EXHIBIT 10.16(2)

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     WHEREAS, GGS Management Holdings, Inc. (the "Company") has entered into a

Stock Purchase Agreement dated as of January 31, 1996 by and among the Company,
GS Capital Partners II, L.P. ("GSCP"), Symons International Group, Inc. ("SIG")
and Goran Capital Inc. ("Goran") (the "Stock Purchase Agreement"), and it is a
condition to the Closing (all capitalized terms used and not defined herein
shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Stock Purchase Agreement) that
(i) the Company and Douglas H. Symons ("you" or the "Executive") enter into this
Employment Agreement and (ii) the Company, GSCP, SIG and Goran enter into a
Stockholder Agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit B to the Stock
Purchase Agreement (the "Stockholder Agreement").

     WHEREAS, the Company considers it essential to its best interests and the
best interests of its stockholders to employ the Executive, upon the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth; and 

     WHEREAS, the Executive desires to be employed by the Company, upon the
terms and conditions contained herein.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements set forth
below, the parties agree as follows:

1.   Term of Agreement.  This Agreement shall commence as of the Closing Date
     and shall continue in effect until the fifth anniversary of the Closing
     Date (the "Initial Term"); provided, however, that unless terminated
     earlier pursuant hereto, the term of this Agreement shall automatically be
     extended without further action of either party for additional one year
     periods (each such one year period, a "Renewal Period") unless, not later
     than six months prior to the end of the then effective term, either the
     Company or the Executive shall have given written notice that such party
     does not intend to extend this Agreement (the period beginning on the
     Closing Date and ending on expiration or termination of the Executive's
     employment hereunder being referred to herein as the "Employment Period").

2.   Terms of Employment.  During the Initial Term and any Renewal Period, you
     agree to be a full-time employee of the Company serving in the position of
     Executive Vice President of the Company and further agree to devote
     substantially all of your working time and attention to the business and
     affairs of the Company and, to the extent necessary to discharge the
     responsibilities associated with your position as Executive Vice President
     of the Company, to use your best efforts to perform faithfully and
     efficiently such responsibilities.  In addition, you agree to serve in such
     other capacities or offices to which you may be duly assigned, appointed or
     elected from time to time (but not in diminution of your status as a senior
     executive officer of the Company).  Nothing herein shall prohibit you from
     devoting your time to civic and community activities or managing personal
     investments, as long as the foregoing do not interfere with the performance
     of your duties hereunder.  You shall be entitled to serve on the Board of
     Directors of the Company until removed from such office pursuant to the
     Stockholder Agreement.

3.     Compensation.

        (i)     Base Salary.  Executive shall receive base salary pursuant to
                this Agreement during the Employment Period in  bi-weekly
                installments in an amount which shall be mutually agreed to by
                and between Executive and the Company; provided, however, that
                Company shall, at all times during the Initial Term, agree that
                Executive's Base Salary shall be at an annualized rate of at
                least $150,000 per annum (as such sum is mutually agreed to from
                time to time, "Base Salary"). Executive shall receive bi-weekly
                installments of Base Salary during the Initial Term and any
                Renewal Period (in each case on a pro-rated  basis if employment
                pursuant to this Agreement is for less than a full calendar year
                during any portion of the Initial Term or a Renewal Period).
                Executive's Base Salary shall be reviewed at least annually by
                the Board of Directors of the Company during the first calendar
                quarter of each year and in the event that Executive's Base
                Salary shall be increased, Executive  shall receive a lump sum
                catch-up payment (subjective to all applicable withholdings) in
                an amount necessary to compensate Executive as if the increased
                Base Salary had become effective on January 1 of the applicable
                year; provided, however, that no catch-up payment shall be made
                to Executive for any increase in Base Salary occurring during
                1996.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,
                Executive's Base Salary shall be increased during each year of
                this Agreement by a percentage which shall be at least equal to
                or greater than the increase in the Consumer Price Index
                applicable for such year.

       (ii)    Bonus.  The bonus paid to Executive shall be determined in
               accordance with the terms contained in Exhibit A hereto and any
               bonus due Executive for any calendar year or any portion of a
               year ending on December 31, shall be paid no later than April 15
               of the next succeeding year.

