Washington, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 11-K

                 [ X ] ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(d) OF
                 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996



                         Commission File Number 1-12619

                             RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                             RALSTON RESORTS, INC.
                            SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN

                             RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                   SUITE 2900
                               800 MARKET STREET
                           ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI  63101

                             RALSTON RESORTS, INC.
                            SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN

                                                                Year Ended December 31, 1996                                   
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                     U.S.     Growth                        Inter-   Parti-
                                        Ralcorp   Fixed   Equity   Government  and            Aggressive  national  cipant
                                         Stock    Income   Index    Money     Income  Balanced  Growth      Growth     Loan
                                          Fund     Fund     Fund    Market     Fund     Fund     Fund        Fund     Fund    Total
                                        -------   ------  -------  ---------  ------  -------- ----------  --------  -------  ----- 

Additions to Net Assets:
   Participants                         $210,277  $ 2,277  $18,135  $11,958  $23,116  $15,211  $21,254  $21,050           $323,278
   Employer                               83,481                                                                            83,481
                                        --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------
                                         293,758    2,277   18,135   11,958   23,116   15,211   21,254   21,050     $  -   406,759
                                        --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------
 Investment income:
   Dividends and interest                             414      737    2,417    6,601    4,501    3,322    2,776    1,100    21,868
   Net appreciation (depreciation)        
      in fair value of investments       (28,943)     (14)   4,756             8,494    4,094    3,619    4,836             (3,158)
                                         -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------- 
                                         (28,943)     400    5,493    2,417   15,095    8,595    6,941    7,612    1,100    18,710 
                                         -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------- 

      Total Additions                    264,815    2,677   23,628   14,375 * 38,211   23,806   28,195   28,662    1,100   425,469
                                        --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------

Deductions from Net Assets:
 Benefits paid                           (16,323)    (772)  (2,360)  (2,637)  (4,154)  (2,153)  (8,680)  (9,747)  (2,387)  (49,213)
 Administrative expenses                  (5,386)     (86)    (474)    (410)    (738)    (600)    (899)    (682)            (9,275)
                                        --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------
                                         (21,709)    (858)  (2,834)  (3,047)  (4,892)  (2,753)  (9,579) (10,429)  (2,387)  (58,488)
                                        --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------

Net Increase (Decrease) Prior to         243,106    1,819   20,794   11,328   33,319   21,053   18,616   18,233   (1,287)  366,981
 Interfund Transfers

Interfund Transfers                       (2,101)  (1,439)   3,221   (4,445)  24,654  (27,889)  (3,698)  (2,506)  14,203         -  
                                        --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------

 Net increase(decrease) in assets        241,005      380   24,015    6,883   57,973   (6,836)  14,918   15,727   12,916   366,981
                                        --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------

 Net assets, beginning of period          75,192    6,020   14,980   44,598   42,176   62,423   47,807   49,907    8,422   351,525
                                        --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------

 Net assets, end of period              $316,197   $6,400  $38,995  $51,481 $100,149  $55,587  $62,725  $65,634  $21,338  $718,506
                                        ========   ======  =======  ======= ========  =======  =======  =======  =======  ========

 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                             RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                            SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                    December 31, 1995
                                                                                U.S.        Growth              
                                      Ralcorp       Fixed         Equity     Government       and               
                                       Stock        Income        Index        Money         Income      Balance   
                                        Fund         Fund          Fund        Market         Fund         Fund  
                                      -------      ------        ------      ----------     ------      ------- 
  Shares in registered investments                                                                                
   companies                           $ 1,087     $ 6,040        $ 10,540    $ 7,161        $ 7,958     $  9,041 
  Ralcorp common stock                  42,011                                                         
  Insurance company contracts                        1,729                                              
  Note receivable from participants
                                       -------     -------        --------    -------        -------     --------                   
   Total investments                    43,098       7,769          10,540      7,161          7,958        9,041 
                                       -------     -------        --------    -------        -------     --------                   
 Contributions receivable                                                1          1                           1 
 Interest and dividends receivable           1     
                                       -------     -------        --------    -------        -------     --------
      Total Assets                      43,099       7,769          10,541      7,162          7,958        9,042 
                                       -------     -------        --------    -------        -------     --------   
   Contributions payable                     9           1                                             
   Fee payable                               5                                                                 
                                       -------     -------        --------    -------        -------     --------                   
       Total Liabilities                    14           1             -           -              -            -  
                                       -------     -------        --------    -------        -------     --------                   

