Washington, D.C.  20549


                                   FORM 8-K         

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                       Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

      Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):  February 26, 1997

                              MICHAEL FOODS, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         MINNESOTA               0-15638           41-0498850
         ---------               -------           ----------
(State or other jurisdiction    (Commission       (IRS Employer
of incorporation)               File Number)      Identification

                        324 PARK NATIONAL BANK BUILDING
                             5353 WAYZATA BOULEVARD
                         MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA  55416 
              (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

                                 (612) 546-1500
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                           NORTH STAR UNIVERSAL, INC.
                             6479 CITY WEST PARKWAY
                        EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55344
        (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)


                               INTRODUCTORY NOTE

     On February 28, 1997, the Registrant and Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
corporation, completed a series of transactions described in detail in
Registration Statement 333-1863 which is incorporated herein by reference (the
"Reorganization").  Prior to the Reorganization, the name of the Registrant was
North Star Universal, Inc.  The Registrant's common stock traded on the Nasdaq
National Market System under the symbol NSRU.  The Common Stock of Michael
Foods, Inc. (Commission File No. 0-15568) traded on the Nasdaq National Market
System under the symbol MIKL.  As a result of the Reorganization, Michael Foods,
Inc., a Delaware corporation, became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Registrant
and changed its name to Michael Foods of Delaware, Inc.  The Registrant,
continuing the business of Michael Foods of Delaware, Inc., changed its name to
Michael Foods, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, and now trades on the Nasdaq
National Market System under the symbol MIKLD. Historical information regarding
Michael Foods of Delaware, Inc. is now included with the Registrant's
information.  Prior to the Reorganization, the Registrant transferred all of its
assets and liabilities other than Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation,
stock and certain debt to ENStar Inc.  Following the reorganization, all of the
common stock of ENStar was distributed ratably to the Registrant's shareholders
of record as of February 27, 1997.  The ENStar common stock is traded on the
Nasdaq National Market System under the symbol ENSR.  After the Reorganization,
the business formerly conducted by North Star Universal, Inc. is now 
conducted by ENStar Inc. and the business of Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware 
corporation, is conducted by the Registrant.


     A. Papetti's Acquisition.  On February 26, 1997, Michael Foods, Inc.,
(n/k/a Michael Foods of Delaware, Inc., a Delaware corporation and now a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Registrant) ("MFD"), completed a series of
transactions described in an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (the "Merger
Agreement") among MFD, Papetti's Hygrade Egg Products, Inc., a New Jersey
corporation ("Papetti's"), and other entities related to Papetti's ("Related
Entities"), pursuant to which MFD acquired Papetti's through a merger and
acquired the Related Entities through mergers or asset purchases. Papetti's and
the Related Entities are engaged in the egg processing and distribution
business. Papetti's is headquartered in Elizabeth, New Jersey and its principal
egg processing and distribution facilities are located in New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Iowa and Missouri.  The Registrant will continue to operate the
Papetti's business as a separate subsidiary of its M. G. Waldbaum Company egg
production, processing and distribution subsidiary.  See MFD Press Release 
issued February 26, 1997 filed as Exhibit 20.1 hereto.

     The purchase price consisted of 3,195,455 shares of MFD common stock,
assumption of approximately $23 million of notes payable and long-term debt and
approximately $42,900,000 in cash.  The cash portion of the purchase price was
paid from the proceeds of the $125 million term loan described below.  The
Papetti's transaction was accounted for as a purchase.

     Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, two members of the Papetti's family,
Arthur J. Papetti and Stephen T. Papetti, were named as directors of MFD and
through the Reorganization described below, became directors of the Registrant.
The former shareholders of Papetti's are

entitled, until the third anniversary of the closing, to nominate two directors
of the Registrant if the former shareholders beneficially own at least 10% of
the Registrant's common stock, or one director if the former shareholders
beneficially own less than 10% of the Registrant's common stock.

     B. Reorganization.  On February 28, 1997, MFD and the Registrant
completed the transactions described in the Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization between MFD, the Registrant and NSU Merger Co. dated December
21, 1995, as amended ("Reorganization Agreement") pursuant to which, through a
series of transactions, MFD, in effect, repurchased and retired a portion of
the shares of MFD common stock held by the Registrant in exchange for the
assumption of $21,250,000 of the Registrant's net indebtedness (the
"Reorganization").  The Reorganization Agreement contemplated that the historic
business of MFD would be continued by the Registrant.  MFD was merged with a
subsidiary of the Registrant with MFD as the surviving entity.  In the merger,
each MFD shareholder received one share of the Registrant's common stock for
each MFD common share. Immediately prior to the Reorganization, the Registrant
effected a reverse stock split whereby each share of the Registrant's
outstanding common stock was exchanged for .562 shares of new common stock of
the Registrant.  The reverse stock split ratio was determined in a manner that
would reduce the number of outstanding common shares held by the Registrant's
common shareholders prior to the Reorganization to a number equal to the number
of MFD common shares held by the Registrant at the time of the Reorganization
less the number of MFD shares valued at $11.92 per share equal to $21,250,000
in net indebtedness retained by the Registrant.  Upon consummation of the
reorganization, the Registrant's Board of Directors other than Mr. Efron and
Mr. Jeffrey J. Michael resigned and Mr. Ostrander, Mr. Coonrod, Mr. Knudtson,
Mr. Marshburn, Mr. Arthur J. Papetti, Mr. Stephen  Papetti and Ms. Bellantoni
were appointed as directors of the Registrant.  See press release filed
herewith as Exhibit 20.3.

     C. ENStar Spinoff.  Prior to February 28, 1997, and as a condition to the
completion of the Reorganization, the Registrant contributed all of its
operations, employees and its assets and liabilities other than the MFD stock
and $21,250,000 in net indebtedness to a wholly-owned subsidiary, ENStar Inc.
Immediately following the completion of the Reorganization, all of the ENStar
Inc. stock owned by the Registrant was distributed ratably to the Registrant's
shareholders of record as of February 27, 1997.


     A. Debt Financing.  On February 26, 1997, MFD entered into a $125 million
term loan agreement with Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and certain other
insurance companies pursuant to which MFD issued $125 million aggregate
principal amount of its 7.58% senior notes due February 26, 2009.  This
indebtedness was assumed by the Registrant upon completion of the Reorganization
described above.  See press release filed herewith as Exhibit 20.1.

     On February 26, 1997, MFD amended its existing Loan Agreement dated
December 1, 1989 with Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.  The amendment was
entered into in order to conform the loan covenants and certain other provisions
in the loan agreement with the loan covenants and other loan provisions
contained in the $125 million term loan agreement described above.  This
indebtedness was assumed by the Registrant upon completion of the Reorganization
described above.
     B. Bank Financing.  On February 28, 1997, but prior to the completion of
the Reorganization described above, MFD entered into a new revolving loan
agreement of up to $80 million with Bank of America Illinois and certain other
banks as evidenced by a Revolving Loan Agreement dated February 28, 1997 and
Revolving Notes in the aggregate principal amount of $80 million issued pursuant
thereto.  Under specified terms and conditions, this agreement may be
increased by MFD to $100 million.  As part of this borrowing, an existing
revolving loan agreement with Bank of America Illinois and certain other banks
was terminated.  This indebtedness was assumed by the Registrant upon 
completion of the Reorganization described above.  See press release filed
herewith as Exhibit 20.2.


     (a)  Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired

          1.  Audited combined balance sheet of
              Papetti Companies at December 31, 1995, combined
              statements of income, equity and cash flows for the year ended 
              December 31, 1995, and footnotes thereto.

          2.  Unaudited condensed combined balance sheet of Papetti Companies
              at September 30, 1996, unaudited condensed combined statements of
              operations and statements of cash flows for the nine months ended
              September 30, 1996 and September 30, 1995, and related notes to   
              unaudited condensed combined financial statements.

          3.  Audited consolidated financial statements of Michael Foods, Inc.,
              a Delaware corporation, and Subsidiaries for the years ended
              December 31, 1995, December 31, 1994 and December 31, 1993 were
              filed previously as exhibits to the Registrant's Form 10-K for
              the year ended December 31, 1995 and are incorporated herein by

          4.  Unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of Michael 
              Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and Subsidiaries are
              incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.1 hereof, an
              excerpt from Form 10-Q of Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
              corporation (Commission File 0-15568) filed for the quarterly
              period ended September 30, 1996.

     (b)  Pro Forma Financial Information

          1.  Unaudited pro forma condensed balance sheets of Registrant
              (Michael Foods, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, f/k/a North Star
              Universal, Inc., a Minnesota corporation) and ENStar Inc. at 
              September 30,1996 and unaudited pro forma condensed statements 
              of earnings for the nine months ended September 30, 1996 and 
              the year ended December 31, 1995.

          2.  Unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet of 
              Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation, Papetti 
              Companies and the Registrant (Michael Foods, Inc., a Minnesota 
              corporation, f/k/a North Star Universal Inc., a Minnesota 
              corporation) at September 30, 1996 and related unaudited pro
              forma condensed combined statements of earnings for the nine
              months ended September 30, 1996 and the year ended December 31, 

          3.  Notes to unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial

                               PAPETTI COMPANIES

                         COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                               FOR THE YEAR ENDED
                               DECEMBER 31, 1995



Boards of Directors, Stockholders and Partners
Papetti Companies

We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheet of the Papetti
Companies (see Note 1) as of December 31, 1995, and the related combined
statements of income, equity, and cash flows for the year then ended.  These
financial statements are the responsibility of the Companies' management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

In our opinion, the 1995 combined financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the combined financial position of
the Papetti Companies as of December 31, 1995 and the combined results of their
operations and their combined cash flows for the year then ended in conformity
with generally accepted accounting principles.

As discussed in Note 1, an agreement has been reached for the Papetti Companies
to be acquired.

/s/  Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.

