cut-off date for the tenth (10th) full week after the week which
        includes the date the acreage report is due from the policyholder as
        specified in the Actuarial Data Master File. The first installment of
        the expense reimbursement for eligible crop insurance contracts
        reinsured under this Agreement will be reduced if the data is delayed as


        Weeks After Acreage Report Due Week     Expense Reimbursement
        -----------------------------------     ---------------------

                11th through 12th Weeks                 20.5%
                13th through 14th Weeks                 19.0%
                15th through 17th Weeks                 17.5%

6.      Expense reimbursement will not be paid on any eligible crop insurance
        contract reinsured under this Agreement for which acreage report data is
        received after the transaction cut-off date for the 17th week after the
        acreage report due week.



A.  Collection of Information and Data
    1.  The Company is required to collect and provide to FCIC the Social
        Security Account Number (SSN) or the Employer Identification Number
        (EIN) as authorized by the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and
        Trade Act of 1990 (1990 Farm Act) (Pub. I. 101-624), and the
        regulations promulgated thereunder which are codified in 7 C.F.R.
        part 400, subpart Q. 

    2.  The Company is required to collect program participation data by race,
        sex, age, and disability from all policyholders, on the form and in the
        manner prescribed by FCIC. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and
        the regulations of the Department of Justice and of the Department of
        Agriculture, require collection of such data to ensure crop insurance
        program benefits are made available to all eligible persons regardless
        of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin. 

B.  Reports

    1.  The Company must submit accurate and detailed contract data to FCIC in
        accordance with the requirements of Manual 13 which are in effect on
        July 1 of the reinsurance year. 

    2.  All reports submitted for reimbursement must be certified by an
        authorized officer or authorized employee of the Company. The required
        certification statements are contained in Manual 13. 

    3.  In addition to the reporting requirements contained in Manual 13, the
        Company will provide to FCIC any other information relating to its crop
        insurance activities as may be requested by FCIC. 

    4.  Failure of the Company to comply with the provisions of this Agreement,
        including timely submission of the monthly and annual data and reports,
        or any other report required by this Agreement does not excuse or delay
        the requirement to pay any amount due to FCIC by the dates specified
        herein. Failure of the Company to make payment in accordance with the
        provisions of this Agreement is a default of this Agreement by the
        Company. In addition to the payment of applicable interest, such actions
        may be a basis to suspend or terminate this Agreement. 

    5.  Producer premiums collected by the Company must be reported on the
        Monthly Summary Report submitted during the next calendar month.
        Producer premiums which are uncollected for each billing date must be
        reported by the Company on the Monthly Summary Report for the month
        following the month of the billing date. 

        6.      All payments due FCIC will be netted on the Monthly and Annual
                Summary Reports with amounts due the Company from FCIC. Any
                amount due FCIC as a result of the netting affect, must be
                deposited on or before the Company's payment date directly into
                the Corporation's account in the U.S. Treasury by Electronic
                Funds Transfer (EFT). FCIC will remit amounts due the Company by

        7.      All payments and reports are subject to post audit by FCIC.

C.      Interest

        1.      FCIC will pay interest to the Company in accordance with the
                interest provisions of the Contract Disputes Act (41 U.S.C. 601
                et seq).

        2.      The Company will pay FCIC interest on payments not timely
                received in accordance to the terms of this Agreement at the
                simple interest rate of fifteen percent (15%) per annum.

        3.      The Company will repay, with interest, any amount paid to the
                Company by FCIC which FCIC or the Company subsequently
                determines not due. Such interest will be calculated in
                accordance with Manual 13 at the interest rate contained in
                paragraph V.C.2.

D.      Escrow Account

        1.      At the Company's request, FCIC will establish an escrow account
                at a bank designated by the Company, and approved by FCIC, to
                reimburse the Company for payment of indemnities by the Company.
                The Company's bank must pledge collateral as required by 31
                C.F.R. section 202 in the amount determined by FCIC. The
                requirements for funding the escrow account and monthly
                balancing are described in Manual 13 and the Escrow Agreement.

        2.      Any Company that elects not to utilize Escrow Funding will be
                reimbursed for paid losses validated and accepted on the Monthly
                Summary Report.

        3.      For the purpose of this Agreement, any loss will be considered
                paid by the Company when the instrument or document issued as
                payment has cleared the Company's bank account.

E.      Policy and Form Approval

        1.      The Company must submit for FCIC's approval all multiple peril
                contracts of insurance, crop policies, amendments, forms, and
                procedures incorporated by reference into the eligible crop
                insurance contracts of insurance reinsured under this Agreement
                as FCIC may require. Any such documents may not be used by the
                Company until approved by FCIC.


        2.      The Company may not sell any policy, contract of insurance,
                endorsements, or other similar instrument that shifts or
                increases risk to the eligible crop insurance contract offered
                or reinsured by FCIC. Companies must submit contracts of
                insurance to FCIC for review and consideration of compliance
                with the provisions of this Agreement. FCIC will not reimburse
                the company for any loss occurring on an eligible crop insurance
                contract if the Company has sold a contract of insurance which
                shifts or increases risk to the eligible crop insurance contract
                reinsured under this Agreement.

        3.      The Company must maintain a record of policy numbers and
                underwriting information pertaining to any additional risk
                policies written in conjunction with eligible crop insurance
                contracts reinsured under this Agreement, and a cross reference
                to the eligible crop insurance contract.

        4.      The Company must utilize loss adjustment standards, procedures,
                forms, methods, and instructions approved by FCIC.