 Net Assets available for Benefits     $43,085      $7,768        $ 10,541    $ 7,162        $ 7,958     $  9,042
                                       =======      ======        ========    =======        =======     ========

                                                                December 31, 1995
                                                                   Inter-          Parti-  
                                              Aggressive          national         cipant
                                                Growth             Growth           Loan
                                                 Fund               Fund            Fund          Total
                                              ----------          --------         ------         -----
  Shares in registered investments                                                           
   companies                                   $  3,694           $  4,726                         $  50,247 
  Ralcorp common stock                                                                                42,011
  Insurance company contracts                                                                          1,729
  Note receivable from participants                                                 $  7,344           7,344 
                                               --------           ---------         --------       ---------
   Total investments                              3,694              4,726             7,344         101,331
                                               --------           ---------         --------       ---------
 Contributions receivable                                                                                  3 
 Interest and dividends receivable                                                                         1
                                               --------           ---------         --------       ---------
       Total Assets                               3,694              4,726             7,344         101,335 
                                               --------           ---------         --------       ---------
   Contributions payable                                                                                  10
   Fee payable                                                                                             5                      
                                               --------           ---------         --------       ---------
       Total Liabilities                             -                  -                 -               15
                                               --------           ---------         --------       ---------
 Net Assets available for Benefits             $  3,694           $  4,726          $  7,344       $ 101,320   
                                               ========           ========          ========       =========

See accompanying notes to financial statements.
                            RALSTON RESORTS, INC.
                           SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN

                                                                     December 31, 1996
                                                                    U.S.    Growth                       Inter-   Parti-
                                       Ralcorp   Fixed   Equity  Government  and              Aggressive national  cipant
                                        Stock    Income   Index    Money    Income   Balanced  Growth     Growth     Loan
                                         Fund     Fund     Fund    Market    Fund      Fund     Fund       Fund     Fund     Total
                                       -------   ------  ------   --------- ------  -------- ---------- --------  ------    -----
   Shares in registered investment     $  1,650   $5,579  $38,995  $51,481  $100,149  $55,587  $62,725   $65,634            $381,800
   Ralcorp common stock                 314,547                                                                              314,547
   Insurance company contracts                       821                                                                         821
   Notes receivable from participants                                                                              $21,338    21,338
                                       --------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -------  -------  --------   -------  --------
    Total investments                   316,197    6,400   38,995   51,481   100,149   55,587   62,725    65,634    21,338   718,506
                                       --------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -------  -------  --------   -------  --------

 Net Assets Available for Benefits     $316,197  $ 6,400  $38,995  $51,481  $100,149  $55,587  $62,725   $65,634   $21,338  $718,506
                                       ========  =======  =======  =======  ========  =======  =======   =======   =======  ========

 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                 ATTACHMENT  I

                             RALSTON RESORTS, INC.
                            SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN

                                                              December 31, 1996    
                                                       Number of               Fair     
               Description of Investment              Shares/Units   Cost     Value     
               -------------------------              ------------   ----     -----
Vanguard Wellington Fund                                   2,126     $52,045   $55,587
Vanguard Explorer Fund                                     1,165      61,720    62,725
Vanguard Money Market Reserve Fund -
 Federal Porfolio                                         51,481      51,481    51,481
Vanguard Money Market Reserve Fund -
 Prime Portfolio                                           1,650       1,650     1,650
Vanguard Index Trust - 500 Portfolio                         564      33,949    38,995
Vanguard Windsor II Fund                                   4,203      91,914   100,149
Vanguard International Growth Portfolio                    3,987      61,590    65,634
Vanguard Short Term Corporate Bond Fund                      156       1,665     1,689
Vanguard Investment Contract Trust                         3,890       3,890     3,890
                                                                    --------  --------
    Total investment in shares in registered
       investment companies                                          359,904   381,800

Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. common stock                       14,802     338,502   314,547

Insurance contracts - separate accounts
 American International Life Assurance                                   377       377
 Metropolitan Life Insurance                                             444       444
                                                                    --------  --------
    Total insurance company contracts                                    821       821
                                                                    --------  --------

Loans to Plan participants                                            21,338    21,338
                                                                    --------  --------

                                                                    $720,565  $718,506
                                                                    ========  ========

                             RALSTON RESORTS, INC.
                            SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


The following description of the Ralston Resorts, Inc. (the Company) Savings
Investment Plan (the Plan) provides only general information.  The Company is
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. (Ralcorp).  Participants
should refer to the Plan document for a more complete description of the
Plan's provisions.

