1996 STOCK OPTION PLAN

1.       Purpose.  The purpose of the Symons International Group, Inc. ("SIG"
         or the "Company") 1996 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") is to provide to
         (i) certain Officers (including Officers who are members of the Board
         of Directors), other key employees and non-employee Directors of SIG,
         (ii) key employees of any direct or indirect Subsidiaries of the
         Company (individually a "Subsidiary" and collectively the
         "Subsidiaries") who are materially responsible for the management or
         operation of the business of SIG or a Subsidiary, and (iii) directors
         of Goran Capital Inc., the parent of the Company and Officers and
         employees of Goran Capital Inc. and its subsidiaries who have provided
         or are providing valuable assistance or services which benefit the
         Company or the Subsidiaries, a favorable opportunity to acquire Common
         Stock, without par value, of the Company ("Common Stock"), thereby
         providing them with an increased incentive to work for the success of
         the Company and the Subsidiaries and better enabling the Company and
         the Subsidiaries to attract and retain the services of capable
         personnel.  The two means by which an individual may acquire Common
         Stock are:

         (a)     the grant to an individual of an Option to acquire Shares of
                 Common Stock (an "Option") in accordance with Section 5; and

         (b)     the grant to a non-employee member of the Board of Directors
                 of the Company (a "Director") of an Option to acquire Shares
                 of Common Stock (a "Director Option") in accordance with
                 Section 7.

 2.      Administration of the Plan.  The Plan shall be administered, construed
         and interpreted by the Executive Committee of the Company's Board of
         Directors (the "Committee"); provided, however, that either the
         Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors or the
         entire Board of Directors of the Company shall approve all specific
         transactions pursuant to this Plan upon the advice of the Committee.
         The decision of a majority of the members of the Committee shall
         constitute the decision of the Committee, and the Committee may act
         either at a meeting at which a majority of the members of the
         Committee is present or by a written consent signed by all members of
         the Committee.  The Committee shall determine, consistent with and
         subject to the provisions of the Plan:

         (a)     the individuals (the "Optionees") to whom Options or
                 successive Options shall be granted under the Plan;

         (b)     the time when Options shall be granted hereunder;

         (c)     the number of Shares of Common Stock of the Company to be
                 covered under each Option;

         (d)     the price to be paid upon the exercise of each Option;

         (e)     the period within which each Option may be exercised;

         (f)     the extent to which an Option is an Incentive Stock Option or
                 a Non-Qualified Stock Option;

         (g)     the extent to which stock appreciation rights shall be awarded
                 in conjunction with an Option; and

         (h)     the terms and conditions of the respective agreements by which
                 Options and stock appreciation rights granted shall be

         The Committee shall also have authority to prescribe, amend and
         rescind rules and regulations relating to the Plan, and to make all
         other determinations necessary or advisable in the administration of
         the Plan.

3.       Eligibility.  The Committee may, consistent with the purposes of the
         Plan, grant Options (and/or related stock appreciation rights) to
         officers and other key employees of the Company or of a Subsidiary
         who, in the opinion of the Committee, are from time to time materially
         responsible for the management or operation of the business of the
         Company or of a Subsidiary or directors of Goran Capital Inc. and
         Officers and employees of Goran Capital Inc. and its subsidiaries who,
         in the opinion of the Committee, have provided or are providing
         valuable assistance or services which benefit the Company or the
         Subsidiaries; provided, however, that in no event may any employee of
         the Company or the Subsidiaries who owns (after application of the
         ownership rules in Section 424(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of
         1986, as amended (the "Code")) Shares of Common Stock possessing more
         than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of Common
         Stock of the Company be granted an Incentive Stock Option hereunder
         unless at the time such Option is granted the Option price is at least
         110% of the fair market value of the Common Stock subject to the
         Option and such Incentive Stock Option by its terms is not exercisable
         after the expiration of five years from the date such Option is
         granted.  Subject to the provisions of Section 4 hereof, an individual
         who has been granted an Option under the Plan, if he is otherwise
         eligible, may be granted an additional Option or Options if the
         Committee shall so determine.