F.      Insurance Operations

        1.      Plan of Operations

                a.      This Agreement is not effective until FCIC has approved
                        the Company's Plan of Operation (Plan). The Plan must be
                        submitted to FCIC by April 1st preceding the reinsurance
                        year. FCIC will not renew the Agreement if a Plan is not
                        received by April 1st unless other arrangements are
                        mutually agreed upon. If the Plan is not approved by
                        July 1st of the reinsurance year, eligible crop
                        insurance contracts written or renewed with sales
                        closing dates between July 1st and the date the Plan is
                        approved will not be reinsured unless specifically
                        accepted by FCIC.

                b.      The Plan must meet the requirements and be in the format
                        as contained in Appendix 2.

                c.      The Company may submit a request to amend an approved
                        Plan at any time to reflect changing business
                        considerations and sales expectations. Such amendments
                        must be approved by FCIC before implementation by the
                        Company. The request will be evaluated following the
                        procedures applicable to a timely filed original Plan of
                        Operation, except that FCIC will consider, in addition,
                        the potential of adverse selection against FCIC.
                        Requests for amendment which are determined by FCIC to
                        increase the potential for adverse selection against
                        FCIC will be favorably considered only if FCIC
                        determines that its action or those of the United States
                        Department of Agriculture have substantially increased
                        the risk of underwriting loss on eligible crop insurance
                        contracts previously written by the Company with the
                        expectation that the current policies and procedures
                        would be continued.

                d.      The Plan is incorporated in this Agreement by reference.
                        Failure to follow the Plan may be a basis for FCIC to
                        terminate this Agreement. 


                e.      The Plan must describe the Company's training and
                        evaluation programs by which knowledge and competency of
                        selling agents and loss adjusters will be assured. The
                        Plan must also include the Company's procedures for
                        implementing an audit program to address the Company's
                        program performance and compliance.

        2.      The Company must sell all eligible crop insurance contracts
                reinsured under this Agreement through properly trained and
                licensed agents. Agents, brokers, solicitors, or any other sales
                representatives of the Company who are authorized to quote
                premium rates and coverage or provide other information
                pertaining to eligible crop insurance contracts must hold an
                insurance license issued by the state in which each such
                contract is written.

        3.      The Company may not permit its sales agents, local agency
                employees, sales supervisors, or any spouse or family member
                residing in the same household as any such sales agent, local
                agency employee, or sales supervisor to adjust losses, or
                supervise, or otherwise control loss adjusters, not to
                participate in the determination of the amount or cause of any
                loss nor to verify yields of applicants for the purpose of
                establishing any insurance coverage or guarantee, if the
                eligible crop insurance contracts involved are sold or serviced
                by or through the sales agent, local agency employee, the local
                agency, any competing agency, or by any agent or local agency
                supervised by the sales supervisor.

        4.      The Company and FCIC agree that FCIC will assume and perform the
                obligations of the Company if the FCIC determines that the
                Company's loss adjustment performance and practices are not
                carried out in accordance with this Agreement. If the FCIC
                assumes the Company's loss adjustment obligations under this
                subsection, the Company will pay the FCIC an amount equal to ten
                percent (10%) of the net book premium on the Company's book of
                business pro-rated by the ratio that the number of claims
                adjusted by FCIC bears to the total number of claims adjusted
                under this Agreement. The Company will remain liable for the
                losses on such eligible crop insurance contracts reinsured under
                this Agreement. This payment will be due at the Company payment
                date. Loss adjustment responsibility will be restored to the
                Company when FCIC determines that the Company is capable of
                complying and will comply with FCIC approved loss adjustment
                procedures and practices.

        5.      The Company must verify all yields and other information used to
                establish insurance guarantees. The Company will describe in its
                Plan of Operations the procedure and system it will use to
                provide such verification.

        6.      The Company and its agents must use standards, procedures,
                forms, methods and instructions approved by FCIC in the sale and
                service of MPCI contracts of insurance reinsured under this

G.  Access to Records and Operations

    At FCIC's written request, the Company must provide FCIC access to its
    offices, personnel (including agents and loss adjusters), and all records
    that pertain to the business conducted under this Agreement for the purpose
    of investigation, audit or examination, including access to records on the
    operation of the Company. Records pertaining to premiums must be retained
    for three (3) years after final adjustments of such premiums. Records
    pertaining to indemnities must be available for a period of three (3) years
    after final adjustment of a related claim for indemnity. FCIC may require on
    a case-by-case basis the Company to retain certain specified records for a
    period longer than three years. Even though records need not normally be
    retained for longer than three years, the Company should be aware that the
    statute of limitations for bringing a suit for any breach of the Standard
    Reinsurance Agreement is six years. For the purpose of this paragraph the
    term "FCIC" includes all U.S. Government agencies including but not limited
    to USDA Office of Inspector General, the General Accounting Office, the
    Comptroller General, and the Department of Labor. 

H.  Compliance and Corrective Action 

    1.  The Company must be in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement,
        the Standards for Approval as published by FCIC, the laws and
        regulations of the United States, the laws and regulations of the state
        in which the Company is conducting business under this Agreement, unless
        such state laws and regulations are in conflict with this Agreement, and
        all instructions of FCIC. 

    2.  The Company must cooperate with FCIC in the review of Company operations
        which are designed to assure policyholders are properly serviced,
        that monies are distributed in accordance with the Act, and the FCIC
        policies and procedures are being followed.  

    3.  In lieu of termination of this agreement and in addition to suspension
        of this agreement in accordance with the provisions of subsection V.I.,
        if FCIC finds that the Company has not complied with the provisions of
        paragraphs V.H.1. and 2. above, and the Company has not taken
        appropriate steps to correct the non-compliance, FCIC may, at its

        a.  Require, in writing, that the Company take corrective action within
            forty-five (45) days of the date of such demand. The demand notice
            shall state each contract violation or occurrence of non-compliance.
            The Company must provide FCIC with satisfactory documentary evidence
            of the corrective action taken to address the non-compliance or
            reported violation, including but not limited to, appropriate
            actions against any of its agents or other employees determined to
            be responsible for the violation; and 

        b.  Require that the Company refund or forfeit a share or all of the
            expense reimbursement, premium subsidy, or reinsurance with respect
            to the crop insurance contract violation identified. 