Parsippany, New Jersey
October 7, 1996


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES

                            Combined Balance Sheet

                                                            DECEMBER 31,

 Cash and cash equivalents                                   $ 3,271,163
 Restricted cash                                                 437,811
 Accounts receivable, trade, net  of allowance for doubtful
   accounts of $630,000 in 1995                               25,215,806
 Inventories                                                  21,626,953
 Due from related parties                                      3,587,292
 Prepaid expenses and other                                    4,883,583

Total current assets                                          59,022,608

 Land                                                            173,400
 Buildings and improvements                                    5,678,288
 Machinery and equipment                                      44,507,698
 Leasehold improvements                                        4,124,635
 Transportation equipment                                      8,742,386


 Less accumulated depreciation                                35,070,018


 Due from related parties                                      3,863,329
 Goodwill, net                                                 1,879,210
 Other                                                         2,516,204


          Total Assets                                      $ 95,437,740


 Bank borrowings                                            $ 13,907,524
 Current maturities of long-term debt                          5,767,599
 Accounts payable                                             26,857,563
 Accrued compensation                                            708,569
 Accrued insurance                                               303,325
 Other accrued expenses                                        6,623,237
 Due to related parties                                          151,422

Total current liabilities                                     54,319,239

LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities                        6,267,569

Minority interest                                              2,310,929


 Partners' equity                                                353,330
 Preferred stock                                                  20,000
 Common stock                                                  2,422,872
 Additional paid-in capital                                      723,896
 Retained earnings                                            29,019,905

          Total equity                                        32,540,003

            Total liabilities and equity                    $ 95,437,740



                              PAPETTI COMPANIES

                         Combined Statement of Income

                                               YEAR ENDED
                                              DECEMBER 31,

Net sales                                     $ 278,785,836
Cost of sales                                   256,050,257

           Gross profit                          22,735,579

Selling, general and administrative expenses     13,563,329

Operating profit                                  9,172,250

Interest expense                                  2,304,119
Interest income                                    (478,888)

Income before taxes                               7,347,019

Income tax expense                                2,349,068

Income before minority interest                   4,997,951

Minority interest                                   157,298

Net income                                    $   4,840,653



                              PAPETTI COMPANIES

                         Combined Statement of Equity

                                          PREFERRED  STOCK     COMMON  STOCK     ADDITIONAL
                             PARTNERS'   SHARES              SHARES                PAID-IN      RETAINED       TOTAL
                              EQUITY     ISSUED     AMOUNT   ISSUED    AMOUNT      CAPITAL      EARNINGS       EQUITY
                             ---------  ---------  --------  ------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ------------
Balance at:
    December 31, 1994        $ 253,125     20,000  $ 20,000   2,404  $ 2,420,862   $ 524,906  $ 25,494,268  $ 28,713,161
    Net income                 108,083                                                           4,732,570     4,840,653
    Contributions               50,000                                                                            50,000
    Issuance of common stock                                  1,675        2,010     198,990                     201,000
    Cash dividends                                                                              (1,206,933)   (1,206,933)
    Partnership distributions  (57,878)                                                                          (57,878)
                             ---------  ---------  --------  ------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ------------

Balance at:
    December 31, 1995        $ 353,330     20,000  $ 20,000   4,079  $ 2,422,872   $ 723,896  $ 29,019,905  $ 32,540,003
                             =========  =========  ========  ======  ===========  ==========  ============  ============



                              PAPETTI COMPANIES

                       Combined Statement of Cash Flows

                                                           YEAR ENDED

Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                                               $ 4,840,653
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
    provided by operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization                         5,776,980
       Deferred income taxes                                  (420,718)
       Loss on sale of assets                                   76,123
       Provision for doubtful accounts                         457,131
       Minority interest in income                             157,298

  (Increase) decrease in assets:
  Accounts receivable, trade                                (6,199,305)
  Inventories                                               (4,648,454)
  Due from related parties                                  (3,089,199)
  Prepaid expenses and other                                (2,411,127)
  Other noncurrent assets                                     (707,926)

  Increase (decrease) in liabilities:
  Due to related parties                                      (904,954)
  Accounts payable                                           7,825,702
  Accrued compensation                                         268,699
  Accrued insurance                                             56,522
  Other accrued expenses                                     3,819,707

Net cash provided by operating activities                    4,897,132

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                 426,827
  Payments received on mortgage                                502,514
  Additions to patents and trademarks                         (227,737)
  Advances to affiliates                                    (4,000,000)
  Purchase of property and equipment                        (6,590,208)
  Other investing activities                                    35,089

Net cash used in investing activities                       (9,853,515)

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Increase in bank borrowings                                3,578,433
  Proceeds from long-term debt                               2,872,482
  Repayments of long-term debt                              (2,394,008)
  Advances to stockholders                                    (660,000)
  Net change in restricted cash                               (376,568)
  Cash dividends paid to shareholders                       (1,206,933)
  Cash dividends paid to minority interest                     (88,977)
  Distributions to partners                                    (57,878)
  Distributions to minority interest                           (22,122)
  Contributions by partners                                     50,000
  Proceeds from issuance of common stock
    to shareholders                                            201,000
  Proceeds from issuance of common stock
    to minority interest                                        99,000

Net cash provided by financing activities                    1,994,429

Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents        (2,961,954)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year               6,233,117

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                   $ 3,271,163

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
  Cash paid during the year for:
   Interest                                                $ 2,578,430
   Income taxes                                            $ 4,729,000

Noncash investing activity:
   Assets acquired by incurring directly related liabilities    $ 598,589



                              PAPETTI COMPANIES




    The combined financial statements of the Papetti Companies ("Companies")
    include all the separate entities which are owned by the Papetti family as
    presented below.  The Companies are engaged in the procurement,
    manufacturing and distribution of egg products to customers primarily
    throughout the United States.  The Companies' procurement trends consider
    current market prices and availability of eggs.  All significant balances
    and transactions between the combined entities have been eliminated.

                                                        FORM       INTEREST
                                                         OF           OF           INTEREST
                                         COMMENCED    BUSINESS     PAPETTI            OF
- -------------------------  ------------  ---------  -------------  --------  --------------------
Papetti's Hygrade Egg
   Products, Inc.          Hygrade         1967     C Corporation      100%
Papetti Foods, Inc.        Foods           1994     S Corporation      100%
Quaker State Farms, Inc.   Quaker          1990     S Corporation      100%
Papetti's of Iowa Food
   Products, Inc.          Iowa            1969     S Corporation       67%  T. Rechsteiner - 33%
Monark Egg Corporation     Monark          1991     S Corporation       75%  T. Rechsteiner - 25%
Casa Trucking Limited
  Partnership              Casa            1994     Partnership         80%  T. Catherman - 20%
Egg Specialties, Inc.      Specialties     1995     S Corporation     66.6%  T. Catherman - 16.7%
                                                                             R. Mosier - 16.7%
Papetti Transport Leasing
  Limited Partnership      Transport       1993     Partnership        100%
Papetti Equipment Leasing
  Limited Partnership      Equipment       1993     Partnership        100%

    Amounts included are as of December 31, and the year then ended for all
    entities except Hygrade, which is as of October 31, and for the year then
    ended.  During the two months ended December 31, 1995, Hygrade incurred a
    net loss of approximately $850,000.

    The minority stockholders' and partners' proportionate share of the equity
    of the Companies is shown as minority interest.

    On June 28, 1996, the Companies reached an agreement to be acquired by
    Michael Foods, Inc., a U.S. food processor and distributor, for a purchase
    price of approximately $85 million consisting of cash and Michael Foods,
    Inc. common stock.  The acquisition is expected to close in the first
    quarter of 1997.


    The Companies consider highly liquid temporary investments with original
    maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.



                              PAPETTI COMPANIES




    Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market.  Cost is determined
    on the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method.


    Sales of the Companies' products are recognized when the goods are shipped
    to customers and are recorded net of discounts, rebates, allowances and


    Property, plant and equipment are recorded at cost.  Depreciation is
    provided by using accelerated methods over the following estimated useful
    lives of the assets by most entities.  Certain entities provide
    depreciation by using the straight-line method.

                    Buildings and improvements  18-40 years
                    Machinery and equipment      3-20 years
                    Leasehold improvements       7-40 years
                    Transportation equipment     3-7 years


    Patents and trademarks are carried at cost less accumulated amortization
    which is calculated using the straight-line method over their legal or
    estimated useful lives of fifteen years.  Amounts total $1,068,108 at
    December 31, 1995 and are included within other assets.  The recoverability
    of these carrying amounts are reviewed by management periodically and
    adjusted for any unfavorable changes in value.  Accumulated amortization
    was $81,182 at December 31, 1995.


    Goodwill has arisen from acquisitions made by the Companies.  All
    acquisitions have been accounted for as purchases and the excess of the
    total purchase price over the fair value of the net assets acquired was
    recorded as goodwill.  Goodwill is amortized using the straight-line method
    over fifteen years.  Accumulated amortization was $143,090 at December 31,
    1995.  The Companies evaluate their goodwill annually to determine
    potential impairment by comparing the carrying value to the undiscounted
    cash flows of the related assets.  The Companies modify the life or adjust
    the value of goodwill if an impairment is identified.


    Advertising costs are expensed when incurred.  The companies incurred
    advertising costs of $820,974 for the year ended December 31, 1995.


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES




    Some of the Companies are organized as partnerships and others as S
    corporations.  There is no provision for Federal income taxes on
    partnerships or S corporations reflected in the combined statement of
    income.  Certain "S" corporations are subject to state income taxes.

    Deferred income taxes are provided by using the asset and liability method.
    Under this method, deferred income taxes are recognized for the tax
    consequences of "temporary differences" by applying enacted statutory tax
    rates applicable to future years to differences between the financial
    statement carrying amounts and the tax basis of existing assets and


    Financial instruments which potentially subject the Companies to
    concentration of credit risk, consist principally of cash and trade
    receivables.  The Companies place their cash with high credit quality
    institutions.  Such amounts exceed FDIC insurance limits.  Concentration of
    credit risk with respect to trade receivables is limited due to the large
    number of customers comprising the Companies' customer base.  Ongoing
    credit evaluations of customers' financial condition are performed and
    collateral is not required.


    The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
    accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
    assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
    disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
    financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses
    during the reporting period.  The most significant estimates relate to the
    accrual for rebates and allowance for doubtful accounts.  Actual results
    could differ from those estimates.


    The Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of Financial
    Accounting Standards No. 121, "Accounting for the Impairment of Long Lived
    Assets and Long Lived Assets To Be Disposed Of," which the Companies are
    required to adopt January 1, 1996.  This standard establishes guidance on
    when and how to measure impairment of long-lived assets, certain
    identifiable intangibles, and how to value long-lived assets to be disposed
    of.  Management believes the adoption of this new accounting standard will
    not have a material effect on the Companies' financial statements.


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES



    As required by the line of credit agreement (Note 5), Iowa is required to
    deposit all collections from trade accounts receivable in a separate bank
    account.  The receipts deposited in this account are only to be applied
    against the line of credit.


    Inventories consist of the following:


    Raw materials and supplies            $ 3,284,430
    Work-in-progress and finished goods    18,342,523

                                         $ 21,626,953


    Fully depreciated machinery and equipment still in use in the Companies'
    operations totaled approximately $15,463,000 at December 31, 1995.
    Depreciation expense was $5,068,409 for the year ended December 31, 1995.


    Hygrade has lines of credit totaling $20,000,000.  Amounts drawn against
    the line bear interest at prime (8.75% at October 31, 1995).  Borrowings
    under the lines are collateralized by Hygrade's assets.    The line of
    credit outstanding borrowing was $4,000,000 at October 31, 1995.

    Iowa has a revolving line of credit not to exceed $7,000,000 with a bank.
    Amounts drawn against the line bear interest at 2.4% above prime (8.75% at
    December 31, 1995).  The line of credit matures on October 31, 1996 or 90
    days after the bank's request.  Restricted cash is credited against the
    line immediately upon receipt by Iowa.  The line of credit is
    collateralized by all of Iowa's inventory and accounts receivable and by
    limited personal guarantees of Iowa's stockholders.  Iowa is required to
    not  permit the line of credit balance to exceed the lesser of $7,000,000
    or certain amounts of accounts receivable and inventory.  The line of
    credit outstanding borrowing was $6,173,853 at December 31, 1995.