 4.      Stock Subject to the Plan.  There shall be reserved for issuance upon
         the exercise of Options and Director Options granted under the Plan,
         One Million of the authorized but unissued shares of the Company's
         Common Stock ("Shares").  Subject to Section 8 hereof, the Shares for
         which Options and/or Director Options may be granted under the Plan
         shall not exceed that number.  If any Option and/or Director Option
         shall expire or terminate for any reason without having been exercised
         in full, the unpurchased Shares subject thereto shall (unless the Plan
         shall have terminated) become available for other Options or Director
         Options under the Plan.

5.       Terms of Option.  Each Option granted under the Plan shall be subject
         to the following terms and conditions and to such other terms and
         conditions not inconsistent therewith as the Committee may deem
         appropriate in each case:


         (a)     Option Price.  The price to be paid for Shares upon the
                 exercise of each Option shall be the average between the high
                 and the low of the Common Stock on the date of grant (or, if
                 the date of grant is not a trading date, then on the last
                 previous trading day), but such price in the case of an
                 Incentive Stock Option in no event shall be less than the fair
                 market value, as determined by the Committee consistent with
                 the requirements of  Section 422 of the Code, of such Common
                 Stock on the date on which such Option is granted.

         (b)     Period for Exercise of Option.  An Option shall not be
                 exercisable after the expiration of such period as shall be
                 fixed by the Committee at the time such Option is granted, but
                 such period in no event shall exceed ten years and one day
                 from the date on which such Option is granted; provided,
                 however, that Incentive Stock Options shall have terms not in
                 excess of ten years; provided, further, that no Option shall
                 be exercisable prior to six months from the date of grant or,
                 if later, the date on which the Plan is approved by the
                 Shareholders of the Company as required by Section 422 of the

         (c)     Exercise of Options.  The Option price of each Share of Common
                 Stock purchased upon exercise of an Option shall be paid in
                 full (i) in cash at the time of such exercise, (ii) if the
                 Optionee may do so in conformity with Regulation T (12 C.F.R.
                 Section 220.3(e)(4)) and without violating Section 16(b) or
                 (c) of the 1934 Act (to the extent applicable) and to the
                 extent permitted under the agreement entered into by the
                 Committee and the Optionee relating to the Option, by
                 delivering a properly executed exercise note together with
                 irrevocable instructions to a broker to deliver promptly to
                 the Company the total Option price in cash and, if desired,
                 the amount of any taxes to be withheld from the Optionee's
                 compensation as a result of any withholding tax obligation of
                 the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, as specified in such
                 notice, or (iii) subject to the approval of the Board, by
                 tendering to the Company whole Shares of Common Stock owned by
                 him or any combination of whole Shares of Common Stock owned
                 by him and cash, having a fair market value equal to the cash
                 exercise price of the Shares with respect to which the Option
                 is being exercised.  For this purpose, the fair market value
                 of the Shares tendered by the Optionee shall be computed as of
                 the exercise date in such manner as determined by the
                 Committee, consistent with the requirements of Section 422 of
                 the Code.  The Committee shall have the authority to grant
                 Options exercisable in full at any time during their term, or
                 exercisable in such installments, equal or non-equal, as the
                 Committee shall determine.  An Option may be exercised at any
                 time or from time to time during the term of the Option as to
                 any or all whole Shares which have become subject to purchase
                 pursuant to the terms of the Option (including, without
                 limitation, any quotas with respect to Option exercise) or the

         (d)     Termination of Option.  If an Optionee ceases to be an
                 employee of the Company or one of the Subsidiaries or a
                 director or employee of Goran Capital Inc. or one of its
                 subsidiaries or if there is a disposition of the subsidiary
                 for which the Optionee performed the majority of his services,
                 any Option granted to him shall


                 forthwith terminate unless the Option grant to the Optionee
                 provides otherwise.  Leave of absence approved by the
                 Committee shall not constitute cessation of employment.
                 Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subsection
                 (d), no Option shall in any event be exercisable after the
                 expiration of the period fixed by the Committee in accordance
                 with subsection (b) above.  An Option shall also terminate if
                 this Plan is not approved by the Shareholders of the Company
                 within the requisite time period set forth in Section 422 of 
                 the Code.
         (e)     Transferability of Option.  Any Option may not be transferred
                 by the Optionee otherwise than by will or the laws of descent
                 and distribution, and during the lifetime of the Optionee
                 shall be exercisable only by the Optionee. 

