EXHIBIT 10.15(2)

made as of the 30th day of September 1992

                     constituted pursuant to the laws of the State of           
                     Indiana having its head office in the City  of
                     Indianapolis (hereinafter referred to as "Pafco")

AND                  GRANITE REINSURANCE COMPANY LTD. a corporation duly 
                     constituted pursuant to the laws of Barbados having its
                     head office in the City of Bridgetown, Barbados
                     (hereinafter referred to as "Granite Re")

WHEREAS    Cliffstan Investments, Inc. is a corporation duly    incorporated
under the laws of the State of Nevada with offices situated in the City of Las
Vegas, State of Nevada (hereinafter referred to as "Cliffstan");

AND WHEREAS Pafco did on or about the first day of September 1989 lend
to Cliffstan the sum of $1,700,000 U.S. funds, the whole as evidenced by        
promissory note dated September 1, 1989 a copy of which is attached hereto as
Schedule "A";

AND WHEREAS the above mentioned loan has been renewed from time to time to
expire the 30th day of September 1992, the whole as evidenced by copies of two
letters of renewal dated September 15, 1990 and June 25, 1991, respectively,
attached hereto as Schedule "B", the said Promissory Note and renewals being
collectively referred to as the "Pafco Promissory Note";

                                    - 2 -

AND WHEREAS as security for the above loan, Pafco received from Gage North
Holdings Inc., a corporation incorporated pursuant to the laws of Ontario
having its head office in the City of Hamilton, Ontario (hereinafter referred
to as "Gage North") an unconditional guarantee of all amounts due to Pafco from
Cliffstan and as security for the said guarantee Pafco received a mortgage on
real property owned by Gage North, the whole as evidenced by a copy of the said
guarantee and mortgage attached hereto as Schedule "C", the said guarantee and
mortgage being hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Collateral

AND WHEREAS Granite Re now wishes to purchase the Pafco Promissory  Note
together with the Collateral Security and Pafco wishes to sell same on the
terms and conditions outlined hereinbelow;

NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesses that in consideration of the premises
and the covenants contained herein the parties hereto agree as follows:


     1.   The preamble shall form part hereof as if fully recited at length.

Cliffstan Acknowledgment

     2.    The addendum attached hereto as Schedule "D" shall be
           executed by Cliffstan acknowledging, inter alia, that the
           Pafco Promissory Note is now payable on written demand in
           the principal amount of $2,045,201 U.S. funds, being the
           original principal amount plus accrued and outstanding
           interest of $345,201.00 U.S.

                                    - 3 -

Purchase and Sale

    3.  Granite Re hereby purchases from Pafco and Pafco hereby without 
        recourse sells, transfers and assigns to Granite Re the Pafco   
        Promissory Note as amended and acknowledged by Cliffstan (Schedules
        A and B and D), hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Promissory
        Note", subject to the terms and conditions hereof.

Purchase Price

    4.  The purchase price payable by Granite Re to Pafco for the Promissory 
        Note is the principal amount of $2,045,201 plus interest commencing
        October 1, 1992 on the  outstanding principal amount accruing at the
        simply interest rate of 7.8% per annum, all of which shall be paid in
        accordance with the following schedule of payments:

   (i)  On or about September 30, 1992, Granite Re shall pay to Pafco the sum 
        of $345,201.00;
  (ii)  Interest shall be paid quarterly in arrears with the first such payment
        due December 31, 1992; and
 (iii)  Principal payments shall be paid quarterly in the amount of 
        $200,000.00 per quarter, the first such payment to be   made December
        31, 1992, which payments shall continue until the full amount of the
        principal has been paid (the last principal payment being adjusted

  (iv)  In the event that Granite Re fails to make any payment as required by 
        this paragraph 4 within sixty days from the date on which said payment
        is due, Pafco may, at its option, declare the entire principal
        balance then outstanding, together with all accrued and unpaid
        interest, to be due and payable upon written notice to Granite Re that
        it is making such declaration.

                                     - 4 -

Collateral security

     5.   Pafco shall retain title to the Promissory Note and
          Collateral Security until such time as the full amount of the purchase
          price has been paid by Granite Re. Until that time, Pafco acknowledges
          and agrees that Granite Re has a beneficial interest in the Promissory
          Note and Collateral Security to the extent and in the amount of the
          payments made by Granite Re at any time.

     6.   At such time as the full amount of the purchase price has been paid,
          Pafco agrees to transfer and assign to Granite Re the Promissory Note
          and the Collateral Security held by Pafco.

Beneficial Interest

     7.   During the interim period until Granite Re has paid in full for the
          Promissory Note, Pafco agrees that it will at all times recognize and
          protect Granite Re's beneficial interest in the Collateral Security.
          Granite Re hereby appoints Pafco, and Pafco accepts such appointment,
          as trustee to act on its behalf in respect to its interest in the
          Collateral Security until such time as the purchase price has been
          paid in full.

Right of Action

     8.   Pafco shall have the right to initiate and maintain any demand,
          claim, action, suit, cause of action or other right available to it in
          law in respect to the Promissory Note and the Collateral Security for
          the full amount of the Promissory Note as remains outstanding from
          time to time (plus outstanding interest, fees and expenses),

                                     - 5 -

          regardless of how much of the purchase price has been paid by Granite
          Re, until such time as the purchase price has been paid in full,
          subject to distribution of any proceeds from any realization in
          accordance with the provisions hereof.