I.      Termination and Suspension

        1.      If the Company does not fulfill all of its obligations under
                this Agreement, FCIC may immediately terminate this Agreement
                for cause.

                a.      If the Agreement is terminated for cause, FCIC will not
                        provide reinsurance for any crop insurance contracts
                        issued or renewed after the date of the termination.
                        FCIC will provide reinsurance for all eligible crop
                        insurance contracts in effect as of the date of the
                        termination until the next cancellation date.

                b.      FCIC may, but is not required to, assume all loss
                        adjustment activity for all eligible crop insurance
                        contracts under the Agreement as of the date of
                        termination of this Agreement. The Company will pay FCIC
                        ten percent (10%) of the net book premium of all
                        eligible crop insurance contracts to reimburse FCIC for
                        such loss adjustment activity.

                c.      In addition to the provisions of paragraph I.1.b., if
                        this Agreement should be terminated for cause, and not
                        for the convenience of the government, FCIC will suffer
                        damage to its ability to deliver crop insurance
                        throughout the United States as required by the Act.
                        FCIC will incur additional administrative costs to
                        ensure that policyholders are not deprived of the
                        opportunity to obtain crop insurance. Both parties agree
                        such damage is difficult to measure at the time the
                        Company enters into this Agreement. Therefore, should
                        this Agreement be terminated by FCIC for cause, the
                        Company agrees to pay FCIC in the form of liquidated
                        damages the equivalent of ten percent (10%) of the net
                        book premium of all eligible crop insurance contracts
                        that are reinsured by FCIC under this Agreement for that
                        contract year at the time this Agreement is terminated.

        2.      If FCIC terminates this Agreement at anytime for the convenience
                of the government, FCIC will not provide reinsurance for any
                eligible crop insurance contracts renewed or issued after the
                date of the termination. Subject to the limitations specified in
                subsection V.K., FCIC will continue to provide expense
                reimbursement, premium subsidy, and reinsurance for eligible
                crop insurance contracts in effect as of the date of the
                termination until the next cancellation date. No additional
                damages or amounts will accrue to the Company because of such

        3.      In the event a Company fails to pay any amount when due under
                this Agreement, any further payments from FCIC will be withheld
                until the amounts due FCIC are paid with appropriate interest.


J.      Renewal

        This Agreement will continue in effect from year to year with an annual
        renewal date of July 1st of each succeeding year unless FCIC or the
        Company gives at least one hundred eighty (180) days advance notice in
        writing to the other party that the Agreement will not be renewed.

K.      Appropriation Contingency

        The payment of obligations of FCIC under this Agreement are contingent
        upon the availability of appropriations. Notwithstanding any other
        provision of this Agreement, FCIC's ability to sustain the Agreement
        depends upon the FCIC's Appropriation. If FCIC's Appropriation is
        insufficient to pay the obligations under this Agreement, FCIC will
        reduce its payments to the Company on a pro rata basis or on such other
        method as determined by FCIC.

L.      Replacement

        This Agreement replaces any previous Standard Reinsurance Agreement
        between FCIC and the Company. However, any eligible crop insurance
        contract which is reinsured under a Standard Reinsurance Agreement in
        effect prior to July 1, 1994, will remain reinsured under such previous
        agreement until the end of the insurance period for that eligible crop
        insurance contract.

M.      Cut-Through and Preemption of State Law

        1.      Whenever the Company (including for the purposes of this
                provision, any entity responsible to the Company for carrying
                out any part of this Agreement) is unable to fulfill its
                obligations to any policyholder by reason of a directive or
                order duly issued by any Department of Insurance, Commissioner
                of Insurance, or by any court of law having competent
                jurisdiction, or under similar authority of any jurisdiction to
                which the Company is subject, all eligible crop insurance
                contracts affected by such directive or order that are in force
                and directly or indirectly subject to this Agreement as of the
                date of such inability or failure to perform will be immediately
                transferred to FCIC without further action of the Company by the
                terms of this Agreement. FCIC will assume all obligations for
                unpaid losses whether occurring before or after the date of
                transfer, and the Company must pay FCIC all funds in its
                possession with respect to all such eligible crop insurance
                contracts transferred including, but not limited to, premiums
                collected. The Company hereby assigns to FCIC the right to all
                uncollected premiums on all such policies. No assessment for 
                such funds or programs may be computed or levied on the 
                Company by any state for or on account of any premiums payable
                on eligible crop insurance contracts reinsured under this 

        2.      The provisions of 7 C.F.R. part 400 - subpart P are specifically
                incorporated herein and made a part hereof.


N.  Litigation and Assistance 

    The Company's expenses incurred as a result of litigation are considered
    part of the expense reimbursement paid in accordance with section IV, of the
    Agreement. FCIC may, at its option, elect to provide assistance, and
    direction, or it may elect to intervene in any legal action. The Company
    agrees not to oppose such participation. Should the Company desire the
    assistance, direction, or intervention of FCIC in a legal action it must do
    the following: 

    1.  immediately notify FCIC in writing of the requested action setting forth
        the reasons such action would be in the best interests of FCIC; 

    2.  retain legal counsel which is mutually acceptable to FCIC; 

    3.  present all legal arguments favorable to its defense including those
        suggested by FCIC; and 

    4.  not join FCIC as a party to the action unless FCIC agrees in writing to
        be joined as a party. 

    FCIC will at its sole discretion, determine if the requested action under
    this section will be granted. The criteria to determine such action will be
    whether such action is in the best interest of FCIC and the crop insurance

O.  Suspension and Debarment 

    Any person or business entity who has been determined by FCIC to be not
    responsible or who has been debarred or suspended by FCIC or any other U.S.
    Government Agency, may not be used by the Company in any manner which
    involves performance under this Agreement if such suspension or debarment is
    then in effect. 

P.  Member - Delegate 

    No member of or delegate to Congress nor any resident commissioner will be
    admitted to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit that may
    arise therefrom, except that this provision will not be construed to apply
    to a benefit from this Agreement that accrues to a corporation for its
    general benefit. Nor will this provision be construed to prohibit the
    solicitation of any application for the crop insurance from or sale of any
    eligible crop insurance contract to a member of or delegate to Congress or a
    resident commissioner. 

Q.  Discrimination 

    The Company must not discriminate against any employee, applicant for
    employment, insured, or applicant for insurance because of race, color,
    religion, sex, age, physical handicap, marital status or national origin. 


R.      Disputes

        If the Company disputes action taken by FCIC under any provision of this
        Agreement, the Company may appeal to FCIC in accordance with the
        provisions of 7 C.F.R. Section 400.169. 