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES



    Quaker has a maximum line of credit with a bank totaling $1,000,000.
    Amounts drawn against the line bear interest at the bank's prime rate (8.5%
    as of December 31, 1995).  At December 31, 1995, $600,000 was outstanding.
    The note is collateralized by accounts receivable and requires that Quaker
    maintains various financial ratios.

    At December 31, 1995 Monark had a revolving note of $3,500,000 with
    interest at one and one-half percent over the bank's prime rate, (9% at
    December 31, 1995). The agreement's expiration date is October 1996.
    Monark is required to not permit the note's balance to exceed the lesser of
    $3,500,000 or certain amounts of accounts receivable and inventory.  The
    note is collateralized by all of Monark's assets and is guaranteed up to
    $1,000,000 by three shareholders individually.  The agreement contains
    various covenants including dividend restrictions.  Monark's note payable
    was $2,433,671 at December 31, 1995.

    As of December 31, 1995, Specialties has a short-term credit line totaling
    $1,500,000 with a bank, of which $800,000 was unused at December 31, 1995.
    Interest is payable monthly at the bank's prime rate, (8.75% at December
    31, 1995).  The line is collateralized by equipment and has been guaranteed
    by Hygrade.

    At year end 1995, covenants of certain borrowings were in violation for
    which management obtained waivers during 1996.


    The Companies' long-term debt consists of:

    Note payable, bank, requiring monthly principal
      payments of $16,667 plus interest at prime plus 
      one-half percent. (9% at December 31, 1995) The 
      note is collateralized by all assets of Monark 
      and is guaranteed by their stockholders and
      matures in October 1997. The agreement contains
      various covenants pertaining to maintenance of
      working capital and dividend restrictions.                 $ 1,366,654

    Note payable, bank requiring monthly repayments
      including interest at 7.32%. The note is 
      collateralized by certain assets of Hygrade and
      matures in 1999. Hygrade is required to maintain
      various financial ratios.  Hygrade was not in
      compliance with certain loan covenants at October
      31, 1995. The lender has agreed to waive compliance
      with the covenants.


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES



       However, as part of the waiver, the Companies
       will repay the lender as part of the Michael 
       Foods acquisition (see Note 1) by January 31,
       1997. The Companies have reflected all debt
       from this lender as due in 1997.                           1,437,500

     Industrial Development Revenue Bonds requiring
       annual principal payments of $600,000. Interest
       is due semi-annually and the bonds carry interest
       rates ranging from 7.40% to 8.50%. The bonds are
       collateralized by a first mortgage lien on Iowa's
       certain real property, a first security interest
       on Iowa's certain fixtures and equipment and 
       further collateralized by guarantees and 
       restricted funds. The bonds mature in September
       2001.                                                      3,370,000

     Note payable requiring monthly installments of 
       $51,459 plus interest at one-half percent above
       prime (8.5% at December 31, 1995). The note is 
       collateralized by substantially all of Foods'
       assets and matures in March 2002. The note is
       guaranteed by Hygrade and requires that Hygrade
       maintain a minimum tangible net worth. Foods was
       not in compliance with certain loan covenants at
       December 31, 1995. The lender has agreed to waive 
       compliance with the covenants and amend the
       agreement to permit Foods to be in compliance with
       such covenants through December 31, 1996. However,
       as part of the waiver and amendment, the Companies 
       will repay the lender at the closing of the Michael
       Foods acquisition. (See Note 1) As a result, the 
       Companies have reclassified debt from this lender
       as current.                                                3,803,451 

     Other                                                        2,057,563


     Less:  Current maturities                                    5,767,599

                                                                $ 6,267,569


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES



    Aggregate minimum annual principal payments of long-term debt maturing in
    years subsequent to December 31, 1995 are as follows:

          YEAR ENDING                          
         DECEMBER 31,          AMOUNT          
         ------------       ------------                      
           1996             $  5,767,599       
           1997                3,645,544       
           1998                  819,233       
           1999                  793,261       
           2000                  639,531       
        Thereafter               370,000       
                            $ 12,035,168       

    In addition to the aforementioned Hygrade and Foods covenants, at year end
    1995, covenants of certain other loans were in violation for which
    management obtained waivers during 1996.


    Hygrade has an administrative service contract to provide its employees
    with health care insurance, which includes a self-funded portion.

    Under the insurance policy with the Plan's underwriter, Hygrade's
    self-funded liability is limited for each plan year to a maximum of $75,000
    per employee, with an aggregate liability limit of approximately
    $1,371,000.  These liability limits are adjusted annually.  For this
    purpose, the plan year runs from January 1 through December 31 of each
    year.  Hygrade has recorded an actuarially determined liability for
    existing and incurred but not yet reported claims of $234,400.


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES



    The preferred stock of Hygrade as of October 31, 1995 was:

     PAR     SHARES        AND                            
    -----  ----------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
     $1        20,000       20,000  $ 20,000    Voting    

    The holders of Hygrade's preferred stock receive noncumulative dividends of
    $10 per share annually.  Common stockholders then may receive dividends up
    to $20 per share.  Any dividends subsequently declared are divided equally
    between preferred stockholders and common stockholders.  In the event of
    liquidation, preferred stockholders receive $100 per share before any
    distributions are made to common stockholders.  Hygrade may redeem its
    preferred stock at a rate of $100 per share.  Hygrade preferred
    stockholders and common stockholders each have voting rights at a rate of
    one vote per share.  In October 1996, the preferred stock was redeemed and
    cancelled in exchange for 115 shares of common stock.

    The common stock of the Companies as of December 31, 1995 was:

                  PAR     SHARES    ISSUED AND                                     
    -----------  -----  ----------  -----------  -----------  -------------------  
    Hygrade        -         1,000        1,000  $         1                       
    Foods          -         2,500          300        5,000                       
    Quaker         -           200          200       50,000                       
    Iowa         $ 100       2,000          125       12,500  Class A              
    Iowa           -         2,000          554    2,353,136  Class B, non-voting  
    Monark           1      30,000          225          225                       
    Specialties              2,500        1,675        2,010                       
                        ----------  -----------  -----------                       
                            40,200        4,079  $ 2,422,872                       
                        ==========  ===========  ===========

    Approximately 1,234 shares of issued and outstanding common stock is held
    by minority shareholders and not reflected in the Companies' common stock.

    Quaker common stockholders received dividends of $3,700 per share for the
    year ended December 31, 1995.

    Monark common stockholders received dividends of approximately $1,186 per
    share for the year ended December 31, 1995.


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES



    Hygrade has a royalty agreement with a partnership in which it is a 49%
    owner.  Under the agreement Hygrade pays monthly royalties at the greater
    of $30,000 or 2% of the sales of products processed utilizing the
    technology which in turn are fully paid to the other partner.  Royalty
    expense for the year ended October 31, 1995 was $1,352,059.


    The provision for income taxes consists of the following:

                                                    YEAR ENDED      
                                                   DECEMBER 31,     
      Federal                                      $ 2,254,748      
      State                                            515,039      
      Federal                                         (330,316)      
      State                                            (90,403)      
                                                   $ 2,349,068      

    Deferred income taxes arise from temporary differences between financial
    and tax reporting.  Deferred tax assets are included with prepaid expenses
    and other current assets.  The tax effects of the cumulative temporary
    differences resulting in the deferred tax assets are as follows:

                                                   YEAR ENDED
                                                  DECEMBER 31,

    Depreciation                                   $    91,946
    Allowance for bad debts                            185,389
    Inventory                                          181,997
    Accruals for rebates                             1,387,237
    Accruals for health insurance claims                95,648
    Other                                                1,399

                                                   $ 1,943,616


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES


    The following is a reconciliation of the Federal statutory income tax rate
    to the combined effective tax rate:

                                                        YEAR ENDED
                                                        DECEMBER 31,

    Federal statutory rate                                  34.0%
    State tax effect                                         4.2%
    Effect of certain entities being S Corporations
       or partnerships                                      (5.9)%
    Other                                                   (0.3)%


    Foods, Quaker, Monark, Iowa and Specialties have elected tax status as "S"
    Corporations, whereby the stockholders account for their share of the
    respective entities' income, losses, deductions, and credits on their
    Federal income tax returns.  Foods is subject to state income taxes.
    Quaker pays dividends to the shareholders to satisfy their income tax
    liability.  Quaker is subject to state franchise tax.  Casa, Equipment and
    Transport are partnerships whereby the partners account for their share of
    the respective entities' income, losses deductions and credits on their
    income tax returns.


    There are significant intercompany balances and transactions between
    entities included in the Companies' combined financial statements.  These
    balances and transactions have been eliminated in combination.  The
    following table summarizes intercompany balances which have been eliminated
    from the combined balance sheet.

                                                        DECEMBER 31,

    Accounts receivable                                 $ 4,289,000
    Due from related parties                              4,661,000
    Long term debt                                        3,614,000
    Accounts payable                                      1,810,000
    Due to related parties                                3,525,000



                              PAPETTI COMPANIES



    Based on Hygrade having a different year end than the other entities,
    certain balances between Hygrade and the other entities do not eliminate.
    This deferred intercompany balance was approximately $2,506,000 as of
    December 31, 1995.  This amount has been included in the current portion of
    due from related parties.

    The following table summarizes intercompany transactions which have been
    eliminated from the combined income statement:

                                                         YEAR ENDED
                                                        DECEMBER 31,

    Sales and cost of sales                             $ 61,139,000

    Interest income and expense                              322,000



    Due from related parties includes a mortgage receivable of $892,962 due
    from Jersey Pride Urban Renewal (a partnership whose partners are two
    stockholders of the Companies) as of December 31, 1995.  Maturity of this
    mortgage is as follows:

           YEAR ENDING               
          DECEMBER  31,     AMOUNT  
          -------------   ---------                        
            1996          $ 182,227  
            1997            172,102  
            1998            122,379  
            1999            134,437  
            2000            147,687  
         Thereafter         134,130  
                          $ 892,962  


    Due from related parties at December 31, 1995 includes notes receivable of
    $1,250,089, due from two stockholders of the Companies requiring annual
    repayments of $100,000 each including interest at 7.00% and maturing in

    Included in other assets at December 31, 1995 is $150,000 of noninterest
    bearing notes receivable from individuals who are two stockholders of the



                              PAPETTI COMPANIES




    Due from related parties includes a note receivable to Iowa due from
    shareholders and other individuals of $1,860,000 at December 31, 1995.
    This arose in 1994 when certain stockholders and officers of Iowa and other
    individuals entered into a note agreement with Iowa.  The proceeds from
    this note were used to meet the equity requirements of a Papetti Farms,
    Inc. financing agreement.  The terms of the note, as amended, require a
    seven-year payment schedule with annual repayments beginning June 10, 1997,
    with interest payable at the prime rate as determined by Firstar Bank of
    Wisconsin plus 1.5%.