         (f)     Investment Representations.  Unless the Shares of Common Stock
                 subject to an Option are registered under applicable federal
                 and state securities laws, each Optionee by accepting an
                 Option shall be deemed to agree for himself and his legal
                 representatives that any Option granted to him and any and all
                 Shares of Common Stock purchased upon the exercise of the
                 Option shall be acquired for investment and not with a view
                 to, or for the sale in connection with, any distribution
                 thereof, and each notice of the exercise of any portion of an
                 Option shall be accompanied by a representation in writing,
                 signed by the Optionee or his legal representatives, as the
                 case may be, that the Shares of Common Stock are being
                 acquired in good faith for investment and not with a view to,
                 or for sale in connection with, any distribution thereof
                 (except in case of the Optionee's legal representatives for
                 distribution, but not for sale, to his legal heirs, legatees
                 and other testamentary beneficiaries).  Any Shares issued
                 pursuant to an exercise of an Option may, but need not, bear a
                 legend evidencing such representations and restrictions.  In
                 addition, if the Options and Shares of Common Stock issued
                 pursuant to this Plan are issued in reliance upon Rule 147,
                 promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the
                 written representations required by such rule shall be
                 obtained from the Optionees prior to or at the time they are
                 granted Options, any and all legends required by Rule 147
                 shall be set forth on the certificates representing Shares of
                 Common Stock issued pursuant to the exercise of such Options,
                 and stop transfer instructions shall be issued to the
                 Company's recordkeeping transfer agent with respect to such

         (g)     Maximum Incentive Stock Options.  The aggregate fair market
                 value (determined as of the time the Option is granted) of
                 Common Stock subject to Incentive Stock Options that are
                 exercisable for the first time by an employee during any
                 calendar year under the Plan or any other plan of the Company
                 or any Subsidiary shall not exceed $100,000.  For this
                 purpose, the fair market value of such Shares shall be
                 determined as of the date the Option is granted and shall be
                 computed in such manner as shall be determined by the
                 Committee, consistent with the requirements of Section 422 of
                 the Code.  If the immediate exercisability of Incentive Stock
                 Options arising from the retirement, death or permanent and
                 total disability of an Optionee consistent with the terms of
                 the applicable Option agreement or arising from any change of
                 control of the Company in accordance with Section 7 hereof


                 would cause this $100,000 limitation to be exceeded for an
                 Optionee, such Incentive Stock Options shall automatically be
                 converted into Non-Qualified Stock Options as of the date on
                 which such Incentive Stock Options become exercisable, but
                 only to the extent necessary to comply with the $100,000

         (h)     Agreement.  Each Option shall be evidenced by an agreement
                 between the Optionee and the Company which shall provide,
                 among other things, that, with respect to Incentive Stock
                 Options, the Optionee shall advise the Company immediately
                 upon any sale or transfer of the Shares of Common Stock
                 received upon exercise of the Option to the extent such sale
                 or transfer takes place prior to the later of (i) two years
                 from the date of grant or (ii) one year from the date of
                 exercise.  The agreement shall include the Option term and
                 exercise conditions and may also provide for an additional
                 cash payment from the Company to the Grantee of such
                 Non-Qualified Stock Option as soon as practicable after the
                 exercise date of such Non-Qualified Stock Option equal to all
                 or a portion of any tax savings to be received by the Company
                 attributable to the exercise of such Non-Qualified Stock

         (i)     Certificates.  The certificate or certificates for the Shares
                 issuable upon an exercise of an Option shall be issued as
                 promptly as practicable after such exercise.  An Optionee
                 shall not have any rights of a Shareholder in respect to the
                 Shares of Common Stock subject to an Option until the date of
                 issuance of a stock certificate to him for such Shares.  In no
                 case may a fraction of a Share be purchased or issued under
                 the Plan, but if, upon the exercise of an Option, a fractional
                 Share would otherwise be issuable, the Company shall pay cash
                 in lieu thereof.