Plan Purpose.  The Plan is a defined contribution plan whose purpose is to
permit deferrals of compensation by eligible employees of the Company and its
subsidiaries, to enable them to share in the Ralcorp's performance through
participation in the Ralcorp Stock Fund and to provide them with an
attractive, convenient vehicle for accumulating capital for their future
economic security.

The Plan is subject to certain provisions of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA).  The Plan is designed to meet
ERISA's reporting and disclosure and fiduciary responsibility requirements,
as well as meet the minimum standards for participation and vesting.  The
Plan is not, however, subject to ERISA's minimum funding standards, nor are
benefits under the Plan eligible for termination insurance provided by the
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).  The Company believes that the
Plan conforms with requirements of ERISA.

Eligibility.  All employees of the Company who receive regular and stated
compensation are eligible to participate to the extent permitted by the Plan
or applicable law.  Temporary employees are not eligible to participate in
the Plan.  In addition, the Plan requires completion of one year of credited
service with the Company prior to participation in the Plan.  Employment with
Breckenridge prior to its acquisition in May 1993 shall be counted in
determining credited service.

Plan Administration.  The Plan is administered by Ralcorp.  Except as to
matters required by the terms of the Plan to be decided by Ralcorp's Board of
Directors (the Board), Ralcorp and its Benefits Administration Committee
(BAC) have the exclusive right to interpret the Plan and to decide certain
matters arising under the Plan or in connection with its administration.  The
Board has designated the Ralcorp's Employee Benefit Trustees Committee (EBTC)
as having certain rights and obligations to control and manage Plan assets,
to select investment funds available for investment by Plan participants, and
to appoint and remove the Trustee and any investment managers retained in
connection with the investment of Plan assets.  The membership of the BAC and
the EBTC is appointed by Ralcorp's Chief Executive Officer.

Plan Contributions.  Participants may make maximum contributions to the Plan
equal to the lesser of $30,000 or 15% of their compensation for that year.
Subject to such limitations, participants may make basic contributions of 2%
to 12% of their compensation, in 1% increments, on a pre-tax basis. The
Company will make a matching contribution on the first 6% of such
participants' basic contributions, provided the participant is contributing
at least 2% of their compensation.  The Company matching contribution will be
equal in amount to a percentage of each participant's basic contributions.
After one year of credited service the percentage will be 15% of a
participant's basic contribution and will increase to 30% after two years of
credited service and to 50% after three years of credited service.
Ultimately, Company matching contributions will not exceed 3% of the
participant's compensation.  Both the participant's basic contribution, up to
6% of their compensation, and the Company match are invested solely in the
Ralcorp Stock Fund.  Participant basic contributions in excess of 6% of their
compensation may be invested in any of the other Plan investment funds.
Participant contributions and earnings thereon are vested and non-forfeitable
from the time made.  Company matching contributions and earnings thereon will
completely vest at a rate of 25% for each year of credited Company service
(including service prior to October 1, 1995 with the Company or Breckenridge)
by the participant.

Participants may also, subject to the $30,000 and 15% limitations, make
supplemental, unmatched contributions of 1% to 10% of their compensation, in
1% increments.  Such contributions are made on an after-tax basis and are
immediately vested.


                             RALSTON RESORTS, INC.
                            SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Investment of Funds.  All contributions will be deposited by the Company in a
trust fund held by the trustee or any successor selected by the EBTC.  The
value of the trust funds will change according to increases or decreases in
market value of the assets, gain or loss on sale of assets and income from
dividends and interest held therein.  Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company
(Vanguard) has been selected to serve as trustee under the Plan with respect
to all of the investment funds and assets of the Plan.  In addition, Vanguard
performs all record keeping functions for the Plan.