    The Companies lease operating facilities on a month-to-month basis from
    related partnerships.  Rental expense for the operating facilities totaled
    approximately $1,850,000 for the year ended December 31, 1995.


    The Companies are parties to financial guarantees with off-balance-sheet
    risk in the normal course of business to meet financing needs of some
    related parties.  The financial guarantees involve credit risk in excess of
    the amount recognized in the balance sheet.  The Companies' exposure to
    credit loss in the event of nonperformance by the related parties for
    financial guarantees written is represented by the amount of the
    guarantees.  The Companies do not require collateral to support the
    financial guarantees.

    The Companies have guaranteed loans for A&A Urban Renewal (a partnership
    whose partners are two stockholders of the Companies) in the amount of
    $1,375,000 at December 31, 1995.  The Companies have guaranteed bonds
    issued by the Schuykill County Industrial Development Authority,
    Pennsylvania, issued on behalf of ASA Company, a related entity from whom
    the Companies lease facilities, land and certain equipment.  The bonds had
    an original principal balance of $1,940,000 with $965,000 outstanding at
    December 31, 1995.  No reserve for losses on the guarantees is provided for
    at December 31, 1995.

    Certain of the combined entities have guaranteed the indebtedness of other
    combined entities.  In addition, certain stockholders have guaranteed loans
    of several of the Companies at December 31, 1995.


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES




    Certain stockholders of the Companies hold a majority interest in Papetti
    Farms, Inc., which owns 50% of Sunbest-Papetti Farms ("Sunbest").  Sunbest
    is engaged in the egg laying business and commenced operations in 1994.
    The amount due from Sunbest at December 31, 1995 was approximately
    $717,000.  The amount due to Sunbest at December 31, 1995 was approximately
    $444,000.  Purchases for the year ended December 31, 1995 from Sunbest were
    approximately $8,618,000.



    Hygrade was a defendant in a suit alleging patent infringement which has
    been settled in connection with the purchase agreement with Michael Foods,
    Inc. (Note 1).  The settlement amount, $6 million, is contingently payable
    upon the consummation of the purchase.  The provision has been recorded as
    of the date that the purchase agreement was signed, June 28, 1996, as this
    was the point when the dollar amount became determinable and probable.


    The Companies lease certain of its facilities and equipment under operating
    leases.  At December 31, 1995, the minimum future rental commitments under
    noncancelable leases payable over the remaining lives of the leases are:

            1996  $ 314,577    
            1997    164,454    
            1998    114,248    
            1999    101,322    
            2000     24,330    
                  $ 718,931    

    The Companies also lease certain of their operating facilities and land on
    a month-to-month basis from related parties.

    Rental expense under operating leases was approximately $2,531,000 for the
    year ended December 31, 1995.


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES




    In order to insure a steady supply of eggs, several of the combined
    companies have entered into three- to five-year contracts to purchase a
    specified volume of eggs at market prices on the day the entities receive
    the eggs from the suppliers.  Purchases in excess of production
    requirements can be readily sold in the open market.


    SFAS No. 107, "Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments",
    requires disclosure of information about the fair value of certain
    financial instruments for which it is practicable to estimate that value.
    For purposes of the following disclosure, the fair value of a financial
    instrument is the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a
    current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced sale or

    The amounts disclosed represent management's best estimates of fair value.
    The methods and assumptions used to estimate fair value are as follows:

    a.  Restricted cash -  The carrying amounts approximate fair value because
        of the short maturity of those instruments and the variable market rate
        of interest accruing on the various accounts.

    b.  Due from related parties - The carrying amounts approximate fair value
        because of the short maturity of the instruments and the interest rate
        accruing on the various accounts approximates the rates currently
        offered to the Companies for debt of the same remaining maturities.

    c.  Long-term debt - The fair value of the Companies' long-term debt is
        estimated based on the quoted market prices for similar issues or by
        discounting expected cash flows at the rates currently offered to the
        Companies for debt of the same remaining maturities as advised by the
        Companies' bankers.


                              PAPETTI COMPANIES



    The assets and liability amounts recorded in the balance sheet (carrying
    amount) and the estimated fair values of financial instruments at December
    31, consisted of the following:

                                    CARRYING         FAIR           
                                     AMOUNT          VALUE          
                                   -----------  ---------------     
    Cash and cash equivalents      $ 3,271,163        3,271,163     
    Restricted cash                    437,811          437,811     
    Due from related parties         7,450,621        7,450,621     
    Long-term debt                  12,035,168       11,802,005     


                               PAPETTI COMPANIES

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                September 30,
CURRENT ASSETS                                                               
 Cash and cash equivalents                                      $  1,589,000 
 Accounts receivable, less allowances                             35,291,000 
 Inventories                                                      15,398,000 
 Prepaid and other                                                 4,598,000 
 Due from related parties                                          4,854,000 
  Total current assets                                            61,730,000 
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT - AT COST                                      
 Land                                                                107,000 
 Buildings and improvements                                        6,254,000 
 Machinery and equipment                                          46,433,000 
 Leasehold improvements                                            5,500,000 
 Transportation equipment                                         10,367,000 
 Less accumulated depreciation                                    38,124,000
OTHER ASSETS                                                                 
 Goodwill, net                                                     1,778,000 
 Due from related parties                                             69,000 
 Other                                                             2,332,000 
                                                                $ 96,446,000 
LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                         
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                          
 Notes payable                                                  $ 12,271,000    
 Current maturities of long-term debt                              5,522,000 
 Accounts payable                                                 27,980,000 
 Accrued expenses and other liabilities                           13,779,000 
   Total current liabilities                                      59,552,000 
LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities                            7,501,000 
MINORITY INTEREST                                                  2,460,000 
CONTINGENCIES                                                             -- 
STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                         
 Partner's equity                                                    550,000 
 Preferred stock                                                      20,000 
 Common stock                                                      2,423,000 
 Additional paid-in capital                                          723,000 
 Retained earnings                                                23,217,000 
                                                                $ 96,446,000 
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to condensed combined financial statements.          
                              PAPETTI COMPANIES
                 Nine Months Ended September 30, (Unaudited)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    1996               1995
                                                ------------       ------------
Net sales                                       $261,396,000       $198,467,000

Cost of sales                                    243,298,000        177,801,000
                                                ------------       ------------

  Gross profit                                    18,098,000         20,666,000

Selling, general and administrative expenses      14,542,000         13,258,000
Litigation settlement                              6,000,000                 --
                                                ------------       ------------

  Operating profit (loss)                         (2,444,000)         7,408,000

Interest expense, net                              1,144,000          1,213,000
                                                ------------       ------------

  Earnings (loss) before income taxes             (3,588,000)         6,195,000

Income tax expense                                   214,000          2,080,000
                                                ------------       ------------

  Earnings (loss) before minority interest        (3,802,000)         4,115,000

Minority interest                                    262,000             40,000
                                                ------------       ------------
  NET EARNINGS (LOSS)                           $ (4,064,000)      $  4,075,000
                                                ============       ============
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to condensed combined financial statements.

                               PAPETTI COMPANIES
                  Nine Months Ended September 30, (Unaudited)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                          1996                1995
                                                                      ------------        -------------
Net cash provided by operating activities                             $  6,460,000        $  4,154,000

Cash flows from investing activities:
 Capital expenditures                                                   (8,543,000)         (4,757,000)              
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                     2,421,000             427,000
 Other                                                                     247,000            (422,000)
                                                                      ------------        ------------ 
Net cash used in investing activities                                   (5,875,000)         (4,752,000)

Cash flows from financing activities:
 Net change in restricted cash                                             191,000            (798,000)        
 Payments on notes payable and long-term debt                          (11,250,000)         (6,208,000)     
 Proceeds from notes payable and long-term debt                         10,602,000           4,838,000 
 Cash dividends paid to shareholders and minority interest              (1,394,000)         (1,083,000) 
 Distributions to partners and minority interest                          (416,000)            (80,000)
 Contributions by partners                                                      --              50,000
                                                                      ------------        ------------

Net cash used in financing activities                                   (2,267,000)         (3,281,000)
                                                                      ------------        ------------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                               (1,682,000)         (3,879,000)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                         3,271,000           6,233,000
                                                                      ------------        ------------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                            $  1,589,000        $  2,354,000  
                                                                      ============        ============

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to condensed combined financial statements.

                               PAPETTI COMPANIES

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          September 30, 1996 and 1995


The accompanying unaudited condensed combined financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with Regulation S-X pursuant to the rules and
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Certain information and
footnote disclosures normally included in financial statements prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles have been condensed or
omitted pursuant to such rules and regulations, although management believes
that the disclosures are adequate to make the information presented not

All the Companies have a December 31 fiscal year end, except Papetti's Hygrade
Egg Products, Inc. ("Hygrade"), which is October 31.  Thus, amounts included
are as of September 30 and for the nine months then ended for all entities
except Hygrade, which is as of July 31, and for the nine months then ended.
During the two months ended September 30, 1996, Hygrade earned net income of
approximately $380,000.

In the opinion of management, the unaudited condensed combined financial
statements contain all adjustments (consisting of only normal recurring
adjustments) necessary to present fairly the financial position as of September
30, 1996, the results of operations and cash flows for the nine month periods
ended September 30, 1996 and 1995.  These financial statements should be read
in conjunction with the Companies' audited financial statements for the year
ended December 31, 1995 included in this filing.  The results of operations for
the nine month period ended September 30, 1996 are not necessarily indicative
of the results for the full year.

Certain reclassifications of prior year amounts have been made to conform to
the current year presentation.

The Companies' preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the dates of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reported periods.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market.  Cost is determined on
the first-in, first-out method.  Inventories consist of the following:

                                       September 30,    December 31,
                                          1996            1995
                                       -------------    ------------
Work in process and finished goods     $ 11,041,000     $ 18,343,000
Raw materials and supplies                4,357,000        3,284,000
                                       ------------     ------------
                                       $ 15,398,000     $ 21,627,000
                                       ============     ============


                               PAPETTI COMPANIES

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          September 30, 1996 and 1995


As of September 30, 1996, the Companies have several lines of credit and notes
payable to various financial institutions.  Some of the loan agreements contain
convenants which in several instances require the Companies to maintain certain
financial ratios and restrict the payment of dividends.  As of September 30,
1996, covenants of certain borrowings were in violation for which management
obtained waivers of all such requirements.


Hygrade was a defendant in a suit alleging patent infringement which has been
settled in connection with the purchase agreement with Michael Foods, Inc. (see
Note E).  The settlement amount, $6 million, is payable contingent upon the
consummation of the purchase and has been recorded as of the date that the
purchase agreement was signed, June 28, 1996.  