S.      Set off

        1.      Subject to the provisions of paragraph V.S.2. respecting
                assignments, if the Company is indebted to FCIC, the amount of
                such indebtedness may be set off against the proceeds of this
                Agreement or any other amount which may be due to the Company by
                the Corporation. If the Company is indebted to the United States
                for taxes and notice of lien has been filed in accordance with
                the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C.
                Section 6323) or any amendments thereto or modifications thereto
                or Notice of Levy has been served on the Department of
                Agriculture or FCIC in accordance with the provisions of the
                Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. Section 6331) against money
                payable to the Company or if the Company is indebted to any
                other agency of the United States, the amount of such taxes or
                debt may likewise be set off. 

        2.      Where an assignment has been made pursuant to the provisions of
                subsection V.T. the following provision will apply with respect
                to set off:

                a.      Notwithstanding the assignment, FCIC may set off:

                        i.      any amount due FCIC under the Agreement;

                        ii.     any amount for which the Company is indebted to
                                the United States for taxes for which a notice
                                of lien was filed or a Notice of Levy was served
                                in accordance with the provisions of the
                                Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. Section
                                6323), or any amendments thereto or
                                modifications thereof, before acknowledgement by
                                FCIC of receipt of the notice of assignment;

                        iii.    any amounts, other than amounts specified in
                                paragraphs V.S.2.a.i. and ii. due to FCIC or any
                                other agency of the United States, if FCIC
                                notified the assignee of such amounts to be set
                                off at or before the time acknowledgement was
                                made of receipt of the notice of assignment. 

                b.      Any indebtedness of the Company to any agency of the
                        United States which cannot be set off under paragraph
                        V.S.2.a. may be set off against any amount payable under
                        this Agreement which remains after deduction of amounts
                        (including interest and other charges) owing by the
                        Company to the assignee for which the assignment was


        3.      Any amount due the Company under this Agreement is not subject
                to any lien, attachment, garnishment, or any other similar
                process prior to that amount being paid under this Agreement,
                unless such lien, attachment, or garnishment arises under title
                26 of the United States Code.

        4.      Set off as provided in this section will not deprive the
                Company of any right it might otherwise have to contest the
                indebtedness involved in the set off action by administrative

T.      Assignment of Claims

        No assignment by the Company shall be made of the Agreement, or the
        rights thereunder, unless the Company assigns the proceeds of the
        Agreement to a bank, trust company, or other financing institution,
        including any federal lending agency, or to a person or firm that holds
        a lien or encumbrance at the time of assignment, or, the Company
        receives the prior approval of FCIC to assign the proceeds of this
        Agreement to any other person or firm: Provided, That such assignment
        will be recognized only if and when the assignee thereof files with FCIC
        a written notice of the assignment together with a signed copy of the
        instrument of assignment, and, provided further, that any such
        assignment must cover all amounts payable and not already paid under the
        Agreement, shall not be made to more than one party and shall not be
        subject to further assignment, except that any such assignment may be
        made to one party as agency or trustee for two or more parties.

U.      Liability for Agents and Loss Adjusters

        The Company is solely responsible for the conduct and training of its
        personnel, agents and loss adjusters within the parameters of this
        Agreement. Liability incurred, to the extent it is caused by agent or
        loss adjuster error or omission, or for failure to follow FCIC approved
        policy or procedure, is the sole responsibility of the Company.
        Reinsurance of a policy or policies will not be denied unless: (1) there
        exists a pattern of failure to follow FCIC approved policies or
        procedures, or the allowance of errors or omissions; or (2) the Company
        knew or should have known of the failure to follow FCIC approved
        policies or procedures, or errors or omissions, and failed to take
        appropriate action to correct the situation. Any amounts paid by FCIC to
        the Company which are later determined to have been improperly paid
        because of failure to follow FCIC approved policies or procedures or
        because of error or omission, whether intentional or unintentional, will
        be repaid by the Company to FCIC with appropriate interest on the next
        monthly or annual report, whichever is applicable. If the Company shows,
        to FCIC's satisfaction, that the agent or loss adjuster exercised
        reasonable care in the sales and service of the policies under this
        Agreement, FCIC may, at its sole discretion, waive, reduce or delay

V.      Certification

        The undersigned certifies that all information contained herein,
        including the Plan of Operations with all appendixes, exhibits, and
        supporting documentation is true, complete, and accurate. The
        undersigned acknowledges that the Board of Directors has authorized the
        Company to enter into this Agreement and the Plan of Operations. The
        undersigned acknowledges any misrepresentation in the submission of this
        Agreement and information contained in the Plan of Operations may result
        in civil or criminal liability by the undersigned or their

                             APPROVED AND ACCEPTED



/s/ E. Heyward Baker                    /s/ Thomas F. Gowdy
- ----------------------------------      ------------------------------------
Signature                               Signature

/s/ E. Heyward Baker                    /s/ Thomas F. Gowdy
- ----------------------------------      ------------------------------------
Name                                    Name

                                        Vice President Marketing
Director                                IGF Insurance Co.
- ----------------------------------      ------------------------------------
Title                                   Title

December 29, 1994                       12-19-94
- ----------------------------------      ------------------------------------
Date                                    Date


                                   APPENDIX 1


A.      During this Agreement, the Company shall not knowingly:

        1.      make, directly or indirectly, any offer or promise of future
                employment or business opportunity to, or engage, directly or
                indirectly, in any discussion of future employment or business
                opportunity with, any FCIC official; 

        2.      offer, give, or promise to offer or give, directly or
                indirectly, any money, gratuity, or other thing of value to any
                FCIC official; or 

        3.      solicit or obtain, directly or indirectly, from any officer or
                employee of FCIC, prior to FCIC's acceptance of this Agreement
                any proprietary or source selection information regarding the

B.      During this Agreement, no FCIC official shall knowingly:

        1.      solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, any promise of future
                employment or business opportunity from, or engage, directly or
                indirectly, in any discussion of future employment or business
                opportunity with, any officer, employee, representative, agent,
                or consultant of the Company; 