         (j)     No Right to Continued Service.  Nothing in this Plan or in any
                 agreement entered into pursuant hereto shall confer on any
                 person any right to continue in the employ of the Company or
                 its Subsidiaries or Goran Capital Inc. or its subsidiaries,
                 affect any rights of the Company, Goran Capital Inc., a
                 Subsidiary, or the Shareholders of the Company may have to
                 terminate his service at any time.

         (k)     Incentive Stock Options and Non-Qualified Stock  Options.
                 Options granted under the Plan may be Incentive Stock Options
                 under Section 422 of the Code or Non-Qualified Stock Options;
                 provided, however, that Incentive Stock Options may not be
                 granted to any individual who is not an employee of the Company
                 or a Subsidiary. All Options granted hereunder shall be clearly
                 identified as either Incentive Stock Options or Non-Qualified
                 Stock Options.  In no event shall the exercise of an Incentive
                 Stock Option affect the right to exercise any Non-Qualified
                 Stock Option, nor shall the exercise of any Non-Qualified
                 Stock Option affect the right to exercise any Incentive Stock
                 Option. Nothing in this Plan shall be construed to prohibit
                 the grant of Incentive Stock Options and Non-Qualified Stock
                 Options to the same person; provided, however, that Incentive
                 Stock Options and Non-Qualified Stock Options shall not


                 be granted in a manner whereby the exercise of one
                 Non-Qualified Stock Option or Incentive Stock Option affects
                 the exercisability of the other.

6.       Stock Appreciation Rights.  The Committee may, in the event it
         determines it to be necessary or desirable to create a reasonable
         opportunity for an Optionee to acquire an increased ownership interest
         in the Company, award a stock appreciation right in conjunction with
         either an Incentive Stock Option or a Non-Qualified Stock Option.
         Under a stock appreciation right, the Optionee may, subject to Board
         approval,  surrender all or a part of a Stock Option and receive in
         exchange payment of no more than 100% of the excess of the fair market
         value of the Common Stock subject to the Option on the date of
         exercise over the exercise price of the Option.  The award of a stock
         appreciation right shall be evidenced by an agreement between the
         Company and the Optionee, the provisions of which shall be determined
         by the Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Plan.

         A stock appreciation right may be exercisable at any date with respect
         to no more than the number of Shares for which the related Stock
         Option is exercisable.  A stock appreciation right may be exercisable
         only when the per Share fair market value (as determined in accordance
         with Section 5(a) hereof) of the Common Stock subject to the Option
         exceeds the per Share exercise price of the Option.  Each stock
         appreciation right shall terminate no later than the termination date
         of the related Stock Option, and is transferable only with and to the
         extent that the related Stock Option is transferable.

         The Committee may limit the payment on exercise of a stock
         appreciation right to less than 100% of the increase in value, as
         aforesaid, or it may set a maximum dollar amount of payment not to
         exceed 100% of the increase in value.  Payment may be made in cash, in
         Shares of Common Stock, or in a combination of cash and Shares of
         Common Stock. Notwithstanding any other provision in the Plan to the
         contrary, the Committee shall have the sole discretion either to (i)
         determine the form in which payment for the stock appreciation right
         will be made (i.e., cash, Shares of Common Stock or a combination
         thereof), or (ii) to consent to or disapprove the election of the
         Optionee to receive cash in full or partial settlement of the stock
         appreciation right.  Such consent or disapproval must be given within
         seven calendar days after the date on which the Optionee initially
         elects the form of payment. Upon exercise of a stock appreciation
         right respecting a given number of Shares subject to the Option, the
         right to exercise the related Option respecting such Shares shall
         automatically terminate.