On June 28, 1996, the Companies reached an agreement to be acquired by Michael
Foods, Inc., a U.S. food processor and distributor.  The purchase price will be
comprised of 3.2 million shares of Michael Foods, Inc. common stock valued at
approximately $38 million, assumption of approximately $23 million of debt and
approximately $43 million in cash, subject to certain adjustments.  The
acquisition is expected to close in the first quarter of 1997.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements have
been prepared to reflect the February 26, 1997 acquisition of Papetti's Hygrade
Egg Products, Inc. and its affiliated entities (collectively "Papetti") by
Michael Foods, Inc. ("Michael"), as if it had occurred on January 1, 1995 for
the pro forma statements of earnings and on September 30, 1996 for the pro
forma balance sheet.  The acquisition of Papetti has been accounted for as a
purchase transaction and the purchase price has been allocated to the assets
and liabilities of Papetti based on their estimated fair value at September 30,
1996.  The final allocation of the purchase price and the resulting impact may
differ from those reflected in the following unaudited pro forma condensed
combined financial statements.

The "Papetti Historical" financial information is as of September 30, 1996 and
the nine month period then ended and for the year ended December 31, 1995 for
all entities except for Papetti's Hygrade Egg Products, Inc., which is as of 
July 31, 1996 and the nine month period then ended and for the fiscal year ended
October 31, 1995.

The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements have
also been prepared to reflect the February 28, 1997 effectiveness of the
Agreement and Plan of Reorganization by and between Michael, North Star
Universal, Inc. ("NSU") and NSU Merger Co. ("Merger Sub"), a wholly-owned
subsidiary of NSU.  The transaction merged Merger Sub, with and into Michael
with Michael as the surviving corporation.  At the time of the merger the
operating companies owned by NSU and certain other assets and liabilities,
including NSU's investment in CorVel Corporation, were distributed to the
former NSU shareholders in the form of the common stock of ENStar Inc. 
("ENStar").The pro forma condensed financial statements reflect this
distribution.  The merger agreement is accounted for in the following
statements as if it had occurred on January 1, 1995 for the pro forma
statements of earnings and on September 30, 1996 for the pro forma balance
sheets.  The effect of this merger is the assumption by Michael of NSU debt and
the retirement of Michael shares of common stock, owned by NSU, in an amount
approximately equal to the debt assumed.

Assumptions underlying the pro forma adjustments are described in the
accompanying notes which should be read in conjunction with the unaudited pro
forma condensed combined financial statements.  These financial statements
should also be read in conjunction with the historical financial statements of
Michael, NSU and Papetti and the notes thereto.  The pro forma financial
statements do not purport to be indicative of the actual results of operations
which would have occurred had the operations of the companies been combined at
January 1, 1995 or the future results of operations which may be obtained by
the combined companies.


                           NORTH STAR UNIVERSAL, INC.


                               SEPTEMBER 30, 1996
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                             PRO FORMA               
                                              NSU           ADJUSTMENTS         NSU
ASSETS                                     HISTORICAL        -ENSTAR          PRO FORMA
                                          -----------       -----------       ---------
 Current Assets
      Cash and cash equivalents              $  8,068        $   174(a)        $ 7,894
      Accounts receivable, net                  9,704          9,704(a)              -
      Inventories                               6,629          6,629(a)              -
      Prepaid expenses and other                  773            367(a)            406
                                             --------        -------           -------
         Total current assets                  25,174         16,874             8,300
 Property and equipment, net                    1,572          1,572(a)              -
 Goodwill, net                                  4,841          4,841(a)              -
 Investments in unconsolidated
        subsidiaries                           83,468         13,199(a)         70,269
 Other assets                                      26             26(a)              -
                                             --------        -------           -------
                                             $115,081        $36,512           $78,569
                                             ========        =======           =======
 Current Liabilities
      Notes payable                          $  1,115        $ 1,115(a)        $     -
      Current portion of long-term debt        11,624             17(a)         11,607
      Accounts payable                          5,829          5,829(a)              -
      Accrued liabilities                       5,522          5,522(a)              -
                                             --------        -------           -------
         Total current liabilities             24,090         12,483            11,607
 Long-term debt, less current portion          22,310            146(a)         22,164
 Deferred income taxes                         26,725          3,490(a)         23,235
 Stockholders' equity                          41,956         20,393(a)         21,563
                                             --------        -------           -------
                                             $115,081        $36,512           $78,569
                                             ========        =======           =======


                           NORTH STAR UNIVERSAL, INC.


                      NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1996
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                            PRO FORMA
                                              NSU          ADJUSTMENTS         NSU
                                           HISTORICAL       -ENSTAR         PRO FORMA
                                           ----------      -----------      ---------
Net sales                                    $49,151        $49,151 (a)      $     -
Cost of sales                                 36,147         36,147 (a)            -
                                             -------        -------         --------
        Gross profit                          13,004         13,004                -
Selling, general, and administrative
  expenses                                    12,744         12,594 (a)          150
                                             -------        -------         --------
        Operating profit (loss)                  260            410             (150)
Interest expense, net                         (2,573)          (191)(a)       (2,382)
Investment income                              7,713              -            7,713
                                             -------        -------         --------
Earnings before income taxes and equity in 
  earnings of unconsolidated subsidiaries      5,400            219            5,181
Income tax expense                             2,240            122 (a)        2,118
                                             -------        -------         --------
Earnings before equity in earnings of
  unconsolidated subsidiaries                  3,160             97            3,063
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
  subsidiaries                                 2,750            956 (a)        1,794
                                             -------        -------         --------
        Earnings from continuing operations  $ 5,910        $ 1,053          $ 4,857
                                             =======        =======         ========


                           NORTH STAR UNIVERSAL, INC.


                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                        PRO FORMA                                 
                                           NSU         ADJUSTMENTS         NSU    
                                           HISTORICAL    -ENSTAR      PRO FORMA 
                                           ----------  -----------    --------- 
Net sales                                    $54,891    $54,891 (a)    $     -  
Cost of sales                                 39,525     39,525 (a)          -  
                                             -------    -------       --------  
        Gross profit                          15,366     15,366              - 
Selling, general, and administrative expenses 14,882     14,333 (a)        549 
                                             -------    -------       -------- 
        Operating profit (loss)                  484      1,033           (549)
Interest expense, net                         (4,120)      (247)(a)     (3,873)
                                             -------    -------       -------- 
Earnings before income taxes and equity in 
  earnings of unconsolidated subsidiaries     (3,636)       786         (4,422)
Income tax expense (benefit)                  (1,200)       405 (a)     (1,605)
                                             -------    -------       -------- 
Earnings before equity in earnings of                                  
  unconsolidated subsidiaries                 (2,436)       381         (2,817)
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated                                      
  subsidiaries                                 5,526      1,191 (a)      4,335 
                                             -------    -------       --------
        Earnings from continuing operations  $ 3,090    $ 1,572        $ 1,518 
                                              =======   =======       ========


                              MICHAEL FOODS, INC.


                               SEPTEMBER 30, 1996
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                               PRO FORMA                                 PRO FORMA                 
                                        MICHAEL    PAPETTI    ADJUSTMENTS       MICHAEL       NSU       ADJUSTMENTS      MICHAEL   
ASSETS                                HISTORICAL  HISTORICAL   -PAPETTI        PRO FORMA    PRO FORMA      -NSU         PRO FORMA  
                                     -----------  ----------  -----------     -----------   ---------   -----------     --------- 
Current Assets                                                                                                                   
  Cash and cash equivalents           $  2,966     $ 1,589  $     -            $   4,555    $ 7,894     $ (7,894)        $  4,555 
  Accounts receivable, net              50,472      40,145    (3,700) (b)         86,917         -            -            86,917 
                                                               6,000  (d)                                                          
                                                              (6,000) (e)                                                         
  Inventories                           57,875      15,398        -               73,273         -            -            73,273 
  Prepaid expenses and other             3,059       4,598      (600) (f)          7,057        406         (406) (i)       6,357 
                                                                                                            (700) (f)              
                                      --------     -------  --------           ---------    -------     --------         -------- 
        Total current assets           114,372      61,730    (4,300)            171,802      8,300       (9,000)         171,102 
Property and equipment, net            186,583      30,537     2,000  (c)        219,120         -            -           219,120 
Goodwill, net                           56,550       1,778    56,959  (c)        114,509         -            -           114,509 
                                                              (1,778) (c)                                                        
                                                               1,000  (f)                                                          
Investment in unconsolidated 
  subsidiaries                              -           -         -                   -      70,269      (70,269) (i)          - 
Other assets                            12,564       2,401    (1,487) (c)          8,078         -            -             8,078 
                                                              (6,000) (d)                                                         
                                                                 600  (g)                                                          
                                      --------     -------  --------           ---------    -------     --------         -------- 
                                      $370,069     $96,446  $ 46,994            $513,509    $78,569     $(79,269)        $512,809 
                                      ========     =======  ========            ========    =======     ========         ======== 
LIABILITIES AND                                                                                                                  
 STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                                                                             
   Current Liabilities                                                                                                            
    Notes payable                     $ 38,700     $12,271  $(50,971) (g)       $     -    $     -     $      -         $      - 
    Current portion of long-
      term debt                         12,709       5,522   (10,531) (g)          7,700     11,607       (7,894) (h)       7,700 
                                                                                                          (3,713) (h)              
    Accounts payable                    37,674      27,980        -               65,654         -            -            65,654 
    Accrued liabilities                 23,009      13,779    (6,000) (e)         30,788         -            -            30,788 
                                      --------     -------  --------            --------    -------      --------        -------- 
      Total current liabilities        112,092      59,552   (67,502)            104,142     11,607      (11,607)         104,142 
   Long-term debt, less current 
    portion                             42,910       7,501    42,913  (c)        155,826     22,164         (914) (h)     178,672 
                                                              62,102  (g)                                  1,596  (f)               
                                                                 400  (f)                                                          
   Deferred income taxes                29,758          -        800  (c)         30,558     23,235      (23,235) (i)      30,558 
   Minority interest                        -        2,460    (2,460) (c)             -          -            -                - 
   Stockholders' equity                185,309      26,933    (3,700) (b)        222,983     21,563        4,627  (h)     199,437 
                                                             (23,233) (c)                                (47,440) (i)              
                                                              37,674  (c)                                 (2,296) (f)              
                                      --------     -------  --------            --------    -------     --------         -------- 
                                      $370,069     $96,446  $ 46,994            $513,509    $78,569     $(79,269)        $512,809 
                                      ========     =======  ========            ========    =======     ========         ======== 


                              MICHAEL FOODS, INC.