        2.      ask for, demand, exact, solicit, seek, accept, receive, or agree
                to receive, directly or indirectly, any money, gratuity, or
                other thing of value from any officer, employee, representative,
                agent, or consultant of the Company; or 

        3.      disclose any proprietary or source selection information
                regarding the Agreement directly or indirectly to any person
                other than a person authorized by FCIC to receive such

C.      During this Agreement, no person who is given authorized or unauthorized
        access to proprietary information regarding the Agreement, shall
        knowingly disclose such information, directly or indirectly, to any
        person other than a person authorized by FCIC to receive such

D.      No Government official or employee who has participated personally and
        substantially in the deliberation of the Agreement with the Company

        1.      participate in any manner, as an officer, employee, agent, or
                representative of another party to this Agreement, in any
                negotiations regarding such an Agreement, or 

        2.      participate personally and substantially on behalf of another
                party to this Agreement in the performance of such Agreement,
                during the period ending 2 years after the last date such
                individual participated personally and substantially in the
                conduct of such Agreement.


E.      The definitions at 48 C.F.R. Section 3.104-4 are incorporated in this
        Agreement for the purposes of this subsection.

F.      If the Company fails to comply with this subsection, FCIC may terminate
        this Agreement for cause.

G.      For the purpose of this section, the term "FCIC Official" has the same
        meaning as the term "Procurement Official" in section 6 of the Office of
        Federal Procurement Policy Act Amendments of 1988 (Public Law 100-379).


A.      For the purposes of this section the following definitions apply:

        1.      "Controlled Substance" means a controlled substance contained
                in schedules I through V of section 202 of the Controlled
                Substances Act (21 U.S.C. Section 812) and as further defined at
                21 C.F.R. Sections 1308.11-1308.15. 

        2.      "Conviction" means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo
                contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial
                body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of
                the Federal or state criminal drug statutes.

        3.      "Criminal Drug Statute" means a Federal or non-federal criminal
                statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensing,
                possession, or use of any controlled substance.

        4.      "Drug-free Workplace" means a site for the performance of work
                done by the Company in connection with the Agreement at which
                employees of the Company are prohibited from engaging in the
                unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or
                use of a controlled substance.

        5.      "Directly Engaged" is defined to include all direct cost
                employees and any other contract employee who has other than a 
                minimal impact or involvement in the Company's performance.

        6.      "Employee" means an employee of a Company directly engaged in
                the performance of work under the Agreement.

B.      The Company certifies and agrees, that with respect to all employees of
        the Company to be employed pursuant to the Agreement, it will--no later
        than thirty (30) days after the date this Agreement goes into effect;
        complete the following: 

        1.      Publish a statement notifying its employees that the unlawful
                manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a
                controlled substance is prohibited in the Company's workplace
                and specifying actions that will be taken against employees for
                violations of such prohibition;

        2.      Establish an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform
                employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the
                Company's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, the
                availability of drug counseling, rehabilitation, employee
                assistance programs, and penalties that may be imposed upon
                employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace;

        3.      Provide all employees engaged in the performance of the
                Agreement with a copy of the statement required by paragraph

        4.      Notify employees in writing of the statement required by
                paragraph (2) of this provision that, as a condition of
                continued employment on the Agreement resulting from this
                solicitation, the employee will abide by the terms of this
                statement, and notify the employer in writing of the employee's
                conviction under a criminal drug statute for a violation
                occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after
                such conviction;

        5.      Notify FCIC in writing within ten (10) days after receiving
                notice under paragraph (4), from any employee or otherwise
                receiving actual notice of such conviction. The notice shall
                include the position title of the employee; and

        6.      Within 30 days after receiving notice under paragraph (4) of a
                conviction, take one of the following actions with respect to
                any employee who is convicted of a drug abuse violation
                occurring in the workplace: a) take appropriate personnel action
                against such employee, up to and including termination or b)
                require that such employee satisfactorily participate in a drug
                abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such
                purposes by a federal, state, or local health, law enforcement,
                or other appropriate agency.

        7.      Make a good faith effort to maintain a drug free workplace
                through the implementation of this provision.

C.      The Company certifies and agrees that it will not engage in the unlawful
        manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a
        controlled substance in the performance of this Agreement.


A.      The following definitions apply only to the provisions of this section.

        1.      "Agency," as used in this article, means executive agency as
                defined in 48 C.F.R. Section 2.101.

2.      "Covered Federal Action," means any of the following Federal actions:

        i.      The awarding of any Federal contract.

        ii.     The making of any Federal grant.

        iii.    The making of any Federal loan.

        iv.     The entering into of any cooperative agreement.

        v.      The extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification
                of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.

3.      "Indian Tribe" and "Tribal Organization", has the meaning provided in
        section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act
        (25 U.S.C. section 450B) and includes Alaskan Natives.

4.      "Influencing or attempting to influence," means making, with the intent
        to influence, any communication to or appearance before an officer or
        employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of
        Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with any
        covered Federal action.

5.      "Local government," means a unit of government in a state and, if
        chartered, established, or otherwise recognized by a state for the
        performance of a governmental duty, including a local public authority,
        a special district, an intrastate district, a council of governments, a
        sponsor group representative organization, and any other instrumentality
        of a local government. 

6.      "Officer or employee of an agency," includes the following individuals
        who are employed by an agency:

        i.      An individual who is appointed to a position in the Government
                under title 5, United States Code, including a position under a
                temporary appointment.

        ii.     A member of the uniformed services, as defined in subsection
                101(3), title 37, United States Code.

        iii.    A special Government employee, as defined in section 202, title
                18, United States Code.

        iv.     An individual who is a member of a Federal advisory committee,
                as defined by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, title 5,
                United States Code, appendix.

         7.     "Person," means an individual, corporation, company,
                association, authority, firm, partnership, society, state, and 
                local government, regardless of whether such entity is 
                operated for profit, or not for profit. This term excludes an 
                Indian tribe, tribal organization, or any other Indian 
                organization with respect to expenditures specifically 
                permitted by other Federal law.

         8.     "Reasonable compensation," means, with respect to a regularly
                employed officer or employee of any person, compensation that 
                is consistent with the normal compensation for such officer or 
                employee for work that is not furnished to, not funded by, or 
                not furnished in cooperation with the Federal Government.