       (iii)   Other Expenses.  The Company shall reimburse you for all
               reasonable travel, entertainment and other business expenses
               incurred by you during the Employment Period in the performance
               of your responsibilities under this Agreement promptly upon
               receipt of written substantiation of such expenses in accordance
               with the policies of the Company in respect thereto.  You shall
               be entitled to reimbursement of all  reasonable travel expenses
               incurred by you for your spouse to accompany you on any business
               trip where it is expected or appropriate that spouses will
               accompany the participants.


        (iv)   Benefits.  You shall be entitled, at the expense of the
               Company, to participate in employee benefit and fringe benefit
               plans and programs (including life, health, disability and
               officer indemnity insurance and retirement plans) generally made
               available by the Company to other senior executives and shall be
               entitled to paid vacation in an amount which is commensurate
               with other executive vice presidents of similarly situated
               property and casualty companies.  Nothing in this Agreement
               shall restrict the right of the Company to amend, modify or
               terminate any such benefits.

        (v)    Automobile.  The Company shall furnish Executive (at no cost to
               Executive) with an automobile (including all maintenance
               therefore) which is in keeping with automobiles historically
               driven by Executive.

4.      Termination of Employment.  Unless earlier terminated, the Executive's
        employment pursuant to this Agreement shall terminate upon the earliest
        to occur of any of the following:

        (i)    The Executive and the Company mutually agree that the employment
               of the Executive shall terminate;

        (ii)   The Executive's retirement;

        (iii)  The Executive's death or Disability ("Disability" means any
               physical or mental impairment, infirmity or incapacity rendering
               the Executive substantially unable to perform his duties
               hereunder for any 120 days in the aggregate out of any 365 day
               period); or

        (iv)   The Company terminates the Executive's employment for Cause
               ("Cause" means (a) the Executive being convicted in the United
               States of America, any state therein, or the District of
               Columbia, or in Canada or any Province therein (each, a "Relevant
               Jurisdiction"), of a crime for which the maximum penalty may
               include imprisonment for one year or longer (a "felony") or the
               Executive having had entered against him or consenting to any
               judgment, decree or order (whether criminal or otherwise) based
               upon fraudulent conduct or violation of securities laws, (b) the
               Executive being indicted for, charged with or otherwise the
               subject of any formal proceeding (criminal or otherwise) in
               connection with any felony, fraudulent conduct or violation of
               securities laws, in a case brought by a law enforcement or
               securities regulatory official, agency or authority in a Relevant
               Jurisdiction, (c) any consolidated balance sheet of Goran, a
               Canadian insurance holding company, is required by the
               independent certified public accountants of Goran to be restated
               in a manner that results in the reported consolidated
               shareholders' equity of Goran and its subsidiaries being reduced
               by an amount equal to 10% or more of such reported consolidated
               shareholders' equity, (d) the Executive engaging in fraud, or
               engaging in any unlawful conduct relating to the Company or its
               business, in either case as determined under the laws of any
               Relevant Jurisdiction, (e) the Executive breaching any provision
               of this

               Agreement or (f) gross negligence or willful misconduct by the
               Executive in the performance of his duties hereunder).

5.     Compensation Upon Termination.  Upon termination of your employment with
       the Company, payments of bases salary, bonus, or other compensation
       and/or benefits provided to the Executive by the Company pursuant to this
       Agreement or otherwise, shall be paid in accordance with the Company's
       policies then in effect; provided however, that upon termination by
       reason of death, you shall also be entitled to have your then base salary
       continue to be paid (on the regular payment dates) for a period of six
       months after the Date of Termination.

6.     Location.  Your services shall be performed at the Company's current
       headquarters location in Indianapolis, Indiana, or at such other place
       within a fifty-mile radius of such current location as the Board may from
       time to time deem appropriate.  If you shall be otherwise temporarily
       relocated in connection with an acquisition by the Company or its
       subsidiaries, you shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses for housing
       at such location and for your spouse to visit such location from time to
       time.  If you shall be otherwise permanently relocated, you shall be
       reimbursed for your reasonable moving expenses.  Notwithstanding the
       foregoing, you shall be required to travel to the extent necessary to the
       performance of your responsibilities under this Agreement.