                      NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1996
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                 PRO FORMA                              PRO FORMA                 
                                      MICHAEL      PAPETTI      ADJUSTMENTS       MICHAEL      NSU     ADJUSTMENTS      MICHAEL 
                                    HISTORICAL    HISTORICAL     PAPETTI         PRO FORMA  PRO FORMA     -NSU         PRO FORMA  
                                   -----------  ------------  --------------     ---------  ---------  -----------    ----------- 
Net sales                            $455,478     $261,396    $    -              $716,874   $    -    $     -        $716,874  
Cost of sales                         403,267      243,298         214  (j)        645,292        -          -         645,292  
                                                                (1,487) (k)                                                        
                                     --------     --------    --------            --------   -------   --------       --------  
     Gross profit                      52,211       18,098       1,273              71,582        -          -          71,582  
Selling, general, and                                                                                                             
  administrative expenses              33,597       14,542        (766) (k)         48,178       150       (150) (r)    48,178 
                                                                   987  (l)                                                         
                                                                   (60) (m)                                                        
                                                                  (122) (n)                                                        
Litigation settlement                      -         6,000      (6,000) (e)             -         -          -              -  
                                     --------     --------    --------            --------   -------   --------       --------
     Operating profit (loss)           18,614       (2,444)      7,234              23,404      (150)       150         23,404    
Interest expense, net                  (5,474)      (1,144)       (204) (b)         (8,899)   (2,382)     1,174  (q)   (10,107) 
                                                                (2,077) (o)                                                        
Investment income                          -            -           -                   -      7,713     (7,713) (r)        -  
                                     --------     --------    --------            --------   -------   --------       --------
Earnings (loss) before income                                                                                                     
  taxes, equity in earnings of                                                                                                    
  unconsolidated subsidiaries,                                                                                                    
  and minority interest                13,140       (3,588)      4,953              14,505     5,181     (6,389)        13,297 
Income tax expense                      5,260          214         332 (p)           5,806     2,118     (2,601) (p)     5,323  
                                     --------     --------    --------            --------   -------   --------       --------
Earnings (loss) before equity in 
  earnings of unconsolidated                
  subsidiaries and minority 
  interest                              7,880       (3,802)      4,621               8,699     3,063     (3,788)         7,974  

Equity in earnings of                                                                                                             
  unconsolidated subsidiaries              -            -           -                   -      1,794     (1,794) (r)        -  
Minority interest                          -          (262)        262(s)               -         -          -              -  
                                     --------     --------   ---------            --------   -------   --------       -------- 
     Earnings (loss) from                                                                                                           
       continuing operations         $  7,880     $ (4,064)  $   4,883            $  8,699   $ 4,857   $ (5,582)      $  7,974  
                                     ========     ========   =========            ========   =======   ========       ========  
     Net earnings per share -                                                                                                  
       continuing operations         $   0.41                                                                         $   0.38  
                                     ========                                                                         ========  
Weighted average shares                                                                                                           
  outstanding                          19,379                                                                           20,791 (t)
                                     ========                                                                          ========  


                              MICHAEL FOODS, INC.


                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                             PRO FORMA                             PRO FORMA                     
                                     MICHAEL     PAPETTI    ADJUSTMENTS      MICHAEL      NSU     ADJUSTMENTS      MICHAEL      
                                   HISTORICAL   HISTORICAL   - PAPETTI      PRO FORMA  PRO FORMA     -NSU         PRO FORMA     
                                  -----------  -----------  -----------    ---------  ---------     -------      -----------    
Net sales                            $536,627     $278,786   $    -         $815,413   $    -       $    -         $815,413      
Cost of sales                         454,652      256,051       286 (j)     709,204        -            -          709,204      
                                     --------     --------   -------        --------   -------       -------       --------      
        Gross profit                   81,975       22,735     1,499         106,209        -             -         106,209      
Selling, general, and                                                                                                           
  administrative expenses              45,729       13,563      (854)(k)      58,581       549          (549) (r)    58,581      
                                                               1,315 (l)                                                          
                                     --------     --------   -------        --------   -------       -------       --------      
        Operating profit (loss)        36,246        9,172     2,210          47,628      (549)          549         47,628      
Interest expense, net                  (7,635)      (1,825)     (328)(b)     (12,751)   (3,873)        2,262  (q)   (14,362)     
                                     --------     --------   -------        --------   -------       -------       --------      
Earnings (loss) before income 
  taxes and equity in earnings of   
  unconsolidated subsidiaries and      
  minority interest                    28,611        7,347    (1,081)         34,877    (4,422)        2,811         33,266      
Income tax expense                     11,020        2,349       582 (p)      13,951    (1,605)          961  (p)    13,307      
                                     --------     --------   -------        --------   -------       -------       --------

Earnings (loss) before equity in 
  earnings of unconsolidated                                                                                
  subsidiaries and minority 
  interest                             17,591        4,998    (1,663)         20,926    (2,817)        1,850         19,959      

Equity in earnings of                                                                                                           
  unconsolidated subsidiaries              -            -         -               -      4,335        (4,335) (r)       -      
Minority interest                          -          (157)      157 (s)          -         -             -             -      
                                     --------      -------   -------        --------   -------       -------       --------      
        Earnings from  
          continuing operations     $  17,591     $  4,841   $(1,506)       $ 20,926   $ 1,518       $(2,485)     $  19,959      
                                    =========     ========   =======        ========   =======       =======      =========      
        Net earnings per share - 
          continuing operations     $    0.91                                                                     $    0.96      
                                    =========                                                                     =========      
Weighted average shares                                                                                                         
  outstanding                          19,328                                                                        20,740(t)   
                                    =========                                                                      ========      


                         NORTH STAR UNIVERSAL, INC. AND
                              MICHAEL FOODS, INC.
                         COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

(A)  To reflect the tax free distribution of ENStar Inc. to NSU shareholders
     in connection with the reorganization with Michael (see Item 2 of 
     Form 8-K).
(B)  To eliminate receivables from related parties that were forgiven prior to
     consummation of the Papetti acquisition pursuant to the acquisition
     agreement, along with elimination of the related interest income.

(C)  Cost of the acquisition and estimated purchase accounting adjustments are
     as follows (in thousands):

       Common stock issued (1)                                   $37,674
       Cash paid  (2)                                             42,913

          Total acquisition costs                                 80,587

       Book value of assets acquired                             (25,693)
       Elimination of Papetti patents and intangibles              1,487
       Elimination of Papetti goodwill                             1,778
       Additional value assigned to property and equipment (3)    (2,000)
       Deferred tax liability on additional value assigned to
        certain property and equipment                               800

          Excess cost over net assets acquired (goodwill)        $56,959

    (1)  Michael issued 3,195,455 shares under the purchase agreement.
         The shares issued were valued at $11.79 per share, which is the
         preliminarily estimated fair value of the common stock issued.

    (2)  The cash portion of the purchase price was funded through the
         placement of senior term debt by Michael.

    (3)  Adjustment to record Papetti property and equipment being
         acquired,  at the preliminary appraised value.


(D)  Under a technology license agreement, Michael has been offsetting 50% of
     required cash royalty payments with legal costs it had incurred to defend
     the licenser's patents.  A prepaid royalty has arisen from the deferral of
     these legal fees.  In connection with the Papetti acquisition, Papetti and
     Michael agreed to settle pre-existing litigation in the amount of
     $6,000,000.  As a result of the settlement, Michael will record a
     receivable from Papetti of $6,000,000 and a corresponding reduction of its
     prepaid royalty account at the time of the acquisition.  Under the terms
     of the license agreement, the proceeds from this settlement are first
     applied to the prepaid royalty costs.  This entry has been reflected as a
     pro forma balance sheet adjustment at September 30, 1996.

(E)  To reflect the elimination of the Michael litigation receivable and the
     Papetti accrued litigation liability, along with eliminating the one-time
     litigation settlement from the nine months ended September 30, 1996
     statement of earnings.

(F)  To record costs of the transactions.  Michael incurred transaction costs
     totaling $2,296,000 related to its merger with NSU, which were charged to
     stockholders' equity as a cost of the treasury shares reacquired (see (I)

(G)  To record the refinancing of Papetti's and Michael's debt, which was
     funded through the placement of senior term debt by Michael bearing
     interest at a fixed rate of 7.58%, and a long-term revolving loan with
     interest at a variable rate, together with the deferred financing costs of

(H)  To apply the NSU cash to NSU indebtedness, as well as reduce the NSU
     indebtedness to the actual amount assumed by Michael on the date of the
     merger.  The additional $4,627,000 pay down of the NSU indebtedness was
     generated primarily by dividends received from ENStar.

(I)  To eliminate NSU's investment in Michael and the related deferred income
     taxes, and to reflect the reacquisition of 1,782,961 shares of Michael
     common stock in exchange for the assumption of $21,250,000 of NSU net
     indebtedness at the date of the merger.  Michael expects to refinance the
     assumed NSU indebtedness within two months of the merger with the proceeds
     from the placement of senior term debt, which bears interest at a fixed
     rate of 7.58%.

(J)  To record additional depreciation expense resulting from the estimated
     additional value assigned to property and equipment.

(K)  To reduce Papetti officer compensation expense to employment contract
     amounts which will be effective upon completion of the purchase.

(L)  To record amortization of the excess cost over net assets acquired over
     40 years - net of amounts previously reported by Papetti.

(M)  To eliminate amortization of Papetti patents and intangibles which have
     preliminarily been assigned no value for purposes of the pro forma
     financial statements.

(N)  To eliminate legal fees incurred by Papetti as a result of patent
     litigation between Michael and Papetti.

(O)  To record additional interest expense on the debt incurred for the cash
     portion of the purchase price for Papetti, and to adjust Papetti interest
     expense for the refinancing of their obligations.  All new debt bears
     interest at a fixed rate of 7.58%.

(P)  To adjust income tax expense to an estimated effective rate of 40%.

(Q)  To adjust interest expense on the indebtedness assumed in the NSU merger
     for the refinancing of the indebtedness through the placement of senior
     term debt by Michael bearing interest at a fixed rate of 7.58%.

(R)  To eliminate the NSU income statement activity which will not be a part
     of Michael's ongoing operations, including the elimination of NSU's gain
     on the sale of CorVel Corporation common stock and the elimination of 
     NSU's equity in the earnings of Michael.

(S)  To eliminate the minority interest in Papetti, as Michael acquired 100% of
     the Papetti companies' operations.

(T)  Includes an additional 3,195,455 shares issued under the Papetti
     acquisition and a reduction of 1,782,961 shares retired as a result of the
     NSU merger.

     (c)  Exhibits

Exhibit Number      Description

2.1                 Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, dated as of 
                    December 21, 1995, by and among North Star Universal, Inc.,
                    Michael Foods, Inc. and NSU Merger Co. (filed as an
                    exhibit to the Report on Form 8-K filed by the Company on
                    December 27, 1995 (schedules omitted -- the Registrant
                    agrees to furnish a copy of any schedule to the Commission
                    upon request)).

3.1              *  Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of the
                    Company dated February 28, 1997.

3.2                 Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Company (filed as
                    Exhibit 3.2 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
                    the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein by

4.1              *  Form of Common Stock Certificate.

4.2                 Form of Indenture, dated as of April 26, 1989, between the
                    Company and National City Bank of Minneapolis, as trustee
                    (filed as Exhibit 4.1 to Registration No. 33-26176 and
                    incorporated herein by reference).