         9.     "Reasonable payment," means, with respect to professional and
                other technical services, a payment in an amount that is 
                consistent with the amount normally paid for such services in 
                the private sector.

        10.     "Recipient," includes the Company and all related Company
                representatives. This term excludes an Indian tribe, tribal 
                organization, or any other Indian organization with respect to 
                expenditures specifically permitted by other Federal law.

        11.     "Regularly employed," means, with respect to an officer or
                employee of a person requesting or receiving a federal 
                contract, an officer or employee who is employed by such 
                person for at least 130 working days within 1 year immediately 
                preceding the date of the submission that initiates agency
                consideration of such person for receipt of such contract. An 
                officer or employee who is employed by such person for less 
                than 130 working days within 1 year immediately preceding the 
                date of the submission that initiates agency consideration of 
                such person shall be considered to be regularly employed as
                soon as he or she is employed by such person for 130 working 

        12.     "State," means a state of the United States, the District of
                Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a territory or 
                possession of the United States, an agency or instrumentality 
                of a state, and multi-state, regional, or interstate entity 
                having governmental duties and powers.

B.      The definitions and prohibitions contained in the Federal Acquisition
        Regulation, at 48 C.F.R. Section 52.203-12, Limitation on Payments to 
        Influence Certain Federal Transactions, are hereby incorporated by 
        reference herein.

C.      The Company hereby certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and
        belief that:

         1.     No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to
                any person for influencing or attempting to influence an 
                officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an 
                officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of 
                Congress on his or her behalf in connection with the awarding 
                of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the 
                making of any federal loan, the entering into of any 
                cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, 
                renewal, amendment or modification of any federal contract, 
                grant, loan, or cooperative agreement;

     2.   If any funds other than federal appropriated funds (including profit
          or fee received under a covered federal transaction) have been paid,
          or will be paid, to any person for influencing or attempting to
          influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress,
          an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of
          Congress on his or her behalf in connection with this Agreement, the
          Company shall complete and submit OMB standard form LLL, Disclosure of
          Lobbying Activities, to the FCIC; and

     3.   The Company will include the language of this certification in all
          subcontract awards at any tier and require that all recipients of
          subcontract awards in excess of $100,000 shall certify and disclose

D.   Submission of this certification and disclosure is a prerequisite for
     making or entering into this Agreement as imposed by section 1352, title
     31, United States Code.  Any person who makes an expenditure prohibited
     under this provision or who fails to file or amend the disclosure form to
     be filed or amended by this provision, shall be subject to a civil penalty
     of not less than $10,000, and not more than $100,000, for each such

E.   The prohibitions contained in section 1352 of title 31, United States Code,
     are incorporated by reference and prohibit a recipient of a federal
     contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement from using appropriated
     funds to pay any person for influencing or attempting to influence an
     officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or
     employee of Congress, or an employee of a Memeber of Congress in connection
     with any of the following covered federal actions:  the awarding of any
     federal contract; the making of any federal grant; the making of any
     federal loan; the entering into of any cooperative agreement; or the
     modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative
     agreement.  The Company is also required to furnish a disclosure if any
     funds other than federal appropriated funds (including profit or fee
     received under a covered federal transaction) have been paid, or will be
     paid, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer
     or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of
     Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with a
     federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.

F.   The prohibitions of paragraph E do not apply under the following

     I.     Agency and legislative liaison by own employees

            a.  The prohibition on the use of appropriated funds, does not apply
                in the case of a payment of reasonable compensation made to an
                officer or employee of a person requesting or receiving a
                covered federal action if the payment is for agency and
                legislative liaison activities not directly related to a covered
                federal action. 

            b.  Providing any information specifically requested by an agency or
                Congress is permitted at any time.

    c.  The following agency and legislative liaison activities are permitted at
        any time where they are not related to a specific solicitation for any
        covered federal action: (i) discussing with an agency the qualities and
        characteristics (including individual demonstrations) of the person's
        products or services, conditions or terms of sale, and service
        capabilities; and (ii) technical discussions and other activities
        regarding the application or adaptation of the person's products or
        services for an agency's use. 

    d.  The following agency and legislative liaison activities are permitted
        where they are prior to formal solicitation of any covered federal
        action: (i) providing any information not specifically requested but
        necessary for an agency to make an informed decision about initiation of
        a covered federal action; (ii) technical discussions regarding the
        preparation of an unsolicited proposal prior to its official submission;
        and (iii) capability presentations by persons seeking awards from an
        agency pursuant to the provisions of the Small Business Act, as amended
        by Pub. L. 95-507, and subsequent amendments. 

    e.  Only those services expressly authorized by subparagraph F.1 are

2.  Professional and technical services 

    a.  The prohibition on the use of appropriated funds, in paragraph F.1.a,
        does not apply in the case of: (i) a payment of reasonable compensation
        made to an officer or employee of a person requesting or receiving a
        covered federal action or an extension, continuation, renewal,
        amendment, or modification of a covered federal action, if payment is
        for professional or technical services rendered directly in the
        preparation, submission, or negotiation of any bid, proposal, or
        application for that federal action or for meeting requirements imposed
        by or pursuant to law as a condition  for receiving that federal action;
        (ii) any reasonable payment to a person other than an officer or
        employee of a person requesting or receiving a covered federal action or
        an extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of a
        covered federal action, if the payment is for professional or technical
        services rendered directly in the preparation, submission, or
        negotiation of any bid, proposal, or application for that federal action
        or for meeting requirements imposed by or pursuant to law as a condition
        for receiving that federal action. Persons other than officers or
        employees of a person requesting or receiving a covered federal action
        include consultants and trade associations. 