7.     Notice.  For the purpose of this Agreement, notices and all other
       communications provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and
       shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered or mailed by
       United States registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid,
       addressed to the respective addresses set forth on the signature page of
       this Agreement, provided, that all notices to the Company shall be
       directed to the attention of the Board with copies to the Secretary of
       the Company, or to such other address as either party may have furnished
       to the other in writing in accordance herewith, except that notice of
       change of address shall be effective only upon receipt. 

8.     Noncompetition.  In consideration of the Company's entering into this
       Agreement and the compensation and benefits to be provided by the Company
       to you hereunder, and further in consideration of your exposure to
       proprietary information of the Company, you agree as follows;

       (i)     Until the date of termination or expiration of your employment
               for any reason (the "Date of Termination"), you agree not to
               enter into competitive endeavors and not to undertake any
               commercial activity which is contrary to the best interests of
               the Company or its affiliates, including, directly or indirectly,
               becoming an employee, consultant, owner (except for passive
               investments of not more than one percent of the outstanding
               shares of, or any other equity interest in, any company or entity
               listed or traded on a national securities exchange or in an
               over-the-counter securities market),  officer, agent or director
               of, or otherwise participating in the management, operation,


                control or profits of (a) any firm or person engaged in the
                operation of a business engaged in the acquisition of insurance
                businesses engaging in the business of providing insurance,
                including reinsurance, relating to nonstandard automobile
                insurance and related forms of insurance or (b) any firm or
                person which either directly competes with a line or lines of
                business of the Company accounting for five percent (5%) or more
                of the Company's gross sales, revenues or earnings before taxes
                or derives five percent (5%) or more of such firm's or person's
                gross sales, revenues or earnings before taxes from a line or
                lines of business which directly compete with the Company.
                Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary,
                you agree that your breach of the provisions of this Section
                8(i) shall permit the Company to terminate your employment for

        (ii)    If your employment is terminated by you, or by reason of your
                Disability, or by the Company for Cause, then, for two years
                after the Date of Termination, you agree not to become, directly
                or indirectly, an employee, consultant, owner (except for
                passive investments of not more than one percent of the
                outstanding shares of, or any other equity interest in, any
                company or entity listed or traded on a national securities
                exchange or in an over-the-counter securities market), officer,
                agent or director of, or otherwise to participate in the
                management, operation, control or profits of, any firm or person
                which directly competes with a business of the Company which at
                the Date of Termination produced any class of products
                accounting for five percent (5%) or more of the Company's gross
                sales, revenues or earnings before taxes or which at the Date of
                Termination derived five percent (5%) or more of such firm's or
                person's gross sales, revenues or earnings before taxes.

        (iii)   You acknowledge and agree that damages for breach of the
                covenant not to compete in this Section 8 will be difficult to
                determine and will not afford a full and adequate remedy, and
                therefore agree that the Company shall be entitled to an
                immediate injunction and restraining order (without the
                necessity of a bond) to prevent such breach or threatened or
                continued breach by you and any persons or entities acting for
                or with you, without having to prove damages, and to all costs
                and expenses (if a court or arbitrator determines that the
                Executive has breached the covenant not to compete in this
                Section 8), including reasonable attorneys' fees and court
                costs, in addition to any other remedies to which the Company
                may be entitled at law or in equity; provided, however, that in
                the event that a court or arbitrator finally determines that the
                Executive has not breached the covenant not to compete in this
                Section 8 after an action or suit is brought by the Company with
                respect thereto, the Company shall pay all costs and expenses,
                including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, incurred
                by the Executive in defending against such action or suit. You
                hereby waive any and all defenses you may have on the ground of
                lack of jurisdiction or competence of the court to grant such
                injunction, restraining order or other equitable relief you and
                the Company agree that the provisions of this covenant not to
                compete are reasonable and necessary for the operation of the
                Company and its


                subsidiaries. However, should any court or arbitrator determine
                that any provision of this covenant not to compete is 
                unreasonable, either in period of time, geographical area, or 
                otherwise, the parties agree that this covenant not to compete 
                should be interpreted and enforced to the maximum extent which 
                such court or arbitrator deems reasonable.