4.3                 Form of First Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
                    March 16 1992, amending the Indenture described in
                    Exhibit 4.2 above (filed as Exhibit 4.2 to Registration
                    No. 33-46418 and incorporated herein by reference).

4.4                 Form of Second Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
                    March 16, 1995, amending the Indenture described in
                    Exhibit 4.2 above (filed as Exhibit 4.3 to the Company's
                    Annual Report on Form 10-K for
            the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein by

4.5         Indenture, dated as of December 1, 1986, between the Company and
            National City Bank of Minneapolis, as trustee, relating to
            $25,000,000 principal amount of Subordinated Debentures Series
            87/88 (filed as Exhibit 4.1 to Registration No. 33-10558 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

4.6         Indenture, dated as of September, 1985, between the Company and
            American National Bank and Trust Company, as trustee, relating to
            $14,000,000 principal amount of Subordinated Debentures, Series
            1985 (filed as Exhibit 4 to Registration No. 2-99100 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.1        Michael Foods, Inc. 1987 Incentive Stock Option Plan and Incentive
            Stock Option Agreement (filed as Exhibit 10.15 to Michael Foods,
            Inc., a Delaware corporation's Registration Statement on Form S-1
            Registration No. 33-12949 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.2        Michael Foods, Inc. 1987 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan and
            Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement (filed as Exhibit 10.16 to
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Registration  
            Statement on Form S-1 Registration No. 33-12949 and incorporated
            herein by reference).

10.3        Form of Michael Foods, Inc. Director Stock Option Agreement (filed
            as Exhibit 10.25 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's
            Registration Statement on Form S-1 Registration No. 33-12949 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.4        Retirement Compensation Agreement between Milton G. Waldbaum Company
            and Daniel W. Gardner, dated September 24, 1987 (filed as Exhibit
            10.40 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report
            on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1989 and incorporated
            herein by reference).

10.5        Loan Agreement and Promissory Note between Metropolitan Life
            Insurance Company and Michael Foods, Inc., dated December 1, 1989 
            (filed as Exhibit 10.43 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
            December 31, 1989 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.6        Amendment to Michael Foods, Inc. Incentive and Non-Qualified Stock
            Option Plans, dated November 21, 1989 (filed as Exhibit 4.6 to
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Registration
            Statement on Form S-8 effective November 21, 1989, Registration No.
            33-31914 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.7        License Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and North Carolina
            State University, dated November 28, 1989 (filed as Exhibit 10.56
            to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on   
            Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated
            herein by reference).

10.8     *  Amendment dated December 18, 1996 to License Agreement between
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and North Carolina 
            State University, dated November 28, 1989.

10.9        Severance Plan for Eligible Employees of Michael Foods, Inc. and
            its Subsidiaries (incorporated by reference from the Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Form 8, Amendment No. 1 to
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1990).

10.10       First Amendment to December 1, 1989 Loan Agreement and Promissory
            Note between Michael Foods, Inc. and Metropolitan Life Insurance
            Company, dated October 14, 1992 (filed as Exhibit 10.67 to
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992 and incorporated herein
            by reference).


10.11       Amendment to the Michael Foods, Inc. Non-Qualified Stock Option
            Plan (filed as Exhibit 4.7 to the Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation's Registration Statement on Form S-8 effective June 9,
            1993 Registration No. 33-64078 and incorporated by reference).

10.12       Stock Option Plan for Non-Employee Directors (filed as Exhibit 4.1
            to the Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Registration
            Statement on Form S-8 effective June 9, 1993 Registration No.
            33-64076 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.13       Michael Foods, Inc. 1994 Executive Incentive Plan (filed as
            Exhibit 10.76 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's 
            Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1993 and 
            incorporated herein by reference).                              

10.14       Michael Foods, Inc. 1994 Executive Performance Stock Award Plan 
            (filed as Exhibit 10.77 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware 
            corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended 
            December 31,1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.15       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and Gregg A.
            Ostrander, dated January 31, 1994  (filed as Exhibit 10.79 to
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware  corporation's Annual Report 
            on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1993 and 
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.16       Second Amendment to December 1, 1989 Loan Agreement and Promissory
            Note between Michael Foods, Inc. and Metropolitan Life Insurance
            Company, dated February 23, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.81 to Michael 
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K 
            for the year ended December 31, 1993 and incorporated herein by 

10.17       Michael Foods, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan (filed as Exhibit 
            10.88 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and        
            incorporated herein by reference).
10.18       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and Gregg A. Ostrander, dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit
            10.89 to the Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.19       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and Jeffrey M.
            Shapiro, dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.90 to 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein
            by reference).

10.20       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and Norman A.
            Rodriguez, dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.92 to 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein
            by reference).

10.21       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and James J.
            Kohler dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.93 to 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein
            by reference).

10.22       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and Kevin O.
            Kelly, dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.94 to 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein
            by reference).

10.23       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and John D. Reedy,
            dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.95 to Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K
            for the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein by
10.24       Michael Foods, Inc. 1994 Executive Incentive Plan, as Amended
            Effective January 1, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 10.97 to Michael Foods,
            Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
            year ended  December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.25       Michael Foods, Inc. 1994 Executive Incentive Plan, as Amended
            Effective January 1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit 10.98 to Michael Foods,
            Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
            year ended December 31, 1995 and incorporated herein by reference).
10.26       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and Bill L.
            Goucher, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 10.99 to 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and incorporated herein
            by reference).
10.27       Resolution adopted by the Michael Foods, Inc. Board of Directors on
            July 27, 1995 extending the termination date of the Severance Plan
            for Eligible Employees of Michael Foods, Inc. and its Subsidiaries
            for one additional year (filed as Exhibit 10.98 to Michael Foods, 
            Inc., a Delaware corporation's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for
            the quarter ended June 30, 1995 and incorporated herein by
10.28       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and Jeffrey M. Shapiro, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 
            10.101 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and
            incorporated herein by reference).
10.29       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and Norman A. Rodriguez, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit
            10.102 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.30       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and James J. Kohler, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 
            10.103 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and
            incorporated herein by reference).
10.31       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and Kevin O. Kelly, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit
            10.104 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.32       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and John D. Reedy, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 10.105
            to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on
            Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and incorporated 
            herein by reference).

10.33       Amendment No. 2 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and Gregg A. Ostrander, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit
            10.106 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and
            incorporated herein by reference).
10.34       Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors on June 26, 1996,
            amending the Severance Plan for Eligible Employees of Michael
            Foods, Inc. and Subsidiaries and extending its termination date for
            one additional year (filed as Exhibit 10.107 to Michael Foods,
            Inc., a Delaware corporation's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for 
            the quarter ended June 30, 1996, and incorporated herein by 

10.35       Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, and Amendment No. 1, by and
            among Michael Foods, Inc., M. G. Waldbaum Company and Papetti's
            Hygrade Egg Products, Inc., and Quaker State Farms, Inc., Papetti's
            of Iowa Food Products, Inc., Monark Egg

            Corporation, Egg Specialties, Inc., Papetti Foods, Inc.,
            Casa Trucking Limited Partnership, Papetti Transport Leasing
            Limited Partnership, and Papetti Equipment Leasing Partnership
            (filed as Exhibit 10.111 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter 
            ended September 30, 1996, and incorporated herein by

10.36       Amendment No. 2, dated February 26, 1997, to Agreement and Plan of
            Reorganization by and among Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation, M. G. Waldbaum Company and Papetti's Hygrade Egg
            Products, Inc., and Quaker State Farms, Inc., Papetti's of Iowa Food
            Products, Inc., Monark Egg Corporation, Egg Specialties, Inc.,
            Papetti Foods, Inc., Casa Trucking Limited Partnership, Papetti
            Transport Leasing Limited Partnership, and Papetti Equipment Leasing
            Partnership (filed as Exhibit B to Arthur J. Papetti Schedule 13D
            relating to Michael Foods, Inc. filed March 7, 1997 and incorporated
            herein by reference).

10.37    *  Form of Employment Agreement, dated February 26, 1997, by and
            between Arthur J. Papetti and Michael Foods, Inc. 
10.38       Shareholder Agreement, dated February 26, 1997, by and among Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation and Arthur N. Papetti as
            Representative of and attorney-in-fact for the Shareholders and
            Sellers Listed on Schedule I (filed as Exhibit D to Arthur J.
            Papetti Schedule 13D filed March 7, 1997 and incorporated herein by

10.39    *  Form of Loan Agreement dated as of February 26, 1997 between Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation and various Lenders with regard
            to $125,000,000 of 7.58% Senior Notes due February 26, 2009,
            including form of Note and Novation and Assumption Agreement.

10.40    *  Form of Amendment Agreement dated as of February 26, 1997 between
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation and Metropolitan Life
            Insurance Company regarding up to $50,000,000 of 9.5% Senior Notes
            due December 1, 1999, including form of Note and Novation and
            Assumption Agreement.

10.41    *  Form of Revolving Loan Agreement dated as of February 28, 1997 among
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation, the Listed Banks and
            Bank of America National Trust, including exhibits.

10.42    *  Form of Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation and Stephen Papetti dated February 26, 1997.

10.43    *  Form of Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation and Arthur N. Papetti dated February 26, 1997.

10.44    *  Lease by and between ASA Company, as Landlord and Michael Foods,
            Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February 26, 1997. 

10.45    *  Lease by and between Rechsteiner/Papetti, et al., as Landlord and
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February
            26, 1997. 

10.46    *  Lease by and between Jersey Pride Urban Renewal, as Landlord and 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February
            26, 1997.

10.47    *  Lease by and between Papetti Holding Company, as Landlord and
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February
            26, 1997. 

10.48    *  Lease by and between Papetti Holding Company, as Landlord and
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February
            26, 1997.

10.49    *  Lease by and between Papetti Holding Company, Jack Bernstein,
            Sherwood Weiser and Estate of David Levinson, as Landlord and
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February
            26, 1997. 

10.50    *  Lease by and between A & A Urban Renewal, as Landlord and Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February 26,


20.1     *  Press releases of Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation issued February 26, 1997, regarding the Papetti
            Agreement and Plan of Reorganization  and Debt Financing.

20.2     *  Press release of Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation issued February 28, 1997, regarding Bank Financing.

20.3     *  Press release of the Registrant and Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation issued February 28, 1997, regarding  the North Star
            Universal/Michael Foods, Inc. a  Delaware corporation/NSU Merger
            Co./ENStar Reorganization.

99.1     *  Excerpt of financial statements and notes thereto from Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
            for the quarter ended September 30, 1996.

      * Filed Herewith



     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

     Dated: March 13, 1997

                                         MICHAEL FOODS, INC.