The trustee will maintain as many separate investment funds within its trust
funds, with such different investment objectives, as the EBTC deems
advisable.  As of December 31, 1996, the following funds have been
established for participants:  the Ralcorp Stock Fund, the Fixed Income Fund,
the Equity Index Fund, the U.S. Government Money Market Fund, the Growth and
Income Fund, the Balanced Fund, the Aggressive Growth Fund and the
International Growth Fund.  Participants may change their investment options
for basic contributions in excess of 6% of their compensation and all
supplemental contributions monthly.

At December 31, 1996 and 1995, there were a total of 283 and 210
participants, respectively, in the Plan.

Plan Withdrawals, Loans and Forfeitures.  Upon the termination of employment
of a participant, retirement, disability, or death, or in the event of
termination of the Plan without establishment of a successor plan, the amount
in the trust fund credited to each participant which is vested will be
distributed to him, his beneficiary, or other legal representative.  Under
the Plan, a participant may elect from several payment alternatives on the
timing and nature of distributions.  Plan withdrawals may be made prior to
termination or retirement for cases of hardship.  Such distributions are
limited to the amount required to meet the need created by the hardship and
are made in accordance with guidelines determined by the Company.

The Company may, subject to certain rules and regulations, permit a
participant to borrow from the trust funds.  Such loans will be permitted for
any purpose provided certain Plan conditions and certain other conditions as
prescribed by federal law are met.

Upon termination, any Company matching contribution and the earnings thereon
which are not vested will be forfeited, but will be restored if the
participant again becomes an eligible employee within five years after
termination.  Amounts forfeited will be used to reduce Company matching
contributions required under the Plan.  Forfeitures during the year ended
December 31, 1996 were $1,375.

Plan Amendments and Termination.  The Board, and in certain limited
circumstances the EBTC and the Chief Executive Officer of Ralcorp, may amend
the Plan.  The Board may also terminate the Plan or direct that Company
matching contributions cease.  In such cases, non-forfeitable rights to the
Company matching contributions credited to a participant's account shall
automatically vest in such participant.  Under the Plan, a participant may
elect from several alternative rules on the timing and nature of


The significant accounting policies followed by the Plan are described below:

Basis of Accounting.  The accompanying financial statements of the Plan are
prepared using the accrual basis of accounting.

Use of estimates.  The preparation of finanicial statements in conformity
with generally accepted accounting principals requires management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date
of the


                             RALSTON RESORTS, INC.
                            SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during
the reporting period.  Actual amounts could differ from those estimates.

Investments.  Plan investments in common stock and shares of registered
investment companies are carried at fair market value based on closing prices
on the last business day of the Plan year.  Realized gains and losses are
determined using the average cost method.  Interest income is recognized as
earned and dividend income is recognized on the date of record.  Plan
investments in various insurance company contracts are carried at contract
value, which approximates fair value.

Payment of Benefits.  Benefits are recorded when paid.


                                                        December 31,         December 31,
                                                            1996                 1995
         Description of Investment                       Fair Value           Fair Value
         -------------------------                   -------------------  -------------------
Vanguard Wellington Fund                              $           55,587   $           62,423
Vanguard Explorer Fund                                            62,725               47,807
Vanguard Money Market Reserve Fund -
 Federal Porfolio                                                 51,481               44,598
Vanguard Index Trust - 500 Portfolio                              38,995               14,980
Vanguard Windsor II Fund                                         100,149               42,176
Vanguard International Growth Portfolio                           65,634               49,907
Shares of other registered investment companies                    7,229                4,835
                                                     -------------------  -------------------
  Total investment in shares in registered
   investment companies                                          381,800              266,726
Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. common stock                              314,547               75,192

Insurance contracts                                                  821                1,185

Loans to Plan participants                                        21,338                8,422
                                                     -------------------  -------------------
                                                      $          718,506   $          351,525
                                                     ===================  ===================


Certain Plan investments are shares of mutual funds managed by Vanguard.
Vanguard is the trustee as defined by the Plan and, therefore, these
transactions qualify as party-in-interest.  Fees paid by the Plan for the
investment management services are allocated to the participants' accounts
based on participant account balances.  Other Plan assets are invested in
Ralcorp common stock and also qualify as party-in-interest.