    b.  For purposes of the provisions of (i) of the preceding paragraph,
        "professional and technical services" shall be limited to advice and
        analysis directly applying any professional or technical discipline. For
        example, drafting of a legal document accompanying a bid or proposal by
        a lawyer is allowable. Similarly, technical advice provided by an
        engineer on the performance or 


                operational capability of a piece of equipment rendered directly
                in the negotiation of a contract is allowable. However,
                communications with the intent to influence made by a
                professional (such as a licensed lawyer) or a technical person
                (such as a licensed accountant) are not allowable under this
                section unless they provide advice and analysis directly
                applying their professional or technical expertise and unless
                the advice or analysis is rendered directly and solely in the
                preparation, submission, or negotiation of a covered federal
                action. Thus, for example, communications with the intent to
                influence made by a lawyer that do not provide legal advice or
                analysis directly and solely related to the legal aspects of his
                or her client's proposal, but generally advocate one proposal
                over another are not allowable under this section because the
                lawyer is not providing professional legal services. Similarly,
                communications with the intent to influence made by an engineer
                providing an engineering analysis prior to the preparation or
                submission of a bid or proposal are nor allowable under this
                section since the engineer is providing technical services but
                not directly in the preparation, submission, or negotiation of a
                covered federal action.

        c.      Requirements imposed by or pursuant to law as a condition for
                receiving a covered federal award include those required by law
                or regulation and any other requirements in the actual award

        d.      Only those services expressly authorized by paragraph F.2.a.(i)
                are permitted under this article. 

        e.      The reporting requirements of 48 C.F.R. Section 3.803(a) shall
                not apply with respect to payments of reasonable compensation
                made to regularly employed officers or employees of a person.

3.      Disclosure

        a.      The Company shall file with FCIC a disclosure form, OMB Standard
                Form LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, if such person has
                made or has agreed to make any payment using non-appropriated
                funds (to include profits from any covered federal action),
                which would be prohibited, if paid for with appropriated funds. 

        b.      The Company shall file a disclosure form at the end of each
                calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially
                affects the accuracy of the information contained in any
                disclosure form previously filed by the Company under this
                section. An event that materially affects the accuracy of the
                information reported includes-i) A cumulative increase of
                $25,000 or more in the amount paid or expected to be paid for
                influencing or attempting to influence a covered federal action;
                or ii) A change in the person or individual influencing or
                attempting to influence a covered federal action; or iii) A
                change in the officer, employee, or Member contracted to
                influence or attempt to influence a covered federal action.

        c.      The Company shall require the submittal of a certification, and
                if required, a disclosure form by any person who requests or
                received any subcontract exceeding $100,000 under the federal

        d.      All subcontractor disclosure forms (but not certifications)
                shall be forwarded from tier to tier until received by the
                Company. The Company shall submit all disclosures to FCIC at the
                end of the calendar quarter in which the disclosure form is
                submitted by the subcontractor. Each subcontractor certification
                shall be retained in the subcontract file of the Company.

4.      Agreement. The Company agrees not to make any payment prohibited by
        this Agreement.

5.      Cost allocability. Nothing in this section makes allowable or
        reasonable any costs which would otherwise be unallowable or
        unreasonable. Conversely, costs made specifically unallowable by the
        requirements in this section will not be made allowable under any other

                                   APPENDIX 2
                               PLAN OF OPERATION

                    REINSURANCE YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1994

The Plan of Operation (Plan) is specified in the Standard Reinsurance Agreement
between the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) and the Company. This
Plan must contain the information requested herein and the Company must provide
its certification as to the accuracy and completeness of the Plan. The Plan
will be used by FCIC to determine the Company's qualifications for
participation in this reinsurance program. The Plan will be incorporated into
and become part of the Standard Reinsurance Agreement.

The Company must file a new Plan for each subsequent reinsurance year. Failure
by the Company to file a Plan for any subsequent reinsurance year will result
in the suspension of the Company's authority to issue or renew eligible crop
insurance contracts for subsidy or reinsurance by FCIC.

Any changes in the Plan must be reported by the Company to FCIC within fifteen
days from the date of the change. Information, documents, exhibits, or forms,
are to be numbered in the Plan of Operation to correspond with the paragraphs
herein to which they pertain. The information required is:

1.      The name, address, phone number, and tax identification number of the

2.      The names, addresses, and tax identification numbers of all other
        insurance companies who will issue eligible crop insurance contracts
        that are reinsured or insured by the Company.

3.      The names, phone numbers, and addresses of a managing general agency,
        or any other organization or established place of business, except as
        listed in item 1 and 2 above, which is responsible for producing and
        electronically processing any multiple peril crop insurance business
        under this Agreement. Specify in what capacity each organization listed
        will act on behalf of the Company. Organizational charts with 
        supervisory lines of authority for the managing general agency only.

4.      If applicable, a letter of confirming authority from an officer of the
        Company as listed in the Company's Annual Statement filed with any
        state, authorizing and empowering a managing general agency or general
        agency to secure insurance liability on behalf of the Company in
        producing multiple peril crop insurance business.

5.      The names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least two
        persons designated by the Company as managers of the multiple peril crop
        insurance program. Each person will act as liaison or contact for the
        Company to the FCIC regarding this Agreement.

6.      The addresses and telephone numbers of each regional office, general
        agency, service center, or any other Company designated office other
        than the Company's or managing general agency's home office.

        a.      The identity of each regional office, general agency, service
                center, and other Company designated office, which will retain
                original insurance documents relative to policyholder servicing,
                (i.e. applications, acreage reports, summaries of coverage,
                proofs of loss and similar documents), and including the names
                of the office managers and the identity of the states serviced.

        b.      The identity of the field or regional offices, general agencies,
                service centers, or other Company designated office which will
                key-punch, submit on data disk or tape, or electronically
                process original insurance documents relative to policyholder
                servicing, (i.e. applications, acreage reports, summaries of
                coverage, proofs of loss and similar documents), including the
                names of the office managers and the states serviced. (If
                identical to 6. a., so state.)

        c.      The types of insurance documents key-punched, submitted on data
                disk or tape, or electronically processed by each organization
                indicated in items 6.a. and b.

        d.      The Company is required to provide FCIC access to Agent and Loss
                Adjuster Identification Data maintained by the Company for the
                purposes of issuing Agent Directory information, and a source
                for agent and loss adjuster codes verification. This data shall
                be provided in accordance with Manual 13.