                                         By: /s/ John D. Reedy 
                                         John D. Reedy, Vice President-Finance,
                                         Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
                                EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit Number      Description                                             Page
- -------------       -----------                                             ----
2.1                 Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, dated as of 
                    December 21, 1995, by and among North Star Universal, 
                    Inc., Michael Foods, Inc. and NSU Merger Co. (filed as 
                    an exhibit to the Report on Form 8-K filed by the 
                    Company on December 27, 1995 (schedules omitted -- the 
                    Registrant agrees to furnish a copy of any schedule to 
                    the Commission upon request)).

3.1              *  Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of the
                    Company dated February 28, 1997.

3.2                 Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Company (filed as
                    Exhibit 3.2 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 
                    10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and 
                    incorporated herein by reference).

4.1              *  Form of Common Stock Certificate.

4.2                 Form of Indenture, dated as of April 26, 1989, between 
                    the Company and National City Bank of Minneapolis, as 
                    trustee (filed as Exhibit 4.1 to Registration 
                    No. 33-26176 and incorporated herein by reference).

4.3                 Form of First Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
                    March 16 1992, amending the Indenture described in
                    Exhibit 4.2 above (filed as Exhibit 4.2 to Registration
                    No. 33-46418 and incorporated herein by reference).

4.4                 Form of Second Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
                    March 16, 1995, amending the Indenture described in
                    Exhibit 4.2 above (filed as Exhibit 4.3 to 
                    the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
            the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein by

4.5         Indenture, dated as of December 1, 1986, between the Company and
            National City Bank of Minneapolis, as trustee, relating to
            $25,000,000 principal amount of Subordinated Debentures Series
            87/88 (filed as Exhibit 4.1 to Registration No. 33-10558 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

4.6         Indenture, dated as of September, 1985, between the Company and
            American National Bank and Trust Company, as trustee, relating to
            $14,000,000 principal amount of Subordinated Debentures, Series
            1985 (filed as Exhibit 4 to Registration No. 2-99100 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.1        Michael Foods, Inc. 1987 Incentive Stock Option Plan and Incentive
            Stock Option Agreement (filed as Exhibit 10.15 to Michael Foods,
            Inc., a Delaware corporation's Registration Statement on Form S-1
            Registration No. 33-12949 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.2        Michael Foods, Inc. 1987 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan and
            Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement (filed as Exhibit 10.16 to
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Registration  
            Statement on Form S-1 Registration No. 33-12949 and incorporated
            herein by reference).

10.3        Form of Michael Foods, Inc. Director Stock Option Agreement (filed
            as Exhibit 10.25 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's
            Registration Statement on Form S-1 Registration No. 33-12949 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.4        Retirement Compensation Agreement between Milton G. Waldbaum Company
            and Daniel W. Gardner, dated September 24, 1987 (filed as Exhibit
            10.40 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report
            on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1989 and incorporated
            herein by reference).

10.5        Loan Agreement and Promissory Note between Metropolitan Life
            Insurance Company and Michael Foods, Inc., dated December 1, 1989 
            (filed as Exhibit 10.43 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
            December 31, 1989 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.6        Amendment to Michael Foods, Inc. Incentive and Non-Qualified Stock
            Option Plans, dated November 21, 1989 (filed as Exhibit 4.6 to
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Registration
            Statement on Form S-8 effective November 21, 1989, Registration No.
            33-31914 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.7        License Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and North Carolina
            State University, dated November 28, 1989 (filed as Exhibit 10.56
            to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on   
            Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated
            herein by reference).

10.8     *  Amendment dated December 18, 1996 to License Agreement between
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and North Carolina 
            State University, dated November 28, 1989.

10.9        Severance Plan for Eligible Employees of Michael Foods, Inc. and
            its Subsidiaries (incorporated by reference from the Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Form 8, Amendment No. 1 to
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1990).

10.10       First Amendment to December 1, 1989 Loan Agreement and Promissory
            Note between Michael Foods, Inc. and Metropolitan Life Insurance
            Company, dated October 14, 1992 (filed as Exhibit 10.67 to
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992 and incorporated herein
            by reference).


10.11       Amendment to the Michael Foods, Inc. Non-Qualified Stock Option
            Plan (filed as Exhibit 4.7 to the Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation's Registration Statement on Form S-8 effective June 9,
            1993 Registration No. 33-64078 and incorporated by reference).

10.12       Stock Option Plan for Non-Employee Directors (filed as Exhibit 4.1
            to the Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Registration
            Statement on Form S-8 effective June 9, 1993 Registration No.
            33-64076 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.13       Michael Foods, Inc. 1994 Executive Incentive Plan (filed as
            Exhibit 10.76 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's 
            Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1993 and 
            incorporated herein by reference).                              

10.14       Michael Foods, Inc. 1994 Executive Performance Stock Award Plan 
            (filed as Exhibit 10.77 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware 
            corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended 
            December 31,1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.15       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and Gregg A.
            Ostrander, dated January 31, 1994  (filed as Exhibit 10.79 to
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware  corporation's Annual Report 
            on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1993 and 
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.16       Second Amendment to December 1, 1989 Loan Agreement and Promissory
            Note between Michael Foods, Inc. and Metropolitan Life Insurance
            Company, dated February 23, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.81 to Michael 
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K 
            for the year ended December 31, 1993 and incorporated herein by 

10.17       Michael Foods, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan (filed as Exhibit 
            10.88 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and        
            incorporated herein by reference).
10.18       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and Gregg A. Ostrander, dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit
            10.89 to the Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.19       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and Jeffrey M.
            Shapiro, dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.90 to 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein
            by reference).

10.20       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and Norman A.
            Rodriguez, dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.92 to 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein
            by reference).

10.21       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and James J.
            Kohler dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.93 to 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein
            by reference).

10.22       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and Kevin O.
            Kelly, dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.94 to 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein
            by reference).

10.23       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and John D. Reedy,
            dated December 31, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.95 to Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K
            for the year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein by
10.24       Michael Foods, Inc. 1994 Executive Incentive Plan, as Amended
            Effective January 1, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 10.97 to Michael Foods,
            Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
            year ended  December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein by reference).

10.25       Michael Foods, Inc. 1994 Executive Incentive Plan, as Amended
            Effective January 1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit 10.98 to Michael Foods,
            Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
            year ended December 31, 1995 and incorporated herein by reference).
10.26       Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc. and Bill L.
            Goucher, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 10.99 to 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on Form
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and incorporated herein
            by reference).
10.27       Resolution adopted by the Michael Foods, Inc. Board of Directors on
            July 27, 1995 extending the termination date of the Severance Plan
            for Eligible Employees of Michael Foods, Inc. and its Subsidiaries
            for one additional year (filed as Exhibit 10.98 to Michael Foods, 
            Inc., a Delaware corporation's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for
            the quarter ended June 30, 1995 and incorporated herein by
10.28       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and Jeffrey M. Shapiro, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 
            10.101 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and
            incorporated herein by reference).
10.29       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and Norman A. Rodriguez, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit
            10.102 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.30       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and James J. Kohler, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 
            10.103 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and
            incorporated herein by reference).
10.31       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and Kevin O. Kelly, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit
            10.104 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and
            incorporated herein by reference).

10.32       Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and John D. Reedy, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 10.105
            to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual Report on
            Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and incorporated 
            herein by reference).

10.33       Amendment No. 2 to Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc.
            and Gregg A. Ostrander, dated December 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit
            10.106 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 and
            incorporated herein by reference).
10.34       Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors on June 26, 1996,
            amending the Severance Plan for Eligible Employees of Michael
            Foods, Inc. and Subsidiaries and extending its termination date for
            one additional year (filed as Exhibit 10.107 to Michael Foods,
            Inc., a Delaware corporation's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for 
            the quarter ended June 30, 1996, and incorporated herein by 

10.35       Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, and Amendment No. 1, by and
            among Michael Foods, Inc., M. G. Waldbaum Company and Papetti's
            Hygrade Egg Products, Inc., and Quaker State Farms, Inc., Papetti's
            of Iowa Food Products, Inc., Monark Egg

            Corporation, Egg Specialties, Inc., Papetti Foods, Inc.,
            Casa Trucking Limited Partnership, Papetti Transport Leasing
            Limited Partnership, and Papetti Equipment Leasing Partnership
            (filed as Exhibit 10.111 to Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter 
            ended September 30, 1996, and incorporated herein by

10.36       Amendment No. 2, dated February 26, 1997, to Agreement and Plan of
            Reorganization by and among Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation, M. G. Waldbaum Company and Papetti's Hygrade Egg
            Products, Inc., and Quaker State Farms, Inc., Papetti's of Iowa Food
            Products, Inc., Monark Egg Corporation, Egg Specialties, Inc.,
            Papetti Foods, Inc., Casa Trucking Limited Partnership, Papetti
            Transport Leasing Limited Partnership, and Papetti Equipment Leasing
            Partnership (filed as Exhibit B to Arthur J. Papetti Schedule 13D
            relating to Michael Foods, Inc. filed March 7, 1997 and incorporated
            herein by reference).

10.37    *  Form of Employment Agreement, dated February 26, 1997, by and
            between Arthur J. Papetti and Michael Foods, Inc. 
10.38       Shareholder Agreement, dated February 26, 1997, by and among Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation and Arthur N. Papetti as
            Representative of and attorney-in-fact for the Shareholders and
            Sellers Listed on Schedule I (filed as Exhibit D to Arthur J.
            Papetti Schedule 13D filed March 7, 1997 and incorporated herein by

10.39    *  Form of Loan Agreement dated as of February 26, 1997 between Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation and various Lenders with regard
            to $125,000,000 of 7.58% Senior Notes due February 26, 2009,
            including form of Note and Novation and Assumption Agreement.

10.40    *  Form of Amendment Agreement dated as of February 26, 1997 between
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation and Metropolitan Life
            Insurance Company regarding up to $50,000,000 of 9.5% Senior Notes
            due December 1, 1999, including form of Note and Novation and
            Assumption Agreement.

10.41    *  Form of Revolving Loan Agreement dated as of February 28, 1997 among
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation, the Listed Banks and
            Bank of America National Trust, including exhibits.

10.42    *  Form of Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation and Stephen Papetti dated February 26, 1997.

10.43    *  Form of Employment Agreement between Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware
            corporation and Arthur N. Papetti dated February 26, 1997.

10.44    *  Lease by and between ASA Company, as Landlord and Michael Foods,
            Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February 26, 1997. 

10.45    *  Lease by and between Rechsteiner/Papetti, et al., as Landlord and
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February
            26, 1997. 

10.46    *  Lease by and between Jersey Pride Urban Renewal, as Landlord and 
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February
            26, 1997.

10.47    *  Lease by and between Papetti Holding Company, as Landlord and
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February
            26, 1997. 

10.48    *  Lease by and between Papetti Holding Company, as Landlord and
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February
            26, 1997.

10.49    *  Lease by and between Papetti Holding Company, Jack Bernstein,
            Sherwood Weiser and Estate of David Levinson, as Landlord and
            Michael Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February
            26, 1997. 

10.50    *  Lease by and between A & A Urban Renewal, as Landlord and Michael
            Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation as Tenant dated February 26,