 9.     Non-solicitation.  During the Employment Period and for a period of two
        years thereafter, the Executive shall not interfere with the Company's 
        or any of its subsidiaries' relationships with, or endeavor to entice 
        away from the Company or any of its subsidiaries, or hire, any person 
        who at any time during the Employment Period was an employee or 
        customer of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or otherwise had a 
        material business relationship with the Company or any of its 

10.     Confidentiality.

        (i)     You agree and understand that as a result of your position with
                the Company, you have been and will be exposed to and have 
                received and will receive information relating to the 
                confidential affairs of the Company, including but not limited 
                to, technical information, business and marketing plans, 
                strategies, customer information, other information concerning 
                the Company's products, promotions, development, financing, 
                expansion plans, business policies and practices, information 
                concerning the principals of any of the businesses of the 
                Company, and other forms of information considered by the 
                Company to be confidential and in the nature of trade secrets. 
                You agree that during the Employment Period and thereafter, 
                you will keep such information confidential and not disclose 
                such information, either directly or indirectly, to any third 
                person or entity without the prior written consent of the 
                Company and you confirm that such information is the exclusive 
                property of the Company and its affiliates. You agree to hold 
                as the Company's property all memoranda, books, papers, 
                letters and other data and all copies thereof or therefrom, in 
                any way relating to the business of the Company and its 
                affiliates, whether made by you or otherwise coming into your 
                possession and, on termination or expiration of your 
                employment, or on demand of the Company at any time, to 
                deliver the same to the Company.

        (ii)    Any ideas, processes, characters, productions, schemes, titles,
                names, formats, policies, adaptations, plots, slogans, 
                catchwords, incidents, treatment, and dialogue which you may 
                conceive, create, organize, prepare or produce during the 
                period of your employment and which ideas, processes, etc.
                relate to any of the businesses of the Company, shall be owned 
                by the Company and its affiliates whether or not you should in 
                fact execute an assignment thereof to the Company, but you 
                agree to execute any assignment thereof or other instrument or 
                document which may be reasonably necessary to protect and 
                secure such rights to the Company.

11.     Arbitration.

        (i)     Except as contemplated by Section 8(iii) hereof, any dispute or
                controversy arising under or in connection with this Agreement
                that cannot be mutually resolved by the parties to this
                Agreement and their respective advisors and representatives
                shall be settled exclusively by arbitration in Indianapolis,
                Indiana before one arbitrator of exemplary qualifications and
                stature, who shall be selected jointly by an individual to be
                designated by the Company and an individual to be selected by
                you, or if such two individuals cannot agree on the selection of
                the arbitrator, who shall be selected by the American
                Arbitration Association.

        (ii)    The parties agree to use their best efforts to cause (a) the two
                applicable individuals set forth in the preceding Section 11(i),
                or, if applicable, the American Arbitration Association, to
                appoint the arbitrator within thirty days of the date that a
                party hereto notifies the other party that a dispute or
                controversy exists that necessitates the appointment of an
                arbitrator, and (b) any arbitration hearing to be held within
                thirty days of the date of selection of the arbitrator and, as a
                condition to his or her selection, such arbitrator must consent
                to be available for a hearing at such time.

12.     Stock Options.  The Executive shall be granted options for shares of
        capital stock of the Company pursuant to the Company's 1996 Stock Option
        Plan (the "Option Plan").

        (i)     With respect to any shares issued pursuant to such options in
                accordance with the Option Plan, the Executive will be entitled
                to unlimited piggyback registration rights in connection with
                any offering of shares by the Company pursuant to an effective
                registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933, on a
                pari passu basis with any other stockholders of the Company
                having piggyback registration rights (other than Symons
                International Group, Inc. and GS Capital Partners II, L.P., and
                their respective affiliates and transferees, who will have
                priority over the Executive), subject to the Executive entering
                into appropriate agreements relating to hold-back periods, legal
                opinions and similar issues.

        (ii)    The options granted to the Executive pursuant to the Option Plan
                shall become Vested Options (as defined in the Option Plan)
                automatically upon a Company Sale (as defined in the Stock
                Purchase Agreement).

        (iii)   Immediately prior to an Initial Public Offering (as defined in
                the Option Plan), the Executive shall be entitled to purchase
                the shares of capital stock of the Company subject to any option
                that is an Unvested Option held by the Executive at a price per
                share equal to the exercise price set forth with respect to such
                option in the Option Plan; provided, however, that all shares
                purchased pursuant to such options shall be restricted shares,
                subject to the same provisions, restrictions and limitations,
                including, without limitation, the provisions, restrictions and
                limitations relating to vesting,

                forfeiture and transferability, to which such options that are
                Unvested Options are subject pursuant to the Option Plan not
                taking into account this Section 12(iii).