         To the extent that stock appreciation rights shall be exercised, the
         Option with respect to which the stock appreciation rights have been
         granted shall be deemed to have terminated for a reason other than the
         exercise thereof for the purpose of the limitation on the aggregate
         number of Shares reserved under Section 4 of this Plan.

 7.      Director Options.  Director Options shall be granted as of the first
         day following the successful closing of the SIG Initial Public
         Offering ("IPO") ("Grant Date").  As of the Grant Date, each Director
         serving as a Director of the Company on this Grant Date shall
         automatically be granted a Director Option to purchase 5,000 Shares of
         Common Stock;


         provided, however, that if on such Grant Date the number of remaining
         Shares available for Director Option grants is not large enough to
         grant each Director with a Director Option of 5,000 Shares, the number
         of Shares covered by the final Director Option for each Director shall
         be reduced proportionately to the nearest whole Share so that the
         number of Shares granted under the Plan does not exceed the number of
         Shares reserved under Section 4 hereof.  Each Director Option granted
         under the Plan shall be a Non-Qualified Stock Option and shall be
         evidenced by a Director Stock Option Agreement between the Company and
         the Director.  The Director Stock Option Agreement shall specify the
         number of Shares of Common Stock subject to the Director Option and
         shall also be subject to the following terms and conditions:

         (a)     Director Option Price.  The price to be paid for Shares of
                 Common Stock upon the exercise of each Director Option shall
                 be the IPO price of the Common Stock on the Grant Date.

         (b)     Period for Exercise of Director Option.  A Director Option
                 shall be exercisable and vest in three equal annual
                 installments on the first, second and third anniversaries of
                 the Grant Date and shall expire on the ten year anniversary of
                 the Grant Date.

         (c)     Exercise of Director Options.  The Option price of each Share
                 of Common Stock purchased upon exercise of a Director Option
                 shall be paid in full in cash at the time of such exercise;
                 provided, however, that a Director may exercise a Director
                 Option in whole or in part by tendering to the Company whole
                 Shares of Common Stock or any combination of whole Shares of
                 Common Stock and cash, having a fair market value equal to the
                 cash exercise price of the Shares with respect to which the
                 Director Option is being exercised.  For this purpose, the
                 fair market value of the Shares tendered by the Director shall
                 be the average of the high and low prices of the Common Stock
                 as traded on the NASDAQ Stock Market's National Market on the
                 exercise date (or, if the Common Stock is not traded on that
                 date, the first preceding date on which the Common Stock was
                 traded on the NASDAQ Stock Market's National Market).  A
                 Director Option may be exercised at any time or from time to
                 time during the term of the Director Option as to any or all
                 whole Shares which have become subject to purchase pursuant to
                 the terms of the Director Option or the Plan.

         (d)     Termination of Director Option.  If a Director ceases to be a
                 Director of the Company for any reason other than death, any
                 Director Option granted to that  Director may be exercised in
                 whole or in part at any time within the six year period
                 immediately following the date on which his or her status as a
                 Director terminated.  Leave of absence approved by the Inside
                 Directors shall not constitute termination of status as
                 Director.  In the event of the death of an  Director while
                 serving as a Director of the Company, any Director Option
                 granted to that Director may be exercised in whole or in part
                 by the executor or administrator of the Director's estate or
                 by the person or persons entitled to the Director Option by


                 will or by applicable laws of descent and distribution within
                 three years after the date of the Director's death, whether or
                 not the Director Option was otherwise exercisable at such date
                 of death.  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this
                 subsection (d), no Option shall in any event be exercisable
                 after the expiration of the period set forth in Section 7(b)

         (e)     Certificates.  The certificate or certificates for the Shares
                 issuable upon an exercise of a Director Option shall be issued
                 as promptly as practicable after such exercise. A Director
                 shall not have any rights of a Shareholder in respect to the
                 Shares of Common Stock subject to a Director Option until the
                 date of issuance of a stock certificate for such Shares.  In
                 no case may a fraction of a Share be purchased or issued under
                 the Plan, but if, upon the exercise of a Director Option, a
                 fractional Share would otherwise be issuable, then the Company
                 shall pay cash in lieu thereof.