Proceeds of Realization

      9.  In the event of any realization in respect to the Collateral Security
          held by Pafco, then the parties agree that Pafco is to first use the
          proceeds from any such realization to pay in full the outstanding
          principal and interest due to it and fees and expenses incurred in the
          said realization and then any surplus shall be paid to Granite Re to
          the extent of all payments made by Granite Re to Pafco to the date of
          such realization. Any funds remaining thereafter shall be paid to
          Cliffstan or Gage North as the case may be.

Payments by Cliffstan
     10.  In the event that Cliffstan makes any payments pursuant to its
          obligations under the Promissory Note, then such payments shall be
          made to Pafco until such time as the purchase price has been paid in
          full and shall first be applied by Pafco to satisfy outstanding
          interest due and thereafter to reduce the outstanding principal amount
          owed.  The purchase price to be paid by Granite Re shall be adjusted
          accordingly and at such time as the full amount of the purchase price
          has been paid, the parties agree that the Promissory Note and
          Collateral Security shall be duly assigned to Granite Re and all
          further payments from Cliffstan shall be made to Granite Re, first to
          be applied in reduction of outstanding interest.


                                     - 6 -

Covenants by Pafco

11.       Pafco hereby covenants, represents and warrants to
          Granite Re as follows:
     a)   The Pafco Promissory Note is owned by Pafco with good and marketable
          title, free and clear of all charges and encumbrances and restrictions
     b)   There are no claims, actions, suits, requests, investigations or 
          proceedings outstanding regarding the Pafco Promissory Note.
     c)   The sale, transfer and assignment of the Promissory Note by Pafco will
          not violate or result in any default under any agreement or any
          statute, regulation, order or law to which Pafco is a party or subject
          to which Pafco is bound.
     d)   The mortgage charge on Gage North real property and the Assignment of
          Mortgage are and will be valid obligations in favour in Pafco and
          Granite Re, respectively, and Pafco has all the power, capacity and 
          authority to transfer and assign same.

Covenants by Granite Re
     12.  Granite Re hereby covenants, represents and warrants to Pafco as
     a)   Granite Re is a corporation duly incorporated and validly existing
          under the laws of Barbados and has the requisite corporate capacity
          and authority to purchase the Promissory Note from Pafco and to enter
          into this agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated
     b)   No consent, approval or authorization under any applicable law or any
          governmental authority having

                                    - 7 -

          jurisdiction is required in respect to the purchase of the Promissory
          Note from Pafco and to enter into this agreement and to carry out the
          transactions contemplated herein;

Survival of Covenants

     13.  The covenants, representations and warranties of Pafco and Granite Re
          contained in this agreement and contained in any document given
          pursuant hereto shall be true and correct, valid and enforceable after
          this date and shall survive hereafter.

Entire Agreement

     14.  This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the
          parties hereto pertaining to the subject matter hereof.   This
          agreement supersedes any prior or contemporaneous contracts,
          negotiations and discussions, of the parties in respect to the subject
          matter hereof. No amendment, waiver or termination of this agreement
          shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party to be bound
          thereby and no such amendment or waiver shall extend to anything other
          than the specific subject matter thereof.

Governing Law

     15.  This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
          the laws of the State of Indiana.


     16.  Any notice provided for in this agreement shall be in writing directed
          to the party to whom it is delivered and shall be delivered or given
          at the following addresses:

                                     - 8 -

To Pafco
                        Pafco General Insurance Company
                              4720 Kingsway Drive
                             Indianapolis, Indiana
                          Attention: Douglas H. Symons

To Granite Re
                          Granite Reinsurance Company
                                 Collymore Rock
                             St. Michael, Barbados
                                  West Indies
                          Attention: G. Gordon Symons

          Each party may change its address for the purposes of this section
          from time to time by giving written notice of such change to the other
          parties in accordance with this section.

Other Actions

     17.  The parties hereto shall do all such things and provide all such
          reasonable assurances as may be required to consummate the transaction
          contemplated hereby and each party shall provide such further
          documents or instruments required by the other party as may reasonably
          be necessary or desirable to effect the purpose of this agreement and
          carry out its provisions.

Execution in Counterparts

     18.  This agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in separate
          counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be
          an original, but all such counterparts

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          shall together constitute one and the same instrument. Execution by
          facsimile transmission or other such electronic means shall be deemed
          to be equivalent to the execution of the documents in their original
          form, subject to the ultimate delivery and receipt of signed

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this agreement has been executed by the parties hereto by
their authorized representatives as of the date indicated hereinabove.


Per: /s/ Douglas Symons                     Per: /s/ G. Symons
     ----------------------------                -----------------------

This agreement and the terms and provisions hereof are hereby acknowledged  and
accepted by the underesigned effective as of September 30, 1992.  Gage North
hereby agrees that its guarantee dated September 1, 1989 shall continue in full
force and effect with respect to the Pafco Promissory Note as amended by the    
Addendum which is attached-hereto as Schedule "D".                     


Per: /s/ Cannot read signatures           Per: /s/ Cannot read signatures
     --------------------------                --------------------------