7.      The names and addresses of organizations other than the Company that
        will provide the following services for the multiple peril crop
        insurance programs of the Company.

        a.      Administration of rates and development of policies and forms.
        b.      Preparation of statistical data for transmission to FCIC.
        c.      Providing of training for loss adjusters.
        d.      Providing of training for sales personnel.
        e.      Issuance of FCIC approved policies and procedures.

8.      All state licenses held by the Company and its policy issuing companies
        under the insurance laws or regulations of any state or Insurance
        Department of the state in which the Company produces its book of
        business including, but not limited to, the date each license was issued
        and its expiration date or renewal date. (If the license is considered
        "perpetual", without renewal, this must be indicated.)

9.      The Company's most recent annual and quarterly statement filed with the
        Insurance Department for the state in which the Company is domiciled and
        a copy of any report on internal controls or management recommendations
        received from independent auditors.  Statutory Management Discussion and
        Analysis; most recent State Insurance Department Examination Report;
        Actuarial Opinion of Reserves; Annual GAAP Statement or Form 10K (if
        applicable); and the Audited Annual Report to Shareholders; and any
        other information determined necessary by FCIC.

10.     The Company's eleven current financial ratios defined in the National
        Association of Insurance Commissioners Insurance Regulatory Information
        System (IRIS) as required by FCIC.

11.     The maximum  reinsurable premium volume for the reinsurance year.
        (This may be more than the total provided in Item 12).

12.     An estimate (Exhibit 12) of the multiple peril crop insurance net book
        premium to be designated in each fund within each state for the
        reinsurance year.

13.     A declaration (Exhibit 13) of the percent of the net book premiums and
        associated liability for ultimate net losses the Company will retain in
        the Commercial Fund within each state.

14.     A declaration (Exhibit 14) of the percent of net book premiums and
        associated liability for ultimate net losses the Company will retain in
        the Developmental Fund within each state. In addition, a declaration of
        the net book premiums and associated liability for ultimate net losses
        designated to the Developmental Fund by Crop or County within each

15.     A declaration as to the Company's intention to participate in the
        Assigned Risk Fund within the limits outlined in Exhibit 15, Maximum
        Cessions to Assigned Risk Fund.

16.     The name and address of the Company or general agency and the bank that
        will make electronic fund transfer (EFT) payments to FCIC for the

17.     The name and address of the organization to whom payments from FCIC
        should be remitted for amounts due on Monthly and Annual Summary 

18.     A declaration as to the Company's intention to use the Escrow
        Agreement if reimbursements by FCIC for losses paid by the Company will
        be made through the procedures covered by the Escrow Agreement. If
        applicable, complete and attach Exhibit 27, Escrow

19.     A declaration as to the Company's intention to place a portion of its
        net (after FCIC reinsurance) multiple peril crop insurance liability in
        the commercial reinsurance market. The following information is required
        by January 31 each reinsurance year:

        a.      The name and principal of each commercial reinsurer.

        b.      A copy of the reinsurance treaties issued to the Company by the
                principal reinsurers which outline the description of
                reinsurance including type, attachment points and limits,
                aggregate limits, minimum deposit, and variable premium rates.

        c.      The subscription of each reinsurer to each such treaty, or
                reinsurance binder for each the reinsurer, the intermediaries,
                or brokers of reinsurance.


20.  The Company must report their allowable MPCI expenses (Exhibit 20A) using
     the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) allocation
     methods contained in the most recent Financial Condition Examiners Handbook
     (Handbook), Uniform Accounting Section, Parts II through V. 

     Exhibit 20A. - Listing of Allowable Expenses. 

     Exhibit 20B. - NAIC Insurance Expense Exhibit (IEE), Part I, Allocation to
     Expense Groups. MPCI expenses are to be shown before FCIC reimbursement by
     expense group and classification. FCIC expense and tax reimbursement should
     be shown on line 21. Miscellaneous Operating Expenses. 

     Exhibit 20C. - NAIC Insurance Expense Exhibit (IEE), Part 2, Allocation to
     Lines of Business Net of Reinsurance. MPCI expenses are to be shown before
     FCIC reimbursement net of commercial reinsurance, FCIC expense and tax
     reimbursement shown on line 31, Aggregate Write-ins for Other Lines of

     Exhibit 20D. - NAIC Insurance Expense Exhibit (IEE), Part 3, Allocation to
     Lines of Direct Business Written. MPCI expenses are to be shown before FCIC
     reimbursement. FCIC expense and tax reimbursement shown on line 31,
     Aggregate Write-ins for Other Lines of Business. 

21.  The quality control (self-audit) plan which includes a copy of the
     procedures and standards developed by the Company, or its service
     organization and adopted by the Company as its quality control (self-audit)
     procedure. This plan must meet the guidelines and expectations of FCIC
     required by Manual 14. The quality control (self-audit) plan must include
     the monitoring of producer certification, Company determination and
     verification of yield data, or other information used to establish
     insurance guarantees that meets the guidelines contained in Manual 14. 

22.  The training plan which includes an outline of the training programs
     utilized by the Company to evaluate the knowledge and competency of sales
     and loss adjustment personnel. This plan must meet the guidelines required
     by Manual 14. 

     NOTE: Each assurance statement referenced in items 23 - 26 below must be
     signed by the same officer of the Company accepting this Agreement and who
     has signed for the Company on page 23 of the Agreement. 

23.  The Company must submit in accordance with section I. of Appendix I, its
     assurance statement regarding procurement integrity. The statement must
     provide FICC the assurance that requirements under this section are met. 

24.  The Company must submit in accordance with section II. of Appendix I, its
     assurance statement regarding a drug free workplace. The assurance
     statement should include an outline of the Company's procedure to ensure
     that requirements of this section are met. 

25.  The Company must submit in accordance with section III. of Appendix I, its
     assurance statement regarding anti-lobbying. OMB Form LLL, Disclosure of
     Lobbying Activities, (Exhibit 28), if applicable, must be filed with FCIC
     in accordance with this section. 

26.  The Company must submit in accordance with section VI. of Appendix I, its
     assurance statement regarding discrimination. The assurance statement must
     meet the requirements contained in Manual 14. 