         (f)     No Right to Continued Service.  Nothing in this Plan or in any
                 agreement entered into pursuant hereto shall confer on any
                 person any right to continue as a Director of the Company or
                 affect any rights the Company or the Shareholders of the
                 Company may have to terminate that person's status as a
                 Director at any time.

 8.      Adjustment of Shares.  In the event of any change after the effective
         date of the Plan in the outstanding Shares of Stock of the Company by
         reason of any reorganization, recapitalization, stock split, stock
         dividend, combination of Shares, exchange of Shares, merger or
         consolidation, liquidation, or any other change after the effective
         date of the Plan in the nature of the Shares of Stock of the Company,
         any Options granted and outstanding hereunder, and the Exercise Price
         thereof, shall be adjusted according to the change in the outstanding
         shares of Stock of the Company so as not to cause any dilutive effect
         to any Optionee.

 9.      Tax Withholding.  Whenever the Company proposes or is required to
         issue or transfer Shares of Stock under the Plan, the Company shall
         have the right to require the Optionee or his legal representative to
         remit to the Company an amount sufficient to satisfy any federal,
         state and/or local tax withholding requirements prior to the delivery
         of any certificate or certificates for such Shares, and whenever under
         the Plan payments are to be made in cash, such payments shall be net
         of an amount sufficient to satisfy any federal, state and/or local tax
         withholding requirements; provided, however, that notwithstanding the
         above and to the extent permitted by the Committee, an employee
         Optionee may make a written election to have Shares having an
         aggregate fair market value sufficient to satisfy the applicable
         withholding taxes withheld from the Shares otherwise to be received
         upon the exercise of the Option.

10.      Amendment.  The Board of Directors of the Company may amend the Plan
         from time to time and, with the consent of the Optionee, the terms and
         provisions of his Option or Director Option, except that without the
         approval of the Company's Shareholders:


         (a)     the number of Shares of Common Stock which may be reserved for
                 issuance under the Plan may not be increased except as
                 provided in Section 8 hereof;

         (b)     the period during which an Option or Director Option may be
                 exercised may not be extended beyond ten years and one day
                 from the date on which such Option or Director Option was
                 granted; and

         (c)     the class of persons to whom Options may be granted under the
                 Plan shall not be modified materially.

         No other amendment to the Plan may be made which requires the approval
         of the Company's shareholders under applicable law, the Code, or the
         Rules and Regulations of NASDAQ.

         No amendment of the Plan, however, may, without the consent of the
         Optionees, make any changes in any outstanding Options or Director
         Options theretofore granted under the Plan which would adversely
         affect the rights of such Optionees.

11.      Termination.  The Board of Directors of the Company may terminate the
         Plan at any time and no Option or Director Option shall be granted
         thereafter.  Such termination, however, shall not affect the validity
         of any Option or Director Option theretofore granted under the Plan.
         In any event, no Incentive Stock Option may be granted after the
         conclusion of a ten year period commencing on the date the Plan is
         adopted or, if earlier, the date the Plan is approved by the Company's

12.      Successors.  The Plan shall be binding upon the successors and assigns
         of the Company.

13.      Governing Law.  The terms of any Options granted hereunder and the
         rights and obligations hereunder of the Company, the Optionees and
         Directors and their successors in interest shall, except to the extent
         governed by federal law, be governed by Indiana law without regard to
         conflict of law rules.

14.      Government and Other Regulations.  The obligations of the Company to
         issue or transfer and deliver Shares under Options or Director Options
         granted under the Plan shall be subject to compliance with all
         applicable laws, governmental rules and regulations, and
         administrative action.