13.     Miscellaneous.  No provision of this Agreement may be modified, waived
        or discharged unless such waiver, modification or discharge is agreed to
        in writing and signed by you and such officers as may be specifically
        designated by the Board. No waiver by either party hereto at any time of
        any breach by the other party hereto of, or compliance with, any
        condition or provision of this Agreement to be performed by such other
        party shall be deemed a waiver of similar or dissimilar provisions or
        conditions at the same or at any prior or subsequent time. No agreements
        or representations, oral or otherwise, express or implied, with respect
        to the subject matter hereof have been made by either party which are
        not expressly set forth in this Agreement (or in the Stockholder
        Agreement). The validity, interpretation, construction and performance
        of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Indiana.
        Any payments provided for hereunder shall be paid net of any applicable
        withholding required under federal, state or local law. The obligations
        of the Company under Sections 5 and 11 and your obligations under
        Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11 hereof shall survive the expiration or
        termination of the Employment Period and this Agreement.

14.     Validity.  The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this
        Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other
        provision of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and

15.     Enforceability.  The covenants set forth in Sections 8, 9 and 10 shall
        be construed as independent of any of the other provisions contained in
        this Agreement and shall be enforceable as aforesaid, notwithstanding
        the existence of any claim or cause of action of the Executive against
        the Company or any of its subsidiaries, whether based on this Agreement
        or otherwise. In the event that any of the provisions of Sections 8, 9
        or 10 should ever be adjudicated to exceed the time or other limitations
        permitted by applicable law, then such provisions shall be deemed
        reformed in any jurisdiction to the time or other limitations permitted
        by applicable law.

16.     Board Action.  In the case of any provision of this Agreement which
        requires or is subject to any action, approval or policy of, or
        determination or notice by, (i) the Board, such action, approval,
        policy, determination or notice may be effected by the GSCP Designees
        (as defined in the Stockholder Agreement) or (ii) the Company, shall be
        subject, in addition, to the consent of the GSCP Designees.

17.     Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts,
        each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which
        together will constitute one and the same instrument.

18.    Entire Agreement.  This Agreement (and the Stockholder Agreement)
       contain the entire agreement by the parties with respect to the matters
       covered herein and supersede any prior agreement (including, without
       limitation, any prior employment agreement), condition, practice,
       custom, usage and obligation with respect to such matters insofar as any
       such prior agreement, condition, practice, custom, usage, or obligation
       might have given rise to any enforceable right.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this
____day of __________, 1996.


                                        By: Douglas H. Symons   
                                        Name: Douglas H. Symons   

                                        GGS MANAGEMENT HOLDINGS, INC.

Address:                                By: David L. Bates 

                                        Name: David L. Bates
                                        Title: Vice President & Secretary

                                                                      EXHIBIT A

                         BONUS PLAN FOR ALAN G. SYMONS

The Bonus Plan will be based on the following criteria: 

1.  GGS must make all interest and principal payments on a timely basis and pass
    all covenant tests during the fiscal year for any bonus payment to be made. 

2.  If all interest and principal interest payments are met and covenant tests
    passed, the following payment schedule will be used: 

    % of GGS Plan*         % of Bonus         Bonus         Total Compensation
    --------------         ----------         -----         ------------------

less than 80%                    0%             $0               $150,000
          80%                   25%          $18,750             $168,750
          85%                   30%          $22,500             $172,500
          90%                   35%          $26,250             $176,250
          95%                   50%          $37,500             $187,500
          96%                   60%          $45,000             $195,000
          97%                   70%          $52,500             $202,500
          98%                   80%          $60,000             $210,000
          99%                   90%          $67,500             $217,500
         100%                  100%          $75,000             $225,000

    * Note:  Plan refers to operating income (excluding realized gains on fixed
    income portfolio and any realized gains on the equity securities in excess
    of a 7.5% return on the equity portfolio including dividends) in the GGS
    projections as shown below. 

                   12/31/96        1997        1998        1999        2000        2001        2002
                   --------        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----

Operating           $8,982        $23,793     $28,730     $33,167     $38,397     $43,924     $49,948

3.  Performance exceeding plan will be rewarded at the Board's discretion. 