The Plan intends to apply for a determination letter from the Internal
Revenue Service that the Plan does in fact constitute a qualified plan and
that the trust is exempt from income tax under the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended.  Participants' basic contributions, Company matching
contributions and earnings of Plan investments are not subject to federal
income tax until distributed from the Plan.


                             RALSTON RESORTS, INC.
                            SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Supplemental contributions are made from a participant's after-tax
compensation.  Earnings related to these supplemental contributions are not,
however, subject to federal income tax as long as they remain in the Plan.
Management believes the Plan qualifies as a tax exempt entity.


Ralcorp has announced the merger of its branded cereal and snack businesses
with General Mills, Inc. (GMI) effective January 31, 1997.  As a result of
that merger, the Plan received approximately one share of GMI stock for every
six shares of Ralcorp stock held on the effective date of the merger.

Also, subsequent to December 31, 1996, Ralston Resorts was sold to Vail
Resorts, Inc. (Vail).  In conjunction with this transaction the sponsorship
of the Plan was transferred to Vail.  In addition, certain employees of
Ralston Resorts were participants in the Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. Savings
Investment Plan and their related account balances were transferred to the
Plan while under the sponsorship of Vail.

                                ATTACHMENT II


                                RALCORP RESORTS
                                  SAVINGS PLAN
                          SUMMARY OF PLAN TRANSACTIONS
                           01/01/96 THROUGH 12/31/96

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          Identity of Issue          Cost of                 No. of      Proceeds from     No. of    Net Gain or       
                                    Purchases              Purchases         Sales          Sales      (Loss)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RALCORP COMMON STOCK FUND                300,705.26            39         30,757.77         34       (1,450.40)
VANGUARD WELLINGTON FUND                  24,399.92            43         35,331.05         19        2,355.21
VANGUARD EXPLORER FUND                    25,484.52            34         14,186.00         24           78.20
VMMR FEDERAL PORTFOLIO                    19,090.15            56         12,207.44         17            0.00
VANGUARD INDEX 500 PORTFOLIO              24,722.42            40          5,463.65         15          309.67
VANGUARD WINDSOR II                       59,289.70            41          9,811.36         24          556.01
INTERNATIONAL GROWTH PORTFOLIO            25,789.43            32         14,897.33         27          559.28
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTALS                                  $479,481.40                     $122,654.60                  $2,407.97
                                        ===========                     ===========                  =========   


June 20, 1997

To the Participants and the
Plan Administrator of the
Ralston Resorts, Inc.
Savings Investment Plan

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets available for
benefits with fund information and the related statement of changes in net
assets available for benefits with fund information present fairly, in all
material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Ralston
Resorts, Inc. Savings Investment Plan at December 31, 1996 and 1995, and the
changes in net assets available for benefits for the plan year ended December
31, 1996, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.  These
financial statements are the responsibility of the plan's management; our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.  We conducted our audit of these statements in accordance with
generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement
presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the
opinion expressed above.

Our audits were performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole.  The additional information included in
the supplemental schedules is presented for purposes of additional analysis and
is not a required part of the basic financial statements but is additional
information required by ERISA.  The fund information in the statements of net
assets available for benefits and the statement of changes in net assets
available for benefits is presented for purposes of additional analysis rather
than to present the net assets available for benefits and changes in net assets
available for benefits of each fund.  The supplemental schedules and fund
information have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit
of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all
material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a

St. Louis, Missouri



The Plan.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
members of the Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. Employee Benefit Trustees Committee have
duly caused this annual report to be signed by the undersigned hereunto duly

                                       RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                       EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUSTEES COMMITTEE

                                       By   D. J. SESCLEIFER
                                            D. J. Sescleifer, Chairman
                                            Ralcorp Holdings, Inc.
                                            Employee Benefit Trustees Committee

July 2, 1997


                                 EXHIBIT INDEX


 23           Consent of Independent Accountants


                                   EXHIBIT 23


We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration
Statement on Form S-8 (No. 33-97036) of Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. of our report
dated June 20, 1997 appearing on page 9 of the Ralston Resorts, Inc. Savings
Investment Plan's Annual Report on Form 11-K for the Plan year ended December
31, 1996.

St. Louis, Missouri

June 30, 1997